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S05.E04: HalloVeen

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The Nine-Nine embarks on its fifth annual Halloween Heist and, as usual, everybody has a plan and no one is safe. Relationships and friendships are tested as the title "Amazing Human Slash Genius" must be snagged by midnight, leaving everyone pitted against each other.

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So, are they going to give Gina all those baby items they purchased? 

Between Jake's $8,000 Nutriboom commitment and the engagement ring, Jake's going to be in the red for a while.

When Jake told Boyle he really had to win that year, he really meant it.

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3 minutes ago, bethy said:

I actually SQUEALED when Amy read the cummerbund/belt. Out loud, by myself, on my couch. 

And Jake's romantic epiphany is one of the best things ever.

I was so sure that it was going to be Gina--with a surprise return from maternity leave--who won. And that made the proposal 100x more delightful!

I SQUEALED too!  I was not expecting that.  Awesome proposal and epiphany.  Halloween B-99 episodes are always my favorites, but this one topped them all.

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I figured Jake would propose after getting out of prison. I didn’t suspect it would be during the heist but it was perfect!  Probably one of my favorite TV proposals ever. 


And Holt and fake Cheddar.  “This Bitch?!?” is going to be a classic gif in no time. 

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I spent all day looking forward to this episode (my life is sad), and needless to say it surpassed even my greatest expectations.

As soon as Jake said he had to win the heist, I knew he had to be proposing. I don't know why; it just seemed obvious.

I don't think I've cried at a tv proposal since Monica proposed to Chandler. Until now.

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Okay, so I read the first few posts in here before watching the episode, so I knew what was going to happen, but not gonna lie -- it got a little bit dusty in here when Amy read the cummerbund (it's a belt, dammit!), and turned, and Jake was on one knee. DAMMIT.

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I'm ridiculously happy over Jake and Amy. I was just wondering if they were going change anytime soon (either proposal or split). I'm happy they went the proposal root.

I disagree with Holt. Amy or Jake won the heist. Either that was the original belt and Amy had it or Jake hid the original and had it. 

ETA: I LOVED Amy calling Jake Ofamy and I don't even watch Handmaid's Tale.

Edited by Dots And Stripes
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1 hour ago, TheOtherOne said:

Obviously Dan Goor learned well from his time on Parks.

Dan wrote the episode but it was actually Mike's idea.

This is actually the first episode I liked Jake and Amy as a romantic pairing.

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11 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

Dan wrote the episode but it was actually Mike's idea.


Oh. I wish you hadn't told me. Considering Mike Schur wrote Halloween Surprise, that makes this episode seem considerably less inspired, or even an homage, and simply like a writer copying himself.

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9 minutes ago, TheOtherOne said:

Oh. I wish you hadn't told me. Considering Mike Schur wrote Halloween Surprise, that makes this episode seem considerably less inspired, or even an homage, and simply like a writer copying himself.

I don't get that at all. Ben's proposal had absolutely nothing to do with Halloween and most likely didnt even happen on Halloween and Halloween in the B99 has such a tradition built around it and even Jake and Amy's relationship that I find them in no way similar. 

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13 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

I don't get that at all. Ben's proposal had absolutely nothing to do with Halloween and most likely didnt even happen on Halloween and Halloween in the B99 has such a tradition built around it and even Jake and Amy's relationship that I find them in no way similar. 

"Let's have our main couple get engaged as a surprise at the end of the Halloween episode that seems like it's about something else entirely for 95% of its runtime."

You're absolutely right. It is in no way similar.

Obviously Halloween is a much more established tradition on this show, so it works, and the similarity doesn't really detract from an episode I've already watched four times, but knowing that it was the exact same writer pitching something he'd already used on another show does feel a little weird to me. I guess I should be glad The Good Place is unlikely to have a Halloween episode Eleanor and Chidi can have a surprise engagement at the end of.

Edited by TheOtherOne
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9 minutes ago, TheOtherOne said:

You're absolutely right. It is in no way similar.

As in execution and the way it folds into the universe of the shows, so I don't at all get it being a writer repeating himself. I know every part of Ben and Leslie's proposal scene and completely forgot it took place during the Halloween episode because Ben and Leslie's storyline had absolutely nothing to do with Halloween and the proposal wasn't nearly as much a surprise because their storyline that episode was completely about working out the future of their relationship while Ben was weighing his career options. The only similarity I see is that they were both on an episode with Halloween in the title so I don't see how it's a writer repeating himself. I also don't see what difference it makes who pitched the idea because though he didn't get the individual writing credit on Halloween Surprise, Goor was closely involved with that decision.

