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Unspoiled Spec: "$40k, someone long dead is resurrected."

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Isn't it about time for another catastrophic disaster that changes Port Charles forever?  That would be an ideal way of getting rid of some of the useless baggage on the show -- kill them off in said disaster.  I am not talking about just one or two characters either. Silas, Franco, Nina, Ava, Kiki, Dr. O, Madeleine, Valerie, Sloane. They could be in the Floating Rib or Kelly's when it explodes from a gas leak. I'd love to add Sam and Sonny to that list because she never shuts up and all he does is mumble, but I know the show will keep those two bores around until the cows come home and the fat lady sings.


A drastically reduced cast would help the show immensely.

They could all be dead, buried under the rubble. Then new people can come on to dig out the bodies and start over again. Emma could be in Paris with Anna and Robin, Michael could be away and the rest of the show gone. We could start over. A new soap.
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It told me that the double wedding is coming. God help us all.

HA. And yet...I'm SO excited to see everything go to shit. Patrick's FACE. Liz's FACE. Jason's FACE. Sam's FACE. I want to seeeeee.

I don't know, wouldn't Jason have to give a shit about Robin first?

He does. You know we part ways on this!

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I think Brad and Rosalie's marriage is an arranged one between mob families. I'm guessing Ms/Mrs. Wu is Brad's aunt or grandmother and Rosalie is a Soleito.

Good guess. I don't think that it's a green card marriage and I'm hoping it isn't, I'm pretending not to be gay marriage. It's 20-freaking-15. As others have said, Brad and Rosalie would have to keep closer tabs on each other, if it were a green card or beard marriage.

That's what I'm saying, I can see it being a green card thing or an arranged marriage, but not seeing the set-up for mob interference (though I'm sure Ron forgot what he wrote when this storyline started 8 million years ago).

I don't think Ron remembers either. He was setting up that is was some big secret with his adopted parents (possibly didn't know he was gay) then swerved and made him married to a woman.

Did Brad ever meet Helena? Maybe she forced him to marry Rosalie because...reasons?

I want McBain back. And AJ.

I wonder if Ghost Kannie will get alimony?

McBain can stay 'wandering the road' (and abandoning his child) or whatever the fuck Easton said the character was doing.

But I want Sean's AJ, and Megan's Kate to both show up alive, even if for only day. Same for Georgie and Alan. Just give me one day to establish these people are alive and happy away from a town polluted by the midget mickey mouse moobster.

Edited by Tiger
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I liked MWKate, but that would be a waste of a back from the dead.

Megan's Kate was a strong, confident, and successful women who made the healthychoice to not be with Sonny. Kelly's Kannie was a trashy whack-job wimmins. So yeah, I want Megan's Kate to be revealed as alive and to dismiss Kelly's "version" as some crazed fan who impersonated her.

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I think Brad and Rosalie's marriage is an arranged one between mob families. I'm guessing Ms/Mrs. Wu is Brad's aunt or grandmother and Rosalie is a Soleito.

Or Ms. Wu is Brad's "aunt" and really his mother.


Rosalie as a Solito is most probable, especially since she was taking to her father when she had the picnic with Morgan backintheday. Speculation is that he's Paul Hornsby.


Wild speculation is she's the Click!Boom Baby of Sonny and Scarface!Lily. A live Lily would mean all those Sonny/Carly marriages (including this one) are invalid.

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Wild speculation is she's the Click!Boom Baby of Sonny and Scarface!Lily. A live Lily would mean all those Sonny/Carly marriages (including this one) are invalid.

I've wanted alive!scarcface!Lily for a while for a plethora of reasons, but I had never even thought of this gem. I want Vanessa to return for a day so that Brenda can shout it from the rooftops that "THAT girl was never Sonny's wife!"

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I've wanted alive!scarcface!Lily for a while for a plethora of reasons, but I had never even thought of this gem. I want Vanessa to return for a day so that Brenda can shout it from the rooftops that "THAT girl was never Sonny's wife!"


If Lily is alive then Sleeves was never Sonny's wife either. 

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A nice way to fix Liz might be as follows: Jason starts mumbling in his sleep about Helena, and how Robin helped him, and where is she, and she must be in trouble ...

And Liz hears this, horrified, and realizes that she has to tell the truth and basically confess all about Jason, because something bad did happen or is happening to her friend Robin.

It doesn't excuse Liz's actions, but she would come to her senses and sort of "turn herself in" because she realizes someone might need help and Jason is the key.

