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S28.E11: Havoc To Wreak

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The whole situation between Kass and Tony was equal parts hilarious and annoying. I LOVE that Tony just blurted his SSHIIT (super secret hidden immunity idol. T.) just because Kass was pushing his buttons. Moron. But what a great social game on Spencer and Tasha. Is it me or do those two have a certain simpatico? This seems to be the second time that they were not with each other, but operated with excellent synchronicity. 

As much as I can't take Kass, even in small doses I'll give her this: woman has an arm on her. She definitely wailed on that wall. 

"little monsters" Spencer, I am still not surprised. 

Woo only confirms how he's an awesome person. Not a great player, but a great person. He is just a horrible, horrible liar. Which just confirms this. Makes me wonder (rather rhetorically) has anyone won on a totally honest game or as really bad liars? Because that was just not thought out at all. 

I like the immunity challenge. I was really pulling for Tasha just to see her pull four in a row. 

Trish is excellent at reading folks - except Tony. She drank his kool-aid. I don't understand how she became his lap dog in a very short amount of time. 

And my final thought on this: fuck Kass. 

  • Love 6
And my final thought on this: fuck Kass.


Totally.  How many times can bitch betray people and switch sides?  Her statement in the next week preview  "At this point in the game you want to cause as much chaos as you possibly can"=fucking stupid.  Also, her view that she would beat Tony at FTC is doubly delusional.  Jury may not like Tony but they will respect his gameplay.  Jury HATES Kass.

  • Love 6

The second Kass talked about people hating Tony not being a bad thing for her, I knew they would vote Tasha out. And much as I can't stand her, I can't knock that move. Even Kass I don't think is delusional enough to not realize how disliked she is, so it makes sense that she's going to think taking someone who may have pissed more people off is a good idea. 


I'm actually a little disappointed in Spencer and Tasha. They did not play that whole thing very smart. Sitting back and watching Kass and Tony go at it was great and Spencer should have listened to Kass and her spiel but he should have gone back to Tony and basically say that Kass did not believe Tony had the special idol and was going to call his bluff. Tony has proven that yes, for as smart as he is, as hard as he is playing, he can be easily led through paranoia. 


Of course it may not have worked but I still think that might have been the better plan that trusting and putting any faith in Kass. It seems hard to see how Spencer makes it to the end but he and Tasha, save for Woo winning that one Immunity Challenge have seemed to dominate the challenges and with her gone that ups his chances. But yeah unless he wins Immunity again next week or some juju happens, I think we're heading for Final 4 of Kass, Woo, Trish and Tony where one would hope the other three (okay other two, not counting Woo) would be smart enough to bounce Tony if he doesn't win Immunity. Since I will assume he won't be able to play his idols then. 


Speaking of Woo...nice guy, adorable with those kids but wow, there's not much going on there is there?

  • Love 4

Trish is getting so thin it's scary.  I was kinda hoping the votes would send her to Ponderosa just so she could get a handful of sandwiches into her.  And some protein shakes.  Jeff's right - there's NO muscle left on those bones.


Sorry to see Tasha go.  She became one of the most likable competitors I've seen on this show in a long time.


Kass is deluded and continues to annoy the hell out of me.

  • Love 4
Of course it may not have worked but I still think that might have been the better plan that trusting and putting any faith in Kass. It seems hard to see how Spencer makes it to the end but he and Tasha, save for Woo winning that one Immunity Challenge have seemed to dominate the challenges and with her gone that ups his chances. But yeah unless he wins Immunity again next week or some juju happens, I think we're heading for Final 4 of Kass, Woo, Trish and Tony where one would hope the other three (okay other two, not counting Woo) would be smart enough to bounce Tony if he doesn't win Immunity. Since I will assume he won't be able to play his idols then.


In that scenario, I think Woo would win.

Ugh Tony is being such an ass but unfortunately he IS right, they can't get rid of him because of that damned idol...


I have to admit I have a soft spot for these "visit the local village/school" opportunities.


Spence, you ass, "little monsters"? Really? But loved Woo and his little globetrotter skilz.


I literally shouted "WooHOO!" when Spence got it, to the point I got a "What are you watching??" from the living room heh. I had this moment of dread at the start that Tony might win as this was a very even chance for victories.


Did Probst, gahd ferbid, miss-speak saying Trish "has no more muscle on her body"? Seems that's all she has left, no FAT, just muscle. Right?


TC Jury: Whoa check out how hot Jefra looks... and Morgan continues to hide her chest with her clothing choices which I find to be interesting.


