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S30.E07: Ankles Aweigh

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Lots of mixed emotions. I like nostalgia. I don't like Veronica. I like Camila smacking into a wall. I don't like her and Cara Maria staging a witch hunt over Aneesa's ankle. I like Cory getting forced to man up against an ally. But you know what sucks the most? That the Presidios don't mean a damn thing because Redemption House is still operating. How long is this season, where players get eliminated then compete to come back on a regular basis? What, did MTV fly the kids to NYC for the premiere, then ship the contenders back to Colombia?

Also sucky: we don't find out why Ammo decided not to come back. Basically, his match with Jordan put him in a worse place than Aneesa with a ball cuffed to her bummed ankle. He'll probably make the reunion and tell us, but he looks like a dick now. Still not a fan, but I feel bad for him.

Funny that Veronica and Johnny didn't benefit from their experiences. Also funny that Johnny may have been in half of the damn history, yet his ass wound up on the line tonight. And it was kinda cute that CT set up the editors to show his lowlight reel.

Aneesa x Veronica? Ew. It's just that I will probably never like the Verantula, and Aneesa can always do so much better. Bright side: the shit-talking about Rachel. I liked that. Overrated butterface. But I really went nuts over the Battle Of The Sexes flashbacks. Aside from Puck and Emily's bloody axe? Good times.

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Cara/CT are the true challenge power couple...they know it/everyone knows it and they still are somehow paired up together. 


As dirty/bitchy/savage those 4 were towards Aneesa, and Camilla/Cara have definitely become entitled, Moreno Camilla, I still don't feel any sympathy for Aneesa. She has felt entitled plenty of times in the past and if most of the cats feel a certain way towards you, maybe it's you. 


Kailah and Jem definitely had the lines of the night when they basically roasted the hell out of V and Bananas during the mission.

And Veronicanis fucking pissed on twitter on how the show exploited the Rachel/V ordeal. They kept that relationship very private and didn't want it aired out like that.

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I liked Rachel and Veronica when they were on the Challenges together and even I had no clue they actually were a couple for three years. I never thought of it more than just a hook-up with Abram thrown in the mix.


Cara Maria and CT are definitely dominating this game and for my sake, I hope no one tries to split them up because I love those two, but I wouldn't surprised if someone is already thinking about doing so.


I would have been of zero help to my team if I were doing that season history challenge. I've probably watched all of them, but I hardly remember what their names were or where they took place.


Why is the Redemption House still open? I thought that was over with. 

  • Love 4

First off, what a great episode!  I couldn't look away for most of it.

Why does CT look so damn yummy in his talking heads? 

Watching Camilla get slammed into the column over and over again was greatness!  And watching TJ outright laughing at her made me giggle.

I don’t know why, but TJ seems much more animated than usual this season.  And next week: Trivia!!!  More glee to come.

1 hour ago, RandomWatcher said:

If you have a chance to put in Bananas, do it!!

This!  Every damn season.  Jordan should know better.  Also, when did he become party of the Johnny alliance?  I thought for sure he was gonna toss Johnny in.


1 hour ago, Lantern7 said:

Aneesa x Veronica? Ew. It's just that I will probably never like the Verantula, and Aneesa can always do so much better. Bright side: the shit-talking about Rachel. I liked that. Overrated butterface. 

I think I mentioned in another thread that I ran into Rachel last year.  She was standing next to me in line at Home Goods and I couldn't stop staring at her because 1) her body was fucking sick, and her face was cute (so not as much as a butterface as I thought she'd be) and 2) I knew I knew her but couldn't place her.  It wasn't until 20 minutes later when she passed me on the sidewalk again that it clicked in my brain who she was.  


1 hour ago, CheetaraThunder said:

And Veronicanis fucking pissed on twitter on how the show exploited the Rachel/V ordeal. They kept that relationship very private and didn't want it aired out like that.


1 hour ago, Decider said:

There were people who didn't know that Veronica and Rachel dated?  I know they kept it on the DL during that time but I didn't think it was that big of a secret.

I kinda forgot that Aneesa and Rachel were a couple, but when she said it, I was like, "Oh yeah!"  But I am definitely one of those who had no idea that Veronica and Rachel were an actual item.  I thought they were just close friends who occasionally hooked up when there were cameras around.  

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I wound up rewinding and copying quotes to put on Facebook because I'm a geek that way.

