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S06.E09: Irreconcilable Differences

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IDK, that Lance/Laurel scene was weirdly sexual at first, just for a split second, when she's about to whisper in his ear. I jumped back from my screen in disgust. LMAO.

Seriously, for a moment I thought she was gonna kiss him. I was freaked out.

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I'm sorry I'm laughing at Viglante acting like he s some Badass at the end YOU'RE THE BIGGEST HYPOCRITE THERE. Roaring about Justice but teaming up with Villians. But he only kills those who deserve it and him and Oliver are more alike than he thinks what BS LOL

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3 minutes ago, Featherhat said:

Yes the distinct lack of Beebo ruined it for me. And Constantine showing up asking for repayment of debts is still the most terrifying thing to happen on all four shows. 

Beebo makes everything better. He died for our sins after all. 

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Felicity should have punched Curtis in the face instead of slapping him.  And should punch him in the face every chance she gets. 

I barely cared about the newbies before and the whining here basically cemented my desire for them to go away for good.  The only thing I am not sure of at this point is which one I dislike the most.  It is hard to choose when they all achieved such high levels of suck in this episode alone.  

So losing daddy at a young age made BS a psychopath?  Ummm, no.  If this was any other show I would be 100% sure that her letting QL go was a ploy and part of CJ's plan.  But these writers are stupid enough to think that makes her redeemable.  Of course the other big problem with trying to redeem her is KC doesn't have the skill to pull it off.  

Team villain has some major who cares (not unlike the newbies).  CJ and Anatoly are the only two I have any interest in at all. 

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Dang, I can't be the only person that feels bad for the second string. I know they're not written that well, but damn . . .

6 minutes ago, Featherhat said:

Yes the distinct lack of Beebo ruined it for me.

If that has showed up, Laurel-2 would have "killed" it. And then James would have devoured it. Because they are that hardcore.

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6 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

IDK, that Lance/Laurel scene was weirdly sexual at first, just for a split second, when she's about to whisper in his ear. I jumped back from my screen in disgust. LMAO.

Seriously, for a moment I thought she was gonna kiss him. I was freaked out.

Oh, good, I wasn't alone in that. There was just something so off when she was leaning towards him.

Edited by JamieLynn832002
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4 minutes ago, Lantern7 said:

Dang, I can't be the only person that feels bad for the second string. I know they're not written that well, but damn . . .

I felt a little bad for Rene at first but then he kinda blew it, haha. I totally understand his daughter coming first but he also should have told the team. And his anger was too much, IMO.

I probably would've felt for Dinah, too, if she hadn't been on Diggle's back all season about keeping secrets and then kept one herself.

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Just now, Primal Slayer said:

Dinah was on Diggle but she still kept his secret in the end. He was basically went all Mariah Carey and was like


When she asked him what he thought of her.

Didn't he keep her secret though? He didn't tell anyone about Vincent? I mean I like your version better. 

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@scarynikki12 I AM A WEAK WILLED LITTLE PERSON!!!! I watched the reception bit!!!!


Will watch the rest with cake tonight but OMG THE HEART EYES!!!!!!!!! And he was so stressed before she arrived! I only saw the stills so didn't get the full effect of how stressed he was! And she had already married him! Sheesh Oliver relax! You had it locked down already!


I've always given SA full credit for his heart eyes but EBR can also give him a run for his money! 


hehe gotta go turn off the stove and pick up my kid now! 

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5 minutes ago, leopardprint said:

Didn't he keep her secret though? He didn't tell anyone about Vincent? I mean I like your version better. 

He did and if he told her that then why would he think that she would do something like outing Oliver.

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Does anyone else feel like Anatoly isn't what he seems, with the team of big bads? IDK, I just have a feeling there's gonna be an inside man in there somewhere and he gets my vote.

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2 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

Does anyone else feel like Anatoly isn't what he seems, with the team of big bads? IDK, I just have a feeling there's gonna be an inside man in there somewhere and he gets my vote.

I wouldn't mind this. I like Anatoly as Oliver's villain and against the team on his own, but I don't know how I feel about him on a team of villains, you know? 

