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All Episodes Talk: Small World, Big Lives

Message added by Mod-LunarJester,

Culture Check: How can the tropes and stereotypes we apply to TV personalities impact our fellow posters, and how do we remain mindful of these effects while discussing them? Please review for more on stereotypes and tropes.


Culture Check: How can we express our opinions and consider the effect our assumptions may have on the people around us? What impact might speculation have on others, especially when we speculate about children or complex issues like neurodiversity?

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I'm scolding myself in advance for the fact that I will inevitably watch this crap.   

By the way, yesterday Audrey posted a video on Instagram of her surprising Jeremy with an early birthday gift of a motorcycle.  This morning there was a pic of her in the ER- apparently they were hit by a car while riding said motorcycle.  She has a dislocated shoulder, but apparently is ok otherwise and so is Jeremy.  

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What a snoozefest the last episode was.  I can't stand these rehashes of rehashes.  I have also grown very weary of proposal stories and wedding retrospectives.  Jeremy looks more douchey than ever before.  Watching Matt and Amy fight and bicker is not entertaining, must-see TV by any stretch of the imagination.  If I want to watch two soon-to-be divorcees bitch at each other about everything under the sun, I'll dig up some old home movies.  (Don't mind me; it's Monday and I'm grouchier than usual.)

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I liked last night's show/interview/playing a game.  Good to see Lisa Arch again!  Haven't seen her since "Clean Sweep" (I think that is what it was called).  Audrey seems like she tries too hard to be cool.   Molly is always a delight.  Jeremy is an amazing photographer so I wish they would have shown some of his pictures.  Glad they mentioned Jacob.  What is Zach's job/line of work?

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On 5/2/2016 at 9:35 AM, Katydid said:

By the way, yesterday Audrey posted a video on Instagram of her surprising Jeremy with an early birthday gift of a motorcycle.  This morning there was a pic of her in the ER- apparently they were hit by a car while riding said motorcycle.  She has a dislocated shoulder, but apparently is ok otherwise and so is Jeremy.

I gave you props for this post.  What a bunch of idiots.

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Zach and Tori who will be the focus of any spin off show.

I'd watch that.

Jer and Aud are angling to fill the hole with a family value type show ala Duggars before the incest stuff.

Please TLC,do not give them a show, those two are as odious as Matt.

Zach and Tori would live in the big house, Matt in his bachelor pad, Jacob in the barn, Molly will be living abroad and Amy as far away from Matt as humanly possible.

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That he just moved to California and had stuff to do. And that Jeremy was proud of him for making his own decisions.

Edited by Willowsmom
needed to add stuff.
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I may have already mentioned this when the wedding episode originally aired, but I feel like Audrey chose those bridesmaids dresses to intentionally make the ladies look like shit.  Not that they did look like shit, but anything to take the focus off of them and onto her.  Those dresses were hideous!  You can do shabby chic/vintage without dressing your bridesmaids like the Duggars.

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I think Audrey is devious through and through.  Shallow, too.  Sadly I'm watching an "Audrey" plan a wedding in real life and not many people see her for what she is either.

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I didn't watch the show during Jeremy and Audrey's courtship, so I was surprised to learn that Jeremy kept chasing her even after she dumped him.  And the story about how she totally denied his first attempt at a kiss...geez!  What did he see in her??  I really hope those two don't end up with the farm.

Zach are Tori are horrible houseguests.  I would never dream of bringing my dog to stay with someone who rents and can't have dogs, especially a dog that big and hairy.  Tori, learn to detach from your dog once in a while.  On the flipside, how come Jeremy doesn't know the dog's gender after all this time? Oh yeah, cuz he's a douche.

Ugh, Matt was simply awful this episode.  He treats Amy like a child needing supervision and then threw a fit about a minor mud donut.  No way should these two keep living near each other.

Edited by IndianPaintbrush
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OMGosh I want to smack the interviewer! How many times and how many ways can she ask them if there's "still a chance for them to get back together?!"

   I really think they both did well not to just tell her to shut up about it already!

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Oh, and I forgot....when she asked them "what is in your futures?"

  They mentioned getting the married "kids" situated, and that Molly was graduating, and they wanted to make sure SHE was situated...but never said diddly-boo about Jacob!

Weird, to me, I tell you.

(Maybe he asked them not to talk about him..who knows?)

