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S06.E00: Steven & Justin Assanti: Where Are They Now?

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I had no interest in watching this family the first time I saw them, so seeing more was totally too much. I kept switching through the channels and encountered it.  I pray they leave these people alone. Enough is enough. The only way that I could see them ever getting any change or improvement, would be if they were totally separated with no contact at all. It's hard to know where mental illness starts and personality disorders kick in.  My brain can't handle that much DYSFUNCTION. 

  • Love 11

Wow.  That was, save for Dr Now flipping out about calling the cops, relatively boring.  Maybe because I don't care about these people.

I was so disappointed that the cops didn't actually get called.

did anyone else notice he had his hands down the front of his pants in this scene?  Where Dr Now is telling him he has to find his own way home?  It is the strangest thing.

  • Love 9

Haven't seen mentioned yet, when Steven was Skyping with his mom pre-surgery, Justin was stage-muttering things like, "if you loved your son you'd have come to be with him for his surgery" and "tell her f** off from me".   These people are broken and probably irredeemable, every one of them, but there is also a serious amount of pain being medicated with food.

I also kept hoping Steven would not survive his surgery. What a waste of resources. And it detracts from Dr. Now's credibility when he demands that all other people lose XX amount before he will perform the surgery, but the least compliant shithead of all gets it no matter what he does. The hell? 

Other notable moment: Justin clearly being repulsed by the idea of physical contact with Steven, having to be coerced into the world's most lackluster handshake upon leaving Houston.

Dr. Now to Steven, paraphrased: "Take a shower, the smell hasn't gotten any better."  

  • Love 21
1 hour ago, Kid said:

As we food addicts are painfully aware, food is very much a drug. And it’s even harder to kick then say alcohol. If you’re an alcoholic,  you never take another drink. If you’re a food addict, you can’t quit eating completely because you’ll die.   Dr. Now Took away the drugs, so he is using food more than ever.   Actually, I was surprised at his honesty about it and his self awareness. 

I feel like I pretty much understand craving food that might not be good for you. But...can it actually function as a substitute for prescription painkillers to which a person is addicted? That's what I can't wrap my brain around. Well, I guess the point with Steven is that he is probably exaggerating his physical pain for his own purposes, or maybe he can't distinguish between physical and emotional pain. I dunno. 

  • Love 2
42 minutes ago, Tabbygirl521 said:

I feel like I pretty much understand craving food that might not be good for you. But...can it actually function as a substitute for prescription painkillers to which a person is addicted? That's what I can't wrap my brain around. Well, I guess the point with Steven is that he is probably exaggerating his physical pain for his own purposes, or maybe he can't distinguish between physical and emotional pain. I dunno. 

Yes. Food addiction is not "craving".  It's an addiction as serious as any drug.  Many recipients of weight loss surgery, when physically forced to give up their food addiction, pick up a new, secondary addiction. The new addiction can be in various forms:  exercise/fitness, sex, or drugs or alcohol.  They are addicts and they need something to fill the void that food left. It goes both ways. 

Edit: WebMD article

Edited by dahling
  • Love 9

Steven is a piece of shit.  Drug-addicted, manipulative, mean-spirited, revolting, filthy shit.  Flush him.

I'm extra nasty today because I just contributed $20 (what we could manage) to a GoFundMe for a family whose son needs open-heart surgery. His surgery is apparently paid for, but the parents can't afford to take time off from work to be with their son during the surgery and several days after that.

He has everything handed to him, he has the audacity to whine about needing his fix, he's garbage.  Filth.  Flush him down the toilet into the sewer where he belongs.  Never to be seen (or smelled) again.

ETA: What happened to the missing $2K from the business account?  Did Steven take it?

Edited by bethster2000
  • Love 15

Looking at a profile shot of Steven tonight, it struck me he has the exact same facial features as Big Fat Fabulous WHITNEY! Same multiple chins and upturned pig nose with prominent nostrils. To Whitney's credit, she appears to brush her teeth regularly. Steven's puffy red gums add another dimension to his grossness. 

