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The Bachelor Winter Games - General Discussion

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Looking back I think about Luke and Stassi's kiss in the kissing contest. She kissed him and was so tender and sweet. Luke acted stiff and more worried about what JoJo was going to think. Yes it was a long shot but dude couldn't even give her a call to say it wasn't going to work. Nothing? I think he was in it just for the money and fame.

I think Bibiana just wanted to be coupled with someone in hindsight but got cold feet when she saw Jordan was serious. I felt sorry for him the way she totally overreacted to just a discussion. 

Courtney and Lily were my favorites. They just seem really down to earth and real. I think they have a better shot of going the distance than most of the couples that come out of this franchise. How cool that they are moving here. Best of luck to them.

ETA: Oh yeah how could I forget Clare and Benoit? Let me add my congrats and really hope that she realizes what she has in him. 

Edited by yorklee2
  • Love 9

Holy crap Bibi had a crazy bawling reaction to Jordan wanting to see her after the show. It felt a little extreme for what they talked about. I think she was done when he didn’t follow her directions at dance practice. She got mad quickly. However when he started doing the dishes and cleaning the kitchen to deal with the stress I suddenly found him much hotter than I had before. 

I think Kevin sounds kind of like Yogi Bear. I find myself imagining him as a cartoon and then I picture a cartoon Ashley with Jessica Rabbit makeup crying next to him. Even as someone who cries easily and is an admitted social crier I find myself tired of her tears. In the oddest way I feel like Ashley is smart girl dumb, if that makes any sense. I don’t think she’s dumb but around a boy she turns dumb. Not that Kevin seems like he’d notice. 

Without fail I feel icky listening to the discussion about the fantasy suite. Talk about a next chapter or spending quality time together all you want but we all know it’s sex. Watching two people decide whether to sleep together or not always feels voyeuristic to me. 

Did Luke pull a Kasey and pledge to guard and protect her heart? That takes me back! 

Courtney and Lily are stinking adorable. I’m glad we got to finally see more than 30 seconds of them. I know it’s TV and editing and all that stuff, but I felt a right reasons tingle for moment. 

The figure skating bored me. I appreciated Lily and Courtney’s more fun themed routine than trying to sell the hot connection. But I knew Ashley and Kevin would win Ashley has somehow been declared America’s (deflowered) Virgin.

Going to watch the tell all now... 

  • Love 6
2 hours ago, saber5055 said:

If you know who is, since you are sure Bibiana is not, do tell. We're all waiting to hear.

I thought the skating was fun and it made me laugh. It was so cool to see Tai and Randy again. I loved watching them in the Olympics, always rooted for them. Glad to see they are still around.

Bibiana left in Week 3.  Since this show started recycling contestants, the leads have almost always been chosen from people who made it to hometown dates.  Juan Pablo was an exception as an early boot who was chosen as a lead, and his season was pretty much considered to be a disaster.

  • Love 5

I *loved* that 2 of the 4 couples chose to "forego the fantasy suite".  

Oh, Luke. You had me fooled with the comforting, supportive "you will do this on your own terms" and "she's comfortable in her own skin" lines. I even wanted you as The Bachelor instead of Nick. What a creep. Let's hope the Bachelor franchise never calls *him*, though we all know that won't happen. They love redemption stories.

I feel like Bibiana is going to be a Bachelor mainstay. She fits in a little too well. The overreaction, the inappropriate outfits, the lack of self-awareness. 

I want a Lily and Courtney spinoff. 

Yeah, happy tears were shed for Clare. She was right reasons all along.

Did the Bachelor franchise really take up 7 hours of prime time programming this week? 

  • Love 6

I love Lily and Courtney, and she looks great with her hair down actually even though it's clearly not her style. They seem really down to earth and totally into each other. The cross-country RV trip was I think more romantic/good news than Claire and Benoit!

Oh and welcome to Your Life With Dean where everything 'serious' is made to be a joke. Enjoy your key.

Add another to the tally of people shocked Ashley didn't make Kevin run screaming. Yet.

I think the key to this show "working" as opposed to the grand train wreck that was this past summer's BiP was that there were some real people that actually were there to meet someone; or at least talk to someone of the opposite sex instead of just broing down in the jacuzzi.

  • Love 15

Watched the Tell All...

The reindeer is the audience was awesome! Overall this has such a more pleasant vibe than the Women/Men Tell All shows. I cry a little even at the meaner vibed shows but this made me really cry. 

