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12 minutes ago, Cherpumple said:

Thanks for the info about the interview protocol. One of the many reasons why I couldn't cut it as an elite athlete is that I don't have the mentality to deal with the constant cameras and microphones in my face while I'm trying to focus on my sport. (The closeness of the cameras in the sidelines of gymnastics competitions seems particularly invasive to me.) I'm sure I would eventually either blow past the interviewers and be called "rude" or yell at a cameraman to back off.


I know it's part of the gig, but I couldn't deal with it either. It was especially atrocious at the Rio Games where Gabby Douglas couldn't win no matter what she did. She was either too reserved or too isolated or not cheering for her teammates enthusiastically enough or not standing properly for the anthem etc. I can't imagine how exhausting it must be, trying to focus on your routines while being Sally Sunshine for the cameras at all times. 

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 11
22 minutes ago, AuntieDiane6 said:

Sorta doubt that as Shoma Una is also Japanese and has been a pretty consistent performer and is a world medalist. 


I mean I know this for a fact.




22 minutes ago, AuntieDiane6 said:


is a coach now. She might come back, but maybe not.

Edited by fan94
  • Love 3
1 hour ago, Cherpumple said:

Are athletes allowed to say "no interviews", or are they contractually obligated to give them, by either their national federation or IOC? I know they can't help the constant running of tv commercials and media commentary, but I would hope that they have some control over how many times they have to answer dumb questions.

They should be able to but I don't think so. A lot of sports only come around every four years

  • Love 2
3 hours ago, doodlebug said:

I was fortunate enough to attend some of the skating in Lillehammer.  I went to the practice session the morning of the Ladies' Long Program.  Lots of press there including TV networks.  The skaters were grouped at practice according to their placement in the short program, so Surya was on the ice with Kerrigan and some of the others in the top flight.  You might recall her mother was her coach.  As Surya skated in practice, her mother shouted at her across the rink, just screaming at her, telling her how awful she was, what a disgrace she was, how she was ashamed of her. There were some obscenities mixed in there.  I don't speak much French, but I knew what she was saying and, even those who didn't understand the words could not have missed the tone.  Surya had tears running down her cheeks.  I never loved her skating, but I felt very sorry for her; it was embarrassing to watch it.  If Surya is not a very nice person, it might be she learned it from her mother.  I met Surya at a couple exhibitions over the years after that Olympics and she was perfectly nice signing autographs and posing for pictures.

OMG that mom! With her crazy origin stories for Surya--yes, I can well believe this post. From what I've heard, Surya has always been very gracious to the fans--her bad rap comes from her intimidation of other skaters during warmups and her refusal to accept the 2nd place on the podium at '94 Worlds.


2 hours ago, Enero said:

Poor Patrick. Well there goes his final Olympic dreams. At least he has an Individual Silver and Team Gold. How fitting was his music and sad. :(

I love how supportive this crowd is. No matter who the skater is they give them respect.

Unlike certain audiences past *cough Sochi cough*

2 hours ago, gatopretoNYC said:

Dear Adam Rippon, I have liked your skating since the first season I saw you, when your hair was still curly, but in regard to these trying-too-hard interviews:


OMG is this from Stripes?!?! I love that movie!


1 hour ago, PoshSprinkles said:

Nathan is a stronger person than me. NBC would probably find me hiding in some bushes with tears streaming down my face and curled up in the fetal position listening to Coldplay.  


53 minutes ago, stealinghome said:

I just saw the interview. Poor Chen—he held it together but you could see in his eyes he just wanted to go back to his room and have a good cry. Also he looks so shell-shocked.

Yes, as you two both say he looked shocked. Poor kid. I left an encouraging post on his FB page.

  • Love 6
47 minutes ago, Cherpumple said:

Thanks for the info about the interview protocol. One of the many reasons why I couldn't cut it as an elite athlete is that I don't have the mentality to deal with the constant cameras and microphones in my face while I'm trying to focus on my sport. (The closeness of the cameras in the sidelines of gymnastics competitions seems particularly invasive to me.) I'm sure I would eventually either blow past the interviewers and be called "rude" or yell at a cameraman to back off.