  • Love 6
6 hours ago, nr65000 said:

There is some serious pathology going on here with this family. People do not become this dysfunctional in a vacuum and I can't even begin to imagine what dynamic created these men.  I think Steven is one of the scariest people I have ever observed and I am not talking about his body.  His mannerisms, manipulations, threats and reactions to situations are terrifying.  It seems very calculated to me.  It's like he is trying to feign actual emotions (except for his anger) in order to get his way.  His odd almost coquettish reactions at times (like when his brother showed up) or when someone is wiping his ass or tending to him in some way seem extremely disturbing.  I agree with whatever poster(s) said that if he was in a typically sized body with no mobility issues, he'd be a very dangerous individual.  His brother has clearly experienced some type of deep, deep trauma that has kept him from developing emotionally and based on his hatred and fear of his brother, I can not begin to imagine what has happened here.  This entire family is the stuff of nightmares and a gastric sleeve ain't gonna cure a thing.  

It's crazy, but at times he seems sincere. When the Uber came to pick him up at the hospital and he didn't fit inside the vehicle he thanked the driver for his time. It truly sounded like he meant it!

  • Love 5
3 hours ago, Aw my lahgs said:

I could have done without Steven standing naked in front of me, his back turned to me and bowing down to pick up something from the floor. 

Just think, we get to see all his nakedness---front and back-- blurred, but there are cameramen who actually have to film him.  There is not enough money in the world or bleach for my eyeballs to ever accept that job of filming Steven at the hospital and especially at his home unless maybe I was in a full-on hazmat suit.  The smell!!!  

And Dr Now really was about to snap.  I've always really liked him because of how patient he is with everyone, but you can see he is at the end of his rope.  Yet he somehow persuaded everyone on the surgery team to work pro bono to save Steven?  I'm sure there are other candidates MUCH more deserving.  

And there was yet ANOTHER episode on tonight--a SUPERSIZED (no pun intended I'm sure) episode of last night's.   Again, I'm sure there are others way more deserving of all this airtime!  

When his dad said he can't wait for him (after the surgery) to get a job, a girl, etc I was thinking, a girl?  Really?  I'm fairly sure if he were a normal weight he wouldn't be attracting the ladies.  He's just so repugnant.  

  • Love 10
7 hours ago, ClareWalks said:

ntil I saw Steven Assanti on my TV, I had never, ever thought, "the entire world and everyone in it would be better off if that person were dead."

Actually, I think that fairly often, and Steven wouldn't be in my top 10, but I admit that if he were mobile, he might show up on ID.
What I don't understand is why Dr.Now did the sleeve for Steven.  There have been others who failed, and they just slinked off to die, so why does he have to "save" Steven?
And it sounded like he wasn't getting any protein, nor Justin, and Dr. Now is usually big on that.  No therapist for them, which I was looking forward to.

  • Love 7
19 minutes ago, Teddybear said:

When his dad said he can't wait for him (after the surgery) to get a job, a girl, etc I was thinking, a girl?  Really?  I'm fairly sure if he were a normal weight he wouldn't be attracting the ladies.  He's just so repugnant.  

I had the same thought, only with lots of expletives. A girl? A GIRL? As if there is any female currently walking terra firma who would ever -- EVER -- want to get anywhere near Steven.

  • Love 10
34 minutes ago, Teddybear said:

 He's just so repugnant.  

And....he has shown us just how repugnant he is over and over again. I’ve never, ever encountered a person this extremely dysfunctional IRL. It’s especially disturbing on TV.  It scrambles my brain. Yet, he gets what he wants after his histrionics. Unbelievable and really hard to watch, so I will not.

Edited by AntAnn
I just can’t watch, they are so disturbing and disgusting.
  • Love 2
15 minutes ago, the-grey-lady said:


36 minutes ago, Teddybear said:

When his dad said he can't wait for him (after the surgery) to get a job, a girl, etc I was thinking, a girl?  Really?  I'm fairly sure if he were a normal weight he wouldn't be attracting the ladies.  He's just so repugnant.  

