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S05.E04: Buddy's Missing

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26 minutes ago, Kid said:

In my opinion, there was absolutely nothing wrong with that kitten.

I agree.   The little fella brought back memories for me because I had a cat with an extra claw (I call them fingers) on his front paws. My father told me it was called a polydactyl cat.  He was just a normal cat though, not exotic looking. 

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2 minutes ago, Cherrio said:

I agree.   The little fella brought back memories for me because I had a cat with an extra claw (I call them fingers) on his front paws. My father told me it was called a polydactyl cat.  He was just a normal cat though, not exotic looking. 

You'd love the Hemingway House on Key West.

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I'm kind of hoping that Buddy and Avi are sharing a swinging bachelor's pad with a parade of skinny women coming in and out.  But, is this really worth dragging out over multiple episodes?

I have to say, as a cat person (and a male cat person at that (don't judge, so was Marlon Brando in The Godfather)) I found that cat a bit on the mangy side.  I didn't think it was possible for kitten to not be adorable.  

What's worse though, is that it was extremely irresponsible for Whitney to thrust the cat (literally and figuratively) on Babs without running it by her first.  Now apparently Whitney is stuck keeping the kitten, who now has to integrate with other mature (and neglected) cat(s).  I guarantee the other cats are going to be spraying and marking the whole house.  Because Whitney certainly doesn't know how to properly integrate a new cat into a house with existing ones.  

12 hours ago, Swiss said:

Ok..as a long time golfer, I can't believe a course let Whitney dress like that on the course.  I hope they paid the course and all the other golfers big bucks for having to watch her swing a club wearing that shirt. Gross!!

The whole thing was a disgrace.  Glenn is a lefty, and it looked like he was letting Whitney use one of his left-handed drivers.  If you look close, she was hitting the ball with the rear of the driver head, with the face facing backwards.  

Glenn and Babs are proud to be featured in some rinky-dink neighborhood newsletter?  Wait until it's time to renew their country club membership!

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11 hours ago, monagatuna said:

Glenn can kiss my ass with his "you should be chasin' a man rather than having cats." That was fucking offensive. Pets are not replacements for children. I heard no end of "you should give up x (a career, various hobbies and athletic pursuits) and find a man" growing up, and I'd prefer any of those things, and cats, to having a man who would want me to give those things up. Pets, friends, etc., are not placeholders for romantic partners. Anyone who didn't like me complete with my ridiculous hobbies and obnoxious legal references and onerous book collection and rescue cat is not worth my time, and I'm not any more appealing without those things.

I despise all of the people on this show.  And Glenn claiming his "work bonus" is sending them to Hawaii shows just how far down the famewhore rabbit hole he's gone.

But, I'm giving him a pass on this little bit of tough love, to which I say "Preach, Glenn!"

Whitney's always whining about how she's never going to find a husband and never have a chance to have children.  But, by her own admission, she's not exactly fishing in the guys-looking-for-commitment pond.  She refers to herself as a "whore".  She brags about all the sex she's supposedly getting, strongly implying that it's all on a no-strings-attached basis.

She's created this entire fake Avi scenario just to have a storyline for this season.  

I can totally see Glenn snapping and saying "Jesus Christ woman, grow the fuck up!"

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When Whitney is sitting in those confessionals with the red shirt, waving her pudgy arms, all I can think of is:

(with apologies to Ursula, who has both more charisma and mobility than Whitney)


Edited by Alapaki
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You've all covered it but, why can't she wear something other than spandex and sports bra? Nada managed to find clothes that fit her, so can Whitney! It's less about "body shame" (even a fit bod should not be on a golf course half-dressed) and more about situational appropriateness. 

That kitten. It looked like a grizzly bear cub with its giant paws--so ugly it was cute. It has no idea what it has gotten itself into. 

14 hours ago, Brooklynista said:

So landlord Whitney is going to enter Buddy's space without consent? Where's  Judge Judy?

