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S31.E01: When Worlds Collide


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I just started watching so this might in retrospect be a silly post but I LOVE VICTOR FROM BIG BROTHER SO MUCH.  It doesn’t even make sense why he is here but I lurrrrrrrrrve him.  Please don’t get bounced first!

Also I will send Marie my glasses because Kyle looks nothing like goddamn David Beckham holy Christ.

Britni.  Still heinous.

Edited by mojoween
  • Love 11

Maybe this will be the season The Challenge turns it around. But I doubt it. And yet, I still keep digging in like Johnny on his allotted time of fame. So, basically, the series wins.

Nice to bring in a mini-Purge off the bat. Good news is that one of the British dudes is out. "Rogan" must be Gallic for "Zach" or something, because he was dying. I had a plan for this season to differentiate between the Nicoles by merging their last initial . . . "Nicoler" and "Nicolez." So, of course, Nicoler was the first to go. And I wanted to see if she could trap a fly in her eyelashes like Aeon Flux. We have the one Nicole, and she's the one that I like. She's got skill, and maybe that could make up for people getting rubbed the wrong way. Right now? Screw Sylvia.

Great that we got more programs represented, so we can mix and combine the various diseases they carry. I'm not researching those shows. To me, Geordie Shore is like Jersey Shore, only everybody wears the visors Lavar Burton wore on TNG. And there's a Melissa in there. Those who know me know that I acknowledge one Melissa. And she more or less retired ages ago.

Of course we don't get a "standard" mission to start, because fuck tradition. Lets see fighting and fucking . . . or at least plant the seeds for that. There's Brad performing a cannonball into the dating pool like Mark Long in BOTS2. And . . . shit, I can't keep up with the feuds. And there's no explanation from Teege of the rules, which I can't really follow when I read them. Yadda yadda yadda, Joss has $25K right now (don't know how much Queen's money that makes), and he'll be a marked man. Fighting, fucking, playing . . .  and eight Heavy Hitters clad in black approach at the end of the teaser: Derrick, Jordan, Tori (AYTO, not Brad's ex), Aneesa (fuck it, she's been on often enough to be considered dangerous, and she did chase Beth and Trishelle away), Darrell, fucking Frank (fuck that guy), Ashley (dunno which one) and Laurel. Now I'm imagining what would happen if Laurel had to face Nicole in the endgame. My theory: no one wins, because they would cause an explosion killing everybody.

  • Love 5

I am here for this season. I need it after snorefest that is the Champions vs Stars. A few things: 

Johnny, it's time to let it go. Just stop. And a single Johnny trying to hit on fresh young things gave me a full body cringe. 

Speaking of being too old, Brad with his grey hair at the temples going to town on Britni was also kind of gross. And I don't know who should be more offended by the suggestion that Britni is more on his level than Tori: Brad or Britni.

I guess I'm ok with all the new shows being added even though I don't know who any of these people are. I think I'm rooting for the guy who came in first. That was pretty good. 

I wish Marie's abilities backed up the crap she's always talking. I want both her and Cara Maria have shit taste in guys. British Bandana Boy is not cute and looks nothing like Beckham other than blonde hair and tattoos. The only cute Brit was the one who left first because of his back.

I hope Jemmye stays long because her talking heads are pretty funny. Also you can tell Devin has gotten into a little shape. He looks much better now.

  • Love 8

I like the new people. Watching Marie and CM fuss over Bandana Boy is a big WTF. Victor and Joss look better. 

Brad, WTF?  Is Britni trying to bag all the “old” men of the challenge or something?

Does John think what he’s doing is flirting because it just comes off as creepy and predator-ish. 

I’m still trying to get my eyeballs out from under the fridge. That’s where they rolled during John’s “welcome to my challenge” toast. Ugh, they must’ve started writing that shit into his contract.

Edited by dangwoodchucks
  • Love 8

It was good to see Shane and Brad back mostly for nostalgia reasons (Yeah I know Shane was on recently but it is always cool to see one of the older contestants on the show who have not become regulars again.  I am looking at you Veronica).  I was never a fan of either one of them and while I knew Brad was going to be on the show (I did not even know it was him at first) I had no clue that Shane was going to be on this season.

