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S07.E05: Eastwatch

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I think if anything the letter will remind Arya of what a fickle stupid being Sansa was back in the day, and trust her leadership less. On the other hand Sansa will always be turned off by Arya's slash and burn tactics for getting what she wants. It's a common sibling conflict and I don;t think there's anything contrived about it. I loved when Sansa said "I'm sure cutting off heads is satisfying but that's not a way to rule." 

The thing I dislike about Jaime and Cersei now is there's no passion between them. In the first few seasons there was and you could (almost) get into that relationship, sick as it was. But now they just have sex for the sake of story development in the show. 

  • Love 10
7 minutes ago, AuxArx said:

I snorted a little at Jon and Gendry comparing fathers:  (paraphrasing)

Jon:  You're leaner than your father

Gendry: You're shorter than yours

I've always noticed how small Kit Harington is compared to other characters (like his "sister", who towers over him), so now it's been noted...

David and Dan have to make fun of Kit at least once every season. Last season was his small pecker, this season it's his height!

  • Love 3
5 minutes ago, nodorothyparker said:

Is there even any reason to bring back Gendry at this point beyond letting Davos get all meta and fan servicey in joking that he's been rowing all this time?  You could almost feel the internet full of a thousand rowing memes reacting to that.

He can build weapons, they're about to start a war vs the white walkers. Plus Arya needs a love interest.

  • Love 10
16 minutes ago, SeanC said:

Even Arya said words to the effect of Sansa was trying not to think about it, so it's pretty forced as a conflict.  Obviously the possibility would occur to anybody considering the angles.  

Maybe so, but Arya implied that Sansa wasn't just contemplating the possibility but wanted it to happen, and Sansa's reaction indicated that Arya wasn't mistaken in that belief.

I am curious how Jon/Sansa shippers will spin the epiphany that Sansa is secretly hoping that Jon dies and frees her to rule the North unimpeded, though.

Edited by Eyes High
  • Love 7
2 minutes ago, dbell1 said:

So, if Prince Raghar married Lyanne Stark, that makes Jon King over Dany.  If only Sam didn't tune out Gilly's babbling like normal, he'd have the next piece of the puzzle.

Hi Gendry. Can you get to Winterfell next? The rowing line had me laughing. Thanks writers, we see you too!

Danny roasting papa Tarly didn't bother me, he'd sold out Olenna. Sorry about Dickon kicking though, he wasn't such a shit this season. Hey Sam, you're head of house now, good thing he's got the sword.

Littlefinger needs to leave Arya alone. Hope Ghost is nearby when a girl decides to stab a slimebag. Odd that the scroll about Jon Arryn being poisoned was the one he hid. 

Cersei is pregnant? Is it really Jaime's?

Jailhouse reunion was odd. They all distrust each other. Makes for great fighting companions. 

No, it makes Jon hava a strong claim to be the King . That's it. Dany has still has a strong claim as well. The two of them are going to have to work it out. (probably in bed the way things are going)

  • Love 7

I think Sansa definitely wants power and has thought about it but she does see the bigger picture. She didn't want Jon to leave and she mentioned to Arya that she hopes he returns soon. So she is human about wanting her own power and thinking about it but I don't think she would ever act on it. She knows there is a larger danger out there.

Btw, was I the only one who hoped that Jon would swing by Winterfell on his way to Castle Black. Since everyone is traveling at the speed of light this season I was hoping he would make a pit stop and get reunited with Arya before heading out beyond the wall..

  • Love 17

Good setup, I did wince when Jamie and Bronn came out of the lake on the opposite end of the battle, with Jamie in full gear and WW.

Glad Gendry is back, and I hope that look on Jamie's face when Cersei said don't betray her again is his wake up call.

Yup Arya had to be a sleep in some of her lessons, and she should have picked up on Sansa's emotions when Arya accused her, so much for lie vs. truth or she picked up on it, but LF turned it back on her. Arya should have been asking questions on what happened the day her father lost his head.

Looked like Sam just willy nillie  the pilfering of scrolls and books, what if all he got were recipes for flea bottom's bowl of brown; Gilly was funny and endearing.

