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S04.E08: Week 4, Night 2

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I was just thinking how stupid it was that there were a total of TWO rose ceremonies in the whole season. That didn't help with a stagnant cast just broing down or hanging with their girls from their own seasons.

Now that I think about it that was also a problem, too many people from the same seasons that didn't want to include anyone new into their group.

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As much as I wanted the twins to torpedo the D-Low/Deanie Baby relationship, my love for them quickly faded when they decided to mean-girl Tickle Monster and Jack Stone.

I get being annoyed with Jack's indecision, but he made his case clearly, calmly, and respectfully. I love him and Christen together! I can really root for them as two sweet, normal people who were teased mercilessly by people who are far below them in class and dignity in the "real world." 

I was disgusted by the twins' nastiness as they proclaimed that Tickle Monster and Jack Stone were basically pity dates who were lucky to get to spend time with the twins. These men have real careers and have demonstrated nothing but genuine kindness for their fellow BiP-ers. They gracefully accepted the fact that they were second/third choices for the twins. They did not deserve to have such bratty behavior thrown their way.

This just boils down to two girls who think they're the hottest creatures in any room (or on any beach) and can't imagine ever being turned down for someone who might be "less hot" on the surface, but - wonder of wonders - could actually have a brighter personality or more in common with the man in question. It's so entitled and "high school" that they just can't see anything below the surface. I can tell D-Low thinks that way and is used to getting any man she wants, but she's at least aware enough not to say it out loud or make it so obvious. If only she'd been rejected in such grand and public fashion. I admit I was rooting for Dean to take the date.

That was one hour? It felt like 3. Thank heavens this is almost over. None of these people are ending up together except maybe Derek and Taylor. She needs to lead a man around and he needs someone who wants that type of semi-codependent, constantly-in-each-other's-faces relationship. 

Less Raven was a good thing, but I missed Kristina. :(

Edited by thesupremediva1
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One of the best parts (trust me, there weren't more than one or two) of this episode was Dean telling Twin that it would be disrespectful TO CRISTINA! and D-Lo if he went on a date with her. In fact, he said it several times. Like Cristina hadn't already split, voluntarily, for home when the Twins got there. But that's Dean, put the blame on anyone but himself. He could have just said he has no interest in Twin, he won't go on the date, But he never DID say 'no," he just kept doing the "yeah but" thing over and over.

Here's a drinking game for anyone rewatching (gah, really?) or watching this ep for the first time. It's a one-conversation drinking game, the Derek/Taylor convo. Take a drink every time Taylor says "like." Like, like, like, like ... Then take a drink every time Derek says "you know." You know, you know, you know ... Have 911 on speed dial because you'll need it before that scene if over.

Nuts, I mean "before that scene IS over." I really need to proofread better.

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45 minutes ago, saber5055 said:

One of the best parts (trust me, there weren't more than one or two) of this episode was Dean telling Twin that it would be disrespectful TO CRISTINA! and D-Lo if he went on a date with her. In fact, he said it several times. Like Cristina hadn't already split, voluntarily, for home when the Twins got there. But that's Dean, put the blame on anyone but himself. He could have just said he has no interest in Twin, he won't go on the date, But he never DID say 'no," he just kept doing the "yeah but" thing over and over.


I actually thought it was more of a slap in Cristina's face that he didn't go on the twin date.  His reasoning with Cristina seemed to be that he wasn't ready to commit to any one person, so for him to say that he couldn't date a second person (twin) and instead needed to focus on D-Lo was probably harsher for Cristina to hear (assuming she even cares any more).  Because then it's not "I want to play the field," but instead it's, "I like D-Lo more than I liked you."

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26 minutes ago, MMLEsq said:

for him to say that he couldn't date a second person (twin) and instead needed to focus on D-Lo was probably harsher for Cristina to hear (assuming she even cares any more).  Because then it's not "I want to play the field," but instead it's, "I like D-Lo more than I liked you."

He's basically said as much, that he liked Kristina better and she was the better choice. He couldn't help going with the 'more exciting' choice. He just couldn't get past the fogginess in his head that was 'but D-Lo is just so damn hawt!!'.

