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S12.E09: Hit the Field


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25 minutes ago, MrsEVH said:

I always DVR the show so I had to go back and watch it again. They showed the girls going down the field and Gina did NOT have the boots on. Then they showed Kelli and Judy talking. Then they showed Gina (and a few others) standing and she WAS wearing the boots. I went back 3 times and watched that scene.  Maybe she had issues with boots (too small/large) and they let her take them off.  It could have been edited out of order which is something they seem to be doing a lot of.

Yes!! I noticed in the frames that directly followed this one, Gina was wearing the boots. Good theory about the fit.

  • Love 1
9 hours ago, PBSLover said:

Melissa has made A LOT of money from her reality tv fame.  After the Bachelor and DWTS, she got an ABC contract.  She guest hosted Bachelor in Paradise with Chris Harrison, became a GMA correspondent covering premieres, the Academy Awards, and doing in-studio appearances, and she did stuff for whatever entertainment show is on ABC.  She also had a CMT contract and had her reality show. And then she did a second round with DWTS and won, as well as toured with them I don’t know how many times.  She also wrote a book.

This is the only reason I respect Melissa. She wasn't a stellar DCC, but then again, most DCCs go on to become stay at home moms and marry up. I wouldn't choose the sane path, but at least she got a lot out of it.

  • Love 8
12 hours ago, Teresa said:

She really is a good dancer. She was fabulous on DWTS both times!

I didn’t watch the second time but I watched the first go round.  To me, the only reason why she lost on her first try was the bad choreography her partner, Tony Dovolani, created for her finale. It was supposed to be special. It was blah, truly blah. All the judges said it was the choreography not her.  Her dancing was very good, even when she was injured.

  • Love 1
On 9/29/2017 at 8:53 AM, Teriyaki Terror said:

Holly, shame on you! Don't try to use the "I'm young and dumb" excuse. You were an almost 3 year veteran and knew better. There are hundreds of girls who would kill to be a DCC and you threw it away. You should have been cut on the spot.

She also seemed pretty slick in her exit. Every girl who’s been called into the office exits into Cowboys Fit where all the girls are waiting for that thumbs up or thumbs down. Holly seemed like she left down a hallway and avoided seeing her teammates.

  • Love 2

Some girls like to date risky guys.  A girl that worked for me several years  was like that.  She is smart, a hard worker and never called in with some lame excuse.  No job I gave her on the farm was too much.   I did ask her one day why she didn't didn't choose a different path for her life, like go on to college and/or date guys that had a good future.  She told me she always was attracted to the "bad" boys.  I still don't understand.

When Kelli was imitating Christina after she walked out of the office with "I can't breathe," Judy had the cutest little giggle reaction to that.  

I loved Judy's 'stop!" to Keyra when she was having trouble on the field. Judy knows 100% that Keyra can do it; she just psyched herself out.  She needed that bit of tough love from Judy which I don't normally like, but I think it's exactly what Keyra needed to hear.

Anyone know if Jessika and Kyndall are still roommates?  Just curious.

  • Love 5

Whew. Dramaaaa! I can't wait for this next episode so we can find out how this played out with Holly, Jenna & the team. The hidden comments upthread by @LaurenBrook have me especially intrigued. I gotta see how this gets presented in the next weeks. 

I'm not sure I agree with others who criticized that Kelli didn't spill the tea enough. She indicated that they had heard from multiple sources that Holly had been to specific (and multiple) clubs and was seen with one or more players. Kelli told Holly to her face that they knew she was "blatantly" violating the no fraternatization policy after Holly lied to their faces. To me, that was plenty of info. I loved Judy's "you're lying" face, and the look between Kelli and Judy was very telling when Holly swore she was not "talking to" or "with" any players "now." Holly's attempts to split hairs about the contract and her "not complete" violation of it was such crap. The rule begins with the words "Absolutely no," so you either are or aren't violating that rule. Girl would make a terrible lawyer. 

Someone reported here this summer that Holly had been spotted underage in a club with one or more players, so I'm not thinking that they had to go far to get the dirt on their darling dancer. I highly doubt this news came from the players' locker room. 

