Rap541 June 20, 2018 Share June 20, 2018 (edited) Quote 5. Matt: why do you keep insisting that Amy come to all your parties? It's tiring to hear you listen about having it be one, big happy family. You had an affair with Caryn while you were married, and you expect Amy to just get over it and be best friends with her? Ain't gonna happen. Honestly this is clearly show influenced. Here's what really is happening. When the cameras are there, Matt puts on the smile and lies about how he wants one big happy family so he's gonna invite Amy to event X. When TLC isn't filming, Matt is NOT inviting Amy to anything. Quote What was the whole story about Rocky? I vaguely remember the episode, but all I recall was that the dog was old and sick. I do remember getting teary-eyed, as I pretty much cry anytime I see a family pet pass away. Essentially the dog was diagnosed with cancer and lingered for about six months with what amounts to doggie hospice care. In some respects, I don't blame the Roloffs for that decision - Rocky was a bull mastiff and 12 years old and thats OLD for a bull mastiff and cancer treatment in dogs often feels like its being done more for the owners than the pet. As the dog slowly lingered, there was at least one episode of Matt making a show of how much he personally gave a shit about poor old Rocky. The dog was found dead, alone. No one seemed terribly broken up and burying the dog was a filmed event. Quote From what I've seen over the years and now, I suspect that the uncomfortable feelings around Amy have to do with her having issues about being not okay with Matt and Caryn. The kids pick up on it and it must be a chore to constantly have to have her expressing that resentment. To me, it would get old. Apparently, she'll take it to her grave. So sad for Amy, because it's not helping anything and only hurting her. Was Amy supposed to be pleased and happy she was being cuckholded? I swear, sometimes I feel like Amy isn't allowed normal human feelings. She's being betrayed by her husband and she's the one who is at fault for not putting a smile and a "I'm happy!" attitude on. Sometimes I feel like people think Matt is a prince among men for cheating on his wife with his employee and should get a big old parade for "Best Little Cheating Fuck EVER" complete with his wife being dragged in chains at the end and the parade attendees encouraged to throw rotten fruit at the evil witch who denied Prince Matt of the Best Adultery Ever his precious happiness. Edited June 20, 2018 by Rap541 12 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/6167-all-episodes-talk-small-world-big-lives/page/90/#findComment-4428616
LucyEth June 20, 2018 Share June 20, 2018 I think both parties were very nice. Matt's seemed more fun and about creating memories of his grandchildren's first Christmas. I think the trees were a great idea. Matt suggested that Amy stop by to say hello to his parents, she did not stop at the party but off camera she might have said hello to them. Amy seems extremely happy with Chris, she is just thrilled at every little loving comment he makes. I don't think they are divorced that long and they both have people in their lives. I still get a feeling from Amy that she is sad about the marriage breaking up, she makes a lot of comments about if her and Matt had done this or if Matt had done more of that.... If Matt and Caryn had a relationship while he was still married to Amy (not sure how anyone knows that, did he admit if?) Amy should know the best revenge is living well. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/6167-all-episodes-talk-small-world-big-lives/page/90/#findComment-4428644
SunnyBeBe June 20, 2018 Share June 20, 2018 13 minutes ago, LucyEth said: I think both parties were very nice. Matt's seemed more fun and about creating memories of his grandchildren's first Christmas. I think the trees were a great idea. Matt suggested that Amy stop by to say hello to his parents, she did not stop at the party but off camera she might have said hello to them. Amy seems extremely happy with Chris, she is just thrilled at every little loving comment he makes. I don't think they are divorced that long and they both have people in their lives. I still get a feeling from Amy that she is sad about the marriage breaking up, she makes a lot of comments about if her and Matt had done this or if Matt had done more of that.... If Matt and Caryn had a relationship while he was still married to Amy (not sure how anyone knows that, did he admit if?) Amy should know the best revenge is living well. Amen! And, you would think that Amy is smart enough to know this. If she can't move past her resentment, when Chris wants her to, then, it must be really huge. If she was convinced that Matt and Caryn were having an affair, I can understand her being hurt, but, how long do you linger with the hostility? Most criminals get a date that they get out of prison or get parole. I guess Amy just isn't interesting in moving on. But, I am reminded that if she were to move on and things become amicable......what good is that for reality show? They'd have to come up with some other kind of angst. And, since the ratings are pretty good, why try to fix it? 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/6167-all-episodes-talk-small-world-big-lives/page/90/#findComment-4428681