Maybe it is because I am a fan of Big Brother, but I did not have a problem with El Fit Vic and Natalie being on the show.  Same goes with the other new blood from the British shows.  It is odd but I really hated it when the AYTO people first started showing up but now it does not bother me at all.  Plus I really like the cute blonde British girl that was called the boyfriend stealer.

It is so weird that the Real World and Road Rules alumni are now the minority of the cast.

One thought that I am not sure I should put out in the world but I am going to do it anyway is...now that Big Brother people are on the show does it mean that the vile Paul Abrahamian will be making his way onto the show.

  • Love 5
3 hours ago, RandomWatcher said:

Bananas  and Natalie. In a weird twisted way ,I want them to work and then Natalie do to Bananas what she did to James.

If that means cutting his hamstrings off, I'm all for it. That isn't the case, is it? I mean, I don't give a shit about Big Brother, so I would've heard about that in the news. Also, we're gone from "Banany" to "Banatalie." And I'm still convinced Johnny used his prize money to get Hannah Teter to tell people they were a couple. No money, no "relationship," and Johnny stumbling around, shouting, "Girl, I have needs!!!"

I'm happy CT isn't there, for the whole thing about being a dad, husband/companion (do not know the deal with the baby mama) and functional person, as well as not chancing falling off the tightrope that is mental stability.

14 minutes ago, BK1978 said:

One thought that I am not sure I should put out in the world but I am going to do it anyway is...now that Big Brother people are on the show does it mean that the vile Paul Abrahamian will be making his way onto the show.

I take it that CBS and the producers continue to scour for the lowest common denominator to fill their house? Ick. Do not know this "Paul," do not care. Thankfully, this is a thing now; imagine "Dr. Will" and "Mike Boogie" doing mid-2000s Challenge. Or "Evel Dick" (big fat whatever) and his daughter. Brrrrrrrrrr . . .


14 minutes ago, Spencer Hastings said:

Brad has been back for all of 1 episode and he’s already lost me. Don’t be that old guy in the bar hitting on the college girls. All he needs is a faded letterman’s jacket.

He could borrow Mark's jacket. Once again, how does Mark not get as much shit about his divorce and various rebounds? He stopped being a sacred calf to me when he basically gave Eric Fucking Nies $60K in BOTS2.

  • Love 1

Jemmye grows on me with each successive Challenge she does.  I loved when she said (paraphrased), "Cara Maria and Kailah, if I am keeping up with you guys on this mountain, there is something wrong with your workouts."  I also liked Zach's "Yay, I didn't die!" when he got to the top. 

I loved Victor so much on his season of Big Brother, and I'm hoping he acquits himself well here.  I like the Brits, so far.  Brad and Britni can take themselves off somewhere else so I don't have to look at or hear from them, please.

6 hours ago, BK1978 said:

One thought that I am not sure I should put out in the world but I am going to do it anyway is...now that Big Brother people are on the show does it mean that the vile Paul Abrahamian will be making his way onto the show.

No.  No. No no no no no no no.  No.

  • Love 11

Why do they keep bringing Nicole R. back?? She is terrible. 

Nicole Z's accent is annoying and she speaks like an ex con trucker.

Brad just looks like an old man in this group, and Britni Damn girl..the 1st day.

I never understand how they all let Johnny run things every year. I hope this is the season he is booted out early....very early. I'm so tired of the "Vets" talk each season, you guys are getting older and being thinned out. Stop the entitled BS!

Something else that bugs me is some of these people showing up every year out of shape.

Edited by 80sBaby
  • Love 6

[whisper]I still like Paul and it was not friendship that he lost twice[/whisper]

I hate this stupid show.  It starts with John getting off the plane.  It ends with John doing his idiot toast.  Even the PREVIEW ends with him.

No, John, I don’t hate to love you or love to hate you.  I just hate your gross ass.  And I was never a fan of Natalie but run, girl.

Marie shit-talking Cara to Kyle made Marie look bad, not Cara.  Also she seemed hella drunk when she was doing it.

@Lantern7 if you are talking about the Melissa I think you are wooboy I think I found where we diverge because it’s been what, a decade and a half since her season?  And I still get annoyed when I think about her.  She can stay far, far away for my sanity.

Edited by mojoween
  • Love 7

I like the run up the mountain.

would be nice if they had more distance challenges during the season but it's going to mostly favor strength as in previous seasons because having collisions make for more dramatic TV I suppose.