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3 hours ago, portergirl99 said:



look at these girls, especially the one on the left.   they look like normal, average-looking women you could find at a bar, or on a beach, anywhere.  I don't see how they walk in and the guys are all proclaiming them "HOT".  to me, they look like run-of-the-mill bleached blonde floozies. 

I'm glad they left.   I hate that the show kept them at bay until the moment came for them to try to "steal" Derek and Dean.  CH can keep telling us the show is about LOVE, but the producers are just screwing these people around, keeping people in holding cells until the person they want is with someone else.  There's enough drama that happens organically with this show.  when the "drama"  is instigated by the producers, it just seems mean and manipulative. 

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I really think TPTB should've just used the Corrine/DeMario shutdown as an excuse to write off this season, regroup and retool.

Because what they've given us is a steaming pile of . . . boring.

And I know TPTB only use math when they have to calculate how long they have on their Valtrex prescriptions.  But did it ever occur to them that leaving an even-number of paired-up couples after "Rose Ceremonies" this late in the season practically ensures the revolving door of newly-arrived contestants who don't stick around long enough to even get roofied?  

Finally, what the fuck were they thinking allowing those two twits twins try to come in guns blazing and aggressive?  After the Corrine nonsense?  These two together might still have less sense than Corrine.  It's a good thing the remaining guys didn't take the bait.  

Oh, oh, oh, and finally finally, the "bisexual"?!?  She doesn't seem smart enough to have gone to college so she can't be a LUG, but I think I'll label her a LUFE (Lesbian Until Filming Ends).

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2 hours ago, backformore said:

look at these girls, especially the one on the left.   they look like normal, average-looking women you could find at a bar, or on a beach, anywhere.  I don't see how they walk in and the guys are all proclaiming them "HOT".  to me, they look like run-of-the-mill bleached blonde floozies. 

Agreed.  Those two are "Jersey 7's" at best.  And that's before they open their mouths. 

I guess the appeal for a certain (im)maturity level of guy is that . . . they're twins.  (Barbie twins, etc.)  

In fact, I'd bet that if they weren't twins, neither of them would ever have been cast on their own. 

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Yea but I don't even think between both Bach in paradise seasons , that there's been any guy who's been interested in the twins . I really don't care if they are or aren't really THAT dumb because anyone who's willing to play the part that they are is that dumb 

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Jaimie went really hard with the "I'm such a open-minded, and sexually fluuuuuuuuuuid person, look at meeeeeeeee!...Aren't I special and totally unique to this show?.....Aren't I?.....Look at meeeeeeeee again!"   I think she's kissed a few girls to get attention, and that's it.  Bi-sexual is the new black. 

Amanda needs to kick the ass of the person who sewed in those shredding hair extensions, because they looked like rats had been chewing on them.  Or maybe rats HAD been chewing on them.  She definitely looks about 10 years older than her real age.  These shows are not doing her any favors.  But then, she has no skills or brains, so she & the twins are all in the same boat. 

Fleiss really and truly screwed the pooch on this season.  Then he pulled out and screwed it again.  There wasn't anything or anybody even remotely interesting.  I do like Jack though and hope to see him again.  1 person on the whole show I can stand.  Sad. 

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Loved Jack Stone's rundown that the twins will go home, watch Frozen, and play with their fidget spinners

This was the funniest line I have heard on this entire franchise in a long time.

I thought the twins were obnoxious calling Jack and Jonathan douchebags.  The twins are the douchebags in this scenario.  

I still can't understand Ben Z left.  He was seriously the hottest and most desirable guy in the group.  Something went wrong this season big time.

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Did they announce the bachelor and I missed it? Someone posted a picture of Ari (Emily's season) as the next bachelor. Maybe it's just photoshop but if it's for real, what happened with Peter. I barely remember Ari, I would think Peter would get more ratings but oh well.

ETA: Omg it's for real, I just saw it on bachelor nation. Wow I barely remember him but he seems nice, on the eyes at least ?

Edited by infinitewanderer
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1 hour ago, FamilyVan said:

I still can't understand Ben Z left.  He was seriously the hottest and most desirable guy in the group.  Something went wrong this season big time.

I wonder if he left because he's an actual adult?

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On 9/5/2017 at 9:03 PM, JenE4 said:

Dominique's rundown of "this couple" is the new "that couple": I totally thought she was going to say, "Amanda and Robby are the new Amanda and Josh."

