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S06.E06: Move-Ins

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Jepte is actually being nice for once!


OMGah! Jaclyn you are so in love ....with your deceased ex. Poor Ryan. EVERYTHING they do is tainted. It seems really unfair to him. He's kinda so dense he won't figure it out but still. 

Edited by NoJustNo
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"Leave me alone" Jep says to Shawnice as she kisses him good night on the floor.  One minute he's nice .. The next he says that to her?  Why can't he just sleep in the bed too.  Is he afraid she will jump him?  That girl has a lot of patience. I just hope things work out in her favor after all this.  How long will she be able to take this rejection?

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3 minutes ago, Gem 10 said:

"Leave me alone" Jep says to Shawnice as she kisses him good night on the floor.  One minute he's nice .. The next he says that to her?  Why can't he just sleep in the bed too.  Is he afraid she will jump him?  That girl has a lot of patience. I just hope things work out in her favor after all this.  How long will she be able to take this rejection?

I mean, WHAT is up with that? It's like he's a little boy. That would kill me. 

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On 2/1/2018 at 1:01 PM, Tara Ariano said:


Why is it ok for Molly to insist on making sure she has money for her hair and nails plus a parking spot for her car without worries about what Jon wants. Seems a bit bitchy to me. 

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Why does Ryan (and everyone on this board) continue to refer Jaclyn's deceased boyfriend as her EX??!? From what I gather, they were not broken up when he passed, so he is NOT an ex-boyfriend. 

If my husband died, if anyone henceforth referred to him as my ex by virtue of him being dead, I'd be freakin livid. (I recall Ryan calling him her ex once to her face, not just in his TH's; I would've gone off on him)

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20 minutes ago, Gem 10 said:

"Leave me alone" Jep says to Shawnice as she kisses him good night on the floor.  One minute he's nice .. The next he says that to her?  Why can't he just sleep in the bed too.  Is he afraid she will jump him?  That girl has a lot of patience. I just hope things work out in her favor after all this.  How long will she be able to take this rejection?

I rewound and put the caption on to make sure I'd heard that right. What a dick. Jephte, you knew she was coming over, you couldn't at least kick the clothes in the closet? The "experts" really must be on some opposites attract thing with them. Shawniece's clothes and shoes and everything are neat and in containers and Jephte's room looks like the wreck of the Hesperus, as my mom used to say.

Shawniece's mom's double-take when she found out Jephte and Shawniece sleep in separate rooms was the highlight of the episode. I felt so bad for her when she was crying to her mother, and REALLY bad for her when she was crying to him and telling him what she wanted and he just sat there looking at her. Shawniece is pretty, funny, and ambitious - she deserves so much better.

I don't like Ryan but I did feel a little bad for him at the end when he was asking Jackie if she was over her late boyfriend enough to make the marriage work, because I don't think she is.

Molly and Jon were pretty boring. Molly's friend looks a lot like her.

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8 minutes ago, CPA1967 said:

Why is it ok for Molly to insist on making sure she has money for her hair and nails plus a parking spot for her car without worries about what Jon wants. Seems a bit bitchy to me. 

After tonight, I still say Molly is a pain in the ass.  It seems like everything is about her and what she wants.  Seems that she really doesn't care about anything he wants.  He even gave up the cat for her.  I didn't hear her say "thank you" for that.  It just looks like he will have to keep pleasing her.  Now he has to find a job.   Hope it's enough money for her.

Shawnice is lowering herself day by day.  It would be a miracle if he comes around.

Jaclyn married too quick after the death of her boyfriend.  Clearly, she still isn't over him.

Those "experts" aren't telling them anything everyone doesn't know already.

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13 minutes ago, duckduckgoose said:

Why does Ryan (and everyone on this board) continue to refer Jaclyn's deceased boyfriend as her EX??!? From what I gather, they were not broken up when he passed, so he is NOT an ex-boyfriend. 

If my husband died, if anyone henceforth referred to him as my ex by virtue of him being dead, I'd be freakin livid. (I recall Ryan calling him her ex once to her face, not just in his TH's; I would've gone off on him)

I think the problem is that some people don’t know the correct terminology is “late boyfriend.”  I see it more as ignorance than disrespect.

However, Jephte is disrespecting Shawnice.  Like I said, Jephte doesn’t like Shawnice because she’s not Rihanna.  If she looked like Rihanna, everything would be great for Jephte.

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3 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

I think the problem is that some people don’t know the correct terminology is “late boyfriend.”  I see it more as ignorance than disrespect.

However, Jephte is disrespecting Shawnice.  Like I said, Jephte doesn’t like Shawnice because she’s not Rihanna.  If she looked like Rihanna, everything would be great for Jephte.