In other matters, I'm glad they're continuing to introduce us to the rookies. Loved Lexie and her attitude. Which rookies haven't had an intro segment yet? Especially with extra episodes, there's no good reason to gloss over any rookies this year. These intros help prevent all the attention going to a few TCCs and make it more interesting to me. 

I can't believe how much prettier Alexandria looks without those Snuffleupogus lashes! 

  • Love 8

Holly said she was "with" Jenna at the club. If this was an "only over 21" club, I seriously don't believe that Jenna would take underage Holly there with her. I think that Holly got in somehow (fake ID, knows someone at the door, etc) and Jenna was there as well. Maybe Jenna told her she should leave/this is illegal/someone might find out but Holly decided to take her chances. I also think she was probably hanging around/on some players that were there and feels like that wouldn't be considered "fraternizing" because they didn't arrive together and weren't on a date or in a relationship. And more than likely, she was drinking.

And yeah, there was a lot edited out during those two scenes. To be honest, Holly's appearance, speech and attitude make me feel like she's on something.

  • Love 3

Finally got the chance to see the episode (at my in-laws who have cable) and after watching the ending, when Kelli and Judy were discussing things after Holly left, I was like "if you felt that strongly against her, why not just cut her then". I got the impression that they were leaning one way but wanted to see how Holly would have reacted. I think if she would have flat out owned up to it, they might have been more forgiving.  I also got the impression that we got a very condensed version of the meeting and I wouldnt be surprised if she was told "You are not going to Canton and we are gonna take time to think the rest over". I could easily see that just as I could easily see Holly decide "Im screwed anyways, might as well end it on my terms". Just hoping they dont ignore it in the next episode.

  • Love 3
11 minutes ago, jadecorleone said:

Finally got the chance to see the episode (at my in-laws who have cable) and after watching the ending, when Kelli and Judy were discussing things after Holly left, I was like "if you felt that strongly against her, why not just cut her then". I got the impression that they were leaning one way but wanted to see how Holly would have reacted. I think if she would have flat out owned up to it, they might have been more forgiving.  I also got the impression that we got a very condensed version of the meeting and I wouldnt be surprised if she was told "You are not going to Canton and we are gonna take time to think the rest over". I could easily see that just as I could easily see Holly decide "Im screwed anyways, might as well end it on my terms". Just hoping they dont ignore it in the next episode.

I think both Jenna  and Holly's meetings were edited.

  • Love 3

Just rewatched, and i thought Rae Lynn was adorable.    She probably was fairly new at watching the DCC, closely, so she  noticed hairstyles, muscles, and how hard it looks to be able to do that.  It took me a few years before I became an armchair critic.   

She loved the choreography to her song. I thought that was sweet. 

And for what she offered them, well, she gave she could. She said not to give up.

  • Love 4

There's some gray area in Dallas where boozy places have food and under 21 can get in (The Rustic, for example) but that generally stops at a certain time. And there of course are clubs and lounges that are 21 and up only. There are a few places around town that are 18 and up (Cowboys Red River on ladies night, not sure about weekends) but generally speaking Holly shouldn't have been out. 

If you're underage and in the spotlight, use hotels and house parties to your advantage. Sheesh. If this mess had happened her first year I would have had more sympathy. But year three of your contract?  Come on now. 

  • Love 6

My own thoughts on the Jenna/Holly thing ...

Unless I missed something, the concern was about rumors around the locker room. I take that to mean the TC locker room. Living in a small town, I know how rumors can grow into wild stories without any substantiation at all.

Years ago I worked part-time as a paramedic on night shift. A friend, who happened to also be married, worked evenings doing janitorial duties at the hospital next door and on occasion we would meet at the cafeteria downstairs for coffee and chat. It wasn't long before rumors were flying around that we were having an affair and secretly meeting at night. We weren't aware of it until a couple nurses confronted her one night asking about it. In the end, I had to stop going over there because some immature people would start talking and I didn't want my friends reputation ruined over it.

After watching the show and reading about it here, I did some web searching and found lots of rumors about them and DC players, but no actual eye-witness accounts of anything they may have done. I'm willing to entertain the possibility that Holly may have thought what she did was innocent enough until pressed on the matter. Without knowing all the relevant details, I'm not going to play judge, jury, executioner.