I like Hanyu, but I gotta say that he is one of the most unassuming Olympic champions I've ever seen. Any time he's off the ice he just looks like a dorky little kid to me, who would get blown away in a strong gust of wind. Fantastic on the ice, but I wouldn't even notice him off the ice.

I wouldn't make it either. I mean imagine being watched and having cameras in your face every second. If you win they love you if you lose they hate you

Poor Patrick. Well there goes his final Olympic dreams. At least he has an Individual Silver and Team Gold. How fitting was his music and sad. :(


Does he also have the Team Silver from Sochi? Three Oly medals are nothing to sneeze at. 


I love how supportive this crowd is. No matter who the skater is they give them respect.


Speaking of Sochi, the extreme OPPOSITE of the South Korean crowds.  

  • Love 9

I feel bad for Nathan Chen that he choked.  But hey, when you are America's best hope for gold, and the viewers are told as such, the viewers and the country expect a lot.  Some rise to the pressure and perform (Shawn White and Chloe Kim), and some don't.  He'll learn and maybe he'll get another chance one day.  What I couldn't stand, however, was that his coach seemingly ignored him while waiting for his score.  Poor Nathan was just sitting there shell-shocked, and there didn't seem to be one word spoken between the two of them.  Coach was pissed, but come on, this is your pupil and you need to console him and give him support.  If I were Nathan, I'd be looking for a new coach.

  • Love 18

What I couldn't stand, however, was that his coach seemingly ignored him while waiting for his score.  Poor Nathan was just sitting there shell-shocked, and there didn't seem to be one word spoken between the two of them.  Coach was pissed, but come on, this is your pupil and you need to console him and give him support.  If I were Nathan, I'd be looking for a new coach.

Some athletes wouldn't want their coach to console them immediately after a performance like that; that would just make it worse. I think I would be that way--I wouldn't want my coach (or anyone else) to talk to me right away--we both know what just happened, no words are necessary. There's time for consoling/pep talk/whatever after we're off camera and there's been some time to get over the shock. I don't know if this is true of Nathan or not, but if it was I'm sure Raf would know that about him. They've been together awhile.

Anyway, I'm so gutted for Nathan. I'm also really sad that out of two opportunities to see that short program we didn't get to see it anywhere near its best. It really can be sublime, and it's still my favorite short program of any of the men this season. I hope he can manage to regroup and throw down a great free skate now that there's nothing to lose. Everyone is so tightly packed, there will probably be a lot of shuffling (there are only 10 points between 6 and 20, which isn't a lot in a free skate). He could easily move way up and at least not end on a completely sour note. Try to have some momentum going into Worlds.

  • Love 10
5 hours ago, Dots And Stripes said:

I'm wondering how the international press has been treating Nathan. I remember after nationals, a lot of the big figure skating fans on this board were saying it was too soon to call Nathan the Olympic favorite, even though that became a popular refrain on NBC. My sense is that Nathan has the talent, but his ability to perform consistently was still a question mark for people who have watched him closely for a while. 

He beat Hanyu earlier this season, and he beat Shoma at the Grand Prix Final in Japan, so I think the Japanese press have taken him seriously. Skating is big in Japan, and beating Hanyu was huge news. Nathan imploded here, but he does have the goods. It wasn’t just the American press hyping him.

Edited by Jeddah
  • Love 4
34 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

Could someone pretty please give me a run down on how Hanyu won gold in 2014?

I didn't follow the mens skating but I googled and found that he won so I watched the performance and he fell twice! I was expecting a clean skate. How did he still get gold? 

He skated lights out in the short program. Set a world record score at the time for it. Both he and Patrick Chan had excellent short program performances and rougher long programs.

  • Love 4
5 hours ago, Snow Apple said:

If Nathan stays on his feet in the long, how realistic that he can make the top 6? I don't know enough about scoring. Is top 10 more realistic?