Yes I agree. I just cringe when Ryan does it. He's had enough time to understand what their relationship was. He's just cringeworthy all around, very arrogant in the way he interacts with people. 

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My heart was breaking for Shawnice in this episode. She was so lonely and rejected, and she got zero in the way of support from either her husband or her mother.  I didn’t like her in the first couple of episodes, but I felt terrible for her tonight.  I usually get a lot of fun smugness from watching this train wreck of a show and making fun of the participants, but this felt like kicking a puppy. Shawnice just looked like her spirit was breaking, and I hated myself for watching it. I’m done with this show. 

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I’m sure I’ll have more thoughts later, but my biggest takeaway from this episode was that Jepthe’s talking heads and how he treats Shawneice are completely opposite. He talks a good game but his actions speak the truth. Between his messiness and inability to understand the need to budget he was acting like he’s some  18 year old who just left home. I have to talk to a girl about money. Oh nos. Geez. 

Edited by ramble
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I know no spoilers but just from the unfiltered I do think Jephte and Shawniece are still together. Only because when you watch unfiltered tonight Shawniece was very protective of Jephte. She was making excuses for him. Maybe that's just her as I felt he wasn't the same towards her on the Unfiltered last week. My question is why?

I get they have similar family history. I get they both are probably "nice" people. I just don't get why Shawniece is even attracted to Jep at this point. My heart just broke for her when she was talking to her mom. Its frustrating. Its almost demeaning to watch this woman plead for affection.  Outside of the "experts" putting them together I don't get why she is in this for him. Where is her reservations about him? Outside of the obvious. He's decent looking, he is just rude to her, shows her little affection or empathy, messy and his finances aren't out of this world and seems to be just getting by. Which is fine but I see nothing to where she shoudl be attracted to him..."Oh he is so kind and understanding" NOPE.  "He makes a real comfortable living and is generous" Nope. "He's very affectionate" Nope. "He males me laugh like no other" Nope.  So what is it?  Just been thinking that the whole episode and not just about them but the others as well.

This brings me to Jon and Molly. Outside of thinking she is hot I don't get why he likes her. She seems very self absorbed, Here is a man who doesn't have a job and instead of showing some empathy or support of any kind her whole thing is "I have to have money for my hair and nails ...oh you'll figure your stuff out"  No, well I'll try to hold us down a little while you find something. No, I'll help you look if you need me. Nothing! Everything for her. He's going to be spending the most for the apt if the finances are to be believed as her budget was 700. He's the one who gave up his freaking cat. He's the one doing all to make her comfortable and I get nothing from her. NOTHING. She's no ball of fun.  She's not some sex pot. She hasn't shown to show him much concern and again just self absorbed.. I really like Jon. Yes, he has calm down but he's trying. He's funny, considerate and all in on this.  He's educated, good looking, financially well off to a point and a hard worker.  Whats his attraction to her?

Lastly, douche Ryan. Thats all I get from him and I really liked his energy in the beginning but the way he talks to people is so condescending.  I don't like how he seem to make a production out of the fact he was helping her through her hard time only to throw it in her face the next day or night. It was kind of abrasive and had no warm to it all. Should Jacklyn be in this , maybe not and maybe it is too soon but she is trying. And while I think he is trying as well which gives him a point I just don't get his abrasiveness in his way of talking.  Such a turn off. He comes of inauthentic many times trying to say the right thing but its always a production to it if that makes sense. He's so self satisfied with himself.  "HEY LOOOK AT HOW GREAT OF GUY I AM! AMIRITE!!!!!" It comes off as him being insecure to me. BUT if Jacklyn doesn't see that and up until last night seen he's a hard worker with his head in the right place I get her attraction to him but it would wear on me. She's very sweet and going along but I wonder if she just feels she should be "in love" with this expert chosen guy to move along with her life from her sad past. I don't know if I'm explaining it right but unless I see change and I may just see it but if they stay together that's what I see for now.

Long as heck but I wonder how silly these people feel putting their  salaries out there? lol I remember Danielle hating she did that.  Interesting that didn't cross with S&J. Those apartments are so network produced its funny. I know nothing about Boston but in NYC getting a 1 bedroom for 1500 is a dream and it won't be in the best neighborhood. They out here selling ROOMS for 1000. Sad.  I always think about that when they go house hunting.

I think the couples stay together simply cause Shawniece and Jon seem determined to make it work. And I do think Jacklyn and Ryan are both all in despite my reservations about him.

Lastly I highly suggest the Bride and Doom podcast on here. I just listened the other week and even went back listen to last season and it was really interesting. One thing I thought and agree with is if Shawniece and Jon were into interracial dating they would seem like the better fit but me thinks Jon likes his blondes. No shade just what I think he likes though I think he and Shawniece would at the least have fun together.

