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9 minutes ago, Chickabiddy said:

Because Nicole has sent him $500 and then another $800 and "doesn't mind paying for things."  * She also has a green card. And for now, religion is the convenient reason that he doesn't have to touch her.

Dude will move to  to America and take some family cash, along with Nicole's, to start a gym in Florida. where he will probably end up being successful after a few years. And after a few more years, he will import his family members to employ them at the gym. And after a few more years of successful entrepreneurship and a few more gray hairs to make him look distinguished, he will find some cute gym bunny and marry her after a messy divorce from Jabba the Blond. Not a bad plan, really. ;-) 

*Where in the holy hell is Nicole getting $1,300 to send Azan? She lives in hotel room and has a baby to take care of... Tips must be a lot more generous at Starbucks than I ever realized.

I'm wondering if her public platform sets her above all of the other Lularoe salespeople, glutted as that market is. Maybe she's really doing a lot of business?

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9 minutes ago, Chickabiddy said:

Because Nicole has sent him $500 and then another $800 and "doesn't mind paying for things."  * She also has a green card. And for now, religion is the convenient reason that he doesn't have to touch her.

Dude will move to  to America and take some family cash, along with Nicole's, to start a gym in Florida. where he will probably end up being successful after a few years. And after a few more years, he will import his family members to employ them at the gym. And after a few more years of successful entrepreneurship and a few more gray hairs to make him look distinguished, he will find some cute gym bunny and marry her after a messy divorce from Jabba the Blond. Not a bad plan, really. ;-) 

*Where in the holy hell is Nicole getting $1,300 to send Azan? She lives in hotel room and has a baby to take care of... Tips must be a lot more generous at Starbucks than I ever realized. 


You’re probably not far off the mark. It’s got all the markings of a Danielle\Mohammed situation. The money situation is ludicrous. It appears she lives in subsidized housing so she must be on some sort of financial assistance but yet squanders that kind of money on some guy overseas. She had absolutely zero insight.



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16 minutes ago, islandgal140 said:

Why does it always looked like Bahtless David is wearing hospital scrubs?

He seems to have quite the variety. So let me get this straight, David Poor has no income, no job, no home and is an alcoholic? And it looks like he gained back much of the weight he lost, so he probably has health problems also. So what exactly is the plan? He is going to bring Annie home to what? Not a home, not an income. I don't see how he can even sponsor her. 


12 minutes ago, CoachWristletJen said:

Where in the holy hell is Nicole getting $1,300 to send Azan? She lives in hotel room and has a baby to take care of... Tips must be a lot more generous at Starbucks than I ever realized.

She must be sending him TLC money, since they only pay the Americans. 


ETA: how does one request that a new forum be created? I searched the FAQ and I can't find anything. There needs to be a forum for the craptastic show that followed 90DF, Unexpected. It's about a bunch of stupid teens who have babies. 

Edited by poeticlicensed
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10 minutes ago, CoachWristletJen said:

I'm wondering if her public platform sets her above all of the other Lularoe salespeople, glutted as that market is. Maybe she's really doing a lot of business?

Did I miss something?  Is Nicole selling Lularoe or is this a joke?  God I hope not!  Don't they require lots of inventory that never ever moves (see Meri of Sister Wives)?  The last thing she needs is a pyramid -- "sunbeam" --- multi level marketing -- SCAM!!

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5 minutes ago, poeticlicensed said:


She must be sending him TLC money, since they only pay the Americans. 

They only pay the Americans when both are living in the U.S. and the foreigner has no work visa. If they are living abroad, they get a paycheck of their own.

1 minute ago, Normades said:

Did I miss something?  Is Nicole selling Lularoe or is this a joke?  God I hope not!  Don't they require lots of inventory that never ever moves (see Meri of Sister Wives)?  The last thing she needs is a pyramid -- "sunbeam" --- multi level marketing -- SCAM!!

She's seriously selling Lularoe. It wouldn't surprise me a bit if she put all of her earnings into more inventory.

Pretty much consistent as far as her decisions go.

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Molly/Luis/TheElephant in the Room:   EVERYTHING about Molly is too much!  Her glue-on, inch-long nails, her arched-villain-brows, her exaggerated accent, her eating/drinking habits, her fantasy of being a fairytale princess who finally found THE ONE!  From the waist up, her breasts and torso, arms and shoulders look like they're imprisoned in some kind of bulletproof, mega super spanx underarmour torture chamber. How does she breathe?

Luis is the elephant in the room though.  He took pleasure in embarrassing Olivia and her gf with his suggestion. And when told not to talk about fucking again, he repeated himself over and over.  He was getting off on what he was telling Olivia.

Last week and this episode, I noticed Molly is now driving.  Yet the camera is careful not to show her behind the wheel.  We can see Luis in the passenger seat, and we can see Molly exit the driver's side. But no actual driving. Hope she's back on the road legally.

Elizabeth/Andrei/RollinRrrrrrrrs:  in last week's show, Andrei introduced himself in his first TH.  He did NOT pronounce his first name with that rolling Andrrrrrrrrrrrrrei that Libby insists on.  What's wrong with this chick?

