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Gone But Not Forgotten: Characters/Actors You Miss

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You just made me think of something here, Blade.

Nichols' Tucker was moving [sometimes awkwardly because of the writing] in a more contemporary direction. I don't just mean the window-dressing of his "rock" past; I mean the way he played some of the character details, and his attitude toward other characters [sN's acting]. He didn't come across as a museum-piece millionaire--which, with all due respect to the Classic Triad [Katherine, Victor. John] who play[ed] the soap-staple rich folx--and he was starting to play the layers. He was a new character in that sense, and yes, SN could have brought some heat to bear on Victor.


For sure, SN was playable with a wide range of female characters, and he was also an interesting contrast to "well bred" second-generation wealth like Jack or "just dumb/indulged" second-gen like Nick and Victoria. If the character had been written well, he could have added some interesting twists to various storylines.

Pearlite - you are definitely not alone.  Count me in!  The show really screwed up when they lost Stephen Nichols.  He was pair-able with most of the female characters (whereas Cotton Top definitely was not).  SN oozed a debonair billionaire aurora and certainly came off as someone who could take Victor down. With the loss of Katherine, Tucker could have kept the Chancellor legacy alive and kicking. Like I said, TPTB totally screwed up in losing Stephen Nichols.


Snaporaz - Totally agree about Miss Devon. Tremendous potential lost there. Of course, I'll never understand why Devon was so quick to forgive the ones who were to blame for keeping him and Tucker apart, yet held Tucker responsible for global warming.  Sadly, when SN left, so did my interest in Miss Devon.

And, yes, Snaporaz, to me that was the only storyline where Devona sort of woke up from his trance and became interesting.

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It would be so nice to have Raul back!


I miss the larger Winters clan too. Dru (dead) and Olivia, Nathan (dead) and Malcolm (disappeared) and little Nate, and of course Aunt Mamie (also dead?). Poor Neil went from having such a large group of family and peers and now interacts only with his adult children and whatever chick he is boning. I also miss the days of black characters having interesting problems and things to do. Remember Amy and Jazz? And the other guy who was an undercover cop and had to go around in whiteface? The tribulations of Neil "Hey we're dating, now let's get married" and Lily "OMG I hate my dad's girlfriend" and Devon "Ouch I dropped a barbell on my toe because I was trying to lift weights in super fast motion" are so blah in comparison.


We also need the return of Keemo. The whole love story of Jack and Yuan was really great -- PB really made you believe that she was the love of his life -- and it's ridiculous that it is never ever ever evoked.


I wish so much, too, that some of the Fosters and Brooks would come back. I miss Leslie the concert pianist. And wasn't Laurie a psychiatrist? Isn't it strange to think that back in ye olden days female characters actually had real talents, jobs, and special skills that they worked at and thought were important? Now the female characters get or yearn to be a) models, b) fashion designers, 3) jewelry designers, 4) party planners, 5) boutique owners, 6) internet cooking show hostesses, 7) personal assistants to male execs. Whoop-dee-friggin-doo. Except for poor sad-sack childless Christine, Boobsie the non-Neil-marrying defense lawyer, and Barbie the Stripper Cop.     

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They need to bring back Leanna Love with an updated edition of "Ruthless."

My gods, Leanna could write a new version every year, like the Victor Newman Farmer's (Rancher's?) Almanac!



(snip)...and of course Aunt Mamie (also dead?)

I don't think Mamie's dead.  Didn't Jill pay her off to get her away from John?  Then she went on a cruise.  I think that's where she is now.  On a 20-year cruise.

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Mamie was mentioned a few years ago when somebody died (not John, IIRC), so she's presumably still on her cruise.


We also need the return of Keemo. The whole love story of Jack and Yuan was really great -- PB really made you believe that she was the love of his life -- and it's ridiculous that it is never ever ever evoked.


The problem with bringing Keemo back--and this is something I've wanted for years--is that it automatically (properly, but TPTB don't want us to know that) ages Jack by about twenty years in Y&R time, if not more.  And considering the show's completely messed up temporal mechanics, well...

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The Sabrina story was messed up.  I agree that she shouldn't have been dropped.  She was a focus of enmity for so many characters.   They could have done a lot more with that.  Also, her pregnancy could have been followed through instead of with Ashley's fetus of the cobwebs. 

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Pearlite - Nichols' Tucker was moving [sometimes awkwardly because of the writing] in a more contemporary direction. I don't just mean the window-dressing of his "rock" past; I mean the way he played some of the character details, and his attitude toward other characters [sN's acting]. He didn't come across as a museum-piece millionaire--which, with all due respect to the Classic Triad [Katherine, Victor. John] who play[ed] the soap-staple rich folx--and he was starting to play the layers. He was a new character in that sense, and yes, SN could have brought some heat to bear on Victor.


