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S31.E02: The Power of Three

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Great, no elimination. Just flirting, feuding, and more damn twists. So the top three competitors (regardless of gender) form the Troika. The Troika pick three people (gender switches every week) to go against the worst competitor in the mission. Then comes the Inquisition, where the condemned have to more or less dance for the Troika. The Troika votes somebody into the Ring. But Grenades are involved somehow. At least things were kept simple this week: Nelson finished last, Cory gets to face him because they're friends. Cory is basically a dumber version of Wes . . . he wants Johnny out, but that doesn't happen for him. Cory gets kicked in the teeth, Johnny beats off in interviews. Lather, rinse, repeat.

What else . . . Cara Maria can't find men in Montana. My guess? Abram keeps murdering them. Brad's got the Nic Cage bug-eyes to go with the windowless van to drive around in (seriously, how old was Britini when his RW season aired?) Cara Maria gets the heavily-inked Brit before Marie. And Nicole can't divide 25,000 by 2 right away.

Good mission, though soap can be a bitch, especially after seeing the CvS finale. Also, not nearly as sexual as the ice-melting mission in BOTS2.

This season's endgame is "The Ring." I want a Japanese girl ghost to creepily crawl on camera so bad now . . .

Also kinda off-topic: what do you think of when you hear "Inquisition": Monty Python or Mel Brooks?

  • Love 6

I like that they throw in the bottom guy.  Ideally it would automatically be the bottom two.

But of course they need drama so it's going to be the troika to maximize the politicking.

But conceivably it could be 3 guys throwing in one of the women if it's always the top 3 across genders?

That challenge was a crapshoot though.  Nobody tried to knock out someone else.  The ropes were spaced too far apart that if you tried to prevent someone from climbing out, you'd be screwed trying to get your balls out.  Essentially you'd have to go on a suicide mission to deny someone else from finishing.

Intrigued about the grenade so troika could have tougher deliberations if the winner of the elimination can somehow get revenge right away and possibly put one of the troika in the next elimination.  Otherwise it was easy them to throw in Cory but if Cory came back, maybe he gets a good shot at throwing one of the troika into an elimination.

Also, my guess is you don't win the money on the individual challenges unless you get to the final and your total is added to your share of the final challenge.  So someone coupled win a lot of challenges and money but somehow get eliminated before the finals and not get a cent.

I like the Troika twist. 3 different opinions and it can be inter gender. Plus, the aspect of those 3 chosen to talk themselves out of going into elimination is cool.

Britni/Bananas winning was not shocking cause if you looked closely, they both were in the same spot, where the sun was at the brightest, so it wasn’t as slippery. But, still good job britni.


This whole Marie/Kyle/CM triangle is so stupid, though I do appreciate Cara basically  saying she just wants the dick and goes for it. No shame girl, and Marie, just stop ? and move on.

Brad, I do appreciate that you are making a much bigger statement early on, with your presence, then your friend derrick did on last season.


Cory...you are so stupid, the end.

  • Love 5

Great, no elimination. Just flirting, feuding, and more damn twists. So the top three competitors (regardless of gender) form the Troika. The Troika pick three people (gender switches every week) to go against the worst competitor in the mission. 

Yes, which means the men (most likely) will decide the game,  The women will have to align themselves with the top guys in order to avoid being selected for the inquisition.  

Ugh, could've done so much better in redesigning the game.

  • Love 3

I don't know how Johnny constantly comes out on top on so many challenges. Is he really the most athletic there?!  And how do we jump from Kyle and Brad saying they'll vote for Tony to having them change the vote to Cory? I'm not a big Cory fan but I do appreciate that he doesn't back down from trying to get Johnny out of the game...too bad he's not so bright.

  • Love 3
57 minutes ago, butterflyeludesme said:

Am I hallucinating or was Eddie in the first episode and not at all in this one? He wasn't even doing the ball challenge or anywhere else on the whole episode.  WHERE DID HE GO!?