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Does the farm only belong to Matt? It's obnoxious that he acts like Amy needs permission and supervision to have people over. I mean they were all over the property but it's not like they were harming the pumpkin fields. I call BS on the fact that Matt plants crops on that field - usually fields aren't covered in grass.

I realize they're twins but the constant comparison of marriages is weird - what's your wife's worst quality; when do you want babies etc. what brothers talk about this constantly?

I don't know why but I get a gold digger vibe from Jer and Aude. The constant waxing lyrical about the farm and how they MUST raise kids there strikes me as a realization that they want to get their hands on the $hit ton of land, build a home for free, live off the pumpkin business and maybe even sell some land to developers to make money. That'll allow them a "career" of photography and giving marriage advice on the internet.

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I haven't watched last night's show yet, but just thinking about the Jer/Auj wedding recap episode I've come to this conclusion:  they just don't seem like fun people to be around.  I feel like they spend all their time trying to perfect the Hipster Douchebag persona and have no time for anything else.  They take themselves too seriously.  And they're not a couple I'd want to spend any time with.

Zach and Tori on the other hand?  They seem to like each other, get along well, and have fun. 

Edited by woodscommaelle
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Does the farm only belong to Matt? It's obnoxious that he acts like Amy needs permission and supervision to have people over. I mean they were all over the property but it's not like they were harming the pumpkin fields. I call BS on the fact that Matt plants crops on that field - usually fields aren't covered in grass.

I will throw him a bone on this because a) in the past he's been irritable when Zach or Jeremy use the ATVs to create ruts in the lawn and b) its not a pumpkin field but it will need to be resodded with grass.


I don't know why but I get a gold digger vibe from Jer and Aude. The constant waxing lyrical about the farm and how they MUST raise kids there strikes me as a realization that they want to get their hands on the $hit ton of land, build a home for free, live off the pumpkin business and maybe even sell some land to developers to make money. That'll allow them a "career" of photography and giving marriage advice on the internet.

It's becoming pretty clear that the fallback plan for Jeremy and Auj is to take over the farm. I mean, clearly I am not the only one noticing these two never talk about actually doing work or earning money. It's also very noticeable that Zach and Tory are getting a bit eyerolly at the two of them.

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But at least Jeremy acknowledged last night that he's not even sure he can afford to take over the farm.   I think it's great they want to and even with Tori saying they want to do everything they can to make sure the farm stays in the family.  That's a lot of responsibility for young adults to think about.

It seems like Audrey (Aubrey?) is the one with the fantasy idea that they're just going to stake their claim on the land at the farm and live for free and magically take it over one day.   It's going to be a cold day in hell before Matt EVER gives up control of that farm lol  He may say he wants to but you can totally tell he's the type to do the completely opposite.  You'll have to tear the deed of that place out of his dead hands.

At first I didn't think it was a big deal that Tori brought her dog... UNTIL.... Jeremy said they are renting and they aren't allowed pet.  WTF Tori... I'm sure you have friends that can and will watch your dog. Or hey... how about Zach's mom watch it at the farm... there's a thought. 

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All I could think about while watching the dog situation was how stupid it was to show all this on TV, where their landlord could see they broke the no dog rule and said dog was tearing the place up.  Maybe I missed it, but did they even discuss fixing the door?  I generally like Tori, but her moping around over the dog was irritating.

Speaking of irritating... Aren't Jer and Auj (grrr!!!) just the hippest hipsters that ever hipped? They'd like to think so, at least.  I agree they come across as trying too hard.

I can't decide of Matt and Amy which one I dislike more. Matt is... well, Matt.  But then Amy and her crew were obnoxious with all the screeching and yelling.

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I'd be more sympathetic about the dog situation if a) Anyone had said "No you can't bring your giant dog" and b) if Jeremy and Auj of the "no pets lease" didn't have pictures and videos of their cat everywhere. That said, I'm not a dog person and I really think Sully isn't a purse dog.

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Zach and Tori shouldn't have asked in the first place.  The way Zach brought it up was like, "Oh by the way, we're bringing Sully, okay?"  It was a bit presumptuous and put Jeremy and Audrey in an awkward position.