For sure, SN was playable with a wide range of female characters, and he was also an interesting contrast to "well bred" second-generation wealth like Jack or "just dumb/indulged" second-gen like Nick and Victoria. If the character had been written well, he could have added some interesting twists to various storylines.


This.  There's no denying the great divide between generations is there, and there's no crossing the river with a majority of the characters. Nichols' Tucker was one of the few who could volley between both generations (both romantically and business-wise) and not seemingly stand out like brown shoes with black pants.  But alas, there was the writing, which apparently isn't doing the show any favors to this day.

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This.  There's no denying the great divide between generations is there, and there's no crossing the river with a majority of the characters. Nichols' Tucker was one of the few who could volley between both generations (both romantically and business-wise) and not seemingly stand out like brown shoes with black pants.  But alas, there was the writing, which apparently isn't doing the show any favors to this day.

One of my half-baked theories here is that the show would only do one "grey" or complex character at a time, at that point.


And guess who they ran the bank on? Starts with an "A," then a "d"...

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Ricky Williams - Interesting, good actor, and sexy as hell. I was really hoping that everything in regards to Ricky was a red herring but it wasn't and I hate the fact that Paul started being suspicious of Ricky is because he wanted to have Phyllis investigated. Paul has no problems when other people wanted different people investigated but Phyllis he seem to have a problem with.


Amber Moore - That's right I said it. I love Amber, wish she would have stayed in GC, she could have easily replaced that mess known as Chelsea who I absolutely can't stand. 

Dru Winters - Wishful thinking but only character that can set the Winters straight, cause we all know someone needs to.


Eden Baldwin - Might as well kept her instead of bringing in Courtney. Noah and Eden had a past and since Noah and Kyle were trying to one up each other at Newman and both have been with Eden, it could have made for an interesting story.


Jamie - I really liked him and wanted to give him a big hug with all the hell he's been through. Writers could have made Paul and Christine adopt him instead of being in this baby storyline I'm hearing about them wanting to have a child. Aren't both of them close to be puffing out powder by now?

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I agree with you just about all of those, ShadowSixx, except I never really cared about Jamie.  

Killing Ricky off was a waste, and I hoped that maybe he wasn't really dead, too.  I love Amber as well, on Y&R and B&B.  I thought I read on these boards months ago that she was coming back to Y&R, but there's been no sign of her.  Just about everyone in her circle is gone now except for Kevin, so I'm not sure what they'd do with her.  Maybe a new best friend for Chelsea?

I liked Eden, too.  She had way more depth and personality than stupid Courtney, who is on my last nerve now.

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This is my theory re: Sabrina.

I think the pregnancy Adam was meant to sabotage was hers. There was a strange undercurrent between she and Adam right before she was killed. I think they changed the direction after the actress was canned, thus explaining Ashley's out-of-the blue reconciliation with Victor and post-ovarian-cancer-perimenopausal pregnancy. It was all so weird and the timing makes sense if it was meant to be Sabrina. Why they wouldn't just shitcan the whole gaslighting thing I don't understand but I'm sure someone thought it would be awesome.

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I didn't have a problem with Sabrina and I didn't mind her relationship with Victor either as Sabrina was able to mellow his black hearted ass out somewhat. I do find it odd that writer's broke them up and killed off Sabrina because the relationship wasn't well received by fans. Sharon and Victor was universally panned yet that relationship was milked to death. Sabrina was a beautiful woman and could have been cute with a few male characters in GC.


Davetta Sherwood's Lily Winters - How I miss her as Lily, she played Lily like a mini-Dru. She played no games, told people how she felt and wasn't whiny and shrewish like CK's Lily.


Adrianne Leon's Colleen Carlton - I loved AL's portrayal of Colleen Carlton, she looked like Traci's daughter and her and Davetta Sherwood played Lily and Colleen very well and were very believable as best friends. Somehow Tammin & Christel just weren't believable at all as bff. Also liked that AL gained some weight while playing Colleen and odd that in an interview she was told to gain weight yet she was fired and they hired thin Tammin Sursok.


Rafe Torres - I enjoyed Rafe, first gay character and he stood up to people like Victor and Adam. He said what he had to say and calmly left without being shrieky or an ass like a Nick Newman. Plus YG is a cutie.


Vail Bloom's Heather Stevens - I really enjoyed VB's version of Heather being a workaholic all while trying to find love. Then when ER took over the role they made Heather a whiny, clingy, desperate homewrecker. JL's Heather just didn't do it for me cause it was hard for me to believe that she was Paul's daughter.