I can't stand the twins. Everything about that was painful. I'm glad they got rejected by whom they considered the "reject" guys. Loved Jack Stone's rundown that the twins will go home, watch Frozen, and play with their fidget spinners. Accurate. Also liked Robby's response to the "F*ck all of yoooou!": an incredulous, "What did I do?"

Ha, I would have died laughing if someone called Amanda and Robbie the new Amanda and Josh. At least she genuinely appeared to be into Josh, to the point of ignoring all of the big flashing warning signs. The "relationship" with Robbie looks so forced. 

Jack Stone actually appears to be a pretty funny guy. He had one of the worst date edits in Bachelor history with that creepy smiling, but he's come off pretty well here. 



The oddest was that it was like "Oh this is totally covered ground." as they both simultaneously agreed who had the better vagina.

I find the pissed off twins hilarious and saying "Turns out they are dating ugly, shallow whores." may have been the funniest thing from the whole season. Were I drinking I'd have done a spit take. Tasteless and uncalled for, but funny. Loved their revulsion at the fact that they had now become Scallop Fingers (which turned out to not be a vegetable...).


Ugh, I couldn't disagree more. Their schtick is so painfully unfunny. I don't think they're particularly intelligent, but they're nowhere near as stupid as they try to be and the show forcing their "dumb blonde" soundbites into every scene is so tiresome. You can see the little hamster wheels turning as they try to think of the dumbest thing they can possibly say in response to any question. 


Jaimi arrives as tipped off yesterday.  She still has her corkscrew hair.  And her nose bullring.  Because male or female, straight, gay or bi we all are attracted to someone who looks in low lighting as if they've just sneezed and might need a handkerchief.  Aren't we?

She was a non-entity with little screen time in her season, but she will always hold a place in my memory for being the person who thought that sticking 2 fingers into her nose (to extract said nose ring) was the perfect way to introduce herself to a potential boyfriend. Hall of fame first night misfire. 


that was really gross and bullying of them, especially when Amanda talked about it to a newcomer.   Her tone was "yeah, we call her scallop fingers, she's gross, don't be friends with her."  Amanda, junior high is over.  it's going to be time for you to teach your kids to NOT bully others, show by example.

Yeah, Amanda's the worst when it comes to Christen. She had no dog in the fight over Matt and I don't think Christen has done anything to her, she's just parroting the crowd. 


I actually thought it was more of a slap in Cristina's face that he didn't go on the twin date.  His reasoning with Cristina seemed to be that he wasn't ready to commit to any one person, so for him to say that he couldn't date a second person (twin) and instead needed to focus on D-Lo was probably harsher for Cristina to hear (assuming she even cares any more).  Because then it's not "I want to play the field," but instead it's, "I like D-Lo more than I liked you."

Right? "So, I refused to turn down another girl for you, Kristina, but D-Lo is so special that I'm going to stop pursuing all other girls out of respect for her." Definitely a bigger slap in the face that D-Lo is apparently worth it. 

I think the truth of it is that he just wasn't interested in the twins and that date, but took the rare opportunity to look like a good guy. Not to be one, but to look like one, which is really what matters to him  (see also: being sorry that Kristina witnessed him fooling around in the pool, not sorry that he did it.)


Yea but I don't even think between both Bach in paradise seasons , that there's been any guy who's been interested in the twins . I really don't care if they are or aren't really THAT dumb because anyone who's willing to play the part that they are is that dumb

Those two need to spend some time apart and develop some semblance of individual personalities. I'm sure the whole blonde twins thing get them a lot of superficial attention, but they don't seem to progress beyond that initial stage and I'd guess it's because they are too wrapped up in each other to give anyone else any real attention. Especially the quieter one, she seems to have nothing to say unless it's agreeing with/finishing the sentence of her sister.

This season was truly a dud and was it shorter than normal because of the shutdown or did it just seem shorter because they had virtually no rose ceremonies?

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On September 5, 2017 at 8:03 PM, JenE4 said:

... Loved Jack Stone's rundown that the twins will go home, watch Frozen, and play with their fidget spinners. Accurate. ...