And easier logistics to have a small ring vs. having to cover miles of a course that requires endurance.  Though it's a much more scenic backdrop to race up a mountain, which they usually reserve for the final challenge.

Zach showed much better endurance on this one.  But he could live for a year and a half on $25k?  What kind of a hobo lifestyle does he have?  Thought he came from a well to do family.


Guys say they're there to win the money but it's a meat market.  The other race will be to hook up with some of the fresh meat before they're eliminated.

  • Love 2
12 hours ago, mojoween said:

Also I will send Marie my glasses because Kyle looks nothing like goddamn David Beckham holy Christ.

Right! I kept trying to figure out who they were talking about. I thought Rogan because, while he looks absolutely nothing like David Beckham, he looks more like him than Kyle.

1 hour ago, mojoween said:

Marie shit-talking Cara to Kyle made Marie look bad, not Cara.  Also she seemed hella drunk when she was doing it.

Marie seemed to get drunker with each appearance. It was uncomfortable.

How old is Brad? He looks so good. But the Britni stuff was nagl. Dammit, Brad! What happened with him and Tori?

I loved this ep and I am really looking forward to this season. I hope it doesn't disappoint.

  • Love 3

Brad and Tori divorced like a year and a half ago. From what information is out there, it sounds like basically Brad is having a midlife crisis and wants to relieve his early challenge days and Tori just wants to be a mom and out of public life for the most part. Basically a grown up. Brad is also a deadbeat dad I heard and doesn't have much involvement with his kids anymore either or very limited if he does.  Brad is not very bright, and is the epitome of a dude bro and just wants to party and bang chicks.

Someone mentioned CT and it appears that he is no longer with the mother of CJ and based on his social media he is getting back in shape and working out again.  Now I don't know if that is just because he is single and wants to appeal to potential women or if he is planning on coming back to the next challenge actually in shape to really put some effort in.  BTW the are some crazy fans who keep harassing his ex to the point where she is threatening to not allow CJ to be mentioned or shown on TV again.  I don't get people sometimes.  I never understood the need to contact public people or their families to harass or bother them.  Makes no sense to me.  

  • Love 6

It’s like “fans” who tweet death threats at kickers who miss a kick that is part of why their team lost a game.  Like get a freaking grip, asses.

The initial purge was interesting and really there was no reason for Nicole to exert herself since she knew she was last.  And poor Rogan, he must have thought his back was ok.

The other Nicole, I have never stopped being tired of her and I sincerely hope that we get challenges where she can’t crow for ten minutes about how she was the first of the girls, muttered in that infuriating accent of hers.

  • Love 11
12 hours ago, angelamh66 said:

Dammit Brad, now it's  impossible to root for you.  Britni??? Really????

What happened to Britni and Derrick???  She seemed to move on awful quick or was the last reunion show filmed after this season wrapped?  I have no idea of the timeline because they insist in airing these stupid seasons back to back.

Cory - Banana's is not the one standing in the way of you succeeding.  You simply suck at all things challenge related except for convincing girls to sleep with you.  

Very impressive first showing by the British dude who won.

  • Love 8

Two things you can rely on on these challenges - Nicole will always show up and do absolutely nothing. The moment Nicole's life is on the line in the game, she ends up packing up and going home. And Corey will show up and talk a lot of shit and when it's time to put up or shut up, he always shuts up. Corey looks the part of a beast competitor but he fails to deliver time and time again. Maybe this time he can prove differently. 

What is wrong with me? I've been warming up to Zach. 

Brad, you may be divorced but you have children at home. Please don't embarrass yourself further with Britni. I was excited to see him back for nostalgia reasons but he quickly shattered that. I don't mind the addition of the reality stars. Based on the first competition, many of them held their own and while it's still early, I can see myself rooting for Joss, especially since CT isn't on this season. 

Marie is a really sloppy drunk. 

  • Love 8

Brad and Tori divorced like a year and a half ago. From what information is out there, it sounds like basically Brad is having a midlife crisis and wants to relieve his early challenge days and Tori just wants to be a mom and out of public life for the most part. Basically a grown up. Brad is also a deadbeat dad I heard and doesn't have much involvement with his kids anymore either or very limited if he does.  Brad is not very bright, and is the epitome of a dude bro and just wants to party and bang chicks.

...and he's now an elementary school teacher, which just seems so random https://www.linkedin.com/in/brad-fiorenza-5083727/  I understand leaving a marriage if you're unhappy, but I really hope that he's not a deadbeat dad.  