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Sabrina Costelana. Yeah, I said it...but conditionally. She should have stuck around for a full year or so, just long enough to really flesh out her whirlwind romance with Victor (and by extension Nikki's with David Chow) and push her pregnancy back--hell, having her around during Out of the Ashes could have been fun--and then they could have killed her off, thus maintaining herself unique status as Victor's only dead wife.

And there's the one-two punch of Brad and Colleen, which I still haven't forgiven the show for. Given a choice I'd have absolutely kept both of them, but considering how the show was leaning at the time I reluctantly would have let Brad go and kept Colleen--and dragged Adrianne Leon kicking and screaming back to the show to do it.

I thought Out of our Asses happened before the Victor/Sabrina hookup, though.

But I agree about the Carltons. I'm glad DD was a hit on B&B, but there is a huge hole where his character was. Adam could've been that, but that ship has sailed the world twice over on that.

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We also need the return of Keemo. The whole love story of Jack and Yuan was really great -- PB really made you believe that she was the love of his life -- and it's ridiculous that it is never ever ever evoked.


I loved that storyline. I felt like it humanized Jack in a way we hadn't seen before.


A minor character - John Silva. I wish they had developed the character more than just "everyone's lawyer who was the voice of reason."


David Kimball - he brought the crazy, that's for sure.

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A minor character - John Silva. I wish they had developed the character more than just "everyone's lawyer who was the voice of reason."

Didn't he date Nina for a while?  I appreciated that they had two characters named John, just because it's realistic.  Don't we all know at least two guys named John?

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I didn't have a problem with Sabrina and I didn't mind her relationship with Victor either as Sabrina was able to mellow his black hearted ass out somewhat. I do find it odd that writer's broke them up and killed off Sabrina because the relationship wasn't well received by fans. Sharon and Victor was universally panned yet that relationship was milked to death. Sabrina was a beautiful woman and could have been cute with a few male characters in GC.


I liked Manbrina and AssPaw together, they were like two slimy slithery snakes together. Very well suited to each other. What I did not like was that she was so young and was Victoria's retconned BFF! The relationship started out all wrong. And her entire premise of existence was flawed and asinine. And what I wanted to see in her future was a fling/romance with Adam and the consequences that would have ensued. Shades of keeping his wife's lover prisoner in the basement-Victor could have returned. It seemed like they were on that path, too. I don't know why they had to fuck it up.

A minor character - John Silva. I wish they had developed the character more than just "everyone's lawyer who was the voice of reason."


Didn't he date Nina for a while?  I appreciated that they had two characters named John, just because it's realistic.  Don't we all know at least two guys named John?

Didn't he also date Jill? And I liked him as Cricket's mentor.

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I think I miss Vail Bloom the most.  Her Heather and Chris Engen's Adam just fit so well together.  I'm irritated that she was fired to make way for the Great Eden Riegel.  Eden Riegel was an absolute bust, and in the process, they threw away a young and talented actress.

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Brad Carleton So Sexay!!!! OMG!!!!! Loved him with Sharon hated him with Victoria! lol

JT Hellstrom! He was so sweet and cute with Colleen.Hated him with Amelia,his real life wifey poo though! Didn't like him much with Mac either! lol

Colleen I just loved the character and liked all the actresses that played her.Loved her father/daughter relationship with Brad and also with her mom,Tracy.Loved her best when she was dating JT.And her friendship with Lilly.

Dru, I miss her.She was an awesome character in my opinion.And loved her and Neil together.He just doesn't fit with anyone else they have put him with..Dru is his soul mate!

Sorry,I am just a hopeless romantic !

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I miss Deacon Sharpe, and before you start to throw rocks at me, I know he's a scoundrel.  Maybe I just like the bad ones, like Ian, Kevin, Phyllis, Diane, Daisy, and I loved to watch Sheila.  This isn't real life and I am surrounded by loving people - maybe it just gets me out of my box.  I think Sean Kanan is a great actor, and I know he is at B&B - just don't like the show.   

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I loved Ronan when he wasn't kowtowing to Victor or Katherine and was giving Phyllis the amused but not fooled side eye. For some reason I thought he and Avery would've made a good pairing - both no nonsense, emotionally closed off crusaders of justice who would be at odds but slowly fall in love over the course of working together. But with both being 'new' characters I can see why they were thrown at established characters.

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My first thought, when I saw this thread, was Brad and Colleen. I think it was so shortsighted to kill both of them off. After reading through all of the replies, I agree with Ji-Minh, Blade, and John. 


Digging way back, I still miss Ryan. I started watching Y&R in 1991, so he was part of my introduction to the show. I loved his story with Nina and Victoria, his friendship with Neil (shirtless basketball...), and, later, his storyline with Tricia. Which, also brings up all of the Dennisons - Tricia, Megan, and Tony. I've watched some of the old episodes from that time on YouTube, and Tricia was such a creepy crazy person, Tony was a great "bad guy with the heart of gold" (remember his relationship with Cassie?).


