Lady Calypso September 16, 2017 Share September 16, 2017 Quote The battle for the final HoH begins. Plus, Josh, Paul and Christmas celebrate the best moments of the Summer including tons of moments you haven't seen. Link to comment
NYGirl September 16, 2017 Share September 16, 2017 Give me back that hour!!!!! I had no idea it was a clip show and I kept waiting for the HOH competition to start. Fooled me. Grrrrrrrr Poor Kevin :( 4 Link to comment
PaperTree September 16, 2017 Share September 16, 2017 Well it had its moments....... Of course we must begin with the gloating Potty Mouth. Kevin, Kevin what the hell was that with blabbing about the 25K? Trusting Matt the rat was really dumb. Quite an amazing cover up attempt I'll admit. Raven bragging how she threw comps and Alex just snarling like a rabid hound. It was fun to see/hear screechy Mattyboy come out again. They are just so useless. "You're not gonna win!" LOL Sic 'em, Kev. He beat them all except The Toxic Trio. Nice edit for Jody. He had the right idea keeping quiet about his daughter, then screwed up and confided in Kevin. He looks almost normal when he talks about her. Potty Mouth and National Linguine Day are beyond disgusting together. She's losing the few marbles she started with and he's just using her. Stop with the food throwing. This isn't some teen summer movie. I wish a sinkhole would open up and swallow Maven, never to be seen or heard from again. Too bad the rat isn't eligible for AFH. Josh is really a piece of work. Don't be such a baby. Miami has lots of critters crawling around, he should be used to it. No way that trap attempt caught anything. Was CBS forced to get an exterminator? Dom was right about who the snake was. Sadly the Bearded Demon was also right about no divine intervention in this mess. Dom can hang up a shingle and claim she's a prophet. She laid it out for the sheep and their eyes just glazed over. Baaaah. National Felt Hat Day is just gagging me with all the family talk. Like the Borgias Kevin's foreclosure story is intense. Did he say his daughter lived in the High School ladies room for two months. Huh?? And how could we forget Josh and his freaking pots and pans. Mark really looked like he was going to clock him. The Den of Temptation. Another disaster in a long line of "twist" disasters. Enough with the DR waterworks. For the millionth time: Paul is not "my boy". Neither is Josh. Unicorns fart in their faces while hanging on to a rope. How appropriate. So after weeks of circling the drain, this turd of a season will finally be flushed on Wednesday. 23 Link to comment
Lamima September 16, 2017 Share September 16, 2017 (edited) Was neat to look back and be reminded what A holes this bunch were. Edited September 16, 2017 by Lamima 11 Link to comment
lookattheflowers September 16, 2017 Share September 16, 2017 Ugh, the dreaded clip show! When I look at these three, I just keep thinking how in the world did we get here? Worst F3 since BB15. I may or may not tune in for the Finale as I quit caring weeks ago and it's quite obvious who is going to win. The only thing that could redeem this season is if Josh wins HOH and Vanessa's Paul, but I somehow doubt that is going to happen. 2 Link to comment
HighMaintenance September 16, 2017 Share September 16, 2017 If it was not entertaining to watch this rat turd dry on the sidewalk the 1st time, what makes CBS think we would want to reminisce about it a 2nd time? 2 Link to comment
Caseysgirl September 16, 2017 Share September 16, 2017 Well ,that was interesting in some ways. Never realized how physical Paul and Xmas were with each other - you mean to tell me Alex couldn't figure out she wasn't his Numerous Uno when they were wrapped together in every room in the house. Also, isn't she a little old for him? Remembering what a total douche Josh was with his provoking people with the pot and pans - he'll never get my vote. It got a little old listening to them all congratulate each other all night - you're final 3 in Big Brother; you haven't won a Nobel. 9 Link to comment
Rachel RSL September 16, 2017 Share September 16, 2017 I don't like that they just left us hanging. Did they catch that rat or what? I need closure! (Also, ew!!) 3 Link to comment
Wandering Snark September 16, 2017 Share September 16, 2017 2 hours ago, PaperTree said: Unicorns fart in their faces while hanging on to a rope. They were farting glitter... someone was trippin when they came up with this one! I'd still guess that Christmas' foot will land her out of this one first... And I did warn people that this would be the annual "Oh boy some crazy stuff happened this year..." clip show nice we got 5 minutes of people crying but about 15 seconds of the HoH. Pretty standard really. 5 Link to comment