Edited by IndianPaintbrush
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Absolom, thats my point. You don't have to allow pets in your rented place if you signed a no pets lease. Jeremy and Auj negate this arguement all on their own, however, by signing a rental for a no pets lease... and then getting a cat. Kinda hard to argue "we're not allowed pets so you can't bring your dog" as you're cleaning out the not allowed by the lease cat box...

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I skipped the Jer & Aud shitfest, and barely made it through the regular episode.  I can only imagine Matt "supervising" Amy's party - how anyone doesn't choke the living shit out of him every time he opens is mouth is beyond me.  What an asshole.

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36 minutes ago, Absolom said:

It isn't really awkward if you have a no pets lease.  You simply answer saying that and everyone should move on. 

Exactly, no one can get mad at you if it's the rules you signed.

7 minutes ago, ZoloftBlob said:

Absolom, thats my point. You don't have to allow pets in your rented place if you signed a no pets lease. Jeremy and Auj negate this arguement all on their own, however, by signing a rental for a no pets lease... and then getting a cat. Kinda hard to argue "we're not allowed pets so you can't bring your dog" as you're cleaning out the not allowed by the lease cat box...

I actually think they said their lease stated no dogs.  Or maybe first they said no pets and then later on they said no dogs.  

It's pretty common that a landlord will allow a cat but not a dog.  But interesting that Jeremy was so worried about dog hair being everywhere (in their wine?) when cat hair is usually a million times worse (depending on the dog). 

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There are definitely leases allowing no dogs, while allowing cats -- I live in one now.

I don't think it's comparable that Matt can get after Amy for a party the same way he got after Zach and Jeremy for doing donuts - bc they were KIDS and he was the authority figure. To say that Amy can't have people over without his authorization is ridiculous. Sure the grass may need to be re-sodded but give me a break - they have hundreds of acres and that particular field produces no revenue - does it matter if the field looks bad?

While Zach and Tory care about the farm, she stated that they don't have the same desire to live on the property. IIRC she's a teacher and he coaches soccer at an indoor facility. I think those 2 are happy living with what they have, shopping at Target, and maybe they like the independence from Matt and Amy's craziness. OTOH it seems clear to me that Jer and Audge (how is that the nickname for Audrey??) do NOT want to work. They want to be hipsters doing only what they want - photography; marriage advising etc. Those things don't make steady money, which is why they have their eye on the prize -- the farm. Sure Matt isn't giving it to them anytime soon but it's free land on which to build a dream home and Matt will likely pay them to work pumpkin season - meaning steady income on which to raise the big family they want. And eventually when they inherit is - they'll get farm income plus the ability to sell off plots to developers. I think they are saavy yet lazy hipsters who will NOT work 9-5.

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Idon't normally defend Matt and I dont feel that strongly but... a bunch of middle aged women tearing up the lawn is kinda stupid and it does cost money to repair so I can see why he's annoyed. On the other hand, if they're divorced and it needs to be repaired... send Amy the bill. Instead, Matt wants to have her under his control, she has to ask permission to have a party on her own property? Methinks Amy might make the call that Matt can just buy her out and if he can't buy her out, then they sell the property since he's wanting to control her use of it. That will put the kibosh on Jer and Auj's goal of being handed the place. It really is preciously hilarious that Jer and Auj's career plans amount to "we're just going to wait until we're handed the family business".

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Amy has just as much right to do what she wants as Matt does.  This is the hazard of their current arrangement.  It can turn into an unholy battle ground.  Given their personalities, I expect as some point it may.  Not having watched the episode, is it possible production helped the conflict along for drama for the episode? 

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I was annoyed by Tori.  When the dog scratched up the door I don't even think she apologized to them.  I thought Jer and Audge (wtf?) were very nice not to get angry about it.  But Jer and Audge are such hipsters it makes my head hurt.  AND it is crystal clear JerBear wants the farm and is convinced Matt will just hand it to him on a silver platter one day since he is favorite child.  Audge comes across as conniving and seems like she will pull whatever strings to make sure JerBear gets his piece of the pie, however unfair to the other children that might be.  Hopefully Amy will make sure all of the children get an equal share.  Usually I'm on Amy's side, but making donuts in the dirt 'just because' was kind of assholish of her.