She keeps telling us Andrei has a bad temper.  Why?  What he has done? Why does she tolerate it?  What's her game?  Is this entire relationship a way to show Dad that she's in charge now? Or is it a way for her to get Dad to be her knight in shining armor and give her the attention she says she's not gotten as the youngest of many siblings?

And why is she obsessed with clubbing and girls' nights?  Jeez.  Really immature person.

Andrei is a barely contained powder keg, like a human IED, or a Moldovan Cocktail!  How did they meet again?  Lordy.

I wonder if we will ever get to see the Ballroom Blitzer that Andrei supposedly is.  I feel an audition for DWTS is in our future.

Edited by sleekandchic
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13 hours ago, CofCinci said:

Sheeps Head is the new Chicken Feet.

I'm seeing formula in all these shows now.

1. One fiance/e is served a local food, which is ew! gross! to Americans!

2. One fiance/e is either encouraged to be a model (Alexei, Aika) or came to the US to be a model (Anfisa, Pao). Hilarity ensues! Lets look at Sexy Alexei in his boxer briefs or Anfisa in her lingerie!

3. The couples realize that they will have to actually spend MONEY to get married! They will bicker and fight! There will be tears and crying! Will they or won't they?? (fun fact, they will).

4. One fiance/e will want to go out with his/her friends sometimes. and demur on the part of her partner will be greeted by pearl clutching, tears, and huffing by the women of the pair that they are Modern Women who will brook no opposition to what they want to do! Language barriers, cultural differences, wacky misunderstandings! Will they or won't they? (fun fact, they will!)

5. All families will be suspicious and at least one friend or family member will be astonishingly rude, asking straight out if the fiance/e is here "just for the green card"! Host fiance/e will stand to one side, abashed, and not stick up for his or her partner, just look at the floor or shrug and smile sheepishly.

I wish everyone on the production staff of this show would get fired so maybe some new ideas could come into the mix. This staged shit is dullsville and so insulting to the viewers, not to mention the hapless schmoes they cast on this thing. 


12 hours ago, WhatsUpDummy said:

I’m loving Aika! She’s being honest and straightforward about everything and trying to tell dumb Josh to cool it with his behavior. Josh is officially a sleaze. I wish she could find someone better. 

I love Aika too. I've known women like her, who love to dress sexy, are always made up, manicured to a fare thee well, always a little on the raffish side, but are warm, kind, capable people. I think she's one. She has a nice warm way about her and she's a good people person--good handshake, repeating people's names as she meets them. She'd do well in sales or in the hospitality business. She needs to run as far from sleazeball Josh as fast as her stilettos will carry her.

12 hours ago, sainte-chapelle said:

Jesbus Eveline let the man choose a tux. "It's the one thing I really want" b$tch please EVERYTHING is the one little thing you want.

Right? A black tux! How original!  And am I the only one who thinks "planning this my whole life" consists of doodling "Mr. and Mrs" endlessly and watching Say Yes to the Dress? She seems to know nothing about actually planning a wedding.

10 hours ago, mamadrama said:

So I tried making my joke about Andrei and the dead body over on the 90 Day FB group...it went over like a lead balloon with people totally ripping me a new one. I quickly deleted and scurried back here to the safety of you guys. Lesson learned. 

Hahahahahahaha, Mamadrama, and we are here, waiting for you with open arms. Come back, all is forgiven!

10 hours ago, Caseysgirl said:

I actually think that Libby is trying to make Andrei into a villain before we can even get to know him. She's the one who keeps pushing the "girls night"" as if every woman in America is out partying all night long. By the time you are her age and in a serious relationship, going out for dinner and a few drinks is with your friends is about all you your "girls night" is and he wasn't objecting to that. He also did not seem to be having any problem with the interview even though she acted as if he would be throwing a huge temper tantrum and blow the interview. Maybe TLC is encouraging her to catastrophise.

I agree with this 100%. If it was a guy saying he wanted to go out and hit the club with his buddies there would be plenty of tsk tsking (I'd certainly be tsk-ing with the best of them) Elizabeth's insistence on going out to a club with her friends seemed off base. She's 27 and getting married. Clubbing shouldn't be looming so large. Unless, as Andrei clearly said, they went together. I smell producer meddling.


9 hours ago, millennium said:

Good on Aika for that double-takedown of Josh's lurid fantasies and the agency's plan to exploit her "ethnicity."   The instant she uttered the P-word you could almost hear it all crashing down.

Dear god, between David Poor's daughter asking Annie if she "did nails" (WTF!!) and the hag at the model agency saying to Aika that they would definitely promote her ethnicity, yikes.  The two girls sitting on the couch, not saying anything, were just there since it would be their golden opportunity to be seen on TV, I guess? Jesus, if you googled "sleazy model agency" this place would be the first hit.

