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S06.E02: Unfaithful

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5 hours ago, Drumpf1737 said:

I would love a look into that relationship. He appears to be desperately holding on and she appears completely indifferent

Which relationship do you mean? You were replying to a quote about Ariana and Schwartz, so I'm not sure if you mean the Schwartz/Katie relationship or the Sandoval/Ariana relationship. I think Schwartz and Katie both have an air of desperation, whereas Sandoval and Ariana seem compatible and happy, if a bit more friend-like than romantic.

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Well, Jax did it. No surprises there. And, according to Faith, Jax was telling her he was done with Brittany. He basically said as much, what I suspected, that it happened when he left KY and she stayed behind. "We were going through bad times!" No fucking excuse. Brittany didn't stray during those bad times. He's so gross. So unchanged for a 40 year old man. And yet, she's probably getting back with him. She already slept with him again! I hope you double wrapped that shit. She's not the confident, sassy girl she was when she first came to LA. She thinks she's changed him, but he hasn't changed a bit. SHE has. And it's sad. I love how everyone is rallying around her, but ultimately they can't make her leave him for good. Sigh. 

Oh, but once again, Scheana is trying to make everything about her. "Trust me, I know. That was me 6 months ago". Bitch, please. Shay did some fucked up shit, but he didn't cheat on you with a friend! And you've already moved way way way on. So stop bringing it up like you give a damn. He was just a six year "break" from Rob. Remember? 

Ariana and Tom are going through a dry spell? I swear he's said that before. I think those two probably have the most stable relationship out of everyone, but I've never seen any real chemistry. Is she not attracted to Tom?

If so, maybe it's because he has breakdown crying sessions with Schwartz in the alley of a restaurant. Was that not the best scene of the episode or what? "I'll never let anything happen to you, man!!!" And Schwartz is just NOW realizing he's never had any drive his entire life???? Little late to the game there, buddy. 

Patrick finally showed up!!! I was all excited. For five seconds. Then he opened his mouth. Yeaaaaa....it was better to keep his ass off of TV. He seems really arrogant and condescending. Not sure what Stassi sees in him. 

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10 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

Oh, Kristin telling Brittany that she has made all of them better people is very sweet. 

And kind of insulting to Brittany. Because they're TERRIBLE people. 


4 hours ago, yourmomiseasy said:

I never looked into Stassi's ghost boyfriend, but for some reason I thought he was hot, so I was really surprised at that creepy mansplaining douchebag with a manbun being him.

Looks like he's from Game of Thrones my ass. 


1 hour ago, metalchik said:

And maybe I'm the odd one out but I LOVE Tom Sandavol....always have, always will.  lol

You're not. I'm ride or die for Flat Iron Tom. 

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Brittney should not even call him Jax but call him paycheck.  She ain't breaking up with paycheck anytime soon.  The Kentucky Hillbillies didn't take off so continue to screw a greaseball wearing a greaseball sweatshirt.

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The hat Lisa Vanderpump wore to gay pride was ugly. Just because the rainbow flag symbolizes the gay community doesn't mean you should wear the colors all willy nilly. If you arrange the colors in rainbow order, it looks beautiful. That hat looked like a 4-year-old's craft project. 

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I need to “rewind” for a sec...

Let’s see:

—Invite to Ariana’s birthday party goes to James, his girlfriend, and his hanger-on: check

—Invite to said party for the *wife* of an attendee: no go

Look. I know that Katie has issues with a bunch of these people, but it’s garbage to not invite her to the parties her husband is attending. And to go to *two* parties without your wife? That’s on you, Schwartz. Next time she yell-cries about your shady behavior, I won’t feel all that sorry for you because you’re bringing it on yourself, broham.

Was it Ariana's birthday party? I thought Raquel said, when she and James were meeting with Lisa, that they were going to some guy named Jeremy's (Is that Ariana's brother?) party and that is why she was dressed that way. I did miss a bit at the start of the party, so I could be wrong.

I did laugh at Patrick's expression when Stassi said she could be a party planner because she watched YouTube videos, because it mirrored my own expression.

Edited by Misslindsey
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Eh, I don't really mind Patrick being a dickwad because this is how Stassi treats other people. She's just as much of a condescending asshole as he is. He just knows bigger words. She met her match and this is why she is so infatuated with him. They both suck. 

1 minute ago, Misslindsey said:

Was it Ariana's birthday party? I thought Raquel said, when she and James were meeting with Lisa, that they were going to some guy named Jeremy's party and that is why she was dressed that way. I did miss a bit at the start of the party, so I could be wrong.