Dissapointed in Woo... this was not exactly a Power Moment for him. At this point it's Tony's game to lose as he STILL has two idols. Sucks.

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A couple of other things:


No really, does Woo have any actual independent thought at all? Dude is just easily led by everyone. And say what you will about Tony, but he is smart in many aspects of the game. I loved how Tony easily realized that Woo's lie made no sense. I mean really, why would Spencer go along with a plan to get rid of Tasha, his only ally left in the game. If Woo had any brains, he would have told Tony that Kass brought up blindsiding Tony because she doesn't believe him about the idol and figures it would be a good way to either call his bluff or flush out the idol. Tony would buy that because Kass pretty much said she would write his name down when they were arguing. It has always been said, the best lies are the ones that have some element of truth, small as it is, in them. Because it makes it more believable.


The immunity challenge was actually not that hard, it was just a matter of keeping a cool head and not rushing. That's really why they were all mis-counting because they were trying to rush the count to be the first one back. Yes, it's a race but it does you no good to keep having to go back and back and still being wrong anyway. If I had been there, I would have taken my cool time and counted two elements, gone back, locked those numbers in. Then gone back and done the same so I would only have to go back three times or two if I figured I could remember three numbers well enough. It was just about staying calmly and calmly counting the items. Have to say I really thought Tasha had it again when she was heading back that last time. Totally did not see Spencer winning. And for as hard as he is playing all aspects of the game, Tony really sucks at those immunity challenges. Which once again is why I said, watch the only one he wins be the final one before the Final 3. 


Finally, I knew the second Spencer made the little monsters comment, some would come at him for it. But personally, it didn't bother me because I read Spencer's body language immediately when they got there because it would have so been mine. I too am not a huge fan of kids and especially not a large group. When there is a large group coming at me, I tend to cringe inwardly and start thinking of ways to escape. I certainly don't think Spencer meant anything evil or horrible with the term but just that kids, especially around the age those looked to be, can be holy terrors. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
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I am so bummed at the loss of Tasha and the outcome of the vote.  I agree with a poster above who said she became one of the most likeable competitors to play this game in a very long time.  


Damn you, Kass!  I hold her 100% responsible for the 2-2-2 vote split not happening.  She's dead wrong here... Tony is annoying and cocky, but he's no Russell Hantz.  A 2-2-2 vote split would have been AMAZING to see as a viewer, and it really made sense for all the players involved to flush out one of Tony's idols.  I'm impressed with Woo for actually being willing to turn on Tony.  He did lie to Tony about the strategy talk during the reward, so he really must have been on board with the plan until Kass got to him.  >:( .  I don't know what Trish is thinking, still playing second fiddle to Tony.  Kass is delusional in thinking Tony is her goat, but at least she demonstrates that she has her own mind and HAS a strategy.  Trish seems to just be there.  She does, however, continue to be very perceptive.  She nailed it in the hut with Tony when she said "we'll know Woo is lying if he says they didn't talk strategy". 


For me, this season is still in my Top 3 ever.  This was another entertaining episode for me in spite of the disappointing vote.  I loved Kass overhearing Tony's conversation... and she did it without a spy shack!  I also love that she misheard Tony and that the two then had a huge blowout argument in front of everyone.  The argument can be paraphrased as follows:


Tony: You're old and immature

Kass: No, you are!


I don't particularly care for either of them, so I loved seeing them go at it.  As Spencer said in the show, it was ironic that Tony was actually telling the truth for once but was still getting blamed by Kass.  It was doubly ironic that Tony put Jeremiah in a similar situation towards the beginning of the season by showing him the clue to the idol that was at the Brawn camp and then took the clue back so that Jeremiah couldn't prove otherwise to his tribe.  Karma's a bitch, eh, Tony?

Edited by me5671
  • Love 3

Well, that sucked. Fuck Kass, and fuck Woo. Jellyfish have more spine than him.


Alright, so voting off Tasha was the smart move. It was probably the one Probst would've wanted, since he told her that she was one off on the puzzle. But it still sucks. If Kass and Woo had onions, we could've gotten rid of a non-entity like Trish. But no, we'll be having her jawing with Kass in a bitch-on-bitch fight that I could probably care less about. Meanwhile, Tony can protect Trish with an idol in the next TC, while using the Diary Of A Mad Idol for himself. I know there will be one or two chances for him to leave (F4 and F3), but this result gives him options. And I hate Tony when he has options.


Speaking of Tony . . . he isn't Russell Hantz, Kass, so shut your hole. Tony isn't interested in sabotage and salting the earth while taunting his enemies. I'm certain that if he loses and gets an invite back, he would adapt his strategy accordingly, and that he wouldn't cry like a punk upon defeat. I can hate Tony, but I can respect his gameplay. I can't say the same for Russell, and I really can't say the same about Kass.


