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3 minutes ago, Lambie said:

That doctor was an asshole, too. Yes, fertility drops in the 30s but Aika CAN get pregnant. That spermless asshole can't

Yep. Part of the doctor's job is being up front about how women's fertility drops starting in the late 20's... but I definitely detect an upsell for in-vitro that they may not need. They haven't tried for a baby yet... because Josh had a vasectomy almost 20 years ago. At present, that makes him the problem. The doctor didn't even touch on the odds of a vasectomy reversal working. They don't tend to be great. If time isn't on Aika's side, then she needs another man.

Seeing how Jody told her they'd start in-vitro after the wedding tells me exactly what he didn't her re: his vasectomy: the poor prognosis for a reversal and the cost. He has done the same with ivf.

He has no intention of having kids.

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17 minutes ago, sainte-chapelle said:

I think there is an undercurrent of something else going on with Andrei. I think where he is from women who dance at clubs and drink are fair game, whether they want to be or not.

Absolutely.  It doesn't matter how she thinks, it's how HE thinks.  He is a misogynist.  YOU WOMAN!!

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Having no vasectomy experience, I'd have to think there's some sperm lurking in his balls. Could they shove a needle in there and extract some without doing a reversal?

Yes, I went to a reproductive doctor because my ex had a vasectomy and we were thinking about getting pregnant. They said they could extract his sperm to fertilize my egg in a petri dish... I was all for this idea because the vasectomy is heaven.

Edited by usernameG
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18 minutes ago, HappyDancex2 said:

Is that related to a vasectomizer?

Someone who enjoys being the victim all the time and takes zero responsibility for the actions/owns their crap. David can easily find a lot of women who will fall for his sob story of a loveless marriage, a wife who doesn't understand him. David never seems to own what he does. Mooches, leeches, etc.

Elizabeth's sisters should have asked *her* what she wanted to do for her bachelorette party. Seemed tame and boring. All about them. She will be very happy to get some space from them.

Edited by Frozendiva
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15 minutes ago, Forum member said:

Having no vasectomy experience, I'd have to think there's some sperm lurking in his balls. Could they shove a needle in there and extract some without doing a reversal?

I was wondering about this too.  If they are talking about freezing embryos, I thought there might be a way of removing sperm without the reversal.

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Just now, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

That monstrosity HAS to be her mom's wedding dress ...... 

It definitely is a monstrosity. Why didn't they modernize it? They could fix the neckline and chop off the sleeves or something. Anything would be an improvement.

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3 minutes ago, guilfoyleatpp said:

Yep. Do you know me? (lol). First month we tried, in fact. Grandmother got pregnant with her last at 46. 

I'm far from an anomaly in my neck of the woods. It's called letting women determine their own reproductive future. I think the whole "women must get pregnant when they're still young enough to not question the patriarchy" line is a load of bullshit and I'm angry at TLC for perpetuating it. 

Thank God for this post. Aika's doc had me ready to slit my wrist. Take it down a bit lady. Yes it's  harder but we're not exactly walking around with a dust factory.

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After watching tonight, I've come to the following conclusions:

Luis & Molly shouldn't get married.

Ditto for Josh & Aika. And definitely ditto for Azan & Little Lotta. 

Annie should resign herself to tiptoeing around David Poor's hangovers.

Libby should resign herself to being controlled for the rest of her married life. And carrying her cell phone 24/7.

David Spain should resign himself to saying "yes dear". 

And last but not least, the burning question - Does Josh actually have upper teeth? We've never seen them.

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David Poor would need to have a lot of money or a lot of schmoozing skills to get me interested in him. Something about him just rubs me the wrong way, as well as probably a lot of women. Some women, of course, may find him 'charming'.

Luis needs to grow up. Not ready to get married and Molly probably isn't the right woman for him.

Azan, Nicole has shown that she is abusive by pushing you. Unless you plan to push back (and good luck in the US where she can twist things and send you to jail if you cross her) disconnect, come up with a new profile and block her.

Annie, David Poor is showing you who he really is. Keep that in mind. He is not a prince and is pretty much a toadie.

Libby, make sure your cellphone is always charged. If I had a husband, I certainly wouldn't have a collar on me. I don't really care for having a mobile phone and do leave it at home a lot. Don't like being available 24/7. Andrei, you need to step back and respect that your wife is not accountable to you 24/7. Libby, choose yourself, move to another city and start a fabulous new life. Have a burner/no contract phone to keep in touch with your family.

