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Season 10: First Looks

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Ahhhh Season 10. I am so in.

Bravo programming turns a much needed Spring 2018 page. 

All looks delicious except the hokey retro character1930's getups for what appears to be one of those *yawn* Agatha Christie who dunnit parties. 

Other than that everybody's makeup and overall appearance looks terrific. Except LuAnn who looks pale and bloated. 

Edited by Bossa Nova
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I’m almost excited for this season lol



Carol: Bethenny, you’re really aggressive with me in our friendship.

Bethenny: No I’m not.

Carol: Honey, you are.



lol. I am all in for a full scale analysis of how Bethenny manages to mess up all her close friendships.

Edited by Silo
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lol. I am all in for a full scale analysis of how Bethenny manages to mess up all her close friendships.

So the two of them were in B’s insta story this summer.  Carol had never been to Chinatown.  Carol had never eaten dumplings.  Carol preferred just ordering pizza.  She didn’t want to eat new food.  And I thought, yeah dump her.  Anyone that lives in NYC for most of her adult life and has never even ventured to Chinatown is a boring loser.  

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Just now, QuinnM said:

So the two of them were in B’s insta story this summer.  Carol had never been to Chinatown.  Carol had never eaten dumplings.  Carol preferred just ordering pizza.  She didn’t want to eat new food.  And I thought, yeah dump her.  Anyone that lives in NYC for most of her adult life and has never even ventured to Chinatown is a boring loser.  

I totally get how Carol could be a drag but it seems like she’s loyal and kind and smart and a good friend to Bethenny in other ways. So maybe I wouldn’t take her to Chinatown, but I’d still hang out with her due to her other positive attributes. Kind of like “don’t throw out the baby with the bath water?”

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So maybe I wouldn’t take her to Chinatown, but I’d still hang out with her due to her other positive attributes

Like the apartment that smelled of cat piss so bad that the windows need to be open in the winter?  Or her distain for any kind of physical activity? (Recently a runner but pretty much an asshole to people that worked out before that) She can talk and sit with your and be a ‘friend’.  But if you do nothing then it’s hard to do things together.  And that is a big part of friendship to me.

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7 hours ago, Silo said:

So maybe I wouldn’t take her to Chinatown

And Frankel  already did the "OMG! Carole's never been to Chinatown! So I'm taking her to eat dim sum!" thing on the show last year, so I have no idea why she pretended it was a whole new thing for an Insta story this past summer.


but I’d still hang out with her due to her other positive attributes. Kind of like “don’t throw out the baby with the bath water?”

I think many people operate that way, but Frankel routinely savages people and throws them away -- it's what she does. (I do think it's a huge mistake for her to piss on Carole, though -- Radziwill was the only humanizing element on the show softening Frankel's bitter tongue and knife sharp elbows.  And just tactically - which I think is how Frankel operates on this show -  it's really stupid to go after Radziwill -- somebody who not only staunchly took Frankel's side in every conflict,  but who runs with an A List crowd.   Even though I don't think Carole is vindictive, attacking a woman who spent Xmas with Tracy Jacbos and Cassandra Grey is attacking a very different target than Ramona, Luann, Sonja, etc.  Whatever her personal insecurities, Radziwill is not insecure in the same way as Frankel's previous targets;  she doesn't have to roll over and make nice after being attacked or verbally humiliated whenever Bethy the Bully comes out to play.)

Edited by film noire
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    I think many people operate that way, but Frankel routinely savages people and throws them away -- it's what she does. (I do think it's a huge mistake for her to piss on Carole, though -- Radziwill was the only humanizing element on the show softening Frankel's bitter tongue and knife sharp elbows.  And just tactic

    Meh, Carol routinely dumps friends right and left.  She and Heather had a frickin reunion on the show where they hadn’t seen each other in a year.  But if you never do anything then you don’t need people.  So Carol doesn’t need anyone.  I’m amazed Adam lasted as long as he did.  It might be that she’s so sincere she doesn’t need anyone. 

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5 hours ago, QuinnM said:
  •   But if you never do anything then you don’t need people.   

