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Season 1 - 3 Discussion

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So the serial killer's super secret killing ground is right off what looked like a well traveled/maintained dirt road and nobody found it all this time? 

This show is pretty Shakespearean, I hope it has a dark ending. 


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7 minutes ago, TVbitch said:

This show is pretty Shakespearean, I hope it has a dark ending. 

Considering just about every character is awful in one way or another, you would think it would have to.

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I found it interesting that, last time, there were no Tribal Police available to search for the missing woman, but this week there's what, 8-10 cars ready on the sting?  And they blow their sirens as they're going through a pasture.  Move over, gophers!  This is an emergency!

I'm glad to see that Beth The Invincible finally got taken down a peg or two in the financial world.  I am surprised that Bob the Voice puts up with her insubordination, sometimes.  One wonders why, with all her ruthlessness and financial acumen, she doesn't have her own firm.  Roarke is far too high strung to be a shark broker.  He's going to make a mistake also.  Shorting a stock, by the way, from what I read, is borrowing shares from a broker, and selling them on the market, hoping that the price will go down and you can buy them back cheaper, and then return the borrowed shares.  It takes a buyer to be able to sell stock, so, unless everyone is taken in by ME's wealth, shorting wouldn't work on a large scale.  Then Market Equities, seeing their stock being shorted, would wait it out and buy the shares back at those lower prices.  Let someone else take the hit for buying at the higher level.  But I'm not a broker, just broke.

I think, based on the conversation at the arena, that John already suspects that Rip got Beth pregnant, even though Rip doesn't know that he did.

Yeah, Walker is one dumb fool to stick around the local area after getting a reprieve from death.  Maybe he's still on parole and has to be there.

The plot of the airport deal is just too much. 

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I knew Kaycee leaving Walker alive was for him to return one day. Rip has to kill him, Walker knows to much especially about Jamie. Which is why Kaycee was supposed to kill him to start.

Monica..no words for her.

No Barrell racers was a plus.

Love the Rip/Lloyd best man chat as well as Rip/John. John saying Rip had to be the one person in the family to speak to him.

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So I binged my way through this show, and I think that watching it all really quickly over the course of about a week and a half has been a really different experience than everyone who has been watching weekly and had long breaks between seasons! Its a really solid binge, the story moves really quickly with a lot of stories getting enough closure that they dont feel dangling, but its also very much a long continuity filled story that works well for watching all at once, and the characters are really interesting and engaging, even when they arent being very likable. There are some aspects that work less well watched altogether, but all of the drama with keeping the ranch works really well all watched together, I think that I am following it a lot better than I might with long gaps in between. In general I have really liked the show, as I have always had a soft spot for westerns, and while I have never been a huge Kevin Costner fan, this is probably the best work of his career, he really fits John Dutton like a glove, and I find stories about the modern west to be really interesting. Its a really unique, gorgeous place, and I like seeing the various factions (Native Americans, ranchers, farmers, developers, rodeo performers) all coming into conflict with each other and their various interests, and these different subcultures. 

I was never that into Monica from day one (probably because the show was always telling us how great of a person Monica was instead of really showing it) but finding out that the actress isn't actually Native American really makes a lot of her scenes kind of uncomfortable. Its bad enough not casting an actual native actress in the role, playing the "well she looks dark enough even if we could have certainly found an actual Native American actress for this" card, but when so much of Monica's character is based around her being Native American, and giving literal lectures about the struggles of Native Americans, and her identity as a Native American, and the struggles in the Native American community (seriously, Native American stuff is almost all she talks about, its that or her family drama) it just makes it even worse. Its too bad, because I really like the stories about life on the res and the sort of friendemy relationship between John and the Duttons and Rainwater and his staff, but it always has to have Monica involved, and not only is she kind of meh as a character, but the actress is the weak link in the cast (even getting out acted by the kid who plays Tate, who is really good especially for a child actor) and, again, her not being native is really distracting. 