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34 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

As in execution and the way it folds into the universe of the shows, so I don't at all get it being a writer repeating himself. I know every part of Ben and Leslie's proposal scene and completely forgot it took place during the Halloween episode because Ben and Leslie's storyline had absolutely nothing to do with Halloween and the proposal wasn't nearly as much a surprise because their storyline that episode was completely about working out the future of their relationship while Ben was weighing his career options. The only similarity I see is that they were both on an episode with Halloween in the title so I don't see how it's a writer repeating himself. I also don't see what difference it makes who pitched the idea because though he didn't get the individual writing credit on Halloween Surprise, Goor was closely involved with that decision.

I gathered as much from your previous response. It's almost as though people can see things differently and have different opinions. Much like how you said this was the first episode you liked Jake and Amy as a romantic pairing, whereas they've been one of my favorite TV couples of the past few years. Different strokes.

Now that I've seen Sepinwall's review, I agree Goor made the right choice in having only Jake plotting the proposal, rather than having everyone working together with Jake during the heist to spring the engagement surprise on Amy. That would have felt a little too much like the everyone-working-together-against-one-person surprises on the first two heists (no comment). It made it more special that it was entirely Jake's doing, without any help or having to rely on anyone. It was solely him doing this for her. I like that.

Edited by TheOtherOne
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I thought the bulk of this year's Halloween episode was kind of chaotic to the point where I was having a little trouble following the story, but the proposal at the end was absolutely wonderful. I know it's only a sitcom but it's always good to see nice things happen to nice people! The inevitable wedding episode will be fun.


Oh, and Cheddar. Things are always better when there's a little dog.

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3 hours ago, tominboston said:



Oh, and Cheddar. Things are always better when there's a little dog.

That bitch?

No really. I hate dogs and the fact that so many people have them now so it has to be constant worry of mine so I can't agree with that one.

On your point about it being too chaotic. It always seems that way to me. Didn't feel any different this year but I think that also worked to help catch many off guard with the proposal.

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As soon as Amy starting talking about how Jake could no longer surprise her when they were in the room with the belt, I knew he was going to propose. So I wasn't surprised at that moment, but I was ridiculously happy. 

(Not as happy as I was when Ben proposed to Leslie, which actually made me cry, but still.)

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One of my fears, when I read speculations that the proposal would happen in the Halloween or 99th episode, was that the proposal would take focus off what should be ensemble episodes.  I'm glad that the writers once again proved how great they are by giving us a beautiful proposal, while at the same time keeping the Halloween episode as ensemble focused as its always been.

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24 minutes ago, Ikki said:

As soon as Amy starting talking about how Jake could no longer surprise her when they were in the room with the belt, I knew he was going to propose. So I wasn't surprised at that moment, but I was ridiculously happy. 

(Not as happy as I was when Ben proposed to Leslie, which actually made me cry, but still.)

Jake’s expression changed a bit (great acting by both, btw) right when she grabbed the box and I said to my husband “He’s going to propose!!” but it was only like a second before that I figured it out. It was well done.


I cant wait to rewatch this one. It was great. And I forgot how much I loved the return of Bill and a call back to Jake’s dislike of MLMs (with you buddy) from he and Charles’s no-no list. The only thing that would have made it better would be if Doug Judy had been there somehow. 

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I literally squeaked! Literally squeaked out loud! I was wondering if we were going to get a proposal this week (the Halloween episode is such a staple, it would make sense to attach it to something so big) and it was just as magical as I wanted it to be! Jake and Amy are just the best, cutest couple on TV, and I love rooting for them. I was looking forward to this episode all week, and it was even better than I hoped it would be. "Ya boring...I love and you and cherish you...and ya boring!"

The rest of the episode was great as well (Terry eating multiple trackers, the return of the Boyle lookalike and his pyramid scheme, and especially Cheddar!!!!) but I am riding so high on the engagement, I cant even fully take the rest in. 

1 hour ago, Trillium said:

The only thing that would have made it better would be if Doug Judy had been there somehow. 

Maybe Doug Judy returns for the wedding, and leads them on a wild goose chase to their honeymoon! 

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I think Jake had Bill change the words on the original cummerbund when he drilled the safe open.

