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S06.E03: The Newlyweds

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Shawnie and Jephte are an example of two people who bring out the worst in each other.  Without him, she is kind of an adorable sweetheart and without her he is the cool quiet guy.  He brings out the more obnoxious qualities in her personality and she makes him seem cold.  I hope I am wrong about them, but right now it does not look good.

  • Love 21
8 hours ago, Lily247 said:

Jephte does not belong on this show, with his inability to barely make eye contact with his new wife and constant "she's a stranger." Reminds me of Ashley from the David/Ashley season. And Shawniece definitely did not need to take off her makeup, contacts, weave, etc all at one time right in front of her new husband.  I get that she wanted him to see her for who she really is but damn just please wait a little longer when he is more comfortable with you. The way she took off her pretty hairstyle and it turned into a completely different one, plopped on the huge glasses, washed every stitch of makeup from her face... I admire her bravery. But I would have waited a little longer to keep impressing the new guy with her beauty. I remember the first time I spent the night with my current man (who I married), I kept my makeup and contacts on until he fell alseep. Then I took off my contacts, and took off most of the makeup, A few hours later I woke up before him and reapplied small touches of makeup that would still give me the natural look but not made up. I slowly lessened this routine until he was used to seeing me less and less made up. With Shawniece it was like BAM ! Needless to say after 10 years of marriage and 3 kids I dont usually wear makeup at home and hubby is used to it. But I still try to make an effort to look cute. 


Also I think that since the dead boyfriend will be a point of drama, it is considerably disrespectful to his memory and to his family to basically "put him" on this reality show. 

I don't know why it is a big deal she did that. I find it dishonest to do otherwise and a bit much to keep a fake (so to speak) face on because of a man. If a man doesn't like what he sees because the makeup is off or in her case the wig so what. Someone else would like it just fine. I actually liked how she looked without it all. It was so much better then the caked on, fake hair look. Really most men do not give a crud about women in makeup to begin with. I know I've been married almost 17 yrs and 3 kids and I wasn't a big makeup person to begin with. I have put it on for certain dressed up occasions but I don't need it to be cute for him and don't think anyone should if its not for them. It doesn't mean one isn't making sure to look their best for their spouse either but I just know my husband could care less if I was to wear makeup ever. Yet its not "bravery" to do what she did. That is just my opinion on it. As it is I find the fake wake ups on this show crazy because they are all brushed hair and full makeup. Its not how they went to bed so its a joke. 


8 hours ago, Jassie99 said:

Oy! Oy! Oy! Jep and Shawniece....I just don't get it from him at all. Okay I have to defend her a bit at first cause I get her. I can be her at times. As someone who has a lot of reserved friends I can be the "loud" one. Just trying to fill empty silence and make everyone at ease by being silly and hoping to loosen them up. Sometimes I look ridiculous but its all in good fun. I think Shawniece is similar in this way. A bit random, not much of a filter and say things inappropriate that she feels will break the tension and ease the mood.  The lap dance was not needed but it was not done in any serious way. Should she have done it? No.  Would I have done it? No.  But she is nervous and outgoing and trying to get people to like her esp. her husband.

Is she making mistakes? Yes. But she is trying and honestly I do feel bad for her. Why the hell did Jep do this show? His whole "I don't do well with strangers. You're a stranger." spiel makes no sense when he literally signed up to MARRY a stranger. I love when she said he's not even acting like he's interested in being on a FIRST date with her. He's making no effort to be even be a friend towards her.  I just don't get how the guy so excited to get chosen could be THIS reserved and standoffish unless he's just not attracted to her in the least.  I mean I just felt for her from go as she's  obviously all in on the commitment part (maybe a little too much) and had ideas of what marriage is ala Ryan and he is giving her NOTHING. . He couldn't even jokingly put her as wifey in his phone.  He couldn't sit there and have friendly conversation with her in the  limo. He barely looked at her.(I know editing and all that jazz bust sheesh)  She's throwing easy things out there for him to pick up on but at every turn he's making her feel less then. The constant stranger talk is insulting if he's not trying to make her anything but a stranger. He easily opened up about his brother to her Aunt. He was so happy to be cast and yet he's not even friendly or warm towards his wife. What the hell he thought he was shopping rings for...a office party secret Santa gift? I mean I don't even get why she likes him. Other then she believes in the experts and is being told things will change. I feel frustrated for her.

This brings me to something I hate having to discuss but again its hit on the head for  me. We have Mona (S1,,I think that;s her name),, Vanessa, Shelia and now Shawniece as the only AA women being cast for this show.  Four couples out of what 18 and every woman is portrayed as over emotional wrecks with guys who want nothing to do with them (Nate had me fooled). I'm all for diversity and would love to see black love in all its glory but if one can't find men on this show who want to be married then just stop. Its such a messy narrative portrayed time after time.  Its insulting and completely misleading.  Not saying these women were angels and the men are evil but the narrative EVERY TIME for AA is the same. I had hope for J&S after watching the matchmaking episode again he was so excited and maybe they "make it" but I am so sick of this narrative. Most black women are NOT desperate, over emotional and hanging on for dear life for any man to love them. MAFS needs to stop with the BS.