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Now even Shawniece's mom is crying! Every season I end up feeling so badly for at least one of the cast who ends up getting shit on by their spouse.

The editors must have thrown in the previews for the rest of the season


because viewers were getting too annoyed at Jephte. Even if he somehow ends up pulling it together after he and Shawniece have sex, I'd have a hard time forgetting his initial revulsion if I was her.

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I don’t know, I go back and forth between feeling heartbroken for Shawniece and wondering why she keeps putting herself in the position to be rejected.  

Even though we haven’t heard him explicitly ask her to tone down the touching (which he should have) she sees how he reacts when she forces the physical, why does she keep doing it??   I almost wonder if she is playing it up for the cameras ... either being extra obnoxious when they’re on so he’ll be caught on tape acting very badly or if she’s thinking ‘a lot of people are going to see this, can’t you throw me a bone for the cameras’.

I’m by no means a Jephte apologist, he is behaving like a child (“use your words!”’) but I can see how frustrating it would be that she doesn’t get the message.  And you know if they shared a bed, Shawniece would be trying to sneak the moves on him all night.  He doesn’t seem mature enough to communicate his feelings in a kind and adult way.

I was surprised to see Shawniece  is 29, she seems much younger to me.  She is lovely, has a great energy, seems focused and ambitious ... I wish she didn’t seem like such a desperate for attention child who doesn’t care of the attention is good or bad.  I thought her Mother’s reaction to her tantrum was telling.

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3 hours ago, duckduckgoose said:

Yes I agree. I just cringe when Ryan does it. He's had enough time to understand what their relationship was. He's just cringeworthy all around, very arrogant in the way he interacts with people. 

I would assume a lot of people find it easier to call him through ex instead of basically calling him the (late) dead boyfriend everytime he's brought up. He's also not her boyfriend anymore regardless of the why so it may just fit better for some reason. Seeing as there is no disrespect intended I don't really care that he or anyone else says it. 

For several reasons I'm not sure if any of these people were ready to settle down. I think that's honestly something that happens through a growing relationship and connection. I know you can have instant match and it all clicks but marriage is hard enough under the best intentions. This is a lot of stress on top of something that normally has it's hard times anyway. 

Molly checks all my boxes for someone I wouldn't want to date. I don't care about her looks. She's just unappealing to me.

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I may be the outlier but I saw nothing wrong with Mollie insisting she keep some of her own money for her hair and nails. He is her husband but they did just meet and I wouldnt plan on downsizing my lifestyle to carry a guy who is not working. One of my musts in a husband is strong work ethic. I only saw a piece of this episode, but I would hope that Jon's first move on day 1 of post-honeymoon life would be to begin serious job-hunting immediately. Also, if I were her, I would be so annoyed inside at the matchmakers for pairing me with someone who was currently unemployed, and put his personal love life above work ethic and finances. Jon may be well educated and experienced, but finding a new job could take a couple of months, and choosing the show was just an irresponsible decision overall. I do think that a lot of women are given a hard time and are expected to do it all nowadays, especially by other women. I think that if the tables were turned and Molly was unemployed and Jon working, and he made statements like "I need to set aside some spending money every month for this/that certain hobby of mine",  people wouldnt bat an eye. 

Now, if they were an established couple who were married (like, married for REAL) and he lost his job, then I would think that if needed, Mollie would have to cut back on her spending money. 

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I hated Molly's uniformly "ripped" jeans during the apartment hunting segment.   I was with her on the importance of having a designated parking spot, though.  That can be a real quality of life issue in places where street parking is hard to find. 

I don't understand why Shawnice is so crushed by Jepthe.  They've known each other a week or so; she shouldn't have so much of her self-esteem riding on whether he is affectionate or not.  I could see her being frustrated or disappointed or angry at how he is with her, but when did she become so invested in his opinion of her that she's sobbing?  I mean, does she even like him as a person?   They haven't shown them to enjoy each other's company much, so I'd expect her to be more "whatever" about him.

Jaclyn should not be on this show.  Tv cameras in your face when you're grieving can't be helpful.

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6 hours ago, Gem 10 said:

"Leave me alone" Jep says to Shawnice as she kisses him good night on the floor.  One minute he's nice .. The next he says that to her?  Why can't he just sleep in the bed too.  Is he afraid she will jump him?  That girl has a lot of patience. I just hope things work out in her favor after all this.  How long will she be able to take this rejection?


6 hours ago, NoJustNo said:

I mean, WHAT is up with that? It's like he's a little boy. That would kill me. 


5 hours ago, Empress1 said:

I rewound and put the caption on to make sure I'd heard that right. What a dick. Jephte, you knew she was coming over, you couldn't at least kick the clothes in the closet? The "experts" really must be on some opposites attract thing with them. Shawniece's clothes and shoes and everything are neat and in containers and Jephte's room looks like the wreck of the Hesperus, as my mom used to say.