The long program is worth more points than the short, so he has the opportunity to capitalize on that.  As noted above, there is not a huge separation between him and the guy in 6th.  Nathan has a long program packed with quads, more than any other skater.  If he keeps them in and performs them well; he would get scores that none of the other skaters can touch because they just don't have the firepower he does when he's on.  However, he just doesn't seem to have gotten to the right frame of mind to do it and, unless he miraculously pulls himself together, it's not going to happen.

Edited by doodlebug
  • Love 5

I didn't watch the men's competition.  I wonder how late it was on.  Every channel had people skiing down hills.  It was like watching paint dry.  I see that Patrick Chan is in 6th - fell on triple axle.  I hope his next program is better.  

7 hours ago, Dots And Stripes said:

I'm not saying NBC should avoid placing any pressure on athletes, but they should be a little more self aware. There are some athletes they hype when their event comes up.

Yes, look at Debi Thoms - she was hyped to the roof-tops.  Liz Manley snuck in to get the silver.

I had to go to bed before the Men's program finished, and was shocked to see how low Nathan was in the standings. I feel so bad for him. He's 18, and this experience in front of such a wide audience, where he keeps on choking has to be so humiliating, especially given all the hype built around him. I hope that now the pressure of a medal is completely off the table, he can relax and have a good skate for the long program.

  • Love 5
52 minutes ago, Snow Apple said:

If Nathan stays on his feet in the long, how realistic that he can make the top 6? I don't know enough about scoring. Is top 10 more realistic?

This is an over simplified look at it, but it's very possible that he could move dramatically up in the standings.  

His current score is 82.27; Patrick Chan is currently in 6th with 90.01.

Nathan's record LP score this season is roughly 204.34.  During the team event, Patrick Chan scored 179.75 for his LP.  

In the team competition, the men's scores for the top 5 teams in the long program (which Nathan did not skate in) ranged from 148-179.

7 hours ago, Cherpumple said:

Probably very differently, with much less hype. I spent the last two Olympic cycles in the UK, and their press was much more interested in their own athletes, favorites or not. I loved watching the swimming in particular and seeing the interviewers get so excited about the few Team GB athletes who did well, and practically ignore Michael Phelps. They obviously had respect for his talent and accomplishments, but it wasn't anywhere close to the tongue bath given to him by NBC.

I'm not in the Netherlands anymore but try to keep up with the presa there and watch their livestreams. Their commentator thoughtBathan could medal but didn't hype him up or anything. In fact i don't think he hyped up anyone beforehand, just went with the programs and got excited afterwards.

its not a super big sport there, if there is speed skating or skiing at the same time that will be aired live but in general if not aired live they do very generous recaps. Last medal is from 1976, only gold was in 1964, both women.

  • Love 1

I didn't follow the mens skating but I googled and found that he won so I watched the performance and he fell twice! I was expecting a clean skate. How did he still get gold? 

Patrick Chan fell three times.

As Liz Manley said about Chan (who skated just after Hanyu):  They gave Patrick the gold medal on a silver platter and he took the platter.

  • Love 17

Not to back up the excuse train, but I wonder if he's sick. The flu has been spreading to the athletes, and yesterday, Mikaela Shiffrin threw up before her slalom race and came in 4th. She CLAIMS that it wasn't nerves. The Swiss ski team is sick, including the guy who made the funny viral video with the escalator (for anyone who has seen it).  According to the news, it started with security detail before the athletes even arrived, and has now spread to workers (including food service) and is finally showing up in athletes. I tend to think that he just cracked under extreme and unfair pressure and expectations, but who knows. 


Plus, I know nothing can be done about it, but how fair is it to wait while they clean up the avalanche of frigging teddy bears. Yeah, that annoys me. Whhhhyyyyy? It's not like he's going to bring them home and cuddle with them all. They get swept into a pile and HOPEFULLY donated somewhere, like a children's hospital.  It's bad enough to listen to those scores, and then have to skate yourself,  but the Pooh Bear Brigade is ridiculous.