"Listen, I'll be honest with you guys. A lot of these Challenges I try to forget." -CT. And then we get 10-15 seconds of Berserker CT

"Everybody's screaming at me, 'Oh, go for the Brazilian flag or the French flag or . . .' I'm lucky to know the United States of America flag, okay? You gotta work with me!" - Jenna

I also made this poster. Plan A was getting a shot of Rachel and Veronica/"Feminem" from 2001/2002, but I couldn't find it. So I had to settle.

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Good stuff. I got all tingly with the nostalgia as well. Not so much with Aneesa and Veronica, because I will probably never like Veronica. Kinda wish I could've been there with you guys because BOTS1 was the first season I recapped. I would've brought up the Veronica that Aneesa wound up dumping back in 2001, but I'm really geeky that way.

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Damn, Tori beat Marie's ass!

I've never liked Aneesa, and Kailah has become one of my favorites, so I was very happy with that elimination. 

Jordan is an idiot for not throwing Bananas into elim.

Count me in as someone who never knew that Rachel and Veronica dated. I usually don't like mean girl types, but I used to find Veronica super entertaining back in the day. She was a good competitor too, so that helped. Not sure how I feel about her so much nowadays.

Cara and CT are cute. 

Hunter. Meh. Let's see what he can do, I guess. 

  • Love 3
7 hours ago, luckyroll3 said:

Why does CT look so damn yummy in his talking heads? 

It has got to be the glasses. I could look at him all day. He is one of the players that has come so far. At the beginning you hate the psycho now absolutely in love with him.

I was right there with TJ laugh as Camilla got knocked into the pillar and Leroy not giving a shit was great. I could watch a whole episode of that.

Did Marie even try in her elimination. Because damn she got taken out so damn fast. More redemption house. No thank you. Now that Darrell is gone for good I dont care. 

9 hours ago, CheetaraThunder said:

And Veronicanis fucking pissed on twitter on how the show exploited the Rachel/V ordeal. They kept that relationship very private and didn't want it aired out like that.

Don't blame the show Aneesa was the one spilling your dirt. Am I surprised V/R hooked up? No. Did I know they dated? No. But don't really care about these people when the show ends. 

Had Aneesa faked/milked an injury before or am I thinking of someone else. Doesn't matter I'm glad she is gone for the time being. And shut up about how Cara and Camilla feel so entitled. If you had any friends in the game you would too. Acting like your some big deal because you were on so many originally challenges. Did she ever win? I can't remember 30 seasons. Oh and enough with the "they didn't talk to be before hand" they don't need to Aneesa it's a game and they owe you nothing. 

I really did think most of the teams had ringers with CT, Johnny, Derek, Aneesa, and Veronica being the old school kids but that didn't really seem to be the case.

  • Love 4
11 hours ago, luckyroll3 said:

Watching Camilla get slammed into the column over and over again was greatness!  And watching TJ outright laughing at her made me giggle.

I don’t know why, but TJ seems much more animated than usual this season.  And next week: Trivia!!!  More glee to come.

Yes!  I love trivia.  And TJ's glee at the competitors' stupidity is the shit.  As was his laughing at Camilla, I cracked up with him.  Seeing Camilla smack into that pole numerous times was the best!

Jordan must have been finally invited into the big kids' alliance, why else wouldn't he throw in Johnny?  Perhaps he didn't want a Corey-sized target on his back.

3 hours ago, notcreative enough said:

Had Aneesa faked/milked an injury before or am I thinking of someone else. Doesn't matter I'm glad she is gone for the time being. And shut up about how Cara and Camilla feel so entitled. If you had any friends in the game you would too. Acting like your some big deal because you were on so many originally challenges. Did she ever win? I can't remember 30 seasons. Oh and enough with the "they didn't talk to be before hand" they don't need to Aneesa it's a game and they owe you nothing. 

Allllllll of this.  Aneesa thinks she's owed something because she's been on a million challenges…has she won a single one?  Bye, Aneesa, go rest your perfectly healthy ankle at the Redemption House until it's time for you to be eliminated again from yet another challenge.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, OnceSane said:

Yes!  I love trivia.  And TJ's glee at the competitors' stupidity is the shit.  As was his laughing at Camilla, I cracked up with him.  Seeing Camilla smack into that pole numerous times was the best!

Jordan must have been finally invited into the big kids' alliance, why else wouldn't he throw in Johnny?  Perhaps he didn't want a Corey-sized target on his back.