I actually found his comment very insulting--to little girls :). My four granddaughters all under six years old love Frozen and fidget spinners and each has more brains in her baby toe than you could find in those addled airheads of both the twins put together (and interesting that their BFF Daniel from last season stayed waaaay far away from them!).

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22 hours ago, backformore said:

There's enough drama that happens organically with this show.  when the "drama"  is instigated by the producers, it just seems mean and manipulative. 

After that little performance by the airhead twins, I'm starting to think there is really no producer manipulation & that this show is entirely scripted by some lousy writers.

1 hour ago, ljenkins782 said:

Yeah, Amanda's the worst when it comes to Christen. She had no dog in the fight over Matt and I don't think Christen has done anything to her, she's just parroting the crowd. 

Even Jasmine is over it!

17 minutes ago, saber5055 said:

The Twins now live in LA, meaning they are no longer Vegas cocktail waitresses.

I thought they told Amanda they planned to move but haven't yet...unless they did between then & now.

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3 hours ago, ljenkins782 said:

Yeah, Amanda's the worst when it comes to Christen. She had no dog in the fight over Matt and I don't think Christen has done anything to her, she's just parroting the crowd. 

For three seasons we've seen Amanda in a semi-comatose state barely able to whisper, "Yes." "No, and "That's sweet." We finally see her come to life and it's so she can make fun of a someone.  That's just so much worse than a person who is always talking and joking and just happens to go too far occasionally.

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2 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

For three seasons we've seen Amanda in a semi-comatose state barely able to whisper, "Yes." "No, and "That's sweet." We finally see her come to life and it's so she can make fun of a someone.  That's just so much worse than a person who is always talking and joking and just happens to go too far occasionally.

Judy, I remember you mentioning how mean her comments about Alex's height were earlier in the season, and I gave her a pass at the time because Alex was being a tool. But the only thing Christen has done to her was hug her while carrying a shrimp in one hand, and now Amanda won't stop mocking her behind her back. Nothing more pathetic than a 27-year old who acts 17 and looks 37.

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9 hours ago, saber5055 said:

Note The Twins now live in LA, meaning they are no longer Vegas cocktail waitresses. I guess they are LA waitresses (?) waiting for the Paps to film them, then get their own reality show. 

I'm pretty sure they already got their own reality show, this year on Freeform Network (formerly ABC Family). It came from the same people who brought you "Ben and Lauren, Happily Ever After."

Total waste of airtime, if you ask me.

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3 hours ago, Jaclyn88 said:

Yea I still don't get how scallop fingers is funny . Seriously , how is that the main focus of the season ? And it didn't even happen on camera . This show is drowning . 

Yes - Tickle monster has that name because he calls himself that.  Scallop fingers is just mean.   It's the junior high tactic of labeling someone the first week of school, and they spend the entire year trying to shake the nickname. 

The others could easily be given worse nicknames.   Let's see - Derek is Jughead (ears like the handles on a jug)  Taylor is "Mental"  Because she's a mental health worker.  Amanda is Neglecto-Mom,  no explanation needed.  Raven is Jay Leno, because she has the same crescent moon profile.  Adam is Basset hound because of his eyes.  D-Lo becomes D-Ho, because she stole Dean.   I can't do any more.  

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I also thought Amanda was over 30, but maybe that's because she has 2 kids.  

I have a tough time having any respect for a mother of two young kids who spends two consecutive summers away from her kids, cavorting on a beach to hook up with men.  Her kids are little, and in the past year she introduced a new man into their lives, only to have him leave.  this isn't like leaving for employment, this Is just selfishness.  

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On 9/6/2017 at 1:55 PM, thesupremediva1 said:

As much as I wanted the twins to torpedo the D-Low/Deanie Baby relationship, my love for them quickly faded when they decided to mean-girl Tickle Monster and Jack Stone.

I get being annoyed with Jack's indecision, but he made his case clearly, calmly, and respectfully. I love him and Christen together! I can really root for them as two sweet, normal people who were teased mercilessly by people who are far below them in class and dignity in the "real world." 

I was disgusted by the twins' nastiness as they proclaimed that Tickle Monster and Jack Stone were basically pity dates who were lucky to get to spend time with the twins. These men have real careers and have demonstrated nothing but genuine kindness for their fellow BiP-ers. They gracefully accepted the fact that they were second/third choices for the twins. They did not deserve to have such bratty behavior thrown their way.