Not sure what you mean by "never do anything" -- in the last few months alone, Carole trained for and ran the marathon, went to the Blue Note for the always anticipated Chris Botti gig, spent Xmas at a fabulous sleepover with January Jones & Cassandra Grey, and did an author's lunch/talk in Pennsylvania - alongside what I am sure were several events too private to post to social media -- all of which sounds like a helluva calender of "not doing anything".

Edited by film noire
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20 minutes ago, film noire said:

Not sure what you mean by "never do anything" -- in the last few months alone, Carole trained for and ran the marathon, went to the Blue Note for the always anticipated Chris Botti gig, spent Xmas at a fabulous sleepover with January Jones & Cassandra Grey, and did an author's lunch/talk in Pennsylvania - alongside what I am sure were several events too private to post to social media -- all of which sounds like a helluva fun calender of "not doing anything".

Why doesn't any of her fabulous life translate to the screen? She's been boring since day 1.  Carole being topless in some art photos season 9  was a snooze fest and what should have been an thrilling May/Dec romance was painfully awkward and boring. 

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4 hours ago, QuinnM said:

So the two of them were in B’s insta story this summer.  Carol had never been to Chinatown.  Carol had never eaten dumplings.  Carol preferred just ordering pizza.  She didn’t want to eat new food.  And I thought, yeah dump her.  Anyone that lives in NYC for most of her adult life and has never even ventured to Chinatown is a boring loser.  

Ha!  I read that and thought, who cares?  People like what they like.

Edited by Mrs peel
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3 hours ago, Ki-in said:

Why doesn't any of her fabulous life translate to the screen? 

I'm guessing probably b/c she keeps her real life (where all the A list stuff happens) off screen.

And I'm not a fan of Carole's (I think she came across badly on that trip to Chinatown) I just take issue with the idea that not having been to Chinatown = some kind of proof she's a crappy friend with nothing going on in her life.

I think (hope) she might be more interesting this season, without a guy to twirl her pigtails at.

3 hours ago, Mrs peel said:

Ha!  I read that and thought, who cares?  People like what they like.


True -- and in retrospect, I think Frankel's condescension was really misplaced (to both Radziwill, and Fredrik -- she also dragged him to dim sum on that decorating show) . Presumably Carole ate authentic food (albeit in a very different region) while working in Cambodia, and Fredrik has likely eaten dishes Frankel has never even set eyes on (ever had lutefisk, Bethenny?) so why the superior attitude to them?

Edited by film noire
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19 hours ago, Silo said:

I’m almost excited for this season lol

lol. I am all in for a full scale analysis of how Bethenny manages to mess up all her close friendships.

Bethenny does not have an off switch.  I am quite certain at times it is like being around a steam roller. Carole functioned as someone Bethenny could cry to about her issues with Jason and would tolerate travelling with she and Dennis.  Bethenny had to have a friend and Carole stepped up to the plate.  Bethenny seems to be on friendly terms with her past assistants.  I think friendships work for her if she is the alpha dog.  

From Season 1-there is no one Bethenny is friends with Jill, Luann, Ramona, Alex-she used them when they suited her then discarded and not without a screaming match.  Obviously she is still on speaking terms with Luann and Ramona because they film together.  If re-friending Jill she will do it but only if it is popular. 

Why is Bethenny naked at a Christmas party?  This Bethenny taking her clothes off is old and very immature.  

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And I'm not a fan of Carole's (I think she came across badly on that trip to Chinatown) I just take issue with the idea that not having been to Chinatown = some kind of proof she's a crappy friend with nothing going on in her life.

I think it might be more of an indicator that Carole isn't this vivacious, worldly seeker of new experiences that she sometimes try to portray herself as. Look, I like eating pizza and ordering pizza at home so if thats what she likes, ok. But I admit, I find it odd that someone who has lived in NYC for a serious portion of their life, who has been something of a socialite and celebrity etc, has never ventured to Chinatown or had dimsum because its actually a pretty common thing to do in NYC. I've only been to NYC three times in my life and on two occasions, I had dimsum in Chinatown because the friends I was visiting cited it as a "New York experience". 