IMO there is a difference between filling empty silence and putting out there about your masturbating or giving your just met spouse a lap dance in front of friends and family for both sides. If she is trying she is trying in a way that is not respectful at all. Didn't listen to him when he said what his job was and went on to lap dance and bring up her masturbation again and so on. 

How is on earth is the stranger talk insulting? They are strangers still. They just meet the day before. They are off on the honeymoon what 2 days after they get married? They are still strangers in many ways. I actually don't think they have made her at all look like the black women from seasons in the past. I actually think they flipped the roles and she is coming off like most the men do and him like some women in the black couples. She is going to get the better edit out of this...sort of like Tres and Nate did. While he is going to be made to look like he is nuts, cold, a jerk or whatever word you want to pick out there. This show is pretty predictable in how they edit the couples at this point IMO and play their games. Either side one lands on its pretty shitty. 

Which step back for a second when you watch the show and remember the editing game played in these scenes. We will never see the whole scene in the moments so things could be said and done but the show is going to play their game to make it look otherwise. Look at the whole Nate and Sheila fights, its a GREAT example of it and how its VERY one sided when there was good reasons for her to behave as she was. Yet the show couldn't have us know what it was so the edit comes in to make her look like the cause for problems when it was really him and his player ways.

As well I think he was excited about all this BUT the second she didn't hear him on his job then lap danced in front of everyone that is where she blew it! It showed a bit of disrespect towards him I thought and she was all about her wants. 


4 hours ago, Soup333 said:

Team Jephte here and I doubt that will change as the season progresses but stranger things have happened. The best thing that could happen for him is to call it quits after they come back from the honeymoon. I'm rooting for the immediate absolution of this "marriage." The more I see of his immature wife, the less I like her. She's reminding my of Sam in a way. They're both annoying as hell (though Sam has REAL issues) and just like I hoped Neal would eventually gain freedom from his bride, I wish the same for Jephte. He'd have been much better matched with a more mature person.  

Same here!!! 


4 hours ago, MV713 said:

I'm calling BS on the used condom - BUT I watched with captions on and in the limo to the airport Ryan and Jacklyn were talking about birth control and how he has never had to use condoms before... so perhaps they did have sex but I think the used one on the floor was for camera.  Anyone catch Ryan's American "FLAGPOLE"  when they filmed the bed scene?  EW.


Also Jon and Molly in bed, he said something like he slept fine until she woke him up for 2 hour activity in the middle of the night. And she was like "was it really that long?" - but then I don't think anything happened because she was wearing her brunch dress in a TH and said she would like to have sex with Jon, but not yet.

No matter what the condom was totally not their used one but the producers playing their stupid games as always so everyone can know they had sex. *rollseyes* 

Yea I heard it. This show and editing is so shitting that the THs are reused in places that are out of place. So basically they could have had sex or done something else. Who knows....I just know that I don't want to see some lame bs that we got from another couple I won't say for good reasons who supposedly kept it quiet. Its a load of bs on it all when they pull this lame crap. Yet with previews they make it seem like she wasn't yet so who knows. This show is just so full of it with butting in and editing that its hard to know at times what is what. 


2 hours ago, Lily247 said:

"I just found out that my wife likes to pee with the door open." -Jephte. 

Which was VERY gross to know and probably for him. You just meet and you are leaving the door open? I know some are ok with that but come on now you just meet him!! Show respect towards him and make sure the comfort level is there for that. Hell I've been married almost 17 yrs now and there is no way I'm doing that. There are things I don't mind sharing and other things I would really rather not. That is one of them. 


1 hour ago, qtpye said:

The most awful thing to watch on this show is when one person is all in and the other person is not having it.  I think Shawnice's behavior totally turned off Jephte, even if he was physically attracted to her when she walked down the aisle.  I think she lost the script when she did the lap dance and sealed the deal with peeing with the door open.  I really hope one of them has the dignity to pull a Heather, because that guy does not want to be married to this lady.  He thinks she is crass and rightly or wrongly, that is not wife material to him.

53 minutes ago, lh25 said:

I think it was the lap dance, right after she had talked about masturbation and he was all "I'm an elementary school teacher" to try and get her to back down.  She can't read him at all.  And they don't seem suited one bit.