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10 minutes ago, Mrs. de Winter said:

Isn't two secrets herself?  The BS island stuff and Vigilante. 

Exactly. So she kept a secret from the team for 6 months and then she hid the Vigilante stuff. Sorry but she hasn't got a leg to stand on, IMO.

Also her whole "I don't believe in you" to Oliver was so OTT. Talk about an overreaction. 

5 minutes ago, insomniadreams88 said:

I wouldn't mind this. I like Anatoly as Oliver's villain and against the team on his own, but I don't know how I feel about him on a team of villains, you know? 

It probably won't be anything like this but I'd like there to be. Just once I'd like Team Arrow to be one step ahead. Haha.

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28 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

IDK, that Lance/Laurel scene was weirdly sexual at first, just for a split second, when she's about to whisper in his ear. I jumped back from my screen in disgust. LMAO.

Yes! I totally thought it was weird, which bummed me out because I thought her earlier scene when she was talking about birthday cake with Lance was really well done on KC's part. 

I think the writers have vastly overestimated the audience's attachment to the newbies. They're fine but I'd take OTA + Thea any day, so them leaving didn't pack much of an emotional punch.

One thing I liked about this ep (besides all the reception giddiness) was Oliver telling Thea that Rene "kept a secret and put his kid in front of the team..how can I feel betrayed by somebody doing the exact same things as I've done?" Acknowledgment and growth, people!

Overall I was underwhelmed but that may not be a bad thing. There have been amazing mid season finales twists on Arrow that I've loved (Oliver being kicked off the mountain, Felicity getting shot, etc) but when the show came back it all quickly fell apart. This feels more like it's building to something. I don't mind some set up if they have somewhere to go this time. 

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I'm a newcomer to Arrow (just started watching last season), so I guess I have different influences, but I like the Arrow team and I'm sad they've split up. I don't think it'll be permanent, though - six members on Team Evil Machine Finch almost guarantees there has to be six members on Team Arrow.

For me, I felt like Team OTA had reason not to trust Team Noob, but they went about dealing with it the wrong way. Now Team Noob has reason not to trust Team Arrow - I've been there when you realize you're considered the B Team and can't ever join the A-Team, and it sucks.

Dig was right - they should have thrown everyone into the bunker and spilled the beans on the leak, and asked whoever it was to fess up without any demarcation between the old and the new, and generally have everybody yell at everybody until Rene lost his head and confessed. He wouldn't have been able to brazen it out.

On the other hand, maybe these events will help OTA realize they can't separate the Noobs out emotionally if they want a solid superhero team, and they'll finally get a cohesive unit where everyone is equal (except for Oliver being boss, of course).

Edited by Miss Dee
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17 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

Does anyone else feel like Anatoly isn't what he seems, with the team of big bads? IDK, I just have a feeling there's gonna be an inside man in there somewhere and he gets my vote.

If anyone on Team Evil has to be a double agent I would prefer it to me Anatoly. At least I care about him a little, and it will help make up for him being so butthurt about Oliver deciding not to break the law and give him drugs or whatever. 


Loved the beginning. Love Quentin giving Oliver the watch. I don’t care about the team breaking up at all because I don’t care about the newbies other than being annoyed by them being freaking dumbasses. 

Was it the vigilantism that drove Paul away? Well, gee, Curtis. I thought it was, but now I think maybe he just got sick of being married to a whiny baby. 

I want Roy to come back and show these idiots how to be a proper sidekick. Because that’s what you are, guys. Second string sidekicks. 

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Oliver got the reception he was talking about when he proposed in the crossover, getting up in front of their friends and family and making a commitment. 

I need someone to do a side by side gifset of that now. PLEASE.

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5 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

I'm glad Oliver doesn't have stupid hair in the reception gif like he does in the other three (the first one is borderline).

Our boy has grown up :') He is a man now.

Edited by WindofChange
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The reception was lovely - nice touches for Oliver and Felicity, good character moments for the others (lol at Donna pushing Felicity away so she could hug Oliver). It’s so weird to see them enjoying themselves!