Rap541 June 20, 2018 Share June 20, 2018 I just don't think Amy is at an unusual place in her coping. She doesn't seem so resentful that her life is a complete mess. She's clearly moved on to dating a new guy. She seems content with where she is living. The only stress she has is the ex husband who clearly is playing a passive aggressive game over the house. Matt openly states he wants to move... Why the fuck isn't he moving on? Matt is the only one who really seriously talks about selling the farm and saying "Good bye" to the whole business. I mean seriously, if anyone isn't interested in moving on, it's Matt. He's choosing to live in a house he decries and uncomfortable and painful rather than accept that Amy actually got the big house in the divorce settlement. I don't understand why, every time Matt harps on his physical agony and torture in the DW, why isn't he told to let go of his resentment and move on? If we are to believe Matt, he'd rather torture himself physically for the rest of his life because its more important for him to force Amy out of the big house than it is for him to do what he needs to live more comfortably. But funny, Amy is always the bitter resentful one, and Matt is somehow noble for digging in his heels and whining how if only Amy would give up the house, he could finally be happy but since she won't HE'S GONNA LET US KNOW JUST HOW PHYSICALLY MISERABLE AMY IS MAKING HIM. Call me crazy, living in physical agony out of spite and anger seems pretty resentful. 12 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/6167-all-episodes-talk-small-world-big-lives/page/90/#findComment-4428707
gonecrackers June 20, 2018 Share June 20, 2018 (haven't seen this episode just yet) I do think Amy would want to 'just get over it' IF she could., but being married to a cheater who leaves you for his other pick causes a level of trauma (not all traumas are the same, so not comparing, but saying that this kind of thing does cause a certain 'level' of trauma) & that kind of intense hurt is not something that goes away easily. Making it especially difficult is living near Matt & Caryn being right there as well. That will make her healing process - & it will be a process - longer. She's got a lot going for her in that she's an empty nester, so no sharing custody, etc, has many friends, her own life, interests, hobbies, seemingly no financial worries, & a bf. That may not soften the blow, nor should it, but it's a lot more than many women have going for them during/after a bad marriage. All that said the show will continue milking the issues between them, which may or may not even be issues anymore, until they go off air. 12 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/6167-all-episodes-talk-small-world-big-lives/page/90/#findComment-4428732
Spike June 20, 2018 Share June 20, 2018 The vet recommended that Rocky be put down (I think he had cancer). Matt was bitching and moaning about the cost. What is it, a couple hundred bucks? From a guy who goes to auctions to buy useless crap that is stored in the barn? So Matt wanted to shoot Rocky. And even better, he wanted one of the kids to do it. Yeah, make them shoot their childhood dog. They didn’t want to do it, but Matt still wasn’t willing to pay for euthanasia, so everyone just ignored the situation and let Rocky wander the farm until he collapsed. They found him dead. Maybe that will be the sequel to the children’s book about Lucy. 15 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/6167-all-episodes-talk-small-world-big-lives/page/90/#findComment-4428734
Ina123 June 20, 2018 Share June 20, 2018 Back to last week's episode: During the meeting, when Matt interrupted Amy with, "You aren't listening", Amy should have told him, "I'll discuss this when you decide to show me some respect" and just leave. He was dismissive and has no respect for her opinion. Build your own house, Matt, on your own dime. You can have the construction costs later when and if the farm sells. THIS is what you agreed to. Apparently, there is nothing in the agreement that says the business (which Amy would have to sacrifice 50%) owes you a house. No one held a gun to your head to make you sign the divorce agreement. I still say Matt is conniving to get her off the farm and out of the business. 15 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/6167-all-episodes-talk-small-world-big-lives/page/90/#findComment-4428783
bichonblitz June 20, 2018 Share June 20, 2018 1 hour ago, SunnyBeBe said: I wish Jer and Zach would stop with "it's hard for our parents to be divorced" routine. Didn't Tori say that Christmas was a busy family time because they also had to figure in visiting her mom and "her family" and her dad and "his family"? so are her parents divorced as well? I'm so tired of Zach and Jer acting as if they are the only people in the world with divorced parents. I get the feeling that Auj just doesn't like Amy. I have no idea why, either. I would like to know the story behind that because Amy always seems so nice to her. If you watch Auj at Amy's Christmas, she's her usual quiet, sullen self. At Matt's party, she was interacting with everybody, laughing and smiling. The contrast was shocking to me. Now, don't skewer me for this, but I want to know just what kind of an affair Matt can have with his tiny little mangled legs, hands and body, always complaining about his pain and walking on crutches. Caryn is a big woman (not fat, just a tall, big boned woman) so I want to know how that goes down in the bedroom. She could straddle him but she would kill him. Sorry, I can't help where my mind goes... The story about Rocky makes me sick to my stomach. That poor, sweet dog. 10 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/6167-all-episodes-talk-small-world-big-lives/page/90/#findComment-4428864
ginger90 June 20, 2018 Share June 20, 2018 Is Matt’s house considered a permanent structure? Is it on the same lot as the big house”? Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/6167-all-episodes-talk-small-world-big-lives/page/90/#findComment-4428867