The crew is  trekking with no horses little to no food?

Just got in here so I'll be reading and answering. 

  • Love 4
1 minute ago, Growsonwalls said:

The thing I dislike about Jaime and Cersei now is there's no passion between them. In the first few seasons there was and you could (almost) get into that relationship, sick as it was. But now they just have sex for the sake of story development in the show. 

I get the sense that's intentional.  The show obviously hasn't done the job the books did of showing them growing apart but it's still be happening nonetheless with Cersei growing more and more power mad and him continually trying to temper it.  It feels very tired because it is.  They thought they wanted it to just be them against the world and now that it is that in a sense and the whole secret forbidden love angle is gone, it's very tired and perfunctory.

  • Love 20
7 minutes ago, Eyes High said:

Maybe so, but Arya implied that Sansa wasn't just contemplating the possibility but wanted it to happen, and Sansa's reaction indicated that Arya wasn't mistaken in that belief.

I am curious how Jon/Sansa shippers will spin the epiphany that Sansa is secretly hoping that Jon dies and frees her to rule the North unimpeded, though.

They don't need to spin that epiphany because they will never accept that Arya is right about Sansa wanting to rule the North. Arya is just being unnecessarily jealous and petty. Stop assuming Sansa is evil dammit!

Also Lord Glover continues to be a waste of time. After all that sword waving and big words, here he is saying that he regrets making Jon king. I can't even enjoy the KITN scene anymore because of this asshole and knowing that was all fake.

Edited by anamika
  • Love 15
4 minutes ago, MadMouse said:

Wow they are going full steam ahead on the Dany and Jon romance. She looked like she was ready to mount another dragon when Jon petted Drogon. And then all the looks she was giving him when he talked about going on the Wight hunt. I do like that both Tyrion and Jorah noticed it. And speaking of Jorah, seeing Dany's reaction to him was one of those great moments that will get overlooked. She loves him maybe not in the way he wishes but its she loves him alot.

Came here to say this. Chemistry is subjective so I won't try to convince anyone of whether Jon/Dany have it or don't. Their scenes are just very deliberate and sorry but that's as close as Emilia Clarke comes to showing attraction to anyone who isn't Jason Momoa. In fact, I think she's toeing the line of falling for Jon but still trying to act like a queen very well. JMO.

Edited by sumiregusa
  • Love 11
2 minutes ago, nodorothyparker said:

I get the sense that's intentional.  The show obviously hasn't done the job the books did of showing them growing apart but it's still be happening nonetheless with Cersei growing more and more power mad and him continually trying to temper it.  It feels very tired because it is.  They thought they wanted it to just be them against the world and now that it is that in a sense and the whole secret forbidden love angle is gone, it's very tired and perfunctory.

That's a good point. But the overall effect is that the Jaime/Cersei scenes are now the most boring scenes in the show. Cersei acts like Cersei, Jaime objects but keeps those thoughts to himself, and they have perfunctory incest sex. When Jaime was talking to Oleanna or Tyrion the scenes had a charge and emotion and tension that was so absent from his scenes with Cersei.

  • Love 9
21 minutes ago, Oscirus said:

I sometimes forget how good dinkelage can be when given the right actors to bounce off. Holy shit was that scene between the two brothers intense.

That was really great acting, particularly from Dinklage. All their history and grievances came flooding back. Kit has also been really excellent with almost everyone. Too bad Emilia's a wooden plank with everyone except Lord Commander Friendzone. Emote with your eyes, woman!

  • Love 14
16 minutes ago, nodorothyparker said:

Is there even any reason to bring back Gendry at this point beyond letting Davos get all meta and fan servicey in joking that he's been rowing all this time?  You could almost feel the internet full of a thousand rowing memes reacting to that.

The Tyrion-Jaime reunion was fantastic.  You could feel the seething hurt and anger on both sides of it along with the sense that they each really did see where the other was coming from.  Jaime does realize Cersei is most likely lying, right?  Maybe not, but he should.  She could obviously see him wavering in their earlier conversation about fighting an unwinnable war and she knew he'd met with Tyrion and would still be receptive to him.  What better way to keep him in the fold than an 11th hour promise of a kid he won't have to deny after the three he never got to claim.