3 hours ago, merylinkid said:

JOsh wants her to do nude modeling.    So when everyone is leering at her pics, he can brag it's his "hot" wife.  Because that is the type of guy Josh is.   No sense of propriety, just showing off how the waterboy got the cheerleader.   No matter if everyone else gets to look at her lady bits if they belong to him.

He's a disgusting pervert scumbag who wants to see people leer at his (nearly) naked wife. He's gross.

Edited by Pepper Mostly
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4 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

She needs to run as far from sleazeball Josh as fast as her stilettos will carry her.

Which won't be too far considering she needed help to walk in the grocery store. Perhaps another reason Josh wants her wear them:? It's a lot sexier than a bear trap and just about as effective.

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No wonder David can't find work at home, he's an alcoholic.

Let's cut to the chase, Josh wants Aika to do webcam porn.  The whole "modelling" angle is just his way to start easing her into it.

Evelyn is an eighteen year old girl who bosses around a guy nine years older than her so she can have the wedding she has been planning her whole life.  And her parents are totally fine with their high school age girl involving herself in all this.  What's wrong with this picture?  What eighteen year old talks or acts like she does?  I get the idea of the teenage girl who gets pregnant or runs off and elopes, but this whole story is Dugger weirdness.  She's obsessed with this whole wedding fantasy.  There are some serious issues under the surface of this girl and her family.

Luis is a creepy guy.  It isn't a "cultural" thing.

Edited by Dobian
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55 minutes ago, Bubbles1967 said:

I don’t think she even has a kitchen in that place she lives in.  Probably goes to mom a lot along with ordering out.

Seriously doubt mom is gonna give a rats ass about feeding him healthy foods. She wants him gone.

Doesn't Azan know how to cook? Since he won't be working when he comes to the U.S., instead of worrying and complaining Nicole won't cook healthy meals, he has plenty of time to cook for himself, Nicole and May (minus sheepsheads). He has a rude awakening about how we do things here.....if he gets that far. 

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A Tale of Two Davids


Annie/BrokeAssDavid/At theKangarooHop:     Ach!  This guy is so terrible that I actually feel sorry for Annie.  I hope she breaks things off.

I don't think David wears scrubs.  The shirts look like Henleys to me, and his pants look like Aladdin harem pants.  Thing is, he really fills out those ballooning pants, in the ass, the stomach and thighs.  Very weird body shape.

He's ultra creepy, broke, a drunk, no prospects, no home, afraid to tell his family about Annie. Takes off his ring, hides Annie's ring during facetime. What's wrong with this picture?

However, did you happen to see the other sad sacks sitting at the end of the bar at the bachelor parties?  White, bald, hunched over their booze.   Methuselahs!   Man.  Maybe David seems more attractive compared to many other men Annie has met?  It's all so pathetic!

Evelyn/SpanishDavid/TheTroubleWithVirgins:     Evelyn is a spoiled, sheltered, overly-indulged 18-year-old girl.  She's naive and foolish and silly.  Definitely Not Ready for marriage.   But David?  He's not a good guy.  I don't like his attitude, not at all.

Is all the wedding-planning angst just part of their storyline, because they are THAT boring, otherwise?  I think that idea is very likely.  However, if the push and pull are the Truth of their relationship, then I think Evelyn should open her eyes. Imo.

As far as Evelyn's seeming intransigence toward her wedding-dreams, none of it bothers me or surprises me at all.  When I was 22, a college gf asked me to be her maid of honor and wedding planner.  Twelve years later, I have assisted friends and relatives with more than a dozen weddings!  Big ones, intimate affairs, fancy, casual, backyards and destinations.  Word spread that I was organized, responsible, and completely open to helping everybody achieve what they wanted.  I respected their budgets.    And I had a GOOD time.  (But I'm not a professional! :)  I'm a social worker with a lot of patience.)

Some of these events had 50/50 couple participation, some had a bride or groom in charge, with the partner too busy or too disinterested to get into the nitty gritty details.  Some had parents and/or in-laws paying, some couples paid for everything themselves.   Sometimes kids were invited, sometimes excluded.  Feelings were sometimes hurt, arguments happened. Emotions ALWAYS ran high.  Like anything worth doing, weddings are stressful!

IMO, the key to a successfully planned wedding is a SENSE OF HUMOR, as well as a manageable flexibility.  When it was my turn to wed, my fiance and I were a real team, cause we had a common goal, and we loved each other. My parents and grams helped with a lot of grunt work, and I skyped with my future MIL to ask her input and to keep her in the loop.  She asked me to fly from nyc to the Midwest to help her find her wedding outfit, and I did.

If what we are watching with Evelyn and David is genuine, and not just phony, made-for-tv, this couple just can't communicate and neither has a sense of humor.  Yes, Evelyn is spoiled, but David is controlling.  His reaction shots often reveal, to me, a barely-contained, simmering anger. He seems to catch himself for the camera.   So either he's a pretty good actor, or he's not a good guy.

Evelyn, what's the rush?

Edited by sleekandchic
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24 minutes ago, Mmjconlon said:

No. It's every level headed parent!