As for being a crappy friend... I genuinely don't know that we know enough about their friendship but I can see where it can be frustrating when one side of a friendship perceives the other as dominating the friendship with their choices. So, if spending time as friends means they're consistently ordering pizza at Carol's because thats what Carol wants and Carol doesn't want to try anything new... I can see where thats frustrating in a friendship. And please don't think I am bitching out Carol in defense of Bethenny. I am most often the "Carol" in my friendships - if I find something I like, then I like doing and eating *that* and I bristle a bit at new things. But friendships are a give and take and as much as I like my own way, I know if I want to keep friends, I have to be willing to try other things. I try to make sure that my getting my way is fairly even with my friends getting their way... and frankly I can see all the real housewives having some problems with that sort of give and take.

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10 minutes ago, Rap541 said:

I think it might be more of an indicator that Carole isn't this vivacious, worldly seeker of new experiences that she sometimes try to portray herself as. Look, I like eating pizza and ordering pizza at home so if thats what she likes, ok. But I admit, I find it odd that someone who has lived in NYC for a serious portion of their life, who has been something of a socialite and celebrity etc, has never ventured to Chinatown or had dimsum because its actually a pretty common thing to do in NYC. I've only been to NYC three times in my life and on two occasions, I had dimsum in Chinatown because the friends I was visiting cited it as a "New York experience". 

As for being a crappy friend... I genuinely don't know that we know enough about their friendship but I can see where it can be frustrating when one side of a friendship perceives the other as dominating the friendship with their choices. So, if spending time as friends means they're consistently ordering pizza at Carol's because thats what Carol wants and Carol doesn't want to try anything new... I can see where thats frustrating in a friendship. And please don't think I am bitching out Carol in defense of Bethenny. I am most often the "Carol" in my friendships - if I find something I like, then I like doing and eating *that* and I bristle a bit at new things. But friendships are a give and take and as much as I like my own way, I know if I want to keep friends, I have to be willing to try other things. I try to make sure that my getting my way is fairly even with my friends getting their way... and frankly I can see all the real housewives having some problems with that sort of give and take.

I see your point on the worldly seeker of new experiences, but its possible that she doesn't think eating Chinese food in NYC counts; eating it in China is a different thing.  And you might ask your friends how often they go to Chinatown for dinner when out-of-town friends aren't in town....going to a touristy place tends to happen to NYers only when an out-of-towner wants to go.  See how many NYers have been to the Statue of Liberty, for example (Native here, though no longer live there, we went once, when my parents decided we needed to "do" NY like a real vacation, most of my friends were never there).

I also don't think we know that Carole insists on ordering pizza (or any other particular food) EVERY TIME people are over at her house.  Heck, in NY each person could easily order from a different restaurant; I just don't see Carole as someone who insists on her own way each and every time.  Now Bethenny?  Yeah.

I have friends who like Mexican food, I don't.  They go out for Mexican food they don't invite me, and I'm not offended. 

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50 minutes ago, Rap541 said:

I think it might be more of an indicator that Carole isn't this vivacious, worldly seeker of new experiences that she sometimes try to portray herself as. Look, I like eating pizza and ordering pizza at home so if thats what she likes, ok. But I admit, I find it odd that someone who has lived in NYC for a serious portion of their life, who has been something of a socialite and celebrity etc, has never ventured to Chinatown or had dimsum because its actually a pretty common thing to do in NYC. I've only been to NYC three times in my life and on two occasions, I had dimsum in Chinatown because the friends I was visiting cited it as a "New York experience". 

As for being a crappy friend... I genuinely don't know that we know enough about their friendship but I can see where it can be frustrating when one side of a friendship perceives the other as dominating the friendship with their choices. So, if spending time as friends means they're consistently ordering pizza at Carol's because thats what Carol wants and Carol doesn't want to try anything new... I can see where thats frustrating in a friendship. And please don't think I am bitching out Carol in defense of Bethenny. I am most often the "Carol" in my friendships - if I find something I like, then I like doing and eating *that* and I bristle a bit at new things. But friendships are a give and take and as much as I like my own way, I know if I want to keep friends, I have to be willing to try other things. I try to make sure that my getting my way is fairly even with my friends getting their way... and frankly I can see all the real housewives having some problems with that sort of give and take.