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I strongly suspect that at one point either Sabrina or Rosalie, or both at different points, were considered to be Lily's child. I think that idea was floating around a long time and I don't think Ron ever fully gave up on it. I think it's gone with him now, though.


I don't think it's necessarily a horrible idea to dovetail Brad's secret into a potential Asian Quarter underworld angle - we all had a hunch that Rosalie was connected to organized crime. I just can't find it in myself to bother to care about Rosalie or her secret after over a year. She's pointless.

Now.that Franco has confessed, I'd love for him to go to prison…off-screen. The "injustice" can drive Nina more crazy and she can be permanently committed to Ferncliff…off-screen. Magda can slink out to town with Nina's money and we never hear from any of them again. Thus, at least some of our soap is back.

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Now.that Franco has confessed, I'd love for him to go to prison…off-screen. The "injustice" can drive Nina more crazy and she can be permanently committed to Ferncliff…off-screen. Magda can slink out to town with Nina's money and we never hear from any of them again. Thus, at least some of our soap is back.


Someone in this situation needs to kill Ava. In response, Kaka can kill herself or leave town or whatever. Also, Franco needs to be brutally murdered. Oh, and Madeline needs to be murdered too because fuck her. And if someone could get rid of Brad and Rosalie that would be great too. 

Edited by LeftPhalange

Has there ever been as many useless characters as there are now? I can deal with characters I don't like, because that's what happens with ensemble casts, and that number is usually limited. But in the current cast, there's Franco, Lauren, Madeline, Obrecht, Nina, and I'd argue that Scott, Ric, and Patrick aren't moving along the stories they're in.


There are always going to be some stories I don't like, and again, that's part of soaps. But none of the stories involving the characters I listed are telling a story. There's no point. Even as an umbrella story, Silas was not a large enough presence to warrant the attention his death is getting, and the larger canvas isn't going to care or be affected by the reveal. Why is Nathan still trying to figure out who kidnapped Avery? It doesn't matter. Plus, the culprit is, you know, dead.


The ONLY current story that remotely affects more than its participants is the Jakeson secret, and that reveal shows no signs of happening soon. The rest will have no ripple effects whatsoever.

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Has there ever been as many useless characters as there are now? I can deal with characters I don't like, because that's what happens with ensemble casts, and that number is usually limited. But in the current cast, there's Franco, Lauren, Madeline, Obrecht, Nina, and I'd argue that Scott, Ric, and Patrick aren't moving along the stories they're in.


This is what happens when you have 157 characters on a show. 

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Someone in this situation needs to kill Ava. In response, Kaka can kill herself or leave town or whatever. Also, Franco needs to be brutally murdered. Oh, and Madeline needs to be murdered too because fuck her. And if someone could get rid of Brad and Rosalie that would be great too.

We need a great California earth quake. All these people Sonny included slip in the crack never to be heard of again.

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I know! And streamlining the cast doesn't seem to be a priority. Oooh, they got rid of Silas. Yes, that solved everything. 


So they could put on . . . Rebecca Budig. As much as it pains me to admit it this, ME/Silas is probably a bigger draw for people. Simply because his fanbase didn't have as much of a chance to move on as Rebecca Budig's.

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I know! And streamlining the cast doesn't seem to be a priority. Oooh, they got rid of Silas. Yes, that solved everything. 


They did get rid of Sean, too. I was surprised at both exists, TBH. Small victories? 


So, what plot points are we hoping the new writing team does a quick reversal on? Mine are


1. TJ rejects his mother for being a bad-ass undercover detective.

2. Michael returns Avery to Sonny.

3. Michael starts taking advice from Sabrina.

4. Carly and Sonny get engaged.

5. Dillon has romantic feelings for Lulu.

6. Ric/Madeleine/Eye Bleach.

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So, what plot points are we hoping the new writing team does a quick reversal on? Mine are


1. TJ rejects his mother for being a bad-ass undercover detective.


This would be pretty easy to do.  Just have TJ witness something unsettling while staying at Sonny's, and he realizes that, no matter how much he loves Shawn or how "cool" Sonny is to him, the mob is inherently bad, and it's pretty awesome that his mother is brave enough to take that on and try to keep everyone in town safer.  

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The out-of-nowhere return of Avery to Sonny and the big push of Sonny/Carly as awesome parents and Avery as their "daughter" definitely felt and feels like the network steering the show in the direction they want.

I hope the network people are watching because I sure as hell won't.

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