Allllllll of this.  Aneesa thinks she's owed something because she's been on a million challenges…has she won a single one?  Bye, Aneesa, go rest your perfectly healthy ankle at the Redemption House until it's time for you to be eliminated again from yet another challenge.

I think I remember, a loooooooooooong time ago, in a galaxy far far away.......that she did have bad ankles.  Or not, IDK that just sticks to me for some reason.

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This challenge made me feel so old. But also in a good way.

I'm glad that the show even mentioned the coupling of Anesss/Rachel Rachel/Veronica. Even if R/V never mentioned they were a couple.. it was kind of obvious on Inferno 2. At least to me. Also isn't there actual bad blood business wise with Veronica and Rachel? I swear I read some things that indicate that it wasn't just a romance that ended. Also funny both Veronica and Rachel have hooked up with Evan while on challenges too.

People expect CT to remember challenges he was on? Aside from a few he was mostly drunken raging though then.. even if he lasted the whole way.

Poor Anmo. But seriously.. it's probably better to not be in the challenge when you have actual real life mental things happening.

I will say seeing the opening credits for the battle o the sexes made me miss challenges of yore. Oh who am I kidding? I ALWAYS miss challenges of yore.


I'm glad that the show even mentioned the coupling of Anesss/Rachel Rachel/Veronica. Even if R/V never mentioned they were a couple.. it was kind of obvious on Inferno 2. At least to me. Also isn't there actual bad blood business wise with Veronica and Rachel? I swear I read some things that indicate that it wasn't just a romance that ended.

I actually saw them at LA Pride probably 10 or more years ago...they had a booth at the festival where they were selling wares for their business which was called "College Dropout", or something. I still have the free pencil they gave me somewhere, and I was stoked because Rachel flirted with me. Despite the flirting, I got the impression they were a couple. 

  • Love 2
39 minutes ago, CaliforniaLove said:

I actually saw them at LA Pride probably 10 or more years ago...they had a booth at the festival where they were selling wares for their business which was called "College Dropout", or something. I still have the free pencil they gave me somewhere, and I was stoked because Rachel flirted with me. Despite the flirting, I got the impression they were a couple. 

I'm going to admit I recently rewatched inferno 2 and as I stated it was obvious they were a couple then. When Veronica was sent to the inferno Rachel was all about avenging her honor. I'm not sure how many challenges they were an actual couple on aside from that one, possibly battle of then sexes 2? I don't think they were a couple on the gauntlet though.

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19 hours ago, Lantern7 said:


Also sucky: we don't find out why Ammo decided not to come back. Basically, his match with Jordan put him in a worse place than Aneesa with a ball cuffed to her bummed ankle. He'll probably make the reunion and tell us, but he looks like a dick now. Still not a fan, but I feel bad for him.



I don't personally think someone saying they are going home for their own mental health makes them look like a dick.  

Here is his tweet about it:

  • Love 1

@shelley1234 . . . I was thinking about "casuals" who wouldn't keep up with the show the way we do. They might think that Ammo decided not to come to Redemption House because he couldn't hack it, and they'd lump him in with the losers who quit the game in the past. I figure he'll get an invite to the Reunion because he's up-front in general, and he'd tell a cable TV audience about what happened.

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As with most people here, I'm Team CT/Cara, so I was glad to see their team win.   I'll honestly admit that in challenges, if and when CT gets sent home....I basically lose most of my interest in it.  I also liked to see Camila get smacked over and over again and Teej laughing about it.   It was good times.  

I also didn't mind seeing Aneesa go home since she's been on my nerves the last few seasons.  Bye girl!  

As for the guys elimination....Hunter is boring, so I want Cory to win for the drama alone.  

On 8/29/2017 at 10:43 PM, CheetaraThunder said:

CT/Cara friendship/season dominance is a great thing to see. At first, I wanted them to date, but their brother/sister relationship is too precious to touch. Plus, it's so cute that they are so protective of one another

Yep. Those 2 are my favs.

I'm so glad the snakes Ammo and Anessa are gone. Now they just need to get rid of the little old devil Veronica.

Camilla getting slammed into the post was the highlight for me. Seems like a small dose of karma for her ever running and loud mouth she's got on her, lol. 

Why does Nicole put on her make up as if she's audition to be Mulan? And does Nicole have a 'natural' look in her make up repertoire? Her make up is so overdone, it's quite ridiculous.

Hunter bet hope he comes out with a win. He keeps showing up to these shows and bragging about being the strongest competitor and he has yet to sniff a finale leg on the franchise. 