camom June 20, 2018 Share June 20, 2018 Am I a terrible person because I thought it was wonderful that Tori and Zach gave such a cute gift from Jackson but Jeremy and Audrey did nothing (at least that we saw)? Auj must have been fuming because she didn't do something bigger and better. (I did something similar when my kids were babies. They're now all in their 40s and we still have those handprints.) Since J&A were replacing an electric stove with a gas one, I'm guessing that Jeremy ran the new gas line. Not surprised that it wasn't done correctly. I once read that if you have been married (or in a relationship) for more than 10 years, it will take 5 years after it ends before you are ready to be in another serious relationship. At least a healthy one. Not a very popular opinion probably. The theory was that there is so much baggage from the failed relationship that it takes that much time before you can fully enter a new one without bringing all of that baggage along. I agree with the people who say it's crazy for Matt and Caryn to buy a house together. I hope they had a lawyer write up everything so that there is no room for misunderstanding. Because if they split up, Matt will think it's his house. 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/6167-all-episodes-talk-small-world-big-lives/page/90/#findComment-4428936
Guest June 20, 2018 Share June 20, 2018 2 hours ago, LucyEth said: I still get a feeling from Amy that she is sad about the marriage breaking up, I think that betrayal is the main culprit here. And.....being blindsided with a divorce is a bummer. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/6167-all-episodes-talk-small-world-big-lives/page/90/#findComment-4428993
SunnyBeBe June 20, 2018 Share June 20, 2018 47 minutes ago, bichonblitz said: Didn't Tori say that Christmas was a busy family time because they also had to figure in visiting her mom and "her family" and her dad and "his family"? so are her parents divorced as well? I'm so tired of Zach and Jer acting as if they are the only people in the world with divorced parents. I get the feeling that Auj just doesn't like Amy. I have no idea why, either. I would like to know the story behind that because Amy always seems so nice to her. If you watch Auj at Amy's Christmas, she's her usual quiet, sullen self. At Matt's party, she was interacting with everybody, laughing and smiling. The contrast was shocking to me. Now, don't skewer me for this, but I want to know just what kind of an affair Matt can have with his tiny little mangled legs, hands and body, always complaining about his pain and walking on crutches. Caryn is a big woman (not fat, just a tall, big boned woman) so I want to know how that goes down in the bedroom. She could straddle him but she would kill him. Sorry, I can't help where my mind goes... The story about Rocky makes me sick to my stomach. That poor, sweet dog. I won't comment on Matt's ability as a lover, but, I will share my suspicions on the deal with Auj and Amy. I think that some people are more adept at rolling with the punches and letting things go and not being super sensitive than others. And, sometimes, it just comes down to personality, but, I knew that when TORI, who is dubbed the sweetheart of the family, from what I have seen and I don't disagree with that, as she is quite charming, stated on air that she had an issue with Amy, that it was pretty severe. Tori said that in one of those cameo talk to the camera scenes a few seasons ago, but, it was her, Zack, Jer and Auj sitting there and Tori said that we know how Amy is and how she can just go off on you. They all seemed to agree. No one else said much, but, just seemed to support her. It was like they had to walk on egg shells around Amy. So, apparently, Amy went off on them and not just Matt, if we believe Tori. And I do believe Tori. Maybe, Auj isn't as forgiving of someone who goes off on them, if that is indeed happened. It could also be that Auj has gotten to know Caryn and she doesn't appreciate the way Amy is in her attitude about her and Matt. These are just my suspicions and I have no proof, other than watching the show and what I have stated was shown on the show. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/6167-all-episodes-talk-small-world-big-lives/page/90/#findComment-4429007
Bark June 20, 2018 Share June 20, 2018 Seems to me there are reasons that Auj doesn't care much for Amy. She must see and sense that Zach is Amy's favorite just as Jer is Matt's favorite. Am sure Amy leaving on her biker trip with Chris during her potential due date also pissed her off. Perhaps that is why Auj appeared more relaxed and involved with Matt's party. She also knows Jer has Matt wrapped around his finger....and knows to make nice around Daddy Warbuck's Matt. 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/6167-all-episodes-talk-small-world-big-lives/page/90/#findComment-4429024
kicksave June 20, 2018 Share June 20, 2018 7 hours ago, Ina123 said: Hey Auj: Go to the grocery store and buy your freakin' soup ingredients. Take them over to your parent's house and cook the darn soup. Take it home. Eat. Soup is soup...what the heck is in this soup anyway? 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/6167-all-episodes-talk-small-world-big-lives/page/90/#findComment-4429043
UsernameFatigue June 20, 2018 Share June 20, 2018 (edited) I have to say, I much preferred Amy's Christmas party to Matt's. Matt's party was all about Matt, not his grandchildren, since the grandchildren have no idea what is going on, and will not remember any of it. And WTF was up with dressing as Santa, and then having your months old grandkids have to sit outside with him? Is Santa not allowed in the house where it is warm? The only smart one was Matt's dog who stayed in the house. Not to mention, Matt appears to have just exchanged one female whom he expects to cater to him for another. Why wasn't Matt in the kitchen preparing food - the party was for his family, not Caryn's. WTH does she see in him? I loved Chris and the twins playing cards. I like that Amy's party was focused on the adults, not the kids who have no idea what is going on anyway. The twins really need to get over that their parents are divorced. Do they not see that they both are much happier apart, and that Chris treats their mother much better than their father ever did? Sheesh. I was also annoyed at Jer asking his dad if he thought he would ever get a straight answer out of Amy. She gave you both a straight answer you azzhole. Just because it wasn't the one you wanted, doesn't mean it didn't happen. I laughed at Zach saying he didn't want a dog, because he would then be 3rd after the baby and the dog. Hilarious. Though if Tori is smart, she will insist on a dog along with another kid. I am an animal person and would never not have one or more in my life. I think Tori is the same, so I hope she sticks to her guns. Edited June 20, 2018 by UsernameFatigue 9 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/6167-all-episodes-talk-small-world-big-lives/page/90/#findComment-4429056