It was Jeremy's birthday, Ariana's brother. I can't figure out why Katie wouldn't be invited. This season seems so disjointed. Like there is a whole lot of reading between the lines we have to do. And why so little Kristin? She's nothing more than a little background filler so far. We are only 2 episodes in but I hope it's not going to be the Jax and Brittany show. We already had that over the summer. Enough of them. 

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I came here specifically to talk about Patrick .  YES what a prick!!  While talking about going to Amsterdam for 6 days:  "Don't talk while away from each other, and when you get back together don't talk about what happened".  WTF?

I think he was talking about the time they had been broken up.

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14 minutes ago, TattleTeeny said:

I think he was talking about the time they had been broken up.

I think he was talking about Amsterdam but using how they didn't talk when they were broken up as an excuse to not talk while he's away for 6 days. Like, we made it 7 months without talking, what's 6 days? The difference is, for this trip she actually IS his girlfriend. I don't think not talking for 6 days is the end of the world though it's kind of a cop out. The gross part was not talking about what happened while they were apart. Definitely implied he was going to be with other women. 

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Right, he specifically said something like "We were apart for 8 months and now we're back together and things are great, so six days is no big deal.  And what did we learn from our time apart?  Not to talk while we're apart and not to talk about what happens when we're apart."  So gross!

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Brittany fucked Jax after finding out he cheated at least once with Faith and mysterious eye lash leaver.

This is because there are still monetary things Brittany needs from Jax, she doesn't want to be left out of the pregnancy pool - if any one is gonna be getting money from Jax for the next 18 years - she's going to be first in line.

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2 hours ago, biakbiak said:

They mentioned it last episode, it's literally down the hall from Katie and Schwartz.

I wouldn't want Jax strolling in anytime he wants..ugh! 

Where's Kristen's boyfriend? She was all over him last season.

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No.. that cannot be Patrick. It can't.  I pictured Patrick to be like a John Slattery (Roger Sterling) type, at least in looks and demeanor.  Someone I could envision Stassi looking up to when comparing him to the SURvers in her past, especially because doing this show was beneath him.  To see this tool in all his nasty messy man bun faux hipster douchiness is just such a letdown.  The only traits of Stassi's that were decent were her apparent intelligence and sarcastic quick wit.  To see her pretending to be silly and giggly and dopey just to allow him to feel superior, which he clearly requires in their relationship?  Just no.  Ew. No.. 

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1 hour ago, ghoulina said:
6 hours ago, yourmomiseasy said:

I never looked into Stassi's ghost boyfriend, but for some reason I thought he was hot, so I was really surprised at that creepy mansplaining douchebag with a manbun being him.

Looks like he's from Game of Thrones my ass. 

Right?! When she said he's a warrior - I loved how the camera panned down to show him in all his douche-y, hipster glory.


hipster dude.jpg

Add a manbun to this guy and you've got him. Not how I picture a "warrior". 

I loved how when Tom and Arianna were in the leather tent at the gay pride event (which sooooo shocked Lisa - umm right) and Arianna immediately went into lecture mode about how hitting someone with a leather strap works. I couldn't figure who she was Arianna-splaining to exactly. Tom? The guy wielding the strap? Lisa? I was laughing at how she was getting all pedantic and pedagogy about it. All while Tom is pulling down his pants.

I wish that the show (Lisa!) would give up on the gay pride events to show how cool and with it she is. Oh and side note, did she get a boob job? Her breasts looked pretty large in that white dress she was wearing with the cape and stupid hat.

Regarding the Jax cheating thing - I'm convinced that the whole thing, while it probably happened at some point, is something Jax and Brittany have been saving to act out for their "story" this season. The oh-so-convenient dropping of all the info in episode one about the cheating, Faith suddenly telling all and sundry that it happened, and then the reactions of Jax and Brittany. All pretty staged. I do think he did cheat on her at some point, but I think this is all being re-played for the show.

And while Stassi's sort of out of the blue 'I want to be an event planner' goal is obviously staged, I'd love it if she made an actual go of it. Especially if the Toms fall on their faces in their partnership with Lisa. 

Edited by Pop Tart
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50 minutes ago, TattleTeeny said:

Well, at least one of them manage to conjure up actual tears as evidenced by Tom S.'s spray tan and/or makeup streaking.

YES!!!! That looked so bad! I can see why Ariana would have a hard time getting in the mood. 