Jake also said something about Bill removing the tracker from the safe. It didn't make sense to me, even if he meant a device to track the tracker(s) that Terry had swallowed. The visual was of Bill with the open safe containing the belt and the motorized vehicle Amy used to transport the belt into the safe. Did anyone understand that?

Edited by ItCouldBeWorse
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The amount of delighted surprise I had when Jake proposed at the end was OFF THE CHARTS.  Best Halloween episode ever.

I was just hoping throughout the episode that Gina wasn't going to win again but this was so much better.

I should have known something was up when I noticed co-creator Dan Goor wrote the episode! *

Holt saying "THIS BITCH?! PLEASE!" God I hope Andre Brauer finally wins an Emmy.

Terry eating the trackers in the yogurt made me laugh so much.

*Just read on Uproxx that the idea came from a pitch by co-creator Mike Schur. Of course. Info from Mike Ryan's review:


In Schur’s pitch, everyone but Amy was working in concert with Jake. Goor changed it to Jake operating alone, which makes all his interactions with the others more genuine, and also allows for great reactions when they all find out, from Boyle fainting out of happiness to the morally upright Holt being petty about the lack of a winner this year. That also means that everything Jake is doing until Amy finds the cummerbund belt is real, including having to pay Bill (aka “Fake Charles”) $8000 to be part of his pyramid scheme to be let out of the handcuffs so he can keep the rest of the plan (which involves both a substitute safe and an army of Handmaids) in motion. (Though now that I’m writing this, I have to wonder what Jake’s plan would have been about swapping the safe, liberating the belt, and stealing the tracker if he hadn’t gotten Bill to be his accomplice. Hmm… Maybe best not to tug on this thread too much.)

Edited by VCRTracking
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Ah, the good old Halloween episodes!  I should have know they would find a way to make it even bigger.  I thought for sure it was going to end up being Gina and her grand return, but it ending with Jake using the entire thing as an elaborate proposal to Amy was perfect.  It was a spot-on Jake move: silly and goofy, but touching and heartfelt as well.  I rarely get invested in couples, but they've really done a great job with Jake/Amy, and feel like this is natural.  And trust TPTB not to do anything stupid or angsty with them, so I'm fully prepared to see the wedding soon.  I do hope they get everyone's family involved, because I so want to see Jake's parents interact with Amy's dad.

Other then that, while some of the heist aspects seemed a bit much (how did Holt know that the Team Tramp would hide the belt... err, cumberbund under a server?), it still had plenty of laugh out loud moments with the return of Bill (no longer a prostitute, but involved in a pyramid scheme), Cheddar, fake Cheddar ("You're not Cheddar!  You're just some common bitch!), and, of course, everyone being overly-competitive.  Nothing delights me more at watching Holt just being so petty and mean whenever he gets into this.  And I couldn't stop laughing anytime someone threaten to send Jake back to prison.  The Nine-Nine really gets nasty during the Halloween Heist!

The flashback eight years ago to Amy with bangs and Jake pretty much just looking like how Andy Samberg looked in real life/when he joined Saturday Night Live, was great.

The Handmaid's Tale bit was pretty adapt for Amy and Terry.  Amy does strike me as someone who would love it and talk about it enough to annoy the rest, while Terry would appreciate parts about it, but find it too bleak.  Terry definitely strikes me as someone who prefers lighter fare in his television viewings.

Great episode and great proposal!

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1 hour ago, iMonrey said:

Yeah, the proposal took me by surprise and it was great. But my favorite gag in this episode was one of the documents Jake had to sign for the vitamin supplement program. It was an affidavit that he had seen the wife of the company's owner. For anyone who might not have caught that, it was a clear reference to Shelly Miscaviage, wife of the head of the Church of Scientology. She has reportedly been missing for several years and is the subject of much speculation. So the show was drawing a parallel between Nutriboom and other money making scams like Scientology. That really cracked me up.

I liked the joke but doesn't this make Jake an accessory? I know he needed Bill to free him so he could do his proposal, but to use Jake's own words against him:

"It was for love!"
"Cool motive, still murder."

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Ahhh for some reason I got the inkling he was going to propose like 2 minutes before he did!  Something about those "ya boring" conversations coupled with the fact that they've really been downplaying their relationship thus far (yet making it very clear that they were smitten and happily in love).  It was very sweet the way it went down, and I'm happy for those 2 (um, fictional characters).  