Rabbittron June 20, 2018 Share June 20, 2018 6 minutes ago, kicksave said: Soup is soup...what the heck is in this soup anyway? ?, his sleigh and 8 tiny reindeer ? 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/6167-all-episodes-talk-small-world-big-lives/page/90/#findComment-4429064
kicksave June 20, 2018 Share June 20, 2018 1 hour ago, bichonblitz said: Didn't Tori say that Christmas was a busy family time because they also had to figure in visiting her mom and "her family" and her dad and "his family"? so are her parents divorced as well? I'm so tired of Zach and Jer acting as if they are the only people in the world with divorced parents. I get the feeling that Auj just doesn't like Amy. I have no idea why, either. I would like to know the story behind that because Amy always seems so nice to her. If you watch Auj at Amy's Christmas, she's her usual quiet, sullen self. At Matt's party, she was interacting with everybody, laughing and smiling. The contrast was shocking to me. Now, don't skewer me for this, but I want to know just what kind of an affair Matt can have with his tiny little mangled legs, hands and body, always complaining about his pain and walking on crutches. Caryn is a big woman (not fat, just a tall, big boned woman) so I want to know how that goes down in the bedroom. She could straddle him but she would kill him. Sorry, I can't help where my mind goes... The story about Rocky makes me sick to my stomach. That poor, sweet dog. I was wondering the same thing about Matt and Caryn...he's physically in bad shape. There is no way there could be much of an intimate life for him and Caryn. For Caryn, I don't see her future with him being very bright. Ten years or so down the road she will become a complete caregiver to Matt as he will deteriorate (more) with age. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/6167-all-episodes-talk-small-world-big-lives/page/90/#findComment-4429072
athousandclowns June 20, 2018 Share June 20, 2018 Everyone is expressing how I feel so much better than I am able to, like I mentioned my dislike for Jeremy is just not rational. I too noticed the marked difference in Aujs demeanor at Matts DW . It was like she was at a Chritmas party! I really can't fault Amy's discomfort having Caryn rubbed in her face and agree if it was some random person after the separation it would be a different story. Her remark to Matt that Arizona is your new Hawaii is a reminder how he left the family during a vacation and went back to the farm now he's participating in things he was not willing to do before. That is what is so nice about Chris giving Amy the adventure she enjoys. I hope he moves into the big house with her and have pool parties all summer. Rocky story is disturbing as I'm living with my pooch whose had surgery radiation and I give him chemo and although it will return he's in remission for the time being and feeling well. Sorry off topic but just makes me dislike Matt all the more. When Amy asked the kids if they wanted to come over to celebrate Christmas Matt jumped right in and said I do. Bet that's when Caryn decided to host his party. When I was working full time raising a family I made crock pot soup , stews, chili and spaghetti sauce before leaving for work in the morning. There are hot plates too , so calling BS on the long suffering wifey. She needs to go on a church mission and live in a hut with her oils. 8 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/6167-all-episodes-talk-small-world-big-lives/page/90/#findComment-4429108
Bark June 20, 2018 Share June 20, 2018 11 minutes ago, Rabbittron said: ?, his sleigh and 8 tiny reindeer ? On AujPoj website ..she says her mother used to make this soup for Christmas and now she wants to carry on the tradition. She says Jer calls it the chocolate beer soup, nut it is actually a chicken chili mole soup. Recipe is on that site. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/6167-all-episodes-talk-small-world-big-lives/page/90/#findComment-4429119
gonecrackers June 20, 2018 Share June 20, 2018 3 hours ago, Spike said: The vet recommended that Rocky be put down (I think he had cancer). Matt was bitching and moaning about the cost. What is it, a couple hundred bucks? From a guy who goes to auctions to buy useless crap that is stored in the barn? So Matt wanted to shoot Rocky. And even better, he wanted one of the kids to do it. Yeah, make them shoot their childhood dog. They didn’t want to do it, but Matt still wasn’t willing to pay for euthanasia, so everyone just ignored the situation and let Rocky wander the farm until he collapsed. They found him dead. Maybe that will be the sequel to the children’s book about Lucy. That's pretty sick stuff there. From everything about Matt, he seems like a classic narcissist to me. 9 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/6167-all-episodes-talk-small-world-big-lives/page/90/#findComment-4429262