I find Lily and Courtney adorable and loved their trip footage. But how do people just pick up and move around the world? It sounded so easy. I can’t move across town without weeks of planning and much drama. I hope they make it! 

I’m surprised Dean and Lesley are still together and seem happy. Who knows? Maybe it’ll work. I loved Christen’s look when he thought Dean was going to propose. 

I’ve been neutral about Luke and (unpopular opinion) I still am. Maybe I missed stuff but I never got the feeling he and Stassi were serious. I thought, Clare, that for most people it was about Instagram followers. I felt a bit bad for Stassi, but as a wrong reasons viewer it didn’t really bug me.

Ashley and Kevin... I’m so over her. Can she move to Canada and fade out of the bachelor world. Please? Her eyelashes make my eyes tired just looking at them. I’m glad they’re keeping their sex life private but I have a sneaking suspicion Ashley would’ve been willing to do some talking. 

Clare, oh Clare. I’ve always liked her for some reason. I hope this has a chance. I don’t really understand how it all happened but Benoit seemed to be sure after just a few days so maybe he knew. I hope she doesn’t end up hurting him. Watching her montage made me realize that I’ll never hesr the word jacuzzi without thinking Date! 


ETA:  I was just thinking about the fact that the contestants weren’t having alcohol pushed on them constantly. That’s unusual for this franchise. I wonder if that’s part of the reason why people seemed more mellow overall, and more pleasant. 

Edited by ramble
  • Love 9
4 hours ago, TheFinalRose said:

After watching the Happily Ever After I felt that Ben was a weird combo of naivete and self-absorption that got on Lauren's last nerve. Maybe it was faked for the show, but who is naive enough to think that starring in the Bachelor merits singing the National Anthem at a major league baseball game? Ben did! And remember he was going to run for public office after his season but ABC said he couldn't.  Who thinks that starring in the Bachelor merits holding public office? Ben did! And apparently he wanted to host the Winter Games with Chris Harrison, but they said no. So who thinks being the Bachelor merits stealing Chris Harrison's job from under him? Ben did! 

I know we all knock Sean Lowe for showing up constantly but he has pretty much stayed in his lane and pursued cheesy opportunities with a sense of humor. Ben, however, seems to treat his Bachelor position as a launch pad to pretty much any opportunity he sets his eyes on. I'm sensing some serious, self-absorbed, special snowflake vibes from him, and I think Lauren did too, and cut and ran.

I thought after Chris S and other bachelors (Juan Pablo) that Ben seemed intelligent, respectable and was a good conversationalist. I was skeptical about him doing the Bachelor again (especially after hearing he had a girlfriend going into the Winter Games) but was prepared to give him the benefit of the doubt. I didn't watch Happily Ever After so I never saw that side of him. After reading your post I think my skepticism has turned to full on distrust. Beneath the respectable veneer he's just another famewhore. Probably more so.

Edited by yorklee2
  • Love 3
2 hours ago, Stan39 said:

 do wonder about Kevin and Ashley I. She's pretty into the reality/pop culture scene. Even if it's not on the Bachelor I wonder if she can really escape the cameras? I can't really see Kevin enjoying LA/Hollywood. 



The problem with Kevin, unless a lot has changed from when he was the final pick of Jasmine on Bachelor Canada, is his mother. She was horrible, and made it clear to Jasmine that as a hairdresser she was not good enough for her baby (because he is a firefighter and saves people, don't ya know). She also was insistant that Kevin would not be leaving the Toronto area (Jasmine lived outside Vancouver) as he is expected for Sunday family dinner every single weekend. Even Kevin said that. I kid you not. So unless he has grown some balls to put mom in her place, I don't see this romance going anywhere serious. 

  • Love 10
2 hours ago, Stan39 said:

Canadiens and Australians (and probably Kiwis) are awesome. Go to Vancouver in the summer and you'll love every minute of it. 

Oh Australia is soooo on my list too. I'd take Jordan!! LOL! 

Vancouver (that's supposed to be Vermont) on my to visit list too but for nature (photos) and a friend. Didn't know there's other 'beauty' to see. Thanks!! 

Why I read Vancouver thinking Vermont no clue - this is why I should be asleep now lol! 

You all are entertaining!!

i'm still scratching my head at how quickly Bibiana lost it with Jordan. Though she was really working my nerves during their rehearsal. I'm surprised he didn't bring that up when talking to her. 