BTW, there are clubs that let younger people in to fill the dance floors and make the establishment look lively and inviting. The younger ones just can't buy alcohol.

This episode...  

!. I strongly disliked the DL segment. Why they agree to there and look like DL groupies in front of all the lil DL groupies. Maybe it was the editing but I just don't think what was shown of that event made the DCC look world class.  

2. I actually understand what Christina was referring to.  I have done this too and I didn't realize that I had been holding my breath like all the time until I went to Dr. and when they tried and tried and tried to get my stats and mainly my BP they were freaked out because it was like I had no pulse then I actually realized I had been holding my breath. This is something I started doing when I had issues to think about and was thinking intensely and not breathing except for a small amount through my nose.  ITS WEIRD I know. I also noticed I was doing this while I was dancing during a workout and I recognized this pretty early on and yeah it makes you work out twice as hard and not in a good way. So I actually had to practice techniques to breathe properly while exercising and definitely while I am pondering a concerning situation.  LOL anywho

3. RaeLynn ? SP  I was amazed they actually played her song on the Amazon version. But the song they danced to after was not a good one.  By the way can anyone who watched on CMT what Pink song they danced to last week? They played the raise your glass song on Amazon which is kinda old so I was wondering what they actually played.

4. I  was pleased to see Gina go up to Taryn and hug her when she was called into the office.  

5. I was a little bummed not to see more of the info on Holly and Jenna. Holly now can say her top coming off was the second most embarrassing thing in her life.   

6. I lost all my respect for J and H and knowing how this will affect the squad for the big performance they are being pulled from. is must be a tough pill to swallow for them.   The team is supposed to mean that much to them they say so taking risks that are a clear violation is just lame, stupid, asinine etc. etc.   Its called self control girls, and it can be done as a 20 yr old, a 19 yr old and even in High School. I do not buy being young in a big tempting world as a worthy excuse whatsoever.

7.I love Lauren and Lexie too.

  • Love 4
6 hours ago, exitstageleft said:

Holly said she was "with" Jenna at the club. If this was an "only over 21" club, I seriously don't believe that Jenna would take underage Holly there with her. I think that Holly got in somehow (fake ID, knows someone at the door, etc) and Jenna was there as well. Maybe Jenna told her she should leave/this is illegal/someone might find out but Holly decided to take her chances. I also think she was probably hanging around/on some players that were there and feels like that wouldn't be considered "fraternizing" because they didn't arrive together and weren't on a date or in a relationship. And more than likely, she was drinking.

And yeah, there was a lot edited out during those two scenes. To be honest, Holly's appearance, speech and attitude make me feel like she's on something.

I don't know. I think as much as some of us want to think it was all edited bad and they're nice innocent girls, truth is, Jenna and Holly went to this club together, knowing they shouldn't be hanging around players and that Holly is underage. They knew what they were doing, they just didn't think they'd get caught. Then they both lied about it to try to escape punishment.

They made bad decisions, and they got caught and lied. That's pretty much it.

  • Love 7
4 hours ago, DCCroutineFAN said:

I actually understand what Christina was referring to.  I have done this too and I didn't realize that I had been holding my breath like all the time until I went to Dr. and when they tried and tried and tried to get my stats and mainly my BP they were freaked out because it was like I had no pulse then I actually realized I had been holding my breath. This is something I started doing when I had issues to think about and was thinking intensely and not breathing except for a small amount through my nose.  ITS WEIRD I know. I also noticed I was doing this while I was dancing during a workout and I recognized this pretty early on and yeah it makes you work out twice as hard and not in a good way. So I actually had to practice techniques to breathe properly while exercising and definitely while I am pondering a concerning situation.  LOL anywho

I get it too because even though it IS more tiring to teach a class due to the fact that you are doing the same thing as everyone else plus talking for most of the hour, I found that when I taught, the amount of talking I had to do forced me to breathe more regularly. Sometimes as a student, you need to be reminded to breathe instead of holding your breath. On a related note, I remember in college I read an article in Cosmo that said orgasms are more enjoyable if you remember to breathe because people tend to hold their breath as they approach the climax. The lesson for the day is to keep reminding yourself to breathe whenever possible!