Reward Challenge . . . how funny is it that one "team" had members whose names started with "T"? And they all got votes to boot. I liked Woo doing a martial arts demonstration, and I really thought he'd grow a brain with Spencer. Looks like I was wrong. Damn jellyfish. Hope he has fun on the jury, because that's where he's ending up.


Tasha . . . poor girl. The biggest downside is that Probst probably won't call on her at the Reunion. And even if she had won (which was a possibility), Probst would've spent two minutes on her, max. If she does get the spotlight, it'll probably be about some stupid shit involving J'Tia.


You know what I'd like to see? Tony telling Kass that he's lying to her. I mean, if everything he says is a lie, how would Kass take that? I just want the shit-for-brains' ears to smoke from the paradox.

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does Woo have any actual independent thought at all?


Apparently not... when he doesn't consult someone else he's totally transparent. His/their problem was that they didn't tell him what to tell Tony because he totally blew that one. And Tash also overplayed her hand by acting "too confident" like Tony called her out for. It was really one of the weaker attempts in recent memory.



I can hate Tony, but I can respect his gameplay


And I believe that is how the jury will feel as well, and what I'm afraid of would lead to a Tony win.

Edited by Wandering Snark
  • Love 1
Aww.  It was cute when Kass said she thought that any F3 that involved her would be a close vote.  She actually thinks people are going to vote for her.  That's adorable.





Honestly, Tasha did herself in when she told Kass what a horrible person Tony is, and right then you see the realization strike Kass's face that she has no chance against the brains.



She overplayed it just a little bit. She should have done like Spencer did last week with Tony. He planted the seeds about Jefra but let Tony do most of the talking. 


But in all seriousness about Kass, she's a total nut isn't she? What the hell was she going on about Tony calling her a bitch? Where and how in anything Tony was saying did she hear this? I seriously went "huh" when she started telling Trish and Tasha that she heard everything and he was calling her a bitch and saying no one likes her. I think those were the voices in Kass' head she heard.


Also, anyone think Jefra looked all indignant and huffy on the jury? That made me laugh out loud. She sat there all, "you all have a lot of explaining to do to me". Umm okay, whatever Jefra. You were a non-entity in the game and will likely be considered one even while on the jury. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
  • Love 2

I'm sorry to see Tasha go, but she would have won if they'd kept her. She was good at most aspects of the game, though, and she was (I think) a fan favourite, so maybe they'll invite her back sometime?


The second Kass talked about people hating Tony not being a bad thing for her, I knew they would vote Tasha out. And much as I can't stand her, I can't knock that move. Even Kass I don't think is delusional enough to not realize how disliked she is, so it makes sense that she's going to think taking someone who may have pissed more people off is a good idea.


Yeah. I don't know if Kass has any chance with the jury, but her best bet is probably to go against someone like Tony, who's abrasive and rubs people the wrong way. I don't know if she can beat Tony, but I like her chances with Tony more than I like them with Tash, Woo, and Spencer.


I think Kass' liability as a player is that she has a knee-jerk reaction of alpha-rolling anyone who tries to take charge. That's why so many of the early boots were of people who tried to lead the Brains tribe, why she jumped ship to get rid of Sarah, etc, etc. It's something that probably works out well for her as a lawyer, but tonight it almost led her to get rid of Tony, who's probably the only person she might beat at F3. It's also what leads her to keep getting into petty arguments with people around camp, which contributes to her not being liked.


And say what you will about Tony, but he is smart in many aspects of the game. I loved how Tony easily realized that Woo's lie made no sense. I mean really, why would Spencer go along with a plan to get rid of Tasha, his only ally left in the game.


As much as I dislike Tony, I was also impressed by this. Not that Woo's lie was good, but I've seen people fooled by pretty lame lies on this show. I was also impressed that he and Trish both understood right away that if Woo said nobody mentioned strategy, it would be a red flag. It's something that seems obvious, but that not everyone is able to do in the moment. If I have a criticism though, it's that Tony is too obvious about the things he notices. Rather than saving it for a confessional, or to discuss with his allies, after, he likes to blurt it out and tell the person that he sees what they're doing.


Honestly, Tasha did herself in when she told Kass what a horrible person Tony is, and right then you see the realization strike Kass's face that she has no chance against the brains. She should've just left well enough alone, Kass was pissed at Tony and there was no need to bring logic back into Kass's head.