2 hours ago, iMonrey said:

Yeah, the proposal took me by surprise and it was great. But my favorite gag in this episode was one of the documents Jake had to sign for the vitamin supplement program. It was an affidavit that he had seen the wife of the company's owner. For anyone who might not have caught that, it was a clear reference to Shelly Miscaviage, wife of the head of the Church of Scientology. She has reportedly been missing for several years and is the subject of much speculation. So the show was drawing a parallel between Nutriboom and other money making scams like Scientology. That really cracked me up.

YES!  It was totally a Co$/Shelley Miscaviage reference.  Between my hatred of MLMs/pyramid schemes (if I have one more high school friend message me "out of the blue" and tell me how selling overpriced shakes/miracle wraps/hideous leggings can change my life...) and my {horrified} fascination with Scientology, every scene with Fake Boyle was amazing!    

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Earplugs on, because I'm going to yell... THIS WAS PERFECT!

There was not one moment that didn't work. So funny and sweet and inventive. 

It got off to an awesome start with Jake and Amy in bed, outdoing each other with preparedness, only to be outdone by Holt sitting in their bedroom having eaten Jake's breakfast. :D

Fake Boyle was great. REAL Boyle was great. Everyone was.

Cheddar! I love Cheddar! So funny when Jake is watching the surveillance video and knows it isn't Cheddar because he and Holt walk in lock-step.

I was pleased that Terry really did sit out last year's Heist as a setup for this one.

Man, just everything worked. Awesome.

And the proposal. *sniff* Loved it. Like everyone else (or nearly everyone), I really was surprised. Boyle fainting was great.

Holt: Belt. [scoffs] I'd like to see the pair of slacks whose loops are large enough for THIS belt.

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the shows produced by Mike Schur can really give lessons to everybody on how to keep a romance sweet and funny without being boring or resorting to fake drama.

I knew an engagement was inevitable in this season but I didn't see it coming, I was expecting Terry or Boyle to win. 

Every time Holt and Amy stoop to Jake's level it's always funny, that's why I love the Halloween episodes, you can't that too often but once a year it always works. I loved every time that Amy insulted Jack with her mix of sweet and scary and he was into it.                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Fake Charles can come back from time to time,  I don't know why but his brand of creepiness works for me

Edited by Iceman91
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I just made it through the cold open and I love them all so much I had to share it already. Holt sitting in the dark in their bedroom!!! I love them!!!!

I knew it was coming and STILL screamed when Jake got down on his knee!! I LOVE THEM!!!!

Edited by dusang
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9 hours ago, biakbiak said:

Not to be as petty as Holt but someone has the original belt/cummerbund!

Holt said at the end that the proposal belt was the original belt, only that Jake had modified it.

6 hours ago, thuganomics85 said:

Other then that, while some of the heist aspects seemed a bit much (how did Holt know that the Team Tramp would hide the belt... err, cumberbund under a server?), 

The flashback eight years ago to Amy with bangs and Jake pretty much just looking like how Andy Samberg looked in real life/when he joined Saturday Night Live, was great.

Holt said he figured out Terry's plan with the server weeks ago. I mean is a former ultimate detective/genius.

I think the funniest part was how they tried to make Jake and Amy look younger in the flashback but Boyle looked exactly the same. 

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9 hours ago, ItCouldBeWorse said:

I think Jake had Bill change the words on the original when he drilled the safe open.

Jake also said something about Bill removing the tracker from the safe. It didn't make sense to me, even if he meant a device to track the tracker(s) that Terry had swallowed. The visual was of Bill with the open safe containing the belt and the motorized vehicle Amy used to transport the belt into the safe. Did anyone understand that?

The tracker was the one Team Tramp put on the belt. When everyone thought (or pretended to think) the belt had left the precinct, Team Tramp ran after it because they had a gps/tracer device on the belt. That's what fake Charles had to remove from the belt in the safe. The tracking devices in Terry's yogurt were so that Jake, Amy, and Holt could keep track of Terry when he followed the belt.

I agree with others who said it's unexplained exactly how they all knew what everyone else was going to do and to prepare for it so thoroughly. The episode was good enough that I kind of shrugged at how realistic it was that they would all figure out so much.

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I watched this tonight, and there was so much to love in this episode. This show really has handled Amy and Jake’s relationship seamlessly. This show just stays true itself, and it’s perfect.

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I knew this episode was going to be one of my favorites when we got Holt’s “In my belly” in the cold open. But then it was even better than I could have imagined it was going to be. Jake realizing he wanted to marry Amy when she was in bed, angry she found an error in the crossword puzzle was so ridiculously sweet. Or, as Rosa would say, dope. 

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