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S30.E10: Guess Who's Coming to Dinner

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Tony struggles to cope with actions that could threaten his relationship at home. When Aneesa discovers that the Main House has deemed her the devil, she vows to come back and make everyone’s life a living hell.


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So . . . was Camila in the cornfield this week? I don't mind.

That might have been the grossest food challenge ever. Worse, they threw in the vague hope of skipping a plate with the hidden emeralds. I know TJ hates quitters, but he can go fuck himself. You want me to change my mind about you ripping on Marie? You fucking eat a plate. I know, shameful that she didn't even try, but we got a racist bitch on the cast. Also, a dude that won't fess up to drunken shenanigans to his prime babymama. I'm sorry, but if neither of his daughters ever sees him again, would that be a bad thing? He sucks.

Big fat whatever in general. I had to rewind a few times during Fear Factor, and I got more from that than this episode. I'm amused that Jemmye is psychic now. Disappointed that Tony didn't jack up Johnny for pranking him. Then again, remember the last time an asshole got payback in the head? Right . . . Frank got punched by Knight at the BOTS2012 reunion . . . .and Knight died a few years later. Probably a coincidence, but if Challenge Gods exist, they probably protect the biggest jagoffs.

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Am I supposed to care about Tony and Baby Mama #2?  Because I super duper don't.

That is pretty funny that one of the people who talked to their family on the phone blabbed about it so it got out way before the ep aired.

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Don't care about Tony/Alyssa soap opera shit.

Didnt care that Marie quit, she was just an extra body this season, nothing interesting.

Mind of sad that Nicole psyched herself out, cause she was easily beating Aneesa and could have kicked her ass.

Aneesa: maybe the reason that most of the girls don't like you, is because of your personality. Stop playing the victim role, cause you wer "entitled" back in the day. 

Honestly, the best thing was CT trying to make a cake for Leroy and the boat scene with the cast.

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So, by my count it was thirty minutes in before we saw a challenge. 

They clearly edited Camilla out except for one quick nonverbal scene. 

Out of everything she could have tattled to Anessa, Nicole talks about the devil?  Who cares?  I wanted Anessa to hear about Camilla's tirade on Leroy. Come on show!

Probably the worst show in years, IMO. 

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I didn't even GET the whole "Aneesa is the devil" convo because the clips they showed looked like they were shot out of order and the sound didn't sync with what they were allegedly saying.

Aneesa's conversation with Jenna about getting a pitchfork to open a coconut made Aneesa look foolish and petty.  You know Jenna is not going to get your sarcasm, Aneesa.

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43 minutes ago, CheetaraThunder said:

That was funny that Aneesa was trying to scare Jenna, but simple minded Jenna just didn't get it and actually thought she was given Sound advice.


And Zach tried to contact Jenna before he Challenge? God damn it Jenna! Just block him. No more of their nonsense.

Before the first redemption challenge, somebody on Facebook posted a pic of Jenna squeezing a ketchup bottle over Jemmye. I replied that it wouldn't occur to Jenna to get the squeeze bottle. And Zach is an awful choice, though the odds were good she would've jumped on Tony before the Camila Incident.

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I cracked up when Nicole put her eyelashes on the table mid-challenge. I know she gets a bad rep for the alien makeup, but I always enjoy her. She's mostly drama free, delivers some clever lines, and tries her hardest. Plus, anyone who hates Camila gets some extra points from me. 

Like many, I hate the pacing of this season. There's no need for so much filler in a cast of 30 players with 4 returnees. Especially since I'm sure they'll have a mass elimination soon to lower the numbers, but that will probably take out some of the more likeable/less athletic players and leave me pissy. 

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3 hours ago, TresGatos said:

This episode made me think that Tony might be the first Real World/Challenge cast member to go on to murder someone.


3 hours ago, Lantern7 said:
3 hours ago, TresGatos said:

This episode made me think that Tony might be the first Real World/Challenge cast member to go on to murder someone.

I reckon Abram has probably beat him for that honor.

Really my money would be on Puck.

How many episodes are left. It's going to get to the point where I need to choose and I don't know if the Challenge will win. Our house is the dark ages where we don't have DVR or on demand. And I'm not signing up to some stupid website (MTV) for the one and only show I watch on this channel. A whole lot of nothing happening makes it hard to stay invested.