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, RazzleberryPie said:

I don't know. I think as much as some of us want to think it was all edited bad and they're nice innocent girls, truth is, Jenna and Holly went to this club together, knowing they shouldn't be hanging around players and that Holly is underage. They knew what they were doing, they just didn't think they'd get caught. Then they both lied about it to try to escape punishment.

They made bad decisions, and they got caught and lied. That's pretty much it.

I don't think that the editing was bad, just that there was a lot that we didn't see and I certainly don't think that Holly is a nice, innocent girl. 

I just don't remember hearing either of them say that they went "to" the club together, just that Holly was "with" Jenna while there. And what part did Jenna lie about?

  • Love 2
5 hours ago, exitstageleft said:

I don't think that the editing was bad, just that there was a lot that we didn't see and I certainly don't think that Holly is a nice, innocent girl. 

I just don't remember hearing either of them say that they went "to" the club together, just that Holly was "with" Jenna while there. And what part did Jenna lie about?

Not fraternizing with players and the semantics of who she went to/was with, etc.

I admit fully I thought Holly was fake, manipulative and sneaky from the get go, and I got some flack for it here. She. An dance, but she's not God's gift to the dance world. Many others are just as good or better. 

I also started seeing over the years that some of Jenna's backstories seemed more and more contrived, and she flat out got on my nerves with her self absorption the last two or three years. 

I'm just not suprised at all that either of them - partially in competition with each other, not due to some big romance - got too bold with the rule breaking and got caught. 

I know Kelli and the DCC/DC care more about performance and revenue than character, but they let these faves slide way too long. 

  • Love 11
11 hours ago, DCCroutineFAN said:

I actually understand what Christina was referring to.  I have done this too and I didn't realize that I had been holding my breath like all the time until I went to Dr. and when they tried and tried and tried to get my stats and mainly my BP they were freaked out because it was like I had no pulse then I actually realized I had been holding my breath. This is something I started doing when I had issues to think about and was thinking intensely and not breathing except for a small amount through my nose.  ITS WEIRD I know. I also noticed I was doing this while I was dancing during a workout and I recognized this pretty early on and yeah it makes you work out twice as hard and not in a good way. So I actually had to practice techniques to breathe properly while exercising and definitely while I am pondering a concerning situation.  LOL anywho

I know what she meant too.  Christina seems to get raked over the coals for making excuses.  Maybe this should go in unpopular opinions, but the way I see it, someone tells Christina there is an issue with something she is doing & instead of saying "yes ma'am" she elaborates and explains why.  I don't get a vibe that her explanations are excuses.

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, ByTor said:

I know what she meant too.  Christina seems to get raked over the coals for making excuses.  Maybe this should go in unpopular opinions, but the way I see it, someone tells Christina there is an issue with something she is doing & instead of saying "yes ma'am" she elaborates and explains why.  I don't get a vibe that her explanations are excuses.

I think, as desperate as she seems (to me), she's also mature and not as "I'll do anything to please you" as the rest of the younger girls. She's a bit more seasoned and I think she just communicates a bit more effectively than the others.

  • Love 10
3 hours ago, RazzleberryPie said:

Not fraternizing with players and the semantics of who she went to/was with, etc.


K asked Jenna if she had any insight into Holly's activities at social surroundings with players. Jenna stated that she didn't agree with some of Holly's decisions and that she does her best at telling her that maybe this isn't the right thing to do. 

Like I said earlier, since there's obviously lots of editing involved, I'm not sure what else was said. But, I don't believe that Jenna would have actually taken underage Holly to an over 21 club ( but it is very well possible that they were both there at the same time, prompting Jenna to say to Holly "What the heck are you doing here? Since you're only twenty, you could get into a lot of trouble, etc.".)  I do believe that it is highly possible that some of the players, being celebrities and having clout,  may have gotten underage Holly into the club.

I just didn't see where Jenna was actually lying. Kelly didn't ask Jenna if she was with Holly at the club, only if she was aware of Holly's activities. For all that we know, the edited part could be that Jenna told them that she was also at the club, which she has every right to be since she is well over the age of 21. 

I kind of wonder if Holly envies the over 21 DCC and their club outings so much that she finds a way to get in to join them, hence Jenna saying that she has had conversations with Holly "multiple times".