zenme June 20, 2018 Share June 20, 2018 2 hours ago, bichonblitz said: Didn't Tori say that Christmas was a busy family time because they also had to figure in visiting her mom and "her family" and her dad and "his family"? so are her parents divorced as well? I'm so tired of Zach and Jer acting as if they are the only people in the world with divorced parents. I get the feeling that Auj just doesn't like Amy. I have no idea why, either. I would like to know the story behind that because Amy always seems so nice to her. If you watch Auj at Amy's Christmas, she's her usual quiet, sullen self. At Matt's party, she was interacting with everybody, laughing and smiling. The contrast was shocking to me. Now, don't skewer me for this, but I want to know just what kind of an affair Matt can have with his tiny little mangled legs, hands and body, always complaining about his pain and walking on crutches. Caryn is a big woman (not fat, just a tall, big boned woman) so I want to know how that goes down in the bedroom. She could straddle him but she would kill him. Sorry, I can't help where my mind goes... The story about Rocky makes me sick to my stomach. That poor, sweet dog. I think Tori probably means her mother's family and father's family, as in her paternal grandparents, and maternal grandparents or families of. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/6167-all-episodes-talk-small-world-big-lives/page/90/#findComment-4429276
BusyOctober June 20, 2018 Share June 20, 2018 1 hour ago, kicksave said: Soup is soup...what the heck is in this soup anyway? For all Jerk & Odd's carrying on over her precious Christmas soup,this has to be the most amazing bowl of goodness ever put on a table. It's got to be beyond 'make you wanna slap your mamma' amazing...it must be 'make you wanna fuck for Jesus in a tree house' amazing. 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/6167-all-episodes-talk-small-world-big-lives/page/90/#findComment-4429303
kicksave June 20, 2018 Share June 20, 2018 7 hours ago, Mountainair said: It doesn’t necessarily have to be totally about the grandkids but if I were Matt or Amy I would make it about the grandkids because you can cut the tension in the room with a knife! Having trains and santa and chaos tends to leave less awkward silences and more distractions which takes the focus off of how poorly the parent/child relationships have evolved since the split. Hence why I think Matt’s party seemed a lot less awkward than Amy’s. I didn’t think Amy’s party was awkward at all! She had homemade food displayed in a festive way, her house was decorated, there was a nice fire going, she had games that helped Chris to bond with the twins. Caryn just opened up pre-made food from packages and reheated them or just poured them out of jars or plastic salad bar containers...the house was over the top decorated and Matt’s Santa routine was silly. I would take Amy’s homemade food and games over “It’s all about Matt” and microwaved convenience food any day. 15 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/6167-all-episodes-talk-small-world-big-lives/page/90/#findComment-4429312
TwirlyGirly June 20, 2018 Share June 20, 2018 1 hour ago, Bark said: Seems to me there are reasons that Auj doesn't care much for Amy. She must see and sense that Zach is Amy's favorite just as Jer is Matt's favorite. Am sure Amy leaving on her biker trip with Chris during her potential due date also pissed her off. Perhaps that is why Auj appeared more relaxed and involved with Matt's party. She also knows Jer has Matt wrapped around his finger....and knows to make nice around Daddy Warbuck's Matt. Or.......Auj could be so indoctrinated by fundamentalist dogma she truly believes when couples divorce it is always the fault of the wife for not meeting her husband's needs -whatever those may be. Bear in mind in some circles if a man cheats, it's because the wife didn't make herself available to him ever.single.time. And, when a marriage fails, it's because the wife wasn't a proper "helpmeet" to her husband; not supportive enough, not submissive enough, too "headstrong", etc.. If Auj sees any deficiencies in Jeremy, that's *Amy's* fault because raising the children was 100% Amy's responsibility. Also, if Auj and Jeremy refuse to believe Matt had a relationship with Caryn prior to the divorce, then they may both see Amy as responsible for the divorce (wasn't it Amy who initiated the divorce?), which would not have been for either of the two "Bible approved" reasons (adultery of one's spouse or spouse is unbeliever who asks for divorce). Denial runs deep with those two. It would also explain why Jeremy was so bent out of shape when Amy sat Zach and Jeremy down to tell them when she first started dating Chris -in the Bible, if you divorce for any reason other than the two previously mentioned, if you begin a relationship with someone else that relationship is considered adulterous... 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/6167-all-episodes-talk-small-world-big-lives/page/90/#findComment-4429355
DVDFreaker June 20, 2018 Share June 20, 2018 9 hours ago, Ina123 said: Hey Auj: Go to the grocery store and buy your freakin' soup ingredients. Take them over to your parent's house and cook the darn soup. Take it home. Eat. I do not see how that will work because it will be cold when they get home Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/6167-all-episodes-talk-small-world-big-lives/page/90/#findComment-4429378
Spike June 20, 2018 Share June 20, 2018 Soup for Christmas seems pretty underwhelming. 10 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/6167-all-episodes-talk-small-world-big-lives/page/90/#findComment-4429379
