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All Episodes Talk: Small World, Big Lives

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Great snark on this thread 😂!  I’m late to the LPBW universe; but I’m finding it entertaining.  

I’m fascinated with the Amy/Chris + Caryn/Matt dynamic. Probably because I’m in a similar relationship with my ex & his wife. My current husband and ex get along great. And actually my ex’s new wife & I get along even better. We all have tons in common and have moved on .

Anyways, I love Cha-Cha… she’s likeable and sweet… seems to enjoy the hell out of goofy Matt. ( I like Matt though , probably in the minority LOL) Chris is mysterious… he seems like a great husband! But I can’t figure out what he seems in Amy… she’s a buzz kill mostly. Although this last season she doesn’t seem quite as bad.Maybe she’s coming around.

Matt & Chris together make me laugh. They’re good TV :)


eta: bored with Zach & Tori. They seem entitled brats to me.

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I'm also a big fan of Matt and Caryn and still can't figure out Chris except that he's in love with the farm and possibly Matt, LOL.  We're definitely in the minority -- especially, you'd find, on Reddit, where Matt are Caryn are passionately hated, mostly by embittered ex-wives who over-identify with Amy.

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Rewatching (glutton for punishment).  Two things:

When "Si-Si" spits up on camera, Zach asks the producer for wipes.  Tori just stares at the baby, not making a move.  Is that normal behavior for a mother?  I wonder about that girl!

And Matt's "I'll give the farm to Amy" declaration is very confusing.  He says "whatever piece of the farm I still own."  Then Caryn says he can give her everything but the Arizona house because "we own that together."  Aren't they going to own Matt's new house on the farm together if they get married?  She has ALWAYS referred to it as "Matt's house" where she may one day live.  Pre-nup?  Kind of strange...


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Watched last pm. I'd certainly watch Zach struggle to take care of all 3 kids for hours. The bedroom looked trashed with toys and clothes. And the whole note in Jackson's lunch box, you know production couldn't wait to ask if he remembered (he didn't). 

It is hard caring for 3 littles on your own, no doubt, but millions of people do it daily. 

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It is hard for me to watch this show and see how the parents let Jackson pound on Lylah. Not once did Zach correct Jackson. Zach would look over at the tiff between the kids and just callout Lylah's name over and over.  Never once did he say knock it off to Jackson. Before Tori left for the trip she had to treat us to recitation of how smart Jackson was and how she was going to miss him. I am sure that they love Lylah but this constant heaping of praise on Jackson and either ignoring Lylah or making fun of her is getting old. I am afraid that they are turning Jackson into a mean little kid who thinks he can get away with anything. 

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9 hours ago, 65mickey said:

I am sure that they love Lylah but this constant heaping of praise on Jackson and either ignoring Lylah or making fun of her is getting old. 

I've said before that I believe Tori at least subconsciously resents Lilah for not being the perfect "mini-me" she was sure she would be.  I think they're dumb enough to think a 50-50 chance meant if the first child was a dwarf, the second one wouldn't be, and that total meltdown she had when she learned otherwise was real (as hard as she later tried to pass it off as mere concern for a female's dwarf experience).  And of course Zach just follows Tori's lead.  I agree that poor Lilah seems to have become the family joke, not to say scapegoat.  

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13 hours ago, 65mickey said:

 a mean little kid who thinks he can get away with anything. 

those thoughts will come to a sceeching halt when he realizes his situation.

I really don’t understand ZiT’s fascination with all the over the top praising of Jackson, if he farts they hear Beethoven and smell perfume!

He’s such a braggart for a small child, even when he LOSES he proclaims himself the winner and Zit agrees!

They’re setting him up for an epic fall of Humpty Dumpty proportions!

I find their parenting style very dysfunctional.

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1 hour ago, Joan of Argh said:

those thoughts will come to a sceeching halt when he realizes his situation.

I really don’t understand ZiT’s fascination with all the over the top praising of Jackson, if he farts they hear Beethoven and smell perfume!

He’s such a braggart for a small child, even when he LOSES he proclaims himself the winner and Zit agrees!