It's a great Survivor moment, but she made a mistake, for sure. I think it follows from having had immunity for so many weeks in a row, and not having had the opportunity to get used to tolerating the anxiety that comes from worrying that you're about to get voted out. Whereas Spencer is pretty practised at dealing with this by now, because it's always him, she got nervous and started talking too much. An immunity run can be a double-edged sword that way, because it takes you out of the game and you don't get as good at surviving tribal councils by other means.

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I thought that was another terrible immunity challenge from a viewing spectacle standpoint. We had no idea who was leading, when someone was close to being finished, and when we should feel drama. It was just pointless to watch. One of those wake me up when it's over types of challenges.


This season is still going to come down to Tony needing to win the Final 4 immunity challenge. I just hope it's something more interesting to watch.

I don't think Tony is nearly the goat he appears to be to us.  yeah, he's kind of Hantzing it up a bit, but he's got a MUCH better handle on his social game than any Hantz ever thought about having.  He's not Mother Teresa...or Yao Man, but he's likable enough and charismatic enough that when people leave the game, they don't hate him.  They admire his moves in the game, even some of the dumber ones.  The rest who are left MUST get him gone if they want any votes.


And Kass will go to the finals because anyone could win against her.  she's made some good moves, too, but her social game is Hantz-ian.  aka crap.

I figured people would go ape over Spencer's comments about kids, but honestly, I'm right there with him.  I'm not a big kid person and the thought of a whole herd of them coming at me makes me shudder.  I would never harm a child and I love my own babies (nieces and nephews) like nobody's business, but yeah, they are little monsters.  I am always happy to see them and always happy to give them back to their parents.  I subscribe to the good aunt theory of sugar 'em up, shake 'em up, and give them back.  And I give them loud toys for presents that they can immediately take home with them and never bring back to auntie's house.  I keep the quiet toys at my house.  I love the little heathens but I still know they are little heathens.

  • Love 3

This season has now become "anyone but Kass."


Reward challenge? Anyone but Kass.

Immunity challenge? Anyone but Kass.


Wait, let me rephrase that, there is one instance where it is "please let it be Kass": Loser at Tribal Council?


Ugh, just from the beginning where she was getting all huffy about Tony's decision. "Look at what happened to Sarah! That's what happens when I don't know about decisions!" Oh so sorry Kass that Tony did not run all decisions by you first. Then she begins to talk about how everyone needs to play for themselves.


Woo was very cute with the kids and I feel bad for Tasha, but she really should've tried harder to scramble, even for show.


It was just pointless to watch. One of those wake me up when it's over types of challenges.

I actually was on the edge of my seat every time someone went to check their totals, especially w/Tony I was all "No no no... YES!" Heh. But I do agree they could have done some graphics of at least how many they had right or something each time someone went for it? Big Brother style, but then they don't tend to do that.


Thing is, since all of them believe he's in a constant state of lying, he can safely (safe for him) drop truth bombs like this and no one will believe him.


I think they all believed him in a "Dude's crazy, he probably does have it..." and they know nobody else has been looking so odds are he could.


BTW - I think anyone would take Woo along because he's literally done nothing, why waste a vote on him?

Edited by Wandering Snark

I knew that no one knew that no one knew that Tony had the super idol. They were/are sure that what he pulled out at the Jeremiah vote was a fake one wrapped in an old idol cloth. Even now they really are not sure if he has it, Spenser asked point blank and gave a talking head that he didn't think Tony had it. Kass flat out said he didn't have it after he said that he did.


Kass cannot win this game. She has pissed off everybody with her behavior and attitude. She comes off as condesending and a bit of an asshole. Tony wasn't talking about her. He said her name once, I thought in a complimentary way and did not call her a bitch. Then they talked about other stuff. Kass has decided that Tony is a jackass and that he was talking about her and would hear nothing else. Tony was honest, Kass blew him off. Spenser had good reason not to say anything but Woo walked away from the conversation because he is a non-confrontational guy.


She pissed off her original alliance with the flip and her move tonight is not going to win her any votes with them because she went back on a plan she developed. She has done nothing strategic in this game since that original flip. She has not been good in competitions and has not come close to winning an individual immunity competition.


Woo cannot win this game. He is a nice guy and was great with the kids. I think he is pretty non-confrontational though. He is not going to get involved in the Tony/Kass crap, he is not going to go to bat for a specific plan, he is going to go with the flow. I would want to have him with me if I was being robbed because he would kick ass but he does not have the personality to play and win Survivor. He has made no moves nad has no real interest in making moves.