MTV basically edited him out of the game. He was supposedly removed prior to this episode after one of the women said he was abusive toward her outside of the game. I think it was Alicia or Kam. 

  • Love 1

Dear Cory, you are dumb...SO dumb. He made himself a target each season with his big mouth and when you play with returning players that you've called out, that vendetta comes into each season. Don't talk such a big game against people who are winning immunity when you don't seem to be able to do that. But that aside, his attempt at lying at the inquisition was so embarrassing to watch. So beyond stupid that he would implicate Brad in his lie when Brad was a guy in power and had no reason to distrust him until that very moment. Stupid indeed.

I could do without Marie, Cara Maria and Brittni on my screen. I used to be a Cara fan. Now I find her incredibly annoying. Kam has been a surprise with her compete. I wouldn't have pegged her as an athletic type but she's 2 for 2 so far in finishing among the top women in the past two challenges.

2 hours ago, Lola82 said:

I don't know how Johnny constantly comes out on top on so many challenges. Is he really the most athletic there?!  And how do we jump from Kyle and Brad saying they'll vote for Tony to having them change the vote to Cory? I'm not a big Cory fan but I do appreciate that he doesn't back down from trying to get Johnny out of the game...too bad he's not so bright.

He is an athletic guy but I think two things that work in his favour during competitions is that he's pretty fearless (I don't recall any kind of challenge where he's expressed nervousness over) and his approach isn't to work the hardest, it's to play the smartest. These comps don't rely purely on athleticism and I think Johnny is one of those players that is constantly assessing and adjusting within a competition to help him figure out the easiest way to get it done. It's that element to the game that I think hold back players like Cory and Leroy. 

  • Love 2
13 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

Great, no elimination. Just flirting, feuding, and more damn twists. So the top three competitors (regardless of gender) form the Troika. The Troika pick three people (gender switches every week) to go against the worst competitor in the mission. Then comes the Inquisition, where the condemned have to more or less dance for the Troika. The Troika votes somebody into the Ring. But Grenades are involved somehow. At least things were kept simple this week: Nelson finished last, Cory gets to face him because they're friends. Cory is basically a dumber version of Wes . . . he wants Johnny out, but that doesn't happen for him. Cory gets kicked in the teeth, Johnny beats off in interviews. Lather, rinse, repeat.

What else . . . Cara Maria can't find men in Montana. My guess? Abram keeps murdering them. Brad's got the Nic Cage bug-eyes to go with the windowless van to drive around in (seriously, how old was Britini when his RW season aired?) Cara Maria gets the heavily-inked Brit before Marie. And Nicole can't divide 25,000 by 2 right away.

Good mission, though soap can be a bitch, especially after seeing the CvS finale. Also, not nearly as sexual as the ice-melting mission in BOTS2.

This season's endgame is "The Ring." I want a Japanese girl ghost to creepily crawl on camera so bad now . . .

Also kinda off-topic: what do you think of when you hear "Inquisition": Monty Python or Mel Brooks?

You left off the third "F".

I'm pretty sure Marie implied she'd already banged him, but who knows if it's the truth.


50 minutes ago, RHJunkie said:

He is an athletic guy but I think two things that work in his favour during competitions is that he's pretty fearless (I don't recall any kind of challenge where he's expressed nervousness over) and his approach isn't to work the hardest, it's to play the smartest. These comps don't rely purely on athleticism and I think Johnny is one of those players that is constantly assessing and adjusting within a competition to help him figure out the easiest way to get it done. It's that element to the game that I think hold back players like Cory and Leroy. 

Johnny is afraid of heights I believe.  But he powers through it without showing weakness, unlike a few of the others.  I think Johnny's strengths are intelligence, and he trains for what's necessary.  For instance, he's usually pretty aerobically fit, unlike past seasons of CT and Zach.  This makes me sound like a Johnny stan.  I am not.

  • Love 1
13 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said:

You left off the third "F".