If you're legit concerned and have not heard from the tenant, a welfare check would be in order. Usually law enforcement is contacted but hey, this is tv and obviously scripted. We all know he probably doesn't actually "live" there anyways. 

As far as the rest of the show, eh. It seemed surprisingly normal except for the half-dressed golf game and the cat breath smelling session near the end.

Can't wait for the 5k and can't believe Whitney balked at the suggestion. Suck it up Whit, it's Hawaii (we all know she does do it). I'd slug a marathon for a free trip to HI and I'm only trained up for a 10k right now. 

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I really wonder what is going on in Glenn and Babs' heads this season. I get that Babs likes the limelight, and Glenn has (according to Babs) never said "no" to Whitney in her life, but surely all the nonsense and the publicity about her behavior must have had some effect on them? The look on Babs' face when the photo shoot of her handsome house and her handsome husband and son was interrupted by the late arrival of her gargantuan daughter lugging a cat carrier spoke volumes to me. I think by now both Glenn and Babs are downright mortified by Whitney's behavior and appearance.  And both of them have made it clear they are not fans of their dysfunctional daughter pretending she is the one looking after them.  The longer the show goes on, the more Whitney condescends to them, talks to and about them as if they are not too bright, and alternates between whining and demanding when they don't want to do whatever she wants them to do or vice versa. She also enjoys upping the shock value of her conversations with them, especially where sex is concerned.  What kind of conversations does Glenn have with his co-workers (or former co-workers if he's completely retired). "Hey, Glenn, caught the show last night. So your daughter's man has a great penis, huh?" What do the aunts or cousins say to Babs when they call? "So, Babs, Whitney is having trouble with her sweat glands? I know a doctor that gives injections for that." Do their neighbors give them pitying looks in the grocery?

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1 hour ago, JudgeyMcJudgyPants said:

I’m glad Babs said she didn’t want the kitten.  Twit was an asshole for doing it in the first place.  Never buy someone a pet!!! It’s a total fucking guilt gift.  My FIL’s dog passed away before Christmas last year and there was some talk amongst the grown ass adult children to get him a puppy for Christmas.  I responded with a loud “NO!”  If he and his wife want to get another dog, then they will get a dog.  I would be fucking pissed if someone showed up at my house with an animal under the guise of “a gift” and then tried to make feel like an asshole because I didn’t want it.  

Twit shouldn’t be allowed to have any fucking animals.  She can’t even care for herself properly.  Fucking smelling your cats breath should be considered animal abuse.  I know it’s not really harmful to the cat, but goddamn it’s really not right! She complains about money (can’t buy a plane ticket, can’t pay rent because Nigerian prince swindles her out of $1,900).  One of my biggest pet peeves are people who complain that they’re broke but have pets (and smoke but that’s another discussion). I actually worked at an animal shelter for a short time and this guy came up to the counter with a beautiful huskie.  He said he was doing an owner surrender because he was being evicted from his home and he had to be out of the house TOMORROW!  And this is the last thing he is waiting to do!!!! During the conversation, I find out that he also has a German Shepherd he needs to surrender.  I’m sorry but if I was having trouble making my house payment/rent, the first cost cutting measure I would look into would be re-homing two HUGE dogs that eat a shit-ton of food.  

On a side note, I love this board.  I feel like a found my soul(less) mates. 


re pets: hubby always says that when he's hoping to be emotionally crushed eleven years in the future, he'll get another dog. (We have two and expect to be crushed sometime in the next three years.) Maybe Babs doesn't want that on her calendar. 

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7 minutes ago, AUJulia said:


re pets: hubby always says that when he's hoping to be emotionally crushed eleven years in the future, he'll get another dog. (We have two and expect to be crushed sometime in the next three years.) Maybe Babs doesn't want that on her calendar. 

And that may be.  But my question is, was the fact that she did not find it cute her criteria for not wanting it?

And I absolutely agree, one should not get a pet for someone unless one is absolutely sure that person wants a pet or another pet if they already have them.

The show is just becoming as much of a train wreck  as she is.