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I'm not generally 100% on either side in this battle between Matt and Amy, but I do more often side with Amy... But while I don't think making donuts was the most considerate thing, it was a spontaneous thing, they were on their own property (meaning no damage was done on another persons property) they were just having some fun. Plus Amy never said she refused to fix it, I feel like Matt was making a big deal for the sake of making a big deal....  How many projects has Matt put Amy through where things are torn up for an extended period of time? It does suck that she damaged the land, but let her fix it and move on. If Matt got this mad over a girls night, I can't wait for her to have a guy over. 

I think it would be nice to keep the farm in the family in theory, but if Matt isn't in charge it's going to be the worst decision ever, Matt will never allow someone else (in his family) to take over as long as he is alive.  I think Matts ideal situation would be Jeremy taking over, I'm guessing Matt thinks he can still run the show while Jeremy is in charge on paper (and how much am I willing to bet if something went wrong Matt would throw his hands in the air and be like Jeremy is in charge). I just can't see it ending well.

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I think that it's best if one of them buys the other out of the farm, and one of them moves.

If logic ruled, this would happen but.... I suspect there's too many problems in logic's way. Chief among them the problem that both Matt and Amy have way too much invested in the property. Matt's never going to give up the one thing he insists keeps him alive and Amy is never going to leave the place she raised her children. (although she is the one who I could see eventually conceding the point but Matt never will).

And I really think one of the problems of selling the property is Jer and Auj standing there saying "We want to come HOME and RAISE YOUR GRANDBABIES! The farm is our home forever, you must understand we can never leave our home, we want it so!". And Matt and Amy just concede the point, that Jeremy isn't expected to man up and provide his wife with his own earned home. His plan is "we're gonna live in Bend until I get the farm." How can Matt and Amy sell when Jeremy's making it clear he wants what he wants?

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I really get the impression that "married life" is not all that pleasant in the Jeremy & Aug (whatever the spelling is today) household.  They seem to put a whole lot of work into getting along.  That lady has plans for the future.  I'm not sure that Tori is as sweet as we all believe.  She seems very self centered.  JMHO!

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Jacob is living in California with a girlfriend. He may be smoking pot. No word as to whether he works. Not sure if he's going to be on this season much.

Jer and Auj strike me as happy enough as long as they have no problems. Right now they're in a relationship where they're basically carefree. I mean hell, they're not even working. They're just gonna goof around, hiking and doing whatevs until they get handed the farm. I seriously suspect these two are totally on birth control because the worst thing in the world for these two is having a baby. A baby will end their fun. I am totally willing to bet we don't see Jer and Auj with ANY kids until their early thirties.

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I think Tori left the dog negotiation to Zach and was disappointed that he didn't have a real convo with Jer about it. I also think she went quiet when Sully destroyed the door because she felt bad about it. Amy will be so much better off without that controlling husband of hers.  I think that all the kids are going to be just fine. Molly, Zach, and Jer seem to have grown into wonderful adults (especially compared to every other reality family out there.) it is understandable that Jacob would want to distance himself at his age. It will be interesting to see if he ever consents to screen time again,

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I just caught bits  and pieces of the episodes. The scene where they were painting the little church and Slavemaster Roloff was in his little chariot barking orders at them all just finished me. 

I would have cracked him one with a paint can.

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Did anybody see the update special that aired just before the season premiere?  Jer and Aug (@cereality my best friend's name is Adrienne and her nickname is Aje lol) were talking about the 6 questions they ask each other every Sunday.  I don't really watch this show, I caught it on a lark so I don't know if it's come up before but I was interested in hearing what the questions were but could only make two of them out.   And I'm super nosey like that, did anybody catch what they were?

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Oh brother!  How self absorbed can a couple be?  I guess this can be expected when you are young and don't need to work.  By the way, who is paying the freight for this "glorious marriage"?  Bend, Oregon is not that cheap.

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I'm guessing paychecks from the show fund it. And Matt and Amy, and remember Jeremy's career right now is "waiting for Matt to give them the farm". It's like I was saying - they are a great couple as long as there's NO problems. I bet things wouldn't be so peachy if they both had to work.

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I sincerely hope Zach, Tori, Molly and Jacob have their wits about them because if they don't Jeremy and Aug (whatever the spelling is today) are going to steamroll them to get that farm.

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This show is mostly scripted, right ?  They are handed scripts to learn and go over, right ? 

I don't believe for one minute that Tori married Zack in 'real life'   She had to have been paid to marry him for the show.

Edited by stillhere1900
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