Was it the '88 Olympics that Caryn Kadavy became sick with the flu and the damned TV cameras went up to her room and SHOWED HER, all pale and feeling gross, in her pajamas, on the night she was supposed to skate in the ladies event?  THAT was ridiculous


Nathan is a stronger person than me. NBC would probably find me hiding in some bushes with tears streaming down my face and curled up in the fetal position listening to Coldplay.

Coldplay would depress me even MORE. LOL

Edited by ChicksDigScars
  • Love 5

Plus, I know nothing can be done about it, but how fair is it to wait while they clean up the avalanche of frigging teddy bears. Yeah, that annoys me. Whhhhyyyyy? It's not like he's going to bring them home and cuddle with them all. They get swept into a pile and HOPEFULLY donated somewhere, like a children's hospital.

I always wonder about the stuffed animals for any of the ice skaters. WHAT ARE THEY GOING TO DO WITH THEM? I too imagine they donate them, but I'll never understand this tradition of throwing crap at the ice after a performance. Especially after one of the poor cleanup girls got beamed in the head by a giant bouquet.

  • Love 5
1 minute ago, ChicksDigScars said:

It's bad enough to listen to those scores, and then have to skate yourself,  but the Pooh Bear Brigade is ridiculous.


Was it the '88 Olympics that Caryn Kadavy became sick with the flu and the damned TV cameras went up to her room and SHOWED HER, all pale and feeling gross, in her pajamas, on the night she was supposed to skate in the ladies event?  THAT was ridiculous

That "Pooh Bear Brigade" line made me laugh out loud literally. Thank you for that. :)

I was to young to really remember much of the 88' Olympics when they aired. I never knew that about Caryn Kadavy. I remember her most from acting snooty at times when there were so many professional skating events on TV in the 90's especially when CBS lost the rights to air NFL Football.

I still have the Men's SP Programs on my DVR waiting. I figured Nathan must have done poorly since there weren't any big headlines about him this morning. I fell asleep early last night and luckily already had my DVR set to record NBC and NBCSN to pick up as much of the skating as I could.

  • Love 3
12 minutes ago, ChicksDigScars said:

Not to back up the excuse train, but I wonder if he's sick. The flu has been spreading to the athletes, and yesterday, Mikaela Shiffrin threw up before her slalom race and came in 4th. She CLAIMS that it wasn't nerves. The Swiss ski team is sick, including the guy who made the funny viral video with the escalator (for anyone who has seen it).  According to the news, it started with security detail before the athletes even arrived, and has now spread to workers (including food service) and is finally showing up in athletes. I tend to think that he just cracked under extreme and unfair pressure and expectations, but who knows.

He'd be isolated from Team USA if he'd caught the Norovirus. Nathan did win Nationals with solid performances despite being ill there.


5 minutes ago, Jaded said:

I still have the Men's SP Programs on my DVR waiting. I figured Nathan must have done poorly since there weren't any big headlines about him this morning. I fell asleep early last night and luckily already had my DVR set to record NBC and NBCSN to pick up as much of the skating as I could.

Skip the cringing-by-proxy - Nathan's short was painful and it's not how you want to remember him.

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, AuntieDiane6 said:



1 hour ago, AuntieDiane6 said:

Patrick Chan fell three times.

As Liz Manley said about Chan (who skated just after Hanyu):  They gave Patrick the gold medal on a silver platter and he took the platter.

Good one!  So true!  I keep hoping for a decent performance, but will be happy to see him retire.

Edited by Tanichka
10 hours ago, Enero said:

13th place for Nathan. That hurts.

That was a true Kurt-Browning-at-Olympics moment. Only for Kurt, it was 12th, I think. Nathan may not have been the person I was rooting for most, but I hope somebody faxes him a huge hug, the way Kurt's people did.  (He didn't make a big deal out of it, but when he was commentating during and after the skate, you could tell Kurt was empathizing like crazy).

And speaking of amazing Canadian skaters for whom the Olympics aren't the best memory, good for Brian Orser and his 1-2 punch!