kicksave June 20, 2018 Share June 20, 2018 1 hour ago, athousandclowns said: Everyone is expressing how I feel so much better than I am able to, like I mentioned my dislike for Jeremy is just not rational. I too noticed the marked difference in Aujs demeanor at Matts DW . It was like she was at a Chritmas party! I really can't fault Amy's discomfort having Caryn rubbed in her face and agree if it was some random person after the separation it would be a different story. Her remark to Matt that Arizona is your new Hawaii is a reminder how he left the family during a vacation and went back to the farm now he's participating in things he was not willing to do before. That is what is so nice about Chris giving Amy the adventure she enjoys. I hope he moves into the big house with her and have pool parties all summer. Rocky story is disturbing as I'm living with my pooch whose had surgery radiation and I give him chemo and although it will return he's in remission for the time being and feeling well. Sorry off topic but just makes me dislike Matt all the more. When Amy asked the kids if they wanted to come over to celebrate Christmas Matt jumped right in and said I do. Bet that's when Caryn decided to host his party. When I was working full time raising a family I made crock pot soup , stews, chili and spaghetti sauce before leaving for work in the morning. There are hot plates too , so calling BS on the long suffering wifey. She needs to go on a church mission and live in a hut with her oils. Don’t forget that both Matt and Amy wouldn’t allow poor Rocky in the house until viewers complained about how Rocky was left outside in the cold rain. Now they both have rescues that are allowed the run of the farm and the big house and DW. Matt not wanting to pay for euthanasia for Rocky was cruel and inhumane. That poor dog suffered greatly and his idea of shooting him is just beyond the pale. Matt truly is a self centered jerk. 9 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/6167-all-episodes-talk-small-world-big-lives/page/90/#findComment-4429390
DVDFreaker June 20, 2018 Share June 20, 2018 3 hours ago, Spike said: The vet recommended that Rocky be put down (I think he had cancer). Matt was bitching and moaning about the cost. What is it, a couple hundred bucks? From a guy who goes to auctions to buy useless crap that is stored in the barn? So Matt wanted to shoot Rocky. And even better, he wanted one of the kids to do it. Yeah, make them shoot their childhood dog. They didn’t want to do it, but Matt still wasn’t willing to pay for euthanasia, so everyone just ignored the situation and let Rocky wander the farm until he collapsed. They found him dead. Maybe that will be the sequel to the children’s book about Lucy. Really? Fuck Matthew for doing that! 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/6167-all-episodes-talk-small-world-big-lives/page/90/#findComment-4429393
Caracoa1 June 20, 2018 Share June 20, 2018 I don't recall Jeremy giving two shits about being a Christian until he starting getting hard for Audrey. 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/6167-all-episodes-talk-small-world-big-lives/page/90/#findComment-4429426
Spike June 20, 2018 Share June 20, 2018 Lucy is adorable but the way she is always jumping in and out of the mule it’s just a matter of time until Matt runs her over. 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/6167-all-episodes-talk-small-world-big-lives/page/90/#findComment-4429449
Mountainair June 20, 2018 Share June 20, 2018 1 hour ago, kicksave said: I didn’t think Amy’s party was awkward at all! She had homemade food displayed in a festive way, her house was decorated, there was a nice fire going, she had games that helped Chris to bond with the twins. Caryn just opened up pre-made food from packages and reheated them or just poured them out of jars or plastic salad bar containers...the house was over the top decorated and Matt’s Santa routine was silly. I would take Amy’s homemade food and games over “It’s all about Matt” and microwaved convenience food any day. I completely agree. All my original point was that with so much turmoil between Amy and the kids (unwarranted in my opinion) I would have preferred attending Matt's party as it seemed there was a lot less awkwardness. I don't think Holiday's have to be completely kid oriented at all and I asked about Molly and Jacob because I hoped that just because Amy hosted her party two days before Christmas she would still get some holiday time with Molly and Jacob off camera as well. It looked like Matt and Caryn high tailed it out of town ASAP Christmas morning. I loved Matt's decor and got a huge laugh out of him dressing up as Santa and trying to have a serious convo with the boys about Arizona- his mustache was attached to the middle of his nose! I feel like I have to make it clear on this board that I am firmly "Team Amy" and had I been childless and invited to one or the other's house for a Christmas party I would have gone to her house over Matt's in a hot minute. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/6167-all-episodes-talk-small-world-big-lives/page/90/#findComment-4429517
Literata June 20, 2018 Share June 20, 2018 8 hours ago, absolutelyido said: If Amy feels that way, she is perfectly capable of telling Jeremy that herself. I sincerely hope she has, and I sincerely doubt it would faze him. 1 hour ago, TwirlyGirly said: (wasn't it Amy who initiated the divorce?) Where does this keep coming from? Amy wanted to remain married. Matt wanted the divorce. 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/6167-all-episodes-talk-small-world-big-lives/page/90/#findComment-4429567
Rap541 June 20, 2018 Share June 20, 2018 Amy did not initiate the divorce. It's very clearly stated on the show that Matt left Amy and Matt wanted the divorce. 8 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/6167-all-episodes-talk-small-world-big-lives/page/90/#findComment-4429590
Absolom June 20, 2018 Share June 20, 2018 (edited) Ratings for the Christmas parties: 1.711 M viewers and a .32 rating. It was the 11th ranked cable show of the evening. Edited June 20, 2018 by Absolom 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/6167-all-episodes-talk-small-world-big-lives/page/90/#findComment-4429709