Why to get ahead of the problem Tony. "No baby I didn't cheat on you I tots love you." And a few weeks ago. "Let's fast forward so we can see Camilla be a crazy racist. And not me making out with her." I don't care about his or any of their fucked up relationships but why the hell would you lie about something that was done on camera. Did he think they wouldn't show it. Is he new to the franchise or something. It way better to pile on to a bad situation then to tell the truth with you are to far away for her to beat the crap out of you. Have her cool down when she sees you. Because there is nothing women love more then being bad a fool of on TV. 

I'm not surprised by the two returning from redemption house but if I had to pick someone to bitch out of the challenge I would have picked Nicole. But she did really well and she almost had it. Good for her. Marie please never return. I might be the only one but I like when TJ calls out people for not trying. Why show up of you can't/won't even try. 

Jemmye has dream magic...ok. I would be giving her the side eye for the rest of the challenge if I was one of those people.

I'm sure Nicole did tell everyone about the Camilla event but they decided to once again edit it out like nothing happened. Just like she was missing from the episode.


Did anyone watch the special after the show about how racism is bad. I only caught the first few minutes. I really didn't see the point in watching an hour of Camilla squeeze out some crocodile tears. They had Leroy who in the bit that I seen broke my heart. Camilla and Jemmye why her I don't know maybe it was explained later. Ammo and Aneesa who weren't there. Aneesa sure she deals with the race issue all the time being a black woman. But Ammo just seemed shoe horned in there but maybe the people who watched can tell me if it mean sense to have him over people that were witnesses or victims like Nelson.

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3 hours ago, TresGatos said:

This episode made me think that Tony might be the first Real World/Challenge cast member to go on to murder someone.

I think Tony's all talk (and huffin' and puffin') but no action. He'd probably fatally injure himself somehow while in the act of trying to murder someone. 

Also, I totally don't blame Marie for barely trying. There's no way in hell anyone could convince me to eat cow eyeballs with those thick AF lashes or slimy pig nose. It isn't worth it enough to me which is one of many reasons why I'd never be a Challenge contestant (or Fear Factor). :-D

Oh and that rat head. WTF, no.

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5 minutes ago, Maharincess said:

I missed a couple of episodes so can someone please tell me why Marie went into the redemption house alone? What happened to the guy who was supposed to be with her?  Thanks! 

Ammo was the other person who got eliminated the same night as Marie.  The elimination triggered a PTSD-related panic attack, due to a rape he endured prior to the start of this challenge, and after they took him to get medical attention, he declined returning to the game to take care of his mental well-being.

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Although there wasn't much advancement during this episode, I really did enjoy it.  

CT reading that the cake recipe needed softened butter, and then punching the butter twice and saying, "Now it's softened!" Lol!  

The random, lop-sided vomit-inducing cake.

Tony's "My eyebrows are very important to me!" from the talking head, coupled with him looking like a goddamn muppet! (I hate Johnny, but I couldn't help laughing at how ridiculous Tony looked!)

Jordan leaping off of the bunk bed after Johnny said "Go ahead, flip the damn bed" and Tony looking like he was actually gonna take Johnny up on that offer.

Tony being a complete idiot about not telling his girlfriend about the Camilla hookup, and looking completely shocked that they caught it on camera (as if he's not on a damn reality show.  Boy is he dumb!)

TJ pointing out the cow eye eyelashes and Nicole asking if they were mink.  Followed by Nicole taking off her own eyelashes and production putting up the price tag (people really pay $300 for fake lashes? My goodness!)

No Camilla, except for her sitting next to Leroy (!) during one restaurant scene and her saying something, from off camera, to Tony as he was flipping into the water while on the yacht.  They definitely cut her out of this week's episode and I for one, did not miss her. 

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1 hour ago, notcreative enough said:

Did anyone watch the special after the show about how racism is bad. I only caught the first few minutes. I really didn't see the point in watching an hour of Camilla squeeze out some crocodile tears. They had Leroy who in the bit that I seen broke my heart. Camilla and Jemmye why her I don't know maybe it was explained later. Ammo and Aneesa who weren't there. Aneesa sure she deals with the race issue all the time being a black woman. But Ammo just seemed shoe horned in there but maybe the people who watched can tell me if it mean sense to have him over people that were witnesses or victims like Nelson.

I saw it, and I thought it was really good.  Except they wasted an opportunity to really explain where racism comes from when they let Camilla get away with crying and telling Leroy how much she cares about him.  They had a couple of racism experts/scholars explain that racism starts with the premise that we live in a world based on white supremacy and privilege, and they gave examples such as the white world acting surprised that people of color like to read, or assuming that all POC get into college on sports scholarships, etc...  I thought it would have been valuable if they had applied this thinking onto Camilla and her inherent views or upbringing, but no dice.  