Yes it is every level headed parent.  Once my son was a friend's house, fine.  They all went to a neighbors house whose mom (who I am sure was 100% trustworthy) took them in her car to Dairy Queen.  I freaked out (more in my head) as I did not know that woman - who the hell was she?  And that was a trip to DQ where everyone lived, lol.  No weird guy in my bedroom, in my house, in my LIFE stirring up the shit pot.

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4 minutes ago, sleekandchic said:

f what we are watching with Evelyn and David is genuine, and not just phony, made-for-tv, this couple just can't communicate and neither has a sense of humor.  Yes, Evelyn is spoiled, but David is controlling.  His reaction shots often reveal, to me, a barely-contained, simmering anger. He seems to catch himself for the camera.   So either he's a pretty good actor, or he's not a good guy.

I don't know how controlling he is since Evil-lyn has gotten everything she has wanted. She is the controlling one, IMHO. I would have a lot of simmering anger, too, if I had to put up with that spoiled brat. 

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6 minutes ago, sleekandchic said:

IMO, the key to a successfully planned wedding is a SENSE OF HUMOR,

Just got remarried on 10/17/17 and this is the TRUTH!!  Evelyn has none.  "My wedding, MY WAY MY DAY!"  Shut. It.

Edited by Mrs. Hanson
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2 hours ago, Bryce Lynch said:

If Luis would speak that way to Olivia in front of her uncle (and the cameras), I can only imagine what he might say in private.  

luis might be trying too hard for the cameras and it was gross and inappropriate but Olivia is considered an adult in many aspects according to the law.  Did anyone watch the teen pregnancy program after?  To pretend she's a child and and not having sex is naive and dangerous. Many girls are on the Pill or other long acting birth control by 16  years.  

Hopefully Olivia has been to the doctor. 

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4 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

I don't know how controlling he is since Evil-lyn has gotten everything she has wanted. She is the controlling one, IMHO. I would have a lot of simmering anger, too, if I had to put up with that spoiled brat. 

I don't see either of them as super controlling.  I think they each have certain preferences about the wedding, were to live, etc. and they are having some discussions/arguments over them.  I don't see either one of them threatening to call it all of if he/she doesn't get his/her way or otherwise being manipulative.   

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5 minutes ago, Lemons said:

luis might be trying too hard for the cameras and it was gross and inappropriate but Olivia is considered an adult in many aspects according to the law.  Did anyone watch the teen pregnancy program after?  To pretend she's a child and and not having sex is naive and dangerous. Many girls are on the Pill or other long acting birth control by 16  years.  

Hopefully Olivia has been to the doctor. 

I don't know that Olivia is considered an adult in any aspect of the law.  She is above the age of consent for sex, but that does not make her an adult.  She will be an adult for most legal purposes (drinking being the main exception) soon, when she turns 18.  

But, Luis should not be interjecting his ideas about what an almost adult or adult can do with her body to his future stepdaughter.  That is a conversation for Molly and Olivia to have.  If Luis thinks Molly is being unreasonable with Olivia regarding sex, curfew, or whatever, he can give Molly his input directly in private.  He should NOT be undermining her in any way and certainly should not be encouraging her 17 year old daughter to have sex.  

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When Evilyn and David Spain were trying to work out their budget, I kept wondering do they really need some fancy cake??  I had the local grocery store make a lovely cake for my wedding (30 years ago).  It was beautiful and tasty and didn't cost a fortune.  I'm sure those specialized cakes with the fancy flavors are wonderful, but sometimes you need to be a little realistic.  I also think they could cut down their guests from 150 to maybe 100 or 75 and use the difference to make things a bit easier on David's family.  

Oh wait!!  I forgot that Evilyn has dreamed of this her ENTIRE life, so it MUST be HER WAY!!  She is someone who is so focused on investing in the wedding that she doesn't invest in the marriage.  What a twit!!

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12 minutes ago, Bryce Lynch said:

I don't know that Olivia is considered an adult in any aspect of the law.  She is above the age of consent for sex, but that does not make her an adult.  She will be an adult for most legal purposes (drinking being the main exception) soon, when she turns 18.  

But, Luis should not be interjecting his ideas about what an almost adult or adult can do with her body to his future stepdaughter.  That is a conversation for Molly and Olivia to have.  If Luis thinks Molly is being unreasonable with Olivia regarding sex, curfew, or whatever, he can give Molly his input directly in private.  He should NOT be undermining her in any way and certainly should not be encouraging her 17 year old daughter to have sex.  

I agree, it does not matter what the age of consent is, his language and was creepy towards her.  Uncomfortable as putting it mildly.  Bolding mine:  It is for Molly to have as she is the parent, NOT LUIS.

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15 minutes ago, Bryce Lynch said:

That is a conversation for Molly and Olivia to have.  If Luis thinks Molly is being unreasonable with Olivia regarding sex, curfew, or whatever, he can give Molly his input directly in private.  He should NOT be undermining her in any way and certainly should not be encouraging her 17 year old daughter to have sex.  