Trish is in trouble. She really looks like Tony's puppy dog. He votes against their alliance and Trish is fine with it. She even tells him why he did it when commanded to after tribal. They didn't even have another pow wow to  explain to Tony that he has tot alk to her before doing anything like blindsiding Jefra.


Tony is in a better place then Kass and Trish give him credit for as long as Spenser does not make it to the final. I do not think Sarah, LJ, or Jefra will vote for Tony. Jeremiah, Tasha, and Spenser will vote for Tony. They see that he is the one playing and making moves. Spenser's comment about when will his alliance wake up and see that he is blindsiding people and not just welcome him back with open arms is more then telling. It is true and it means that Tony will get the minority alliance votes. I think that he will get Morgan's vote as well but might not because Sarah is likely to be totally anti-Tony. If Woo is on the jury, Tony gets Woo's vote.


Kass/Trish are making the mistake that Probst and some viewers are making. They are comparing demonstrative, strategic, paranoid  Tony to destructive, sabotaging, bullying Russell. There are different types of loud and brash and Tony and Russell are the perfect example of that. Kass, Tony is the Capo because you have let him be not because he is bullying you. You have let Tony get away with what he is doing because you think he is a goat and your oppossition, Spenser/Tasha/Jeremiah took advantage of that in order to extend their time in the game. Spenser is the only one left right now but he is there when two of your alliance mates are on the Jury. Spenser understands the game Tony is playing and has used it to his advantage. You see what Tony is doing, you see the paranoia, you see the moves he has made and you have done squat to deal with it. Tony knows he can get away with the backstabbing because you let him get away with it. You and Trish. You should have voted Tony out the second he blindsided LJ just like you should have voted J'Tia out the second she dumped the rice. You choose to keep players in that you 1) cannot control and 2) cannot predict.


Tony wins this game if Spenser does not go on an immunity run. It is that simple. Woo has done nothing, Kass has annoyed people far more then Tony has, Trish gives the appearence of being Tony's puppy dog. Spenser wins if he is in the final. His competition wins, I think he has been on every reward this season and won at least two individual immunities and made it to the final two in immunity a ton of times, and the fact that he is still in the game will be all that he needs. Spenser won't get Kass, Trish, or Woo's vote if they are on the Jury but that is it. Kass because she is an coondescending twit who will not reward Spenser for great play, Trish and Woo for loyalty purposes.

While I think Kass is correct that Tony is the person she has the best chance of beating, I think she is delusional if she actually thinks he is more hated than her. If she makes final 3 it will only be as the goatyest goat who ever goated.

With two idols, unless something bizarre happens, Tony is pretty much a lock for final 4. However, if he votes Kat for spite, he seriously decreases his chances.

Woo was adorable with the kids. So pretty & so nice, but so dumb.

I don't think Spencer meant "little monsters" in a mean way. He does seem like a bit of a jerk at times, but I think that was a fairly innocuous comment, but I don't like kids much either.

I'm guessing this is gonna be one bitter jury no matter how it winds up.

  • Love 2
Kass flat out said he didn't have it after he said that he did.


I thought it was funny that Kass was so sure Spencer had an idol a couple weeks ago based on his body language, but even when Tony brags about having the SSHIT (awesome acronym, EC Amber) she refuses to believe he does.  She can read subtle clues but can't decipher bombast.


So I guess I'm rooting for Spencer, but unless he goes on an immunity run he is toast.  In that case I'd be all for a Tony win.  Worst case would be the 3 sheep, none of whom have any business claiming they deserve the title of sole survivor.

Edited by Haleth
  • Love 1
I can hate Tony, but I can respect his gameplay


My sentiments exactly. From what they've shown us, he's been pretty savvy, even if he is annoyingly hyper and self-congratulatory about it all.


I don't understand why anyone in a majority alliance would desire chaos. That's the last thing you should want at this point. Spencer and Tasha, yes, it would benefit them. But Kass' odd craving for it doesn't really make sense.

  • Love 2
But Kass' odd craving for it doesn't really make sense.



It's her ego. Makes her think she's controlling things and is this huge master strategizer. I agree with ProfCrash's assessment. In my opinion this is who wins if the Final 3 shakes out in the following ways:


Spencer/Kass/Tony - Spencer wins

Spencer/Trish/Tony - Spencer wins 

Spencer/Woo/Tony - Spencer wins

Spencer/Kass/Trish - Spencer wins


So yes basically I think if Spencer makes it to the end, he'll win. Tony might still be able to give him a run for his money and make a very strong case for himself where the votes may be close but I think he will definitely get Jeremiah, Tasha, Morgan and Sarah's votes and that would pretty much be the majority of the votes right there. If Tony's not in the final 3, then he's running away with this thing because I can't see the jury voting for Kass, Woo and even Trish over him. 