Shawniece's mom's double-take when she found out Jephte and Shawniece sleep in separate rooms was the highlight of the episode. I felt so bad for her when she was crying to her mother, and REALLY bad for her when she was crying to him and telling him what she wanted and he just sat there looking at her. Shawniece is pretty, funny, and ambitious - she deserves so much better.

I don't like Ryan but I did feel a little bad for him at the end when he was asking Jackie if she was over her late boyfriend enough to make the marriage work, because I don't think she is.

Molly and Jon were pretty boring. Molly's friend looks a lot like her.


5 hours ago, Neurochick said:

I think the problem is that some people don’t know the correct terminology is “late boyfriend.”  I see it more as ignorance than disrespect.

However, Jephte is disrespecting Shawnice.  Like I said, Jephte doesn’t like Shawnice because she’s not Rihanna.  If she looked like Rihanna, everything would be great for Jephte.


5 hours ago, Jazzhands said:

My heart was breaking for Shawnice in this episode. She was so lonely and rejected, and she got zero in the way of support from either her husband or her mother.  I didn’t like her in the first couple of episodes, but I felt terrible for her tonight.  I usually get a lot of fun smugness from watching this train wreck of a show and making fun of the participants, but this felt like kicking a puppy. Shawnice just looked like her spirit was breaking, and I hated myself for watching it. I’m done with this show. 


4 hours ago, ramble said:

I’m sure I’ll have more thoughts later, but my biggest takeaway from this episode was that Jepthe’s talking heads and how he treats Shawneice are completely opposite. He talks a good game but his actions speak the truth. Between his messiness and inability to understand the need to budget he was acting like he’s some  18 year old who just left home. I have to talk to a girl about money. Oh nos. Geez. 

I am just going to say it...I think Jephte  purposely left his place messy and was saying the wrong answers to the financial questions in order to turn her off.  I know that the other two guys made an effort for their places to look nice for their wives, but I would not be surprised if he was purposely being messy and exaggerating his financial irresponsibility , because he does not want to be married to her.

25 minutes ago, izabella said:

I hated Molly's uniformly "ripped" jeans during the apartment hunting segment.   I was with her on the importance of having a designated parking spot, though.  That can be a real quality of life issue in places where street parking is hard to find. 

I don't understand why Shawnice is so crushed by Jepthe.  They've known each other a week or so; she shouldn't have so much of her self-esteem riding on whether he is affectionate or not.  I could see her being frustrated or disappointed or angry at how he is with her, but when did she become so invested in his opinion of her that she's sobbing?  I mean, does she even like him as a person?   They haven't shown them to enjoy each other's company much, so I'd expect her to be more "whatever" about him.

Jaclyn should not be on this show.  Tv cameras in your face when you're grieving can't be helpful.

The answer is because she likes him....a lot.  He is her "huzzband" and to her that is all that matters.  She was on unfiltered and seems like a lovely person with a very generous nature.  She was being very kind and thoughtful of his feelings, even though he has constantly rejected her.  If this was a normal blind date, she would be a little hurt that he has ghosted her and was ignoring her text, but would get over it in a couple of days, and then move on.  Being  on this show and in this marriage is causing that rejection to be a wheel of torture that will last for six weeks.

If Jephte stays in this marriage after the six weeks, it will be purely for financial gain and self promotion.  It will be similar to the woman last year that was married to Cody.  We all knew she had zero interest in her groom, but keeping the gravy train running for a little longer worked to her advantage.

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I can't imagine what kind of woman would still keep trying with a guy who so obviously and rudely shows he is not interested. I think the vast majority of ladies would bounced by Day 2 or 3. I feel bad for Shawniece because she seems like a nice person but there is something a little off about her, like I am not completely sure that she is working with a full deck. I understand that she seems to want to make this "marriage" work (unless she is just playing a role here, which with this show would not surprise me) but you cant make it work with a brick wall. It does make me sad seeing her keep trying and getting upset even after this guy, whom while he is her husband she just met him, keeps showing his disinterest and rudeness. I think she definitely could use some self-esteem and self-love. I hope that if this keeps up, she will just ignore him rather than getting herself upset. Men respond to "no contact" a lot better than with communication about "where is this relationship going???!!!". 

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10 hours ago, Gem 10 said:

"Leave me alone" Jep says to Shawnice as she kisses him good night on the floor.  One minute he's nice .. The next he says that to her?  Why can't he just sleep in the bed too.  Is he afraid she will jump him?  That girl has a lot of patience. I just hope things work out in her favor after all this.  How long will she be able to take this rejection?

It's like he's a Sour Patch Kid, 1 minute he's sour and then he's sweet.