EXACTLY!!  Luis is not a parent and he's known this girl for a hot second.  No matter what his beliefs are culturally or otherwise it is not an appropriate subject for him to comment on.  Many step parents would do well to take your advice about speaking to the parent in private.  He should have said that no way would he keep secrets for a teen and then told Uncle No Brains what an idiot he is.  Golden opportunity, but we see Luis' true colors.  They aren't pretty!

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2 hours ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

stop whining as you are heading into Frumpy Danielle territory. 

headed there? I think she's already surpassed Danielle in whining and frumpiness! 

I have an idea how Evelyn and David Spain's wedding guests can get revenge for Cake Gate. Go to wherever they're registered online to see what items they want, then buy a cheaper equivalent. "I see you wanted (insert gift here) but K-Mart sells something very similar at a tenth of the price..." 

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32 minutes ago, Lemons said:

luis might be trying too hard for the cameras and it was gross and inappropriate but Olivia is considered an adult in many aspects according to the law.  Did anyone watch the teen pregnancy program after?  To pretend she's a child and and not having sex is naive and dangerous. Many girls are on the Pill or other long acting birth control by 16  years.  

Hopefully Olivia has been to the doctor. 

I see your point, but I'm not convinced.  BECAUSE, Luis the perv wasn't just being flirty...he was outright using the F word in conversation with her and that whatever she does with her body is fine.   No, using that blunt of a word went beyond drama.  

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5 hours ago, Bryce Lynch said:

I totally agree about Luis.  Even before his extremely inappropriate comment he was out of line.  When he told Olivia he wouldn't tell Molly about things she did (including having her BF spend the night) he was starting an inappropriate, secret relationship with her.  His loyalty should be to Molly and he should not be keeping secrets about her daughter from her.

I think Evelyn is a bit young to get married and would benefit from a few more years.  But she is 18 years old, an adult under the law, so I don't think it is right to call it pedophilia.  Not too long ago, it was very common to get married at 18.  An 18 year old can vote, fight and die for his/her country etc.  Some 18 year olds are more mature than others, but that is the age our society has set for adulthood.

Speaking on the age difference because of maturity level. He is 27 and she is 18 and very immature and the relationship didn't start yesterday. I think it's gross that everybody pretty much agrees that it's not right for a grown ass man to date an underage girl but as soon as she turns 18 something magical happens and she's fair game to any age. Even old men, as we have seen on this show in the past. 

Fun fact, nothing magical happens the day of your 18th birthday except that you now get certain privileges like you mentioned above. Other than that they are still basically kids, teenagers. Let a girl turn 20 at least before luring her into your bed, old men. 

Im not talking about boys her age. I'm talking about men who should know better. Some of the men on this show probably wouldn't care if their future wife was 16. What's the difference? Physically and mentally there is no difference. If it was accepted by society they'd do it and that's why I think it's disgusting. Some men are just drooling in the corner waiting for the day a girl turns 18 so they can screw her and not get in trouble for it. 

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23 minutes ago, Bryce Lynch said:

Molly his input directly in private

or stay completely out of it.

3 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Annie is complaining how drunk David Poor is, he was not slurring his words just dancing like the village idiot in the streets.  I will continue to ask what Annie is thinking, he is broke, unattractive, shameless...why this one Annie, why him?

I don't get it.  He doesn't even have a sparkling personality.   I hate to be judgey (it's something I work on) and try to find something good, attractive or nice about everybody...but I just can't see a darned thing about David Poor that is acceptable.  

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Luis constantly saying in his TH with Molly that Olivia is "grown and can do what ever she wants with her body". Is this guy for real? Molly, you fool, open your eyes! Luis is bad news. What does it say about Molly, though? she's 41 and he's 26. He's a manchild.  Her mother isn't helping matters, either, to condone this relationship. I'm beginning to think the redneck dad has more common sense than the entire family!

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24 minutes ago, magemaud said:

I have an idea how Evelyn and David Spain's wedding guests can get revenge for Cake Gate. Go to wherever they're registered online to see what items they want, then buy a cheaper equivalent. "I see you wanted (insert gift here) but K-Mart sells something very similar at a tenth of the price..." 

OMG!  I love this!   I can be a petty bitch when pushed to extremes, and sitting back over my box cake while watching the wedding party eat some glorious fancy cake would just about damn near do it. Because we all know that Evelyn doesn't have enough sense or shame to try and hide her bait and switch by having that cake cut in the kitchen. That spoiled moo would probably announce at the reception. "The beautiful people will be dining on the designer cake at the front, and the rest of you peasants will be having Publix cake because my vision, my wedding, my budget, my day..,me. me, me and ME! 

22 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Annie is complaining how drunk David Poor is, he was not slurring his words just dancing like the village idiot in the streets.  I will continue to ask what Annie is thinking, he is broke, unattractive, shameless...why this one Annie, why him?

Because Annie's expiration date is fast approaching and she better make a move to jump start her dream. In the plus column, David Poor doesn't seem like a wife beater. She has been able to get a decent amount out of him so far. Girlfriend also has a long term plan. Three years of indentured servitude and then she is free. Hell, back in colonial days it was 7 years. Let's hear it for deflation. 