Edited by exitstageleft
  • Love 2

So if Christina's job is a cycling instructor, maybe she hates it like a lot of us hate our jobs ( I don't 'hate' mine, per se, but there are some days that, well, you know...) and that's just what her face looks like when she's working.

OT:  I really do like her hair though.  I had to get my hair done last year for my niece's Bat Mitzvah and I told the lady I wanted 'beachy waves' bc I thought that was what Christina's hair would be described as.  Guess I was wrong.  HATED my hair but didn't want to cause any drama so I suffered through it.

  • Love 2

On Jenna...um, no.  Jenna and Holy are friends.  They were there together.  Am I seriously supposed to believe one showed up, then the other showed up, then Jenna (post Dak) had this enlightened talk with Holly about how wrong this all is at a nightclub?  What do you say to your friends every time you talk to them?  "What are you doing tonight/this weekend/etc?"  She knew.  Holly either has a fake (as in ID) or she just gets let in because of who she is.  Both happen.  

I'm just not buying that Jenna had  no involvement when she was supposedly doing the same damned thing right before this all happened.  Why are people friends?  Because they are ALIKE.  They are interested in the same things.  Holly and Jenna are both hot shots.  I can see both girls getting caught up in attention from players.

Jenna's fingerprints are all over this thing.

In other news, looks like my girl Brennan might make it!  

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, ByTor said:

I mean, I guess it's possible, but VERY highly unlikely.

I think it’s VERY highly unlikely that a six year vet/Dallas mini celebrity would be stupid/naive enough to think it was ok to assist with participating in or encourage an illegal act out in public, with so many camera phones around, and not get caught, therefore risking her coveted position and leadership role. 

Jenna is what, about 24ish now? I would moreso believe that a 20 year old from a town with no stop lights would be apt to get caught up in the party/clubbing/underage drinking life. 

I really wish we knew for sure so we could all stop speculating. ?. ??

  • Love 2

Oh man, this episode was really weird. On so many different levels...I don't even know where to start.

OK, the cowboys new mantra " to play, coach and work for the Dallas Cowboys is a privilege not a right." Um...you stole this from the DMV's slogan. ( driving is a privilege not a right). It's been in their drivers ed pamphlets since the 60's.

I can't believe someone didn't stop them before they engraved it in the walls of the Star.  Charlotte, Jerry -no. Just no. It's ridiculous . And plagiarized. And doesn't even make sense. You could technically say this about any sh*tty job.

I have equally strong feelings about pop stars that don't actually sing at small, intimate house parties (pop star, Jinelle, not rockstar), tee shirt dresses, weird djs and chart topping country "It Girls" I've never heard of. But I don't want to bore ya ?.

On a more positive note- I love Kelly and Judys non verbal communication during office visits. I love their relationship. I hope they really like each other in real life.

I have mixed feelings about the Holly and Jenna situation. The scene we've all been waiting for ....was so confusing given the intel on these boards vs. what they chose to show us. For what it's worth, I hope Holly is okay. We all make bad decisions. "It's not how you fall down, it's how you get back up."

  • Love 3

the only reason Jenna got in trouble was that she was with Holly, and Holly was with some players. If Jenna was there before Holly, she would have her own company, so no need for her to be at Holly's table. And maybe Dallas clubs are a bit different than clubs in Europe, but I doubt they would have spotted each other and manage to have a serious conversation about Holly having to leave, without coordinating. I could discuss this further,, but I'm afraid that discussing the whole thing could be considered a spoiler since we didn't get that much on the actual episode. 

I know that we all have our favorites, but Jenna is no angel and there is no way K&J punished her so severely just for not being a good rat. They both got suspended, but Jenna lost point too.

At the end of the day, I think that both should have been cut at that meeting.

Edited by dreamcatcher
  • Love 4
22 hours ago, Random Noise said:

My own thoughts on the Jenna/Holly thing ...


BTW, there are clubs that let younger people in to fill the dance floors and make the establishment look lively and inviting. The younger ones just can't buy alcohol.

^^^ This! 

Jenna and Holly may have gone out together to a club with the understanding that Holly would socialize and dance (though not with players), but not drink. 