Edited by Llama
Vancouver is not Vermont!
  • Love 2
On ‎2‎/‎21‎/‎2018 at 1:17 PM, Wandering Snark said:

Dean's "performance" kiss spoke volumes about how 'serious' he is and how everything that is supposed to be serious is a joke/funny to him. It would make a close fight between him and Ashley on which is more stunted emotionally.

I don't know - having to "compete"  by making out with someone in front of others is pretty weird - especially when it's a new relationship. Just inappropriate to "judge" kissing, and to think that you can judge a relationship by how passionate they are when kissing in front of others.    Rachel was a bitch.  

The Kevin and Ashley pottery date was hilarious to me.  they were trying to recreate the scene from the movie "Ghost", even played some music that was not "Unchained Melody", but was supposed to remind us of that song. 

Ashley I's clothes always look to me like costumes.  And pretty whore-ish for a virgin.  I cant believe that dress stayed on without a malfunction - was it glued on? 

I don't understand the whole international thing.  If you meet someone from another country, with the language/culture differences, plus living on different continents - how does a relationship work? 

Bibianna looks so much better on this show than she did on the Bachelor. 

Edited by backformore
  • Love 1

I've been neutral about Luke and (unpopular opinion) I still am. Maybe I missed stuff but I never got the feeling he and Stassi were serious.

Well apparently he wasn't although he was constantly with the, "me and Stassi are one of the strongest couples here", and "we have such a strong connection". And I think she genuinely cared for him. She wasn't comfortable with the kissing contest but did it for him. And then the way she kissed him. She said not many people had a "mental" connection like they did. Her way of saying it was more than just physical I think. She even told him that she was open to moving if it came to that. 

I didn't expect it to last because let's face it the odds were against them but to not even give her the courtesy of a phone call. Nothing. Dead silence. That's pretty low in my book. He's probably did this to women all his life. He's a player and I hope TPTB don't try to give him a redemption arc in the future as one poster thought they might. I hope to never see him on my TV again.

  • Love 19
4 hours ago, yorklee2 said:

He's a player and I hope TPTB don't try to give him a redemption arc in the future as one poster thought they might. I hope to never see him on my TV again.

That was me, but I'm with you on not wanting to see him on my screen again. Sadly, I think whether or not that happens will be driven by public interest in him, e.g. whether he sees an increase in Instagram followers. 

It's interesting he chose the "we talked about this" defense, which, in the history of defenses, has never worked. What he should have done was apologize profusely for shutting down, or for not knowing what to say, or for being confused, or for being a straight up jerk. Anything involving apologizing profusely. He doesn't have to have feelings for Stassi, but he has a responsibility to be a decent human being. We'll see if the public forgives him. 

  • Love 19
6 hours ago, Wandering Snark said:

Oh and welcome to Your Life With Dean where everything 'serious' is made to be a joke. Enjoy your key.

Yes, I think Dean should have been booed for that.  I can't get into a "joke" that basically humiliated her in front of the world. How funny to make a woman's heart lift with joy over getting a proposal only to smack it down when she realizes it's an invitation to his apartment!  Dean said all the right things to Lesley on their Fantasy Suite date and I was ready to forgive a long history of childish behavior but the fake-out proposal has me back to hating him.

Luke has shown that he can perform a very sincere looking fake love.  Bachelor Nation will never trust him again, and if his band actually has any fans, now, they, too, know he's just faking his romantic songs. I hate his hair and I hope his fifteen minutes are up.

Things just aren't fair for Bibiana.  It wasn't fair that the other girls (who stepped up for it) got time with Arie, and now it wasn't fair that this latest guy was pressing to talk about the future when the other girls weren't being pressed.  How awful for her that her man wanted to continue seeing her!  Too bad she hadn't been paired with Luke.

  • Love 22

Missed the first hour last night so catching up this morning. Ugh, Bibiana. Jordan wants to have a genuine discussion about their future (with no pressure about the choice) and Bibiana lights up inside and sees it as her moment to turn in her Scarlett O'Hara in Gone with the Wind performance. Coupled with her canned response at the reunion and it's clear she wants to be the new Clare. I see many years on BIP of her treating men poorly, then crying to play the victim. 