I'm pretty sure Marie implied she'd already banged him, but who knows if it's the truth.


Johnny is afraid of heights I believe.  But he powers through it without showing weakness, unlike a few of the others.  I think Johnny's strengths are intelligence, and he trains for what's necessary.  For instance, he's usually pretty aerobically fit, unlike past seasons of CT and Zach.  This makes me sound like a Johnny stan.  I am not.

Yeah, I'm not a Johnny fan but I give credit where it's due. He plays the game and I honestly feel that this was his bread and butter for a long time and so he's always taken it seriously. What I do find impressive is that even after all of these years, I still think many other competitors underestimate his intelligence, particularly when it comes to his approach to competitions. People don't say that Johnny is smart, they say he's manipulative. Sometimes I wonder if people just don't want to give him credit or if they've genuinely convinced themselves that the only thing to Johnny's game is his politicking. 

  • Love 2

My question about Eddie, whomever the hell he is: wouldn't BMP have a substitute ready for shit like that? I'm not saying bringing in a heavy hitter from the teaser (especially not Frank, who is a toxic fuck), but I would think there would be one or two subs ready. It's weird . . . Piggy leaves The Inferno, Christena takes her place with casuals being none the wiser. Jo freaks out in Gauntlet 2, no one replaces her. Adam get banished from Rivals, Leroy gets Mike-Mike, who was the direct opposite of a rival. Sarah Rice got screwed twice, with no backup. It's like BMP throws darts to determine the policy.

43 minutes ago, Spencer Hastings said:

She was born in 1991 so she would have been all of 13 years old. 

That's bad. Even if she was a teenager, she would barely qualify. This is more of a "side eye" thing towards Brad than open condemnation spurred by recent events and movements. I think we'll know he's in Full Mid-Life Crisis Mode when he shaves his beard and glues that to his receding hairline.

ETA2: Johnny tweets a cheap shot at Cory. It's actually funny, but I would've also applied it to Tony. On Facebook, one guy dubbed him "Tony Two Kids," and I really wanna run with that.

Edited by Lantern7

I'm still trying to figure out why Britni was the ONLY person naked in the pool and why she keeps shaking her ass at everyone.  What is her deal?


14 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

Cara Maria can't find men in Montana. My guess? Abram keeps murdering them.

LMAO because it's probably true.


14 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

Good mission, though soap can be a bitch, especially after seeing the CvS finale.

I'm guessing the CvS finale is why everyone had goggles on during the soap mission this time.  


37 minutes ago, RandomWatcher said:

2. Victor made that deal with me 2 days before saying let’s take Bananas out, y would I just make that up

Cory is a fucking idiot and this just adds more evidence to that.  Why would he burn a bridge to someone who is willing to team up against Johnny?  There aren't many people, vets or otherwise, who want to be on Johnny's badside, and the newbies usually need hella convincing and still choose to play it safe even when a good case has been made to them.  Plus, niether of the other guys were interested in him until he started saying that stupindness.  He will never be successful in this game because him and his alliance are filled with dummies.  

Interesting, but not suprised at all, how Johnny tried to sneak in both of HIS vendetta's into the elimination trio.  Nice try due.  So glad Brad was there to call him out on it.  

  • Love 3
18 hours ago, RandomWatcher said:

I think the only reason Natalie is flirting so much with Bananas is because he likely reminds her of James from her BB season.

Hell to the no on that one. James was far from the dirty old creeper that Bananas is. And don't think that it's an accident that she immediately responded to Bananas and her flirting. She knows perfectly well that he knows his way around this show and is perfectly capable of winning competitions, so why not guarantee herself instant protection by immediately responding to his need to hit on her?

  • Love 3
22 hours ago, mojoween said:

Ahhhh Victor was in danger WTF.

I can absolutely do without Natalie’s interviews.  All of them, especially the ones where she is tittering over John.  Hurl.

Speaking of hurling, Britni’s gross naked ass in the pool.  Brad.  You can do better.  You DID do better.