endure September 16, 2017 Share September 16, 2017 Let's face it you have to be pretty strange to do this type of show, and who has this much free time on their hands to devote a whole summer of your life? 2 Link to comment
Nashville September 16, 2017 Share September 16, 2017 10 minutes ago, Wandering Snark said: They were farting glitter... someone was trippin when they came up with this one! I'd still guess that Christmas' foot will land her out of this one first... Personally, I considered unicorns farting glitter in their faces the Production staff's editorial commentary on the entire season. 15 Link to comment
Wandering Snark September 16, 2017 Share September 16, 2017 10 minutes ago, Nashville said: Personally, I considered unicorns farting glitter in their faces the Production staff's editorial commentary on the entire season. Well it does make a better comp than polishing turds would... heh. 3 Link to comment
Nashville September 16, 2017 Share September 16, 2017 4 minutes ago, Wandering Snark said: Well it does make a better comp than polishing turds would... heh. Maybe that'll be HoH comp Part 2. :> 1 Link to comment
Callaphera September 16, 2017 Share September 16, 2017 Well, that happened. Who do I bitch to for a refund? 4 Link to comment
Nashville September 16, 2017 Share September 16, 2017 Bored cameramen shooting pics of produce in the SR. Lotta food gonna go bad in this House now. Link to comment
CertainJewel September 16, 2017 Share September 16, 2017 Laughing so hard at these comments! Far more entertaining than this shit show. I'll watch tomorrow and fast forward most of it. Link to comment
Nashville September 16, 2017 Share September 16, 2017 That's doing more than the HGs are at present. And I don't EVEN want to know why Josh has hand lotion on the nightstand. 3 Link to comment
LoveLeigh September 16, 2017 Share September 16, 2017 (edited) Dominique was right..... The Snake did go after all of them but she was wrong in that The Snake never was evicted..... yet. I am hoping he loses the final comp and is not picked to go to f2. That would be hilarious. Edited September 16, 2017 by DakotaLavender 4 Link to comment
HurricaneVal September 16, 2017 Share September 16, 2017 I had a couple of takeaways from tonight's clip show. Kevin actually had more game than he was portrayed to have (still a dumbass for trusting Paul so much). Paul, Xmas, and Josh were together a lot early on, and I never really noticed that before. Jason seems to be a pretty stand-up guy--he was really listening to Kevin when he was talking about losing his house and the impact on his family. Cody and Jessica seemed to really have a relationship--they carried on real conversations, were affectionate with each other, complimented and had pride in each other, and they made eye contact with each other when talking (contrast that with Matt and Raven who just had foodfights, hung all over each other without any seeming actual care for each other, rarely looked at each other, and never seemed to celebrate anything about each other). Cody also had more game than he's given credit for--he reached out to Jason on the other of the house by giving him clues he was putting Paul up. Yes. From the fact that we have had the "Slap, Punch, Kick" comp and now the "Unicorns Farting in Your Face" comp, I think we can safely presume Production hates these people as much as we do. One more thing: As painful as it is to see Josh's completely lunatic and over-the-top bullying meltdown at Mark when all Mark wanted was to defend an absent houseguest by asking for some more mature discourse when the gang in the kitchen started their slam session, it never fails to give me the giggles when that muscle-bound, handsome, and patient man is finally pushed to his limits, angrily hulks out, stands up, and...reveals he's wearing that ridiculous tutu. Hysterical giggles, y'all! 11 Link to comment
Nashville September 16, 2017 Share September 16, 2017 2 hours ago, HurricaneVal said: One more thing: As painful as it is to see Josh's completely lunatic and over-the-top bullying meltdown at Mark when all Mark wanted was to defend an absent houseguest by asking for some more mature discourse when the gang in the kitchen started their slam session, it never fails to give me the giggles when that muscle-bound, handsome, and patient man is finally pushed to his limits, angrily hulks out, stands up, and...reveals he's wearing that ridiculous tutu. Hysterical giggles, y'all! Hey now - when Wreck-It Ralph comes at you in a fluorescent green tutu, you KNOW he means business! 7 Link to comment