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Ryan comes off as an insincere oaf as he play acts empathy.

The camera light comes on, he takes stage direction from the producer and fake blah, blah, blah spews from his gob.

Camera light goes off and he high fives himself....

Jackie is in palpable pain as she opens the untouched boxes of 18 months ago.

The empty frame was a powerful metaphor for her missing Nick and their lost love...

The producer and Ryan stomp on her feelings for 30 seconds of Show...

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I have not watched all the seasons of this show, but is there any protocol in place if the couple recognizes early on that the "marriage" will not work and wants out?  Shawniece and Jephte are painful to watch.  I truly have no idea why he agreed to be on this show, much less why anyone would have thought he was a potential match for Shawniece.  I do recognize that the couple could be given a bad edit to make them look more mismatched and unhappy than they are, but I don't feel like that is the case here.    


I don't understand why Shawnice is so crushed by Jepthe.  They've known each other a week or so; she shouldn't have so much of her self-esteem riding on whether he is affectionate or not.  I could see her being frustrated or disappointed or angry at how he is with her, but when did she become so invested in his opinion of her that she's sobbing?  I mean, does she even like him as a person?   They haven't shown them to enjoy each other's company much, so I'd expect her to be more "whatever" about him.

In her defense, the show sells hard the idea that these people are supposed to be such a good match that they can get married without knowing anything about one another.  So to get stuck with someone who barely seems to tolerate your presence would be very depressing. 

Edited by txhorns79
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1 hour ago, humbleopinion said:


Jackie is in palpable pain as she opens the untouched boxes of 18 months ago.

The empty frame was a powerful metaphor for her missing Nick and their lost love...



Jackie so should have done this off camera, before she got herself married again, and maybe not with her CURRENT husband ...

I dont care for Ryan and I think Jackie seems like a cool girl but who clearly had no buisness doing this. 

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36 minutes ago, txhorns79 said:

I have not watched all the seasons of this show, but is there any protocol in place if the couple recognizes early on that the "marriage" will not work and wants out?  Shawniece and Jephte are painful to watch.  I truly have no idea why he agreed to be on this show, much less why anyone would have thought he was a potential match for Shawniece.  I do recognize that the couple could be given a bad edit to make them look more mismatched and unhappy than they are, but I don't feel like that is the case here.    

In her defense, the show sells hard the idea that these people are supposed to be such a good match that they can get married without knowing anything about one another.  So to get stuck with someone who barely seems to tolerate your presence would be very depressing. 

Two seasons ago one of the women, Heather, told her husband Derek that she wanted a divorce right after the honeymoon. They fought all the way through the honeymoon, mostly about his weed smoking (except they couldn't say "weed" so they just said "smoking," which made her look worse). They kept them both on the show for the rest of it but it was really obvious that they were shoehorned in and that Heather regretted doing it and wanted the experience behind her as quickly as possible. 

I don't think Jephte and Shawniece are getting a bad edit either. Shawniece's pain is real. Whatever Jephte is doing, he's hurting her. That "leave me alone!" was like ... whoa, dude.

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13 hours ago, duckduckgoose said:

Why does Ryan (and everyone on this board) continue to refer Jaclyn's deceased boyfriend as her EX??!? From what I gather, they were not broken up when he passed, so he is NOT an ex-boyfriend. 

If my husband died, if anyone henceforth referred to him as my ex by virtue of him being dead, I'd be freakin livid. (I recall Ryan calling him her ex once to her face, not just in his TH's; I would've gone off on him)

It's just easier to refer to him that way. If you did go off on someone for referring to him incorrectly you'd look like a total trainwreck.  It'd be like "NO MORE WIRE HANGERS!"

9 hours ago, Racj82 said:

I would assume a lot of people find it easier to call him through ex instead of basically calling him the (late) dead boyfriend everytime he's brought up. He's also not her boyfriend anymore regardless of the why so it may just fit better for some reason. Seeing as there is no disrespect intended I don't really care that he or anyone else says it. 



Edited by NoJustNo
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Whichever poster said that this show uses marriage as therapy was so on point. Has Jaclyn been to therapy since her boyfriend's death? It felt so exploitative for the producers to have her go through those boxes on-camera. I dislike Ryan but he shouldn't have been matched with someone who might have unresolved trauma. That being said, it didn't help that Ryan said that their relationship was going backwards and that he brought zero baggage into their marriage. 

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I didn't mind Molly being concerned about parking. Jackie wanted the same thing and no one made a big deal out of it. I hated that Jon didn't take his cat.  Molly seems reIieved Jon is an adult lol. Those 2 will never last Molly is too uptight and doesn't seem like much fun. 


