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S31.E06: Notes on a Scandal


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Tony get your head out of Banana's ass. Holy fuck balls what a dumb ass. Does he think that is he going to beat Bananas? The sooner these morons put up Bananas every chance the bigger of a chance they have to win. Why can't these fuckers stop calling him Michael Jordan and how Scotty Tony Pippin is going to protect him. Here is a thought Tony Pippin, protect yourself, you just put a target on yourself.  Bananas, way to play Natalie's game, James Jr. What a bunch of fucking moron all these fuckers are. 

Hey Shane, you ratted out Victor, so stfu about Victor talking to Bananas when you threw him under the bus and he could have thrown you under also, but didn't. So fuck off with that shit.

Edited by toodywoody
  • Love 19

I think it's ridiculous that they didn't show us who the note writer was.  The pixilated figure looked like it moved like a man, but then when Marie was walking towards the room who had received the note, she looked like she moved in the same way.

I always try to like Shane and I always fail.  I'm not sure why but I can't stand him.  Victor is tainted by Paul Abrahamian.  I'm leaning toward rooting for Victor.  Shane was the turn coat who bitched out his allies.

It was total BS that Sylvia was unable to use her grenade.  This season is completely set up for male winners.  The troika will rarely see a female member.

  • Love 7

Now I understand why Victor doesn't post about his time on The Challenge much, because who in their right mind would want to be associated with Shane? And Bananas, way to be a man and play Natalie's game instead of your own. I have to hand it to Natalie, she's pretty good at identifying that one guy who is desperate for any female to pay attention to him and attempt to use him to her advantage. It's clear neither he nor Tony have ever watched a season of BB, or they'd know right off the bat that Victor's being friendly with everyone isn't an act, and that he's not the strategic mastermind that Natalie  Bananas is trying to make him out to be.

And the notes? That has to be either Bananas or Marie, because they're the only two vendettas that Brad/Britni have who would think of using a tactic like that to get those two so rattled that they'd essentially eliminate themselves from the competition. I know Tony and Brad have it out for each other, but let's be real, I doubt Tony's smart enough to use that kind of psychological warfare.

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2 hours ago, TiffanyNichelle said:

Well thanks to the preview of the rest of the season I know the outcome of the elimination next week.

John is the one totally doing the notes. If not him then it's Nicole Z.

Tony calling himself Scottie Pippen and John is Michael Jordan made me laugh so damn hard. What an idiot.

And the Brit not knowing who Dennis Rodman is was the cherry on top! 

These idiots have said a lot of stupid shit over the years but I think this analogy was maybe the stupidest yet. For one, it's not even an apt analogy, and second, those three haven't played on the same team in 20 years. Most of the rookies aren't even old enough to get the reference.

  • Love 6

I'm still reposting my old recaps. Still reminscing about the old days, where we'd get a mission, a vote, and an endgame in the span of thirty minutes. Today, we can't do that in sixty. Do we need all of these assholes? Especially the assholes from overseas?

NoteGate . . . not giving a shit. Didn't think of Johnny, so I felt like an asshole when @TiffanyNichelle figured he might be the culprit. I mean, who else loves stirring the pot? And he's probably earned enough money to buy a suit that renders him as static. That, or BMP loves him enough to protect his identity. Or maybe a production aide is doing this shit. Seriously, these are grown-ass adults. Boggles the mind, doesn't it?

Interesting mission. Compliments to all players for doing something Teege was too chickenshit to try. Sadly, the winners were Johnny, one of the Brits, and Tony Two Kids. Not my idea of a good Troika. I mean, I'm not caring for anyone in particular (Nicole? Maybe Leroy?), but Johnny having power of any kind annoys me. Couldn't somebody make it look like he was fucking Britni, so that Brad would rip him in half before he finds out the truth? I will say that the parallel of Johnny and Michael Jordan makes sense. I mean, they each have six titles. And maybe Johnny has a gambling problem that demands his residency on the show.

Edited by Lantern7
  • Love 3

Last two teams were stacked compared to the first two.

Yeah they are wasting whole episodes on the troika and inquisition.   These things don't change the alliances, which drive the people chosen for the elimination.

How about the twist that there will only be one winner of the big money?

And looks like 4 previous champions get dropped in later.


The grenades aren't doing jack shit.  The elimination houses are better.

I have to say, I'm very impressed with Leroy. To come from not even being able to swim just a few short seasons ago to being able to drive down 15 ft on the first try is amazing!  Good for him.

10 hours ago, toodywoody said:

Tony get your head out of Banana's ass. Holy fuck balls what a dumb ass. Does he think that is he going to beat Bananas? The sooner these morons put up Bananas every chance the bigger of a chance they have to win. Why can't these fuckers stop calling him Michael Jordan and how Scotty Tony Pippin is going to protect him. Here is a thought Tony Pippin, protect yourself, you just put a target on yourself.  Bananas, way to play Natalie's game, James Jr. What a bunch of fucking moron all these fuckers are. 