I was glad that they voted Aneesa in. She talks too much and likes to claim everyone as being entitled. I mean, it was pure irony that she first complains that the others are pussies for not talking to her before revealing their vote to send her in and then accuses of Cara and Camilla of being entitled. Aren't you pretty damn entitled yourself to think you're owed a conversation about a decision they EARNED the right to make? Also Leroy, we get it...you don't have to keep reminding us why you're considered a dirty player and why you have a spot on the show. 

I heart CT. I hope he makes it to the end and wins it all. If he gets eliminated, it'll be hard to want to continue watching. 

  • Love 6
8 hours ago, CaliforniaLove said:

I actually saw them at LA Pride probably 10 or more years ago...they had a booth at the festival where they were selling wares for their business which was called "College Dropout", or something. I still have the free pencil they gave me somewhere, and I was stoked because Rachel flirted with me. Despite the flirting, I got the impression they were a couple. 

Their shirts were all about sexuality, if I remember correctly. I remember one shirt being about "switch hitters" - people who are bisexual basically. I thought it was obvious they were more than friends.

7 hours ago, shelley1234 said:

I don't personally think someone saying they are going home for their own mental health makes them look like a dick.  

Here is his tweet about it:

I agree leaving for his mental health definitely doesn't make him a dick.  

"Recovery fund"?

Edited by Rebecca
  • Love 3
5 hours ago, Rebecca said:

Their shirts were all about sexuality, if I remember correctly. I remember one shirt being about "switch hitters" - people who are bisexual basically. I thought it was obvious they were more than friends.

I agree leaving for his mental health definitely doesn't make him a dick.  

"Recovery fund"?

Anybody notice the sick picture behind him? What a vile person he is. 

12 hours ago, sabretooth said:

I was laughing right along with Teej as Camilla was crashing repeatedly into that pole. (I'm a horrible person.) 

Another great quote of the night was Veronica saying that her first Challenge was in 2000, followed with perfect timing by Dario saying he graduated high school in 2011. If looks could kill, Dario would have been toast. 

I'm horrible right there with you, that was hysterical. And I loved Leroy saying he's just looking at the pole, pretending to figure out the order when in reality, he has no idea!

I had forgotten about Dario's comment, that was pretty funny as well. Between that, TJ laughing at Camila and Kailah and Jemmye's comments about Johnny, this was a pretty funny episode.

I'm glad Aneesa is gone but then I remembered she's probably going to the redemption house. Ugh.

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Why does BMP bother to leave the elimination as a cliffhanger and then show us the winner in the preview for the next episode?

I used to be a fan of Cara, but she's become as entitled as Camila. Speaking of Camila, is anyone else sick of hearing "Camilanator"? It was organic the first time or two it happened but now it's just a joke of an act she puts on to get camera time. Last season the producer was even laughing at her as she pulled Camila away from the camera during the argument with Amanda. I thought Camila said she was retiring from the challenges after the one with Tony.

Can Nicole please go next. Her voice, plumped lips and makeup are so annoying. I don't want to be rude about her makeup-free face, but isn't there any in between?

Do these cast members (and TJ) get a bonus for each time they say "dirty"? I'm not sure why they're keeping the true prize money secret, these people already turn on each other for the lower amount. Or is it going to get "dirtier"? 

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Pretty much all the girls on this cast seem to have an entitled attitude. Even the rookies. Veronica surprisingly doesn't have that big of an ego this time around compared to how i used to view her. But yeah all of the girls seem like they are owed something for.. something? 

I dislike CM a lot this season and that makes me sad. I used to like her. 

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10 hours ago, Rebecca said:

I don't care what Tony does as long as he doesn't return to my screen for another season. I was over him the first time he freaked out and got kicked off.

Oh, you know he'll be back next season with a 3rd baby on the way with a 3rd baby mama, crying about how he needs this to support his kids.  You know how you can support your kids Tony?  Stop having them and get a damn job!

  • Love 7
20 hours ago, scrb said:

What did Nicole say about pulling the double cross being the best moment of her life since she discovered love makeup?

Is that what she calls it?

I googled it and it appears to be the name of a U.K. makeup company, maybe she meant finding that?

10 hours ago, luckyroll3 said:

Oh, you know he'll be back next season with a 3rd baby on the way with a 3rd baby mama, crying about how he needs this to support his kids.  You know how you can support your kids Tony?  Stop having them and get a damn job!

Especially because he's not even good at this.