As for the rest of the mid-season finale, it created no sense of anticipation for the second half. I feel like they squandered the start of the season - it would have been great to see Watson circling the team, finding some incriminating evidence and then working Rene until he broke. I agree with the comments about the newbies’ affronted attitudes - I’d add that it’s unrealistic for them to side so quickly with Rene. His information puts them all in danger of going to jail forever.

31 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

Does anyone else feel like Anatoly isn't what he seems, with the team of big bads? IDK, I just have a feeling there's gonna be an inside man in there somewhere and he gets my vote.

I agree on the inside man but I think it will be Vigilante - it creates the relationship twists the show enjoys. 

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The reception was lovely.  The whole OTA vs newbies thing is not working for me.  The actors keep referencing MCU's Civil War when they talk about it, but it doesn't have the same weight.  It's like if instead of Captain America battling Iron Man that Cap was battling Iron Fist instead. I mean, I wouldn't want Captain America to kill Iron Fist because Cap would feel guilty, but I wouldn't mind too much, either.

I don't know if it's filtered through my dislike of the storyline, but while I thought there was some nice acting from Rene, both Curtis and especially Dinah are terrible. 

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1 hour ago, Morrigan2575 said:

Although, I give Arrow credit they actually setup the whole camera thing, before the reveal. They teased it with Felicity's how can he know it's broken?! Comment then revealed the whole plan at the very end with James not only bugging the lair but, using that camera to recruit personal villains (Vigilante, Anatoly, Dragon). 

I felt so mad at myself for actually gasping at that reveal (because I made that connection too about the device, how he knew about the villains, the idea that Vigilante and maybe even BS are playing Dinah and Lance, etc.) even though that was already spoiled. Even though the whole bugging lairs thing has been played out, I'll still give it credit for semi-shocking me just like the twist in 607 being that James was just trying to frame the team to get the referendum to backfire on them.

Edited by way2interested
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Just now, Trisha said:

Also how did the DA know to tell Oliver's lawyer that the witness was "someone on his team"? Aren't all of their identities a secret?

Watson probably submitted a witness and said it was a credible witness because it was someone who claimed to be on GA's team without revealing who it was.

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Not one of Arrow's better cliffhangers or mid-season finales, but not the absolute worst, either.  And while I have to kinda agree that Legends of Tomorrow wins out here because of Beebo, I'd put this episode well above the Flash finale, definitely, and at least equal to Supergirl.  (Supergirl wasn't as good overall, but wins a few points for the Christmas party battle and for letting its last shot breathe a little.)

Good things:

1. Thea is back! And delivering intelligent advice! And remembering that Roy exists!

2. Felicity's father was back! For a few moments! Just enough to remind me that he should spend more time on this show!

3. "I'm a man of my word. If I weren't, there wouldn't be much point in my vowing to destroy the city, now would there?"

Michael Emerson, the hands down best addition to Arrow in some time, and shaping up to be arguably Arrow's best Big Bad ever.  (Yes, yes, I know there's a Big Bad Teamup but, let's face it, a good half of the Big Bad Team are boring.  But I'm ahead of myself.)

4. The heist scene! Bringing back memories of when Team Arrow used to do this more often! With bonus points for mentioning that the brown guys ended up as the janitors - something else (that is, pointing out the unequal treatment of whites/blacks) that Team Arrow used to do more often. More of this please. Not just because it led to -

5.  "I'm already spending my honeymoon in a garbage can!" Felicity, you knew Oliver lost all of his money back in season two except when the plot needs him to have money or except when he wants to throw elaborate parties like in tonight's episode.  You knew what you were getting into!

6. Nice scene with Quentin and the watch.  Now, you are going to hand that watch over to Sara and her kids eventually, right, Oliver?

7. Did I mishear things, or did Oliver actually say that he couldn't judge Rene for doing the same thing that he did? Is Oliver moving past hypocrisy at last, and if so, what will this show do?