I was about to start rooting for Tony. Then he made this stupid analogy and showed how far up Banana's ass his head really is.  He's so dumb, he doesn't even realize that when all the other guys are gone, he's the first one Johnny will throw in.  And the kicker is, Johnny has done it to him before!  Idiota!

  • Love 11
11 hours ago, toodywoody said:

Hey Shane, you ratted out Victor, so stfu about Victor talking to Bananas when you threw him under the bus and he could have thrown you under also, but didn't. So fuck off with that shit.

Shane needs to back up off of my beloved Victor. It's so weird that he threw such a tantrum about Victor talking to Johnny when he did his very best to stuff Victor under the bus for no reason. I feel like Shane really wants to come across cool and aloof and "playing the game, don't get mad", but isn't able to handle it when "playing the game" happens to him. (Kind of like Johnny, actually, but not as successful.)

I was ready to root for the Tony Two Kids redemption season until he got weird about Bananas at the inquisition. That was not good.

I would also like to know how Joss escaped nomination. I get that they edit things for the shock factor, but I would like to actually see the decision-making process every now and then.

Edited by strippedhalo
Remove duplicated word.
  • Love 5
7 hours ago, Jobiska said:

It's really sad that most of these jerks can't even conceive of the thought that Victor might just be mostly a genuinely nice and friendly person.  

I didn't really like him a lot on BB...but on the Challenge, I am thinking...you guys leave him alone!!!  Shane is a mean girl.  

Edited by Cherry Cola
Wrong butt but
  • Love 4
13 hours ago, TiffanyNichelle said:

Well thanks to the preview of the rest of the season I know the outcome of the elimination next week.

John is the one totally doing the notes. If not him then it's Nicole Z.

Tony calling himself Scottie Pippen and John is Michael Jordan made me laugh so damn hard. What an idiot.

There are a few people missing from that group shot in the preview so we know the outcome of the next few eliminations too. Way to keep us in suspense BMP.

These players who kiss John’s ass, are they trying for 2nd or 3rd place? They do realize John will not let them win, right?  

I can’t fathom what all the girls see in Kyle. At the Ring, his hair looked so styled and when you couple that with the drawn on pirate beard he just looks odd. And overly processed. But he is performing well in the challenges.

I really would like to know who is doing all the hair braiding.

  • Love 4
16 hours ago, Jwd said:

I Lol'd at that.  Too funny.

Tony may be an idiot, but he is one Fiiinnnnneee idiot. LOL  Shallow I know, but there I said it. :) 

He's slightly cross eyed which I find endearing (He continues to remind me of my cousin who can't get out of his own way).  Of course he thinks Johnny is his leader, this kid is a loyal follower.  I felt for him missing the oxygen stations and being driven on by fear.  He must have missed the fact that he could simply swim to the surface and breathe.  I'm actually impressed he used Jordan, Pippin, and Rodman as an example.  That's my generation, and my hometown.  

6 hours ago, toodywoody said:

Sick of the puppets not realizing that their time will come to go in because Bananas isnt going in. And why is it ok for Cara to be hooked up with the Brit dude and Bananas with Natalie and that is fine and dandy but anyone else dares to hook up that isnt in the in crowd and they HAVE to be broken apart.  

Maybe they're showing slightly more decorum?  Brad and Britney are all over each other - naked in the pool and banging with the door open.  Brad's also using Britney as part of his negotiating.  He's asking not only for his own safety, but for Britney's too.  He's very clumsy about it and making enemies.  Brad's making a fool of himself when most of the cast know and perhaps sympathize with Tori.

6 hours ago, dangwoodchucks said:

There are a few people missing from that group shot in the preview so we know the outcome of the next few eliminations too. Way to keep us in suspense BMP.

These players who kiss John’s ass, are they trying for 2nd or 3rd place? They do realize John will not let them win, right?  

I can’t fathom what all the girls see in Kyle. At the Ring, his hair looked so styled and when you couple that with the drawn on pirate beard he just looks odd. And overly processed. But he is performing well in the challenges.

I really would like to know who is doing all the hair braiding.

The accent goes far.

14 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

He's slightly cross eyed which I find endearing (He continues to remind me of my cousin who can't get out of his own way).  Of course he thinks Johnny is his leader, this kid is a loyal follower.  I felt for him missing the oxygen stations and being driven on by fear.  He must have missed the fact that he could simply swim to the surface and breathe.  I'm actually impressed he used Jordan, Pippin, and Rodman as an example.  That's my generation, and my hometown.  

Maybe they're showing slightly more decorum?  Brad and Britney are all over each other - naked in the pool and banging with the door open.  Brad's also using Britney as part of his negotiating.  He's asking not only for his own safety, but for Britney's too.  He's very clumsy about it and making enemies.  Brad's making a fool of himself when most of the cast know and perhaps sympathize with Tori.