The other thing about watching this all in a row? The Beth and Jamie scenes are tedious! Like, oh my God, its the same scene every single time! Beth tells Jamie how much she hates him and wants him to die, Jamie tells her to shut up, she tells him how awful he is, rinse and repeat. At the best, its boring, at worst, its just uncomfortable to watch, mostly because its just Beth beating on Jamie over and over again (sometimes literally) and while he sometimes gets a few decent barbs back at her, Beth always gets the last word and says the worst stuff, and while a lot of times Jamie probably does deserve being told that he sucks, as Jamie has done some really awful stuff (of course, so have most people on this show) and so often tries to make excuses for his actions, no matter how much they suck, but its really no fun watching someone just be awful to someone else all of the time and tell them to kill themselves like thirty times a day, its not badass or being a tough women or whatever, its just shitty and uncomfortable. I probably shouldn't feel too sorry for Jamie, especially considering the reason Beth hates him so much, but considering his family all seem to either hate him or feel kind of indifferent to him, and that the main reason John seems to dislike him is because he became a city slicker lawyer (which is what John wanted him to do and basically made him do, even though young Jamie apparently wanted to stay on the ranch and not go off to Harvard) just the way John wanted, I cant help myself. Really, Jamie should have gone off to some big city far away from Montana and gotten a job at some fancy law firm ages ago and only gets in touch with his family for an awkward phone call on Christmas, especially considering he and Beth cant even be in the same room. The only person that doesn't wince when he enters a room is Kayce, and they arent particularly tight either, and I suppose Monica, who I dont think he has ever even shared a conversation with. Of course, Monica hardly talks to anyone besides Kayce and Tate, she is way too busy crying about trash on the side of the highway...

So now that we know Jamie is adopted, is that the reason John admitted he doesn't love him like he loves his other kids? I guess that explains why he doesn't look much like the rest of the Duttons, but it raises a billion more questions. The Duttons are really well known in the area, nobody ever questioned why they all of the sudden have another kid? Did Mrs. Dutton go away for a "vacation" for like a year to say that she got pregnant and had a baby in California? Or did people guess and just not say anything because people here take minding their business very seriously? Or just nobody wanted to mess with the Duttons so they were just like "sure, three month old appeared out of nowhere, why not" and nobody ever said anything? No one in the family knew, as Beth never brought it up and she certainly would throw that in his face every time she could (although I guess everyone knows now considering Kayce mentioned it) so how did this happen, and why? It seemed like John was maybe friends with his mom I guess? Or was an ex? Is this just what John does, travel Montana looking for husbands who beat their wives to death and picking up any kids that survived in case he needs an extra kid or two to raise to do stuff that he will need later on, be it hit man or lawyer? 

The bits with the wranglers are usually the least plot relevant, but I always enjoy their comic relief, especially when the Dutton drama is getting extra heavy. Plus, I just really enjoy seeing the daily goings on of ranching and life working on one, I used to ride horses a lot on a farm and the surrounding area as a teenager (I even did some barrel racing) so all of the horses and cattle wrangling brings back a lot of good memories! Its something unique to the show that makes it stand out from other dysfunctional rich family dramas. Plus, Rip is usually involved in those, and Rip is my favorite character. He even makes Beth more likable just by being around! I find him to be so interesting, and despite all of the bad things that he has done, I really sympathize with him and find him and his relationship with John to be fascinating. 

My favorite running thing? The Dutton family trait of chucking things at people in offices when they get pissed off. Its hilarious, they ALL do it, its like when any of them are in an office, its inevitable that they will get mad at someone and start throwing things, or go to an office for the express purpose of throwing things at someone. 

I cannot even imagine why Walker is still hanging around the area after he just barley escaped Yellowstone with his life, unless maybe its part of his parole or something. Or even if he had to stick around, keep a low profile, dont go places where you could run into people that will definitely try to kill you if they see you!

Edited by tennisgurl
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On 8/29/2019 at 3:39 PM, xtwheeler said:

DEAR SWEET SWEATY CHRIST ON A BIKE please never, ever give this "legal" advice to anyone ever again. Advice like that above is how some poor yokel gets tricked into confessing. 

IF you are taken to a police station, you are not falling into a deep black hole. You'll have plenty of time to make calls.

If the police are trying to interrogate you, you say, first, "am I under arrest?" If yes, welcome to the system. Don't say a word to anyone other than your attorney, - - don't talk to your children, parents or Aunt Becky.  If the answer is "no" (not under arrest) then you ask, am I free to go?" If the answer is yes, then *get the fuck up an go without another word.*

If the answer is no, don't say a word to anyone other than your attorney, - - don't talk to your children, parents or Aunt Becky. Ask for your lawyer then say not another word. Period--not to any other inmates, either. 

For all that is good and holy, the government has the burden of proof. Make them work fastidiously if they want to arrest you, so don't dumbass yourself into helping them. PLEASE. 

