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S02.E04: The Bridge to Total Freedom

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In Scientology, the goal of every Scientologist is to ascend to the top of the "Bridge to Total Freedom." Ex-Scientologists Leah Remini and Mike Rinder will lead a round table discussion to break down what "The Bridge" is and why Scientologists spend years of their lives and thousands of dollars to reach the coveted top. Mike and Leah will be joined by ex-Sea Org Officer Bruce Hines and Leah's mother who reached the top of the Bridge, plus two former members, who currently still practice Scientology outside the church.

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this is a great episode. its nice to hear from leahs mother. i cant believe people will live like paupers for this nonsense.

im glad leah and her mom got out of this.

that xenu story is insane. why did l.ron hubbard talk out of the side of his mouth?

i thought tonights episode would be about miscavige. i guess it was scheduled for next tuesday.

the whole world has stress and sickness. how can someone think holding a tincan would cure them?

As I posted before in another thread somewhere last season.

$cientology: the most expensive book club in history. Your membership lasts for a billion years or until you run out of money or write a bad review.

I also now add: or until you reach OTVIII and they have no further writing from LoonyRH and you have to start all over again, because well ? , and don't dare to question this or you are an SP.

This might be one of the best episodes yet. The round table discussions are always so interesting, because not only is there a dialogue between Mike/Leah and the guest, you also get to hear discussions between the guests themselves. And I gotta say, even though I've read of what the auditing sessions are like, hearing Bruce Hines ask the same questions over and over - in the exact same tone of voice! - I could feel my brain start to atrophy. Luckily my reactive mind kicked in and saved me by starting to swear. ;)

I also liked that they poked fun at themselves quite a bit (I laughed at Mike raising his hand when Leah confessed to yelling at people). It was welcome to have a bit of a lighter episode after the intensity of the last few. If you can call learning about the ridiculous BS that is The Bridge lighthearted. That video clip (from Tampa's Truth Rundown series, I think?) of the registrars being trained on how to squeeze people for every single dime they could was seriously chilling.

It was really interesting to hear from Leah's mom as well. I think I understanding why and how people can get snared by CO$ is something all of us WOGs have a hard time with, so hearing Leah's mom talk about wanting to help people was quite powerful.

Anyone else wish this ep had been two hours long?

1 hour ago, rhys said:

I didn't quite understand Ronit & her husband's desire to remain in scio. Baffling

Agree we didn't either. My husband kept repeating "why do people by into this shit?" When you hear all this stuff its mind boggling how it is at all a so called "religion" and that all these people have bought into the crap like they have. 

3 hours ago, rhys said:

I didn't quite understand Ronit & her husband's desire to remain in scio. Baffling

I haven't seen this EP yet -will do it later in the day- but there's something you have to understand : some things in $hitology are really working, and are efficient (the most basic ones, and that's why people can be enrolled in that effing cult) ! The tone scale, the fact of being "cause" (to a certain extent, of course) to things happening to us, etc...

I really enjoyed this episode. Yes it was just people sitting around a table talking,  but I learned so much. I can see how Scientology ropes people in. We all have issues and the idea of a book or seminar that can help can be appealing. The money spent on the bridge is just crazy though. And then when a person gets to OT VIII, they basically have to start over? I know this tonight makes these celebrity scientologists look even dumber. They've been to the Xenu stuff and stayed, many have learned that OT VIII is basically a lie, and they still shill for the cult.

3 hours ago, rhys said:

I didn't quite understand Ronit & her husband's desire to remain in scio. Baffling

Marty Rathbun continued auditing people after he left CO$, because he believed in the process.  It's my understanding that many who left the "church" believed Miscavige was perverting CO$, but still found Scientology helpful.  The irony is, some of the worst parts of CO$, "fair game" for example, came right from LRH's writings.

The "cans" they hold during the auditing process function as a rudimentary lie detector.  Your auditor sees what topics spike the e-meter, and they continue to grill you on the subject until you no longer react.  So it's actually, IMO, talk therapy combined with desensitizing a person from a traumatic experience.  I also think there may be some pure psychological benefit of being told you no longer react, similar to how one may feel after confession with a priest.  If the auditor shown tonight is typical, the soothing, calm approach alone can make you feel better.  I used to take my cousin to weekly counseling sessions, then touch base with the therapist at the end.  I had maybe 3-5 minutes with the counselor, and I would walk out feeling so much lighter.  Where CO$ auditing goes bad, for me, is the manipulation and what may even be planting of thoughts - such as the very calculated manner in which Nicole Kidman's oldest two were taught to hate and fear her.