Edited by Chickabiddy
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7 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

I will continue to ask what Annie is thinking, he is broke, unattractive, shameless...why this one Annie, why him?

Because his broke ass can somehow come up with enough Bhat and cattle to satisfy the family and I guess in Thailand that is all that matters. I would imagine a lot of men would run once they find out what they have to pay for Annie. They could easily go to another country and find a bride that wants to come to the U.S. and they don't have to pay the families a dime.

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1 minute ago, bichonblitz said:

Luis constantly saying in his TH with Molly that Olivia is "grown and can do what ever she wants with her body". Is this guy for real? Molly, you fool, open your eyes! Luis is bad news. What does it say about Molly, though? she's 41 and he's 26. He's a manchild.  Her mother isn't helping matters, either, to condone this relationship. I'm beginning to think the redneck dad has more common sense than the entire family!

I never got a redneck vibe from the dad. I just thought he was using common sense considering how old his daughter is. Do any of us believe that Luis really wants to spend the rest of his days with someone that much older? I really tried to give Luis the benefit of the doubt because I have dated younger before and I know the man really cared about me. But the phases of life are too different when the man is in his twenties and the woman has an almost grown child. She's already lived it all. Career and everything. It just doesn't work if Luis doesn't also have kids and a career and at least the same lifestyle. Trust me. I tried it and it's too hard. Even when there's deep love there. And it makes me wonder what's wrong with her that she doesn't see the problem. 

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55 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

Luis constantly saying in his TH with Molly that Olivia is "grown and can do what ever she wants with her body". Is this guy for real? Molly, you fool, open your eyes! Luis is bad news. What does it say about Molly, though? she's 41 and he's 26. He's a manchild.  Her mother isn't helping matters, either, to condone this relationship. I'm beginning to think the redneck dad has more common sense than the entire family!

I'm hoping the next episode shows Olivia telling gramps what the perv said and gramps will finally be the one to handle business. Clearly Molly and brother Molly aren't going to.

I have to give Brother Molly *some* credit (not much though) because he did 'tattle tale' that Olivia was keeping the BF over too long. And he did mention that he isn't as strict with her but she also need to mind mom. So there is some effort. Not to mention he's not dad or step dad. He's an uncle staying there, probably for monetary reasons. I'm not sure how much of a roll uncles should take with nieces. I'm also wondering how much editing there was for the pool game scene. They show him with a shocked face and go back to Olivia and Luis. But in reality, did he tell Luis to cool it and that wasn't aired? Or is he playing the chill future BIL and staying out of it. We likely will never know. 

Edited by Awfarmington
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7 minutes ago, Nowhere said:

I never got a redneck vibe from the dad. I just thought he was using common sense considering how old his daughter is. Do any of us believe that Luis really wants to spend the rest of his days with someone that much older? I really tried to give Luis the benefit of the doubt because I have dated younger before and I know the man really cared about me. But the phases of life are too different when the man is in his twenties and the woman has an almost grown child. She's already lived it all. Career and everything. It just doesn't work if Luis doesn't also have kids and a career and at least the same lifestyle. Trust me. I tried it and it's too hard. Even when there's deep love there. And it makes me wonder what's wrong with her that she doesn't see the problem. 

I married a man 7 years younger.  But he was mature and I was still a goof!!!  It can work, but Luis ain't it. 

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Let's give it up to Aiko for trying to stage the tube top come back!  

Evelyn and David Spain will have a miserable time together, once that magical wedding is planned, the tiny cake is all gone the gifts are open and her "bloom is off her rose" Evelyn will be bored and disappointed and nothing David Spain could say or do will make her happy.  

I hope we get to hear her sing at the wedding to her beloved.  

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9 minutes ago, Awfarmington said:

I'm hoping the next episode shows Olivia telling gramps what the perv said and gramps will finally be the one to handle business. Clearly Molly and brother Molly aren't going to.

Gramps is my last hope, but he did raise Molly and Uncle No Brains, so I'm worried.

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13 minutes ago, Chickabiddy said:
24 minutes ago, magemaud said:

I have an idea how Evelyn and David Spain's wedding guests can get revenge for Cake Gate. Go to wherever they're registered online to see what items they want, then buy a cheaper equivalent. "I see you wanted (insert gift here) but K-Mart sells something very similar at a tenth of the price..." 

OMG!  I love this!   I can be a petty bitch when pushed to extremes, and sitting back over my box cake while watching the wedding party eat some glorious fancy cake would just about damn near do it. Because we all know that Evelyn doesn't have enough sense or shame to try and hide her bait and switch by having that cake cut in the kitchen. That spoiled moo would probably announce at the reception. "The beautiful people will be dining on the designer cake at the front, and the rest of you peasants will be having Publix cake because my vision, my wedding, my budget, my day..,me. me, me and ME! 

thank you for liking my comment! I've been to weddings where the three layer cake is cut publicly, then taken away, so you don't know whether you're getting a slice of it or a matching sheet cake from the kitchen. But there's no way a reception for 150 people will think they're getting a slice of the real thing if it's made to serve 15 people! Maybe Evelyn is thinking it's the Wedding at Cana with the miracle of the loaves and fishes. 