I had the same thought, only with lots of expletives. A girl? A GIRL? As if there is any female currently walking terra firma who would ever -- EVER -- want to get anywhere near Steven.


“I want him,” said no sane girl ever.  Maybe he’ll be called out on catfish soon. 

Why do you think his little brother hates him so much? 

I can’t watch them, too gross and unbelievable, but I find them an interesting study. They are so abnormal...how does that happen? 

  • Love 8

I'm not trying to make fun or be cruel. Steven Jr. needs way more help than weight loss! He really needs serious mental help! The way he treats everybody is disturbing. I guess he "loves" his dad and look how he treats him! How can his dad continue to enable him? I believe he would be the definition of rewarding bad behavior...I honestly feel sorry for Justin. Something is very wrong with him. He has the maturity of a child. Locks himself in his room... what "adult business owner" does that? I know being a parent is a difficult job, but my goodness, surely when your children act like they do, bells would go off and scream WAKE UP! Lots of kids come from broken homes, even horrible homes and don't act like Jr. His pic may be in the dictionary under psychopath. Dr Now, please insist he get mental help. 

  • Love 9

In all seriousness, it is common for people in early recovery from drug and alcohol addiction to transfer that to food addiction, particularly sweet items.  I'm in recovery and I see/hear about it all the time, both in person and in online groups I'm a part of.  

I almost give Justin a pass, because I think Sociopath Steven did some horrific things to him growing up that stunted his development.  It's not normal to hide in your room for two days because you're going to see your brother.  

The dad is a total asshole.  I can see glimpses of how this happened.  Anytime he has to handle anything, he starts screaming.  I know people like this IRL and the adult kids are a bunch of addicts, losers, dependents, etc.  All they do is live at home and scream at each other all day.  It's probably the way he handled anything that happened, their entire lives- hence the fact that no one has any real coping skills.  

  • Love 12

I feel like the dad must carry some guilt about something pertaining to the sons. Also anger but that may be misplaced anger that he should direct at himself for whatever his part has been in the sons' being so messed up. Maybe he failed to protect them from a drug-addicted mom or something. But I just can't imagine a parent - especially one who doesn't seem passive - putting up with that incredible behavior from Steven, especially, unless dad somehow thinks he deserves it. 

I agree that Justin has been expected to put up with whatever Steven dishes out. When dad was coercing Justin to go to TX, he kept saying, "He'll be so glad to see you." Never mind how Justin feels. And Justin kept saying he didn't know "which Steven" he would encounter. So he caves in to dad but then resents it, but apparently dares not say so directly. Instead he acts out by going into his bunker.

Then later when they are leaving Steven at the hospital, where Justin appears to have acted civilly if not warmly, dad says, "Shake his hand, you ass." Justin appears not to be allowed his own feelings, while Steven is allowed to be whatever he wants, and get rewarded for it  

Not that I am a doctor or therapist. But there has got to be some underlying reason. MY son would be spitting out teeth if he even THOUGHT about acting that way to his dad or me. OK, not really. But geez. 

Edited by Tabbygirl521
  • Love 16
8 hours ago, Teddybear said:

we get to see all his nakedness---front and back-- blurred, but there are cameramen who actually have to film him. 

I pity the cameramen (and women) on this show and Intervention.  Hope they get danger money.  My 600 pound life always begins with the morbidly obese blob being washed or showering, and the cameraman (or woman) has to be there filming it all. Ugh! And on Intervention they're in filthy, dangerous rat infested places watching wild and crazy addicts shoot up god knows what into their veins. 

Yeah, I hope these camera guys get paid well and have excellent insurance.  They'd much rather be filming a soap opera I'm sure.