At least, Whitney is not even pretending anymore that she wants to eat right and/or exercise.  Her big girl dance classe is just her standing there, collecting adolation, and doing a series of poses which is why she wants the class.

She will never co-teach that class with Todd.  Because if he wants to do anything more than swing your hair and pose, she’s not going to agree to it.

Edited by Kid
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2 minutes ago, Kid said:

And that may be.  But my question is, was the fact that she did not find it cute her criteria for not wanting it?

I've got to wonder about that. I think the rejection was scripted. Babs is clearly a cat lover, and I never met anyone who loved a cat who didn't melt at the sight of a kitten, even "ugly" ones, and even if the time or the place or the money wasn't right for an adoption. "Take it away! It is an ugly thing!" said no cat lover at the sight of a homeless kitten ever.

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1 hour ago, AZChristian said:

Had my then 8-year-old grandson in the car one day.  There was a person with a cardboard sign in the highway median:  "Please help.  Homeless.  God Bless You."  I kept my window rolled up and said nothing.

Grandson:  "Grammy, do you hate poor people?"

Me:  "Absolutely not.  Why would you think that?"

Grandson:  "That man is poor and you're not helping him."

Me:  "He has a dog with him, is smoking a cigarette, and drinking a Big Gulp from that 7-11 on the corner.  He obviously has no sense about how to spend his money.  If he's homeless, he's keeping his dog out in this Arizona heat . . . which is cruel.  And if he's not desperate enough to quit smoking, I'm not going to help him continue to waste money.  Big Gulps are cheap, and he needs to hydrate, so I don't have a problem with that.  But I work hard for my money, and I get to decide where to spend it.  I'm not spending it on cigarettes for someone else."

I am a kind person, and have bought lots of meals for the down-and-out.  But cigarettes, pets, and kids with panhandlers are deal-breakers.

A few years ago someone tipped off the local paper here about the panhandler who was a fixture at an off ramp near an affluent area. A reporter watched the guy collect fives and tens for several hours during several days, watched a woman in a newish suv come by a few times to hand him food and drink and finally to pick him up, then followed the couple back to their $300,000 house. 

Yeah, I give to charities that serve the homeless population, but never to panhandlers. 

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Whit can't even take care of herself, what business does she have raising a child? Or that matter a romantic partner, Whit's life is a wreck, what does she think she has to contribute to a romantic relationship?

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2 hours ago, AZChristian said:

Don't remind Whit that dead bodies stink.  She'll go look for one to smell.

But the smell goes up.  Hide the bodies in the attic, not the cellar.
And in the promos for the other shows, did anyone else think that was Twit eating the donuts, at first glance?

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12 hours ago, supahfly said:

Oh lord...the dance...I can’t unsee that ...I need counseling now...or wine...lots and lots of ? 

She can only be "Lard of the Dance" now.

And.....the only sex she is claiming to have is no sex at all by forcing gay men to pose behind her in a fake dance for a fake dance class.

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1 minute ago, John M said:

Whit can't even take care of herself, what business does she have raising a child? Or that matter a romantic partner, Whit's life is a wreck, what does she think she has to contribute to a romantic relationship?

She doesn't think in terms of what she can contribute. (Other than her fabulous senshus self, of course). She only thinks in terms of what a romantic partner would do for her - take care of her, provide sex, follow her orders, father a child and do the follow up messy work, appear in public by her side looking adoring . . .

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46 minutes ago, TurtlePower said:


Can't wait for the 5k and can't believe Whitney balked at the suggestion. Suck it up Whit, it's Hawaii (we all know she does do it). I'd slug a marathon for a free trip to HI and I'm only trained up for a 10k right now. 

Right! Who would get salty about having to run/walk 3 miles if it meant a FREE trip to Hawaii?...Heck! I'd figure out how to finish a marathon if it meant a free trip to Hawaii..and I'm not trained for anything. Obviously, it's all added for drama, but it was still pretty outlandish as a response.