TwirlyGirly June 20, 2018 Share June 20, 2018 (edited) On 6/20/2018 at 4:52 PM, Literata said: Where does this keep coming from? Amy wanted to remain married. Matt wanted the divorce. "Back in 2015, Matt and Amy Roloff shocked fans of Little People, Big World when they announced that the mother-of-four filed for divorce from her husband after nearly three decades of seemingly wedded bliss." (https://www.intouchweekly.com/posts/roloff-divorce-details-135884 ) Not that In Touch Weekly is absolutely accurate all the time, but that's where it comes from. Edited June 23, 2018 by TwirlyGirly Spelling 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/6167-all-episodes-talk-small-world-big-lives/page/90/#findComment-4429723
Calibabydolly June 20, 2018 Share June 20, 2018 I don't think it was Amy's idea though. Matt had already checked out (of the marriage) and moved out, if I recall correctly. I think when he set up that DW (with the pretense it was to be the "bridal suite") he had full intensions of moving into it! Possibly TLC paid for it since it was shown imploding the junk house where the DW sits on an episode? I have no facts though. Amy was made to file so Matt could blame her for the divorce in my opinion. Now all he does is whine and complain about how the DW doesn't meet his needs.....well it sure met your needs at the time! Amy did not WANT to get a divorce, it was really her only option left. He was making her look like a fool. *forgot to add....what was up with that stupid hat Auj had on during the party? I forget which party now but I was watching her and her mouth looks like a frown almost all the time. She looks like a mean witch! Tori is not a beauty but she sure does shine in that family, especially compared to Auj! 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/6167-all-episodes-talk-small-world-big-lives/page/90/#findComment-4429758
sATL June 20, 2018 Share June 20, 2018 (edited) 6 hours ago, bichonblitz said: Now, dont skewer me for this, but I want t o know just what kind of an affair Mist can have with his tiny little mangled legs, hands and body, always complaining about his pain and walking on crutches. Caryn is a big woman (not fat, just a tall, big boned woman) so I want to know how that goes down in the bedroom. She could straddle him but she would kill him. Sorry, I can't help where my mind goes. I had the same thought. Sex with matt is worth breaking up her marriage for? Could be caryn Is physically able and /or willing to do what amy wasn't..or couldn't? Or..matt can do things on caryn that amy didn.t want done to her. Was matt and amy affectionate towards each other at the beginningof the show? Did they act like they at least liked each other-attracted- to each other? Edited June 20, 2018 by sATL 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/6167-all-episodes-talk-small-world-big-lives/page/90/#findComment-4429896
MegD June 20, 2018 Share June 20, 2018 18 hours ago, sATL said: I have never heard of "Christmas soup" . It can't be made in the crock-pot ? By now, these two should have bought an electric burner. Auj claims to be a cook - seems doubtful if she can go 6 months without coming up with a plan B, on how to make a dish. I fully expect it to be this soup. Especially with how much she was complaining about it. There are so many ways she could have made her stupid soup. I think she's more annoyed that whatever hipster mecca she used in Bend to buy it at didn't ship it to her hot and ready to go. 3 hours ago, Spike said: Lucy is adorable but the way she is always jumping in and out of the mule it’s just a matter of time until Matt runs her over. And we will have Lucy 2.0, just watch. All of a sudden, Lucy's going to grow 3 inches and turn brown. 1 hour ago, TwirlyGirly said: 2 hours ago, Literata said: Where does this keep coming from? Amy wanted to remain married. Matt wanted the divorce. "Back in 2015, Matt and Amy Roloff shocked fans of Little People, Big World when they announced that the mother-of-four filed for divorce from her husband after nearly three decades of seemingly wedded bliss." (https://www.intouchweekly.com/posts/roloff-divorce-details-135884 ) I checked the decree, she actually filed a co-petition. So technically she filed the document as the petitioner and he's the respondent, but they can only file this type of consented divorce if it's agreed to. They just have to assign roles to the parties. Here in my state, we call them "uncontested divorces" and use the terms "plaintiff" & "defendant" but part of the paperwork that has to be filed (and it looks like Oregon is the same) is that the respondent/defendant has to sign an agreement that states that s/he knows it's being filed and agrees to the divorce and wants it. I suspect Matt just made her pay for it because "your name comes first." 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/6167-all-episodes-talk-small-world-big-lives/page/90/#findComment-4429999
SunnyBeBe June 21, 2018 Share June 21, 2018 (edited) Matt and Amy talked about separating for years. It was a slow and painful thing. I thought they would never actually do it. Their attorneys worked out the details. No one forced either one to sign a contract. The attorneys make sure of that. If everything you do irks the other spouse and pisses them off, then, I'm not sure what the options are. Amy has described it as her and Matt being very different people. I wonder if one reason that Amy is so upset is that she always painted Matt as so horrible that she couldn't tolerate him, but, then there appears to be someone who tolerates him just fine. Caryn seems to get along well with Matt. So does Jer, Auj, Zach, Tori, Molly and CHRIS! (I'm not sure about Jacob, Jacob has had issues with her for sure.) So, I think that bothers her. Edited June 21, 2018 by SunnyBeBe 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/6167-all-episodes-talk-small-world-big-lives/page/90/#findComment-4430079
Caracoa1 June 21, 2018 Share June 21, 2018 As a college educated woman with a degree in accounting, Molly must be woefully aware of how incompetent her brother, Jeremy, is and how he will bankrupt the family farm and jeopardize the inheritance of all the Roloff siblings. 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/6167-all-episodes-talk-small-world-big-lives/page/90/#findComment-4430249