I'm still trying to figure out why Britni was the ONLY person naked in the pool and why she keeps shaking her ass at everyone.  What is her deal?

OMG....I was just coming here to ask if I really saw her nekkid swimming in the pool. I didn't want to see it again so didn't rewind it. I figure she's training for her future job???

Edited by mccartygirl

A few tweets from the guy behind StopBeingPolite:


Of course Brad thought Brinti would win. He's the only one who knows how Britni performs covered is soap. #TheChallengeVendettas

Wow. That is some quality shade.



I've heard the word "pirate" used to describe Cara Maria multiple times. "Fun loving?" This is the first time. #TheChallengeVendettas

If @KyleCGShore and @CaraMariaMTV ever have a baby, they better use a pirate chest instead of a crib. #TheChallengeVendettas


You know, I don't get why that's not a "thing" with certain parents. Heck, apply it to any lifestyle. Wes' baby? Giant briefcase.

  • Love 3
18 hours ago, luckyroll3 said:

I'm still trying to figure out why Britni was the ONLY person naked in the pool and why she keeps shaking her ass at everyone.  What is her deal?


13 hours ago, mccartygirl said:

OMG....I was just coming here to ask if I really saw her nekkid swimming in the pool. I didn't want to see it again so didn't rewind it. I figure she's training for her future job???

I really think she's doing it for attention and camera time. 

Lol at Nicole not able to divide $25,000.00 in half.

Joss, you can come over to my house and clean in your underwear anytime :) Sylvia was so thirsty for him.

Does Kyle have hairplugs? His hairline looked weird.

  • Love 2
3 hours ago, MaggieG said:


I really think she's doing it for attention and camera time. 

Lol at Nicole not able to divide $25,000.00 in half.

Joss, you can come over to my house and clean in your underwear anytime :) Sylvia was so thirsty for him.

Does Kyle have hairplugs? His hairline looked weird.


Not only does Kyle have hair plugs, but his beard is fake too. So strange, but I do like him so far. 

  • Love 3

Cory does not have the ability to back up the checks his mouth attempts to cash.  Unlike say Jordan who does in almost every instance.  His hand is the only thing keeping him from dominating more than he has.  He would have destroyed Bananas in that punching wall elimination if he had both hands and that moment would have been revered all these years like the Backpack moment is. Still other than that, Jordan backs up his talk.  

Cory, not so much.  Cory thinks he is elite but the truth is that he is just mediocre at the challenge other than getting women to sleep with him.  He is one of the best ever at that apparently.

  • Love 4
6 hours ago, Unclejosh said:

Cory does not have the ability to back up the checks his mouth attempts to cash.  Unlike say Jordan who does in almost every instance.  His hand is the only thing keeping him from dominating more than he has.  He would have destroyed Bananas in that punching wall elimination if he had both hands and that moment would have been revered all these years like the Backpack moment is. Still other than that, Jordan backs up his talk.  

Cory, not so much.  Cory thinks he is elite but the truth is that he is just mediocre at the challenge other than getting women to sleep with him.  He is one of the best ever at that apparently.

Here's the problem: Cory has made it known that he'd go after the big guns . . . especially Johnny. If Cory had been smart, he would have tried to have stomp that banana when he was in a position of power where only a few outcomes could bite him in the ass. Nowadays, Johnny and his allies think, "Well, Cory isn't gonna bow down, so his ass is out." Cory is Dumbass Wes. Wes tries to make shit work, and he's probably got more IQ points than the average challenger, but his plans backfire on him. Devin is AYTO Wes because he's basically the same.

And I gotta agree about Jordan. Once again: "Earn your stripes" was incorrect to say, but I got the sentiment. If he had beat Johnny after flipping all the cards, he would have been legend. Statues would have been built in his honor. Instead, he loses, Johnny jerks it in interviews, and everybody calls Jordan a dumbass, to the point where winning two Challenges (one solo, one with Sarah) was needed to take the edge off.