Exactly!! Who the hell does that after he says he works with kids like that? To me it showed a major lack of respect on her part and his career. I can just imagine if it was the other way around and the backlash he would have gotten from some. SMH She blew any chance she could have had when she decided to do a lap dance in front of EVERYONE at their wedding. I think he would have let go the masturbation comment as she didn't know about his job just yet but when she went further in things that was the end of it all. I don't blame him. 


41 minutes ago, Adeejay said:

Let's not forget that this is the same guy who said, "nothing is unforgivable."

That is one I won't be able to forget that came out of his mouth. I can't stand him and anything he says. He is as phony as they can come and probably why he fits in with the other "experts". 


8 minutes ago, qtpye said:

Shawnie and Jephte are an example of two people who bring out the worst in each other.  Without him, she is kind of an adorable sweetheart and without her he is the cool quiet guy.  He brings out the more obnoxious qualities in her personality and she makes him seem cold.  I hope I am wrong about them, but right now it does not look good.

I don't think this is 100% true. I think its how her and her family are actually. Her grandma was getting nosy about their wedding night at the brunch. Sometimes that is how all family is. My mom would be that way in a lot of moments and most not appropriate ones too. It was mostly directed my way too and left me feeling horrible. Yet that is that whole NPD thing with her. Shawneice is not that but I just don't think she was possibly raised to know that there are times you need to use a filter. Time will tell though but I get the feeling so far that is one reason why she is so blunt about everything. 

1 minute ago, answerphone said:

I wonder if any of the participants, current and past seasons, have been virgins?  Just a thought...

And what if one of the new wives got pregnant? I assume they're using double birth control (pills and condoms) if they choose to have sex.

I will assume they probably haven't been. I know some will probably say otherwise but I doubt it. Yet this is the first time I think it was pointed out there was condoms in the room before. I will bet both sides probably would want to do what they could to prevent pregnancy and diseases. No idea if they would be using more then one form of birth control but who knows. Probably would be best if they aren't into risking being that 1% or whatever it is. LOL

  • Love 7

I'm disappointed Jamie isn't interviewing the participants, but rather the TV schmucks 'experts'.

At least they have an appropriate chair for Pepper where her feet actually hit the floor.

"Pastor" Cal has a bit of a potty mouth; they had to bleep him once already. His socks are making me dizzy - & he needs to unbutton his jacket; I'm waiting for it to pop.

So would Cal want the lap dance from his wife or Shawniece? 

Edited by gonecrackers
  • Love 4

For those who mentioned Shauneice’s hair change at the honeymoon. I agree with the poster who said that all she did was wet her hair. It was flat ironed for the wedding. Yes, she has been seen in wigs, but that (at the honeymoon) is what her real hair looks like growing out of her head. Black woman are often shamed for wearing wigs and weaves, then when they “wear” their own hair, it is like a catch 22.

  • Love 13

When Jephte and Shawniece were talking to Jessica, I really hope she took the time offscreen to explain to him what "getting to know someone" means. Like, to a second-grader: Stop cringing away. Look her in the eye. Ask a question. Listen to her answer. Respond.

I'm so sick of the "it's hard for me to open up" excuse from these dolts.

Some direct talk with Shawniece about her tendency to overpower everyone in the vicinity would have been good, too.

This is from an interview with Jephte on why he applied: "So I thought this would be a great opportunity to hopefully have the experts find someone who was made just for me! Can you imagine cutting out the leg work and being gifted with a woman who was matched for you?! I had to at least take a shot at it!"

He also mentioned that he'd never seen the show.

Sigh, These poor sods. They'd have about the same success rate picking someone to marry at random off the street as these "experts" do. But we were matched for a reason! Sure, TV ratings.

Edited by 2727
  • Love 7
10 hours ago, Lily247 said:

The way she took off her pretty hairstyle and it turned into a completely different one, plopped on the huge glasses, washed every stitch of makeup from her face... I admire her bravery. But I would have waited a little longer to keep impressing the new guy with her beauty.

But, why wear a mask?  Why should she have to hide what she looks like?  Shawnice was cuter without all that crap on her face and with HER NATURAL hair, and the poster upthread is right, she all she did was wet her hair.  I don't get why black women get shamed for natural hair, especially when black men don't get shames.  I mean Jephte wears his hair natural, why not Shawnice?  I hate this idea that as women, we aren't allowed to let men see what we really look like, as if women look AWFUL with no make up on.  

I remember there was a TV show, maybe it was Atlanta, but there was a scene where the woman wakes up and she's got a scarf on her head, and so many black women identified with that because that's reality.  I was watching that Mrs. Maisel show on Amazon and that's one thing that she did, she NEVER let her HUSBAND see her without make up, and I don't know, I thought that was super fucked up.   My dad preferred my mother's natural beauty, no make up or wigs or any of that shit.  He was a "country boy" who wasn't raised to prefer all that crap.