This was fun, but I feel bad for the international people who paired up with Americans. Clearly, they still act and behave like grown adults and have no idea that these people turn into emotional wrecks at the flip of the camera to try to get screen time. Even Ben, who I generally like, always talks about people with respect to their "stories". As if the most important part of a human is a 30-second performance they can give to summarize how they ended up on TV. I hope ABC takes notice of the positive response to Lilly and Courtney and the other internationals and tries bringing on more genuine people. 

  • Love 17
10 hours ago, fib said:

Oh yes.  She brought the sass this episode, but it was NOT flattering.  I was #teampeter, so I soured on her a lot at the end of her season. I didnt begrudge her anger with Peter, but I hated the way she treated him on the aftershow, when she knew it was always Brian, andshe could see he was still hurt. YMMV.  But seeing her dump on Dean confirmed it for me - she is a mean girl. I'm over it, just like I am with pretty much every other lead: Nick, Ben, Kaitlyn, Andi.   

 Peter was not hurt. He said horrible things to her, stayed bashing Brian and then tried to play victim. He never even had any intentions of marrying Rachel. Neither did Dean who straight stated he doesn't believe in marriage in his bio and has taken the opportunity to hop on every bachelor related show like his ex bachelor contestant next door neighbors.

10 hours ago, JenE4 said:

Tonya gets a Golden Globe (Oscar??) award-nominated movie portrayal and poor Nancy gets to teach some Bachelor rejects how to figure skate. This is basically the same comeback story...right?


10 hours ago, JenE4 said:

Courtney and Lily’s Amazing RV Journey was the greatest piece of cinematography ever seen in Bachelor History (well, second behind the Ryan Putz re-enactment jumping off the balcony and breaking his legs). These two are just too sweet! They spent Christmas together! They just up and moved to LA! Um, guess since they’re white “immigration reform” doesn’t apply to them

I have a sneaking suspicion this has nothing to do with race and everything to do with ABC (or whoever it is that owns the show) getting them on the green card fast track.  I really thought these two were genuine, but now that I'm hearing about this move to LA, my cynical self says they have "wrong reasons" written all over them.  I'm pretty disappointed, I must say.

8 hours ago, ramble said:

Clare, oh Clare. I’ve always liked her for some reason.

So did I, until I heard the condescending tone she used with Christian...I'm not sure how popular this is, but I didn't think he was so bad.  And I didn't get her talking about their "misunderstanding."  He said he'd meet her in the Jacuzzi and she said "it's a date."  I'm not sure what could have been misunderstood.

  • Love 13

Luke is the worst type of guy ... the " I like you so much ... we have such a strong connection " type that makes you fall for them and when they do what he did to stassi, you just keep replaying in your head all the nice guy stuff they said to you and realize that person is a sociopath . I mean it's funny to even really criticize him because the taping was only 10 days long .. but I guess when you're hanging out with people 24 hours a day for 10 days you can get close and we all saw the things he said to her . My guess as to why he said all those things and stayed with her as a couple was because he knew he'd get kicked off and sent home and couldn't get his full screen time that he wanted . 

I had to laugh when Clare gave her speech about people who want to come on the show for more instagram followers are terrible because even though I think she did really want to find someone , she's been on the show at least 4 times !! That screams reality fanewhore to me 

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, kazza said:

That was me, but I'm with you on not wanting to see him on my screen again. Sadly, I think whether or not that happens will be driven by public interest in him, e.g. whether he sees an increase in Instagram followers. 

It's interesting he chose the "we talked about this" defense, which, in the history of defenses, has never worked. What he should have done was apologize profusely for shutting down, or for not knowing what to say, or for being confused, or for being a straight up jerk. Anything involving apologizing profusely. He doesn't have to have feelings for Stassi, but he has a responsibility to be a decent human being. We'll see if the public forgives him. 


59 minutes ago, JudyObscure said:

Yes, I think Dean should have been booed for that.  I can't get into a "joke" that basically humiliated her in front of the world. How funny to make a woman's heart lift with joy over getting a proposal only to smack it down when she realizes it's an invitation to his apartment!  Dean said all the right things to Lesley on their Fantasy Suite date and I was ready to forgive a long history of childish behavior but the fake-out proposal has me back to hating him.

Luke has shown that he can perform a very sincere looking fake love.  Bachelor Nation will never trust him again, and if his band actually has any fans, now, they, too, know he's just faking his romantic songs. I hate his hair and I hope his fifteen minutes are up.