I get what you’re saying, but I don’t think Carol has to everything to Bethenny nor should she be expected to be.

If you and I were friends, for example, and I wanted to eat pizza, I would call you. But if I wanted something more exotic, I would call someone else. Maybe when I ate pizza I would always call you and our friendship could be based around that. That way we both get to participate in an activity we enjoy.


Carol and B aren’t married so I don’t think Carol should have to come out of her comfort zone if she doesn’t want to. I don’t think she “owes” that to Bethenny.

Edited by Silo
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Frankel catered award shows, and Carole attended them as a winning nominee; Bethenny loves being a tourist, but Carole worked all over the world; Bethenny served dinner to movie stars and their friends, but Carole dated one (and partied with the rest, from Cannes to Hyannis Port). Bethenny wears Diane von Furstenberg, whereas Carole was often a guest in the designer's home -- and on and on the list goes, all of it showing that Carole had already lived a very glamorous life long before she even met Bethenny.

Yes yes, Carole is "up here" and Bethenny is "down there" (except when the narrative needs Bethenny to be decried as a liar who lived a life of social privilege due to her father's very high social status) but that isn't terribly relevant to the situation described, in my opinion. (although I did wonder if Carole was "too socially upwards" to deign to eat in Chinatown, much like Ramona's extreme distaste for Brooklyn)

Rather, I wonder if Carole is just a bit... set in her ways. Assuming she doesn't have a classist Ramona-like objection to dining in a place like Chinatown, it does seem a little odd such a jet setter hasn't been - the food really is to die for and while it's lovely to be able to dine in high-faluting places and to only eat a foreign cuisine when you're seated in that country, surrounded by highborn friends, that doesn't make all other experiences lesser and unworthy. Why ignore the close by treats? They're still treats.

I'm not sure what the point is in pointing out Bethenny was never afraid to work hard to get somewhere while Carole was off dining with the Kennedys. It does seem as though Carole is content to live her lifestyle of being a socialite and writing books (good ones, I might add) and inviting her friends over for pizza. And I hope she and Bethenny work thru their tiff - they're more fun in a pack. 

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50 minutes ago, film noire said:

But (and this fucking show -- I'm actually defending Carole Radziwill now? -- Jesus, take the wheel) Carole is a proven seeker of worldly experience; it's Bethenny who lacks worldiness.

Frankel catered award shows, and Carole attended them as a winning nominee; Bethenny loves being a tourist, but Carole worked all over the world; Bethenny served dinner to movie stars and their friends, but Carole dated one (and partied with the rest, from Cannes to Hyannis Port). Bethenny wears Diane von Furstenberg, whereas Carole was often a guest in the designer's home -- and on and on the list goes, all of it showing that Carole had already lived a very glamorous life long before she even met Bethenny. So the idea that Radziwill is the one who needs educating as to living the high life or exploring new things -- Frankel as Henry Higgins leading Eliza into Chinatown for dumplings  -- seems absurd, imo.  I don't much like the woman, but if the measure is what most people consider "worldly seeker of new experience" Radziwill beats Frankel by a big old country mile. 

Sometimes people don't have particularly adventurous palates. My dad travels all over the world--North America, central and South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia. He was just in South Africa last  month. He'll eat the local cuisine when he's abroad. When he's at home and they go out, he's the least adventurous eater. It's always between pork chops, salmon, or lasagna. Or a Denver omelette at brunch. However, Carole has said many times that she's a junk food addict who doesn't cook. So I imagine she ate the local cuisine out of necessity when she was on assignment, but left to her own devices in NYC, she ate garbage.

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3 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

Sometimes people don't have particularly adventurous palates. My dad travels all over the world--North America, central and South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia. He was just in South Africa last  month. He'll eat the local cuisine when he's abroad. When he's at home and they go out, he's the least adventurous eater. It's always between pork chops, salmon, or lasagna. Or a Denver omelette at brunch. However, Carole has said many times that she's a junk food addict who doesn't cook. So I imagine she ate the local cuisine out of necessity when she was on assignment, but left to her own devices in NYC, she ate garbage.