JudyObscure September 16, 2017 Share September 16, 2017 Just when I thought I couldn't despise Kevin the Ferret anymore. So for six months (what it takes before foreclosure) Kevin neglected to make the mortgage payments on the family home because he was paying his father's lawyer. Umhmm. He carries his gun into Knight of Columbus meetings. He just can't help but brag about the 25K so he tells Mickey Mouse Matt the Gossip Queen and then Kevin exhibits the most practiced and awesome bunch of straight up lying I have ever seen in my life. A short time later Kevin squeals about Cody's daughter, a confidence shared by Cody out of kindness. I'll bet Kevin's "six daughters .......... and one son," have some sad stories to tell. I hate Josh. I know it's a strong word. 6 Link to comment
plotpointer September 16, 2017 Share September 16, 2017 Last night's clip show proved a theory I've had all along. I found the rat scare, the cereal fight and Kevin talking shit my much more entertaining than some of the comedy and conflict production tries to force down our throats. By that I mean the silly costumes, stupid punishments, the have-not room, slop, etc. I find none of that funny or entertaining. I prefer situations that evolve naturally. That's one of the reasons the sequester house is usually more interesting. Just stick a bunch of people who hate each other together in one house and see what happens. I prefer that to the gimmicks. 12 Link to comment
butterbody September 16, 2017 Share September 16, 2017 Christmas and her Stockard Channing mouth have the hots for Paul??? I feel like such a bonehead. How did I not see what was so obvious all this time? She's been a pathetic giggling teenager for a while now with him. If this idiot let's her vagina bring him to F2, She deserves to lose. I hate all these people. The crying montage had me rolling. One second Mark is smiling and then you just watch his face morph into a sobbing mess. Hilarious Say what you will about Kevin. He won more money than and outlasted all those douchnozzles. Ten bucks says Alex hasn't taken off her super hero costume yet. 11 Link to comment
Mnemosyne September 16, 2017 Share September 16, 2017 35 minutes ago, plotpointer said: Last night's clip show proved a theory I've had all along. I found the rat scare, the cereal fight and Kevin talking shit my much more entertaining than some of the comedy and conflict production tries to force down our throats. By that I mean the silly costumes, stupid punishments, the have-not room, slop, etc. I find none of that funny or entertaining. I prefer situations that evolve naturally. That's one of the reasons the sequester house is usually more interesting. Just stick a bunch of people who hate each other together in one house and see what happens. I prefer that to the gimmicks. Wish I could like this more than once. The clip show was actually worth watching this year. 1 Link to comment
HoboClayton September 16, 2017 Share September 16, 2017 1 hour ago, butterbody said: Christmas and her Stockard Channing mouth have the hots for Paul??? I feel like such a bonehead. How did I not see what was so obvious all this time? She's been a pathetic giggling teenager for a while now with him. If this idiot let's her vagina bring him to F2, She deserves to lose. I hate all these people. The crying montage had me rolling. One second Mark is smiling and then you just watch his face morph into a sobbing mess. Hilarious Say what you will about Kevin. He won more money than and outlasted all those douchnozzles. Ten bucks says Alex hasn't taken off her super hero costume yet. BBM--- HAHAHA!! I guess I would vote for Paul to win out of the three. Josh makes me physically angry, and Krampus (haha) has let me down so much. I had high hopes for her at beginning of season. Cody for AFP.. But, do not care enough to vote. Crap crap crap season. Link to comment
Jel September 16, 2017 Share September 16, 2017 (edited) Oops, posted this question in the wrong thread. Sorry. Edited September 16, 2017 by Jel Link to comment
endure September 16, 2017 Share September 16, 2017 1 hour ago, butterbody said: Christmas and her Stockard Channing mouth have the hots for Paul??? I feel like such a bonehead. How did I not see what was so obvious all this time? She's been a pathetic giggling teenager for a while now with him. If this idiot let's her vagina bring him to F2, She deserves to lose. I hate all these people. The crying montage had me rolling. One second Mark is smiling and then you just watch his face morph into a sobbing mess. Hilarious Say what you will about Kevin. He won more money than and outlasted all those douchnozzles. Ten bucks says Alex hasn't taken off her super hero costume yet. I know eh, somehow the thought her and or any woman with Paul just doesn't even sound plausible. I think she could be just playing him....who knows. I too cannot stand any of the final three, spending a summer with them locked in that house would have had me blubbering like a baby too. I hope to never see Paul or Josh on this show again, well I guess I won't because if they are I for one won't be watching it. Looking forward to the end of this mess. Agree about Alex too, she will probably always be seen in pubic in that costume ? 1 Link to comment