ETA: If this were the old, early elimination days, Cory might have had a better shot. But since the series is going to be year-round, he's probably going to be on the shit list of the "popular" kids. I don't consider Johnny to be an outright sadist, but he loves watching a Sisyphus roll an boulder uphill only to fail, over and over again. And right now, that's Cory.

Edited by Lantern7
  • Love 4
1 hour ago, IDreamofJoaquin said:

Wouldn't it be nice to see a Bananas free challenge?  Just to see who would be on top?

That was Battle of the Seasons back in 2012. That was a bad season, mostly due to Frank and Zach, not because of Johnny's absence. He and Frank beefed on Twitter about that season's ratings, and -- surprise, surprise -- that was enough to warrant them being a team in Rivals II. He's been on every season ever since, and I'm probably the asshole for not quitting the show, rather than him moving on with his life.

  • Love 1
14 hours ago, Juliegirlj said:

Brad is creepy and embarrassing. What a loser. 

Think I liked it better when Johnny was in a relationship. Horny desperate Bananas is not a good look for him. 

The one good thing that will come of Bananas being desperate and horny is that he's likely to be unaware of the fact that Natalie's flirting with him strikes me as strictly strategic on her part. And hey, if she can get further in the challenge by pretending to want to date the guy who's desperate to bang anyone with a skirt, then it's as valid a strategy as anything else.

  • Love 2

Is Brad being with Britni really so skeevy?  I don't like her very much, but she's 26 and he's 37, both definitely adults (though both seem pretty immature to me).  That fits the silly 1/2 of your age plus 7 formula of figuring out how young you can date.  There was less of a margin (based on that formula) when he met Tori when she was 20 and he was 26.

  • Love 2
On 1/10/2018 at 6:29 AM, snarts said:

Yes, which means the men (most likely) will decide the game,  The women will have to align themselves with the top guys in order to avoid being selected for the inquisition.  

Ugh, could've done so much better in redesigning the game.

I thought it was the top two finishers for the men (because it was a men’s elimination day) and whoever completed the task the fastest made up the Troika.  Next episode it should be two women and whoever does the task the fastest, male or female.

1 hour ago, Peper81 said:

I thought it was the top two finishers for the men (because it was a men’s elimination day) and whoever completed the task the fastest made up the Troika.  Next episode it should be two women and whoever does the task the fastest, male or female.

No, Teej said the Troika is made up of the top 3 finishers collectively of both genders.  But, based on past history of the show where many of the challenges tend to favor the men, that means most of Troikas will be male heavy/dominated.  

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, luckyroll3 said:

No, Teej said the Troika is made up of the top 3 finishers collectively of both genders.  But, based on past history of the show where many of the challenges tend to favor the men, that means most of Troikas will be male heavy/dominated.  

Hopefully this means that they will introduce gender neutral challenges, but I won't hold my breath. 

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, LaurelleJ said:

Hopefully this means that they will introduce gender neutral challenges, but I won't hold my breath. 

Yeah...no. These past few challenges have been heavily reliant on the physical, so the weaker players won't have much of a chance to compete. It's not like the earlier seasons where there was usually a puzzle at the end, so those that weren't so strong could still contribute to the team win, like in Gauntlet I, where weak link Katie ended up taking team RR to the win after she solved most of the crossword puzzle.

  • Love 1
7 hours ago, LaurelleJ said:

Hopefully this means that they will introduce gender neutral challenges, but I won't hold my breath. 

When they eliminated the winning male and female, they pretty much assured that the winner will be a male.  It doesn't seem like they're attempting anything that comes near gender neutral.   I'm surprised the top women didn't react to Teej's announcement.  They're wasting their time.

  • Love 3
19 hours ago, lasu said:

Is Brad being with Britni really so skeevy?  I don't like her very much, but she's 26 and he's 37, both definitely adults (though both seem pretty immature to me).  That fits the silly 1/2 of your age plus 7 formula of figuring out how young you can date.  There was less of a margin (based on that formula) when he met Tori when she was 20 and he was 26.