4 hours ago, tawny411 said:

I really enjoyed this episode. Yes it was just people sitting around a table talking,  but I learned so much. I can see how Scientology ropes people in. We all have issues and the idea of a book or seminar that can help can be appealing. The money spent on the bridge is just crazy though. And then when a person gets to OT VIII, they basically have to start over? I know this tonight makes these celebrity scientologists look even dumber. They've been to the Xenu stuff and stayed, many have learned that OT VIII is basically a lie, and they still shill for the cult.

Are we sure many have made it that far, though?  It takes many, many years.  Maybe they keep getting bumped down just so they don't reach that far in case they stop and say "whoa, this is crazy talk".  They have a much larger audience if they talk.  I have to admit- I haven't paid much attention to how high up on the "bridge" any of the celebs are.  Leah was only OT VII, right?

9 hours ago, aquarian1 said:

10-20 years to get through OT 7??  Holy crap.  

Right??  I was blown away by that and really wanted some kind of detailed explanation as to what that particular level entails and why it takes so long to complete.  Just to hold people off from OT VIII as long as possible, since that's the last real level?

This was by far my favorite episode of the new season.  I could've listened to them talk for hours.  As important as the stories of sexual abuse, suicide, etc. are, they're just not something I want to watch, so this was definitely much more my speed.  I just wish they had introduced the married couple a bit earlier so we could have heard more from them.

Also interesting to me was the part about how if you say you weren't helped by a particular level, they declare you!  God, no wonder they have all these ridiculous 'success' stories from everyone (Leah's reaction to the talking to your cat thing was priceless).  I mean, I figured you got punished and had to repeat the level/course, not declared an SP.

And Leah telling Mike he's gorgeous?  I love them lol.

Are the 'cans' actually recording something, I wonder?  A sweat sensor maybe?  Or just plain ol' metal cans?

That was an interesting episode.  For the first time I got a real sense of what Scientology is.  It's a  giant cobweb.  And miscavige is the itsy bitsy spider 

Edited by Pondlass1
Dint make sense
7 hours ago, Diane Mars said:

I haven't seen this EP yet -will do it later in the day- but there's something you have to understand : some things in $hitology are really working, and are efficient (the most basic ones, and that's why people can be enrolled in that effing cult) ! The tone scale, the fact of being "cause" (to a certain extent, of course) to things happening to us, etc...

I think without the huge cost, some of the intro courses and the early steps in the bridge seem like they could be useful therapeutically.  Personally, I listen to a variety of personal development books so I would have been a good candidate but I am way too cheap so it never would have worked out as no way would I live a pauper for my religion.  I can see how people get started and then once they get you it is hard to get out.

ETA I would bet some celebrities aren't at OT 8 yet.  The one for the Bart Simpson voice is but some of the lesser known and younger celebrities might just be in OT7.

Edited by fountain

I loved this episode.  I liked that Leah's mom seemed to be annoyed with her at times, because it seemed like a very real adult mother/daughter relationship.  Leah, I'm sure, can be hard to put up with at times, so it seemed to be a real reaction.  (No shade; I love Leah and I know I'm hard to put up with at times, so I'm not really insulting her.)

I liked that they addressed how people get started in Scientology.  You don't start with a $5000 course. You start with a $30 course that probably does have helpful information.  Then you get sucked in as cults do.

10 hours ago, rhys said:

I didn't quite understand Ronit & her husband's desire to remain in scio. Baffling

I think it is the combination of layman's therapy or confessing your soul to auditors and learning skills such as being able to confront others. Some people pay tons of money for years and years of therapy and for coaching. Then there is the aspect of having a goal such as making it up the bridge and all of the promises that come with that.

Perhaps Ronit and her husband stayed in it simply because they cannot admit that they have been conned.

I cannot get my head around parents leaving their children for long stretches of time. Were they really committed to Scientology or did they just find it easier to offload their kids at boarding school? People don't leave their dog for an extended period.

6 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

I also think there may be some pure psychological benefit of being told you no longer react, similar to how one may feel after confession with a priest. 

I agree.  The difference is Father Downey at Holy Spirit Church didn't keep "records" of my confessions for use in possible blackmail later.  It has been alleged that for the celebrities, the auditing session books are kept for use as possible blackmail later if they try to leave the Church or to "scale back" their participation.  I don't think it was "Going Clear" but another documentary I came across that alleged that the Church kept Travolta's acknowledgement of his homosexuality in several volumes.  I don't know if he is or not, nor do I care.  But if it can be proved that this is a strong-arm practice of the Church, there's the extortion count of your RICO right there.  