Cherry Cola September 16, 2017 Share September 16, 2017 Alex in the costume is ridiculous...I bet that's what she wears to a Halloween party!! I loved Kevin yelling at stupid Matt. He says...did you tell them what I told you...matt replies...if I did, It's my business. What?!? Who comes up with this crap? I can share any gossip I want and call it my business to do so? So stupid. So effing stupid. I'm tired of Paul's voice. I started out as a fan at the I can't stand him. 3 Link to comment
mojoween September 16, 2017 Share September 16, 2017 (edited) I 100% want that blue unicorn sculpture for my backyard. Kevin and Dominique are effing psychos. I wouldn't want Mark to have gotten thrown out for violence, but if he brained Josh with a pan Josh would have absolutely deserved it. If Cody weren't such a dick I would really root for the guy but his abhorrent personality outweighs the amusement. If Cameron is up for AFP, why not Meghan? Shut up Jessica. You suck. Edited September 16, 2017 by mojoween 4 Link to comment
backformore September 16, 2017 Share September 16, 2017 5 hours ago, plotpointer said: Last night's clip show proved a theory I've had all along. I found the rat scare, the cereal fight and Kevin talking shit my much more entertaining than some of the comedy and conflict production tries to force down our throats. By that I mean the silly costumes, stupid punishments, the have-not room, slop, etc. I find none of that funny or entertaining. I prefer situations that evolve naturally. That's one of the reasons the sequester house is usually more interesting. Just stick a bunch of people who hate each other together in one house and see what happens. I prefer that to the gimmicks. Yes, I think that just having people, not who hate each other, not who were cast with a certain drama or conflict in mind, just PEOPLE, and let the alliances and rivalries develop naturally, would end up with a better show. Competitions, tasks, yes, but have them figure out house rules, division of labor, where to sleep, etc. The fascinating thing is how relationships unfold when the distractions like tv, internet, books, aren't available, and all they are strangers in close quarters. Don't be so concerned with casting people to play certain roles, or preconceived notions of who will get along. Let it happen, and we'll watch. 8 Link to comment
green September 16, 2017 Share September 16, 2017 7 hours ago, plotpointer said: Last night's clip show proved a theory I've had all along. I found the rat scare, the cereal fight and Kevin talking shit my much more entertaining than some of the comedy and conflict production tries to force down our throats. By that I mean the silly costumes, stupid punishments, the have-not room, slop, etc. I find none of that funny or entertaining. I prefer situations that evolve naturally. That's one of the reasons the sequester house is usually more interesting. Just stick a bunch of people who hate each other together in one house and see what happens. I prefer that to the gimmicks. I think all the cornball "gimmicks" are meant to attract the 6 to 8 year old set and I believe even they find those things stupid and annoying. 3 hours ago, mojoween said: I 100% want that blue unicorn sculpture for my backyard. Kevin and Dominique are effing psychos. I wouldn't want Mark to have gotten thrown out for violence, but if he brained Josh with a pan Josh would have absolutely deserved it. If Cody weren't such a dick I would really root for the guy but his abhorrent personality outweighs the amusement. If Cameron is up for AFP, why not Meghan? Shut up Jessica. You suck. Apparently if you self-evict yourself instead of getting evicted (i.e., quit) you are not eligible for this. In fact they say CBS bills you for your flight in and housing which otherwise they pay for. As well as any very minor allowance you get for being on the show even if you don't make just.. Part of their way to try and prevent half the house from quitting on them on a live show. People that leave really HAVE to feel a very real need to leave as a result and not just someone getting upset in the moment. Also you nailed Cody in that post really really well. It was 100% directly (literally seconds) after Megan's meeting with Cody in the HOH that she asked to enter the diary room and stayed their for hours as the hamsters wondered what was going on then heard she had quit. That was shown pretty clearly in that episode as I recall. If Cody hadn't