I wish I found the Winterfell shenanigans half as interesting as the show clearly wants me to.  Bronn continues to say what we're all thinking.

Don't think so. Otherwise, she has the timing of a wizard, with Qyborn telling her he can give something to take care of it. 

And Qyborn's unusuallly upbeat "Ser Jaime" greeting was another telltale sign. 

  • Love 2
1 minute ago, MadMouse said:

I can't tell what they're doing with Tyrion and Varys when it comes to Dany. If they want us to believe she's going mad they really didn't do a good job of showing, even with BBQ Tarlys or Varys speech about Aerys. She gave them a chance and they both refused, I really can't fault her for it. And then her talk with Jon about what she did cemented she's nothing like him. I really hope they don't waste any more time on that nonsense anymore.

Tyrion more or less has a philosophical difference with Dany, it's not necessarily  as bad as one may think. 

Varys is more or less trying to atone for his service to Aerys. 

I don't think Dany's right or wrong at the moment. They just want her to tone it down a bit. 

  • Love 4
5 minutes ago, The Kings Foot said:

Im personally betting on Gendry-Sansa. And the sounds of a million Arya fans screaming in the night. 

Not sure if this is a joke, but I don't think either sister is going to end up in a romance. They have bigger fish to fry. Sansa/Gendry would be truly random and Arya seems not remotely interested in that kind of relationship. Plus, if they wanted us to know Gendry ever thinks of Arya that scene with Jon would've been the moment to do it. 

  • Love 11

GENDRY!!!  You're finally back!  Lol, I loved how Davos put in the on-going meme of him still out paddling somewhere.  Aw, RIP meme, you were good to us.

"The last time I was here I killed my father."  "The last time I was here you killed my son."  Lmao.  Davos is great.

I'm really not feeling the whole drama between Sansa and Arya they're setting up..  While I love how Arya defends Jon, I don't want it at the expense of this plot.  I couldn't catch what the note said that she found, but I'm guessing it's all a set up by Littlefinger to have Sansa and Arya against each other.  Any hope that Arya is conning him back?  

Sam, looks like you're the head of House Tarly now - congrats!  Lol, I do feel bad about his brother though - he seemed like a pretty good guy to me.  Where exactly is Sam going though?  Back North?  Also, ughh, Sam if you would have just paid attention to what Gilly was saying about Rhaegar!  

Speaking of that - has there been a name drop about Rhaegar almost every episode now?  Hmmmm.

LOVED the scene with Drogon and Jon.  Dany was definitely surprised by that... interaction.  Would have preferred it with Rhaegal (sp?) though.


And ughhhhhh NO, please god no - NOT another baby for Cersei and Jaime.  I don't even know what the hell the purpose of that is...  Isn't she only supposed to have 3 kids?

This seems so soap opera-ish to me.

Edited by alaynestone
  • Love 7
12 minutes ago, aquarian1 said:

Sam!  Read that annullment part!!!

Didn't see that coming. We knew who Jon's parents were, since forever really, but if Rheagar got an annulment and remarried, Jon's not a bastard, he's a full on legal heir.

I love the Dirty Dozen vibe of the gang going beyond the wall! I only wish Brienne was there so she could have a pissing contest with the Hound on top of all the other conflict. I liked a lot of this episode, I think my favorite bit was, after however many scenes of "I knew your dad, he was a great man," Jorah meets Tormund, who's like "I remember your dad,, he sucked.

Had Dany actually killed Lannister prisoners for refusing to bend the knee, I would have considered it a war crime. The Tarlys were pledged to Highgarden, though, and as Dickon mentioned last week they betrayed and murdered their allies and their liege lord.  I don't actually agree with her actions - I believe it's always wrong to torture or kill prisoners who are helpless and in your power, there was a moment when Dany used to know this and in fact executed Mossadar for killing prisoners in Mereen, just like Robb executed Rickard Karstark - who also killed guards who were their own guys so it's muddled /tangent. But my disagreement is mostly the politics of it, notice how the Maesters think she's a monster now. In Westeros, however, the Tarlys actions constituted treason, for which the penalty is death. As someone mentioned upthread, the offer to allow them to bend the knee was extremely generous and probably foolhardy. Who wants a bannerman who just betrayed his vows? Also, Tarly was a friend and supporter of Rhaegar during Robert's Rebellion, so his betrayal now probably had a bitter taste.