Things just aren't fair for Bibiana.  It wasn't fair that the other girls (who stepped up for it) got time with Arie, and now it wasn't fair that this latest guy was pressing to talk about the future when the other girls weren't being pressed.  How awful for her that her man wanted to continue seeing her!  Too bad she hadn't been paired with Luke.

Yeah I'm sure Bibiana thinks everyone feels so sorry for her. Or at least that was her intentions. She came off more a whiner than anything. I don't feel sorry for her. 

That was such a lame move from Dean. I noticed she seemed kind of let down after expecting a proposal but quickly hid it. He thought he was being so clever and per his usual immature self didn't stop to think how that would make her feel. Especially on national TV. I wonder how long she's going to waste her time with him.

Sometime after JoJo's season I saw a video on YouTube I think it was where two women that Luke had dated joined together to make a video about what a player he was. They were warning other ladies to steer clear of him. I didn't pay much attention to it at the time because I thought they were just vindictive losers wanting their 15 minutes of fame. Not now. This is evidently a pattern with him that he has gotten by with all life. No he didn't have to care for Stassi but why the over the top declarations of what a connection they had when like others he could have said he liked her but had reservations about the distance and something lasting? But he played her and was cocky enough to think he could come on national TV try to spin it and all would be forgiven. Unlike him though most people have decent common courtesy. What a tool. I can't stand him.

  • Love 10

I don't know if it was editing or what, but it seemed like a sudden 180 from her.

Bibiana did that on Arie's show too.... the sudden temper tantrum and crying for what seems like a slight offense. She got so annoyed so fast with Jordan in the dance practice that I felt sorry for him. Me thinks Jordan dodged a bullet with her and maybe two or three days of pleasant interactions is probably Bibi's limit and then her fuse blows and she flys off the handle. 



I have a bad feeling about Clare and Benoit. I'll be happy if they prove me wrong, but they were completely over the top after only two months of long-distance dating. I predict they'll fizzle out within the next six months.

Me too. What is with her "I wanted a guy who would never give up on me" insistence? Makes me wonder if her thing is to test the guy constantly to see what his limit is before she is satisfied. Who would want a guy that would be ok with that? I





Mark my words, if Ashley and Kevin decide to get married, TPTB will be throwing money at them to televise the wedding.

Oh, thanks for bringing my depression back Chocolatine. You are so absolutely right about that. We'll never be rid of Ashley.


Please stick together Kevin and Ashley so that there is no possible way Ashley is ever recast on any of these shows. Please. Please. Please. #overherandherlipstick.  Oh, and their "win" was a scam. Luke and Stassi had the best ice skating performance. 

Man, Luke was cold. He was definitely thrown under the bus by the producers. Maybe he'll show up on BIP but what woman would want him after seeing that? Makes me glad now to know that he had his bags packed and his airline boarding pass and then got the call that Nick V was the Bachelor. Luke would have been a disaster. 


Yes, I think Dean should have been booed for that.  I can't get into a "joke" that basically humiliated her in front of the world. How funny to make a woman's heart lift with joy over getting a proposal only to smack it down when she realizes it's an invitation to his apartment!  Dean said all the right things to Lesley on their Fantasy Suite date and I was ready to forgive a long history of childish behavior but the fake-out proposal has me back to hating him.

I dunno with those two. They both seem like jokesters and I wouldn't be surprised if they planned the faux engagement together for a good laugh. Lesley didn't have the requisite weak at the knees moment before the ring box opened.

  • Love 13
1 hour ago, ByTor said:

I really thought these two were genuine, but now that I'm hearing about this move to LA, my cynical self says they have "wrong reasons" written all over them.  I'm pretty disappointed, I must say.

No! I am not ok with that.  I want to believe they're as genuinely awesome as they appeared on the show.

I'm going to hope you're wrong :). But I still heart ya, @ByTor ?.

Edited by woodscommaelle
  • Love 5

Watching his right now. The ice dancing practices remind of the coach/dancer segments on Dancing with the Stars. And Bibiana, don't take it so seriously! This is just a silly competition. If you lose, so what? That doesn't mean you and Jordan automatically break up.

Oh gosh, Courtney doing a snow angel in the snow with just his shorts on. (Speaking of snow, I spent the last half hour snow blowing my driveway.)

Poor Jordan, he lays it out there for Bibiana and she doesn't know how to answer him. I think he's the handsomest one there. And then Bibiana blabs about it to Ashley just as Jordan is going down the stairs. Nice for him to know that his personal conversation is being relayed on to Ashley.  The thing is, he didn't ask her to marry him. She can just agree to keep in touch and communicate. It's like she wants a relationship in her head but when it's offered to her in real life, it's a different story.