They’re setting him up for an epic fall of Humpty Dumpty proportions!

I find their parenting style very dysfunctional.

ZIT are weird.  I remember when Jackson raced that little boy and lost, but Jackson said he was the winner, and his goofy parents just let him carry on as the winner.  What a couple of fools!  They are not doing Jackson any favors by making him have a ridiculously big ego. Yet they have no problem pointing out Lilah’s “clumsiness” to the point of making fun of her.

Jackson demands Benihana every week, he OWNS the place! Lilah wants to use the bathroom…nope she can just wet herself.  I don’t understand their parenting style.  How do they treat the youngest one?  Ive pretty much stopped watching.

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16 hours ago, Dibs said:

 I agree that poor Lilah seems to have become the family joke, not to say scapegoat.  

This times 1000. While solo parenting, Lilah had a dirty pullup on. He puts off changing it. That poor child. Not sure where "Si Si" will fall in the family dynamic- adored and ignored are already taken. 

And FFS, get your daughter speech therapy. Not doing so is neglect you idiots.

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Every season it’s obvious Amy does not like Matt and Caryn and really doesn’t want to be in their company or be friendly with them.  IMO she is so greedy that even if she is unhappy she will keep  the show going so the paychecks keep flowing.  I guess “my man” didn’t get the memo or he is just a phony too.  Another ZiT snooze fest showcasing Zach’s cheapness.  Also, what a great coach Zach is admitting he is coaching the team show he can showcase Jackson.   I thought the kid played a lot of soccer?  In that backyard game he constantly had to tell Jackson what to do.  Great ending as we got treated to Zach picking things off his face.  Oh and I thought Caryn’s ring was beautiful!


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Zach and Tori have said repeatedly that they want to keep Jackson in the dark (or "innocent," as they put it) about his dwarfism for as long as possible.  Was their plan to let other children tell him so they wouldn't have to?  Reminds me of them making Jackson announce the move to Battleground to Matt and Caryn.  Cowardly.  What a couple of ding-dongs, as Tori would say!

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I've never been a  Matt fan and thought Matt and Amy's marriage really took a toll on Amy (phyically and emotionally), but Amy has really become a cranky miserable person.  I mean maybe it is just her personality...but idk...i get the impression it's years of being trapped in a miserable situation. 

Continuing in this show isn't helping her mental health it seems.  Of course,  all those contrived conversations with Chris about Matt are to entertain the viewership...but ya gotta wonder at what cost to the participants?

I give Zac credit for just shutting down the interview addressing the engagement.  He didn't want to talk about it.  He shouldn't have to.

And i do find grown @ss old adults on their second (or more) marriages talking about their engagements like they are 20 year olds to be odd.  I mean this couple is building their second home and we are supoose to gasp and awe at this "big step" they are taking.  Oh plleeaase.  I'm embarrassed for them.  Just plan a small dignified celebration and save this silliness for the youngins. 

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I thought that at least Caryn said they wanted a small wedding. I think they are entitled to be happy. Weren't we treated to en entire season built around Amy's second wedding complete with her bitching and complaining about Matt the entire time?

Amy was miserable being married to Matt. Amy is miserable being divorced from Matt. And she will be miserable when Matt and Caryn are married. That's her personality. She sucks the joy out of the room as soon as she enters.  

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Zack has the right to not discuss his feelings about Matt and Caryn's engagement.  TLC has the right to stop paying him if he doesn't live up to his agreement of being paid for his participation in the program.

Looks even more to me like Zach and Tori didn't "decide" not to continue being on the show.  TLC made the decision for them.  JMO.

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19 hours ago, Dibs said:

Zach and Tori have said repeatedly that they want to keep Jackson in the dark (or "innocent," as they put it) about his dwarfism for as long as possible.  Was their plan to let other children tell him so they wouldn't have to?  Reminds me of them making Jackson announce the move to Battleground to Matt and Caryn.  Cowardly.  What a couple of ding-dongs, as Tori would say!

Knuckleheads is another of her favorites.