This just boils down to two girls who think they're the hottest creatures in any room (or on any beach) and can't imagine ever being turned down for someone who might be "less hot" on the surface, but - wonder of wonders - could actually have a brighter personality or more in common with the man in question. It's so entitled and "high school" that they just can't see anything below the surface. I can tell D-Low thinks that way and is used to getting any man she wants, but she's at least aware enough not to say it out loud or make it so obvious. If only she'd been rejected in such grand and public fashion. I admit I was rooting for Dean to take the date.

That was one hour? It felt like 3. Thank heavens this is almost over. None of these people are ending up together except maybe Derek and Taylor. She needs to lead a man around and he needs someone who wants that type of semi-codependent, constantly-in-each-other's-faces relationship. 

Less Raven was a good thing, but I missed Kristina. :(

Yes to everything you said.

On 9/6/2017 at 6:33 PM, Jaclyn88 said:

Yea but I don't even think between both Bach in paradise seasons , that there's been any guy who's been interested in the twins . I really don't care if they are or aren't really THAT dumb because anyone who's willing to play the part that they are is that dumb 

There was that one guy they pulled a switcheroo on last season, and dumped him when he failed to notice. He seemed like he might have been genuinely into whichever one he was supposed to be on the date with.

I have previously been at least somewhat amused by them, despite their dumbness and occasional mean girling. But this year they seem to have pushed all of that so far that they've become caricatures of themselves, and it's not fun anymore. And their attacking Jack when he bailed on them? Yikes. If I believed that his rejection had genuinely hurt their feelings, I could forgive a little lashing out. But that wasn't anything more than stung pride, and they were definitely aiming to wound him — and Tickle, who didn't even reject them — with the way they dissed both of them. Yuck. I was hoping their appearance would at least be kinda fun. That wasn't fun.

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12 hours ago, kingshearte said:

There was that one guy they pulled a switcheroo on last season, and dumped him when he failed to notice. He seemed like he might have been genuinely into whichever one he was supposed to be on the date with.

Yes - And they "switched"  at a point in the date where he was still trying to get to know her/them.  It was a mean trick, and they interpreted it as a failure of his character.  Because guys are supposed to notice shit like how many piercings you have in each ear or something.  

And I think we all know that the twins are just being used by the producers to stir up drama.  But they'd have to actually possess that level of bitchiness in order to do that.   I'm still shaking my head at how it's accepted that they are so HOT.  They are average looking, individually. it's only the male fantasy of having two girls at once that makes them "hot." 

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There is some study that determined that women with less attractive faces but long hair will be seen as attractive because of the hair. Which explains SOOOOO much about the raggedy ass extensions most of these women are wearing. Because very few of them are actually all that pretty. They just hide it behind boobs and hair and tons of makeup.

I think one of the reasons I find Chrisina so beautiful is that either she wears less makeup or she's much better at putting it on because she looks far more natural than most of them. It's why I think Danielle the nurse who left is beautiful. She just has a natural glow (and short hair, so she's not trying to distract from her face. lol)

Beauty is, of course, subjective, but some of these girls are not doing themselves any favors with all the fake.

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Back to that Twins date ... so Jack Stone bailed, but Tickle was still going, right? So why didn't the three of them go? Or just one Twin. I don't get it, although I was thankful for less Twins airtime. Any Twin screen time is too much in my book. And yes to the long-hair thing as part of male requirements for "attractiveness." I don't get that, either. I did date one guy who kept wanting me to put on more make up. I don't know if that was his ideal or his way of covering up my "real" face. Ha ha!

I think all women are more attractive and more interesting when they wear their hair up, or have shorter 'dos. Anyone can wear skanky long extensions, it doesn't take any effort. But that long hair has to be hotter than hot in that Mexican heat and humidity. Talk about sweaty neck.

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On 9/9/2017 at 1:11 PM, saber5055 said:

I still say Amanda's kids are better off with whomever is fostering them. I mean, look at (and listen to) Amanda ...

I was under the impression it was Amanda's parents, and since they, you know, raised Amanda, I don't hold out much hope for them.

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58 minutes ago, saber5055 said:

Back to that Twins date ... so Jack Stone bailed, but Tickle was still going, right? So why didn't the three of them go? Or just one Twin. I don't get it, although I was thankful for less Twins airtime. Any Twin screen time is too much in my book.