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I'm sure Glenn's nasty comment about catching a man and giving him grandchildren was scripted or at least suggested, but that doesn't mean it doesn't leave a bad taste in my mouth. There's something really messed up about people thinking pets are a substitute or consolation prize or a placeholder for having kids. They're different. Some want both, some want neither, and some want only one. And he can still kiss my ass for the sentiment, scripted or not.

It didn't garner any sympathy for me for Whitney, though, if that was the intent. She's still awful.

I definitely believe Babs' vicious refusal was overblown, though--she may not have wanted the kitten but I doubt she'd call it ugly and say she didn't feel bad for it. I mean, have you seen that pig they have? That thing is ugly. The kitten is adorable. I hope it finds a good home. And even though I don't think the pig is cute, I think it deserves better than being an under-stimulated "pet" in a suburban home with not enough room to roam and ruminate.

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1 minute ago, Ketzel said:

I've got to wonder about that. I think the rejection was scripted. Babs is clearly a cat lover, and I never met anyone who loved a cat who didn't melt at the sight of a kitten, even "ugly" ones, and even if the time or the place or the money wasn't right for an adoption. "Take it away! It is an ugly thing!" said no cat lover at the sight of a homeless kitten ever.

I can't see how it couldn't have been scripted. By definition, the trip to Hawaii was going to take place because TLC desperately needs to put Whit somewhere on earth that isn't a dance studio, and how would it have looked for everyone if Babs had accepted the kitten, and they promptly abandoned it in order to go on a vacation to Hawaii?

(Speaking of, ummmmm, Ashley was in the middle of all her birthing classes and constantly begging for Whit's presence because she needed Whit so very much...was all that supposed to be on hold while the Thore fam just swanned off on vacation? Oh yeah, and if Whit had gotten her BGDC back from Todd the moment she got back from Indiana, who was supposed to be teaching during the Hawaiian sojourn? Could it have been...TODD?!?!? (To be read in a Church Lady/Satan voice.)

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Just now, John M said:

Fat girl falling in love with a gay man, any other pathetic cliches Whit wants to embrace?

Check and check.

I do believe that Whitney most likely didn't realize Roy was gay.  Otherwise she'd have been pushing the "ow, woe is me, I drove a man to become gay, whatever will I do!" storyline.

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1 hour ago, AUJulia said:


re pets: hubby always says that when he's hoping to be emotionally crushed eleven years in the future, he'll get another dog. (We have two and expect to be crushed sometime in the next three years.) Maybe Babs doesn't want that on her calendar. 

I know two elderly people, not living together,  who have said that they do not want another pet because they won't outlive it. They LOVED their previous pets and don't want the pet to suffer away from them.  

Babs may want to choose her own pet,  or not. It's her prerogative.  And Babs may be over Twit's gifting just cuz she's sick of Twit. Remrmber how Twit took Henschi bsck after Babs begged her not to?  No, I would say no too, to Twit's new cat, just in case, Twit decides to wrench it out from under her AGAIN.  

 I thought the cat was cute, although Twit cd have had it groomed before presenting it.  But this is Twit who looks like a slob when confronting a cheater, instead of making an effort to be presenatable.  

No pride, no self esteem, no bathing, no dressing normally, etc.... no fabulousity.

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1 hour ago, auntjess said:

But the smell goes up.  Hide the bodies in the attic, not the cellar.

Not only up.  The smell of Travis Alexander's body (on the far side of the second floor) was quite evident when people broke into his house to check on him after Jodi Arias massacred him.  Only person who didn't really notice the odor was his roommate, who just figured no one had cleaned up after the dog.  Travis was a neat freak . . . roommate was apparently not.

Besides, we don't have cellars in Arizona . . . so one just hides the bodies where one can.

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3 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

Besides, we don't have cellars in Arizona . . . so one just hides the bodies where one can.

Yeah, the desert.  Saw a First 48 repeat recently, where they scoured the desert, and finally found the bag of evidence.