  • Love 9
6 hours ago, Rachel in Texas said:

I'm not trying to make fun or be cruel. Steven Jr. needs way more help than weight loss! He really needs serious mental help! The way he treats everybody is disturbing. I guess he "loves" his dad and look how he treats him! How can his dad continue to enable him? I believe he would be the definition of rewarding bad behavior...I honestly feel sorry for Justin. Something is very wrong with him. He has the maturity of a child. Locks himself in his room... what "adult business owner" does that? I know being a parent is a difficult job, but my goodness, surely when your children act like they do, bells would go off and scream WAKE UP! Lots of kids come from broken homes, even horrible homes and don't act like Jr. His pic may be in the dictionary under psychopath. Dr Now, please insist he get mental help. 

Dr Now has repeatedly tried to get him set up with therapy, but steven always refuses it.

I have a different take on the Dad. I think for some reason he is boatloaded with guilt about his sons. Their mother maybe abusing them then taking off like that.  When he does stand up to Steven, like when Jr fell off the golf cart, Jr does seem to mellow out and accept it. But when he screams stuff like "I want a pizza and if you don't get it I will die and it will be your fault!", then of course when Dad gives in it just feeds more of that behaviour.

I do think that Dad needs some serious mental help as well. Look at what he deals with all the time. 2 grown sons who are still mentally children and have addictions. Dr. Now needs to realize that these 2guys are way too mentally ill to follow his program.  Neither of them are able to think rationally, neither of them have an ability to even follow simple orders. 

I admire Dr. Now for trying to help them, but they are in need of permanent mental hospital and not much more you can do for them. 

  • Love 16

agree with everybody who says all 3 of them need mental help.  I can understand that something happened in the sons' lives to screw them up, but what the hell is up with dad?  When his son had his surgery and dad comes into the recovery room gloating "you can't eat food anymore," like a taunt.  And he does stuff like that often.  It appears that he enjoys demeaning them, then turns around and supports them.  If you were his child you would never know which dad was going to show up either!!!  Seriously, their history could make an entire series about mental dysfunction (I'm remembering the Sybil movie from the 1970s).  It would be fascinating. 

  • Love 14
4 hours ago, Pondlass1 said:

I pity the cameramen (and women) on this show and Intervention.  Hope they get danger money.  My 600 pound life always begins with the morbidly obese blob being washed or showering, and the cameraman (or woman) has to be there filming it all. Ugh! And on Intervention they're in filthy, dangerous rat infested places watching wild and crazy addicts shoot up god knows what into their veins. 

Yeah, I hope these camera guys get paid well and have excellent insurance.  They'd much rather be filming a soap opera I'm sure.

All I could think about was the smell.  He couldn't get a proper shower at that point.  And he had no home health aide.  You know there were parts of him that had not seen a washcloth since Princess.

  • Love 5

These people are babies.  Every one of them.  The slightest thing happens and they lose their minds.  Justin gets told something he doesn't wanna hear and the first thing out of his mouth is some grumble about how he shouldn't have come.  Uh....what?  Why?  

Steven is terrifying.  Did you see the way he was looking at Dr. Now?  If he could move quick enough to grab a knife he'd kill that man....no doubt.

They are all feeding off of each other.  Steven Sr., Jr and Justin are all dicks who have no one else in their lives who will deal with their bullshit so they just constantly abuse each other.  None of them have any idea what it is to have a healthy relationship or to resolve a conflict without screaming.

  • Love 8
On 1/4/2018 at 0:18 AM, Mollysmom said:

LOL! I have often wondered how guys go to the bathroom when they are that huge. Plus, I would think the weight of the fat would be really painful to that "area". 

I think he would be in a lot of pain all over, with all the stress on his connective tissue/fascia. But yeah, God knows how his testicles have adapted to his weight.

2 hours ago, Granny58 said:

agree with everybody who says all 3 of them need mental help.  I can understand that something happened in the sons' lives to screw them up, but what the hell is up with dad?  When his son had his surgery and dad comes into the recovery room gloating "you can't eat food anymore," like a taunt.  And he does stuff like that often.  It appears that he enjoys demeaning them, then turns around and supports them.  If you were his child you would never know which dad was going to show up either!!!  Seriously, their history could make an entire series about mental dysfunction (I'm remembering the Sybil movie from the 1970s).  It would be fascinating. 