8. Oliver's bow exploding instead of his arrows. I laughed.

9. Diggle back to being the voice of reason instead of the voice of I Need More Treatment For My Plot Arm Problem. YAY! And nice bit with him remembering earlier episodes and standing up for Dinah.  Even if reminding Oliver that Dinah had helped Diggle lie to him was perhaps not the best way to smooth over everyone's hurt feelings just then.

10. And yay, Oliver and Felicity got a nice wedding party and dance, where everyone could complain about not getting invited to the actual ceremony just because they don't have the beautiful bare arms of Diggle.  No honeymoon, but at least they didn't have Ralph. That makes up for a lot, Felicity. Even spending part of your honeymoon in a trash can.

Questionable things:

1. "Hello, Thea. Congratulations on not being comatose." Back in season two a number of us were begging Arrow to snap Katie Cassidy out of that alcoholism story and throwing bottles at her sister and just let her just snark at Team Arrow instead. Four years later, and....Damn it, it's only one line.

And, alas, the cake story was not nearly as said as they wanted it to be. Maybe if it had also involved a scary clown, but at this point, these shows have just had too many dead parents, and watching someone who had just knocked Thea out again try to convince Quentin that oooh, yes, she does have feelings just convinced me that oooh, yes, she's playing Quentin, hello, evil setup.  

That said, this was one of KC's better episodes, with the odd exception of her final scene with Quentin where I thought they were about to make out. Uh. Arrow, we already did the sister swapping thing, and you're not Game of Thrones!  

2. So, did Donna end up getting drunk with Felicity's dad after this or what?

3. I know Oliver has a lot of party experience, but still, how did he and Thea manage to pull that together in a week?

4. Bigger question: why does Oliver continue to throw parties at all? They always go wrong!  Either they are invaded by bad guys or someone gets kidnapped or he gets an urgent call forcing him to go shoot someone or he ends up spending a lot of time brooding or fighting with his guests. I suppose I should give him full credit for at least passing off the brooding duties to Team New Arrows in this case. But still! Stop throwing parties, Oliver! At least stop throwing them when there's a good chance that your attorney will urgently need to speak with you!

5. So, is Anatoly going to end up a double agent, or is he going to flip to Oliver's side at the last minute? Or will it be Vigilante, proving to Dinah that yes, yes, this is true love after all?

6. Curtis' entire wedding speech. I get that they were going for the traditional television/film drunken best man/friend speech, but this episode really didn't need that. Curtis had enough reasons to walk away from Team Arrow as it was, and the episode itself definitely needed about three more seconds at the end there to let that moment breathe, and could have used some time in other scenes as well.

Also, Curtis? Your husband left because he found out you were lying to him. And that you were running around in a costume. Not all that complicated.

7.  Loved seeing Felicity's dad there, exchanging awkward things with Donna, but...isn't he a criminal? Given Oliver's job, isn't it a fairly safe bet that some of the guests here are cops?  And isn't the entire team under FBI surveillance? Maybe not the best time for Dad to be dropping by, is what I'm saying here.

8. Does ARGUS really just let anyone waltz in with a janitor uniform and start scrubbing floors? Surely those guys also have to go through some sort of minimal ID process. Or are the floors there that dirty?

9. Minor note here. I get that the big party was and had to be Oliver and Felicity's wedding ceremony, but I must say that it was a bit odd that after five straight seasons of Christmas-themed winter finales, not to mention the Christmas/Hanukkah focus of the other three Arrowverse winter finales, it felt odd to have that completely left out of this episode. 

9. Let's pause for a moment to discuss the hypocrisy of Team New Arrows, shall we? Sure, Diggle was absolutely right - Oliver's first step should have been to summon everyone and confront them, not spy on them. That said - Dinah, last we checked, you were hiding secrets from the team. Lots of secrets. The stuff about Dinah, the stuff about Diggle, and now, the stuff about Prometheus. So maybe be a touch less suspicious that the team who has known you for less than a year, and which just recently had a member betray them, is a bit suspicious, ok? Rene, by your own admission, you were betraying Oliver, so again, maybe be a touch less upset that Oliver is not overly inclined to trust you?  Rene, Curtis, you did turn off your comms during a mission - which not only endangered Oliver, but also Quentin (who had nothing to do with this) and you guys, since you couldn't hear Felicity's warnings. 