But saying that, Shawnice is too damn thirsty; I just want to tell her to chill the heck out!  Let the man breathe.  

Edited by Neurochick
  • Love 17
13 minutes ago, Deni said:

For those who mentioned Shauneice’s hair change at the honeymoon. I agree with the poster who said that all she did was wet her hair. It was flat ironed for the wedding. Yes, she has been seen in wigs, but that (at the honeymoon) is what her real hair looks like growing out of her head. Black woman are often shamed for wearing wigs and weaves, then when they “wear” their own hair, it is like a catch 22.


I expected Shawniece, as a hairdresser, to think about the honeymoon right after the wedding and plan a hairstyle where she wouldn’t have to deal with her hair every day. This is the fifth season of this show. Not everyone gets sent to an island, but there’s always plenty of opportunity for physical activity. Braids or twists would have been perfect. 

  • Love 1

Shawniece is naturally cute. She just needs a 'situation appropriate' button, but it seems like she's taking it down a notch or two. Maybe she's just tired of Jephte.  Jephte is also cute, but he needs the mega stick pulled out of his arse. ETA: He may be regretting that sealed to the 6 weeks contract deal about now.

Jacklyn & Ryan look so much alike it makes me a bit uncomfortable. I still find him annoying & her boring.

Molly wears a makeup mask... & I also find her boring so far.  Jon is really attracted to himself Molly.

The show needs Shawniece; at least she's interesting.

Show didn't disappoint & included the tooth brushing togetherness scene, but no dwelling on it this time.

Edited by gonecrackers
  • Love 6
3 hours ago, Evil Queen said:

I don't know why it is a big deal she did that. I find it dishonest to do otherwise and a bit much to keep a fake (so to speak) face on because of a man. If a man doesn't like what he sees because the makeup is off or in her case the wig so what. Someone else would like it just fine. I actually liked how she looked without it all. It was so much better then the caked on, fake hair look. Really most men do not give a crud about women in makeup to begin with. I know I've been married almost 17 yrs and 3 kids and I wasn't a big makeup person to begin with. I have put it on for certain dressed up occasions but I don't need it to be cute for him and don't think anyone should if its not for them. It doesn't mean one isn't making sure to look their best for their spouse either but I just know my husband could care less if I was to wear makeup ever. Yet its not "bravery" to do what she did. That is just my opinion on it. As it is I find the fake wake ups on this show crazy because they are all brushed hair and full makeup. Its not how they went to bed so its a joke. 


IMO there is a difference between filling empty silence and putting out there about your masturbating or giving your just met spouse a lap dance in front of friends and family for both sides. If she is trying she is trying in a way that is not respectful at all. Didn't listen to him when he said what his job was and went on to lap dance and bring up her masturbation again and so on. 

How is on earth is the stranger talk insulting? They are strangers still. They just meet the day before. They are off on the honeymoon what 2 days after they get married? They are still strangers in many ways. I actually don't think they have made her at all look like the black women from seasons in the past. I actually think they flipped the roles and she is coming off like most the men do and him like some women in the black couples. She is going to get the better edit out of this...sort of like Tres and Nate did. While he is going to be made to look like he is nuts, cold, a jerk or whatever word you want to pick out there. This show is pretty predictable in how they edit the couples at this point IMO and play their games. Either side one lands on its pretty shitty. 

Which step back for a second when you watch the show and remember the editing game played in these scenes. We will never see the whole scene in the moments so things could be said and done but the show is going to play their game to make it look otherwise. Look at the whole Nate and Sheila fights, its a GREAT example of it and how its VERY one sided when there was good reasons for her to behave as she was. Yet the show couldn't have us know what it was so the edit comes in to make her look like the cause for problems when it was really him and his player ways.

As well I think he was excited about all this BUT the second she didn't hear him on his job then lap danced in front of everyone that is where she blew it! It showed a bit of disrespect towards him I thought and she was all about it!

Which was VERY gross to know and probably for him. You just meet and you are leaving the door open? I know some are ok with that but come on now you just meet him!! Show respect towards him and make sure the comfort level is there for that. Hell I've been married almost 17 yrs now and there is no way I'm doing that. There are things I don't mind sharing and other things I would really rather not. That is one of them. 


Exactly!! Who the hell does that after he says he works with kids like that? To me it showed a major lack of respect on her part and his career. I can just imagine if it was the other way around and the backlash he would have gotten from some. SMH She blew any chance she could have had when she decided to do a lap dance in front of EVERYONE at their wedding. I think he would have let go the masturbation comment as she didn't know about his job just yet but when she went further in things that was the end of it all. I don't blame him.