 I can't believe Shawniece still lives at home! I lived on my own since I graduated college. I know everyone is different bit both Shawniece and jephte seem  like overgrown children. I agree jephte left his room a mess because he wants to turn shawniece off. I think he's rude but I get why he won't show her any affection or sleep in the same bed as her. If she were a guy I was taking things slow with or wasn't attracted to I'd do the exact same thing. Jephte is uncomfortable with Shawniece affections and is disrespectful. Hes already expressed he's an elementary school teacher he didn't want to discuss masterbation on camera and needs to watch how he presents himself. And she steamrolled over his requests and gave him a lap dance. If a guy did that to me after I'd asked he tone it down I'd be angry and feel he was violating my boundaries. Shawniece crying  constantly is annoying as well. You've known the guy 2 weeks. Chill. And in the previews she announces they had sex. Once again disregarding jephtes wishes to not broadcast personal details. While I think she's a sweet funny girl I think she's very self centered and not good at relating to others. 

As for Jackie and Ryan. Jackie is nowhere near ready to be married and though I'm not a fan of Ryan the show did him a huge disservice in matching him with a woman who is still deep in her grief. Ryan seems to be one of the few men ever to be on this show who really wants to be married. If Jackie hadn't even gone Thru her late boyfriends boxes yet she's not even ready to date much less get married! Not the same, I know but when I was 17 my  boyfriend  died in a car accident. It's 20 years later and I haven't stopped missing him. The first 5 years were the hardest. I looked for him in others and no one could ever measure up. When a partner dies you sort of put them on a pedastal and there faults no longer exist in your mind. No one will ever be as great as they were so Ryan has no chance. He might be a, distraction but that's it. And I call my late boyfriend an ex. 

But I do understand Ryan's point of view as well. He doesn't articulate it very well. I dated a great guy who had recently gotten divorced. His wife had left him. No chance at reconciliation. He didnt still love her but they had spent 19 years together. Practically the majority of his adult life. I was the first woman he'd dated since his, divorce. I expected him to be happy and excited to do new things with me and to make new memories. And at times he was but other times he was grieving the loss of his family. They had children who were teens but our first Christmas was also his first Christmas without his kids under his  roof together so it was tough on him. I got upset at times (as Ryan will) because in a, weird way I felt I wasn't good enough for him to get over his past and thst if he were  truly happy with me he wouldn't dwell on how his old life was gone and instead would be excited to start a new better life with me. I wanted him to live in the present. And I'm sure while Ryan understands the loss is, still hard on Jackie he wants her to focus on their new life together. Because it sucks when u are giving 100% and u feel like ur partner is not all there. 

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14 hours ago, Empress1 said:

Why didn't Jephte sleep on the couch? 

He said last night on Twitter that he didn't have one. I think I speculated on the podcast that his roommate, who had just moved out, had owned a couch and taken it with him.

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3 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

Ryan comes off as an insincere oaf as he play acts empathy.

The camera light comes on, he takes stage direction from the producer and fake blah, blah, blah spews from his gob.

Camera light goes off and he high fives himself....

Jackie is in palpable pain as she opens the untouched boxes of 18 months ago.

The empty frame was a powerful metaphor for her missing Nick and their lost love...

The producer and Ryan stomp on her feelings for 30 seconds of Show...

This "on camera Ryan" was never more clear than in that scene after they chose the apartment and they had a little smooch. He looked straight at the producer just off to the side of the camera like "I'm totally nailing this husband thing. Nailing it! Get it? Heh." Ugh.

The romantic in me wants this impending disaster to work FOR Jaclyn, to help her heal. Give her something positive to help her move forward.... But, damn Ryan is so clueless. He wasn't wrong to ask if she's ready for a new relationship. Sadly, he was a total idiot about the way he discussed her grief. Her reaction to the boxes was big, ugly, hard to watch, grief.

Her grief was not about him. None of it that part is about him.

Unless you've grieved a loss that big, there's really no way to do more that support and empathize. You can't fix it. He doesn't understand. He "has no baggage" (eff you for this one, especially). He's so self centered, he took it personally. Then basically told her she needs to move on. I wanted to reach through the TV and shake him.

They CAN work if he doesn't push her to stop talking about it, to just move on already, etc. Consider me doubtful.

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15 hours ago, Gem 10 said:

"Leave me alone" Jep says to Shawnice as she kisses him good night on the floor.  One minute he's nice .. The next he says that to her?  Why can't he just sleep in the bed too.  Is he afraid she will jump him?  That girl has a lot of patience. I just hope things work out in her favor after all this.  How long will she be able to take this rejection?

He sounds like he's nine, and is afraid she'll give him cooties.


47 minutes ago, Meowwww said:

So.  Jephte is not willing to show affection on camera, but he WILL show his nasty dirty house.  


He's a slob. And he doesn't care. He's perfectly happy to dictate to Shawniece how she should act and behave, but he sets no such standards for himself.