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7 minutes ago, Bryce Lynch said:

I don't know that Olivia is considered an adult in any aspect of the law.  She is above the age of consent for sex, but that does not make her an adult.  She will be an adult for most legal purposes (drinking being the main exception) soon, when she turns 18.  

But, Luis should not be interjecting his ideas about what an almost adult or adult can do with her body to his future stepdaughter.  That is a conversation for Molly and Olivia to have.  If Luis thinks Molly is being unreasonable with Olivia regarding sex, curfew, or whatever, he can give Molly his input directly in private.  He should NOT be undermining her in any way and certainly should not be encouraging her 17 year old daughter to have sex.  

Luis shouldn't be telling Olivia anything. And as Olivia is not a child, I wouldn't call her a stepdaughter, even if Luis was fifty.  

Olivia would be considered an adult real fast if she committed certain crimes in America 

But in terms of 17 year olds being close to adulthood and treated that way, the United States is far behind the rest of the developed world. The United States is almost alone in not allowing 18 year olds to drink. Many countries have no age limit to drink at home and only set the age of 18 for public places and buying it.

Teen pregnancy is the United States is much higher than 99% of developed countries that are open about sex and birth control. To treat 17 year olds like children is naive and doesn't work. Half of them are having sex. To think that banning the boyfriend from staying late or sleeping over will prevent sex is stupid. That doesn't mean molly should allow the boyfriend to sleep over. It's her house, her rules. But guaranteed, they are going to have sex. 

35 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

I bet Molly will want to try to have a baby with Luweese or at least talk about it constantly.

She's probably scared that he wants a child. And he probably will. 

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4 minutes ago, Granny58 said:

I married a man 7 years younger.  But he was mature and I was still a goof!!!  It can work, but Luis ain't it. 

That's why I like to blame it on the phases of life and not necessarily the age gap. If Luis had a successful career, knew what it was like to be a parent maybe, wasn't interested in having children, had his own home that he paid for himself, etc. then it could work. Molly has basically taken on another kid and what makes her want to do that? These two are so different it's just not believable. I guess maybe she just wanted to buy a fuckboy. Still, there's something wrong upstairs. I hate to see her go down this path. 

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I saw a side of Azan last night that I didn't like - not that I was completely enamored of him before but...I have no use for Nicole.  As a single mom myself, I am probably a bit harder on single moms on this show than others - but when Nicole was trying to choke down the sheeps head - Azan was really delighting in pushing it on her.  This is the woman you allegedly love, want to marry - and you (Azan) got off on how uncomfortable she was with the sheep's head.  No bueno...

Not much more can be said of Princess Devilyn.  Two cakes for the wedding.  What's the catering?  Nice food for her and McDonald's for everyone else?  I fear that these two will get married and then join Happily Ever After...

I like Aika.  And if you had told me that when I first watched the season previews, I would've said you were crazy.  I think she's straightforward and honest about herself and her expectations.

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1 hour ago, sleekandchic said:

If what we are watching with Evelyn and David is genuine, and not just phony, made-for-tv, this couple just can't communicate and neither has a sense of humor.  Yes, Evelyn is spoiled, but David is controlling.  His reaction shots often reveal, to me, a barely-contained, simmering anger. He seems to catch himself for the camera.   So either he's a pretty good actor, or he's not a good guy.

Evelyn, what's the rush?


The rush? Evelyn's hormones are screaming for action, and she has to be married to act on that clarion call.

Remember how, before David actually arrived, we kept seeing Evelyn's beatific smile and had to listen to her rhapsodize about how she was so in love? Pure love, true love, once in a lifetime, fireworks and New Year's Eve L-O-V-E!! Now that he's here  we only see her pasting on a hideous rictus like a ballet dancer's and say everything through clenched teeth. Its like she can barely stand him.

12 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

I hope we get to hear her sing at the wedding to her beloved.  

Evelyn will straight-arm her old aunties and kick her little cousins out of the way to get onstage at her wedding. The whole reason they did this show was to showcase her awesome, astonishing talent! "oh, honey, you have so much more talent than that skanky Jessica Simpson! We just have to get you a bigger platform!"

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Evelyn is a pretty princess now, but she's got that type of face that will age horribly. She's going to end up looking like Eunice Kennedy Shriver before she's 50. 

All of the adults on this are horrible, save Aika, Aunt Azan and Azan himself. I like him, but I keep wondering what the hell does he want Nicole for? His life in Morocco doesn't seem that bad. As far as the Sheep's Head goes, it seemed like such a put on by the camera crew. 

I hated the way Josh was leering at Aika while she was getting dressed. He reminds me of the type of guy that can't find a girlfriend yet feels entitled to get laid. Well, now he's got his trophy while ranking as a negative 10 on the sliding scale in life. 