I mean, up until this point, Oliver definitely had the Worst Hypocrite title sewn up, but you guys are really giving him a run for his money here. Which in turn makes it really difficult for me to sympathize with you. I get the being upset that you were spied on, but you guys - with the possible exception of Curtis - are not really the innocent parties here. You're making it easy for Cayden James.

10. On a related note - Hi, Dinah, Curtis. Rene turning FBI evidence also incriminates the two of you. Curtis has even brought this up in the script more than once this season. So, yeah, he didn't just betray Oliver - he betrayed the two of you as well. So exactly why are you jumping on his side so quickly?  The fact that Rene can list off so many friendly alcohol names? Yeah, no.  And let's remember that the last time a team member betrayed the team, various people ended up dead. That wasn't all bad, of course - Samantha is off the show, yay! - but Oliver's not exactly wrong to have some issues here. 

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2 hours ago, calliope1975 said:

Otherwise, with the team breaking up, well, this is not Cap versus Iron Man. Not even close. Show, you've just given me everything I've wanted with the split! Thanks!

Right.... am I supposed to be sad that I'm getting all the OTA I want? I was already annoyed that the reception seemed way too devoted to the newbies -- I ended up fastforwarding through some of the Curtis stuff because dude, you screwed up your own marriage -- instead of the actual couple and their BFF, John Diggle (I miss you, Lyla!). Also, show, what an incredible waste of Tom Amandes and Charlotte Ross. They both bring SO much to their roles, and yet it's all sadly underwritten and ignored. 

And I wish we heard more from Felicity about how she felt about the betrayal. Her reaction kind of got subsumed into Oliver's. Just because they're married now (!!!) doesn't mean her reactions get swept into his, show. I wanted to hear more about her disagreement with John. Particularly since she's the one who pushed for adding these newbies to the team. 

1 hour ago, Primal Slayer said:

When Quentin gave Oliver the watch....why not give it to Sara? Im sure she'd like to have something from her grandfather or does Quentin just think she will never settle it down and be able to pass it on? 

Regardless of what Quentin thought, it's kind of rude to ignore Sara and give it to the guy who banged both your daughters and basically permanently altered the course of their lives. It's weird how both shows don't devote a lot to the Quentin/Sara relationship. I wish we got more about her father on LoT and more about her on Arrow, and how important they are to each other. That said, he should've given the watch to Sara (or Nyssa because I miss her and them together still). 

And finally, I miss Speedy and loved the reference to Arsenal. I wish we could get rid of the newbies, and bring those two back. Sigh. 

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Yeah, I mentioned it in the live episode thread but why was Curtis acting like Team Arrow was the bane of his existence and he was doing them a favor by being on the team? It's almost like he thought they begged him to join when really it was the other way around. I didn't get his attitude at all.

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Bad things:

1. Seriously, Arrow, you had to ruin the nice wedding thoughts by reminding us of that DJ back in season three? Are you just trying to pull cruel jokes on us now? And then mentioning Roy but not giving us Roy? Sniffle.

2. I applaud the idea of a Team Bad for season six, with one caveat: a good half of these Team Baddies are so dull that I had problems recognizing who half of them were. If we hadn't just seen Vigilante in this episode, I would not have known who he was - and this was after I said "Oh, hi, Chrysler from season one. We meet yet again." If I can recognize a car more easily than a villain, we have a problem.  Anatoly and Cayden James are fun, and Black Siren screams a lot, but this is not going to be enough. For this show to work, you need memorable baddies. Do something with Vigilante and Kirk Avecedo. 

3. Sorry, but after season 2, there is just no way that I can buy that Oliver would not have had Team Arrow, and specifically Curtis and Felicity and possibly even Cisco, completely sweep the Arrow Cave for bugs. Especially given that the Arrow Cave is basically an Evil Hangout at this point which anyone can walk into.  And sure, this could lead to a reveal that Oliver knew about the bugs all along and made sure that the team would split up right in front of the cameras, but even that just means that we're repeating a season 2 plot, so, auugh either way.