Kass/Tony/Trish - Tony wins

Tony/Kass/Woo - Tony wins


In either of these scenarios, no matter how upset some of the jury members will be about being blindsided by Tony and that would likely only be Jefra and LJ, I just can't see them thinking Kass or Woo or Trish played a better game than Tony. Trish might be his toughest competitor and depending on how annoyed some are with him, I can see her getting a vote or two but I think ultimately Spencer, Jeremiah, Tasha, Morgan and likely even LJ will vote for Tony. 


And finally god forbid:


Kass/Woo/Trish - Trish wins.


Trish seems likeable enough, I can easily see her getting Jefra, LJ's, Tony and even Morgan's vote and I think she would be able to sway Spencer, Tasha and Morgan by mentioning how she helped steer the Cliff blinside, that she approached Kass and played on her feelings of being at the bottom to get her to flip which changed the game significantly, that she calmed Jefra down when she wanted to flip and kept the alliance in tact, etc. Kass can make a case for herself of flipping that one vote but again nobody really likes her and many will still think other than flipping her vote, she really wasn't controlling anything or steering any major moves. 


By the way, I just did the math and with a Final 3, that would mean there are 8 individuals on the jury. Do they ever have an even number on the jury, only because there might be a possibility of a tie? And if not, does that mean they're doing a Final 2 and not 3? And if they are doing a Final 2, then it would seem the players were not informed of that since they were openly discussing Final 3 situations in last night's episode.


And Tony was way too relaxed about his paranoia, he was all smiling and pleading with Kass about what she 'overheard' and didn't let it go. They both kept it up as long as they could in front of the entire tribe. That seemed very purposeful to me.



Anything's possible I guess but I didn't see it that way. Tony seemed I think truly confused and bothered by Kass' comment and even after Trish tells him to let it go, he goes to her when she's alone on the beach (so there was no one to act up for. I mean sure he was with Woo but it's Woo. Tony himself said it last night that Woo was his lap dog) asking if her she was serious about that stuff she said or was she joking because he never said those things about her. I think their issues were real. In the end Kass just decided that Tony will make a good goat for her in the end, of course not realizing that if anyone's the goat, it's her. 

Edited by truthaboutluv

Tasha, you're right: you totally would have won the game.  And if this was a season with Redemption Island, you'd be back to the game in no time.  Much as I dislike it when they cast returning players for a new season, you I want to see more of.


I respect that Woo really thought about it before he made a decision.  I'm not sure what that experience might have been like for him -- sounds of crickets chirping, maybe? -- but at least he's not kneejerking his decisions.  That said, he went the wrong way.


Why has there never been any discussion of voting off Kass?  She certainly can't be relied on to vote with her alliance and she's absolutely odious.  I love her idea of going to final tribal with Tony so she can get all the votes since the jury will all hate Tony.  She seems to think they'd rather vote for her!  Not gonna happen.  If those two make it to final tribal, then whoever is with them wins.  


Was there ever a final tribal where all three choices were awful people?  I sorta remember that Thailand came down to an arrogant dentist and an arrogant porn star, but I could be wrong.

  • Love 1
Whereas Spencer is pretty practised at dealing with this by now, because it's always him, she got nervous and started talking too much. An immunity run can be a double-edged sword that way, because it takes you out of the game and you don't get as good at surviving tribal councils by other means.



Tasha's mistake was on stressing how unlikeable and annoyed others are by Tony. I get it, she was trying to create the bond with Kass under the mantle of a shared common enemy. But all it did was make Kass delusionally believe she had a shot against Tony because people will be angrier at him and dislike him more than her. What Tasha should have focused on is what Spencer referenced at the tribal council, that so many of the people on the jury are sitting there in their eyes, based on moves Tony made and that makes him a tough competitor to go up against in a Final 3/2 situation because he can make the case that like him or not, he made moves and greatly controlled the game. That would have made Kass more willing to get rid of him because the argument would then be that she couldn't win against him. Of course she is a nutter so she still might have changed her mind. 


Why has there never been any discussion of voting off Kass?  She certainly can't be relied on to vote with her alliance and she's absolutely odious.



That's why I said I don't think Spencer and Tasha played this very smart. I certainly get the appeal of wanting Tony out because he is without question the biggest threat in the game. But even without believing he has the special idol, they know he has one normal one because he showed it to them so he could have played that. But more than that, Tony has showed himself susceptible to paranoia and gentle nudging in someone else's direction.