But after seeing that video of the finance guys telling people to go after the money?  Shit, CO$ is Bernie Madoff with a tax exemption.  

Great episode. We've heard a lot about the different departments and how CoS uses and abuses people, but it was helpful to finally have the actual process broken down a bit (including actual examples of auditing questions). By the way, on this week's Difficult People (on Hulu), the two protagonists were hired as stand-ins for Leah and Mike on this show and the woman acting as Leah's stand-in had to wear massive press-on nails for a close-up of her scrolling through an iPad. Cracked me right up.

39 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

That commercial aired several times while we watched the episode last night.  Weird, for sure.  I wonder how much the producers had to pay for those spots during this specific TV show.

When the spots first aired I went to IMdB, where the 24 viewer comments were all laudatory, even though the movie wasn't scheduled to open for a month.  No official media reviews were available at that time.  Hmm.

Checked again today, and there's a sudden downturn in opinion.

Just sayin'.

Am I crazy or did the previews for this episode show someone being interviewed about David Miscavige? In fact a repeat of last week's episode aired right before this one and the preview for the next one showed David Miscavige. Was the episode pulled or is it still scheduled to air later? I started to wonder if maybe they pulled it because they were afraid they were going to be sued or something.

And yes, I too thought it was ironic a Tom Cruise movie trailer would air during this particular program. Why would the movie studio even buy air time on A&E? They must be part of a larger media conglomerate because surely the studio wouldn't deliberately try to air the spot on this show. 

The terminology the Co$ employs continues to fascinate and amuse me. "Reactive mind?" Um, wouldn't you want your mind to be reactive?  In what universe would you aspire to have a mind that does not react to anything? Like if a speeding car is heading in your direction, you should react to that, right? If someone yells at you to warn you an anvil is about to fall on your head, you should react, right?

I think that this was a very important  ep. They broke down the religion into it's component parts, which really shows what every $cientologist goes through. Its important that the world understands what is at the heart of this "religion". And the ridiculous costs involved. 


BTW, I find it interesting that the Celebs in the church are surprisingly quiet on the subject of this show, save Kirstie.  10 years ago you'd have seen a lot of them being very vocal about their Church (Like Leah for example). Not so much anymore. 

Edited by KHenry14
29 minutes ago, KHenry14 said:

I think that this was a very important  ep. They broke down the religion into it's component parts, which really shows what every $cientologist goes through. Its important that the world understands what is at the heart of this "religion". And the ridiculous costs involved. 


BTW, I find it interesting that the Celebs in the church are surprisingly quiet on the subject of this show, save Kirstie.  10 years ago you'd have seen a lot of them being very vocal about their Church. Not so much anymore. 

I would not find it surprising that after "Going Clear", other documentaries and especially Leah's series exposing what most of us had previously presumed was pretty much the harmless Church of L. Ron Wackadoodles to in fact be a malicious organization engaged in some pretty foul ans possibly illegal practices may have generated some backlash - by the viewing public - to the point where they may find their box office appeal waning.  Personally, I can't stand Cruise and yet he's poised to be the CO$'s answer to John the Baptist.

On 9/6/2017 at 10:46 AM, AZChristian said:

That commercial aired several times while we watched the episode last night.  Weird, for sure.  I wonder how much the producers had to pay for those spots during this specific TV show.

Like the people who watch that show are gonna look at a commercial for yet another BAD tiny tommy movie and go, "She's WRONG about scientology because tiny tommy likes it.  So it must be the right thing to do".

Go slam into another building, cruise.


I actually enjoyed this the most of any show this season.  All the stories they tell are important, and I'm glad they are telling them, because those stories are drops of water in a tsunami that is going to overwhelm and destroy the crock of scientology.

I enjoy learning about the organization itself and hearing about the process all the little deluded people go through.  I would have to had to have been brought into it as a child like Leah and Mike were.  Because as an adult, I know that the first time they started asking me the same questions over and over, I would have been SO out of there.  I also don't like being pressed to buy something.  It may be a wonderful product, but the second you start pushing, you've lost a sale.

I also have a very highly attuned bs meter.  I have very little patience for stupidity.  So, they would probably have escorted me out of the building very soon after my arrival.

And, there's NO way I would have spent two and half hours of my life EVERY DAY sitting around letting someone abuse me at my expense.