Aw, poor Jordan. If she's not ready, she's not ready. Too bad Yuki and Tiffany already went home!

  • Love 4
13 hours ago, meatball77 said:

I think Yuki is cute.  I watch a lot of Asian dramas though and therefore her behavior doesn't seem that odd to me, she's just acting like a character on a Drama.

Which is why she annoyed the living hell out of me.  To be fair, though, there must have been more to her than that, everybody in the house seemed to really like her.

  • Love 6
11 minutes ago, woodscommaelle said:
1 hour ago, ByTor said:

I really thought these two were genuine, but now that I'm hearing about this move to LA, my cynical self says they have "wrong reasons" written all over them.  I'm pretty disappointed, I must say.

No! I am not ok with that.  I want to believe they're as genuinely awesome as they appeared on the show.

I'm going to hope you're wrong :). But I still heart ya!!!

Oh so am I!  I was so impressed that Courtney didn't go the plastic route and went with a very naturally pretty Lily, but them getting to move here without the obstacles everybody else is facing (I know what my nephew's gf (a citizen of Argentina) is going through) is a tad fishy to me. Sorry!! :(

  • Love 3
10 hours ago, ramble said:

Holy crap Bibi had a crazy bawling reaction to Jordan wanting to see her after the show. It felt a little extreme for what they talked about. I think she was done when he didn’t follow her directions at dance practice. She got mad quickly. However when he started doing the dishes and cleaning the kitchen to deal with the stress I suddenly found him much hotter than I had before. 

He could clean the hell out of my kitchen any time he wants :)

  • Love 14

For what it is worth, one of the show runners did an interview with The Hollywood Reporter about the casting challenges they faced because of the new, stricter immigration policies.  They started the process almost a year ago. 

I’m guessing the participants needed work visas; harder to get but, I believe, have a longer validity than a tourist visa.  Having a work visa in hand probably contributed to Courtney and Lilly’s decision to “move to LA” (along with the siren’s call of famewhoreism).


  • Love 11

Genuine albino gophers, ha, Courtney!  Courtney is so sweet. I think I like this couple the best.

So, so far two women have turned down the fantasy suite. Good for them that they feel confident enough to turn it down.

So Ashley waited so long because she wanted girls to know they could find someone like Kevin.  I'd be a little more impressed if it was out of her own principals and not for being an example.  It just seems kind of sleazy to have the deflowering on TV and that it's a big event. At least Kevin seems to be a nice guy and not someone who's mostly interested in putting another notch in his stick.

  • Love 4

I'm a Bibs fan but she was so harsh to Jordan on the reunion show! "He was on chapter 8 and I was just reading the title." It honestly didn't seem on the show that they were THAT far off or that he would be so wrong to ask her what was next for them. He handled it like a super gentleman. Way to go, Jordan. Please come to Paradise!

  • Love 7
5 minutes ago, betha said:

I'm a Bibs fan but she was so harsh to Jordan on the reunion show! "He was on chapter 8 and I was just reading the title." It honestly didn't seem on the show that they were THAT far off or that he would be so wrong to ask her what was next for them. He handled it like a super gentleman. Way to go, Jordan. Please come to Paradise!

I did think Jordan seemed VERY pushy ... Bibs said she need a minute to gather her thoughts and he wouldn’t leave her alone (producer prodding/editing?) BUT, having done the East Coast to Australia flights (twice! ugh!) Jordan was probably thinking that if she wanted to explore things, he might as well stay in the US for a bit and avoid those killer flights.  Not so easy to meet up after “chatting” when you are half way around the world.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, Jaclyn88 said:

And what's with bibianas " he's on page 10 and I'm just on the title ". He wasn't asking her to marry him , he said he'd like to communicate with her once the shows over lol . Overreaction a little much ? 

That made me so mad. I said, how about chapter 2 or 3 Bib-idiot! When that whole thing went down, I was fuming. I loved all of the international guys. They seemed very forthright and open about their feelings. Even Christian was pretty open that he's not going to rush into things. This "experiment" showed that the American players or contestants are garbage people.  Could I find a Jordan please? Sigh. What a sweetheart! Also Courtney and Lily are adorbs. Maybe they were able to "move" here on a visa because of the show.  I was listening to a podcast (will you accept this rose?)  and they said that Bachelor has been trying to integrate some international contestants since the last BiP but with scandal they couldn't. So here's hoping we will see more international faces!  

