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All Episodes Talk: Small World, Big Lives

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12 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I don't relish the family gatherings where Amy tells Matt to shove it up his ***, but, maybe, they have short memories.  

Here's what precipitated that:

Matt and Amy were already separated, perhaps divorced. Matt sat down at the kitchen table, alone, and was pouting about the fact that Amy didn't have dinner on the table at EXACTLY the time she said she was going to, because he had somewhere to be. He made a couple of snarky comments about not being surprised that Amy was late with dinner because that's the way it always had been, or some such. He clearly had a date and wanted everyone to KNOW he had a date, and he was insufferable. And Amy, who A. was not required to serve him and B. likely knew he was worried about being late to meet the woman he had begun fucking while he and Amy were still married, was 110% justified in telling him to shove the dinner up his ass. 

  • Love 24

I wonder if one reason that Amy is so upset is that she always painted Matt as so horrible that she couldn't tolerate him, but, then there appears to be someone who tolerates him just fine.  Caryn seems to get along well with Matt.  So does Jer, Auj, Zach, Tori, Molly and CHRIS! (I'm not sure about Jacob, Jacob has had issues with her for sure.)  So, I think that bothers her.  

Yes Amy has lied and lied about Matt's behavior, despite what we saw on the show and all those times Matt called her terrible things on screen were all Matt showing his love.  When Matt admitted he lies about his physical condition  - the "I'm dying" routine he used to manipulate Amy, that was Matt being a loving honest husband and Amy has NO right to be angry. When Matt says "spending time with the family is a waste of my time" - that shouldn't be considering Matt Roloff being a hateful ass, he should get an apology from EVERY member of his family as they are guilty of wasting his time and need their noses rubbed in the dog dirt of the shame of displeasing Matt.

For the record, if the twins love spending time with Matt so much, why are neither of them willing to be his apprentice and commit to a forty hour work week of time with Matt?

Molly ran for the hills and hasn't looked back. At last check, only Amy posts photos of Molly visiting. Jacob has clearly issues with BOTH of his parents but currently chooses to live with Amy even though Matt has a spare bedroom. 

And Chris? Good lord, Chris is cordial to Matt because Chris isn't a fucking idiot. The second Chris so much as looks cross eyed at Matt or expresses an opinion that isn't a careful "Matt doesn't seem like a psychotic rapist and we had a pleasant talk" Chris will be assaulted by fans twitting and posting what an asshole he is to not kiss Matt's ass and how disrespectful it is for Amy's fuck to dare say anything uncomplimentary. Just like how Amy is constantly bitched at for being divorced from Matt and expressing opinions other than "I was the one entirely at fault and Matt deserves better than me".

I admit to getting annoyed that Amy's flaws are always addressed but when Matt's problematic behavior like his lies and his insulting comments about his family get mentioned, they never get addressed and we just get another "But Amy's temper is why the kids were afraid to even know their father and now that they're separated, they all love Matt and hate bitter bitter Amy".

As of late, Matt is the one who seems bitter and unwilling to accept he's not going to get what he wants by whining to the world about how unfairly he was treated.

  • Love 17

Now, don't skewer me for this, but I want to know just what kind of an affair Matt can have with his tiny little mangled legs, hands and body, always complaining about his pain and walking on crutches. Caryn is a big woman (not fat, just a tall, big boned woman) so I want to know how that goes down in the bedroom. She could straddle him but she would kill him. Sorry, I can't help where my mind goes...

Well, at least someone is willing to assign the role that Chris usually gets, a creepy sex perv into weird shit, to Caryn.

I've just always marveled that Chris has always been derided as an asshole who must be after something because Amy is so physically gross, there's no way a normal man would ever want her.... But apparently a LOT of people see Matt and Caryn as a perfectly normal sex pairing even though Caryn is average height height and not unattractive and Matt is a dwarf with severe physical impairments.

I had no idea so many people think banging a four foot tall man with serious bone deformities to be hot and completely realistic to where it's just unthinkable Caryn is working some angle.

Edited by Rap541
  • Love 14
19 hours ago, sATL said:

hmmm.. Time will tell.. One would think Amy attitude would have changed a little when she "got a man".  

Maybe it did change...just a little.   I might not have the best attitude if my ex-husband continued to parade around (and moon over) our "other woman/employee" and brag about how great she is.