If a club admits an underage girl, that is on the club, and they probably do so only under the condition/promise that she will dance and socialize, but not imbibe.  If a club admits Holly knowing her age (assuming no fake ID) then Jenna can rightly assume no rule is being broken.

If I recall from the poster who first revealed the club visit back in July, that poster alleged that Jenna and Holly were both at the club that night, but that only Holly was at the table with a player and his posse where alcohol was being consumed.  I don't know if Holly was drinking, and in fact she may not have been.

But perhaps that is the difference.  Jenna was at the club either drinking (because she is over 21), or not, but she was definitely not socializing at a player's table.

Holly may or may not have been drinking, but she was (if I remember that post correctly) allegedly socializing at a player's table. 

Someone please correct me if I am recalling that post incorrectly.  Thanks.

Edited by California Girl
  • Love 1
14 hours ago, ByTor said:

I know what she meant too.  Christina seems to get raked over the coals for making excuses.  Maybe this should go in unpopular opinions, but the way I see it, someone tells Christina there is an issue with something she is doing & instead of saying "yes ma'am" she elaborates and explains why.  I don't get a vibe that her explanations are excuses.

Her first time in training camp, I felt she was giving excuses, too. But my opinion has changed now. K and J seem to view whatever she says as an excuse, though, and I didn't like how they acted when she left the room. Especially since I do the exact same thing. I've had friends kick me under the table, or pinch me and whisper "Breathe!"  I don't realize I'm holding my breath immediately. Only when I start wondering where all the air went.

  • Love 1
12 hours ago, exitstageleft said:

I kind of wonder if Holly envies the over 21 DCC and their club outings so much that she finds a way to get in to join them, hence Jenna saying that she has had conversations with Holly "multiple times".

Gosh, that was such a common scenario in college that nobody gave any of their friends' actual ages a second thought.  But, then, I'm sure the contract the DCCs sign when they make the team is ironclad with no wiggle room.  I don't recall anyone ever being thrown out of my college sorority for underage drinking.  Posing in Playboy, though, was a completely different matter.

Did anyone else think that maybe RayLynn borrowed those boots from Vivian's tin man costume?

Edited by Pink-n-Green
'cause I don't spell real good sometimes
  • Love 3
12 hours ago, exitstageleft said:

I kind of wonder if Holly envies the over 21 DCC and their club outings so much that she finds a way to get in to join them, hence Jenna saying that she has had conversations with Holly "multiple times".

I understand feeling left out because of your birthdate. I was 17 when I started college so I get that whole "everyone else is old enough to go to bars" feeling. I wasn't even old enough to go to 18+ places until near the end of my freshman year. Yeah, it sucks but you get over it and find other people to hang out with on Saturday night. Despite FOMO syndrome, it's not that big a deal!

I know not everyone feels the same way though (obviously since fake IDs are a staple of college life), but I always had friends who were older as well as friends who were younger than I was which helped me not feel left out. I'm sure there are other girls on the team who aren't 21 or aren't into going to bars every weekend, so I wish she had just made the best of things and made an effort to hang out with them instead.

I really wonder if this was a chronic problem or something that only happened once or twice. I know breaking the rules is breaking the rules whether you do it once or a hundred times, but Kelli had a list of places. I want to know if she just spent one night bar hopping all over town or if she was doing this every weekend. Heh, because I'm nosy!

  • Love 3
On 9/29/2017 at 8:05 PM, 123DCCWoooo said:

Completely staged.  Quotes from the article such as "A bright royal blue Jaguar convertible sat by the curb, blasting 'Sorry Not Sorry' on loop, and the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders lined up by the door to greet Lovato" and "Lovato performed a short set," plus the mansion and former DCCs in the audience tells me it was staged exclusively for DCC:MTT.  Short set = long enough to film.

For all that effort, the segment on the show sucked.

I’m lol at how many people can’t believe the winner doesn’t live there. Southlake is a wealthy neighborhood of Dallas- one of many- and yes, people here live like that. Not me, at all, but other people! It did seem staged, but it was staged by the DL people for her video. It was in entertainment articles and on twitter the day after it happened. She did it in other cities with other winners if I remember right. I’m sure the winners had to put their address on the entry, and it was someone’s job to make sure the “winners” lived in nice houses that could accommodate and look good in a video shoot. I also got the feeling that as soon as the cameras left, the moms rolled out the champagne fountain so the teenagers could party like they’re accustomed to ?