Actually on the Us Magazine site I saw one of the topics was Twins Apologize for BIP Behavior or something like that.  I did not read it, but sounds like they even embarrassed themselves.  The whole thing was ridiculous that they came at all, only hours before the cast were packing up to leave.  The dates have not been that great...no wonder no one even wanted to go.

I'm surprised by Amanda only being 27 too, but I think part of it is that we have seen her the last 2 seasons on the beach and despite sun block, some complexions just can't take it.  I imagine she looks less "ruddy" when at home.  She does need to expand her dating pool though.

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22 minutes ago, Palomar said:

Actually on the Us Magazine site I saw one of the topics was Twins Apologize for BIP Behavior or something like that. 

Ah, so they didn't get the attention they were hoping for by being bitches so they're trying repentance? good luck with that.

1 hour ago, saber5055 said:

Back to that Twins date ... so Jack Stone bailed, but Tickle was still going, right? So why didn't the three of them go? Or just one Twin.

One twin? Wait, you mean they're not conjoined? I can't recall ever seeing just one of them. I don't think it's allowed. I think they were so shocked at the fact that someone would actually turn them down that they couldn't carry on any longer. The HORROR! The  SHAME!!!!

(In case I'm being too subtle, I REALLY do NOT like THEM! (I only capped them because I had a whole every other thing going on and didn't want to stop.)

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2 hours ago, ByTor said:

I was under the impression it was Amanda's parents, and since they, you know, raised Amanda, I don't hold out much hope for them.

I remember reading last year that Amanda's ex was petitioning the court for 50/50 custody since Amanda was leaving the kids with him whenever she went off to famewhore (Amanda originally had them 70% of the time or something like that). Not sure whether he succeeded, but if he did, let's hope he's a better role model to them than Amanda.

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I must be in the extreme minority because I found the twins to be hilarious and a breath of fresh air amongts the stuffiness of this season. They both have a sharp sense of humor and great comedic timing. I'm not surprised that they have a show lined up. If their goal was to look for love, yes, I agree that they failed miserably in their strategy. But if their goal was to shake things up and highlight their off-the-wall and off-the-cuff personalities, then they did exactly that. They are only 24 or so...so still young and unpolished in their approach to most things. But I think they will grow into their personalities a bit more and turn out ok.


I love how they went out with guns blazing. It wouldn't have mattered who rejected them and how. They were just pissed at the setup of the show in general and how they, like others have mentioned, were brought in at the end when no one was  available. And as much as they made fun of Tickle Monster, I think whichever one went on a date with him would have been pleasantly surprised by him as some of the other girls were. But, alas, they left and that discovery was not meant to be. Also, as much as I, like most of you, hated the "scallop finger" joke this season, I love how the twins played on it at the end by throwing them and saying that now they were scallop fingers (lol). I dunno. I enjoy sarcasm and humor that pushes the envelope., and these girls delivered. Thank you, twins lol.


They were much better than most of the rest of the uptight crew. Don't get me started on stuck-up Taylor and equally stuck-up Derek, mean-girl Amanda, rude and generally rough around the edges Jasmine, equally rude Alexis, D-bag Dean, etc. The only people that I like better in terms of "enetertainment" and "people I'd actaully want to hang out with" value are Daniel and Lacey. No one else on this damn show had a sense of humor. Except Kristina...she was cool. And Wells...but his humor was actually more rude (he went too far with the scallop finger thing).


Anyway, there you have it...those are the people I'd hang out with in real life based solely on their sense of humor. I don't mind being in the minority. Life is tough...I like to be entertained! lol

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11 hours ago, Palomar said:

Actually on the Us Magazine site I saw one of the topics was Twins Apologize for BIP Behavior or something like that.

Was that after they realized the guys they thought were beneath them were a doctor and a lawyer? 

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12 hours ago, AllyCat7 said:

I must be in the extreme minority because I found the twins to be hilarious and a breath of fresh air amongts the stuffiness of this season. They both have a sharp sense of humor and great comedic timing. I'm not surprised that they have a show lined up. If their goal was to look for love, yes, I agree that they failed miserably in their strategy. But if their goal was to shake things up and highlight their off-the-wall and off-the-cuff personalities, then they did exactly that. They are only 24 or so...so still young and unpolished in their approach to most things. But I think they will grow into their personalities a bit more and turn out ok.