The accent goes far.

It really does, but I prefer Joss over Kyle. Ever since that episode when he was cleaning the kitchen in his undies.

  • Love 7

I get the concept behind the troika and the inquisition. It was probably designed to create more vendettas in the sense that you have three people pissed off at three other people instead of just one pissed off person who gets voted in.  However, it isn't really working as good television. It is soooo boring to watch.  Maybe it gets better as the cast gets smaller, but for now... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.  

And I reiterate my complaint that the set-up for how people get in the troika sucks because it favors the guys.  You know, because the guys on this show have been traditionally oppressed by the Challenge system. Ugh. 

Finally, the grenade thing, at least thus far, is not working for me. Because you have to use it at the next challenge, other than taking the money, you can't really use it to help yourself because the other gender is up for elimination.  They should be able to bank those things and use them at will. 

As for Tony, I thought he learned his lesson last season when he teamed up with Hunter after he realized his "alliance" had reached the point where they were no longer going to protect him. Guess not because he is back up the Banana butt. Ugh!!!

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, angelamh66 said:

Finally, the grenade thing, at least thus far, is not working for me. Because you have to use it at the next challenge, other than taking the money, you can't really use it to help yourself because the other gender is up for elimination.  They should be able to bank those things and use them at will. 

This!  While many of them have vendettas that cross gender lines, the grenade is only helpful if you can screw someone over/oust someone who could potentially dominate you in an elimation or take your spot in the finals.  And what kinda fuckery was it that they got rid of Sylvia's grenade because she was sick.  They could have easily asked her which grenade she wanted and enacted it on her behalf.  Or, you know, since this is a fricken TV SHOW, they could have recorded her making her choice and why and played it for everyone.  For goodness sake, she wasn't even at a hospital; she was still in the house, in her bunk!  And at the very least, she earned that shit and should be able to use it when she gets back.  She not only competed while she was ill, she won against an extremely physical competitor.  The whole thing is just bullshit and continues to show that they never really think through any of this stuff when they put them in the game.  

  • Love 6

In case I wasn't the only person wondering, the aftershow podcast mentioned that Maria's Twitter said the troika from her episode picked the teams for this episode. 

This might be extremely far fetched, but I wonder if the static figure is one of the returning champs we've seen on the previews, and this is some clever way to reveal it to the cast?

I cannot take Kyle seriously since I've googled his plastic surgeries. That beard is ridiculous!

I'm just gonna say it, I like Zach and Tony. How did this happen? I don't know. I do know that I certainly didn't turn the corner on Tony for his intelligence. His basketball analogy had me laughing because it was so random, lol. 

I don't know understand why Silvia wasn't able to use her grenade advantage. It posed no advantage to her that she hadn't already earned and they could have easily recorded her decision and played it for the group. I would understand it if she had to leave the show because she was too sick to go on and compete any further but that's not the case.

Does Johnny feel threatened that Victor is going to politick his way to the end? That's why he's dangerous? Leroy is a pretty likeable guy as well and I've never seen Johnny really go after him either. I'm not sold that Johnny is so convinced that this newbie he's never competed against is clearly his biggest threat. I think Johnny is either acting like, or has convinced himself to target Victor because he's also Natalie's vendetta. I really like Victor's demeanor in this game. He's being lied on but holding his cool and you don't see that often. It gets under people's skin when they realize that they can't act a fool and successfully get under your skin. 

I'm fed up with this format of ending episodes before we get to see the completion of a challenge. I get a 'to be continued' for a really hyped showdown but Brad vs X is not a hyped showdown. Stop with this nonsense. And did I blink and miss it when they figured out the note scandal? Why are you naming an episode after this note prank and give no conclusion to it? 

  • Love 2
On 2/8/2018 at 2:05 AM, Marley said:

Sometimes it looks like Kyle is wearing a wig. His accent isn’t that great either but he can have funny moments.

The troika is lame. The part where they all sit down is a waste of time.

I starting to like Victor.

He's had a hair transplant AND (wait for it.......)  a BEARD transplant.  I do think he's hot though.  

1 hour ago, Lantern7 said:

. . . and Shane is friggin’ tearing into him about that on Twitter. My memory fails me . . . was he ever this snarky and/or bitchy in the first part of his “career”?

If it's true that Kyle said kissing Cara Maria is like kissing a guy, he's nuts. I think that woman is gorgeous. She's got issues, sure, but she's beautiful.

  • Love 2

Tony is an idiot who idolizes Johnny, but I agree that he is good looking and he's been performing better this season of the Challenge than the previous ones he's been on. I did find his basketball analogy funny especially when Kyle said he had no idea who Dennis Rodman was.

I hadn't suspected Johnny as the one writing the notes, but it wouldn't suprise me if it was him after all. My bet was on Marie.

Victor actually does seem genuinely nice to me, but since the troika seems to believe it's an act, I think he's going into elimination against Brad.

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