4. Not surprisingly, two days after I complained about Flash writing to reach a specific plot point instead of writing from character, along comes Arrow to show again just why this is a problem.  In this case, the goal was to ensure that Team Bad Guys would be able to watch Team New Arrows walk away from Original Team Arrows, and then have a moment to line up like Proper Evil Bad Guys.

To get there, Arrow had to find a reason for Team Arrow to split up - something that, like Barry handling a mysterious knife that came in a unmarked package despite knowing that the Thinker was after him - makes very little sense at this point. To get there, they had Rene betray the team.

With one major problem: this not only made very little sense in context, but is against most of what we've seen from Rene in the past two years. That is, that he doesn't trust cops or authority figures. So why, exactly, is he suddenly trusting the FBI - an authority group mostly consisting of federal cops that earlier this season he refused to visit alone - to fulfill their promises to him? Especially given that Team Arrow and allies have promised to help get his kid back?  These aren't just any allies, either - it's the mayor, a deputy mayor, a top notch hacker, and the guy married to the head of Argus.

So yeah, I'm not buying that Rene, after hearing this offer, would not have gone straight to Oliver and Diggle and told them what was going on. Dinah, maybe.  Rory, maybe, after thinking things over. Nyssa, though what the FBI would do with her is unclear, sure.  Rene? No.  

So to get that plot point - Team Bad Guys all in a row staring down at video footage of Team Arrow splitting up, Arrow not only had to make pretty much everyone on Team Arrow except Diggle look awful, but also, once again, had to force someone to act out of character - and in the process, squandering a lot of built up goodwill.  Not the first time Arrow has pulled this stunt, and I doubt it will be the last. 

And now, Ralph!

Just kidding. The best thing about this episode, like the crossover episodes, was that Ralph wasn't in it. But keep this up for just one more week, Team New Arrows, and one of you will land here. Probably Dinah, because between forgetting the number of secrets she's been keeping and letting herself get played by Vigilante, she's not doing too well on the vigilante front, is she? And I had such hopes for her during portions of last season, too.

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2 hours ago, Soulfire said:


Lol at Laura Hoffman in the background fangirling Oliver and Felicity kissing. Same, girl.

16 minutes ago, quarks said:

So yeah, I'm not buying that Rene, after hearing this offer, would not have gone straight to Oliver and Diggle and told them what was going on. Dinah, maybe.  Rory, maybe, after thinking things over. Nyssa, though what the FBI would do with her is unclear, sure.  Rene? No. 

Hey! You take that back, @quarks! Don't tarnish the very fond memories I have of the one person on Team Newbs that I actually liked.

I did lmao at Team Bad Guys each coming into frame, forming an actual line-up, and getting a line at the end--as if they had all been watching the final split of Team Arrow in real time. I mean, at least, Vigilante got some of the low-down from Dinah so he'd know quite a bit. And BS, apparently, likes to listen from behind television/computer monitors instead of actually watching it. But Anatoly came from outside (you can hear him come in the door) and already knew what had just happened on the feed that Cayden and his lackey was watching. And then the tiny gangster materialized from elsewhere in that room and, also, was already updated on Team Arrow's split. Do each of them get access to the feed of Cayden James' spycam or something?

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IDK, this episode just didn't feel like a midseason finale to me. I enjoyed all of the wedding reception stuff, apart from Curtis being annoying, but the rest felt kinda underwhelming. Maybe I'd care more if I cared about the newbies?

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22 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

IDK, this episode just didn't feel like a midseason finale to me. I enjoyed all of the wedding reception stuff, apart from Curtis being annoying, but the rest felt kinda underwhelming. Maybe I'd care more if I cared about the newbies?

It was pretty good (to me, at least) as an episode but I agree, it didn't really work as a MSF. The cliffhanger was what? Team Baddie is bad? Team Newbie is pissy and quitting/being kicked off? Nothing really compelling there to bring me back in January if I was on the fence.