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11 hours ago, WhosThatGirl said:

According to WWHL Jax said that may be Katie’s, she left it at their apartment and Jax said “possibly, I eventually bought my own”

Hard to believe these so called "with it" young people are so much into that garbage! I lived near a TB when out in California and it just wasn't a habit of mines to eat it! Tequila Katie will eat it cold! YUCK! ;-(

Edited by Fiero425
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45 minutes ago, Pop Tart said:

I loved how when Tom and Arianna were in the leather tent at the gay pride event (which sooooo shocked Lisa - umm right) and Arianna immediately went into lecture mode about how hitting someone with a leather strap works. I couldn't figure who she was Arianna-splaining to exactly. Tom? The guy wielding the strap? Lisa? I was laughing at how she was getting all pedantic and pedagogy about it. All while Tom is pulling down his pants.


Right?  Arianna could make anything unsexy.

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45 minutes ago, Pop Tart said:


I loved how when Tom and Arianna were in the leather tent at the gay pride event (which sooooo shocked Lisa - umm right) and Arianna immediately went into lecture mode about how hitting someone with a leather strap works. I couldn't figure who she was Arianna-splaining to exactly. Tom? The guy wielding the strap? Lisa? I was laughing at how she was getting all pedantic and pedagogy about it. All while Tom is pulling down his pants.


Was Ariana trying to bore her audience, whoever it was? She took something that could be interesting and made it as boring as a Risk Management textbook read aloud by someone who sounds like George Costanza. 

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11 minutes ago, Fiero425 said:

Hard to believe these so called "with it" young people are so much into that garbage! I lived near a TB when I lived in California and it just wasn't a habit of mines to eat it! Tequila Katie will eat it cold! YUCK! ;-(

Jax said something on WWHL about there being a new Taco Bell in Vegas on the strip, but I got the sense it was maybe something extra (with a shop that sells TB merchandise?) for a TB. And that was where Katie got the sweatshirt and he went back there and got one too. 

8 minutes ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

Was Ariana trying to bore her audience, whoever it was? She took something that could be interesting and made it as boring as a Risk Management textbook read aloud by someone who sounds like George Costanza. 

Ha! Exactly. 

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Jax said something on WWHL about there being a new Taco Bell in Vegas on the strip, but I got the sense it was maybe something extra (with a shop that sells TB merchandise?) for a TB. And that was where Katie got the sweatshirt and he went back there and got one too. 

Yeah, I heard about it. You can get married there. It's supposed to be pretty epic. I personally love Taco Bell...don't know that I'd sport a sweatshirt, or eat it cold, but I'm a TB die hard. 

I think it's telling that Jax said that dating Brittany is like dating the group. I wonder if they would have lasted this long without everyone constantly being in Jax's ear about how much they FLOOOOOOVE Brittany. Well, they probably would have because Brittany will obviously stick around for anything to stay on tv,

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2 hours ago, Pop Tart said:

I loved how when Tom and Arianna were in the leather tent at the gay pride event (which sooooo shocked Lisa - umm right) and Arianna immediately went into lecture mode about how hitting someone with a leather strap works. I couldn't figure who she was Arianna-splaining to exactly. Tom? The guy wielding the strap? Lisa? I was laughing at how she was getting all pedantic and pedagogy about it. All while Tom is pulling down his pants.

They showed Arianna talking to the guy in the tent... pretty sure HE explained to her how it's all supposed to work and so then she was telling Tom what she learned.  It wasn't a lecture or anything like that.

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Jax reminds me of Kelsey Grammar, in that he is enamored with the thought of being in love and "in" a relationship.

Sadly, for any one that hooks their star to him - his reality never mimics the fantasy he has built in his head.

Jax has no attention span - he gets bored easily. I think the main reason he "cheats" is so that the person he is with - breaks up with him so he is not the douche that dumped the girl.

I don't see Brittany breaking up with him until the show and its Spinoffs are off air.

Edited by KungFuBunny
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Wow, Patrick is an ass! Stassi can do better. Yeah, I said what I said. Stassi can do better. They have a really strange dominant/submissive vibe going on. I wonder if after whatever happened with Jax (there have been rumors of an STD plus that whole sex tape thing I still don’t fully understand) Stassi thought no decent guy would want her again so when Patrick cane along who maybe looks good on paper she just decided to hang on for dear life. I can’t belive that ridiculous blowhard is considered a catch, but these people are stupid. Also, I think Stassi knows what juggernaut and galvanized mean. I think with juggernaut she was confused about him using it to describe her podcast (because that is a wild exaggeration of the situation) and was sort of checking to make sure it meant what she thought it meant. With galvanized I think she just kept the dumb blond routine going because Patrick likes to feel like the smartest guy in the room. Totally healthy dynamic, should go great in the future. ?