I agree.  Bethenny at the time she prompted Carole to go to Chinatown was producing a food show.  Carole has also said she is not a "foodie" or into alcohol.  Sounds to me like Carole is tired of being steam rolled.   Here is a story about what Carole ate in one day:  http://people.com/food/real-housewives-carole-radziwill-food-diary-diet/  I don't think Carole eats the same thing everyday.  

This is not Bethenny's first attempt to take the ladies outside their comfort zone in NYC.  She went to a racetrack favorite joint and some pizza place last year.  With this group of women they have traveled the world extensively and some like Luann, Dorinda, and Carole have lived abroad.  Sonja, Luann have mentioned having private cooks err is that chefs that cooked for them when they were married.  I am sorry but Dim Sum in the USA is still just Dim Sum.   Seeing beaks, necks and heads is doesn't make the food any better.  I think the ladies are bored with the whole routine.  

Perhaps Bethenny just needs to let them eat what they want and take off the food guide hat.  

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5 hours ago, Rap541 said:

Yes yes, Carole is "up here" and Bethenny is "down there" 

That's QUITE a goal post shift! ; )

I was rebutting your point that Radziwill is not (as you said) "a worldly seeker of new experiences", which has nothing to do with any kind of value judgement or being "up here / down there".  And for all the many people who value those experiences and/or define them as worldly (Frankel and Radziwill) there are equal numbers who don't  (people like me - well, except for working abroad,  that's always valuable, imo -- and hanging with von Furstenberg would be interesting as well. Love to hear her take on Nina Garcia :) 

But adding a value judgement to this makes no sense to me -- just because Radizwill has had a glamorous life doesn't make her better than anyone, but the facts of her life do show she was very much a seeker (and attainer) of wordly experience.

Thank for the link, @zoeysmom -- Radizwill's dinner sounds delicious and much better than the rest of her day by far  (I could live on the bread and butter alone):

At N.Y.C.’s Café Clover:
3 pieces of whole wheat sourdough bread with butter
2 soft shell crabs coated in chickpea flour, fried in avocado oil
1 cup of potato puree with unsalted butter
1 cup of steamed broccoli with butter and salt

Edited by film noire
carole had crab for dinner, not lunch. she needs cuntkins
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2 hours ago, film noire said:

But (and this fucking show -- I'm actually defending Carole Radziwill now? -- Jesus, take the wheel) Carole is a proven seeker of worldly experience; it's Bethenny who lacks worldiness.

Frankel catered award shows, and Carole attended them as a winning nominee; Bethenny loves being a tourist, but Carole worked all over the world; Bethenny served dinner to movie stars and their friends, but Carole dated one (and partied with the rest, from Cannes to Hyannis Port). Bethenny wears Diane von Furstenberg, whereas Carole was often a guest in the designer's home -- and on and on the list goes, all of it showing that Carole had already lived a very glamorous life long before she even met Bethenny. So the idea that Radziwill is the one who needs educating as to living the high life or exploring new things -- Frankel as Henry Higgins leading Eliza into Chinatown for dumplings  -- seems absurd, imo.  I don't much like the woman, but if the measure is what most people consider "worldly seeker of new experience" Radziwill beats Frankel by a big old country mile. 

Film, this is so good!!!  

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I'm sorry, you were the one noting how Bethenny served movie stars while Carole was friends with them, Bethenny catered award shows while Carole attended them, Bethenny was a tourist to other countries while Carole worked in other countries, Bethenny wears a fashion designer's clothes while Carole is a personal friend of said fashion designer - these are all "up there" versus "down there" comparisons - and aren't terribly relevant as I said previously. 

For all her world traveling, she had never had dimsum? Maybe it is better in China, maybe it isn't, but would Carole know if she never tried? When she's out and about, is she seeing the world really? Or is she skipping from upper class enclave to upper class enclave ? I actually suspect she was quite adventurous when she was younger  but her lifestyle over the last ten years has hardly been filled with Lara Croft style adventure. I certainly have no issue with her choices - apartment life in the UES has it's appeal, and I can certainly understand the appeal of routine  and a certain pleasant lifestyle, but it's pretty clear Carole at 50 isn't living the exotic life she was in her twenties. There's no shame in that - I was rapelling out of helicopters and having shots fired at me in anger in a warzone in my twenties and I have no wish to live like that again despite how exciting it was when I was in my twenties, but there's nothing wrong in conceding the point. Carole may no longer find seeking out new things to be as grand of an adventure - I totally get it, and even painted my own Carole like example - but she may want to give a little as friendships are a two way street. 