Back around to the show, what are these livestock cops? Cow sheriffs? I can't remember the name but Kacey is one. What do they do? 

I don't know why I watch, sometimes. I dislike almost all the characters, and it is slow yet dozarre. 


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I was admittedly a little slow on the uptick and didn't realize at first that Monica was part of a set up to catch the killer when her car broke down.   Was I the only one hoping that Jimmy's girlfriend (whose name escapes me) would come along and offer a ride and Monica would have to listen to her sing along to the radio all the way into town? 

I know companies pay big bucks for product placement in shows.  This show seems especially egregious with the up close shots of the brand names of the big ol' pickups these folks drive.  I wonder, though, how a company feels when their product is being depicted as being broken down on the side of the road.  That emblem was fairly prominent in those scenes. 

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On 7/20/2020 at 11:25 AM, Dowel Jones said:

At first I thought it was just a plot device, and that wouldn't happen in real life.  However, a quick search brought up this story from a Minneapolis paper:

The U.S. Indian Health Service (IHS) later applied forced sterilization to American Indian women in the 1960s and 1970s, (bolding mine, to illustrate that it wasn't ancient history) sterilizing 3,406 Native American women between 1973 and 1976. In 1976, the U.S. General Accounting Office admitted that this took place in at least four of the 12 Indian Health Service regions. The numbers include women in Minnesota as well as 36 women under age 21, despite a court-ordered moratorium on sterilizations of women younger than 21. Their study, however, was very limited and the actual numbers are likely considerably higher. 

The article goes on to say that doctors thought they were doing a service to the tribes by limiting births in low income families.  Frightening.

"I thought that too!!  Why not just pay for the funeral anyway??  $16 G is nothing to them!"  (Sorry couldn't quote it)  I got the feeling that John didn't really think too highly of the other rancher, but was willing to let Kayce break the law in order to help him out.  I think his objective was to stick it to the bank.

Yes,   but was this during the 60s and/or 70s?  This is ridiculous.  Clearly, Beth is not native, and this clinic is in no way a center equipped for major surgery like a hysterectomy.  White kids would not show up at an Indian Health Clinic in the first place.  This is ludicrous.  

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On 7/20/2020 at 5:48 AM, mledawn said:

Such contrivance at the medical centre on the reserve. I understand they're doing this all for a major plot point but - a white girl getting an abortion on the reserve? It's already a shady situation, just hand over some cash and tell the doctor not to sterilise her. Good grief.

Even if they somehow swing the notion that the father sold the horses before receiving the foreclosure letter, the money would belong to the bank. Horses on a horse farm don't just disappear - this should come back to bite Kayce in the ass.

The res, friend.  But this whole plot point is ridiculous, really, unless this is happening prior to the passage of the Hyde Act.  This show loves to conflate incidents from 1890, 1970, 2000...whatever.  


Edited by luckylou
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On 7/21/2020 at 2:06 PM, RedDelicious said:

However Montana is one state that uses its own state Medicaid funds to subsidize abortions so I think it might be plausible.

Yes, in the last couple of years.  This must have been some years ago.  And I wonder about the relationship between Indian Health and Montana Medicaid, neither of which the Duttons would be eligible.

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The irony here is that the Duttons adopt Jaime, apparently without a peep from the community; no gossip, no nothing.  Years down the road, Jaime thinks he can't take Beth 100 miles down the road to a Planned Parenthood clinic because, "people will talk because we're well known."

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5 minutes ago, Dowel Jones said:

The irony here is that the Duttons adopt Jaime, apparently without a peep from the community; no gossip, no nothing.  Years down the road, Jaime thinks he can't take Beth 100 miles down the road to a Planned Parenthood clinic because, "people will talk because we're well known."

Maybe John Dutton was a rolling stone like Heath Barkley's daddy and the community expected a child from another mother might show up.  With Rip or his predecessors ready to kill for the brand I would hold my gossip tongue.

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Has Beth ever expressed an interest in having kids? She seems like the least maternal person ever!  I think her and Rip would be horrible parents.  Has she ever had a scene with Tate?   Maybe it’s a blessing she is sterile.

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1 hour ago, geauxaway said:

Has Beth ever expressed an interest in having kids? She seems like the least maternal person ever!  I think her and Rip would be horrible parents.  Has she ever had a scene with Tate?   Maybe it’s a blessing she is sterile.