Yeah, I don't like that dad at all, but he is probably in the habit of thinking everything turns to ****. Most of the families on that show seem to have unhealthy dynamics. That could just be editing, but they don't come off as likable people.

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, Granny58 said:

agree with everybody who says all 3 of them need mental help.  I can understand that something happened in the sons' lives to screw them up, but what the hell is up with dad?  When his son had his surgery and dad comes into the recovery room gloating "you can't eat food anymore," like a taunt.  And he does stuff like that often.  It appears that he enjoys demeaning them, then turns around and supports them.  If you were his child you would never know which dad was going to show up either!!!  Seriously, their history could make an entire series about mental dysfunction (I'm remembering the Sybil movie from the 1970s).  It would be fascinating. 

Did you know that the story of "Sybil" was debunked? As far as I can remember, the therapist fed the stories to Sybil (I forget the patient's real name). The therapist became rich and famous and the patient ended up going into hiding. There was a book about it. But the Sally Field/Joanne Woodward miniseries was great!

  • Love 7

My god you guys.  These are some messed up little monkeys.  The dad.  Steven. Justin. The puke green walls.  Justin’s hobby store aka money laundering front.

i actually watched Steven dance on YouTube years ago.  I hate myself. 

“Justin is writing a book about Steven.  It is a psychological horror novel”.  Yeah, I laughed.

oh fuck.  Oh mah Laygggs!  This guy has a hoof.  I just can’t imagine the stench of his hotel room.  That poor cat.   Just all of this.  It was like a fucking nightmare. 

  • Love 7
7 minutes ago, leighroda said:

I live in Houston, not far from Dr.Nows office (10-15 minutes) which means I probably don’t live far from captain asshat... if I were to start a gofundme for an industrial strength hazmat suit to run into his house dressed like a pizza man (over the hazmat suit obviously) and save cupcake... would you guys be down? I could potentially drop a lit match on my way out (no need for accelerant I’m sure the fumes from his house are combustible enough). #savecupcake

Just trade a Pizza for a Cupcake.

  • Love 9
27 minutes ago, leighroda said:

I live in Houston, not far from Dr.Nows office (10-15 minutes) which means I probably don’t live far from captain asshat... if I were to start a gofundme for an industrial strength hazmat suit to run into his house dressed like a pizza man (over the hazmat suit obviously) and save cupcake... would you guys be down? I could potentially drop a lit match on my way out (no need for accelerant I’m sure the fumes from his house are combustible enough). #savecupcake

I live a little north of Houston   if you come and pick me up, no car at the moment , I will be your  get-a-way driver . 

  • Love 11
3 hours ago, Banshee said:

Did you know that the story of "Sybil" was debunked? As far as I can remember, the therapist fed the stories to Sybil (I forget the patient's real name). The therapist became rich and famous and the patient ended up going into hiding. There was a book about it. But the Sally Field/Joanne Woodward miniseries was great!

No, I don't remember anything at all about it...except that it dealt with multiple personality disorder.  

  • Love 1
20 hours ago, Teddybear said:

When his dad said he can't wait for him (after the surgery) to get a job, a girl, etc I was thinking, a girl?  Really?  I'm fairly sure if he were a normal weight he wouldn't be attracting the ladies.  He's just so repugnant.  

I was thinking about that last night myself, especially after looking at his legs for awhile. He's got a lot to go through before he looks anywhere near normal. Then there's the horrid personality. Nope. Not seeing a girlfriend in this picture.

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, aliya said:

I was thinking about that last night myself, especially after looking at his legs for awhile. He's got a lot to go through before he looks anywhere near normal. Then there's the horrid personality. Nope. Not seeing a girlfriend in this picture.

Some kook will want to date him because he is on TeeVee.  Charlie Manson used to get love letters.  