But when Dany finds out who healed Ser Jorah and how she returned the favor, she's gonna feel like shit. And I'm sad Jon and Randyl never met.

I really wanted Gendry to go to Winterfell rather than Eastwatch! I hope he lives long enough to see Arya again. While so far this season has been light on character deaths, I don't imagine many of the party beyond the Wall will be returning. This plan is crazier than Jon charging the Boltons, but not quite as crazy as Jaime charging Dany last week. Maybe halfway between?

Gilly would be a great maester!

  • Love 8

I kinda expected Drogon to roll over for a nice belly scratch after he got his nose rubbed by Jon.  I did like the couple of happy or contented grunts he made.     Now if Jon could get some dragon nip, I'd bet they'd let him ride like Dany. 

It was a transitional episode in a way, everybody shift from part a to slot b, and there's some meaningful conversation, and yes let's get a couple more characters back on plot.  Ugh though, knocked up Cersei?  Can't say I like that plotline.

Fermented crab?  Who knew?  

  • Love 12
14 minutes ago, sumiregusa said:

Came here to say this. Chemistry is subjective so I won't try to convince anyone of whether Jon/Dany have it or don't. Their scenes are just very deliberate and sorry but that's as close as Emilia Clarke comes to showing attraction to anyone who isn't Jason Momoa. In fact, I think she's toeing the line of falling for Jon but still trying to act like a queen very well. JMO.

Since I made the no chem comment...I agree the scenes are very deliberate (music, eyes, lighting etc) I see where they are going. I just feel nothing between the actors. It especially stands out to me because we saw Kit and Rose and Sophie and hell even some men whom he has more chemistry with. But, as you said, chemistry is subjective.

Edited by dirtypop90
  • Love 6
9 minutes ago, gbbarb said:

I didn't see any of that in the scene.  Yes Sansa knows that Jon dying is a possibility and she may have to take over but nothing in the show has indicated she wants it.  Stop assuming Sansa is evil all the time, it is tiring

Love it

Yeah, actually I think thay while good at it, Sansa doesn't really like being in charge of Winterfell. Maybe she thought she would, but I don't think she does.

  • Love 9

I was ok with the fast pace until this episode.  There were so many good pairings I wanted more time with each of them. Maybe there will be some good convo during the hunt. Jon/Jorah about their dads, Gendry/Jon/Hound about Arya, Hound/Tormund about Brienne, Gendry/Jon about Mel, Beric/Jon resurrection, etc.

Jon and Drogon was awesome. And Jon is legitimate. Wow!

The talk with Tyrion and Varys wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, I still don't agree with them though.  I can see Varys' issue with her burning people as just a really bad memory from his time with The Mad King. 

The burning was not that bad either. She gave them a choice and Lord Tarly rejected the Wall option. Dickon basically walked into the fire on his own. It's war. All will suck.

As usual everything Davos is great. 

I love it when Jon is kingly and he had great moments tonight.

Loved the scenes at Eastwatch. Great mix of characters. Can't wait for more of them next week.

The Winterfell scenes didn't bother too much. Finally after so long Littlefinger is being his Littlefinger self.  I definitely think he was somehow behind the unrest of the Lords. I am not crazy about the Sansa/Arya tension but it is more realistic then them holding hands and braiding each other's hair.  I have no doubt though that they will come out on top.

  • Love 12
Just now, dirtypop90 said:

Since I made the no chem comment...I agree the scenes are very deliberate (music, eyes, lighting etc) I see where they are going. I just feel nothing between the actors. It especially stands out to me because we saw Kit and Rose and Sophie and hell even some men whom he has more chemistry with.