Jax really doesn’t want to be with Brittany, but he’s too big of a pussy to breakup with her. This seems to be his MO when he wants out, he just starts behaving as if he is single and waits for the girl to dump him.

God Arianna, how do you suck the joy out of kinky sex? I can forgive a lot, but I cannot forgive making sex unfun. Please go far away, preferably to some place where they take sex and comedy very seriously.

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3 minutes ago, FozzyBear said:

Wow, Patrick is an ass! Stassi can do better. Yeah, I said what I said. Stassi can do better. They have a really strange dominant/submissive vibe going on. I wonder if after whatever happened with Jax (there have been rumors of an STD plus that whole sex tape thing I still don’t fully understand) Stassi thought no decent guy would want her again so when Patrick cane along who maybe looks good on paper she just decided to hang on for dear life. I can’t belive that ridiculous blowhard is considered a catch, but these people are stupid. Also, I think Stassi knows what juggernaut and galvanized mean. I think with juggernaut she was confused about him using it to describe her podcast (because that is a wild exaggeration of the situation) and was sort of checking to make sure it meant what she thought it meant. With galvanized I think she just kept the dumb blond routine going because Patrick likes to feel like the smartest guy in the room. Totally healthy dynamic, should go great in the future. ?

Jax really doesn’t want to be with Brittany, but he’s too big of a pussy to breakup with her. This seems to be his MO when he wants out, he just starts behaving as if he is single and waits for the girl to dump him.

God Arianna, how do you suck the joy out of kinky sex? I can forgive a lot, but I cannot forgive making sex unfun. Please go far away, preferably to some place where they take sex and comedy very seriously.


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OK, I enjoyed this ep cuz this was the first we got to see & hear ghost Patrick.  Sure, first reaction is he's a sleazy-looking creep.  But let's get past that, shall we?  The fun part is we got to hear from him what he thinks of her.

So he thinks she's an idiot that he constantly speaks down to in a maddeningly condescending way.  And he mentioned several times he thinks she's crazy.  Is that a plus for dickhead Patrick?  Oh, and he liked that she was dressed like a skank (Stassi's descriptive word).  Ah, so he got to the one thing he actually likes about her?

And then he tried to flatter her about her podcast -- and yet still managed to insult her in a cringe-worthy abusive way.  Wow, you sure know how to pick 'em, Stass.  Douchebags ONLY for you, right, hun?

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Patrick- a "warrior "?!?! What an ass. Stassi putting on the dumb girl act was pathetic. I get the feeling those two battle for dominance until Patrick makes some passive aggressive remark and she backs down. She could do better. Actually- Jax may be her perfect love match. 

Brittany is pathetic. No self esteem, and a fame whore to boot. She needs to see a doc for STD testing, STAT! 

Tom and Ariana seem like buddies more than a true couple. Ariana is absolutely gorgeous tho. 

Ever since Stassi told the story about Scheana being obsessed with only being filmed/photographed on her " good" side, I can't stop trying to see the other side! 

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12 minutes ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

OK, I enjoyed this ep cuz this was the first we got to see & hear ghost Patrick.  Sure, first reaction is he's a sleazy-looking creep.  But let's get past that, shall we?  The fun part is we got to hear from him what he thinks of her.

So he thinks she's an idiot that he constantly speaks down to in a maddeningly condescending way.  And he mentioned several times he thinks she's crazy.  Is that a plus for dickhead Patrick?  Oh, and he liked that she was dressed like a skank (Stassi's descriptive word).  Ah, so he got to the one thing he actually likes about her?

And then he tried to flatter her about her podcast -- and yet still managed to insult her in a cringe-worthy abusive way.  Wow, you sure know how to pick 'em, Stass.  Douchebags ONLY for you, right, hun?

Is he lying? Nope! I was embarrassed for her that she couldn't understand words more complicated than "duh!" I personally would have walked when it was found she has the IQ of a gnat! Everything needs to revolve around her and she can only contain herself for so long before having temper tantrums when she doesn't get her way! He's only speaking down to her because that's where she is! Why not just acknowledge that and not blame him for being condescending! This is no match made in heaven! She needs a real louse who doesn't care she's an empty-headed THOT; maybe JAX after he loses Brittany one of these days! ;-)

8 minutes ago, Juliegirlj said:

Patrick- a "warrior "?!?! What an ass. Stassi putting on the dumb girl act was pathetic. I get the feeling those two battle for dominance until Patrick makes some passive aggressive remark and she backs down. She could do better. Actually- Jax may be her perfect love match. 