So the idea that Radziwill is the one who needs educating as to living the high life or exploring new things -- Frankel as Henry Higgins leading Eliza into Chinatown for dumplings  --

In fairness, she is the one who lived in NYC for how long and has never gone to Chinatown or had dimsum despite her vast exploration of the world but I do appreciate the continued allusions to classism ;)

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1 hour ago, Rap541 said:

- these are all "up there" versus "down there" comparisons - 

No -- they're comparisons between someone who has actually lived the experience (Carole) you are talking about (seekers of wordliness) versus someone who has much less direct experience of that (Bethenny).  

If we were talking about being a seeker of physical mastery, Frankel would have more direct experience than Radziwill (even with the marathon) and I would not extend a value judgement to that either (the only "up there" -- genuinely so, not Kellyish --  position I consider valid belongs to people like Aaron Feis; heroes, not stars).


 but she may want to give a little as friendships are a two way street. 

She listened to Bethenny talk (and cry) about her ex/divorce/ custody situation, which sounds pretty giving to me --  Radziwill's life history aside, any friend of mine who did that would be welcome to eat whatever she wanted (my treat) without me labeling her a timid bore just because she wanted pizza instead of dim sum.

Edited by film noire
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Rather, I wonder if Carole is just a bit... set in her ways.

It does seem as though Carole is content to live her lifestyle of being a socialite and writing books

I think she is, at this point in her life. Chill out at home and order in seems to her preferred social activity when she isn't filming, unless someone is inviting her out or to their home. Not that there is anything wrong with that.


And I hope she and Bethenny work thru their tiff - they're more fun in a pack. 

Me too. I like their friendship.

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I think she is, at this point in her life. Chill out at home and order in seems to her preferred social activity when she isn't filming, unless someone is inviting her out or to their home. Not that there is anything wrong with that.

Exactly. I certainly don't deny that Carole as a young woman was out and about and she clearly banks on that when she presents herself as the worldly seeker of new experiences but she's not so young anymore and if you look at the last ten years, where is she? The upper east side with occasional visits to luxury resorts... and a lot of those are with the real housewives. 

And there's nothing wrong with chilling out at home or ordering pizza, But - and I am speaking as someone who struggles with this - friendships are a give and take. I think I'll need to see the episode before I assign Bethenny the "evil and bitchy and obviously at fault as always" role because from my own experience in the "Carole" position, I can see where Carole might be part of the problem.

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5 hours ago, Rap541 said:

Exactly. I certainly don't deny that Carole as a young woman was out and about and she clearly banks on that when she presents herself as the worldly seeker of new experiences but she's not so young anymore and if you look at the last ten years, where is she? The upper east side with occasional visits to luxury resorts... and a lot of those are with the real housewives. 

And there's nothing wrong with chilling out at home or ordering pizza, But - and I am speaking as someone who struggles with this - friendships are a give and take. I think I'll need to see the episode before I assign Bethenny the "evil and bitchy and obviously at fault as always" role because from my own experience in the "Carole" position, I can see where Carole might be part of the problem.

The episode aired last season and the primary topic of their conversation was . . . . .Tom.  It was maybe Season 9 Episode 10 or 11.  The scene was not memorable enough to make in the episode description in the past seasons Episode Guide.

This is just a guess-- I noticed Carole was embedded with troops in Afghanistan.  I am thinking there probably wasn't the chance to take in the local fare in Kandahar.  Carole lived in London, not much a a culinary revolution, she has visited the luxury spots of the world.  

Most of all, remember they are looking for filming opportunities.  Bethenny has done the food thing to death on all of her shows.  By now the others should expect it.   What I remember most is Bethenny giving Carole the side eye for not choosing a more exciting flavor of ice cream and of course the ladies talking about Tom.  I believe this was the episode where Carole announced she had heard gay rumors about Tom shortly after Luann and Tom got married.