I'm sure that Shawniece is still in there trying because she's bought into the premise of the show, that they are actually married and should be trying to build a partnership. Plus I don't doubt that after the debacle with Heather, production is putting pressure on her to hang in there. Jepthe acts like they are on a date. Further, he acts like he is in the driver's seat--its up to him to approve of Shawniece, to accept her and to call all the shots. He does not feel that he has to show his best self to her. He's like a sulky teen. "so, this is my room. I didn't want her to think I was going to change for her. She can take me as I am." He is awful and once more, I just wanted to give Shawniece a big hug. He is so very unkind to her.

1 hour ago, kira28 said:

 I can't believe Shawniece still lives at home! I

Her family owns the house and she has a floor to herself. Renting is expensive in Boston. She has her own space and privacy.

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8 hours ago, Lily247 said:

 I feel bad for Shawniece because she seems like a nice person but there is something a little off about her, like I am not completely sure that she is working with a full deck.

I don't think Shawniece is working with a full deck either.  After seeing her on “Unfiltered” I am starting to see her in a different light.  She giddily used the phrase “my huzzbin” 27 times.  She seems to be one of those women that like to announce to the world that they have a husband.  I hate to break it to her, but based on what we’ve seen so far, Jep isn’t her husband or appears to have any deserve to be.  Here’s hoping it’s all a smoke screen and that “her huzzbin” had a remarkable change of heart.

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7 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Jepthe acts like they are on a date. Further, he acts like he is in the driver's seat--its up to him to approve of Shawniece, to accept her and to call all the shots. He does not feel that he has to show his best self to her. He's like a sulky teen. "so, this is my room. I didn't want her to think I was going to change for her. She can take me as I am." He is awful and once more, I just wanted to give Shawniece a big hug. He is so very unkind to her.

Shawniece would do better to behave more like Jepthe.  Why is she so quick to accept him when he hasn't shown himself to be anything SHE wants?  She's so eager for his approval that she puts her own needs and wants on the back burner, so Jepthe does, too.

I also don't blame Ryan much for his reactions to Jaclyn's grief.  He's not a grief counselor, and didn't sign up to be one.  I can't fault him for not being able to say and do the right things under the circumstances. 

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7 minutes ago, izabella said:

Shawniece would do better to behave more like Jepthe.  Why is she so quick to accept him when he hasn't shown himself to be anything SHE wants?  She's so eager for his approval that she puts her own needs and wants on the back burner, so Jepthe does, too.

I also don't blame Ryan much for his reactions to Jaclyn's grief.  He's not a grief counselor, and didn't sign up to be one.  I can't fault him for not being able to say and do the right things under the circumstances. 

Sadly, society socializes women to put the needs and wants of others ahead of themselves. Molly expressed that she sets aside money every month for her hair and nails and that she was uncomfortable/allergic to cats, and I see commenters on other message boards calling her names like "selfish bitch". Basically, you're damned if you do and you're damned if you don't. 

Edited by Gobears
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15 hours ago, Gem 10 said:

After tonight, I still say Molly is a pain in the ass.  It seems like everything is about her and what she wants.  Seems that she really doesn't care about anything he wants.  He even gave up the cat for her.


5 minutes ago, Gobears said:

Sadly, society socializes women to put the needs and wants of others ahead of themselves. Molly expressed that she sets aside money every month for her hair and nails and that she was uncomfortable/allergic to cats, and I see commenters on other message boards calling her names like "selfish bitch". Basically, you're damned if you do and you're damned if you don't. 

I think it's the vibe she is giving off of not caring about what Jon wants or needs that is bothering people. And the vibe is that she's out for herself. At this point he's really trying to make her happy. She needs to get out of her own head and give a damn about her "husbands" happiness, too. 

Jep sleeping on the floor. Grow up, you manchild. Not picturing this guy as a teacher at all. And clean up after yourself! 

Jackie was not ready to sign up for this show. In retrospect she probably realizes it was a bad idea and she is still greiving. You have to feel a little bit sorry for Ryan. He didn't ask for this. I don't think it was fair of the coaches to not tell him before the wedding what was going on with Jackie's life. That's a huge amount of baggage and a big deal and not to tell him was cruel.  

Also, what kind of behind the scenes vetting does this stupid show do? You think they may want to ask in the interviews if the applicants are allergic or have a fear of dogs or cats or if they prefer to be matched with someone without pets? Having to find other accommodations for the cat was also cruel in my opinion. 

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After watching the "Weddings" episode I thought, 2 good men & 2 good women, but as usually happens, my opinions change as each participant reveals more of themselves. 