Brittany is pathetic. No self esteem, and a fame whore to boot. She needs to see a doc for STD testing, STAT! 

Tom and Ariana seem like buddies more than a true couple. Ariana is absolutely gorgeous tho. 

Ever since Stassi told the story about Scheana being obsessed with only being filmed/photographed on her " good" side, I can't stop trying to see the other side! 

Why do you think it's an act? Seems like she's exposed how clueless she truly is! Good side? Very important and meaningful I guess! ;-)

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So Patrick's highly intelligent, meaningful career is a Sports Talk Radio jock? He is a perfect fit -  attitude, demeanor, and arrogance reflects accurately that "type". Gives men a bad name. It would have served him better if he stayed in the darkness of his "studio".

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18 minutes ago, teapot said:

I believe she has a BA in English from Loyola Marymount



I guess money can buy just about anything! I can't imagine this b!tch got through high school much less an accredited college!! I'm not too old to compare competence and intellect and if she has any she's doing a very good job of hiding it! Her 12 year old brother is her muse and voice of reason! Nuff said! ;-(

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So Stass has never heard of "galvanized" or "juggernaut" before?  And she couldn't figure out their definitions from the way he used them?  Is she dumb, or pulling a helpless dumb girl routine to appeal to him?  Either way -- ugh.

Are couples on this show not allowed to break up?  C'mon, FI & Ari clearly ain't a couple anymore -- if they ever were.  Still think they're both gay.  And Brit & Jax seem stuck with each other.  Wonder how it is Brit hasn't gotten preggers by now -- by accident or on purpose.

Oh man, there's Lala in the preview in one of her usual hooker getups.  Is Lisa gonna hire her back?  Uh, why?  Well, at least she wasn't fired for being drunk on the job & mouthing off to bosses -- like James.  In what universe would anyone EVER hire James back after what he did?  Is Lisa a moron or is this more senseless scripted bullshit thrown at us?

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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5 hours ago, esco1822 said:

I think he was talking about Amsterdam but using how they didn't talk when they were broken up as an excuse to not talk while he's away for 6 days. Like, we made it 7 months without talking, what's 6 days? The difference is, for this trip she actually IS his girlfriend. I don't think not talking for 6 days is the end of the world though it's kind of a cop out. The gross part was not talking about what happened while they were apart. Definitely implied he was going to be with other women. 

Patrick is definitely on his way to cheating in Amsterdam - hookers (and certain drugs) are legal. Hence, the don't ask, don't tell, don't discuss policy.

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1 hour ago, Juliegirlj said:

Stassi is not a good actress-even when it comes to playing dumb. I'm not saying she is a genius, but the bar ain't that high with Patrick the douche. 

I agree. While Stassi is no neurosurgeon or intellectual powerhouse she does have a quick wit. I've always had a begrudging respect for her where that's concerned. You can't be a total moron and be as acerbic and clever as she is. (Even if she can be mean as a snake) She's definitely playing up that ditzy submissive persona with Patrick. And his big reveal left MUCH to be desired. Although with Stassi's track record of BF's he fits in seamlessly. All these women must have staggeringly low self-esteem to partner up and stick with such clowns no matter how vile, useless, and pathetic they are. If those were my only options I'd stay happily single. 

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5 hours ago, esco1822 said:

I think he was talking about Amsterdam but using how they didn't talk when they were broken up as an excuse to not talk while he's away for 6 days. Like, we made it 7 months without talking, what's 6 days? The difference is, for this trip she actually IS his girlfriend. I don't think not talking for 6 days is the end of the world though it's kind of a cop out. The gross part was not talking about what happened while they were apart. Definitely implied he was going to be with other women. 

When dating, some feel they need some kind of contact every single day! On RHWP, a fiancé was only going away for a week for a golf outing in the British Isles and she was PO'd; big time! People who have little to no life must at least get a call or text to keep them emotionally sated I guess! I welcome a break from someone I have to deal with everyday; esp. when intellectually stilted! ;-(

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7 hours ago, ghoulina said:



2 hours ago, Fiero425 said:

Is he lying? Nope! I was embarrassed for her that she couldn't understand words more complicated than "duh!" I personally would have walked when it was found she has the IQ of a gnat! Everything needs to revolve around her and she can only contain herself for so long before having temper tantrums when she doesn't get her way! He's only speaking down to her because that's where she is! Why not just acknowledge that and not blame him for being condescending! This is no match made in heaven! She needs a real louse who doesn't care she's an empty-headed THOT; maybe JAX after he loses Brittany one of these days! ;-)

Why do you think it's an act? Seems like she's exposed how clueless she truly is! Good side? Very important and meaningful I guess! ;-)

Thank you!  I keep reading over and over about what an ass Patrick is and how Stassi could do so much better.  She's a fucking asshole and this guy is exactly what she deserves. I actually think he's too damn nice for her. 