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5 hours ago, Rap541 said:

she's not so young anymore and if you look at the last ten years, where is she?

Lots of places  --  her insta shows her doing everything from whaling on the St Lawrence in Canada and boating in Idaho and Mississippi,  to more lux vacations  in Spain,  Puerto Rico, and the Bahamas -  add in the Bravo trips (London, Mexico, Montana, St Barth's, Turks and Caicos) and her sad old bones look plenty lively to me ; )

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On 3/7/2018 at 12:12 AM, zoeysmom said:

The episode aired last season and the primary topic of their conversation was . . . . .Tom.  It was maybe Season 9 Episode 10 or 11.  The scene was not memorable enough to make in the episode description in the past seasons Episode Guide.

This is just a guess-- I noticed Carole was embedded with troops in Afghanistan.  I am thinking there probably wasn't the chance to take in the local fare in Kandahar.  Carole lived in London, not much a a culinary revolution, she has visited the luxury spots of the world.  

Most of all, remember they are looking for filming opportunities.  Bethenny has done the food thing to death on all of her shows.  By now the others should expect it.   What I remember most is Bethenny giving Carole the side eye for not choosing a more exciting flavor of ice cream and of course the ladies talking about Tom.  I believe this was the episode where Carole announced she had heard gay rumors about Tom shortly after Luann and Tom got married.


You'd actually be surprised. Kandahar is the second biggest city in Afghanistan and it is a large base (it is actually their international airport).  She was probably traveling out to FOBs and COBs from Kandahar but she wouldn't have spent the brunt of her time there.  The majority of her time would have been at Kandahar.  It is very common for the troops to do community engagement type things where they will be hosted by a local family (often the imam or another influential community leader). The family will feed them dinner (and you have to eat it) so she would have been exposed to local cuisine at that point. 

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Carole seems to be very thin and I just don’t think eating is a priority for her. She has stated she likes junk food. Something quick and picked up on the go in NYC. I hope she does something besides just run the marathon this season. She is getting to be a tad ho hum. I’m not interested in doing calorie counting for her. 

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Are we really spending this much time criticizing someone's food preferences?  Bethenny is over-bearing, to be polite.  Carole is chill.  Bethenny should be happy anyone wants to spend time with her pushy, shrill, demanding, self-centered self.

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On 3/14/2018 at 2:54 PM, enchantingmonkey said:

So were the reports of the boat trip "completely wrong" or is BRAVO going to edit out all of the craziness?  

With last season being so good, I figured this coming season would be a bit of a disappointment...but that preview looked pretty good.  

The one thing that works for these franchises if there are changes and they are substantial changes.  Between filming the reunion in July of 2017 and before or during filming all the women, who had just said it was the first time they were all simultaneously involved in a marriage/serious relationship no longer had a relationship (except Dorinda), Luann getting arrested is worth at least a half dozen episodes.  Each season Bethenny has returned she has pretty much knocked one of the RH out of her friendship circle so it is just a matter of who this year and how soon.  

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3 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

Each season Bethenny has returned she has pretty much knocked one of the RH out of her friendship circle so it is just a matter of who this year and how soon.  

We already know there already has been an earthquake in her relationship with Carole but I’m willing to guess that Tinsley will also be outed. 

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Luann has no right to look as fresh faced as she does, leaving rehab like that! OK being silly, but sheesh, she looks great, mugshot notwithstanding.

Going by the preview, I think this season will be good. It helps that there haven’t been any shifts in HWs from last season to this one. The shift I would want—dumping Bethenny—ain’t gonna happen. And I see the Dorinda/Sonja feud is still going. I don’t always mind Testy Yelly Dorinda, but at this point I wish she’d lay off Sonja; it’s pointless to argue with her. Maybe I’ll change my opinion once the season starts.

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18 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

Anyone see the preview on WWHL? Ramona was dressed as Britney Spears, Carole as Amelia Earhart, Tinsley as Madonna. I can’t figure out what Dorinda is dressed as. A woman taking a bubble bath? Thanks in advance!

Dorinda was dressed as Lady Gaga.

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