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S08.E16: Emotional Roller Coaster


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1 minute ago, Scarlett45 said:

It really is. Whenever I see or hear of women behaving this way, I think "does his penis vibrate??!!" Because that's the ONLY explanation I can come up with for such folly. 

Maannn, so true!! ^^^

She looks like such a pathetic bitch, who's doing THEE most for this losers attention....

  • Love 11
5 minutes ago, mamadrama said:

I had 2 complete placental abruptions at 35 weeks which, of course, meant immediate delivery. By the 3rd one, after week 34 my nervous ass stayed planted in one spot-a spot within a quick drive to our hospital.

His dick had better do more than vibrate for me to act that way. Damn thing best be shaped like rabbit ears and ejaculate diamonds.

TRUTH! Way more than vibrate to excuse behavior like that!

  • Love 6
Just now, poeticlicensed said:

So if Janelle makes an asshole out of herself in public by acting all dramastically and randon people notice a crazy bitch screaming, they must be FANS. Yes. Fans. Girl is delusional.

Haha, yeah this was absolutely a momemt of "They are NOT laughing WITH you, Jenelle. They are laughing AT you." Fool.

Just now, SPLAIN said:

And pay all the damn bills.

And do the damn house chores!

And LUIS will ALWAYS be the father of Stella...leader of the Coven, regardless of how many babies you are grandmama too...

  • Love 17
14 minutes ago, mamadrama said:

I had 2 complete placental abruptions at 35 weeks which, of course, meant immediate delivery. By the 3rd one, after week 34 my nervous ass stayed planted in one spot-a spot within a quick drive to our hospital.

His dick had better do more than vibrate for me to act that way. Damn thing best be shaped like rabbit ears and ejaculate diamonds.

Well, that would be ok if they used condoms...but none of these people do, so that would just be painful.

  • Love 4
20 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

Edited to Add- Kailyn is such a drama queen. Of course I agree all women deserve adequate health care while pregnant (even if they are awful people), but her hands and feet weren't that swollen. Tons of people have swollen hands and feet on tropical vacations- the combination of heat, humidity, and alcohol consumption/vacation diet can turn do that to anyone. I was a maid of honor for a wedding in St Lucia and ALL of the women in the bridal party (including the size 2 bride) had trouble with their shoes and certain outfits- it was the humidity. ?

Being a whale out of water will do that to you. 

  • Love 22
4 minutes ago, mamadrama said:

Kail COULD have preeclampsia (though I felt like shit and was a lot more swollen with mine) or she could be swollen and tired because she's spending ample time on planes and in the hot sun on her multiple vacations. 

Yes of course. Every woman should trust her gut and put her health first in situations like this, but it's Kailyn. She's such a drama queen I take everything she said with a grain of salt. Not denying her the right to get examined but I think it was the heat and humidity and just being pregnant.

  • Love 7
28 minutes ago, S86226 said:

Ok Dr. Jenelle. Because you have SO much room to give ANYONE advice on psychiatric medications.


Silly me, i forgot who i was talking about for a second....

It's funny because Jenelle is practically a doctor (in her own mind), yet seems totally unaware that pediatricians and psychiatrists both go to the same medical school and do the same classes and rotations. A pediatrician may not be a mental health expert, but he/she knows far more than "nothing" about mental illness. 

Did Kailyn just assume that any baby born in any country would automatically get dual citizenship? I have no idea what the DR's laws are on that, but I wouldn't just assume. I also wouldn't travel while on the verge of delivering, nor would I pronounce it "priclampsia" but that's just me.

All that plus Leah's ongoing inability to comprehend MD or how to raise a child who has it, just make for too much ignorance in one hour of TV. (I assume Briana's family is equally stupid but I have never willingly watched any of their segments.)

  • Love 15

Man , if Roxanne wasn't so trashy and classless , she'd have my vote . Yes , I do think she's annoying as hell and is a complete negative Nancy , but she's not wrong . Luis even admits to being a bad dad and that he has no excuse for not caring about Stella and admits to not asking how she's doing or barely seeing her . He's obviously a loser and even annoys me with his indifference to his daughter .. but Roxanne needs to just shut up bsvause her daughter isn't this innocent peach they make her out to be and please oh please stop using " this bitch " to refer to yourself in any sentence . 

  • Love 12

Things I learned during this lackluster episode...

Leah. Your Walmart acrylic yarn hair extensions are dreadful. Loved the view of the metal clipons - Humidity is not your friend.

Janelle yellsplaining that Pediatricians are not qualified to prescribe medications.

Karl is puffy.

God will never let the Coven catch a break.

Chelsea chews spearmint gum.


  • Love 17

I had pretty severe postpartum preeclampsia and wasn't hugely swollen. That said, I had to fly about a week later because we were moving for my husband's job, and I was warned to wear compression stockings and make sure to hydrate because I risked getting a blood clot or worse. Mind you, this was 2 weeks after I gave birth and a week after hospital discharge. Doing this while you're pregnant AND might have preeclampsia was risking the baby's life but also her own. She is extremely stupid and reckless. 