  • Love 9
3 hours ago, Bark said:

This is what I would love to see next season. Molly, the only smart, productive, ambitious child, returns to the farm with her husband and takes charge of everything and runs the farm as a year round business and moneymaker.  There are pumpkin seasons., Christmas tree seasons, Renaissance Fairs , Carnivals, Soccer camps, wedding seasons,etc. She fixes up and maintains all the attractions Matt has built in the past and then let decay. She sits her 3 useless ass brothers down and explains playtime is over, and to be and want part of the farm, the four letter word WORK now applies and full time duties are given to each one for which they will most certainly be held accountable for.  If Tori and Auj don"t hold down real jobs, they too will be expected to work at certain farm duties while raising the children. No more silly blogs and Always More crap from Auj. She will also need to tell Amy that the salsa and baked goods hobbies are nice but there are other daily duties that need to be done for the success of the farm she is half owner of. As for Matt ,he would now be living in Arizona half the year with Caryn and in Caryn's home in Oregon the other half. He would still do work for the farm assigned to him by Molly wherever he lived. And the house he always wanted to build for himself on the other side of the property with a separate entrance, is now being built for Molly and her husband.

Applauds ?

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, Rap541 said:

I've just always marveled that Chris has always been derided as an asshole who must be after something because Amy is so physically gross, there's no way a normal man would ever want her.... But apparently a LOT of people see Matt and Caryn as a perfectly normal sex pairing even though Caryn is average height height and not unattractive and Matt is a dwarf with severe physical impairments.



I, too, marvel that Matt's consistently rude and incendiary behavior earns him pass after pass while Amy's reactions cause her to be branded a shrew who was undeserving of charming, adventurous Matt Roloff. 

And, yeah, poor Chris. If I'm going to split hairs over something superficial, Amy is much more conventional-looking than Matt.

  • Love 10
18 hours ago, Bark said:

Seems to me there are reasons that Auj doesn't care much for Amy. She must see and sense that Zach is Amy's favorite just as Jer is Matt's favorite. Am sure Amy leaving on her biker trip with Chris during her potential due date also pissed her off. Perhaps that is why Auj appeared more relaxed and involved with Matt's party. She also knows Jer has Matt wrapped around his finger....and knows to make nice around Daddy Warbuck's Matt.

Also, I get the impression that Auj thinks less of Amy because Amy is divorced.  I remember an episode where Tori and Auj took Amy to some type of wine and salsa-dancing thing.  As they were sitting at the table Auj went on some long tirade about how Amy should fight for her marriage, how divorce is terrible, beating 50 percent, yadda yadda yadda.  I think Auj is disgusted that Amy didn't fight against the divorce harder.  Auj thinks her parents are saints because they divorced and then got back together, and she thought Amy and Matt should follow suit.  

  • Love 7

The image of Matt dressing up as Santa is giving me nightmares.  I'm surprised Jackson and Ember didn't shriek in terror as they were placed on his lap.  I hope he doesn't start that as an annual tradition.  I would think that by age 4 or 5 they would realize that the dwarf Santa with the crutches looks suspiciously like Grandpa.

Edited by Phoebe70
missed a word
  • Love 10

Honestly, a weighted blanket would make me so claustrophobic I'd probably dream that I was kidnapped and straitjacketed.  But how nice that "blanquil" is finding a sort-of TV celebrity to shill their product. 

I am still irritated every time they replay the "let's discuss 'The Farm'" scene in Matt's office where Jeremy, entitled look on his oh-so-cool Beanie capped face says to Amy, "we just need to know your PLAN."  NO YOU DO NOT.  You don't "need" anything and it's none of your damn business what your mother does with her life. The house is hers and she is staying there for now.  Bugger off.  And everyone needs to stop talking about Amy buying a house with Chris.  They're dating.  They don't have to move in together and even if they do, none of your business.

Audrey, 3 or so months after birth, is finally acting sort of like a human being, albeit an entitled one at that (her face when she says "it suuuuccckkks" not to have a kitchen... waah).  But all of the quick glimpses of her at the parties, etc show a sour face and the talking heads display her as a bored,  flat, disinterested person.  She doesn't seem to be very bonded with her daughter; rather, dressing her in giant bows and "always more" t-shirts is of the most importance.  As for Jeremy's pining for the "old days" when the family all engaged in constant dinner parties, rode around on mules and played in pretend castles and pirate ships- he needs to realize that he's an adult now and things change.  Part of having kids is going to be dividing your time amongst parents and in-laws (whether or not they are divorced); part of being a grown-up is taking responsibility for providing for said family (meaningful employment, getting up in the morning, and spending less of your time navel-gazing and waiting for your parents to turn over their business to you).