Also, I think the lack of drunken shenanigans was partially because they were actually doing things (events) and not laying in the heat on beds all day and a lot of them were older. 

  • Love 6

Ashley, your virginity has been talked about too much because YOU keep on bringing it up.

Kevin's knee is probably OK. I fell on my knees on the ice last winter several times and my knees were not injured. A little bruised and swollen, but nothing torn or broken.

Boo, I wanted Courtney and Lily to win. On the other hand, now that Ashley is a winner and not a loser anymore, maybe she'll retire from these Bachelor shows. I thought Courtney and Lily had the best routine.

I liked this show better than any of the other shows, actually. It was light-hearted and goofy and not that much sleaze, some competitions to liven it up and maybe some romances that will last.

  • Love 14
1 hour ago, escatefromny said:

I’m guessing the participants needed work visas; harder to get but, I believe, have a longer validity than a tourist visa.  Having a work visa in hand probably contributed to Courtney and Lilly’s decision to “move to LA” (along with the siren’s call of famewhoreism).

The international participants must have gotten "entertainer" visas. With a work visa you have to have an employer sponsor you for full-time employment and demonstrate that they couldn't find a US citizen candidate with the required skill set. And a work visa ends the day your employment ends. I've gone through that process, and even with a Fortune 500 company as my sponsor it was long and difficult. Entertainer visas are much more flexible. You need to prove that you're part of an "internationally recognized" entertainment program, which The Bachelor is, and once you have the visa you can be in the country for up to a year without a full-time job.

Edited by chocolatine
  • Love 13

I was looking back on Kevin's Bachelor Canada stint and had forgotten how jealous and controlling he was. He had several fights with Jasmine on air, and was quite immature on several occasions. I wonder if he has actually changed and matured, or came across differently in this series because Ashley basically threw herself at him, and he had no one he had to compete with? I only know her from BIP where she seemed pretty unstable, so with his past (?) personality and hers, I wonder how long they will last? OTOH, maybe they are a match made in heaven, rather than hell. 

Edited by UsernameFatigue
  • Love 2

Benoit and Clare - one thing in their favor, they really had chemistry during that kitchen scene. He was so smitten and she was just laughing, being herself and enjoying the moment. I hope it lasts for them. I also hope he already proposed in private and their families knew about it. Bummer to see your son or daughter propose to someone on TV and learn about it the first time that way.

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, chocolatine said:

The international participants must have gotten "entertainer" visas. With a work visa you have to have an employer sponsor you for full-time employment and demonstrate that they couldn't find a US citizen candidate with the required skill set. And a work visa ends the day your employment ends. I've gone through that process, and even with a Fortune 500 company as my sponsor it was long and difficult. Entertainer visas are much more flexible. You need to prove that you're part of an "internationally recognized" entertainment program, which The Bachelor is, and once you have the visa you can be in the country for up to a year without a full-time job.


Thanks for the info, “entertainer visa” who knew? although from time to time you do hear about actors having visa issues in connection with shooting a film in America.  A bit of a golden ticket these days, so good for Courtney and Lilly taking advantage and taking the time to see some of America while getting to know each other better.

Edited by escatefromny
  • Love 5
37 minutes ago, escatefromny said:

Thanks for the info, “entertainer visa” who knew? although from time to time you do hear about actors having visa issues in connection with shooting a film in America.  A bit of a golden ticket these days, so good for Courtney and Lilly taking advantage and taking the time to see some of America while getting to know each other better.


Make no mistake, that kind of visa has always been a golden ticket in the sense that it's limited to a privileged few. And the US visa/immigration process has been difficult for a very long time, not just these days. My family was denied a visitor's visa back in the early 90s because we were political refugees, already resettled in another country, but US immigration officials were still worried we would request asylum here. I was able to get a student visa and later work visas and eventually a green card, and it's been a pain every time.

Edited by chocolatine
  • Love 5
6 hours ago, TheFinalRose said:

 lI dunno with those two. They both seem like jokesters and I wouldn't be surprised if they planned the faux engagement together for a good laugh. Lesley didn't have the requisite weak at the knees moment before the ring box opened.


5 hours ago, nutty1 said:

Re: Leslie and Dean. While watching, I kept thinking “I hope she’s in on this”. If not, how cruel that would have been!