I don't think this is 100% true. I think its how her and her family are actually. Her grandma was getting nosy about their wedding night at the brunch. Sometimes that is how all family is. My mom would be that way in a lot of moments and most not appropriate ones too. It was mostly directed my way too and left me feeling horrible. Yet that is that whole NPD thing with her. Shawneice is not that but I just don't think she was possibly raised to know that there are times you need to use a filter. Time will tell though but I get the feeling so far that is one reason why she is so blunt about everything. 

I will assume they probably haven't been. I know some will probably say otherwise but I doubt it. Yet this is the first time I think it was pointed out there was condoms in the room before. I will bet both sides probably would want to do what they could to prevent pregnancy and diseases. No idea if they would be using more then one form of birth control but who knows. Probably would be best if they aren't into risking being that 1% or whatever it is. LOL

Yes!! You just made it click what has been bugging me about Shawniece. Not just that she's over the top (and OMG she is so beyond Extra)  but it's all a lack of respect. She DGAF about Jephte or his comfort level or job. 

And it's not just her, but her family too. I would have been out the minute her mother started with the "Thank you Jesus"es before the wedding. 

But the masturbation talk, lap dance, peeing with the door open, pushing about his phone, etc are all examples of how she believes life is the Shawniece show and he's just a prop. 

Frankly, if I'd have spent 24 hours with that person which included international travel with delays, I'd need a minute by myself too. 


  • Love 11

Stranger danger! ?

Jephte checked out the second he checked Shawniece out. Zero attraction to her. ☠

He then made it painfully obvious that he doesn't even want to look at his new wife, never mind flash that alleged big old smile. ?

Shawniece, being human, perceives all this "just not that into you" behavior. THAT is why she fussed about how he put her full MAIDEN name into his phone: She knew the gesture symbolized Jephte's determined distance from this "stranger." ?

I'm Team Jonathan. This isn't "The Dating Game." Molly better watch her slow-moving P's and Q's, or at "divorce or not" time she'll be singing, "Jonny, I Hardly Knew Ye." ?

As for Ryan and Molly, I thought the entire "condom" bit was gross. A newly-wed man telling his bride the morning after about his prior condom-wearing (or not) habits? STHU! ?

I must have fallen asleep for much of the show, as I don't recall much about the couples' social activities in Jamaica. ?

Hey, PreevieTeevees (can I make that happen? ?), Sean and Catherine are on CNBC's Reality show " Billion Dollar Buyer" tonight at 10:00 p.m. Eastern. He's found his career niche, has Sean not? ?

Edited by LennieBriscoe
  • Love 1

Doesn't matter if Shawniece wears her natural hair, someone else's hair or his hair.   The interesting thing about her is that she looks so completely different all the time - glasses or no glasses, make up or no make up, different hairstyles, wedding dress v. casual, since the first episode.  She could be a spy.  She looks that different.  Loved when she said she was taking off the Love & Hip Hop face.  She's a cutie.  With quirks.  

  • Love 14
4 hours ago, answerphone said:

I wonder if any of the participants, current and past seasons, have been virgins?  Just a thought...

I'm sure if one had been, we'd have heard the word "virgin" as much as we hear "stranger" each season!

I found the wedding night scenes more intrusive than they have been in the past (even before we saw the condom on the floor :(

I think Ryan's enthusiasm is kind of cute, and I like him and Jackie, and I like the other two enough to hope Molly has sex (with Jon :) on her honeymoon.  It will be interesting to see them run into or interact with the other couples in Jamaica.

IMO Shawnice looks cute enough au naturel to appear in front of her husband - it is her behavior that is a turnoff.  If she is comfortable talking about her masturbation and giving a lap dance in public, it makes me wonder what she does in private that we don't see?  Peeing with the door open, apparently.  I think Jephte is acting extra disinterested because he's afraid to give an inch lest she take a mile.

  • Love 4
3 hours ago, Deni said:

For those who mentioned Shauneice’s hair change at the honeymoon. I agree with the poster who said that all she did was wet her hair. It was flat ironed for the wedding. Yes, she has been seen in wigs, but that (at the honeymoon) is what her real hair looks like growing out of her head. Black woman are often shamed for wearing wigs and weaves, then when they “wear” their own hair, it is like a catch 22.

I was the one who said that, and I think she just wet it - I don't think she washed it because she had a piece in the front that was still kind of straight, at least straighter than the rest of her hair. I bet she just sprayed it with a spray bottle of water. I have natural hair myself so I love seeing Black women with natural hair on TV and in movies. Shawniece's hair looks well-cared-for - moisturized and trimmed. (I should hope so since she's a hairdresser - I'd never go to a hairdresser with jacked-up hair!)