Despite all the Zach and Tori love out there, I still can't get past the fact that they don't seem to work and they don't have much more to contribute other than bad grammar and a lot of oohing and aahing over their baby as if he is the first ever to poop, eat instinctively off of a spoon or cry in a restaurant.  They are boring.

Edited by KateHearts
  • Love 8
Just now, KateHearts said:

Honestly, a weighted blanket would make me so claustrophobic I'd probably dream that I was kidnapped and straitjacketed.  But how nice that "blanquil" is finding a sort-of TV celebrity to shill their product. 

I am still irritated every time they replay the "let's discuss 'The Farm'" scene in Matt's office where Jeremy, entitled look on his oh-so-cool Beanie capped face says to Amy, "we just need to know your PLAN."  NO YOU DO NOT.  You don't "need" anything and it's none of your damn business what your mother does with her life. The house is hers and she is staying there for now.  Bugger off.

Audrey, 3 or so months after birth, is finally acting sort of like a human being, albeit an entitled one at that (her face when she says "it suuuuccckkks" not to have a kitchen... waah).  But all of the quick glimpses of her at the parties, etc show a sour face and the talking heads display her as a bored,  flat, disinterested person.  She doesn't seem to be very bonded with her daughter; rather, dressing her in giant bows and "always more" t-shirts is of the most importance.  As for Jeremy's pining for the "old days" when the family all engaged in constant dinner parties, rode around on mules and played in pretend castles and pirate ships- he needs to realize that he's an adult now and things change.  Part of having kids is going to be dividing your time amongst parents and in-laws (whether or not they are divorced); part of being a grown-up is taking responsibility for providing for said family (meaningful employment, getting up in the morning, and spending less of your time navel-gazing and waiting for your parents to turn over their business to you).

Despite all the Zach and Tori love out there, I still can't get past the fact that they don't seem to work and they don't have much more to contribute other than bad grammar and a lot of oohing and aahing over their baby as if he is the first ever to poop, eat instinctively off of a spoon or cry in a restaurant.  They are boring.

Yes to all of this.  I wonder if Audrey is suffering from PPD.  I don't recall her being this glum before she got pregnant.  Maybe she's not sleeping well too.  I can't believe I'm defending Auj.  I think Hell has frozen over.

I do wish Tori would go back to teaching.  I think sitting around at home has turned her brain to mush.  All she can talk about is Jackson, even when it's just her and Zach on a date.  After my daughter was born, I took 3 months off and I found it refreshing to return to work and be around other adults.  The longer she stays home, the more difficult it will be to re-enter the work force.  Does anyone know if Tori plans on returning to her job?

  • Love 3
9 hours ago, Literata said:

Here's what precipitated that:

Matt and Amy were already separated, perhaps divorced. Matt sat down at the kitchen table, alone, and was pouting about the fact that Amy didn't have dinner on the table at EXACTLY the time she said she was going to, because he had somewhere to be. He made a couple of snarky comments about not being surprised that Amy was late with dinner because that's the way it always had been, or some such. He clearly had a date and wanted everyone to KNOW he had a date, and he was insufferable. And Amy, who A. was not required to serve him and B. likely knew he was worried about being late to meet the woman he had begun fucking while he and Amy were still married, was 110% justified in telling him to shove the dinner up his ass. 

In addition, it was the Thanksgiving dinner that the kids were cooking for. So technically, it wasn't her responsibility to feed his a$$ at the appointed time. If you can't be a gracious guest then go home.

  • Love 11
18 hours ago, BusyOctober said:

For all Jerk & Odd's carrying on over her precious Christmas soup,this has to be the most amazing bowl of goodness ever put on a table.  It's got to be beyond 'make you wanna slap your mamma' amazing...it must be 'make you wanna fuck for Jesus in a tree house' amazing.