I think it was heavily edited, and I don't remember anything Jemmye said, but I think Ammo was there to speak about discrimination that he's faced based on how he looks.  

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On one hand.. this is a reality show so you should really behave when doing anything like you are on a television show because chances are as you are in the area where recording cameras are present you should realize something will get on tv, so Tony really.. your bus hookup was camera.

And then on the other hand, reality producers are savage. I mean.. making tony own up to his behavior is one thing but I wish they would have let it go because like our podfssybhosts said his girlfriend and family didn’t ask for this.

I didn’t watch the after special.. Also my DVR cut off when people were making phone calls.

I too wish tony had punched Johnny in the face. I don’t condone violence but how has no one punched him yet?

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1 hour ago, WhosThatGirl said:

I didn’t watch the after special.. Also my DVR cut off when people were making phone calls.

Yes, mine ended with three minutes of commercials, so I didn't see anything after the scene where Cara was saying no one wanted Aneesa back (I don't mind her). Anyone willing to give a brief synopsis of the final segment?

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I thought CT making a cake was really sweet but I'm pretty sure The Barefoot Contessa would not approve of his butter softening technique. (But it was pretty funny!)

Johnny making Tony look like the ass-end of a toucan had me laughing fairly hard. I'm surprised that he didn't wake up! I also find still funny that they all come packed with costumes in their suitcase. Because lord knows when I go to a foreign country I bring a blond wig, glue and a bag of craft-store feathers! 

I feel like we're missing a giant piece of why the rest of the house is mad at Aneesa. Their treatment of her isn't adding up with what we've been shown. 

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9 hours ago, Oholibamah said:

I cracked up when Nicole put her eyelashes on the table mid-challenge. I know she gets a bad rep for the alien makeup, but I always enjoy her. She's mostly drama free, delivers some clever lines, and tries her hardest. Plus, anyone who hates Camila gets some extra points from me. 

I think we're alone but I get a kick out of Nicole too! Kudos to her for putting on a full face of makeup every day in the most humid ass weather. There are much worse offenses with this pile of idiots. I was gunning for her to come back. I think this would be the last season where she could have stayed under the radar and coast her way to the end. 

Tony...wtf? Why? What is the point of him? Why is he still even here? I don't care about his baby mama drama or his half dozen kids waiting at home. GET.A.JOB. 

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6 hours ago, luckyroll3 said:

Although there wasn't much advancement during this episode, I really did enjoy it.  


I did too. I thought it was an entertaining hour of television, with lots of laugh-out-loud moments. 

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Poor Nicole, she tried so hard and just couldn't do it.

Love that Jemmye had a dream about Aneesa returning and it came true.

Tori, shut up.  You don't even know Aneesa.  And Aneesa, shut up too.  No one is scared of you; you talk a tough game, but…how many challenges have you won?  Exactly.  Sit down.

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I'm sorry, but there's no amount of money that would motivate me to eat any of that gross stuff especially that water rat! That and the pig's nose made me nauseous just looking at it. I would rather eat CT's attempt of a cake. 


I was rooting for Nicole to come back to the house. She really tried her best and Aneesa annoys me. She's good at eliminations, but in general, she's not a strong competitor for all the talk that she does.


At least Johnny finally owned up to the fact that he's an instigator. I admit I laughed at Tony's face full of feathers and him losing a part of his eyebrow in the process, but still.


Speaking of Tony, I feel bad for his girlfriend back at home being lied to about the cheating and having to find out about it on social media.

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CT making the cake was so adorable. I'm also glad Camila was pretty much cut from this episode. 

Jordan saying "hold on, let me get off the bed" so Tony could flip it was pretty funny. 

SO my DVR cut off the last 5 minutes, did I miss anything important?

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Anyone in a relationship with Tony has to be an idiot. I don't care that this is a sweeping statement. His family shouldn't be embarrassed, they're probably just like him. Look at what we've seen his brother Shane do. They're both train wrecks.

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I had to watch the end bit online as my DVR cut it off (also, I tried to record the talk about race thing and got some kind of Fear Factor with Bananas in it, barf).  I'm confused--how did Tony's girlfriend find out about the "hookup" so quickly?  I guess production let people talk about it in phone calls home and those contacts tweeted about it?  I thought production (in general on reality TV) tried to keep tighter reins on that kind of thing.  Oh well, whatever, enough brain power wasted on that.