Literata June 21, 2018 Share June 21, 2018 27 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said: I wonder if one reason that Amy is so upset is that she always painted Matt as so horrible that she couldn't tolerate him, but, then there appears to be someone who tolerates him just fine. Caryn seems to get along well with Matt. I suspect Caryn has no problems with Matt because Matt treats her well. My guess is when the bloom is off the rose, Caryn might have similar challenges. 8 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/6167-all-episodes-talk-small-world-big-lives/page/90/#findComment-4430311
bichonblitz June 21, 2018 Share June 21, 2018 21 minutes ago, Literata said: I suspect Caryn has no problems with Matt because Matt treats her well. My guess is when the bloom is off the rose, Caryn might have similar challenges. Her ass kissing is too much, though. She plays him very, very well. She manipulates him and he eats it up, too. Oh, Matt, this is what I love about you, you're always thinking out of the box. You want to buy an investment rental house? What a great idea! You will make it perfect! Oh, sure, invite Amy to every freaking little thing you want to, Matt. It's fine with me! You want to move to Arizona? What a great idea, I love Arizona! And my personal favorite: What ever Amy wants to do, I give her my blessing. (as if Amy needs her blessing) Phony, phony, phony. 16 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/6167-all-episodes-talk-small-world-big-lives/page/90/#findComment-4430555
Ina123 June 21, 2018 Share June 21, 2018 5 hours ago, DVDFreaker said: I do not see how that will work because it will be cold when they get home Um,,,crockpot,,,microwave. Re-heat. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/6167-all-episodes-talk-small-world-big-lives/page/90/#findComment-4430914
zenme June 21, 2018 Share June 21, 2018 But guys, if Odd can't make her Christmas Soup she won't be able to show everyone her Pinterest-y perfect life, so we can all be in awe of her. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/6167-all-episodes-talk-small-world-big-lives/page/90/#findComment-4430965
DVDFreaker June 21, 2018 Share June 21, 2018 27 minutes ago, Ina123 said: Um,,,crockpot,,,microwave. Re-heat. Re-heating will not be as good Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/6167-all-episodes-talk-small-world-big-lives/page/90/#findComment-4431232
MegD June 21, 2018 Share June 21, 2018 6 minutes ago, DVDFreaker said: 34 minutes ago, Ina123 said: Um,,,crockpot,,,microwave. Re-heat. Re-heating will not be as good In the winter when I lived in DC, occasionally, I would hike to Whole Foods which was about 15 minutes away, if I really was craving soup and sushi. I could make it all the way home to my apartment, in the snow on foot and the container managed to keep it warm. I'm sure they could manage to get soup that was still warm in the car. Or they could probably get one of these delivery services to bring it to them nice and hot. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/6167-all-episodes-talk-small-world-big-lives/page/90/#findComment-4431311
zenme June 21, 2018 Share June 21, 2018 Re-heating her soup could be even better. I find these kinds of things are better when the flavors have had time to meld. In any case, first world problems. The bitch can have her soup next year. No one is gonna die. Get over it. 19 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/6167-all-episodes-talk-small-world-big-lives/page/90/#findComment-4431344
Latenites June 21, 2018 Share June 21, 2018 20 hours ago, Spike said: A rocky Christmas reminded me of the dog they allowed to die alone in the rain. OMG, please tell me that they didn't really do this! How utterly horrible! 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/6167-all-episodes-talk-small-world-big-lives/page/90/#findComment-4431345
Bark June 21, 2018 Share June 21, 2018 This is what I would love to see next season. Molly, the only smart, productive, ambitious child, returns to the farm with her husband and takes charge of everything and runs the farm as a year round business and moneymaker. There are pumpkin seasons., Christmas tree seasons, Renaissance Fairs , Carnivals, Soccer camps, wedding seasons,etc. She fixes up and maintains all the attractions Matt has built in the past and then let decay. She sits her 3 useless ass brothers down and explains playtime is over, and to be and want part of the farm, the four letter word WORK now applies and full time duties are given to each one for which they will most certainly be held accountable for. If Tori and Auj don"t hold down real jobs, they too will be expected to work at certain farm duties while raising the children. No more silly blogs and Always More crap from Auj. She will also need to tell Amy that the salsa and baked goods hobbies are nice but there are other daily duties that need to be done for the success of the farm she is half owner of. As for Matt ,he would now be living in Arizona half the year with Caryn and in Caryn's home in Oregon the other half. He would still do work for the farm assigned to him by Molly wherever he lived. And the house he always wanted to build for himself on the other side of the property with a separate entrance, is now being built for Molly and her husband. 18 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/6167-all-episodes-talk-small-world-big-lives/page/90/#findComment-4431422
DVDFreaker June 21, 2018 Share June 21, 2018 I think they should have cancel the show after their divorce, it is just not the same without Molly and Jacob around Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/6167-all-episodes-talk-small-world-big-lives/page/90/#findComment-4431446
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