Spencer and Tasha should have played both sides. Spencer should have listened to Kass, said nothing or even agreed but then go to Tony and say that Kass is thinking of voting him out because she doesn't think he has the idol and wants to call his bluff. This is Tony. That would have gotten a reaction out of him for sure. Then he would have likely shifted his paranoia onto Kass and even if he didn't believe and tried to confront her, she's so unpleasant and pissy, she likely would have gotten all defensive and they go at it again. And while they were going at it, Spencer should have worked on Woo and convinced him to vote for Kass and he and Tasha do the same. 


That way, if that works, Kass gets 3 votes, Trish votes Tasha as originally planned and who knows what the two nutters, Tony and Kass do, while they're both pissed off at each other. And an even better case scenario, Tony paranoid enough, at least plays the normal idol, thereby flushing out at least one. 

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If Woo had any brains, he would have told Tony that Kass brought up blindsiding Tony because she doesn't believe him about the idol and figures it would be a good way to either call his bluff or flush out the idol. Tony would buy that because Kass pretty much said she would write his name down when they were arguing. It has always been said, the best lies are the ones that have some element of truth, small as it is, in them. Because it makes it more believable.

Clearly, Woo could have used some coaching on what to actually tell Tony. I figured the best lie would have been to say that Kass was insistent on voting Tony, and that because he hadn't wanted to go along with it, Woo was worried they were actually going to vote for him. So then he would have at least deflected suspicion from Trish, and maybe gotten Tony to play the idol for him, even.


But Woo is obviously not too fast on his feet.

I agree that Spencer is the only one other than Tony who has any sort of argument for a win at FTC.  However, I think he has a very difficult path both to get to FTC, and then to a majority of the votes if he gets there, especially if he's sitting next to Tony at FTC.  (an unprecedented 4-4 tie is not out of the question, but I'll believe it when I see it).


First, I agree that to make F3 Spencer has to win Individual Immunity at both F5 and F4, otherwise he's the obvious boot in either of those TCs.  Especially if poor, deluded Kass really believes that Tony is a Hantz).


An 8 person jury will require 5 votes for an outright win.  It's possible to tie for the win at 4-4. (it's also possible to tie at 3-3-2, but I don't see any of the F5 other than Tony and Spencer getting 2 votes).


Of the 6 people currently on the jury, the only ones who I see as clear votes for Spencer are Jeremiah and Tasha.  So Spencer not only needs to survive the next two TC's, he needs to do so while getting two more votes onto the jury.  IMO, his only path to get there is to put Tony and Kass on the jury (which means getting Kass out at F5 and Tony at F4).  I don't see Trish and/or Woo voting for Spencer over Tony, even though Tony will have voted one of them out at F4.


I agree that in a Spencer/Kass/Trish-or-Woo FTC, Spencer wins because "none of the above" isn't a voting option.  Although in that line up, given jurors like Sarah, Morgan, LJ and Jefra, I wouldn't rule out Woo (which would be unbelievable, and yet entirely possible, imo).


But, I think Spencer has a tough road to that FTC configuration, for the reasons set forth below:


If Spencer makes it past F5, there are 3 possible F4 combinations (we know Tony is making F4 thanks to his HIIs):






In the two scenarios with Tony/Spencer/Kass, (assuming Spencer wins Immunity) Spencer obviously votes for Tony.  If Kass wants to sit next to Tony at FTC, then she votes for either Woo or Trish.  It doesn't really matter whom Tony votes for between Kass or Woo/Trish because he beats either of them.  But until either Trish or Woo demonstrate the gumption to not vote the way Tony tells them, I'd be betting on them teaming with Tony and voting for Kass.  That sends Kass to the jury on a 2-1-1 vote.


In the Tony/Spencer/Trish/Woo scenario (again assuming Spencer wins Immunity), Spencer votes for Tony once again.  Tony would have to vote for either Trish or Woo.  And, once again, thus far Tony's demonstrated Jedi-mind-control over both Trish and Woo.  So I think there's a distinct possibility that he convinces each of them to vote for the other, assuring them that he'll be with them.  That way, Tony stays and either Trish or Woo go to the jury on another 2-2-1 split.  Ordinarily this F4 make-up (with Spencer immune) would set up for an obvious Tony boot on a 3-1 vote.  But when we're talking about Trish and Woo, I'm not counting on it.


So my bet is that, if Spencer makes it to FTC, he'll be sitting next to Tony and one of Trish/Woo/Kass.  Of those three, the only potential jury vote for Spencer that I can see is Kass (both Trish and Woo have thus far responded to Tony's playing them with "thank you sir, may I have another").