I also don't like gross eating challenges on any show, but at least The Amazing Race seems to keep a modicum of cultural respect--they have authentic stuff (though in larger quantities than usual, like huge piles of caviar).   Survivor plays up the "eww, look at what the locals think is good," which I find kind of rude to their hosts, but the Challenge is the worst about it.  No culture makes smoothies out of chicken intestines (which--who knew chickens had such big intestines?  not I!)  Also I don't like to see barfing.  But the pig nose was the worst.  Even if people eat pig noses, I am absolutely sure they do not doctor them up with a green sauce specifically meant to look like infected pig snot.  I mean, honestly.  How stupid do you think we are?  (Oh, they saw the Challengers' trivia answers, so I guess the answer is "very.")  But I think it insults the viewers and the host country.

I too saw that mud volcano thing with the jewels on The Amazing Race.  Liked it better there.  

Thanks to the person upthread who said that Nicole asked if the cow eyelashes were mink, because I didn't catch what she said at all.

Speaking of which, Nicole un-made-up looks weird because she looks so unrecognizable; Nicole totally made up looks weird, because it is so extreme, but good for her for being skilled at getting the effect she wants, I suppose; but Nicole half-way made up, like she was when TJ popped into Redemption House, looks downright unsettling.

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I believe one of the cast leaked the info to someone on the Vevmo site which made it's way to social media and people harassing Alyssa with it.  I think she even went after Madison and blamed her for liking some of Tony or Shane's posts. She eventually had to delete her twitter due to all the negative attacks from "fans" although I don't know if it is back up now.

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I've never really cared about Aneesa one way or the other in past seasons.  But the way the rest of the women in the cast are being such over the top assholes about it, I so want to see her take some of them out now.  I usually like C-M, but I'm disgusted with her, in particular.  Does she not remember being on the receiving end, in the not so distant past, of the kind of juvenile mean girl shit they're all pulling on Aneesa?   But now she seems to be just so happy to be one of the veteran winners that she's happy to pile on to the latest target.  Unless they're not showing us something relevant, it seems like the entirety of her issue with Aneesa is that she suspects she was exaggerating how much her ankle hurt.  For that she's Satan?  

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22 minutes ago, KerleyQ said:

I've never really cared about Aneesa one way or the other in past seasons.  But the way the rest of the women in the cast are being such over the top assholes about it, I so want to see her take some of them out now.  I usually like C-M, but I'm disgusted with her, in particular.  Does she not remember being on the receiving end, in the not so distant past, of the kind of juvenile mean girl shit they're all pulling on Aneesa?   But now she seems to be just so happy to be one of the veteran winners that she's happy to pile on to the latest target.  Unless they're not showing us something relevant, it seems like the entirety of her issue with Aneesa is that she suspects she was exaggerating how much her ankle hurt.  For that she's Satan?  

This is exactly my issue with Cara.  She's so glad to not be the outsider anymore, that she's become the exact type of person who used to torment her.  It's not endearing at all.

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I'm not as thrilled with CM this time, but it's more about her palling around with Camila and reports that she was standoffish in general; on the Bloodlines challenge I actually soured on Aneesa for how she went after CM on the bus (partly I guess because of CM making out with whomever it was that wasn't Abram, which, not a good plan but none of Aneesa's business), but she was more general and just assy about it, mocking how CM pronounced "cousin" and stuff, which was weird.   

(So basically, she's being clique-y with Camilla and old guard guys, but her view toward Aneesa is more personal between the two of them and less piling on, from my viewpoint.  Same result, I guess, but the motivation makes more sense to me).

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I used to root for CM when she was an underdog, even when her hair looked like a hawk crashed into it and got all tangled up, especially after getting coke poured on her, but I'm so sick of seeing her on these challenges. There should be a quota of how many times you can appear on a challenge.  I like having new faces on there (and new people to hate). It's like watching the same show over and over again and practically the same results every dang time in terms of who wins. 

She thinks she's soooo tough and intimidating but she needs to check herself before she too wrecks herself. And dye your hair a different color, I'm sick of the red ?

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On 9/20/2017 at 0:05 AM, PreviouslyTV said:

The Redemption House residents will, if they want back in the game.

View the full article

Kim, had you called the recapper of The Challenge at RNO a wannabe at the time you were interviewed . . . well, that was me. And you would've have been right. And the other recappers at RNO hated me for that. Good podcast, though I was more pissed with TJ being a dick than Marie barely trying. And I still remember your interview with Melissa. Great times. I will admit that I was more fond of Mike-Mike than Dustin, mostly because I gravitate towards the pale dorks that occasionally get cast.