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1 hour ago, CoffeeTV said:

Patrick is definitely on his way to cheating in Amsterdam - hookers (and certain drugs) are legal. Hence, the don't ask, don't tell, don't discuss policy.

I literally laughed out loud when he said Amsterdam. And they worry when the significant others go to Vegas for a weekend. Whether he were to cheat or not the fact that its the one place where pretty much anything goes was perfect. Icing on the cake was Manbun telling Stassi that being in Europe somehow requires a moratorium on all communication. Is he going on vacation or covert ops? What a putz. 

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There was a photo of Stassi and Patrick awhile ago - I guess it was at the beginning of their relationship - where they both looked really nice and sleek.  I thought, well, good for her for finding a successful, good-looking boyfriend who supposedly has his shit together.  Then I see him in this episode and I feel like he's more like Jax 2.0.  Not knowing what galvanise doesn't make you dumb.  That's not a word that's used in an organic way.  Also, it does not mean 'to bring together'.  Actually, I was really into chemistry at university and if I heard that word, I would think that a chemist or a jeweller is coating metal with zinc.  It would take me a second to realise that it means the other definition of galvanise, although I would still try to understand what he actually meant because he didn't use it correctly.

Btw, there's nothing that can be done for Jax.  He is a sociopath.  He's not 'troubled' or 'going through a difficult time' or 'has inner turmoil' or anything.  He's a shell and he's completely hollow and empty inside.  There's simply nothing there.  Therapy is useless on sociopaths.  Any shrink who believes or claims that they can 'help' or 'cure' sociopaths is flatout lying and is probably a sociopath themselves.  Want to see a real live one?  Look at Jax.  If anyone is studying psychology or psychiatry, here's an example of a sociopath.  Think of him as a case study or a very long and insufferable research paper.  He's just a revolting krunt.  And wtf was up with him screaming "SHUT UP!!!" on the phone for next week's preview??

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When dating, some feel they need some kind of contact every single day! On RHWP, a fiancé was only going away for a week for a golf outing in the British Isles and she was PO'd; big time! People who have little to no life must at least get a call or text to keep them emotionally sated I guess! I welcome a break from someone I have to deal with everyday; esp. when intellectually stilted! ;-(

The nerve, haha! Barring some kind of unexpected, non-negotiable hurdle, I totally expect to hear from my BF of several years at least once a day (and, of course, that "once" can include, you know, just talking at home, as we live together). He's the same (ha, it's called being considerate and actually liking your partner). How is that even odd? No, I don't need it and, yes, I have my own life (more than I need, to be honest). 

Edited by TattleTeeny
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8 minutes ago, KungFuBunny said:

Did they explain why Katie wasn't invited to Jeremy's party? Is there an issue between Katie and Sandoval or Ariana?

LVP really doesn't want Max on this show. I do believe they limit his screen time to help hide his addictions

I assumed Jeremey didn’t want her there. Katie and Ariana appear to be fine, they still follow each other on SM and all that. And they’ve hung out a few times this past summer, I saw pictures when the Toms and both girls were hanging out.

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1 minute ago, WhosThatGirl said:

I assumed Jeremey didn’t want her there. Katie and Ariana appear to be fine, they still follow each other on SM and all that. And they’ve hung out a few times this past summer, I saw pictures when the Toms and both girls were hanging out.

It just seemed like Schwartzie made it a point to let that out and to specifically say he is again attending a party to which Katie was NOT invited.

Possible shit stirring so they can have another paint your own portrait class with wine?

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2 minutes ago, KungFuBunny said:

It just seemed like Schwartzie made it a point to let that out and to specifically say he is again attending a party to which Katie was NOT invited.

Possible shit stirring so they can have another paint your own portrait class with wine?

Yeah. Maybe. I don’t put anything past producers to create situations. And yeah.. when/if katie goes nuts on Schwartz later this season.. I’ll remember that he ditched her for two parties and also that they were parties she never got an invite to.

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