To be fair beyond the flashbacks we have only seen her for a very short period of her life long after the abortion and sterilization. She has barely moved from doing any guy around to having something special and unique with Rip.

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On August 3, 2020 at 9:43 PM, mxc90 said:

From closed captioning: "There's no court filing that changes power of attorney for the Dutton Ranch for John Dutton".

Thank you!

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On 8/12/2020 at 10:11 PM, luckylou said:

The res, friend.  But this whole plot point is ridiculous, really, unless this is happening prior to the passage of the Hyde Act.  This show loves to conflate incidents from 1890, 1970, 2000...whatever.  


Sorry, I don't understand what you're saying here.

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4 hours ago, mledawn said:

Sorry, I don't understand what you're saying here.

That US law was changed by the time Beth was around for the plot to play out like it did.

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22 hours ago, Raja said:

That US law was changed by the time Beth was around for the plot to play out like it did.

My confusion is that I wasn't commenting on the law, I was saying Jamie should have thrown some cash at the Dr and told him not to do the sterilization. 

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On 8/10/2020 at 5:24 PM, Joimiaroxeu said:

That sorrel was like, "Bye, suckas! Ain't no man gonna hold me down!

I hope they let him out somewhere near a wild herd. A horse all alone out there for too long could become wolf or mountain lion chow.

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That would be nice in a perfect world, but, in reality, the current population of wild/feral horses is a real detriment to the western range.  There aren't enough predators anymore to control the herds, and political pressures prohibit the euthanization of excess animals.  Releasing another young, healthy horse just adds to the problem and takes away forage from the existing horses, as well as the wildlife.

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2 hours ago, Moose135 said:

I didn't think they just let the horse out in the wild - I thought when they pulled in to the field where they let him go there was a sign saying it was a wild horse sanctuary. The  Montana Horse Sanctuary is just one of a few I've seen listed.

Yes, I saw that too.  Also, unless I'm mistaken, that's the horse that Kayce was riding when Lee was killed.  The one he gave to John and no one but Kayce could ride.  That's why John was getting rid of him and couldn't give him back to Kayce (the horse whisperer) as someone suggested.

So it being a wild stallion with previous experience he probably has a better chance at stealing a few mares and surviving (especially in a sanctuary). 

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How far away from the ranch were Colby and Teeter? Did they stop at a diner for breakfast before returning to the ranch?

Wade and his son found out the hard way to not put a rush on bringing in those hired guns. Good riddance! Curious how "branded" Wade got away from Yellowstone and was never dealt with all those years.

Wonder if Rip was dying inside to tell John: Walker was Kayce's responsibility and he didn't do the job.

Lloyd telling Walker where the bodies are dumped is going to come back on John and others. For a moment, I thought Walker was going to be the 3rd body tossed off tonight. 

Looking forward to see what becomes of Jamie after his talk with his father.

Now Lloyd's suppose girlfriend is going to bring trouble between him and Walker.

Walker never screamed as Kayce took the tape of his skin and beard. Tough man! Next time, he'll learn to just go straight to see the parole officer and leave town immediately.

I was surprised Monica mentioned her teaching job! She is hardly there.

What does "just a little milk" mean to John? He just kept pouring. 

Monica knows not to lecture John and Beth (the way she did Lloyd earlier this season) about their foul language around Tate .

Enough with Willa mentioning she "likes Beth". 

John is talking as if his end is near.

Edited by mxc90
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Do you want to know what really bothers me though. It’s Beth naked in the stock tank. It’s Monica naked in the shower (and the f*cking tub). It’s Teeter naked in the creek.  And all we get of the men is the outline of Roarke’s microphone pack through the back of his robe and a couple gratuitous shots of Colby with no shirt on.  Why is it always the women who have to strip down on camera and never the men? 

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So Walker had "to put some work in" like a street gang. And even those without the brand are part of a lynching. This is one of those shows that will kill Tate when they think that they can shock no more.

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I was thinking after the last week that poor Gator had been shuffled off to the side this season, as so few scenes were shown in the ranchhouse.  Sure enough, he's back.  And he even gets some lines this week.

I swear I'm going to get in on the diet craze and write a book on "The Dutton Diet".  Where nothing ever gets eaten at the dinner table.

Why are all the bad guys on this show so damn stupid?  First Jenkins, then the militia guys, and now these two idiots.  I'd be interested to know the backstory on how Wade came to work for Dutton in the first place.  And kudos to the posters who figured out that it was the brand.