I think 100% the producers planned it. It wasn’t a coincidence that it was the same black ring box that Benoit had Clare’s ring. They wanted to film a fake-out proposal for the promos so they could juxtapose it with the ring on the finger and the contestant reaction shots. Now whether Lesley was in on it is a little less certain. These two think they are the Funtime Couple that are so clever and hilarious, so I could see them thinking this fake proposal was the most hilarious producer idea in Bachelor History and of course they need to do it. But at the same time, I could also see the producer convincing Dean it needs to seem real and he would be way too stupid to recognize it would hurt her feelings. Yet, I do think he would tell her because we’re going to be so funny and get so much attention and not because, oh yeah, if she thought it were real she would be totally humiliated.

  • Love 7
5 hours ago, ByTor said:

Which is why she annoyed the living hell out of me.  To be fair, though, there must have been more to her than that, everybody in the house seemed to really like her.

She was the most annoying person there.  She made my ears hurt!

Stassi and Luke?  What the neck was that all about?

  • Love 1

C: "You make me feel things nobody ever has before." L: "I'm sorry." Oh, Courtney and Lily! You may be my all-time favorite Bachelor couple!! If I ever found a relationship that witty, fun, and playful, I would never let it go. Between the snow angels, the fantasy suite discussion, the throwing snowballs at her window, their (clearly should have been first place) ice dance, and their super amazing cross-country road trip, I was nearly crying at how perfect they are.

I, also, was wondering about what visas they managed to get, because I've been in two serious international relationships and it is near impossible to get someone over here. Work visas are like unicorns and very difficult to obtain. Otherwise you can be in the country 90 days on a visa waiver, absolutely no more than that. So thanks for the info on entertainment visas! I was curious.

I think it says something that the two final couples who chose NOT to go to the fantasy suite had much more romantic dates than the two who did.

I'm so mad that Ashley I & Partner won 1st place just because she lost her virginity on TV. There's no other way! They were clearly bronze.

Dean and Lesley just seem like they're trying too hard.

I keep getting really annoyed at this misconception that New Zealanders would know nothing about winter sports. They get their fair share of snow in NZ! Especially in the South Island! You'll find mountains and glaciers and ski slopes. It's not a year-round hot country like Australia at all.

I'm a fan of Jordan's shaved head!

Rebecca from Sweden looks just like Jennifer Morrison.

Luke, you absolute fucking prick!! I can't believe I actually bought into his feelings for Stassi! What a first-class asshole. Good on her for totally calling him out in front of the audience. Of course those conversations never happened. And thank you ABC for playing the commercial break footage. The way his eyes went dead as soon as she was trying to have a serious conversation with him... he's the worst kind of human.

And I'm tearing up at Clare and Benoit! Aaaahh!! How did the Bachelor pull off this amazing after show? If the Bachelor Pad where Nick took the money for himself was the best ever Wrong Reasons reunion, this is easily the best Right Reasons reunion. I'm so happy for these silly reality TV contestants. Please more of this in the future!

  • Love 13

Ughh on Ashley and Kevin winning!  I didn’t think they were so great, but it seems Ashley is the darling of this franchise, and I guess we will never be rid of her.  Even on the off chance that she and Kevin last, I can only imagine they will be showing up on many future variations of Bachelor Nation to give advice to the newbie lovers.  Kill me now! 

  • Love 7
7 hours ago, Lamb18 said:

Benoit and Clare - one thing in their favor, they really had chemistry during that kitchen scene. He was so smitten and she was just laughing, being herself and enjoying the moment. I hope it lasts for them. I also hope he already proposed in private and their families knew about it. Bummer to see your son or daughter propose to someone on TV and learn about it the first time that way.

According to Reality Steve (or maybe it was the People article), he talked to her mother and got her blessing and the reference to someone watching was Clare’s late father.  Btw, her mom loves him.

Also, remember this isn’t shown live.  He had time to tell his family before it aired.

Edited by DEL901
  • Love 10

Not only did I love the way the show kept filming after commercial break, because it exposed Luke even more, but also the way they left the mics on at the end so we could hear the conversations as every one was congratulating Clare and Benoit. There seemed to be some genuine friendships that formed and I love how Benoit invited everyone to go celebrate with them. I hope the show continues with this. Maybe we'll hear some interesting tidbits at the WTA.

Edited by yorklee2
  • Love 8

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