I also find the notion that she was "brave" to show him what she looks like without makeup and with her natural hair odd. Like, fighting fires is brave. This is just her face and hair, you know? She's a young woman with great skin (no acne, no scars, even tone) and hair; what does she have to be ashamed of? She doesn't look that different without makeup; her makeup look was pretty basic, a more formal version of a neutral day look. The other women took down their hair (Molly in particular had an elaborate curled and pinned-up hairdo and a lot of makeup) and washed off their makeup and they weren't called brave. Actually I think Molly had her wedding hair still done when she went to bed and I remember thinking, "You don't want to take that shit down? It'll be a tangled mess in the morning."

Agree that that wasn't a used-to-completion (EW) condom on the floor of Ryan and Jackie's room. I would guess that they wouldn't be able to show it if it were.

  • Love 11

Maybe it was a practice condom, since he's 'not used to' wearing them.

Molly morning after just waking up 'all natural without makeup' - has freshly washed & straightened hair, dark eyeliner, curled, lengthened eyelashes... I wish I could wake up that 'natural' looking.

Jacklyn wins for 'most natural' with the just off the pillow look. Ryan is still excited.

Edited by gonecrackers
  • Love 7

I'm liking Ryan and Jackie. I can't believe they had sex

 Ryan seems like a big dork but normally fireman have no shortage of ladies...so he must have really wanted to settle down and get married. 

Jon and his bride seem to like each other and are taking it at a normal pace. Good for them. 

Jephete may have been interested in a more mature reserved woman. Shawniece is harmless but she's way too in your face and over the top. There is a reason she hasn't dated in several years. She may be physically attractive at first but that soon wears off. I think she can't read a room. He told her he's an elementary school teacher and didn't want to discuss masterbation on TV. Instead of toning it down she gives him a lap dance. She's too in your face. I once had a 2nd date with a guy like Shawniece. He was a cop I'd known beciase I worked with his mom. He'd just gotten divorced. We went to dinner for our 1st date and for our 2nd I invited him to watch a movie at my house. He was probably nervous. He knew I was an introvert and very laid back. I told him when he got there thst I move very slow and we were talking getting to know each other stuff and I started to relax. Then he started talking about sexual stuff and while I'm no prude and have no problem discussing sex with someone I want to be intimate with or am intimate with.. Its not my cup of tea to discuss it with someone I barely know. I tried to shut down the conversation and he didn't take the hint. He tried to kiss me, an awful kiss and then talked about how he wanted to lose weight asked how much I weighed then told me how much he thought I weighed  lol, then told me his ass was firm and grabbedy hand to try to make me feel his butt. Just weird and uncomfortable and odd. He also talked about his ex wife in ways I didn't want to hear about her supposed lack of hygiene and thst when we'd kissed he got a boner. He was so high energy so obnoxious and clearly wasn't listening to anything I'd said indicating I wanted to take things slow, thst I couldn't wait to get him out of my house!! So I imagine Jephete is irritated at having to deal with his overly horny loud wife who is definitely a stranger and doesn't seem to be able to tone it down and get to know him. I think he's totally turned off and is coming off as checked out and rude and I honestly don't blame him. 

  • Love 12

“I don’t do well with strangers…” said a guy who signed a contract to marry one on a reality show.  Surely, he didn't expect to see a woman he knew at the end of the aisle.  They are a lot of people that are shy, reserved and/or introverts, and yet, they don't have problems forming romantic relationships.  Clearly, Jep isn’t attracted to Shawniece.

  • Love 12

Jephte doesn't do well with strangers... or maybe just not the one who talks about her masturbating habit & rubs her ass all over his dick at their wedding in front of family members & a TV audience.

That will be a hard first impression to beat, for Jephte.

Meanwhile, Shawniece is kicking herself for not packing her 'toys'...

  • Love 13

I agree with y’all that it almost feels like Jepthe lost a bet. Why is he on this show? He seems so hung up on Shawneice being a stranger he can’t learn anything about her. Did he not listen through all the interviews and contract talks? Did he just now learn the definition of the word stranger? The only way someone stops being a stranger is getting to know them which implies an interest in you know, knowing them. He seems decidedly uninterested. Of course I don’t think Shawneice is helping the cause. She’s not reading the room in any way. And the drama about the phone name and missing her traveling comment are just adding fuel to Jepthe’s fire of conviction that he made a big mistake. 

The whole discussion Ryan and Jaclyn had regarding typically not using condoms or birth control while they also talked about being spontaneous was odd. What was the point? To make us think they might spontaneously get pregnant on the honeymoon? To mention condoms again? Weird. His enthusiasm is still a bit too strong for me but they do, at least initially, seem pretty well matched. 

Molly and Jon, or NoJob, as I tend to think of him, have chemistry, but I’m not sure if I’m sold yet. If she continues to want to wait on their sexy times will he lose interest, or, as we all know is possible with these editors, is sex not even an ongoing issue? 

By the way the little intro jingle, “it’s all or nothing” is played for too often! 