  • Love 6

Skip the cringing-by-proxy - Nathan's short was painful and it's not how you want to remember him.

I don't think I can watch Olympic Ice tonight, and even though Nathan is skating early, I might flip away from it until I know the results. It's just so uncomfortable to watch him blow it when he seems like such a nice kid. I hope he gets a better coach and comes back in 2022 with a vengeance, because he obviously has the talent, but lacks the control to back it up.

  • Love 7

Jason Brown often posts videos/pictures showing him bringing or loading up all of the stuffed animals for distribution at children's hospitals.


Unpopular opinion: I can’t stand Hanyu. I have never liked that guy. I’m probably biased, but other than his jumps, which were incredible, I was bored and zoning out during his SP. I hope Javier (or Shoma, or anyone) spanks him in the long. Probably won’t happen, but I can dream.


Another unpopular opinion: I am loving everything about Adam Rippon, including his bizarre interactions with that troll Andrea Joyce. When he wished her luck last night I cackled.


12 hours later and I still so bummed for Nathan Chen. I CARE TOO MUCH.

  • Love 15

I have put up with so much nonsense from Andrea Joyce over the years as a gymnastics fan that anyone who wishes to troll her inane questions during live interviews is a hero in my eyes.

Since Adam knows he has no chance of dethroning Johnny and Tara from ice skating commentator, maybe he's gunning for Andy Joyce's job as the rink side correspondent.

  • Love 8
37 minutes ago, carrier76 said:

Another unpopular opinion: I am loving everything about Adam Rippon, including his bizarre interactions with that troll Andrea Joyce. When he wished her luck last night I cackled.

His responses were cracking me up though I could see why some would find then eyerollworthy. 

Boss: “Leopardprint, why where you late today?”

LP: “I can’t explain witchcraft.”


Hanyu already has a gold so...

Vamos Javi! 

Edited by leopardprint
  • Love 11
43 minutes ago, carrier76 said:

Jason Brown often posts videos/pictures showing him bringing or loading up all of the stuffed animals for distribution at children's hospitals.


Unpopular opinion: I can’t stand Hanyu. I have never liked that guy. I’m probably biased, but other than his jumps, which were incredible, I was bored and zoning out during his SP. I hope Javier (or Shoma, or anyone) spanks him in the long. Probably won’t happen, but I can dream.


Another unpopular opinion: I am loving everything about Adam Rippon, including his bizarre interactions with that troll Andrea Joyce. When he wished her luck last night I cackled.


12 hours later and I still so bummed for Nathan Chen. I CARE TOO MUCH.

I see where’s you’re coming from with Hanyu and Fernandez. Javier is the type to perform outward from the start and actively invite the audience in. Yuzuru, in my view, goes out and gives off a vibe of “I am now going to demonstrate my complete mastery of this sport”. He’s going to do him, whether you, as an audience member, get on board or not. Sometimes it works for me, if all of the jumps are landed and I’m feeling his music choice. Sometimes it doesn’t.

  • Love 8
15 hours ago, BitterApple said:

Let's hope tonight isn't a major Splat Fest. 


I dunno, splat fests have their good points: the 2006 women's long program in Torino was incredibly entertaining.

There was a very cute moment during Javi's program where he lands the quad salchow and in the background you can see Brian Orser pump his fists in the air in jubilation.

While I feel bad for Nathan Chen, I refuse to blame the media hype machine or his coach or the American public or anyone else. He was the only one on that ice, he choked, and that's all there is to it.

Rooting for Javi, but mad respect for Hanyu.



That was a true Kurt-Browning-at-Olympics moment. Only for Kurt, it was 12th, I think. Nathan may not have been the person I was rooting for most, but I hope somebody faxes him a huge hug, the way Kurt's people did.  (He didn't make a big deal out of it, but when he was commentating during and after the skate, you could tell Kurt was empathizing like crazy).

I wonder if Kurt gets PTSD-type flashbacks when he has to watch something like that.