That's a good point. I didn't realize that Britni was 26...I was thinking she was closer to 22-23. She acts so immature. I also didn't realize Brad and Tori were six years apart. I think they looked/acted closer in age than Brad and Britni (ugh, I hate spelling her name like that).

I mainly think it's interesting that Britni seems to be going after older men with kids and just out of a divorce on her last two seasons. Once? Ok. Twice? Side-eyeing her. Maybe she likes being the younger trophy girlfriend?

On a side note, when you see Brad, does anyone else immediately think of that drunken, backseat-of-a-van wedgie that made Brad go all hulk in one of his older seasons? 

I think Britni is a huge Challenge fan who grew up probably fantasizing about some of these dudes (like most fans male and female do on this and every other fan board ever) and now is in the position of actually making said fantasies come to life.

Christ you look at ANY of the male challenge vets on social media and you will see women from all ages some young enough to be daughters of some of these dudes and they are calling them "Daddy" and saying they would hit it if they could.

  • Love 1
3 hours ago, Ladystardust said:

That's a good point. I didn't realize that Britni was 26...I was thinking she was closer to 22-23. She acts so immature. I also didn't realize Brad and Tori were six years apart. I think they looked/acted closer in age than Brad and Britni (ugh, I hate spelling her name like that).

I mainly think it's interesting that Britni seems to be going after older men with kids and just out of a divorce on her last two seasons. Once? Ok. Twice? Side-eyeing her. Maybe she likes being the younger trophy girlfriend?

On a side note, when you see Brad, does anyone else immediately think of that drunken, backseat-of-a-van wedgie that made Brad go all hulk in one of his older seasons? 

No, I think of his horrific eye after Darrell put a fist in it.

  • Love 2
2 minutes ago, Lantern7 said:

IIRC, Brad punched Darrell, and Darrell was not having that. That was in The Ruins, which I consider to be on the short list of worst seasons.

Is that what happened?  I remember, I think, that Brad was super drunk and Darrell was suddenly whaling on him in an uncharacteristic manner.  Maybe they caught the cameraman off guard and only part of the event was recorded.

5 hours ago, Ladystardust said:


On a side note, when you see Brad, does anyone else immediately think of that drunken, backseat-of-a-van wedgie that made Brad go all hulk in one of his older seasons? 


“Now it’s a necklace!”

“It’s taken a moment for me to realize that, wow, this bloated son of a bitch just ripped my underwear out of my pants.”

”Congratulations, son, you’re a meathead!”


?It was The Miz who gave him the atomic wedgie. One of the funniest moments in Challenge history. 

  • Love 5

Brad kept challenging Darrell to fight and it kept escalating until finally Brad took a swing or pushed Darrell who was having none of it.  To those not aware, Darrell was a golden gloves boxer.  But the swelling was not from a punch directly, as brad was going down from a punch he clipped his head on something and then Darrel was punching the other side of his head which caused that side to bounce off the ground and swell the F up like mad.

I know Wes is VERY happy that his challenge to fight Darrell after his slut shaming of KellyAnne was never actually realized.  Even roided Wes would have been beaten badly.

  • Love 2
21 hours ago, lexington11 said:

Yeah...no. These past few challenges have been heavily reliant on the physical, so the weaker players won't have much of a chance to compete. It's not like the earlier seasons where there was usually a puzzle at the end, so those that weren't so strong could still contribute to the team win, like in Gauntlet I, where weak link Katie ended up taking team RR to the win after she solved most of the crossword puzzle.


17 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

When they eliminated the winning male and female, they pretty much assured that the winner will be a male.  It doesn't seem like they're attempting anything that comes near gender neutral.   I'm surprised the top women didn't react to Teej's announcement.  They're wasting their time.

We can guarantee that there will at least be a trivia challenge, so there's one and only one. This will mean that the politics and alliances are extremely crucial. 

  • Love 2

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