That gets Spencer: Jeremiah, Tasha, Kass

I think Tony gets: Sarah, Morgan, LJ, Woo/Trish (whoever gets booted at F4).


Then there's Jefra.  One possibility is that they all mistake her for a stage-hand and forget to let her vote.


Otherwise, Tony and Woo blindsided her, so if she's mad at one she's mad at both.  Maybe in a Tony/Woo/Spencer FTC she votes for Spencer and we finally find out what happens in a FTC tie.  But I somehow don't see her voting for a "brain".  Rather I think she'll serve up her bitter-cakes in jury-questioning, then vote for Tony (to validate herself in the sense that she "got beat" by a really good player who ultimately won).  That way Tony wins 5-3.


Trish wasn't in on her blindside, so in a Tony/Trish/Spencer FTC there's a possibility she votes for Trish and Tony wins 4-3-1. I still don't think she votes for Spencer in that scenario for the reason set forth above.

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As truth suggests, I suspect Tasha did overplay her hand with both the non-scramble statement to Tony, and the Russell Hantz idea-planting into Kass's head.


She could have either tried the 'sulk quietly by yourself' routine (unlikely, as she's been chipper most of her time out) or thrown a few bones out by suggesting dumping Kass to Tony/Trish.


Ultimately, Kass made the right move for her own gameplay, but has now deluded herself into believing that Tony's great to carry to the end. The other side-effect of this is that she's no lock to get carried to the F3, particularly if Spencer wins F5 Immunity.


As for Woo, I guess he has a chance at winning *if* it's him, Trish and Kass at the end, but if that particular outcome happens it won't be through his machinations and plotting. The man is strategic ballast.


I'm just bummed Tasha is gone though, she's just been so likeable and an IC beast to boot. 1 item off, Probst said. Sigh.

Tony is not getting Morgan or Sarah. He called out Morgan for her lack of work and Sarah feels he betrayed her with the whole Final Five thing and then voting for her. Morgan and Sarah are friends so I cannot see Morgan or Sarah voting for Tony unless it is Tony/Kass/Woo. They might vote for Tony but I wouldn't be surprised if they voted for Woo.


Spenser has his alliance locked up. He was loyal to them, helped many of them navigate the game after Kass flipped, has won immunity, found an idol, and navigated two crappy positions in the game (Brawn and merge). I cannot see the four of them voting for anyone else. If Spenser makes the final, he wins.


Projected votes are in order of preference


Trish votes Tony, Woo.

Woo Tony, Trish or whoever has the last speech at tribal

Kass votes for Trish, Woo

Spenser votes for Tony, Trish

LJ votes for Trish, Spenser, or Woo (I really think Kass is that hated)

Jefra votes for Trish, Spenser, or Woo (I really think Kass is that hated)

Tasha votes for Spenser, Tony, Trish

Jeremiah votes for Spenser, Tony, Trish

Morgan votes for Spenser, Trish, Tony

Sarah votes for Spenser, Trish, Woo

Of the 6 people currently on the jury, the only ones who I see as clear votes for Spencer are Jeremiah and Tasha.



Morgan and Sarah are voting for Spencer if he gets to the Final tribal council. Sarah has her personal feelings about Tony but more than that, in her exit interviews she mentioned bonding with Spencer and Jeremiah and even claimed to have a secret 3 pact with them. She would vote for Spencer. Morgan in most of her exit interviews, while she seemed amused by Tony's antics, seems to think Spencer is just this genius, smartest person ever. She would vote for Spencer, especially because he had to fight and claw his way to the end. 


Woo Tony, Trish or whoever has the last speech at tribal



And whoever ends the speech with "so Woo, you will vote for me right because it just makes the most sense..." That vote will be locked up.

Edited by truthaboutluv
  • Love 3

Game over.  Season over.  Just given Tony the damn million and let's get on with our lives.


Last night was the last chance to chip away at Tony's idol armor before the end-game and they blew it because Kass just has to feel like she's in charge.


Geez, what a vile excuse for a human being.  And not nearly as smart as she thinks she is.  The Jersey cop has outmaneuvered her at every turn. 


There's no one left in the final group I like, but Tony deserves to win (can't believe I'm typing that).  He's been playing hard, hustling, while Woo wanders around going, "Wha'?", Kass preens in the reflection of her own magnificence, and the stars would have to align in unnatural ways for Spencer to reach the end. 


Trish is smarter than her 'dese, dem, dose' persona suggests, she reads people well and made some crucial moves early on, but no one will remember that at FTC, only that she was Tony's lapdog for most of the game.


I hope Tasha wins FF.

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