Edited by ramble
I’m havinv odd double and triple posting issues.
  • Love 3
2 hours ago, Suck It Trebek said:

I must've missed used it-what happened with their flight and what did Shawneice do that Jephte was unhappy about? I saw that there was a flight cancellation or delay, but I didn't catch anything else. 

Their flight was delayed, they missed their connection, and they lost their luggage. I got the impression that their flight was severely delayed since they got to Jamaica at about 10 PM and one of them said something about missing their first day of their honeymoon. Jephte looked tired and grumpy, which I 100% get in that situation, and Shawniece said something like "Well, here's to your first trip out of the country!" ostensibly trying to lighten the mood, which I also 100% get in that situation. Jephte was like "Yeah, my first trip out of the country," and Shawniece said something like "And it's with me!" and Jephte didn't really respond to that, and Shawniece got mad and said that Jephte didn't even care that he was with her, and that sparked the whole "You're a stranger!" conversation. What probably should have happened is that one of them should have said, "You know what, it's been a really long day. Let's get some sleep and start over in the morning."

Shawniece also goes to the bathroom with the door open, which Jephte doesn't appear to care for. Team Jephte on that.

  • Love 17

Shawniece is trying to force familiarity and intimacy with jephete. The constant sex talk reminds me of an inexperienced teenager whose trying to impress a guy. The peeing with the door open. Personally I think that is gross and a turn off. Especially with someone u just met. She has  no boundaries and jephete is very uncomfortable. He seemed like a good sport at first. Was smiling alot and talking about how she's attractive and adorable but  I think her inappropriate steam roller personality just turned him off. And as someone else and she doesn't respect him. He's just a prop. Oh I have a husband!!! 

  • Love 12

Jephte's experience of getting to know Shawniece so far is like him drinking from a fire hose, turned on full blast.

Jephte needs to get to know Shawniece like toddlers drink from a  sippy cup...using both hands until he gets sure of himself, taking a little or a lot but taking his sweet time.

Thinking we have another Sam and Neil situation here.

Sam and her sugar gliders, wax melts, tether ball tantrum, driving on the wrong side of the road... belittling Neil to bully a reaction from him.

Jephte will just continue to become more non responsive with his thousand yard stares with Shawniece crying out of frustration because her actions will just get more and more outlandish, trying to get a rise from him.

Get ready for the Honeymoon from Hell.

Edited by humbleopinion
  • Love 10
2 hours ago, kira28 said:

Shawniece is trying to force familiarity and intimacy with jephete. The constant sex talk reminds me of an inexperienced teenager whose trying to impress a guy. The peeing with the door open. Personally I think that is gross and a turn off. Especially with someone u just met. She has  no boundaries and jephete is very uncomfortable. He seemed like a good sport at first. Was smiling alot and talking about how she's attractive and adorable but  I think her inappropriate steam roller personality just turned him off. And as someone else and she doesn't respect him. He's just a prop. Oh I have a husband!!! 

It was like Heather was okay with Derek's appearance.  Then she got whiff of the marijuana smoke, the Pee Wee Herman voice, and the lack of job prospects and she was so done.

Shawnice is no Derek, she is adorable, but a horrible match for Jephte.

  • Love 2
9 hours ago, Lusterleaf said:

I don’t know why Jephte signed up for this show if he is so hesitant and reserved. Maybe he is using the “stranger” excuse because he’s not attracted to shawniece. If that’s the case it’s going to be another season of Danielle and Cody,  Or David and Ashley, - painful to watch

It is so painful! After this week I still think Shawniece is over the top but I feel for her. Jephte was being mean, straight up. At least TRY, dude. She looked great without makeup and with her real hair, IMO.

I think she's bubbly and seems like a nice person.  There's nothing wrong with wanting or liking sex, even casual sex. But he's clearly decided she's trashy and is over it.

Someone else mentioned the AA women always getting the "crazy" edit and I agree.

R&J will crash and burn when the afterglow wears off. We laughed hysterically at the condom.

I totally thought M&J had sex--what were they doing in the middle of the night then? Just the tip?

  • Love 4
On January 17, 2018 at 4:37 PM, answerphone said:

I wonder if any of the participants, current and past seasons, have been virgins?  Just a thought...

And what if one of the new wives got pregnant? I assume they're using double birth control (pills and condoms) if they choose to have sex.

Ha !  Good question.  Funny but I just asked the husband last night if he thought there were any virgins on the show.  As usual, he was too busy watching sports to answer.

  • Love 1

Molly said Jon is a sweater...one who perspires or a knitted garment?

I thought that was very random Molly TH comment.

 Molly... double the fitted sheet so post coitus you just yank the moist wet layer off and you don't have to sleep on the wet spots.

Thinking Jon's morning boner woke him up but Molly talked her way out of the first bang hours before the parent and family breakfast.