What is wrong with me? I've been warming up to Zach.

Me too.  Plus he looks good, like really good.  

Loving the infusion of new players.  I enjoyed this episode way more than I thought I would.

  • Love 5
On 1/2/2018 at 9:23 PM, mojoween said:

I just started watching so this might in retrospect be a silly post but I LOVE VICTOR FROM BIG BROTHER SO MUCH.  It doesn’t even make sense why he is here but I lurrrrrrrrrve him.  Please don’t get bounced first!

Also I will send Marie my glasses because Kyle looks nothing like goddamn David Beckham holy Christ.

Britni.  Still heinous.

Victor and Natalie are too nice for this. I said, "she looks really uncomfortable" before she even said it in her talking head. I don't think Victor or Natalie are the type to be making out with various partners or having table-flipping shouting matches on TV.


Marie reminds me of Debbie Gibson (40 yr old DG, not teen DG).


Yes, Britni is the worst and Brad disappointed me. I actually thought he and Tori would make it.

  • Love 2
21 hours ago, luckyroll3 said:

What happened to Britni and Derrick???  She seemed to move on awful quick or was the last reunion show filmed after this season wrapped?  I have no idea of the timeline because they insist in airing these stupid seasons back to back.

Cory - Banana's is not the one standing in the way of you succeeding.  You simply suck at all things challenge related except for convincing girls to sleep with you.  

Very impressive first showing by the British dude who won.

I think maybe the last reunion was filmed after this challenge. So she hooks up with Brad and then Derrick. Which old challenger will she try next?

Marie is a hot mess. Kyle looks nothing like David Beckham. Have these women actually seen David Beckham? I actually kind of liked him. He seemed a little out of his league and you could tell he slightly panicked when he realized making out with Marie this early could be bad for him. Between Marie and Cara, we all know Cara has a better chance of getting to the final.

Joss seems like a douche but he's very attractive. 

Nicole's voice is still annoying as ever. Are she and Laurel still together?

  • Love 3

Not a huge fan of Nicole R or anything, but I have to say that as someone with bad knee arthritis who nevertheless loves to travel, the funny scenes of her turning a corner and seeing more stairs or more mountain and voice-overing her exasperation about it were among the most personally relatable I've ever seen on a challenge.  (Everyone knows that Rome was built on seven hills.  What I learned when I was there is that they all seem to be UP hill!)  

I am a non-violent person, but of all John's face-punchable moments, his stupid toasts are always the most punchable of all.

My Cara Maria like has faded somewhat, but if anyone is looking like a mean girl, it's Marie.

  • Love 7

I already like the newbies. Much better than most of the AYTO people.


I’m here for Brad’s close to mid-life crises(though I believe he’s younger than CT and Johnny).  I’ll admit that I have watched  ‘RW/RR Challenge/The Challenge’ forever but I’ve never watched the feeder shows, with the exception of Brad’s season of ‘The Real World’. So I have always sort of rooted for him. Don’t know or care much about his personal life, but it seems all of the info about it comes from Tori. Not saying everything she says isn’t true, but she certainly seems like the bitter ex. 


I think this season has a unique cast. I’m more excited after the first episode than I have been in a while. I just wish Johnny and Cara would take a break. We need some new blood winners. 

  • Love 4

Curious . . . should there have been more to the first mission/purge/whatever than running uphill and overnight endurance? Like, maybe throw in a puzzle? I dunno . . . on paper, it doesn't seem fair to Nicoler, and I never get tired of suggesting she could trap a fly using her eyelashes like Aeon Flux. As it happened, there was no way Johnny would have been eliminated. Three production aides would have laid hits on Rogan that would call for suspensions if done in the NFL, and two others would hustle Johnny to the finish line. This ain't The Duel. Johnny is the golden calf.

Regarding Britni . . . on Facebook, I joked that she's going to work through all the older males, and the only option she would be left with after five years would be Judd. Seriously, though, Brad should know better. So should Derrick; as much as I was okay with the return of "The Diesel," he was also coming off a divorce, and rebounding with younger and/or crazy women isn't that great a look.