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1 hour ago, GabrielleMW said:

Right! Who would get salty about having to run/walk 3 miles if it meant a FREE trip to Hawaii?...Heck! I'd figure out how to finish a marathon if it meant a free trip to Hawaii..and I'm not trained for anything. Obviously, it's all added for drama, but it was still pretty outlandish as a response.

In reality, the 10 hour flight to Hawaii would be harder on her than walking 3 miles.

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10 minutes ago, Emma C said:

In reality, the 10 hour flight to Hawaii would be harder on her than walking 3 miles.

Hopefully, Daddy would spring for first-class, or at least two seats in coach.  I'm betting they'd stick Hunter in the third seat in the row with her.  #notworthit #payyourownway

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50 minutes ago, Tabbygirl521 said:

Also - she IS chasing men! Literally in Avi’s case. 

You win the Internet today, tabbygirl521!!! 

Absolutely!!! Love it. 

38 minutes ago, AUJulia said:

Re Glenn's comments: I think (if it wasn't scripted) he's just hitting every angle to get her to focus on losing weight. Ham-handed, yeah, but he's getting desperate. 

"Getting"???? desperate?????

Twit's been overweight for most of her life.   I don't think he gives a "whit" anymore.  

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33 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

Not only up.  The smell of Travis Alexander's body (on the far side of the second floor) was quite evident when people broke into his house to check on him after Jodi Arias massacred him.  Only person who didn't really notice the odor was his roommate, who just figured no one had cleaned up after the dog.  Travis was a neat freak . . . roommate was apparently not.

Besides, we don't have cellars in Arizona . . . so one just hides the bodies where one can.

I am kind of relieved to know I’m not the only person who thought of poor Travis when bodies/smells were mentioned!

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6 minutes ago, Tosia said:

You win the Internet today, tabbygirl521!!! 

Absolutely!!! Love it. 

"Getting"???? desperate?????

Twit's been overweight for most of her life.   I don't think he gives a "whit" anymore.  

No, I think he believed her when she went back to training with Will last season (after so many health scares and in light of the now-abandoned MBFFL theme of being healthy, he had his hopes up) and he thought they'd have their MiniBabs back. After Babs having a stroke, I'm sure he's having to face not only his and Babs's mortality but also what Whitney will be facing if she hews to the status quo. It would be depressing for parents in their situation. 

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I’m curious - is it even safe for Whitney to run a 5k? I doubt she could walk more than a few blocks. Does Glenn honestly think she’s in a position to do that? Her extreme laziness aside, Whitney is far to unhealthy to try to do something like ‘couch-to-5k’. I think we’d have an unscripted visit to the ER. 

Also, why was Whitney so surprised that Ashley and her BF are still having sex?

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9 minutes ago, 3girlsforus said:

I’m curious - is it even safe for Whitney to run a 5k? I doubt she could walk more than a few blocks. Does Glenn honestly think she’s in a position to do that? Her extreme laziness aside, Whitney is far to unhealthy to try to do something like ‘couch-to-5k’. I think we’d have an unscripted visit to the ER. 

Also, why was Whitney so surprised that Ashley and her BF are still having sex?

TBH I am a little, I mean just in a how does tab a possibly get into slot b, he must be hung like a horse.

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8 minutes ago, 3girlsforus said:

why was Whitney so surprised that Ashley and her BF are still having sex?

To give her the opportunity to use her “i’m so shocked and appalled” stock, patented facial expression.  Whitney’s acting style is what was used before the switch to naturalism.  

Just now, John M said:

TBH I am a little, I mean just in a how does tab a possibly get into slot b, he must be hung like a horse.

I have thought that myself many times! Thank you John M for stating it so eloquently!?????

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Good point, shouldn't her doctor weigh in on this?  (Or is 3 miles such a short distance a doctor wouldn't care?)

The kitten has been described as unkempt and kind of mangy looking, yet was presumably in good shelter care.  That can be a sign of an unhealthy kitten.  I suppose if the kitten has passed away Whit would have told us on FB.