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It's one thing to knock someone for not trying a physical or mental challenge but I don't blame someone one bit for not wanting to ingest some foreign ingredient that not only looks hideous and smells disgusting, but you have no way of knowing what it will do to your body. I could be remembering the scene wrong but I feel like TJ may have rationalized the challenge by saying that it had something to do with Columbia delicacies. I did look it up and none of that had any ties to Columbia.

An episode that features little to no Camilla is a great episode in my books. I agree with the others here who have soured a little on Cara. My feelings are definitely influenced by her friendship with Camilla. Her girl didn't have one isolated stupid incident. Camilla is ripe with stupid antics after stupid antics.

CT making a birthday cake for Leroy was super cute...I also would not have eaten it but it was a sweet and well intended moment, haha.

Don't like Aneesa. She likes to take issue with everyone because they supposedly act like they're owed something and they act too big for their britches but Aneesa does the exact same thing. She's not as self aware as she thinks.

Tony's girlfriend knew of Tony's antics long before these 'rumours' were surfacing the internet. It's bad enough to kiss another woman even if you're drunk but it's a whole other level of disrespect when your partner lies soberly and boldly when confronted about their transgressions. So after all of her outrage expressed over that phone call with Tony, what I want to know is if they're still together.

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1 hour ago, RHJunkie said:

Tony's girlfriend knew of Tony's antics long before these 'rumours' were surfacing the internet. It's bad enough to kiss another woman even if you're drunk but it's a whole other level of disrespect when your partner lies soberly and boldly when confronted about their transgressions. So after all of her outrage expressed over that phone call with Tony, what I want to know is if they're still together.

I was initially wondering why Tony would be stupid enough to deny it, when he knows he's on a damn reality show.  But, I wonder if he was expecting the producers to give him the Bananas treatment and help hide his indiscretions.  Didn't work out for you, did it, Tony? 

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20 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

I was initially wondering why Tony would be stupid enough to deny it, when he knows he's on a damn reality show.  But, I wonder if he was expecting the producers to give him the Bananas treatment and help hide his indiscretions.  Didn't work out for you, did it, Tony? 

Based on the footage we've seen of him talking to producers during his THs, I think that Tony felt like he and Camilla were discreet and that nothing was caught on camera. It wasn't until the producers confirmed that they have everything on tape did he finally say that he didn't want to talk about a private matter anymore in front of the cameras. It doesn't seem that Tony is all that bright but he can't be so naive to think that he'd get a good edit given that the incident meant drama for the show. He probably planned on telling her before the episode aired but put his own spin on things to sweet talk her. He was unexpectedly confronted about it and even though he lied, I do think that he probably felt like he could still go home, admit everything before the episode aired and smooth things over with her still.

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Didn't he actually tell the guys when they got back that Camilla was kissing him? Kind of blaming her? Tony certainly has a big problem being faithful. Imagine what he's like when he's out and no cameras are following. 

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On 9/26/2017 at 3:24 PM, Bblack3 said:

Didn't he actually tell the guys when they got back that Camilla was kissing him? Kind of blaming her? Tony certainly has a big problem being faithful. Imagine what he's like when he's out and no cameras are following. 

I will say that (although I know and acknowledge everyone has ownership of their behavior, but Tony is stupid. very stupid.) both me and my 16 y/o and her friends who watched separately, all felt that he really wasnt that into it, especially the kiss in the aisle as they were getting off the bus. It seemed like he was just going along to get her moving. Even in the backseat, the captions read something like "just make it a regular kiss" (said by Tony), which I interpreted to be a peck but Drunk Camila was pushing for more. 

Yeah he was dumb for being involved at all, it seemed like he didnt want it and this was some Camila bullshit he went along with to avoid the Camilanator (which she ended up doing to Leroy anyway). I don't think he really had any cheating intention or wanted her in any way. He's trifling and shitty, but I don't think he's been trying to hook up with girls, esp not her.

Edited by neenyah
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On ‎9‎/‎19‎/‎2017 at 11:33 PM, Pixel said:

They really need to just quit with the gross eating challenges. They add nothing, and they're stupid.

I could not agree more.  I absolutely HATE eating challenges.  I don't know why MTV thinks viewers want to watch a bunch of people eat gross crap and then throw up a hundred times.  It's disgusting.

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