  • Love 1
On 9/29/2017 at 9:01 PM, LynneH said:


The Star tour - I thought the tour was fine until they gathered around to touch the star.  That was rather creepy.

Not that I think Charlotte reads this or cares what we think, but I bet she would be genuinely shocked to know how creepy that came off ?? she’s the ultimate cult member and her brainwashing is ? 

I’m sure it is beyond her comprehension that not everyone is in complete awe of “the privilege.” I wonder if she makes the janitors pause to touch it and thank their own lucky stars as they roll trash cans through there at 3am? I bet every morning she backs up the security tapes to make sure they did it!

  • Love 6
7 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

I'm sure there are other girls on the team who aren't 21 or aren't into going to bars every weekend, so I wish she had just made the best of things and made an effort to hang out with them instead.

She should have stuck with Madeline.  I don't know whether she breaks the rules or not, but that's the point, at least she keeps whatever she does quiet and stays out of trouble.

Edited by ByTor
  • Love 1
16 hours ago, exitstageleft said:

I think it’s VERY highly unlikely that a six year vet/Dallas mini celebrity would be stupid/naive enough to think it was ok to assist with participating in or encourage an illegal act out in public, with so many camera phones around, and not get caught, therefore risking her coveted position and leadership role. 

I don't think she "insisted" or "encouraged" as much as she just allowed the kid to do what she wanted. Hey, it's her life. I'm sure she probably gave her the "be careful" but as far as a stern "NO! Holly, you're a DCC!!!!!!!!  I will NOT allow that and will MARCH to K&J and inform them if you don't get it together" talk..I doubt that

14 hours ago, Katekate said:

OK, the cowboys new mantra " to play, coach and work for the Dallas Cowboys is a privilege not a right." Um...you stole this from the DMV's slogan. ( driving is a privilege not a right). It's been in their drivers ed pamphlets since the 60's.

Seriously, they could have thought of another "mantra" because that's super corny. Plus..duh *eye roll*

1 hour ago, ByTor said:

She should have stuck with Madeline.  I don't know whether she breaks the rules or not, but that's the point, at least she keeps whatever she does quiet and stays out of trouble.

I seriously think Madeline is a girl who plays by the rules. She's probably too "boring" for Holly in terms of socializing.

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12 minutes ago, LadyMsJay said:

I don't think she "insisted" or "encouraged" as much as she just allowed the kid to do what she wanted. Hey, it's her life. I'm sure she probably gave her the "be careful" but as far as a stern "NO! Holly, you're a DCC!!!!!!!!  I will NOT allow that and will MARCH to K&J and inform them if you don't get it together" talk..I doubt that

Seriously, they could have thought of another "mantra" because that's super corny. Plus..duh *eye roll*

I seriously think Madeline is a girl who plays by the rules. She's probably too "boring" for Holly in terms of socializing.

Completely with all but especially the first paragraph. I just don’t think it’s that deep one way or the other. I don’t think Jenna tried to lay down the law or tried hard to get Holly not to go in the clubs or hang with players m, nor do I think she “took Holly to club,” like I’ve read a few times on here. Holly is not a little high school girl following behind her college-aged sister on campus one weekend. She’s about one year shy of being able to be legally in all of those clubs and she very like either 1) used a fake Id to get in or 2) or knew the guys at the door and used her local celebrity to get in. I would imagine that Holly hanging out on the club scene preceded her “friendship” with Jenna. 

We know that Caila also used to be in 21 and up clubs when she was underaged bc it was posted here. I just don’t think it’s that big of a deal to any of these people where someone would’ve said, “Wait! You’re not allowed to be here! You must go home now!!!!!!” More of a “if you want to take your chances and get in the club, then cool, you’re in.” 

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3 hours ago, ByTor said:

She should have stuck with Madeline.  I don't know whether she breaks the rules or not, but that's the point, at least she keeps whatever she does quiet and stays out of trouble.