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16 minutes ago, John M said:

TBH I am a little, I mean just in a how does tab a possibly get into slot b, he must be hung like a horse.

LOL. It works. Really it does. In fact it can be good to help bring on labor. And while in labor, the big O can really move labor along (without the actual tab a into slot b part). 

I wonder more how tab and slot meet when someone is a big as Whitney. She’s bigger than someone pregnant with sextuplets 

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3 hours ago, TurtlePower said:

If you're legit concerned and have not heard from the tenant, a welfare check would be in order. Usually law enforcement is contacted but hey, this is tv and obviously scripted. We all know he probably doesn't actually "live" there anyways. 

Even if he does - she may technically be his landlord, but it's not his own apartment with separate keys; they are housemates and friends as well.  If you haven't seen or heard from the friend you share a house with for a while - isn't knocking and looking in their room the first thing you would do?


3 hours ago, Ketzel said:

I really wonder what is going on in Glenn and Babs' heads this season. I get that Babs likes the limelight, and Glenn has (according to Babs) never said "no" to Whitney in her life, but surely all the nonsense and the publicity about her behavior must have had some effect on them? The look on Babs' face when the photo shoot of her handsome house and her handsome husband and son was interrupted by the late arrival of her gargantuan daughter lugging a cat carrier spoke volumes to me. I think by now both Glenn and Babs are downright mortified by Whitney's behavior and appearance.  And both of them have made it clear they are not fans of their dysfunctional daughter pretending she is the one looking after them.  The longer the show goes on, the more Whitney condescends to them, talks to and about them as if they are not too bright, and alternates between whining and demanding when they don't want to do whatever she wants them to do or vice versa. She also enjoys upping the shock value of her conversations with them, especially where sex is concerned.  What kind of conversations does Glenn have with his co-workers (or former co-workers if he's completely retired). "Hey, Glenn, caught the show last night. So your daughter's man has a great penis, huh?" What do the aunts or cousins say to Babs when they call? "So, Babs, Whitney is having trouble with her sweat glands? I know a doctor that gives injections for that." Do their neighbors give them pitying looks in the grocery?

I think Babs is loving being the "straight woman" to Wacky Whit.  Last night she just had too many of her little comments - from the cat to the brown men - that were clearly designed to crack us up.


26 minutes ago, 3girlsforus said:

I’m curious - is it even safe for Whitney to run a 5k? I doubt she could walk more than a few blocks. Does Glenn honestly think she’s in a position to do that? Her extreme laziness aside, Whitney is far to unhealthy to try to do something like ‘couch-to-5k’. I think we’d have an unscripted visit to the ER. 

I think Glenn envisions that if she commits to the 5K she will spend the time beforehand walking/training for it.  After all, she is an over-achiever and when she commits to something, she really commits :)

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I am of two minds about Tal's jealous reaction to the thought of Whitney and Todd having a baby.  On one hand, I'd be bitching about my advanced degree too, upon finding out about Todd's so-called "smarts."  On the other hand, I am filled with horror at the thought of either of them procreating but specifically together.  Tal, your horror is misplaced.

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12 minutes ago, schmickschmack said:

I am of two minds about Tal's jealous reaction to the thought of Whitney and Todd having a baby.  On one hand, I'd be bitching about my advanced degree too, upon finding out about Todd's so-called "smarts."  On the other hand, I am filled with horror at the thought of either of them procreating but specifically together.  Tal, your horror is misplaced.

Tau's response about Whit preferring Todd's sperm was HYSTERICAL!   That one made me LOL.  I get it Tau.  (Is it Tal?  I thought Tau.  spelling?)  Anyone know?  Todd NO college and jobless.  No wonder he wanted to teach that class. lol  Tau has a masters.  He seemed genuinely ticked too.  lol 

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I'm sorry but has Todd even offered? I'm not sure why a gay guy would want to have a baby with a super-morbidly obese unemployed woman with reproductive problems. That is awfully presumptuous.

Edited by John M
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