Or maybe a holiday tradition is just super important and would make her feel good at the moment.  My family has quite a bit of food traditions to go with holidays and for some of them I might throw a child like tempertantrum if something stands in my way of having said food lol

17 hours ago, kicksave said:

Don’t forget that both Matt and Amy wouldn’t allow poor Rocky in the house until viewers complained about how Rocky was left outside in the cold rain. Now they both have rescues that are allowed the run of the farm and the big house and DW. Matt not wanting to pay for euthanasia for Rocky was cruel and inhumane. That poor dog suffered greatly and his idea of shooting him is just beyond the pale. Matt truly is a self centered jerk.

The thing is.... farm 'pets' have changed A LOT in just a short amount of time.  It's was, and still is,  very common for people to have a farm dog that stays outside 24/7 and finds shelter in the barns or machine shed along with farm cats running all over... and it wasn't uncommon for farmers to shoot their animals when their end of life was near or when trying to control an over population of stray animals.  I know many people who either grew up that way or had that way of thinking just a decade ago but have lately changed their tune.  And i'm not saying it was the right thing to do but it's what was done and advocacy and caring for all animals has increase greatly in a very short amount of time. 

  • Love 3
44 minutes ago, KateHearts said:

Honestly, a weighted blanket would make me so claustrophobic I'd probably dream that I was kidnapped and straitjacketed.  But how nice that "blanquil" is finding a sort-of TV celebrity to shill their product. 

I am still irritated every time they replay the "let's discuss 'The Farm'" scene in Matt's office where Jeremy, entitled look on his oh-so-cool Beanie capped face says to Amy, "we just need to know your PLAN."  NO YOU DO NOT.  You don't "need" anything and it's none of your damn business what your mother does with her life. The house is hers and she is staying there for now.  Bugger off.  And everyone needs to stop talking about Amy buying a house with Chris.  They're dating.  They don't have to move in together and even if they do, none of your business.

Audrey, 3 or so months after birth, is finally acting sort of like a human being, albeit an entitled one at that (her face when she says "it suuuuccckkks" not to have a kitchen... waah).  But all of the quick glimpses of her at the parties, etc show a sour face and the talking heads display her as a bored,  flat, disinterested person.  She doesn't seem to be very bonded with her daughter; rather, dressing her in giant bows and "always more" t-shirts is of the most importance.  As for Jeremy's pining for the "old days" when the family all engaged in constant dinner parties, rode around on mules and played in pretend castles and pirate ships- he needs to realize that he's an adult now and things change.  Part of having kids is going to be dividing your time amongst parents and in-laws (whether or not they are divorced); part of being a grown-up is taking responsibility for providing for said family (meaningful employment, getting up in the morning, and spending less of your time navel-gazing and waiting for your parents to turn over their business to you).

Despite all the Zach and Tori love out there, I still can't get past the fact that they don't seem to work and they don't have much more to contribute other than bad grammar and a lot of oohing and aahing over their baby as if he is the first ever to poop, eat instinctively off of a spoon or cry in a restaurant.  They are boring.

I would have thought the same except Amy is always saying how we should clue the boys in first, it's not all about you, there's more people affected than just you, or something of the sort.  Do they already get money from the farm? 

  • Love 1

Oh for fuck's sake Matt was a software developer until he was fired and decided to turn his property into a cut rate amusement park. Blaming his callous attitude toward killing the dog on him being a traditional 'man of the land' is ridiculous. Especially after he intentionally tried to paint himself as a loving pet owner. I remember him sitting with Rocky aND howling g and making a great big fucking show of how the dog dying was all about Matt and Matt's pain.

Gunderga, I am not directing my ire at you, I think you're trying to be fair and I respect t that. But the dog nonsense from Matt pissed me off.

Edited by Rap541
  • Love 11
16 hours ago, TwirlyGirly said:

"Back in 2015, Matt and Amy Roloff shocked fans of Little People, Big World when they announced that the mother-of-four filed for divorce from her husband after nearly three decades of seemingly wedded bliss." (https://www.intouchweekly.com/posts/roloff-divorce-details-135884 )

Not that In Touch Weekly is absolutely accurate all the time, but that where it comes from.

I love when Matt Rolloff said that commitment was down on his list. That proves but we all know about him that he can't commit to anything.

  • Love 1

Shame on all the kids for not helping Amy clean up after their Christmas celebration. Babies aren’t an excuse for laziness- it looked like none of the kids even brought anything to the gathering. Amy seems so close with Baby Jackson and awkward with Ember- pretty sure we all know why : Ember’s mommy is a shrew. 