Jacklyn's DeadEx will be a sad story line that hopefully will be treated with all the respect this exploitative show can muster....yeah, right...

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, glitterpussy said:

Someone else mentioned the AA women always getting the "crazy" edit and I agree.


I don't think so - I was totally on the side of the season 1 lady (whose name I am blanking on right now) and I liked Vanessa AND Sheila even though they were a little stressed out.  Shawniece is my least favorite, but I am more of a Jephte type of person.  However - the crazy thing with the AA women (except maybe Sheila) is that they all want the guys involved in their bathroom business!

  • Love 3
14 minutes ago, princelina said:

However - the crazy thing with the AA women (except maybe Sheila) is that they all want the guys involved in their bathroom business!

Monet & Vanessa peed with the door open?

I don't think Sheila did, but that will forever be the season they tried to ruin chocolate for me. Didn't work though.

Edited by gonecrackers
  • Love 3
Just now, gonecrackers said:

Monet & Vanessa peed with the door open?

I don't think Sheila did... that will forever be the season they tried to ruin chocolate for me. Didn't work though.

I dont think Vanessa explicitly peed with the door open, but I remember her telling Trey that she really wanted to share a bathroom with him because it would be more intimate than to continue using separate bathrooms. Which is totally true, sharing a bathroom consistently is super intimate, however not in the best way I think. By sharing a bathroom I mean simply both partners using the same bathroom in the home as their own, not necessarily peeing in front of each other. But let me tell you - the fastest way to lose that "spark" is to share a bathroom and learn all about your partner's habits, such as stinking up the bathroom before you take your shower, hearing their bathroom habits from the other side of the door; stains inside the toilet bowl, etc. Now very few cohabitating couples use separate bathrooms but honestly that would be ideal. LOL. 

  • Love 3
54 minutes ago, humbleopinion said:

Molly said Jon is a sweater...one who perspires or a knitted garment?

I thought that was very random Molly TH comment.

 Molly... double the fitted sheet so post coitus you just yank the moist wet layer off and you don't have to sleep on the wet spots.

Thinking Jon's morning boner woke him up but Molly talked her way out of the first bang hours before the parent and family breakfast.

Jacklyn's DeadEx will be a sad story line that hopefully will be treated with all the respect this exploitative show can muster....yeah, right...

 I can't stop laughing .. The most hysterical post ever.  Knitted garment and double the sheet .. Too much.

5 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

Jephte will just continue to become more non responsive with his thousand yard stares with Shawniece crying out of frustration because her actions will just get more and more outlandish, trying to get a rise from him.

Shawniece is thirsty, but WTF Jephte, I mean the other men on the show seem happy to be married, they seem normal.  I don't believe Jephte is reserved at all, I just think he needs surgery to get the stick removed from his anus.  What is this about, "you're a stranger, stranger, stranger!"  Jephte would drive me crazy and I think I'm a pretty patient person.  BTW, if Jephte is upset that Shawniece pees with the door open maybe he should...I don't know...tell her, that's what adults do, they talk their problems out, not just "suffer" in silence.  

  • Love 7

I don't like that they sent the couples to the same place to be scheduled to 'run into' each other for production driven situations 'support'.  The one thing I am looking forward to is Jon's face when he finds out Ryan is scoring & he isn't.

Shawniece will be jealous of anyone having sex... or who is married to someone who actually speaks to them.

  • Love 7
3 minutes ago, gonecrackers said:

Shawniece will be jealous of anyone having sex... or who is married to someone who actually speaks to them.

She'll be jealous of anyone married to an actual living, breathing human being.  I don't know what planet her "stranger" husband is from, but I don't believe it's Earth.

I know that I said that Shawniece is thirsty and she is, but what's Jephte, the teacher, is annoying the shit out of me.  He isn't reserved, because a reserved person wouldn't go on a reality show to get married; he's just plain rude.

Now I'm going to say something very PI, but I've met many Haitians and West Africans who think they are better than Black Americans; which confuses me because Black Americans suffered, died and built the country they want to live in (went to the National Museum in DC and I learned A LOT). Maybe Jephte thinks he's better than his wife.

Edited by Neurochick
  • Love 6

Moon Palace... Ocho Rios... Jamacia.....

Molly: Jon, there's Jackie...she's a first sight bride...

Jon: Oh joy...Ryan, her husband is a braggart that spent 23 hundred on her ring to fit on her man sized fingers...

Ryan: Hi guys...enjoying your honeymoon?

Molly: Jamaica is great, our room is sick and getting to know each other is the best...

Jon: Have a drink with us?

Ryan: Can we get a rain check for later?

We are a roll... going for the record of having sex 5 times today

Let's see..pre dawn, after breakfast, after lunch, now before dinner and... fingers crossed... if I am lucky fella...at bed time...

 Jackie: Later guys...

  • Love 1

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