David Spain, your childbride is wearing the pants. Just sayin'. Grow a spine and find an apartment on the other side of town.

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Why was Discount Snooki so nasty to Annie?  Then she’s like, “ we don’t want her here,” screw you Snooki Wannabe.  What an immature little rat.  I wonder if she’s married or has a whole bunch of baby daddies.

David’s mistake was having dinner with his kids.  Wannabe Snooki is afraid that if David has a child with Annie, he’ll treat that child better than he treated them.

I don’t think David or Luis looks scary, I think both of them look drunk/stoned,

I wonder how Molly acted in DR.  Did she make Luis feel that life with her would be a nonstop party?  I wonder if she was honest about her parental situation and what she expected from Luis.

Edited by Neurochick
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Does anyone else wonder if Andrei and Libby have some kinky S&M stuff happening behind closed doors? I always feel like Libby gets off on his being "old fashioned"...

I feel bad for David Poor's daughter. Clearly she's angry because he's never around and I don't blame her. Her anger at Annie isn't personal. I would be pissed too if my dad took off, completely abandoned us kids and then I find out he's getting married close to my age. He's really a piece of crap...Plus why does he always look like he's running around in pajamas?

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48 minutes ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

 154 hours of makeup and  hair curling in high waisted shorts so they could get on tv. They have no interest in their sister.  


Lol so funny!


David Poor has a middle child, too. I wonder what she thinks. I wonder what she looks like...coz Ashley & Jacob look soooooo different from each other. 

Annie almost choked when Ashley mentioned her father liking prostitutes! Lol

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26 minutes ago, Miss Chevious said:

It definitely is a monstrosity. Why didn't they modernize it? They could fix the neckline and chop off the sleeves or something. Anything would be an improvement.

Surprised that she is the same size as her mother. I would take the dress and maybe update it a bit. Or simply find my own.

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Not that it matters, but I wonder if David's kids have the same mom? Snooki looks like her dad, but his son didn't look anything like him or his sister. I know that can happen when people have the same parents (obviously), but I was just curious.

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1 minute ago, usernameG said:


I feel bad for David Poor's daughter. Clearly she's angry because he's never around and I don't blame her. Her anger at Annie isn't personal. I would be pissed too if my dad took off, completely abandoned us kids and then I find out he's getting married close to my age. He's really a piece of crap...Plus why does he always look like he's running around in pajamas?

I feel badly for her to a point. But she is 28 yrs old. He's only been in Thailand for 4 yrs. After 18, parents really don't owe you anything, esp not day-to-day contact. It's time for her to cut her losses & get over being mad.

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3 minutes ago, balisticnikki said:

Lol so funny!


David Poor has a middle child, too. I wonder what she thinks. I wonder what she looks like...coz Ashley & Jacob look soooooo different from each other. 

I didn't see your post before I posted basically the same thing. 

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1 minute ago, Splithair said:

Not that it matters, but I wonder if David's kids have the same mom? Snooki looks like her dad, but his son didn't look anything like him or his sister. I know that can happen when people have the same parents (obviously), but I was just curious.

Yes, all 3 kids have the same mother...but i was just thinking the same about their looks.

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 I feel badly for her to a point. But she is 28 yrs old. He's only been in Thailand for 4 yrs. After 18, parents really don't owe you anything, esp not day-to-day contact. It's time for her to cut her losses & get over being mad.

Agree- If it was me, I wouldn't have even bothered showing up. Based on her comments about her siblings and own kids, I am assuming that's why she didn't cut ties. 

I can not get over the fact that he's 48 and a grandfather...I thought he was way older. 

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1 hour ago, greekmom said:

David Spain  -- Dr. Ruth called. You have an appointment on Tuesday.

Stwwwwwwwokkkkkke za peeeeeeeenis!

Dr Ruth still cracks me up. She’s still around!  I loved how frankly she speaks about it, very comfortable with asking questions anyone else would likely be embarrassed to ask or answer...

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9 minutes ago, Splithair said:

I didn't see your post before I posted basically the same thing. 

I've got to see the ex-wife! I need to know what she looks like! I think she may be interviewed on yt this week... I'm watching! 