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3 hours ago, Featherhat said:

CYes the distinct lack of Beebo ruined it for me. And Constantine showing up asking for repayment of debts is still the most terrifying thing to happen on all four shows. 

John Constantine is the living incarnation of the theme music from Halloween.  Once he shows up, you just know some bad shit is coming fast.

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A really disappointing episode that I think suffered more for the season that came before it than its particular plot line.  While the wedding reception was nice and everything, it meant that the plot of the episode didn't start until literally 10 minutes in, which for a midseason finale is just fucking terrible, especially when its compared to Supergirl and The Flash.  My fear about Olicity is that it's starting to eat the plot like Delena did near the end in The Vampire Diaries and how Ezria did in Pretty Little Liars - too much of an okay thing.  

The show spent so little time developing the newbies and/or giving them interesting storylines that the tension of who betrayed Oliver was really nonexistent, especially since it didn't seem like 1. any of the newbies were struggling with the demands of Team Arrow and their personal life so the idea that one of them would betray the team came out of nowhere and 2. there was nothing hinting at Renee's betrayal.

I understand why Renee would prioritize the custody of his daughter over the Team, but he should've come to the Team about the deal Watson made him, surely Felicity and Curtis would be able to figure out something to find out what evidence Watson had against him.  Also, Renee had the chance to get his daughter back and he fucking choked, so my sympathy for him is very limited in this situation.

Why in the world would the Vigilante ally himself with known villains and criminals?  Imo, this season has been very unfocused because it seemed to lack a major villain and the other minor villains were introduced and then gone, all without a motive given, even if it's as simple as wanting to make more money.  It was nice to see that Black Siren was given a backstory, and that she does retain some softness towards Quentin like she demonstrated last season, though that doesn't excuse or explain why she takes so much glee in killing people.  It's one thing not to care if what you do gets people killed, but it's another layer of psychopathy to actively go out of your way to murder.  


Out of the various Arrowverse midseason finales, Arrow's is definitely the weakest, and it doesn't really give me a desire to keep watching.  I wish I had more to be positive about I really can't think of much.  It's great to have Thea back, hopefully the writers don't stick her in the background again.

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1 hour ago, InsertWordHere said:

If Team Arrow needs six heroes to match the six villains, I'll take Speedy, Arsenal, and Ragman please. Like Thea, I miss Roy.

I super miss the Speedy and Arsenal days. They really clicked with the original three in a way that that Dinah/Rene/Curtis never really did. Ragman was my favorite newbie, who was the most interesting and the most likable, and then they went and got rid of him. Can he come back? And Roy? I knew he`s technically dead, but people pop back from the dead in this universe all the time! They could come up with some reason for him to come back!

Ironically, the reception scene was one of the first times I really felt the connection the newbies had with the original team, and then they went and ruined it. You know, I dont like the newbies a whole lot, and have always found them to be out of place, but if they were here, I do wish they were integrated more, and they actually would give them some decent materiel, and show them really working as a team and as friends. They dont have to be super tight the way some of the other casts are (like Team Flash and especially Team Legends), but they all at least need to have a solid team dynamic, and good chemistry, and I feel like they haven't fully established that, so this team break up doesn't really feel like much. 

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Not enough Felicity although the parts that she was on were wonderful.

I had a good chuckle at the Hoffmans! Hoffmans = Me (Mrs Hoffman, the eternal Olicity shipper) and Hubby (Mr Hoffman, not sure why he's there but going to go along with it)

I LOVED how chilled Felicity is and how they explained that her grand entrance was planned by Donna. That was very in character of her. I'm so glad the Arrow writers found a way to throw us a big wedding with cake and dancing even though it is not what Felicity herself would have planned! It was a lovely work around to incorporate both plot and to give us fans what we waited years for! I only waited 2 years but some of you have been in this game for 6!!!!!! 