  • Love 12
1 minute ago, Linny said:

It delights me ever so much that Chris Lopez is so disinterested in Kail. I mean, it sucks for the baby that Chris won't be around much, but it's great to see someone who isn't willing to acquiesce to Kail's every demand or ploy for attention. And of all the things that bother Kail--Jo and Vee pushing for joint custody, Javi's dating life, etc.--I just know that it kills her the most to know that Chris' interest in her evaporated the moment he pulled out. Kail seems to pride herself on hustling and having a plan and maintaining control, but she miscalculated badly when she chose to have a trap baby with Chris. For the first time she's going to have to raise a baby without an active father's help, and I don't think she knows how much more difficult her life will become. I'd like to think that being a single parent of a new baby would force her to focus on parenting, but since this is Kail she's likely busy auditioning new men to fill the role that Chris has denied. A leopard never changes its spots, and Kail's always looking out for herself first and foremost.

Yeah me too. I'm not surprised though, it's not as if Kailyn has much to offer in a relationship. I'm not talking about her being a single mom, I mean that she probably isn't a nice person to be around. She was nothing more than a piece of ass to him. But what I will never understand is WHY She is so sprung on him. Even if she just wanted to sperm jack some guy and get off, why is she still mooning over him? Is it because he won't give her the time of day and that infuriates her? Or does she actually think she's so mesmerizing that he must be madly in love with her.......

  • Love 10
42 minutes ago, poeticlicensed said:

So if Janelle makes an asshole out of herself in public by acting all dramastically and randon people notice a crazy bitch screaming, they must be FANS. Yes. Fans. Girl is delusional.

Exactly what I was screaming at my tv.  My dog looked at me while I screamed.  She’s a fan. 

34 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

Being a whale out of water will do that to you. 

Bahahahahahahaha I think my laughter just woke everyone else up in my house. Lolol 

  • Love 16
7 minutes ago, dabronx said:

Wait - she thought she could get Dual Citizenship in the DR just by giving birth there? She might want to talk to Dominicans of Haitian descent on how well that worked out for them. In 2013, Dominican courts stripped something like 200,000 Haitian immigrants AND DESCENDANTS BORN AND RAISED IN THE DR - of their citizenship and threatened to deport them to Haiti - where they also had no citizenship.  They then passed a law that was supposed to help them "reclaim" citizenship but forced them to prove records of their birth and parents' births in the DR although many lived in areas were birth's weren't recorded. But yeah Kail - you go get your Dominican baby. My god she is thick.

She also thought it would be "cool" if the baby was born in Cuba ?.... God i hate this fucking whale...

  • Love 23
16 minutes ago, Lm2162 said:

I had pretty severe postpartum preeclampsia and wasn't hugely swollen. That said, I had to fly about a week later because we were moving for my husband's job, and I was warned to wear compression stockings and make sure to hydrate because I risked getting a blood clot or worse. Mind you, this was 2 weeks after I gave birth and a week after hospital discharge. Doing this while you're pregnant AND might have preeclampsia was risking the baby's life but also her own. She is extremely stupid and reckless. 

We all told her this on twitter before and during that trip. We told her it was stupid, especially since she said her dr told her she couldn’t wear a seat belt because she was so high risk.  We were just being jealous haters because she was going on vacation.  ? One truth came out with this episode, the haters were right.  She really should have kept her pregnant high risk self at home. She must have gotten physicians approval via Dr Jenelle. 

  • Love 14

Luis might not be the best father but I have to give the guy credit for not losing it and staying calm when queen of the coven was berating him. If that had been Nathan or David it would have been a completely different scene. 

Jace has so checked out on Janelle. When they face timed him the first thing he said was 'hey Kaiser'. And again told Jenelle he didn't want her to marry David. Long pause...just kidding. No, he's not kidding. Poor kid. 

Two of my pregnancys were late in the summer. My feet and calves swelled from the heat, I did not have pre-eclampsia. This might have been the case for Kail, either way she should not have traveled in the first place. 

I have been FF thru Chelsea and Leah. Boring. 

  • Love 14
41 minutes ago, Ffiferoo said:

Luis is no prize, but good on him for staying calm and ignoring Briana's mom berating him while he's holding the baby.  What could she possibly want to accomplish other than getting him to come over even less?

How he just sat there is beyond me.  This may not be a popular opinion but Briana is no prize and both of them were complete idiots to not use protection.  I guess drunk in a bathroom, or corner or whatever, does not make for spot on decisions.  Any progress he makes is quickly undone by Endora and her daughter.  Endora is especially vile.  She cuts down Luis for not being there even though he is working and yet her trashy mouth and screaming were ok?  Babies and kids, even those in infancy, can sense what is going on around them.  Why would you scream in earshot of a sick infant.  My blood pressure was raised watching that shit and I could mute it.  Poor baby.  They have their priorities completely mixed up.  Luis could be like Chris and not admit to being the father and make her hunt him down.  She could always just get support from court and let him develop a relationship on his own but Briana cares more about herself and she wants Luis to magically become Prince Charming.  Not.going.to.happen.

  • Love 20

Karma hit Kail in her Mother Russia ass hard with Chris Lopez. Kail is of no importance to him. How she treated Javi has come back to bite her in that big ol' fake butt 100x over. 


This may not be a popular opinion but Briana is no prize

Believe me, Briana is not liked. She has nothing to offer any guy. She is no one to write home about. 

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 17

Why is kail such a stupid moron that she would travel out of the country at 35 weeks???  What kind of dr even says that's ok? She's soooo extra! She HAD to go on a vacation! It wasn't enough she just went on one. When I was 35 weeks pregnant this time which was only a month and a half ago there was NO way I could even think about or give a flying f$&@ about a vacation. I was concentrating on getting things ready for my new baby and trying to rest if I got a second after chasing my 2 1/2 year old around. To take the chance of going into premature labor for a vacation is so juvenile and really shows how truly immature and irresponsible she is.

  • Love 23

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