I love how they went out with guns blazing. It wouldn't have mattered who rejected them and how. They were just pissed at the setup of the show in general and how they, like others have mentioned, were brought in at the end when no one was  available. And as much as they made fun of Tickle Monster, I think whichever one went on a date with him would have been pleasantly surprised by him as some of the other girls were. But, alas, they left and that discovery was not meant to be. Also, as much as I, like most of you, hated the "scallop finger" joke this season, I love how the twins played on it at the end by throwing them and saying that now they were scallop fingers (lol). I dunno. I enjoy sarcasm and humor that pushes the envelope., and these girls delivered. Thank you, twins lol.


They were much better than most of the rest of the uptight crew. Don't get me started on stuck-up Taylor and equally stuck-up Derek, mean-girl Amanda, rude and generally rough around the edges Jasmine, equally rude Alexis, D-bag Dean, etc. The only people that I like better in terms of "enetertainment" and "people I'd actaully want to hang out with" value are Daniel and Lacey. No one else on this damn show had a sense of humor. Except Kristina...she was cool. And Wells...but his humor was actually more rude (he went too far with the scallop finger thing).


Anyway, there you have it...those are the people I'd hang out with in real life based solely on their sense of humor. I don't mind being in the minority. Life is tough...I like to be entertained! lol

I like to be entertained too, but the twins' "sense of humor" is so painfully stilted and stupid that I can't enjoy them. They act like they're 14, not 24, and pushing the dumb blonde stereotype to the limit is so trite. I don't think these two could identify sarcasm if it bit them in the ass. 

I did notice that Emily said she was 'livid' over the date situation and you could almost see the thought bubble cross her mind that she's not supposed to use words beyond the 2nd grade level so she teed Haley up to turn it into another dumb blonde moment, which she of course did, because she's so clearly the follower. 

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44 minutes ago, ljenkins782 said:

I did notice that Emily said she was 'livid' over the date situation and you could almost see the thought bubble cross her mind that she's not supposed to use words beyond the 2nd grade level so she teed Haley up to turn it into another dumb blonde moment, which she of course did, because she's so clearly the follower. 

I applaud you for knowing which one is which, or caring enough to want to know the difference. I just know them as the stupid one and the slightly less stupid one. And I never want to see them again. They can crawl under a rock with Amanda. Of course only after they pretend not to know what a rock is because *haha* OMG *haha* they're like *haha* sooooo dumb. If only they were as dumb as they pretend to be, there might be some hope of them learning something. But playing stupid is, well, stupid.

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13 minutes ago, Mabinogia said:

I applaud you for knowing which one is which, or caring enough to want to know the difference. I just know them as the stupid one and the slightly less stupid one. And I never want to see them again. They can crawl under a rock with Amanda. Of course only after they pretend not to know what a rock is because *haha* OMG *haha* they're like *haha* sooooo dumb. If only they were as dumb as they pretend to be, there might be some hope of them learning something. But playing stupid is, well, stupid.

The pattern became clear pretty early on, the rule of thumb is that if the twin is talking and standing in front, that's Emily. If she's standing quietly, slightly behind the other one, that's Haley. Haley only speaks to support whatever Emily is saying, to an almost alarming degree. Like Emily says "I won't take no for an answer" and Haley chimes in with "WE won't take no for an answer" when the question is regarding Emily's date...that's odd. God help her if Emily ever moves away or gets married first, what will Haley do? 

Now I'm curious which one you see as the smarter one, lol. 

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2 minutes ago, ljenkins782 said:

Now I'm curious which one you see as the smarter one, lol. 

The one who doesn't talk as much, so I'm guessing Haley. But then, parroting everything your slightly dumber sister says isn't all that bright either is it?

The twin thing could have been fun. I just wish they'd gotten better twins.

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29 minutes ago, ljenkins782 said:

If she's standing quietly, slightly behind the other one, that's Haley. Haley only speaks to support whatever Emily is saying

She only gets that feeling of power to 'lead' the two since she knows she has the 'better' vagina. Pretty textbook really...

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