One thing (among many, I admit) about the land grabs that have gone on.  Jenkins's estate sold off all his land to Market Equities.  Why didn't Beth have Bob by the properties instead?  It would have made short work of the attempts to force the Duttons out of the valley.  No matter now.  ME apparently owns everything.

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I think that was Will Patton playing Jamie's father.

I'm distracted by the wigs on this show.  Wes Bently has beautiful hair, but I couldn't get past the puffy helmet look as he stood in the sun.

I agree about the women's gratuitous nudity. And plunging necklines.

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So the barrel racer with Lloyd now wants Walker? These girls were trouble from the start.

I have no idea why Kaycee keeps trying to save Walker, he knows way too much and hates Yellowstone way too much. Loved John's reaction to seeing him and his telling Rip to go take the other 2 to the train station. Kaycee just stood there but at dinner wants to help? He just said earlier he doesn't murder people, what will he help do? This episode showed more Rip in charge of everything.

Monica as a teacher is ok with Tate never going to school? Just stays at the ranch, does Kaycee get they may not have a ranch soon by time Tate needs a job? They should be wanting him to get an education more than ever.


Edited by Artsda
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3 hours ago, pasdetrois said:

I'm distracted by the wigs on this show.  Wes Bently has beautiful hair, but I couldn't get past the puffy helmet look as he stood in the sun.

That’s the first thing my mother said during our post-show debrief!! The wigs are so bad. Wes’ hair is Jim Bob Duggar - LEGO Man grade wigginess. 

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4 hours ago, Artsda said:

Monica as a teacher is ok with Tate never going to school? Just stays at the ranch, does Kaycee get they may not have a ranch soon by time Tate needs a job? They should be wanting him to get an education more than ever.

Also assuming that John will be Tate's teacher.  Education is much more than learning ranching.  He needs to learn to read, write, math, science - and Monica and Kayce just think John would be ok with teaching all that?  I mean, I love my grandchildren, but I've done my parenting (unless in emergency of course, I know many grandparents are primary caregivers). 


2 hours ago, RedDelicious said:

The wigs are so bad. Wes’ hair is Jim Bob Duggar - LEGO Man grade wigginess. 

And it's so greasy!  Yuck.  Wes is not an attractive man.

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2 hours ago, RedDelicious said:

The wigs are so bad. Wes’ hair is Jim Bob  - LEGO Man grade wigginess

If you look at photo's of Wes Bentley you can see he has very thick nice hair. He's not wearing a wig. It's the way this show is styling him that makes him look unattractive. He also has beautiful blue eyes and a nice smile. None of which you see on this show. 

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Looks like Teeter and Colby are destined to be a couple now. What a "how we got together" story they'll have for the grandkids in a few decades! 😏

Walker singing a song about death was a tad heavy-handed.

Monica said she got killing out of her system. WTAF? Why was it in her system?

Ditto comments upthread, Tate needs to be around other kids if he's ever to stand a chance of escaping the insular legacy of that family. Homeschooling is not a good idea, IMO, if the Duttons have a choice not to.

Roarke doing naked yoga. That was not a visual I needed. And does Josh Holloway wear a toupee? His hairline didn't look natural to me.

Two ice cold bitches swinging their dicks at each other. And away we go! Lol at Willa having a little crush on Beth.

Huh, wonder if Walker is working undercover? Something odd about all those questions he was asking Lloyd. (I've also seen speculation that Teeter is undercover. I don't know about that one. I'm still suspicious of those two barrel racers though.)

Sort of agree with what John said about evil. It's not enough to hold it beneath contempt because it's always willing go lower and it tries to drag you down too.

Will Patton would not have been someone I'd have expected to be cast as a grizzled ex-convict in MT. Guess his movie connections to Costner paid off.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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Upthread someone mentioned that Monica hasn't  been teaching much.   It's been summer!  They're just now talking about getting "back to school."     I'm not a fan of home schooling so hopefully, Tate does go back.  

I really disliked Teeter when she was introduced but I've warmed up to her and was glad to see her and Colby were alive.   Their kiss was cute and a tender scene after the horrific attack they endured.   

My hopes of a Rip/Beth wedding this season have been dashed.   With only one episode left there's just no time.  Whatever happens next week, I hope they destroy Roarke.   He hired Wade and deserves some serious payback.  The preview showed what looks like an explosion in town.   We have to assume that was Beth's office and hopefully Willa and Roarke were in it.  