Oh, and killing off Cassie was kind of dumb, too. 

Edited by manlt01
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I wouldn't mind a revisit of the Jill & Larry Wharton pairing. It was nice to see Grace last week. She and Amber would be my team Bad Girl to cheer on. As much as I hated the Brittany-Bobby love story at the time, I miss the Glow By Jabot kids. What ever happened to Miguel? Is he cruising with Aunt Mamie?

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Brad Carlton - miss him very much. I loved his snarky comments and he was sooo handsome. Not a good guy, not a bad guy, but morally ambiguous. And he turned out to be GC's version of The Hebrew Hammer - its first Jewish crimefighter, with bone-crushing thighs!


Ryan McNeil - Victor always used to call him a "ponk" and "opportoooonist". I liked the character and the actor. I remember Jill trying to seduce him when he was her assistant, and being immediately put in her place. :-D

John Silva - he just kind of disappeared without a trace. I liked the character and the actor. He was a lawyer without being a histrionic dick like Michael.

Ji Minh - for once, we had a sexy Asian character (I thought David Chow was going to be one, until VI showed up).

Colleen - but only if played by Adrienne Leon.


John Abbott - when he died, the show lost its moral compass.


Delia - because if she hadn't died, we wouldn't be stuck with KELLY.

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if you miss Phyliss you chould have watched MS on the other guys today. I don't care what her name is supposed to be... she was doing dialog in skin tight red bra and leggings and pink fore-head band. She was doing some sort of previously unknown exercises that involved spreading her legs and thrusting her hips as she squatted... oh the camel toe. Oh and repeating...repeating her lines... repeating her lines.

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if you miss Phyliss you chould have watched MS on the other guys today. I don't care what her name is supposed to be... she was doing dialog in skin tight red bra and leggings and pink fore-head band. She was doing some sort of previously unknown exercises that involved spreading her legs and thrusting her hips as she squatted... oh the camel toe. Oh and repeating...repeating her lines... repeating her lines.

OMG! That sounds as if it could be used to induce vomiting in case of poisoning.

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I imagine he will have a few more scenes before he goes completely, but I miss Ian - every minute of the show.  I so wanted him to do something vile to Victor before they wrote him off, but that very possibility  is probably the reason he's gone.  I hope the new writer will have enough skill to find something for him to do occasionally, just so I can be entertained once in a while.  We have no one on the canvas (including my favorites) that even come close to this man's acting abilities.  Just my opinion.

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Sheila Carter, but only if played by Kimberlin Brown. And only if they can find a plausible way to bring her back. But, since there probably isn't, too bad.


Leanna Love, too, but only if played by Barbara Crampton.

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Catherine Chancellor. I loved it when she and Jill would spar. Miss her. Miss her over-the-top wardrobe, her killer nails - and jewelry - and that deep voice, yelling at Esther. 


I didn't like how the last couple of years, she was used less and less and I HATED that stupid, yet ANOTHER incredibly ridiculous story line, with Devon being somehow related to her and she left him a shitload of money. That was a new level of dumb, even for this show!!


Even now, I still expect to see her make an entrance, as only she could. 



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I agree with Snap that she was used consistently during her last year on the show - it's just that the will screwed everything up.  That entire will was out of character - Brock and Mack were basically ignored, while the idiot Devon got all the money and Victor got the company.  I loved the earlier relationship between Victor and Catherine when she would tell him just what she thought of his arrogance and vengeance.   During her last few years on the show, she became a Victor-worshipper, and that never jelled with me.  It made no sense that someone who loved Nikki the way she did, could watch that bastard emotionally abuse his wife on a daily basis, and then reward him with her company. #still hate Victor, #still not watching, Pratt

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I know it was completely unintentional, but I think JC had one of the best exits anyone with a long career like hers could have asked for. She walked up those stairs, stopped, and said, "good night." A little eerie in hindsight, as if she knew, but still...simple and perfect.

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1 hour ago, SweePea59 said:

Don't really miss her, but, did I see Doris in a Trintellex commercial?

That would be appropriate.  Doris sure could have used some of that herself.

I'd like to see Rare Torres back, just as a dissenting voice in this latest Adam Newman redemption tour.  What he did to Rafe seems to have slipped everyone's mind.  

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52 minutes ago, boes said:

That would be appropriate.  Doris sure could have used some of that herself.

I'd like to see Rare Torres back, just as a dissenting voice in this latest Adam Newman redemption tour.  What he did to Rafe seems to have slipped everyone's mind.  

I agree. I really liked Rafe. Why do they take all the cute ones away? Ravi, Keemo, Rafe and who can forget Det. Harding?

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