Aren’t Jeremy and Audrey campers?? Get out the camp stove and make do ! Even a weeny roast over a campfire can be a festive Christmas dinner if you make it fun! 

I am team Chris- he seems pretty cool ( plus I want to run my hands thru his silky white hair ?). Karen seems extra, and shady. Matt is an ass. 

  • Love 4
17 hours ago, sATL said:

Was matt and amy affectionate towards each other at the beginningof the show? Did they act like they at least liked each other-attracted- to each other?


I always felt they had an odd dynamic.  They married really quickly.  In that time, they probably thought they were each other's best prospects - it's a different world now, where they each now have averaged sized companions, and it's not considered freaky (by most people).  I do believe they were attracted to each other at one time, but it slowly faded as each other's expectations were dashed over and over.  Matt wanted a "yes" woman - someone who didn't argue and indulged his every whim.  Amy wanted someone who was conscientious and planned things out, and didn't rush in to things without considering the big picture (remember: Amy is college educated, and has a degree in Hospitality and Hotel Management, so she knows a few things).  Just my opinion.  When you rush to marry someone you don't truly know, the shine eventually fades, and you're left wondering what happened - I've seen it time and again.

15 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

Her ass kissing is too much, though. She plays him very, very well. She manipulates him and he eats it up, too.  

Oh, Matt, this is what I love about you, you're always thinking out of the box.

You want to buy an investment rental house? What a great idea! You will make it perfect!

Oh, sure, invite Amy to every freaking little thing you want to, Matt. It's fine with me!

You want to move to Arizona? What a great idea, I love Arizona! 

And my personal favorite: What ever Amy wants to do, I give her my blessing. (as if Amy needs her blessing)

Phony, phony, phony.

Yep - she's the "Yes" woman he always wanted.  No arguments.  No fights.  Yes, she was the farm manager, but that money wasn't hers.  It didn't really affect her bottom line, so she had no real stake in not telling Matt exactly what he wants to hear.

10 hours ago, Rabbittron said:

Caryn is going to keep playing the angle until the money Runs Out and then she will head for the Hills and all you will be able to see is her dust ?


Or until Matt's real personality starts to come out, and she realizes that Amy may have had a point.  Unfortunately, Matt's leg humpers will find a way to blame Amy.

2 hours ago, gunderda said:

The thing is.... farm 'pets' have changed A LOT in just a short amount of time.  It's was, and still is,  very common for people to have a farm dog that stays outside 24/7 and finds shelter in the barns or machine shed along with farm cats running all over... and it wasn't uncommon for farmers to shoot their animals when their end of life was near or when trying to control an over population of stray animals.  I know many people who either grew up that way or had that way of thinking just a decade ago but have lately changed their tune.  And i'm not saying it was the right thing to do but it's what was done and advocacy and caring for all animals has increase greatly in a very short amount of time. 

Sadly, yes.  My mom grew up on a farm.  You shoot old dogs because money was scarce to take them to the vet.  My grandpa couldn't bring himself to shoot their old dog - she was over 20 years old.  He asked the neighbor to do it.  Same with a childhood friend.  Their dad couldn't bring himself to shoot their old dog, so their son did it on his farm.  Farmers that have livestock learn to distance themselves emotionally when the time comes for animals to be culled, but sometimes faithful family pets can be hard to do that to.  When I heard that conversation about Rocky, I didn't bat an eye.  It's not unusual where I live.

Edited by funky-rat
  • Love 3
2 hours ago, gunderda said:

Or maybe a holiday tradition is just super important and would make her feel good at the moment.  My family has quite a bit of food traditions to go with holidays and for some of them I might throw a child like tempertantrum if something stands in my way of having said food lol

The thing is.... farm 'pets' have changed A LOT in just a short amount of time.  It's was, and still is,  very common for people to have a farm dog that stays outside 24/7 and finds shelter in the barns or machine shed along with farm cats running all over... and it wasn't uncommon for farmers to shoot their animals when their end of life was near or when trying to control an over population of stray animals.  I know many people who either grew up that way or had that way of thinking just a decade ago but have lately changed their tune.  And i'm not saying it was the right thing to do but it's what was done and advocacy and caring for all animals has increase greatly in a very short amount of time. 

I grew up with a farm dog the only time he was in the house was below zero weather...….and he was in the cellar....he had a job to protect the house and stock....he was the best dog ever....when an animal got old the 22 went out to the woods with dad and the animal......sad but true....we accepted it...along with if we cant eat it we dont have it...hence no horse

  • Love 4

Aren’t Jeremy and Audrey campers??