And speaking of amazing Canadian skaters for whom the Olympics aren't the best memory, good for Brian Orser and his 1-2 punch!

In between Javi, Hanyu, and Yuna, he's built up quite the track record. You'd think skaters would be fighting tooth and nail to work with him.

Edited by Eyes High
  • Love 8
9 minutes ago, Eyes High said:

While I feel bad for Nathan Chen, I refuse to blame the media hype machine or his coach or the American public or anyone else. He was the only one on that ice, he choked, and that's all there is to it.


I think this is kind of demeaning to an athlete.


9 minutes ago, Eyes High said:

You'd think skaters would be fighting tooth and nail to work with him.

Not all coaches are for everyone. Adam Rippon, for instance.

Edited by fan94
  • Love 3

Speaking of Sochi, the extreme OPPOSITE of the South Korean crowds. 

I will say tho, when Jeremy Abbott wiped out during his performance (I think he may have even slid into the boards), the crowd kept clapping until he got up and then cheered when he resumed and gave enthusiastic response when he finished. It was actually quite sweet.

It would be funny - well, not really - if Rippon was pulling an All About Eve and trying to dethrone Johnny as a commentator.  Back off, Try-Hard.

  • Love 3

FYI, the little girls (and boys) who pick up the stuffed animals etc. are called "sweepers."

I've seen Brian Orser coaching at Worlds (actually I'm old enough to have seen Brian Orser skate, but that's another story), and he has actually toned down his behavior. He used to skate the program along with his skater behind the boards. I used to watch him rather than the skater on the ice, it was so entertaining.

Nathan had two sub-par skates at Worlds last year and was only 6th. He was skating lights out this year, but he obviously doesn't know what how to handle adversity (but then few 18 year olds do). I just hope he doesn't follow in Gracie Gold's footsteps and feels like he let the whole country down. It was just a skating competition, for heaven's sakes. Kids his age were shot and died senselessly in Florida this week. I hope he skates wonderfully tonight and then medals at Worlds in March.

Edited by Good Queen Jane
  • Love 11
5 minutes ago, fan94 said:


14 minutes ago, Eyes High said:

You'd think skaters would be fighting tooth and nail to work with him.

Not all coaches are for everyone.

[Conversation re: Brian Orser]

This is so true, and so much of it can depend on what stage a skater is in their career, and what they really need from a coach at that time: perhaps particular technical problems need a solution - as I recall, Adam Rippon went to Brian for a while specifically for help with his triple axel  - or the need for a particular type of training environment (more supportive, more bracing, presence of near-rivals to spur one on, absence of the distraction and conflict of near-rivals), or there may be a need (real or perceived) for the influence of working with a "name" coach. I think there are mistakes to be avoided on both ends of the spectrum of "keeping a coach": who remembers sighing heavily as Nicole Bobek worked her way through every coach on the planet like a hot knife through butter? But I could also point to cases where loyalty to a first or early coach contributed to serious problems (Emanuel Sandhu jumps to mind).  I remember always being a little perplexed when people praised Brian Boitano's steadfast loyalty to Linda Leaver as a virtue in itself.  It was certainly good judgment for Boitano (clearly it worked extremely well for him), but it wouldn't necessarily work for the next skater. At least skaters have a fairly open choice, as opposed to, say, the system the American women gymnasts have had to work with for the last couple of decades, where, regardless of coach of record, their primary career decisions depended on the opinions of one mega-coach, Marta Karolyi.  (I suppose I should qualify that statement a bit to "Western skaters" - I don't really know how much flexibility elite Russian skaters have these days in choosing their coaching strategy).

Anyway, all this is merely from the viewpoint of an interested outside observer.  But it seems to me that Orser's results can't be just pure luck; he must be doing something right for a pretty large percentage of his skaters.

  • Love 7
44 minutes ago, absnow54 said:

Since Adam knows he has no chance of dethroning Johnny and Tara from ice skating commentator, maybe he's gunning for Andy Joyce's job as the rink side correspondent.