  • Love 12
53 minutes ago, spankydoll said:

Some kook will want to date him because he is on TeeVee.  Charlie Manson used to get love letters.  

Yeah, but Charles Manson was about 130 lbs and you didn’t have to be re enacted by a d list actress in Half Ton Killer, because he wouldn’t crush you.  Also, Charlie was terribly charismatic and street smart.

i swear that Steven and his cloven hoof is possessed.  Probably the only thing keeping him from becoming a serial killer is his massive bulk and lack of mobility.  How did he get from Fall River to Boston to pill shop?  The average person would train, bus, or drive it.  Steven needs a tow truck, and that would cut into too much of his pizza munnee.   I don’t feel bad about saying that or laughing about his Humpty Dumpty ass falling off the golf cart, because he’s a Satan spawn.

this was the most fucked up thing I’ve seen yet.  I want to yell at my aunt for getting me hooked on TLC.  

Are there really enough people crushed by morbidly obese people to make Half Ton Killer a thing?

sweet baby Jesus in the bullrushes.  

Edited by Mu Shu
  • Love 2
On 1/3/2018 at 7:12 PM, Cherrio said:

At the end of the episode in the office, Steven was high as a kite.

He is probably buying his drugs off the street now.   No way he wasn't high.

Glad I am not alone in my thinking. I was saying this to myself as I watched the episode.


I know of addicts in denial but I do not think I ever heard anyone rationalize eating crap as a substitute for painkillers?? Doctor Now won't give me painkillers so I have to have my food.

I have seen addicts go from one vice to another (substituting).

7 hours ago, leighroda said:

I live in Houston, not far from Dr.Nows office (10-15 minutes) which means I probably don’t live far from captain asshat... if I were to start a gofundme for an industrial strength hazmat suit to run into his house dressed like a pizza man (over the hazmat suit obviously) and save cupcake... would you guys be down? I could potentially drop a lit match on my way out (no need for accelerant I’m sure the fumes from his house are combustible enough). #savecupcake

Pick me up!

  • Love 2

  There is no hope for Steven, Justin or their father.   Steven has been given many chances to change and he is  a lost cause.  How many hundreds of thousands of dollars have been wasted..yes..I said wasted.. on him?? When I think of how many truly good people with medical needs  that money could have helped, it makes me livid.     The FCC should revoke TLC's broadcast license if they do one more show on him and his totally dysfunctional family!!

Edited by Swiss
  • Love 6
15 hours ago, Pondlass1 said:

I pity the cameramen (and women) on this show and Intervention.  Hope they get danger money.  My 600 pound life always begins with the morbidly obese blob being washed or showering, and the cameraman (or woman) has to be there filming it all. Ugh! And on Intervention they're in filthy, dangerous rat infested places watching wild and crazy addicts shoot up god knows what into their veins. 

Yeah, I hope these camera guys get paid well and have excellent insurance.  They'd much rather be filming a soap opera I'm sure.

Whatever they get paid, it's not enough . . . for me to be the camerawoman.  

On 12/28/2017 at 9:02 PM, pdlinda1 said:

I would like to know more about the "mother" of both brothers.  I recall them briefly mentioning her once or twice but nothing recently.  In the previewed new episode that I watched today, absolutely no mention of why she is absent in their lives.  As the father seems relatively "functional" (he apparently owns a home and car and has a job) I believe there has to be some "missing link" of information about the mother that might possibly explain how BOTH sons turned out to be so morbidly obese and severely dysfunctional.

I think she got the hell out of Dodge when they were younger, and just let the Dad have the sons.  Justin was very bitter about her when she chatting with Stephen before his surgery. 

  • Love 1
12 hours ago, aliya said:

I was thinking about that last night myself, especially after looking at his legs for awhile. He's got a lot to go through before he looks anywhere near normal. Then there's the horrid personality. Nope. Not seeing a girlfriend in this picture.

Steven said he was bisexual when he was on a Dr. Phil show years ago.

  • Love 1

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