Holly may not have wanted to hang with Boring Maddie, and Maddie may not have wanted to hang it with Wild Child Holly. 

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1 hour ago, RazzleberryPie said:

Holly may not have wanted to hang with Boring Maddie, and Maddie may not have wanted to hang it with Wild Child Holly. 

They're supposedly friends, and there was a picture of them together at a Rangers game on July 4, so I assume they hung out.

2 hours ago, LadyMsJay said:

"NO! Holly, you're a DCC!!!!!!!!  I will NOT allow that and will MARCH to K&J and inform them if you don't get it together"

THIS is exactly what she should have done, Jenna would be acknowledging that Holly was doing something wrong & if she did have to resort to telling K&J at least Holly can't cry that she was blindsided or that Jenna tattled behind her back.

Note to future DCC's: Don't go out to clubs or party if you are of age and certainly not if you are under 21. Chances are good your photo will end up somewhere on social media or even worse, The Dirty. If you can't handle that, then do not waste anyone's time by bothering to audition in the first place. 

Edited by tinabee1967
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I love the IDEA of seeing them on an appearance, when they showed the woman that books appearances, I liked seeing a new face, hearing about how it can be hard to find enough girls last minute for an appearance, seeing them in their warmups and then get ready and perform.   I did not care for this particular event, because it was BOOORING, Demi Lovato is boring, her dress was hideous, the little chat with her and the girls was canned and boring.  I liked it way better when they went to the vet hospital and had real conversations with real people.  I'm one that usually thinks that kind of "military porn" is the most disrespectful thing ever (taking photo ops with disabled vets to make your organization look good/relatable/real/patriotic, which is 100% all this is, is the Cowboys getting 'AMURRRICAN' points for talking to vets) but the ladies themselves really seemed moved, and it was nice to see them being genuine people.


RAYLYNN, HONEY, NOoooo. Those hideous boots, her general 'golly gee im just so country' vibe.  Barf.  


Kickline arms while cycling?  Smile the whole time while you work out?  I get why they would do this, it's kind of an interesting technique, but Christina (who I LOVE) looked like she wanted to stab someone.  You can teach yourself to automatically smile while you dance, but your aren't teaching yourself to think about smiling, you are teaching yourself the muscle memory that when your feet move -this- direction, your face does -that-.  Teaching spin 6 days a week doesn't mean you can just automatically smile while you do it if you haven't practiced it that way a few times.  You'd look like a serial killer if you sat up there and DCC smiled the entire time you taught a spin class.


Holly and Jenna thing was so sanitized that I can't even tell what really happened. I got the vibe that they went together, which might not have been a big deal except Holly joined a players table and made a spectacle of herself, while Jenna didn't (didn't join, or didn't act like a fool, hard to say which).  I think Holly had a whole 'I'm not TECHNICALLY breaking the rule' spiel already worked out in her head, she started to use it, but she quickly realized she didn't know exactly what they knew, and her 'technical' breakdown of the events might have outed her in other ways.   She aborted her plan in favor of the 'yes ma'am' method, which is really the only thing that works with those two anyway.  Previews for this week indicate more developments on this in this weeks episode, but I am not optimistic we are getting any more actual details than what we got this week.  

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15 hours ago, Pink-n-Green said:

Gosh, that was such a common scenario in college that nobody gave any of their friends' actual ages a second thought.  But, then, I'm sure the contract the DCCs sign when they make the team is ironclad with no wiggle room.  I don't recall anyone ever being thrown out of my college sorority for underage drinking.  Posing in Playboy, though, was a completely different matter.

Did anyone else think that maybe RayLynn borrowed those boots from Vivian's tin man costume?

We definitely tossed some girls for underage drinking in my sorority - because they did it in public, made asses of themselves and made everyone look bad.  When you're part of a group, the entire group gets judged based on a single member.  I don't think it's as true for the DCC as it would be for a sorority, but it's still there.  If a couple of girls are out of control, it's reflected poorly on Judy and Kelli for many people online.  

People are judgey as hell, and if you need to wear that halo as part of your job, wear it well.  If she had been kicking it at a small house party, not nearly as many eyebrows would have been raised.  And for all we know, what we saw in this episode might have been a third offense or more.  Hard to say.

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