And here's another thing I was wondering.  So, okay, all these people made it to OTVIII or clear, were told there were problems and they had to redo it.  Why would these people not be entitled to have it done again at the crock's expense?  You take your car into the shop for a tuneup and they do it wrong.  You don't have to pay to have it done, again.  They apologize and fix the problem.

Edited by smorbie
much more to say
2 hours ago, Carolina Girl said:

I agree.  The difference is Father Downey at Holy Spirit Church didn't keep "records" of my confessions for use in possible blackmail later.  It has been alleged that for the celebrities, the auditing session books are kept for use as possible blackmail later if they try to leave the Church or to "scale back" their participation.  I don't think it was "Going Clear" but another documentary I came across that alleged that the Church kept Travolta's acknowledgement of his homosexuality in several volumes.  I don't know if he is or not, nor do I care.  But if it can be proved that this is a strong-arm practice of the Church, there's the extortion count of your RICO right there.  

But after seeing that video of the finance guys telling people to go after the money?  Shit, CO$ is Bernie Madoff with a tax exemption.  

I know in Going Clear, Tom de Vocht told of how Tom Cruise's auditing sessions would be delivered to Miscavige, who would mock Cruise to the room while he drank scotch. 

I definitely believe CO$ keeps blackmail notes, and whether Travolta is gay or not doesn't matter to me either.  But when he starts assaulting masseurs, it's a problem.  And if the "church" has paid off these lawsuits, as has been rumored for years, that's powerful motivation to stay.

14 hours ago, rhys said:

I didn't quite understand Ronit & her husband's desire to remain in scio. Baffling

I'm with you.  What I really don't understand is how or why people who figure out the scam of this "religion" continue to believe that they are somehow doing something good for the world.  What exactly DO they think they are accomplishing?   If you've opened your eyes enough to see the bullshit of this cult, then wouldn't you also question the the claims they make about helping the world?

1 hour ago, smorbie said:

I actually enjoyed this the most of any show this season.  

I did too.  I would really enjoy seeing more of this type of format - where they gather and discuss a topic.  I would especially love them to get John Travolta's ex handler, Spanky, in the room when they talk about the Sea Org Reformation Practice at the Blue Hotel in L.A.  Or the ones that were literally held captive and in imprisoned on that ranch in California.  

BTW, if you have Twitter accounts, it's always fun to go to Scientology's Twitter account and leave a tidbit or two on their tweets.  I'm convinced NO ONE monitors the responses.  Because they'd seriously close their account if they did - NO ONE is sticking up for them.  Well, okay, one deluded numbnut who has a big photo of Tiny Tom on her Twitter home page.  Res ipse loquitor on that.

Edited by Carolina Girl
More to say and didn't want to create new comment
1 hour ago, jrlr said:

I'm with you.  What I really don't understand is how or why people who figure out the scam of this "religion" continue to believe that they are somehow doing something good for the world.  What exactly DO they think they are accomplishing?   If you've opened your eyes enough to see the bullshit of this cult, then wouldn't you also question the the claims they make about helping the world?

I wonder if they happily pitch their tents at homeless shelters, handing out hot meals instead of propaganda.  Or if they'll be around when Irma hits Florida to offer shelter in their Clearwater properties to refugees from Irma (and maybe Jose) without forcefeeding their "religion".

We know the answer.

This was an excellent episode.  Leah, Mike and Company made very clear how the CO$ gets people in the door - - a $30 course to start.  I remember Leah saying last season that the underlying tenants of Scientology, at least those in the early stages, are not bad.  They are more positive reinforcement and mindfulness.  They probably do work.  Unfortunately, that's also how they get people to stay and pony up the big bucks.

I appreciated that Leah's mom said that she (among others) stayed because she thought things would change.  I stayed in an unhappy relationship for the same reason, so I can see that.

I understand how folks got conned back in the 70s, way before the internet, forums, etc. and especially given that so many were weary of the war, wanted peace and harmony, etc.  How people would enter as new members today?  That I can't imagine.

Watching the Scieno recruiting "commercials" make me laugh with the insanity of it . . . until I remember that these people are serious.  

I recall hearing years ago about the alleged super powers Scienos obtain at a particular level.  Hearing a random person say they could now communicate telepathically with their cats?  I'm with Leah - - what the fuck??  

Every episode needs to have a reaction shot of Leah saying "what the fuck?"  I love her.

And I'm getting a serious crush on Rinder.  Silver fox, indeed. 