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4 minutes ago, Gigglepuff said:


I hated the way Josh was leering at Aika while she was getting dressed. He reminds me of the type of guy that can't find a girlfriend yet feels entitled to get laid. Well, now he's got his trophy while ranking as a negative 10 on the sliding scale in life. 

He strikes me as someone who could get a girlfriend but he thinks he's so great that nobody is good enough for him. The American women he dated probably didn't meet his standard of hotness. He's not terrible looking but he does look like he's done his fair share of meth. 

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32 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

I hope we get to hear her sing at the wedding to her beloved.  

I'm sure that was part of the deal when she signed up. Not only will Evelyn be belting out a love song on the airwaves, she will be accompanied by the family band. 

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Azan's aunt cooking that sheeps head for Nicole was fakety, fake, fake.  Azan himself said how hard it was for Nicole to eat a tomato, (a tomato, really Nicole?) so I guess the producer's thought it would be funny to go the extra mile and have Auntie Azan cook up something nuts.  I will try most things but I would draw the line and give a hard "no" to that nonsense.  I do not consider that being a good host, putting your guest in a no win position. 

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3 hours ago, Chickabiddy said:


*Where in the holy hell is Nicole getting $1,300 to send Azan? She lives in hotel room and has a baby to take care of... Tips must be a lot more generous at Starbucks than I ever realized.

Seriously ! Where IS she getting this money, my jaw dropped . 

1 hour ago, Baltimore Betty said:

I bet Molly will want to try to have a baby with Luweese or at least talk about it constantly.

Luweese lol their Southern accent combined with his name is my oxygen this season lol 

Evelyn doesn’t care about the cake yah right. David can decide but she sets up a $$$$$$ cake tasting instead of going to the deli department of the local Grocery store . She knows exactly what she’s doing . She doesn’t care what kind of cake as long as SHE gets expensive bakery cake. She is soooo arrested development . He’s getting a child and an extra young unschooled one. She is not not not ready for marriage. 

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This is the problem with the purity cult.   It's all about the wedding.    Not about how a marriage works after that.    You are "saving" your self for your wedding night.    Then after that, well, who cares, the one important thing and worth you have is taken care of.   Until you start popping out babies.   So, of course Evelyn is making a big deal out of her wedding.   It's all she has to measure her worth.

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2 minutes ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

Evelyn doesn’t care about the cake yah right. David can decide but she sets up a $$$$$$ cake tasting instead of going to the deli department of the local Grocery store .

Evelyn could get her cake from Sam's or Costco along with a big vat of potato salad.

3 hours ago, Chickabiddy said:

Because Nicole has sent him $500 and then another $800 and "doesn't mind paying for things."  * She also has a green card. And for now, religion is the convenient reason that he doesn't have to touch her.

Dude will move to  to America and take some family cash, along with Nicole's, to start a gym in Florida. where he will probably end up being successful after a few years. And after a few more years, he will import his family members to employ them at the gym. And after a few more years of successful entrepreneurship and a few more gray hairs to make him look distinguished, he will find some cute gym bunny and marry her after a messy divorce from Jabba the Blond. Not a bad plan, really. ;-) 

*Where in the holy hell is Nicole getting $1,300 to send Azan? She lives in hotel room and has a baby to take care of... Tips must be a lot more generous at Starbucks than I ever realized.


$1300?  She doesn't mind paying for things?  Where did this endless supply of money come from?  Besides, isn't Azan earning a paycheck from this show whilst in Morocco?  

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Andrei gets sexier and sexier in each subsequent episode! He's not here for the bullshit. I love it. And the irony - Elizabeth is the outspoken, independent rebel who needs her father and brothers' approval. I predict Andrei soon growing tired of Elizabeth's blustering and seeing her for the weak, inferior little girl she is.


After Olivia tattled on Luis, Molly kept saying "we're her parents and we shouldn't be talking to her about sex...we're her parents and we shouldn't be talking to her about sex..." I agree Luis shouldn't be talking to Olivia about sex.  But Molly definitely should be . Is she? Molly seemed so taken aback by this situation. But was she taken aback by the idea Luis is talking to Olivia about this? Or taken aback by the idea Olivia might actually be having sex. Molly looked mortified, as if Olivia were 10 yrs old. Luis needs to butt out. But Molly needs to wake up. Olivia is having sex. So get that weird look off your face, Molly!


Remind me plz never to eat again before an episode of 90 Day. Btwn the chicken feet, the pig carcass and the sheep's brain I'm still sick to my stomach today. Enough w/ this! If you want to expose sheltered Americans to your cuisine, start slowly. She couldn't make a shish kebab??


All the corner cutting Evelyn and David Spain are doing is making me sad. Just marry simply now and throw a big "hooha" (as Elizabeth says) later on when you have more money. No cake, no tuxes, lemme guess, pasta salads from the supermarket deli? Sounds like they just can't afford a reception.


So Chris just threw David Poor under the bus? Called him an alcoholic? Then why is he supporting (literally) this doomed marriage?

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