David Poor has the most unappealing body I've ever seen. Would wearing jeans help him? Dockers?

1 minute ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

Stwwwwwwwokkkkkke za peeeeeeeenis!

Dr Ruth still cracks me up. She’s still around!  I loved how frankly she speaks about it, very comfortable with asking questions anyone else would likely be embarrassed to ask or answer...

 She's still alive??!

9 minutes ago, usernameG said:

Agree- If it was me, I wouldn't have even bothered showing up. Based on her comments about her siblings and own kids, I am assuming that's why she didn't cut ties. 

I can not get over the fact that he's 48 and a grandfather...I thought he was way older. 

I know! I'm 45 & i would never in a million years consider him as my contemporary....in my dating pool. I can't imagine having anything in common with him or being peers in any way.

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1 hour ago, Lambie said:

Are we sure that was actually a woman Annie was talking to? I thought it was David in drag and Ashley was one of his other personalities coming out. 

Wipe, wipe - another Mt Dew catastrophe.

1 hour ago, HappyDancex2 said:

Is that related to a vasectomizer?

Ok, now you guys are killing me.

39 minutes ago, guilfoyleatpp said:

It's called letting women determine their own reproductive future. I think the whole "women must get pregnant when they're still young enough to not question the patriarchy" line is a load of bullshit and I'm angry at TLC for perpetuating it. 


5 minutes ago, usernameG said:

I can not get over the fact that he's 48 and a grandfather...I thought he was way older. 

Every episode I keep saying he is Dead Man Walking (wobbling).

24 minutes ago, Frozendiva said:

Libby, make sure your cellphone is always charged. If I had a husband, I certainly wouldn't have a collar on me. I don't really care for having a mobile phone and do leave it at home a lot. Don't like being available 24/7. Andrei, you need to step back and respect that your wife is not accountable to you 24/7. Libby, choose yourself, move to another city and start a fabulous new life. Have a burner/no contract phone to keep in touch with your family.

Holy shit!  So right.

30 minutes ago, Miss Chevious said:

After watching tonight, I've come to the following conclusions:

Thank none of them should ever marry!  Nary a one!

@Brooklynista - Bootleg Snookie indeed!  I am declaring you tonight's winner of the internets.

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Discount Snooki is a miserable, venal, trashy little witch.  I get that her dad is a POS, and her TH, where she showed her contempt for Annie was very telling. She’s also very unfortunate looking, since she looks like her father in bad drag. But it’s not so much her looks that make her ugly, but her behavior.

Annie was shocked by how Ashley spoke to her dad, because Asian culture respects parents  and elders. I’d be upset to have to bear witness to such dysfunction on a regular basis as well.  Ashley really overstepped her bounds by revealing things about her dad that weren’t her place and she took a sadistic pleasure in hurting Annie, who had come to her with an olive branch.

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19 minutes ago, Splithair said:

Not that it matters, but I wonder if David's kids have the same mom? Snooki looks like her dad, but his son didn't look anything like him or his sister. I know that can happen when people have the same parents (obviously), but I was just curious.

Around here the Schwan's man gets the blame.

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Why couldn't Libby stand up to her sisters? I don't get it. (I'm an only child.) Why didn't she just tell Jenn, "bitch, give me my phone."

I don't get that dynamic. If Libby was mad, why was she just mumbling complaints under her breath? She's a grown woman...the youngest, yes, but an adult. How lomg was she going to go along w their games, if Becka hadn't intervened?

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On some level, Libby probably likes the games with her sisters. Andrei is the game changer. Who cares if Libby is going to a club/disco with her sisters? She loves you, lunkhead, and probably would not chase after other dudes.

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50 minutes ago, Miss Chevious said:

Saw Evilyn modeling her wedding dress in the preview for next week. Reminded me of Little House on the Prairie.

That style is pure vintage Jessica McClintock/Gunny Sax dress. It is beautiful for the time and the sentiment of wearing her Mother's dress. It's not Vera Wang. Its not a  say yes to the dress Panina stripper fairy dress. I am not a fan of Evelyn and her wall eyed view of the world but she is on point with the dress. 

Ashley is pissed at her Dad for his shenanigans and Annie should know that he has a penchant for womanizing and spending the family's money on prostitutes and partying. 

Luis is a complete asshole for pulling the religion card. Dude. Just leave. 


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