Wish Felicity had a scene with her father but the scene between Noah and Donna gave me enough to head canon that Donna and Noah are back in each other's lives and are now happily being pesky parents to Felicity offscreen so for the first time in her life baby girl has a reasonably normal family life!

FELICITY WAS SO CUTE POPPING OUT OF THE BIN!!!! Lol now there's a sentence I never thought I'd type! But seriously, EBR had the most adorable face during that bin scene! That heist was really cool. I loved the mission impossible rip off. Oliver looked cool and even though I'm still smarting from no dessert I do think it's kinda cute that my couple went off to do a mission right after their wedding and it took hiding in a trashcan to annoy Felicity! Girl has HIGH tolerance levels! 

LOVED the tiny snippet of Dinah dancing with Lance! Can you make it happen writers? Pretty please? So much better than that bloke she's got complications with! OMG that is like watching paint dry! Vince is bringing Dinah down! I don't mind Dinah and would like to know more about her several engagements! Just end this thing with Vince it is freaking dull. 

I am not sure what they are aiming for with this OTA vs Newbie business but they have successfully make me totally and utterly TEAM OLIVER in this so far! I find him very likeable this season and felt so bad for him. Poor thing looked so upset about the whole betrayal. At least he still has Dig, Thea and William and Felicity his wifey to snuggle with. 


Now let me have a moment alone as I chant my goals for S7: Olicitots, Olicitots, Olicitots, Olicitots, Olicitots



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9 hours ago, thuganomics85 said:

At least the wedding reception was nice and it was only ruined by a phone call, instead of an attack or, worse, Watson finding another excuse to just barge in and ruin Oliver's night (she is totally petty enough to have done that.)

Yeah, about Watson.  She's going after a guy who was personally thanked by the POTUS for helping to save the world last year and was (presumably) just seen helping fight off a bunch of evil Nazis.  He shouldn't be  getting a free pass on all of those people he murdered in season 1 but why are you treating him like the scummiest scumbag who has ever scummed the earth? 

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I watched for the wedding, wouldn't miss this one.

Stephen Amell should trademark the "Oliver spotted Felicity" face.

They teased Donna and Lance and Roy and Thea (my baaaabies!). Sweet.

I thought they had reconciled Felicity's parents in S5, and I learned in this thread that no, it was "offscreen".  I love Tom Amandes, but I hate when shows do that. And I was missing Moira because it was Oliver's wedding, and still deplored the missed opportunity of a complex relationship between Felicity and Moira, or of a Mama Smoak/Queen Moira showdown, and I randomly wondered how Moira would have gotten along with Noah. Probably very well.

I'm always on OTA's side, even with Oliver back in Ricktator mode, and I loved the Power of the Three. Noob Team can go noobing on another Earth version.

Curtis and Dinah don't bother me too much (I didn't know the third one, now I dislike him) and I rather like their respective relationship with Felicity and Diggle, but if I'd sacrifice them in a heartbeat if it means getting Roy and Speedy back instead.

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6 hours ago, lion10 said:

A really disappointing episode that I think suffered more for the season that came before it than its particular plot line.  While the wedding reception was nice and everything, it meant that the plot of the episode didn't start until literally 10 minutes in, which for a midseason finale is just fucking terrible, especially when its compared to Supergirl and The Flash.  My fear about Olicity is that it's starting to eat the plot like Delena did near the end in The Vampire Diaries and how Ezria did in Pretty Little Liars - too much of an okay thing.  

IDK, this is funny to me because in an episode which featured Olicity's wedding, technically there wasn't much Olicity? Yes, their reception lasted for the first 10 minutes but we barely saw Felicity tbh and it was mostly as set up for everything that came after it. We saw Curtis complaining about being on Team Arrow, Rene's speech was to supposedly set up the "shock" of his betrayal, and then there was the "New Team Arrow" 3 interacting, also showing us that Dinah has been texting with Vigilante for weeks and yes, they've noticed. (Also I feel like there has been very little Olicity for most of s6a tbh but what we have seen has been handled really well. Just IMO.)

I do agree that the episode wasn't the best as far as midseason finales go though.

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