No. For all the talk, when Jer and Auj go somewhere, it's always at a nicely appointed B&B or an luxury AirBnB rental. Now that there is a baby, and a girl baby at that (ever notice that Molly the tomboy was NEVER included in the camping trips, camping is for BOYS not shit vagina people) Auj will always have a reason to insist on a certain level of accommodation.

I'm also officially tired of Jeremy's moaning over how awkward the holidays are. I'm also over Zach whining about it btu at least he does it LESS. 

Jeremy? Hun? You're a 28 year old man. Your parents separated when you were 23. Since you won't say boo to your daddy fucking the help, you are not likely to see your parents get back together. The first year, I will give you. Now though? I get that you're not too bright and that you're a spoiled little bitch, but let me explain this. You don't always get your way. That's because other people have wants and needs, just like you. Your parents didn't divorce because they are getting their jollies making Jeremy sad about the holidays and how *he* has a broken family. It's not about you, Jeremy. The fact that your complaining is ALWAYS about how you don't like the separation of events and you feel awkward and things are different from when you were a kid and you don't like it... Grow up. You've been whining and crying and pissing your pants for three years now and I really strongly suspect when Ember is ten, she's gonna be holding your hand as you piss and moan to her how your mommy and daddy don't love you enough to pretend  for the rest of their lives that they still love each other. 

Because you're still a fucking self centered ass.


Sadly, yes.  My mom grew up on a farm.  You shoot old dogs because money was scarce to take them to the vet.  My grandpa couldn't bring himself to shoot their old dog - she was over 20 years old.  He asked the neighbor to do it.  Same with a childhood friend.  Their dad couldn't bring himself to shoot their old dog, so their son did it on his farm.  Farmers that have livestock learn to distance themselves emotionally when the time comes for animals to be culled, but sometimes faithful family pets can be hard to do that to.  When I heard that conversation about Rocky, I didn't bat an eye.  It's not unusual where I live.

I get your point, Funky-rat, but the situation you are describing is not the Roloff situation. This conversation happened "in the big house" - if the couple hundred bucks was gonna "lose the farm" then Matt needs to own he was too goddamn poor to provide his dog with a gentle death. But they weren't too goddamn poor  and we're talking about a man who likes to boast about his million dollar property and how he drives a Mercedes. And Matt is not a farmer, a man who gets up at four am to milk the cows. He's not the subject of Paul Harvey's "So God Made a Farmer" speech. He's a business man who mostly lives a life of leisure. I am sooo not a pet person but this bullshit how Matt's a farmer man so its kinda sorta ok for him to treat the dog like a sack of used shit because he's a farmer and he's too goddamn poor being a farmer to afford more than a bullet to blow the dog's brains out so bless him for his love of animals - no. Not buying that shit.  The Roloffs were wealthy enough at the time of this conversation that it's *disgusting* that blowing the dog's brains out was even raised

  • Love 15
21 minutes ago, Rap541 said:

I get your point, Funky-rat, but the situation you are describing is not the Roloff situation. This conversation happened "in the big house" - if the couple hundred bucks was gonna "lose the farm" then Matt needs to own he was too goddamn poor to provide his dog with a gentle death. But they weren't too goddamn poor  and we're talking about a man who likes to boast about his million dollar property and how he drives a Mercedes. And Matt is not a farmer, a man who gets up at four am to milk the cows. He's not the subject of Paul Harvey's "So God Made a Farmer" speech. He's a business man who mostly lives a life of leisure. I am sooo not a pet person but this bullshit how Matt's a farmer man so its kinda sorta ok for him to treat the dog like a sack of used shit because he's a farmer and he's too goddamn poor being a farmer to afford more than a bullet to blow the dog's brains out so bless him for his love of animals - no. Not buying that shit.  The Roloffs were wealthy enough at the time of this conversation that it's *disgusting* that blowing the dog's brains out was even raised

No one ever accused Matt of being a real farmer, lol, but I was just more addressing the point that some people seem to have never heard of that concept.  

  • Love 6
2 hours ago, Juliegirlj said:

Shame on all the kids for not helping Amy clean up after their Christmas celebration. Babies aren’t an excuse for laziness- it looked like none of the kids even brought anything to the gathering. Amy seems so close with Baby Jackson and awkward with Ember- pretty sure we all know why : Ember’s mommy is a shrew. 