  • Love 2

So I kind of thought UK Kyle was hot don't judge, I'm shallow, and had never heard of Geordie Shore so I googled - turns out he's kinda totally not, but HAS spent a ton of money on cosmetic surgery.  Who knew there was even such a thing as a beard replacement?!?!?!   https://www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/3538052/geordie-shore-kyle-christie-plastic-surgery/

  • Love 3

I’m still lmao at John on Champs vs Stars not wanting Zach in the final because he gassed out in a previous final which was done 3-4 years ago, and now here Zach finishes 2nd in pretty good shape and John finishes 17th and looking pretty gassed. I’m liking Zach. Maybe as someone suggested previously, his douchiness really was in his hair. 

Nicole’s voice is so annoying but at least we haven’t heard her talking about peanut buttah yet.

I rewatched the show and someone correct me if I’m wrong but I don’t remember the new guy from AYTO getting to introduce himself or his vendetta in a talking head. I’m guessing he’s the Eddie that Kam and Alicia were talking about. Hell, they didn’t even put his name and finishing place on the screen when he finished ahead of John.

Did Alicia really say she and Whory have been hanging around together for two months and she wants him to wife her up already? WTH girl!?

I liked the way everyone was supporting each other at the top as they finished, John’s stupid remark about Rogan aside. Loved the Gibraltar views.

  • Love 3

I think Zach clearly lost some size and worked on his cardio.  Zach's biggest problem is his heart.  If he starts to have any issues physically or adversity he can't handle it and quits.  I mean he lost a sledgehammer strength contest to a one handed guy 60 lbs smaller than him.  So I think he is off roids probably and decided to get leaner to help his cardio.

Edited by Unclejosh
  • Love 1

Marie looks super haggard for her age. She needs to lay off the cigarettes and wine... and xanax. 

Laurel and Nicole broke up a while ago. I believe Laurel has a boyfriend now. 

Last summer I read Brad hooked up with Kellyanne and that was the cause of his divorce. Of course, it may not be true, but I did google it just now and there are stories out there. 

Britni is ultra nasty. If my son brought her home to meet me, I would ask him to make better choices for himself. I watched Derrick's Insta-story the other day;  he was watching the challenge and all the clips he was recording on his story were of Britni. It was so "ew". 

Jemmye's talking heads are great and Devin.... I am so loving Devin.

I can't wait for Laurel and Frank and Tori to show up, and I guess Derrick too. Heck, all of them but Ashley.

I have been rewatching old seasons of The Challenge. Right now I am on The Exes from 2012. It is so fun to watch old seasons knowing what I know happens in the future. 

  • Love 3

I had to laugh when Kailah made fun of Cara's hair. Has she looked in a mirror lately?

Britni and Brad hooking up on the first night at the house is just...wow. He's a dad already and shouldn't be doing that kind of stuff on tv especially since it seems he's just doing it so his ex, Tori, can see. Did Derrick really hook up with Britni too? That's actually disappointing to me.

Marie looked really sloppy and yeah, I don't understand her or Cara's attraction to Kyle.

Good job to the other Brit, Ross, who won the first challenge along with the money. That guy is fit.

Edited by Steph619
  • Love 4

I found it interesting when Zach said 45,000 could last a year in Michigan without him having to work.  Would he really just not work?  What would he be doing?  Wouldn't it be great to save it for the future?


Britni is ugly. High forehead, trashy makeup and too long of hair.


That was a really hard first challenge. Holding a box for 6 hours just standing there.  GEEZ. 


Johnny is a douche canoe.  The way he talks is just riddled with teenage sexual innuendo. It's not even funny, it makes me cringe.  I would never converse with a man who talked so stupidly to women.

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, Mischievious said:

Ooo! Where can you watch them?

You can watch a lot of them here:


Others I watched on dailymotion.com by searching for the season and others I have to watch via MTV Canada. I use an old laptop and change my ip address to a Canadian address. Actually, my hubby does all that because it is way over my head. He makes me use an old laptop "just in case". I am not really sure why "just in case". 

  • Love 4

I re-watched this episode because I was kind of drunk the first time, and reading here makes me realize how much I missed.

I love that LeRoy is going to barber school.  It's about time these people train for something sensible and attainable.

I like Natalie and Victor, but they've now proven there fame whores like the rest of them.  And if they came on a show with thirty previous seasons and didn't do research, they're total morons.

Nicole R. should take a cue from Davin, and show up next time in shape.  