On ‎8‎/‎29‎/‎2017 at 11:21 PM, Decider said:

There were people who didn't know that Veronica and Rachel dated?  I know they kept it on the DL during that time but I didn't think it was that big of a secret.

That was the way I thought as well.  I kind of thought it was well documented but I guess not.


On ‎8‎/‎29‎/‎2017 at 11:40 PM, Marley said:

Too much dragging out.

The redemption house is still there like wtf. Is this season gonna last like six months.

Also the elimination used to happen in the same episode. Now it's split up. It's annoying me.

Glad Kailah won. I have never like Aneesa.

When I saw that the Redemption House was still in play I thought to myself, "My god what is this Australian Survivor."  For those who never watched Australian Survivor the season had a huge cast, did non-eliminations and was far too long.  That being said it was a pretty good show. 


On ‎8‎/‎30‎/‎2017 at 0:53 AM, luckyroll3 said:

This!  Every damn season.  Jordan should know better.  Also, when did he become party of the Johnny alliance?  I thought for sure he was gonna toss Johnny in.

I think I brought this up in last week's episode thread.  When did Jordan and CM start protecting Johnny?

On ‎8‎/‎30‎/‎2017 at 9:01 AM, notcreative enough said:

It has got to be the glasses. I could look at him all day. He is one of the players that has come so far. At the beginning you hate the psycho now absolutely in love with him.

Well I am not into dudes but I do know that when I see it a women with glasses on it does it to me every time.  Not sure why but I love women who wear glasses.  Maybe it is because they have poor vision and cannot see how ugly I am...

Okay back to the topic at hand CT.  People are probably going to give me the side eye but I have always been a CT fan going back to his time on RW Paris.  I think it mainly had to do with the fact that he is a fellow New Englander and also, this is the main reason, he hated Adam.  Because I despised Adam as well.  Therefore, I loved seeming him go off on Adam.

  • Love 1

I've said it many times on Rachel and  Veronica it was obvious they were a couple on inferno 2. I'm not sure what other challenge they may have been a couple on(I don't think they were a couple on the first inferno despite the shower thing but whatever) possibly BOTS 2?  It was kind of always talked about Rachel and Anessa as a couple though, at least after the fact, probably because it permitted to the show. During the duel because Rachel was hooking up with Jenn on that challenge and anessa was angry and then because they were a team on battle of the exs. 

But it's odd to me that people never knew Veronica and Rachel were a thing. Also.. I believe on the inferno 2 they wore their clothing company's tshirts a few times. 

Also I love our podcast and our hosts, but I dislike the "who would kill it" choice this week being Susie. I  don't like her, but I'm wondering if I should listen to her podcast? I never have. Is she a cooler person now? 

They got into a threesome with Abram in The Gauntlet. I thought they were all-but-official in Inferno II. One of the worst parts of that season? Veronica lucking into a win against Jodi in the Inferno, and then she jumped into Rachel's arms, wrapping her legs around her. I'm good with love or whatever the heck you're into, but those two?!? Ewwwwwwwwwwww. Still hate them. And, once again, Aneesa can do so much better. I'd rank Cory above those two, and I'm certain he'll lose his dick if he keeps doing the Challenge.

ETA: Veronica and Aneesa are denying anything happened.


Okay back to the topic at hand CT.  People are probably going to give me the side eye but I have always been a CT fan going back to his time on RW Paris.  I think it mainly had to do with the fact that he is a fellow New Englander and also, this is the main reason, he hated Adam.  Because I despised Adam as well.  Therefore, I loved seeming him go off on Adam.

Back when he was merely Chris, I still had an affection for him in Paris  -- and yes, the New England/Boston tie played a part, as did the hatred for Adam, whom I could not STAND on that season. I  think Adam grew up a lot after Paris, but WOW was he annoying -- the horrid RAPPING, the attitude toward Mallory because she had the GALL to not be interested in him. He was so entitled. And I honestly laugh every time I think about Leah's flowers that she thought her roommate Chris sent. OH. MY. GOD. I was dying, watching CT take credit for the flowers while asking himself, "Did I get drunk and have someone order her flowers?!?!" Oh it was awesome. Of course Leah, entitled humorless bitch that she was, couldn't see the funny in the situation, but I appreciated it. I also thought whenever he wasn't drunk (and so, angry/violent), he was funny, charming and gave great advice.

Since then my love has only grown. I'd probably marry him if he asked. 

...OK, I'd definitely marry him if he asked :)

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