Aren’t Jeremy and Audrey campers?? Get out the camp stove and make do ! Even a weeny roast over a campfire can be a festive Christmas dinner if you make it fun! 

I am team Chris- he seems pretty cool ( plus I want to run my hands thru his silky white hair ?). Karen seems extra, and shady. Matt is an ass. 

I think the entire family has gotten so wealthy from proceeds of filming this show (I bet their participation fees for appearing in each episode is increased every year) it is sufficient for them to take for granted that someone will be hired to clean up the party for Amy (and Matt). 

Maybe Tory has no immediate plans to return to teaching and the other three show no signs of engaging in meaningful "work" because they believe filming the show is their "work." 

Does anyone know how much $$$ each receives per episode? 

I'm assuming they have been on the air so long that they have very competent agents, financial planners and household staff and have amassed quite a nice "next egg" (in addition to the amount the farm would probably bring on the open market with the prices of real estate in the US today).

I watched a clip of the Thanksgiving episode from when Matt and Amy had just split up, or were on the verge.   I had never seen that episode.  Wow Amy was really nasty.  She told Matt to shove it up his A in front of everyone which included both Tori and Audrey's parents.  The look on Tori and Jeremy's face said it all.  I mean Matt should not have sat at the table alone cause it was 6:30 and dinner was supposed to be served at 6:30, but what Amy said was mean.  I think Amy can be really mean at times if your name isn't Chris!

  • Love 1
6 minutes ago, LucyEth said:

I watched a clip of the Thanksgiving episode from when Matt and Amy had just split up, or were on the verge.   I had never seen that episode.  Wow Amy was really nasty.  She told Matt to shove it up his A in front of everyone which included both Tori and Audrey's parents.  The look on Tori and Jeremy's face said it all.  I mean Matt should not have sat at the table alone cause it was 6:30 and dinner was supposed to be served at 6:30, but what Amy said was mean.  I think Amy can be really mean at times if your name isn't Chris!

There's another post on one of these boards that goes in to that ep.  Matt was being a butthead.  They had already split by then and he had other places to be, and was pitching a fit.  The kids were the ones that made dinner - he was being a jerk, and Amy snapped.  Should she have handled herself better?  Yes.  But Matt pushed the buttons.

Edited by funky-rat
  • Love 15

Yeah, he was intentionally picking a fight. Boo hoo, Amy didn't bend over and say "yes Matt, I need a verbal ass fucking from you in front of both sets of in laws on how you were told to expect dinner at 6:30 and now you're sitting at the table with no food and thats why we divorced, because your needs weren't met".

Amy was being mean because Matt was being mean. Matt could have shut his mouth like an adult and made nice conversation with his in laws. Instead, he decided to be a demanding ass, sitting at an empty table, and loudly complaining he was told dinner was at 6:30, and it's 6:30 and there's no dinner for Matt, isn't that typical of Amy?"

I always love how when Matt's an utter rude shit, people seem to think Amy is supposed to drop to her knees, beg his forgiveness no matter what, and offer to blow him on the spot all while crying in shame for having displeased him. 

Maybe if he needs his holiday dinner served up exactly when he wants, and he has such a fucking issue with it, maybe he *shouldn't come* if he can't handle minor delays without ruining the dinner with his attitude?

  • Love 14
4 hours ago, gunderda said:

Or maybe a holiday tradition is just super important and would make her feel good at the moment.  My family has quite a bit of food traditions to go with holidays and for some of them I might throw a child like tempertantrum if something stands in my way of having said food lol

The thing is.... farm 'pets' have changed A LOT in just a short amount of time.  It's was, and still is,  very common for people to have a farm dog that stays outside 24/7 and finds shelter in the barns or machine shed along with farm cats running all over... and it wasn't uncommon for farmers to shoot their animals when their end of life was near or when trying to control an over population of stray animals.  I know many people who either grew up that way or had that way of thinking just a decade ago but have lately changed their tune.  And i'm not saying it was the right thing to do but it's what was done and advocacy and caring for all animals has increase greatly in a very short amount of time. 