  • Love 3
On ‎1‎/‎2‎/‎2018 at 11:56 PM, TiffanyNichelle said:

I am here for this season. I need it after snorefest that is the Champions vs Stars. A few things: 

Johnny, it's time to let it go. Just stop. And a single Johnny trying to hit on fresh young things gave me a full body cringe. 

Speaking of being too old, Brad with his grey hair at the temples going to town on Britni was also kind of gross. And I don't know who should be more offended by the suggestion that Britni is more on his level than Tori: Brad or Britni.

I guess I'm ok with all the new shows being added even though I don't know who any of these people are. I think I'm rooting for the guy who came in first. That was pretty good. 

I wish Marie's abilities backed up the crap she's always talking. I want both her and Cara Maria have shit taste in guys. British Bandana Boy is not cute and looks nothing like Beckham other than blonde hair and tattoos. The only cute Brit was the one who left first because of his back.

I hope Jemmye stays long because her talking heads are pretty funny. Also you can tell Devin has gotten into a little shape. He looks much better now.

Brad could not revolt me more.  I with Veronica that Brad is doing this to hurt Tori.  Going to bang in the bathroom, with door slightly open to make sure the sound carried.  Then strutting out, throwing the door open to reveal Britni trying to cover her naked body.  And he smokes!

On ‎1‎/‎3‎/‎2018 at 1:05 AM, dangwoodchucks said:

I like the new people. Watching Marie and CM fuss over Bandana Boy is a big WTF. Victor and Joss look better. 

Brad, WTF?  Is Britni trying to bag all the “old” men of the challenge or something?

Does John think what he’s doing is flirting because it just comes off as creepy and predator-ish. 

I’m still trying to get my eyeballs out from under the fridge. That’s where they rolled during John’s “welcome to my challenge” toast. Ugh, they must’ve started writing that shit into his contract.

Not a big Johnny defender, but I disagree.  Natalie knows her way around men, and has probably been putting creepy and predatory men in their place for years.  Natalie plays dumb but she's a sharp cookie.  It's no accident that she's getting cozy with the player with the most wins.  She's done her homework.  If you're not interested in a guy, you don't flirt back, and you don't borrow things from them, unless you're strategizing.  And none of this is judgement - I like Natalie.

  • Love 4
On 1/6/2018 at 3:11 PM, UniqueHandle said:

You can watch a lot of them here:


Others I watched on dailymotion.com by searching for the season and others I have to watch via MTV Canada. I use an old laptop and change my ip address to a Canadian address. Actually, my hubby does all that because it is way over my head. He makes me use an old laptop "just in case". I am not really sure why "just in case". 

Will you ask your hubby  if us regulars can do it via vpn? please dm me if necessary. I want to introduce my kid to all the seasons in between the ones on mtv.com.

On 1/4/2018 at 1:33 AM, Blissfool said:

Victor and Natalie are too nice for this. I said, "she looks really uncomfortable" before she even said it in her talking head. I don't think Victor or Natalie are the type to be making out with various partners or having table-flipping shouting matches on TV.


Marie reminds me of Debbie Gibson (40 yr old DG, not teen DG).


Yes, Britni is the worst and Brad disappointed me. I actually thought he and Tori would make it.

To your first point, not at all. Victor's in a pretty serious relationship, so I don't see him hooking up with any girls on this show, plus he's never been the cutthroat player even on BB. And Natalie was surprisingly the only one on BB18 that didn't jump into bed with her hookup partner, so I definitely don't see her crawling into bed with Bananas or any other guy any time soon.

19 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

I believe Victor left all the women alone on his BB season, but he said something, maybe on the feeds, that implied all the women were too unattractive for him.  There's a lot of self love with that boy.  I could have liked him more if not for the Paul taint.

He was only attracted to Nicole that season, but she only had eyes for Corey. If not for that, then he and Nicole would've started their relationship earlier than they already did.

  • Love 1
On 1/4/2018 at 2:51 PM, Adultosaurus said:

So I kind of thought UK Kyle was hot don't judge, I'm shallow, and had never heard of Geordie Shore so I googled - turns out he's kinda totally not, but HAS spent a ton of money on cosmetic surgery.  Who knew there was even such a thing as a beard replacement?!?!?!   https://www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/3538052/geordie-shore-kyle-christie-plastic-surgery/

OMG! He looks like (80s) George Michael in a couple of those pics. I doubt that's what he was going for.

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