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16 hours ago, ezzy4 said:


And i do find grown @ss old adults on their second (or more) marriages talking about their engagements like they are 20 year olds to be odd.  I mean this couple is building their second home and we are supoose to gasp and awe at this "big step" they are taking.  Oh plleeaase.  I'm embarrassed for them.  Just plan a small dignified celebration and save this silliness for the youngins. 

You must be referring to Amy because she is the one at 60 years old with grandchildren that had the big white gown wedding with daddy walking her down the aisle like she was a 20 year old.  I do agree, that is why I was glad Caryn talked about a small event for her marriage to Matt.  

Edited by Endora
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Or maybe it was Amy's miserable personality that MADE the marriage miserable. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree*.


This is Matt's dream house and his last build; I don't begrudge him getting excited about it, nor about getting married again -- this time to a woman who seems to actually love, admire, and support him for a change.  He would really have to go some to match Amy's big, over the top, "princess for a day" production as if she were a blushing virginal first-time bride!

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Impressions after watching the latest episode:

Way to ruin the idyllic waterfall, Amy, by scolding Chris about wanting to attend Matt's bachelor party!  And she can't resist pointing out again that Chris can do things ("have adventures") that Matt couldn't.

Caryn seems to be getting kind of bitchy, and Matt looks scared of marrying her.

Nice of Zach to admit that he wants to coach soccer to give Jackson an advantage.  That soccer match/playdate was a disaster!  It's not that he's "too short," it's that he can barely walk, much less run and shoot balls with those poor misshapen legs; at one point, the ball rolled right in between them!  Zach could play as a boy because he had the surgery that works.  Yes, it was hard and painful, but it fixed the problem.

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On 3/13/2024 at 11:22 PM, Dibs said:

Zach and Tori have said repeatedly that they want to keep Jackson in the dark (or "innocent," as they put it) about his dwarfism for as long as possible.  Was their plan to let other children tell him so they wouldn't have to?  Reminds me of them making Jackson announce the move to Battleground to Matt and Caryn.  Cowardly.  What a couple of ding-dongs, as Tori would say!

I’m confused does Jackson not realize he’s a little person yet?  I know a couple of years back he questioned why he had to play soccer with “the babies” even though they’re will just little people children.   Is he “tall” for a little person child?  

Also doesn’t he know Matt, Amy, and his dad are LP? Is it because his siblings are smaller than he is he thinks he’s tall?  He seems like a smart child (smarter than his parents🙄 ) but I guess he’s really young and maybe hasn’t put it together yet.  I’d figure if nothing else Amy or Matt would have blurted out that he was a little  person

I guess Tori has Jackson’s LP status in her back pocket too. 


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4 hours ago, Irate Panda said:

I’m confused does Jackson not realize he’s a little person yet?  I know a couple of years back he questioned why he had to play soccer with “the babies” even though they’re will just little people children.   Is he “tall” for a little person child?  

Also doesn’t he know Matt, Amy, and his dad are LP? Is it because his siblings are smaller than he is he thinks he’s tall?  He seems like a smart child (smarter than his parents🙄 ) but I guess he’s really young and maybe hasn’t put it together yet.  I’d figure if nothing else Amy or Matt would have blurted out that he was a little  person

I guess Tori has Jackson’s LP status in her back pocket too. 


I get that as parents they want to protect all three kids from certain things. Being a little person is not one of them though IMO. I'm certain there are books and resources geared for children that can start the conversations toJackson and Lilah are different from peers.  

Tori's back pocket is getting mighty full.


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1 hour ago, BAForever said:

I'm certain there are books and resources geared for children that can start the conversations to Jackson and Lilah are different from peers.  

Tori's back pocket is getting mighty full.


There certainly are, because "The Little Couple" showed Jen Arnold reading one of them to Will and Zoey when they were younger than Jackson.  This is willful neglect (again) on the part of these parents.  It'd be interesting if "The 7 Little Johnstons" also shared how they broke the news to all FIVE of their children (bio and adopted).