34 minutes ago, spiderpig said:

I wonder if they happily pitch their tents at homeless shelters, handing out hot meals instead of propaganda.  Or if they'll be around when Irma hits Florida to offer shelter in their Clearwater properties to refugees from Irma (and maybe Jose) without forcefeeding their "religion".

We know the answer.

Where are the volunteers from the COS during all the flooding in Texas, weren't we told they are big on helping during natural disasters? Since Clearwater may be flooded do we think they will be helping the communities around there? No? Didn't think so.

13 hours ago, Diane Mars said:

I haven't seen this EP yet -will do it later in the day- but there's something you have to understand : some things in $hitology are really working, and are efficient (the most basic ones, and that's why people can be enrolled in that effing cult) ! The tone scale, the fact of being "cause" (to a certain extent, of course) to things happening to us, etc...


Putting gay people down at covert hostility??


It's  all a load of hogwash. 

I really enjoyed this episode too.

The breakdown of money spent was interesting to say the least.  But (I have said before in another post) having to pay for annual membership, courses, books, and mandated "assemblies" throughout the year - aren't those enough red flags that this "organization" is NOT a religion?  Most real religions don't do that to their parishioners/congregations/members/believers.  Most churches offer services for free (even to people who do not "belong"). Or  charge a nominal fee (to cover basic costs of services) which can still be negotiated if the person is in need.  Haven't any of these people been part of or around anyone who belong to a traditional church or have a traditional faith?  All I can do is compare to my faith/church.  We do give to our church but just what we can afford.  We are offered classes, books, services, etc.  Sometimes they are free and sometimes there is a nominal fee to cover costs but that's it.  I don't understand how they can think it is normal to give all of their $ and get into debt to give even more.

I thought it was funny when Leah was going to find out about Xenu and her mom asked to be with her when she did.  Leah's reaction was"WTF" and when she looked at her mother, her mother's reaction was "Isn't it amazing?"  I laughed!!

The total cost to get to level 8 was about half a million dollars!! (This doesn't include "regular" church stuff like books, tapes, mandatory offerings.)  But if you don't receive all the "gifts" it is because you still need level 9 and 10 - which has not been invented yet.  And keep in mind that in an instant you might have to start all over again!!

36 minutes ago, RichiesOlderBro said:


Putting gay people down at covert hostility??


It's  all a load of hogwash. 

If you consider them as "closeted", it "could" make sense.

Just to add before posting : I'm NOT in any way defending $hitology, just trying to explain how it could work. (And that I don't care if "you" are straight, gay, trans, cis, whatever, as long as you're living the life you want to live and are happy with it. And if not, and if I can help, I help. If not, I still can share my shoulder to comfort ^_^ (not directed to "you" as you. Only to illustrate)

Edited by Diane Mars

Awesome episode it really lays out what the "Bridge" is.  It's a clever way to bring people in, but I thought I heard somewhere that 80% of the people who take the initial courses drop out within two years.  It seems like it's only second and third generation now (although the previous shows over the past few weeks would indicate that the third generation is leaving.) 

A half a million dollars to reach OT VIII?  It's unbelievable, but by that point the people are trapped because the mindset is "I've spent this much money, and given up my life, this crazy bullshit has to be right."

As for the people still practicing Scientology outside the CO$, I remember reading that in the beginning, Dianetics was basically DIY self help. Anyone could buy the book, learn the technique and perform audits on family and friends.  It was in the mid-fifties that Hubbard turned it into an actual religion with auditing as a type of sacrament and creating certification to be an "official" auditor and founding official churches.  At the time some of the early Dianeticists were antagonistic to the idea.

And as for the testimonial where the guy said he could communicate telepathically with his cats and make them do what he wanted, I call bullshit.  I had a cat I could say I felt a "psychic" connection with for many years, and he never did what I wanted because he was a cat.

I also liked during the 'auditing' when Leah confessed, "I yelled at someone" and Rinder raises his hand.

I have read a lot about scientology and watched several docs and all episodes of this show.  Even after all that, when I see that clusterfuck of a chart that is "the bridge" I still don't know what the hell I am looking at. Can anyone explain? What is the left side vs the right side? Do you have to do all those "Class" levels on the left before doing your training on the right? Or is this happening concurrently?  Only an insane person would make a chart this busy and confusing. 

Also - maybe I am overanalyzing, but a bridge goes ACROSS, not UP.  Would anyone ever say, "to go from level 1 to level 10, climb up this bridge". No. That would be a ladder, or a staircase.  If he wanted to call it a bridge he could've made the chart horizontal....

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