I think Johnny is definitely feeling some heat though, given how catty he’s been about Adam. ;)

Re: Chen, I don’t think anyone is blaming Chen’s poor performance on anyone other than him. He choked, no two ways about it. At the same time, we can delve into reasons WHY he choked, and I don’t think trying to figure out contributing factors is somehow trying to minimize his poor performance or take him off the hook. I mean, Nathan himself is going to have to figure out why he choked so bad.

I do think he’s clearly uncomfortable with the media scrutiny—so, lesson learned, he needs to keep a lower profile next Olympics. And as someone who knows very little about figure skating, I would say it’s clear that whatever his coach is doing to get him in the zone mentally is NOT working (clearly), so he needs to try something different next time, whether it be a new coach, sports psychologist, New routine, etc. but again, I don’t think trying to identify reasons for the choke is somehow “blaming” someone else. It’s just trying to figure out what went wrong so it doesn’t happen again.

  • Love 11
15 minutes ago, Good Queen Jane said:

He was skating lights out this year, but he obviously doesn't know what how to handle adversity (but then few 18 year olds do).

He was underperforming through the season, actually.


11 minutes ago, surreysmum said:

Anyway, all this is merely from the viewpoint of an interested outside observer.  But it seems to me that Orser's results can't be just pure luck; he must be doing something right for a pretty large percentage of his skaters.

Oh, for sure. He is a great coach! One thing to notice is that all the ones he has picked, he approached them differently. Different for Yuna, different for Javi, different for Yuzu. He knows how to pick them (at least Yuna and Yuzu enjoyed great success in the junior circuit before going to him), and he sure knows how to train them.

Edited by fan94
  • Love 1

I've seen Brian Orser coaching at Worlds (actually I'm old enough to have seen Brian Orser skate, but that's another story), and he has actually toned down his behavior. He used to skate the program along with his skater behind the boards. I used to watch him rather than the skater on the ice, it was so entertaining.

Me, too. Whisper.

He doesn't do it in full force now, cuz he's old  (like we are).  Since it was mentioned that Rippon went to him specifically for the triple axel, has Patrick tried that?  Is there anyone who can help him with the triple axel?  Preferable before the free skate.

  • Love 2
30 minutes ago, Moxie Cat said:

Just saw an ad on NBC promoting tonight's program: "Nathan Chen goes for gold!" Um, no. Can't the promo monkeys keep up? It was actually really sad to see it.

To be fair, "Nathan Chen goes for 10th!" doesn't have quite the same ring to it.


23 minutes ago, stealinghome said:

Re: Chen, I don’t think anyone is blaming Chen’s poor performance on anyone other than him. He choked, no two ways about it. At the same time, we can delve into reasons WHY he choked, and I don’t think trying to figure out contributing factors is somehow trying to minimize his poor performance or take him off the hook. I mean, Nathan himself is going to have to figure out why he choked so bad.

I do think he’s clearly uncomfortable with the media scrutiny—so, lesson learned, he needs to keep a lower profile next Olympics. And as someone who knows very little about figure skating, I would say it’s clear that whatever his coach is doing to get him in the zone mentally is NOT working (clearly), so he needs to try something different next time, whether it be a new coach, sports psychologist, New routine, etc. but again, I don’t think trying to identify reasons for the choke is somehow “blaming” someone else. It’s just trying to figure out what went wrong so it doesn’t happen again.

Chen is hardly the only person in the history of the sport who has spectacularly crashed and burned at the Olympics despite performing well elsewhere. There's nothing special about Chen in that respect and acting if his disastrous performance is the basis for some great mystery as to "what went wrong," rather than business as usual for Olympics figure skating, is absurd, in my opinion.

It's no great mystery to me: the pressure got to him, and he choked in spectacular fashion, just as several others choked in the very same short program. Nathan Chen isn't some special snowflake who has to have a capital-r Reason for choking to make sense of it all. Just like the many other skaters who fell in the short program--and there were a lot of them--he couldn't handle the pressure, and others could, so others will medal, and he won't. Simple as that.

Edited by Eyes High
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