We are on the same page. I could buy Jon/Gendry sooner than Jon/Daenerys.

  • Love 8
Just now, that one guy said:

I don't actually agree with her actions - I believe it's always wrong to torture or kill prisoners who are helpless and in your power, there was a moment when Dany used to know this and in fact executed Mossadar for killing prisoners in Mereen, just like Robb executed Rickard Karstark - who also killed guards who were their own guys so it's muddled /tangent.

Dany executed Mossador because he killed prisoners without her writ.  The situation was hers to judge, not his.  In this case, she judged them guilty of treason.

4 minutes ago, Oscirus said:

I think this episode is proving that Sansa is more a kings landing type of leader than a winterfell leader. She plays the game, better then most nowadays. North don't have the time for games so they're straight to the point. 

I don't see that at all.  She listened to what they said, and calmed them down. 

  • Love 11
7 minutes ago, stagmania said:

Not sure if this is a joke, but I don't think either sister is going to end up in a romance. They have bigger fish to fry. Sansa/Gendry would be truly random and Arya seems not remotely interested in that kind of relationship. Plus, if they wanted us to know Gendry ever thinks of Arya that scene with Jon would've been the moment to do it. 

It's only Random if you believe you're going to get a romantic ending. A Gendry Sansa pairing solves a lot of inheritance issues. 

  • Love 3
Just now, Paradigm14 said:

Yeah, actually I think thay while good at it, Sansa doesn't really like being in charge of Winterfell. Maybe she thought she would, but I don't think she does.

From the scenes of her in charge that we've seen, I'd say she enjoys it.  It's not fun all the time, of course, it being work; but she's a character who has had no power for most of the show's run, and now she has some, and is apparently doing a good job of it

  • Love 8
19 minutes ago, dbell1 said:

Odd that the scroll about Jon Arryn being poisoned was the one he hid

I see that I'm gonna have to wait for some HD screen caps to figure out just which scroll he hid.  It it was the one from Lysa to Catlyn saying the Lannisters poisoned Jon Arryn, I'm calling shenanigans.  It was sealed when Cat received it, and after reading it she tossed it in the fire.  There is no way Maester Lewyn could have copied it for his records.


24 minutes ago, Oscirus said:

Tyrion was petting rhaegal .  Nobody wants to touch viserion and he's the prettiest dragon :(

I hope this isn't speciesist of me, but I can't tell them apart.  Drogon is easy since he's the size of a passenger jet, but the other two are interchangeable.

  • Love 2
7 minutes ago, alaynestone said:

And ughhhhhh NO, please god no - NOT another baby for Cersei and Jaime.  I don't even know what the hell the purpose of that is...  Isn't she only supposed to have 3 kids?

This seems so soap opera-ish to me.

I actually think Qyburn and Cersei are wrong and she's on her change.

So missed Gendry and Davos together. *Sigh*

  • Love 3
5 minutes ago, SeanC said:

From the scenes of her in charge that we've seen, I'd say she enjoys it.  It's not fun all the time, of course, it being work; but she's a character who has had no power for most of the show's run, and now she has some, and is apparently doing a good job of it

I think that the conflict with Arya is manufactured, but it would good if the show would have Sansa explain to Arya what she went through with Littlefinger and Ramsay. Arya would understand why Sansa fears being powerless and at the mercy of her enemies, therefore she is desperate to hold it together until Jon returns.

Edited by SimoneS
  • Love 14
Just now, mac123x said:

I hope this isn't speciesist of me, but I can't tell them apart.  Drogon is easy since he's the size of a passenger jet, but the other two are interchangeable.

Viserion is white and gold and he's the smallest of the dragons, rhaegal's green. The only reason why I know the dragon Tyrion was petting was because I geeked out and studied the position that Dany locked the dragons up in that temple.

  • Love 2
1 minute ago, SimoneS said:

I keep reading that Jon is the heir. I don't get where that comes from. In no European monarchy succession (which this story is based on) can the king's nephew claim succession right to the throne over any of his children, male or female. 

Isn't he the son of the King's first son? That's how it typically goes.

  • Love 15

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