had screwed over his own alliance with his secret deal with Jason (also on a televised episode at the time, just not the clip show tonight) he would have become just as insufferable as Paul if not more so. Paul was the charming snake making his victims love him. Cody was the imperial dictator sending them to the execution block while spiting on his own closest allies. Except none of them quite got to feel his axe due to his own ineptness at playing even a basic game. And he said he had watched a lot of BB in the past too. No fixing stupid. Weirdly enough I will say this for Paul. He did stick with his very first alliance of Christmas and Josh all the way through. So he certainly beats Cody when it comes to loyalty. Because taking Kevin would have made for an easier cakewalk for him this week. And he could have maneuvered it so Kevin would have had to be the one evicting one of the other two as well. I don't like him as a person but he played the hell out of the game. Both he and Cody got a lot of production help but only he used it to his advantage. Cody learned nothing after he was allowed to re-enter and sabotaged his girlfriend's HOH. Also destroyed her game in the process. Again, no fixing stupid. 2 Link to comment
PaperTree September 16, 2017 Share September 16, 2017 3 hours ago, mojoween said: If Cameron is up for AFP, why not Meghan? She quit. And left behind her shot at fame and fortune. lol Cameron was legitimately evicted, at least for this show. 2 Link to comment
LoneHaranguer September 16, 2017 Share September 16, 2017 21 hours ago, PaperTree said: Kevin's foreclosure story is intense. Did he say his daughter lived in the High School ladies room for two months. Huh?? It was a little jarring to go from Kevin's story to the happy HG's "reminiscing". They should have timed it for a commercial break in between. 1 Link to comment
Nashville September 16, 2017 Share September 16, 2017 21 hours ago, PaperTree said: Kevin's foreclosure story is intense. Did he say his daughter lived in the High School ladies room for two months. Huh?? Kevin had earlier mentioned the embarrassment of having his former neighbors standing outside and watching while his family's home was being auctioned off. I think Kevin was referring to his daughter hiding out in the HS ladies room to avoid ridicule and embarrassment for her family's financial hardships, especially considering the whole debacle was playing out on a more-public-than-usual stage. 1 Link to comment
Callaphera September 17, 2017 Share September 17, 2017 4 minutes ago, icemiser69 said: Was there any detail given as to why she quit the show? PTSD that reared its ugly head again when she claims she was yelled at by the men in the house. I say claim, because we only have her side of the story. Both production and Megan came to the conclusion that it would be better for her mental health if she left. I think in that case, unlike was said above about HGs owing CBS/Big Brother for airfare and hotel expenses, Megan got a pass since it was a joint decision between her and production. 2 hours ago, green said: Also you nailed Cody in that post really really well. It was 100% directly (literally seconds) after Megan's meeting with Cody in the HOH that she asked to enter the diary room and stayed their for hours as the hamsters wondered what was going on then heard she had quit. That was shown pretty clearly in that episode as I recall. If Cody hadn't had screwed over his own alliance with his secret deal with Jason (also on a televised episode at the time, just not the clip show tonight) he would have become just as insufferable as Paul if not more so. I guess the show isn't edited? We don't know that it was 100% directly (literally seconds) after. The camera didn't follow her through the hallway into the DR if I remember right, which means that they could have easily taken that moment, taken the DR session when she decided to leave, and put them in a different order. The feeds weren't on for that week of the show so all we have is what CBS, Big Brother, Megan, and other HGs have said. 6 Link to comment
PaperTree September 17, 2017 Share September 17, 2017 2 hours ago, Nashville said: Kevin had earlier mentioned the embarrassment of having his former neighbors standing outside and watching while his family's home was being auctioned off. I think Kevin was referring to his daughter hiding out in the HS ladies room to avoid ridicule and embarrassment for her family's financial hardships, especially considering the whole debacle was playing out on a more-public-than-usual stage. That makes a lot more sense. Too many details get lost in translation :) 1 Link to comment