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So far the build up over Angela working with Beth turned out to be a dud.   Actually, the build up over Roarke was pretty lame too.  As it turned out all he did was hire Wade to cause trouble.  

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I'm really impressed with the sturdiness of this ranch crew.  Jimmy just had hip replacement, and there he is, on his horse again.  And Colby and Teeter just got trounced by horse hooves literally the night before, and all they have are cuts and bruises.  No chance for infection from dirty hooves and a pasture stream, either.  I guess that on-call vet who saved John Dutton's life got them all cleaned up and ready to go in no time.

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1 hour ago, roughing it said:

Also assuming that John will be Tate's teacher.  Education is much more than learning ranching.  He needs to learn to read, write, math, science - and Monica and Kayce just think John would be ok with teaching all that?  I mean, I love my grandchildren, but I've done my parenting (unless in emergency of course, I know many grandparents are primary caregivers). 


And it's so greasy!  Yuck.  Wes is not an attractive man.

Wes Bentley is hot! I think he is is the most attractive man on the show. Watch the movie Broken Vows when he is covered in tatoos. He looks amazing in it.

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45 minutes ago, AnnA said:

Upthread someone mentioned that Monica hasn't  been teaching much.   It's been summer!  They're just now talking about getting "back to school."     I'm not a fan of home schooling so hopefully, Tate does go back.  

I thought she was teaching summer classes. A few episodes back, didn't she bring her students to help search for the girl?  

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2 hours ago, Dowel Jones said:

I'm really impressed with the sturdiness of this ranch crew.  Jimmy just had hip replacement, and there he is, on his horse again.  And Colby and Teeter just got trounced by horse hooves literally the night before, and all they have are cuts and bruises.  No chance for infection from dirty hooves and a pasture stream, either.  I guess that on-call vet who saved John Dutton's life got them all cleaned up and ready to go in no time.

Also, no broken facial bones/eye socket, skull fracture, brain bleed, or concussion. Amazing.

Edited by ShortyMac
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3 hours ago, mxc90 said:

I thought she was teaching summer classes. A few episodes back, didn't she bring her students to help search for the girl?  

I don't recall anything being said about Monica teaching summer classes and she spent a lot of time up at John's summer camp.   I do remember Monica and Kaycee showing up with a group to look for the missing girl but I don't know who they were.   If they were identified as her students, I missed hearing that.    

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Like I suspected, Walker had to stick around for his parole, but how stupid is he that he was off playing in bars within a short drive from the ranch when he knew that Rip would be just itching for a chance to kill him? 

Homeschooling Tate is a bad idea, not because I am anti homeschooling, but because Tate needs some interaction with people who arent his family or work for them. Being out on that isolated ranch without any kids his own age around cant be good for him, especially with the insular world of the Dutton ranch. 

Willa might like Beth and her spunk, but I cant imagine Beth will ever work for her. Beth wasn't lying about her holding grudges like nobody else, you piss her off, and your on her shit list for life. 

I am kind of surprised that Jamie's bio father isn't anyone we know or anything more dramatic, its just some guy. I cant imagine him getting to know his bio dad will end anywhere good, especially because its Jamie, and things usually dont end well for him. 

I dont remember Monica teaching summer classes, I thought that she got in touch with some of her students through email or something to see if anyone would volunteer to help look for the missing girl, and thats how she brought some of them to come and help. If she is teaching, I have no idea how she is keeping up with her course load, running undercover ops to catch serial killers and all that. 

Its kind of hilarious that one of the reasons Rip hired Teeter was because he didn't think any of the wranglers would be into her, but that apparently didn't work out! So is Teeter the first woman to get the brand? A big moment for gender equality for sure! I found her kind of annoying at first, but she has grown on me and I am glad that she and Colby are alright. I feel like there is something going on with the barrel racers, especially the blond. 

Nice seeing Gator, he is probably the happiest person on the whole ranch. Everyone else is all on vengeance kicks and frontier justice and backroom deals and murdering people and sins of the father and dark family secrets and grudges and all kinds of drama and theres Gator, living his best life, making his biscuits. 

Edited by tennisgurl
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13 hours ago, meira.hand said:

Not for long. They did have to be branded later to pay for being part of the revenge.

You just watch a man being skinned alive to get the brand off of him and lynched followed by hell yeah sign me up for that. 

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