I hear what you are saying but Matt is hardly a "farmer"...he grows one crop that he sells once a year...the rest of the year he just thinks of dopey projects to erect on his land. And while I understand the whole farm animal farm dog thing and killing a farm dog a la "Old Yeller", I really don't think that is the equivalent or moral equivalent of Rocky. Rocky wasn't a guard dog for a flock of sheep or cows...he was the family dog. They didn't keep him outside day and night to guard the other farm animals, he was kept out because they didn't want him inside, specifically, Amy didn't want him inside. It wasn't until there was a stink made by viewers that Rocky was being mistreated by having to stay on the porch, even in the cold rainy winter weather, that they brought him inside. I think in 2018 the killing of a family dog or a farm dog seems a bit archaic and even inhumane...we have great medicine to give animals who are ill with cancer or other diseases that can't be cured that help them with pain and  drugs that can painlessly ease them into their final phase of crossing the rainbow bridge. We have a different sensibility about our pets now and making them as comfortable as possible when they are ill or dying. Rocky should have been treated with love and made as comfortable as possible with a soft bed by the fireplace. Instead, they kept him outside and let me die wandering the farm..cold and alone. Shame on them.

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, Rap541 said:

I always love how when Matt's an utter rude shit, people seem to think Amy is supposed to drop to her knees, beg his forgiveness no matter what, and offer to blow him on the spot all while crying in shame for having displeased him. 

Speaking for myself I don't think anything even remotely close to that scenario, wow!

  • Love 3

Well, she's certainly not allowed to lose her temper, now is she? Matt's rude as shit to her - for no reason since the kids were making the fucking dinner, and she's the mean one for getting upset that her ex husband is bitching to the in-laws that she's always late, he was told dinner was at 6:30 and there's no dinner and Amy is at *fault* for it. It sure seems like the only acceptable response is for Amy to bow her head and accept Matt's abuse of her. If she so much as raises her voice, she has a *vicious* temper and really needs psychiatric assistance as her entire family is terrified of her anger. 

Maybe Amy was mean because Matt was mean and if Matt is upset he got told to blow it out his ass, he should have apologized for his rude and judgemental behavior that wasn't even being fairly directed at Amy. 

  • Love 9

I'm not so sure everyone even heard Amy in that moment. Of course everyone saw it later watching the show, but that's after the fact & not quite the same. She was mic'd up & the camera catching it was gold for production, but the 'looks' we saw of people reacting (Tori, etc) could have been to anything or even just an innocent look meaning nothing at all, at some other point in the day.  Did they show Amy walking away speaking with the others looking toward her in the same shot- together? If not, it could've been edited just to seem that way. For all we know Matt didn't even hear it. Many a time I've walked away from someone muttering something nasty in response to their ass holery & they did not hear me (hangs head in shame - but not too much),

Edited by gonecrackers
re organized
  • Love 5
18 hours ago, zenme said:

Re-heating her soup could be even better. I find these kinds of things are better when the flavors have had time to meld. 

In any case, first world problems. The bitch can have her soup next year. No one is gonna die. Get over it.


Actually i.m not a fan of saving dishes - that people beg and crave for - to be made/served for only once a year - unless it needs highly seasonal ingredients, that cannot be substituted. If it's labor intensive, find a different way of preparing for other times of the year. . Nowhere it is written "chistmas soup" can only be eaten on 12/25.

  • Love 6
On 6/21/2018 at 9:45 AM, Ina123 said:

The reason they keep harping on Amy's plans is because they want the house. They should just come right out and say it: "Mom, you're in Dad's way. Move!"

To which Amy can say, "Matt, build your own damn house."

Too bad Amy can't jack up that house like Matt did that wedding chapel and freight it to an acrage of land that she 100% soely owns.

Edited by sATL
  • Love 5
3 hours ago, LucyEth said:

I think Amy can be really mean at times if your name isn't Chris!

Oh, yes. She hides that side of herself. Chris made it clear he wasn't interested in that Amy. Then again, maybe he is bringing the softer side out in Amy. All I know is, and this my opinion only, is that if you can't be 100% your genuine self in front of the person you are in a relationship with then the relationship will eventually make you very unhappy. 

1 hour ago, gonecrackers said:

I'm not so sure everyone even heard Amy in that moment. Of course everyone saw it later watching the show, but that's after the fact & not quite the same.

I always thought that scene was edited. We did not see those words coming out of Amy's mouth as she was walking away. It was awkward and weird and if it was edited out of context then I hope Amy raised hell with the producers because that was a supremely dirty move on the producers part. 

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