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IMO I don’t think Zack and Tori mean it literally when they say Jackson doesn’t know he’s a little person. I think at that age you really don’t see yourself as “different” until you hear your peers pointing it out. I am biracial and my adoptive family is all white. I “knew” I was obviously a different color as my family and friends, but until people began pointing it out to me I didn’t really didn’t understand what that meant. To me I was the same as everyone else. I think that’s how Jackson sees himself. He “knows” he’s little, he just doesn’t realize fully that makes him different. 

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The house they looked at was amazing, but I do get Amy not wanting to start a business.

I got kind of pissy when Chris said something like since Matt has his dream house, he and Amy should get theirs. Who of us has their "dream house?" I like my house very much, but it's not perfect. It's wants vs needs, I have all I need.

Caryn is so careful in what she says to and about Amy. She really seems a pleasant person.

Amy will f-up the fundraiser with her lack of organization. 

Glad to see Lilah's language skills improving (insert sarcasm). She's gonna write a tell-all about her ignored childhood.

And driving around the property on those battery jeeps wasn't safe. Lilah was out of control.

I love this sh******.

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I check in on this show every year or 18 months or so, and this time the thing that has struck me most is the lengths the show goes to keep tired old story lines alive, I assume for the money.

  • I mean, Amy doesn't give a crap that Matt and Caryn are getting married. Yet it is always built up that somehow she might.
  • Zach and Tori have removed themselves and are off on their own adventure. Why keep going to Zach and asking him how he feels about his dad or mom's lives?
  • Z and T have yet another kid (what are the odds that 3 of 3 would have dwarfism?) and we get to see the same, boring "kids growing up" stuff that we have seen multiple times before with them and with Amy and Matt.
  • And now Chris turns out to be Matt Jr., and has the same thoughts Matt did 30 years ago about a big house and event business. I have some sympathy for Amy there. She has indeed been there, done that. But it isn't like she didn't realize this when she picked Chris, I assume.

Do Jeremy and his wife/gf ever appear? What happened to the daughter? 

I guess there is a sort of "cycle of life" thing going on, but as a long-time, occasional viewer, it's repetitive and boring.

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Amy is such an Eeyore about everything…

Looking at the house and grounds with Chris, she was her usual sour puss.  When she asked to see Caryn’s ring, she couldn’t have been more disgruntled or disinterested. Telling Matt there’s no violins for him because he got up so early was just unnecessary.

Although, I personally hated that house!  Looked like the movie set for a B-list 70’s “ABC Movie of the Week”….or a ‘70’s porn film. 

She keeps talking about this fundraiser as if she’s planning the next Met Gala, but it’s a small group of local friends, right?

Tori was so annoying when she was talking about all the spring birthdays coming up…”Everyone’s birthday is April/ May….except Lilah’s.”  I swear she sounded bullshit that Lilah was born in a different season.  Is that why the poor kid is treated like a forgotten dishrag? 

Every time I see Lilah or Jackson frolicking in that godforsaken, wanna be ‘farm’ of theirs I just hope emergency services are close by.  Have they taught the kids to swim? I hope there’s never an incident with a scooter or mini car in the drainage ditch with a topheavy, unbalanced, non-swimming, child under it.

  I don’t think the glasses are helping Lilah’s eye, and we know for sure Lilah isn’t getting speech therapy she needs.  She speaks some one word responses clearly, but I don’t think her longer sentences (of 2-4 words) are very intelligible. Is Josiah’s nickname name pronounced “Sigh-Sigh” or “C-C”?  Either way, I don’t like it. Man, that kid looks just like Matt!  

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17 hours ago, jnymph said:

I cringe when Amy needles Chris. Such passive-aggressive bullshit. How has he not run away and locked himself in Matt’s log cabin yet? There has to be something very wrong with him. 

After all these years, I STILL cannot fathom WHAT Chris sees (saw) in Amy?  They seem like such an incongruous couple.  He appears to be a fully functional, nice-looking man with his own resources who never married (for whatever reason).  He meets Amy, a "little person" with a TV show, divorced with a bad attitude (I will avoid characterizing her "looks" or overall appearance) and falls madly enough in love with her to take her on for LIFE! 

I guess LOVE IS BLIND (in Chris' case)...😆

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