DebbieM4 September 17, 2017 Share September 17, 2017 I can't stand any of the final 3, but I think Paul deserves to win. The other 2 annoy me far more, and besides, he played the best game. It was a boring season, but he did what he set out to do, so I would vote for him. I do wonder, though, how this season would have gone and who would have been the eventual winner if Paul hadn't been a part of it. And I do wish he hadn't been a part of it. Link to comment
Pondlass1 September 17, 2017 Share September 17, 2017 5 minutes ago, icemiser69 said: I really don't like any of these people Me neither. I do agree with posters that want less interference from TPTB and to let the game evolve more naturally, especially at the beginning when relationships are forming. I think ratings are good - but the show needs a shake up after all this time. How about for the first half of the season, men and women must live in separate halves of the House? I think Celebrity BB will just be so sad to watch. Desperate and forgotten "celebrities" vying for attention. Oh dear.... 4 Link to comment
Nashville September 17, 2017 Share September 17, 2017 (edited) 12 hours ago, DebbieM4 said: I can't stand any of the final 3, but I think Paul deserves to win. Only if Paul makes it to F2 - which I don't yet accept as a "given". I'm still holding out hope for a non-Paul FHoHp3 win / blindside. Edited September 17, 2017 by Nashville 1 Link to comment
laurakaye September 17, 2017 Share September 17, 2017 3 hours ago, icemiser69 said: I really don't like any of these people, I hope none of them ever set foot in the BB house again. And yet, at least a third of them think they are going to be invited back. I love the idea of Alex, sitting at home and still in her superhero costume and cat ears, chugging endless 2-liters of Coke as she sits by her phone, waiting for BB to call again. The "let's reminisce" dinner is always filled with bad HG acting, but I truly think this one takes the cake. Are they reading from cue cards or are they given a script to memorize or what? They were HORRIBLE. 8 Link to comment
backformore September 17, 2017 Share September 17, 2017 (edited) 3 hours ago, Pondlass1 said: I think Celebrity BB will just be so sad to watch. Desperate and forgotten "celebrities" vying for attention. Oh dear.... Yes, I remember seeing Barry Williams (Greg Brady of the original Brady Bunch) on a cooking show, and I felt sorry for him, he seemed to be making a desperate attempt for a comeback. I hope that Bitchmas doesn't win, and then BB says, yeah, we told you there was a possibility for a comeback, but it turns out fans don't want to see you again, so, thanks but no. Edited September 17, 2017 by backformore 3 Link to comment
DebbieM4 September 17, 2017 Share September 17, 2017 5 hours ago, Nashville said: Only if Paul makes it to F2 - which I don't yet accept as a "given". I'm still holding out hope for a non-Paul FHoHp3 win / blindside. I don't accept it as a given either. But he's played a better game than the other 2. Christmas is my least favorite out of the final 3. And I really, really dislike the other 2. It's much more fun when there's someone I'd like to see win the big money, so the finale is going to be a dud for me no matter what. 7 hours ago, icemiser69 said: If he wins, he ought to split the prize money between himself and TPTB. Without having the three weeks free from eviction, I don't think Paul gets this far. He would have been evicted long ago. In other words, Paul couldn't just hop on a bike and win this thing. He needed three weeks of training wheels. From there, he could ride the bike on his own. I don't think I would have liked this season any better with Cody running the house. That said, at least I would think it would be a more legitimate win if he had won it. I really don't like any of these people, I hope none of them ever set foot in the BB house again. I agree that he had a huge advantage right off the bat. I wish he hadn't been there at all. But I can't stand Christmas and Josh, and I have no respect for anything they've done. They seem like awful people. Paul is certainly no prize, but IMO he's the best of the pathetic 3 that remain. My hope is that I'll never have to see any of them again. 2 Link to comment
aurora296 September 18, 2017 Share September 18, 2017 I'm with you all that the final 3 suck and there's really no winner for the BB fans, so I will find other ways to entertain myself watching the finale. Like, when Julie is ready to announce America's favorite Player my eyes will be on Raven as she poises herself in front, in position to do a cartwheel as Julie's reads her what? Cody won AFP????!!! Then a quick scan of everyone's face when they realize America hates them all. Except Mark and Elena, who will be good sports about it. Whomever above said Kwanza has a Stockard Channing mouth? Brilliant job of making me almost choke on my beverage. But that is a perfect description. Her teeth all go in, they aren't perfectly vertical and when she does a full on smile I see Grease's Rizzo from the nose down. 4 Link to comment