Molly & Jonathan:  I thought these 2 were a really good match. Jonathan seems like an all-around good guy. He obviously works out, but I think his physique & physicality are what he wants everyone to notice first & foremost, so much, that it is a defining characteristic of his character & life, and that it might limit his emotional maturation & vulnerability, an important part in a deep connection.  Molly is obviously a beautiful woman, but she is being overly cautious. She had the moxy to try this experiment, but it looks like she's frozen in the starting gate. 


Shawniece & Jephte:  I thought Shawniece lacked class after she gave Jephte a lap dance at the reception, but she's shown that she's much more than that. She's really making an effort to connect and do whatever it takes to make it work, showing great patience. I really liked Jephte in the beginning, and I think he can still prove to be worthy of Shawniece, but he's got to stop blocking her at every turn. He seems like a deep, balanced individual, but he's most definitely a mama's boy and has rigid boundaries. Also, maybe he's a virgin? Could be.


Jaclyn & Ryan:  I don't think Jaclyn was emotionally ready for this, although up until the final part of last night's episode, she's been doing everything one could ask of a partner, and then some. She just seems like a genuinely sweet and caring person and unfortunately, the matchmakers made a huge error in pairing her with Ryan. Ryan, what to say? This guy is a certified goofball. At the wedding and the honeymoon, all I could hear him say was my bride, my wife, not calling her by her name, like he's taking possession of her. She can do far better than him. 

Edited by Ike Mana
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16 hours ago, duckduckgoose said:

Why does Ryan (and everyone on this board) continue to refer Jaclyn's deceased boyfriend as her EX??!? From what I gather, they were not broken up when he passed, so he is NOT an ex-boyfriend. 

If my husband died, if anyone henceforth referred to him as my ex by virtue of him being dead, I'd be freakin livid. (I recall Ryan calling him her ex once to her face, not just in his TH's; I would've gone off on him)

He is an EX-human. He is NO MORE!

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Every time I think of Ryan saying he brought no baggage with him into the relationship I laugh to myself. Of course you didn't Mr. Exaggerated Personality. 

Edited by ramble
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I think Jaclyn is too good looking for Ryan.  Nice guy, but he's very average looking and seems to be all over the place, scatterbrain, talks too much and won't shut up.  She's beautiful, intelligent, athletic, fun, seems like she's perfect wifey material.  She could do a lot better, if her "LATE boyfriend" died barely 18 months before the show started, I'm sure she was grieving for awhile, so I highly doubt she gave the traditional and online dating thing a chance.  She rushed into this and he's not a bad guy at all, she could do a lot better though.  

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I think Jaclyn and Ryan are evenly matched, looks-wise.  And LOLd that Jephte acted shocked that he would have to live with someone, and then decided she wasn't enough of a "stranger" that he should clean his room for her.  But I am here to gripe about something different, which is the way this show is edited.  First of all, when it starts I don't mind a few scenes from last week, but I don't need 90 seconds worth of what's going to happen RIGHT NOW.  You've already hooked me - I'm here watching!  Or scenes of them on the couch on decision day.  Then their conversations:  when Shawniece was crying to Jephte, AND when Ryan was trying to explain himself to Jaclyn, all they showed was Jephte and Jaclyn staring at them.  Then a little TH and more staring.  I'm sure they had to have said something, and that is what I am watching to see!  If it's a time matter you can remove a segment of an "expert" reminding me that these people are strangers.

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I was glad to see more of Jon's serious (adult?) side this episode. Still waiting for Molly to show an ounce of fun, though. The parties she's the life of must be wakes, with her as the sole guest.

Was it weird that Jon and Molly each ordered an individual pizza? First of all, there's no way she eats more than one slice, but did no one match them on crust and topping preferences?

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10 minutes ago, princelina said:

I think Jaclyn and Ryan are evenly matched, looks-wise.  And LOLd that Jephte acted shocked that he would have to live with someone, and then decided she wasn't enough of a "stranger" that he should clean his room for her.  But I am here to gripe about something different, which is the way this show is edited.  First of all, when it starts I don't mind a few scenes from last week, but I don't need 90 seconds worth of what's going to happen RIGHT NOW.  You've already hooked me - I'm here watching!  Or scenes of them on the couch on decision day.  Then their conversations:  when Shawniece was crying to Jephte, AND when Ryan was trying to explain himself to Jaclyn, all they showed was Jephte and Jaclyn staring at them.  Then a little TH and more staring.  I'm sure they had to have said something, and that is what I am watching to see!  If it's a time matter you can remove a segment of an "expert" reminding me that these people are strangers.

I'd have to respectfully disagree with you on Jaclyn and Ryan, she is way too attractive for him.  Like I stated in my previous post, her boyfriend died 18 months before the show started, I'd imagine she was grieving for awhile and didn't even really try dating, she could do A LOT better with a combination of traditional and online dating.

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