AuntieDiane6 September 18, 2017 Share September 18, 2017 Quote I think Celebrity BB will just be so sad to watch. Desperate and forgotten "celebrities" vying for attention. Oh dear.... I think it's going up against the Winter Olympics, so you'll have a chance to watch some "genuine" reality stars. Although I'd watch if they put Nancy Kerrigan and Tonya Harding in the BB house ... 4 Link to comment
Pondlass1 September 18, 2017 Share September 18, 2017 16 hours ago, icemiser69 said: this Summer where no "big game moves" were made I felt bad for Julie having to try and make something of the predictable voting as they each went into the DR, when we all knew which way it was going to go because, well... Paul. I guess it's not fair to compare to Survivor where there is dialogue at tribal council and everything often flips on its head, but the predictable and unanimous BB voting this season was a yawn. Casting a strong experienced leader amid a bunch of gullible followers doesn't make for good viewing. If Cody had had a clue about playing a social game he could have added some much needed spice and challenge for Paul. As it was... Paul had free rein over these nitwits and his road to the half million was an easy one. Will they all realize what sheep they've been I wonder? It's still odd they (especially Xmas) seem under the impression they've been very clever and strategic. 4 Link to comment
Nashville September 18, 2017 Share September 18, 2017 3 hours ago, Pondlass1 said: Will they all realize what sheep they've been I wonder? It's still odd they (especially Xmas) seem under the impression they've been very clever and strategic. This is where Paul's experience as a vet comes strongly into play; he knows what newbies want/need to hear, and he knows how to shovel it. At this point I don't disagree with the position Paul has played the best game - not that that's a very high bar to have to hurdle this season - and if Paul ends up occupying one of the F2 chairs, I have little doubt he'll win. Part of the reason Paul was able to play such a good game, though, was unabashed Production favoritism right from the outset - so if (a) Paul doesn't win FHoHp3 and (b) the winner (either Josh or National Bacon Day) shows a glimmer of neuron activity sufficient to cut Paul off from F2...? That HG will have my vote, and I'll count this season's end as a minor win for the game's integrity in general. 6 Link to comment
Rachel RSL September 19, 2017 Share September 19, 2017 If Josh ends up winning that final HOH, I can see him booting Paul. He'll be a blubbering mess while he does it but I think he would actually do it. I had hope before but now I have my doubts. Link to comment
Nashville September 19, 2017 Share September 19, 2017 (edited) 10 hours ago, Rachel RSL said: If Josh ends up winning that final HOH, I can see him booting Paul. He'll be a blubbering mess while he does it but I think he would actually do it. Agree. Josh will us-for-F2 with Paul all day long - but if Josh wins FHoH, he'll wait until they're on the public forum and Paul has no recourse. Quote I had hope before but now I have my doubts. Well, Spoiler Christmas is pretty much out of the decision-making process now; not trying to be mean, but what Christmas thinks doesn't matter. Even if Mother's Day wants to get all magnanimous and tell Paul and Josh to take each other to F2, that's not necessarily what's best for Josh's game. If Josh is thinking clearly - and a FHoH win gives him the option - dumping Paul and taking St. Crispin's Day to F2 would be his best course of action. Edited September 20, 2017 by Nashville Formatting, added spoiler tags Link to comment
Rachel RSL September 19, 2017 Share September 19, 2017 (edited) Spoiler Can I take that to mean they finished both parts of the HOH and Christmas didn't win either of them? Or did I miss an episode somewhere...I can't keep track of the schedule whenever it gets to the end of each season. Edited September 19, 2017 by Rachel RSL Not sure if this is a spoiler or not so tagged it just in case. Link to comment
Nashville September 20, 2017 Share September 20, 2017 4 hours ago, Rachel RSL said: Reveal hidden contents Can I take that to mean they finished both parts of the HOH and Christmas didn't win either of them? Or did I miss an episode somewhere...I can't keep track of the schedule whenever it gets to the end of each season. Whoops. Forgot which thread I was in. Spoiler tags added to previous post. :| But yes, you are correct. Link to comment
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