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S12.E06: The Sip-N-See Stand Off

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9 minutes ago, AttackTurtle said:

I actually think Shannon and Tamra could be safer than Vicki on the show.  Andy loves Tamra.  Shannon for all of her craziness is still probably the most "real" housewife of all the shows.  By kind of mending fences with Kelly, they're showing they will interact with her, but they did a pretty good job of icing Vicki out at the Sip & See.

He does like phony and no one's more phony than Tamra! Shannon's just unhinged so I can't see a future with her being the star if Vicki booted! How many times does she have to fly off the handle for people to realize something wrong with this woman? ;-(

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4 minutes ago, CSunshine76 said:

Thank you.  And I agree, Vicks was in no way innocent.  And I do not recall Shannon bringing up the cancer scam constantly as some (or one) poster claims.  She is now focused on the abuse allegations.  Although, she has every right to bring up both...her so called "friend" was complicit in both allegations.

And for the love of all that is holy, can someone please tell me how to put someone on ignore from an iPad? :)

i also want to know how ignore from my computer.  i tried to ignore but still see the posts

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1 minute ago, jaybird2 said:

thanks, i'll read it. 

i know andy indicates that kelly changes  but i don''t see it.  hopefully it will happen soon

If you read her blog this week you will notice that she is softening towards Shannon! It is weird but it is happening and


it looks like she/Peggy will be at odds soon.


1 minute ago, jaybird2 said:

i also want to know how ignore from my computer.  i tried to ignore but still see the posts

Even when you put someone on "ignore" they don't completely disappear, if another poster (not the ignored poster) "quotes" them, the blocked posters initial post will appear. So, you will see some posts but not all of their posts. 

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1 minute ago, WireWrap said:

If you read her blog this week you will notice that she is softening towards Shannon! It is weird but it is happening and

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it looks like she/Peggy will be at odds soon.


i didn't read her, i will now....andy likes shannon a lot.  says she is  beautiful at any weight..  that made me like andy  for a moment.

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1 hour ago, CSunshine76 said:


And for the love of all that is holy, can someone please tell me how to put someone on ignore from an iPad? :)

Do you see your own name in the upper right where you log in? There should be a drop-down menu icon next to your name. Tap it --  you should see the command Ignored Users -- tap that to go to the correct screen. You should see Add a new user to ignore list. Enter the name(s). See if that works. I have no idea if it will since I don't use the ignore function but I do have an iPad upon which I investigated and that seems to be one way to achieve your goal. Good luck.

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5 minutes ago, SCS said:

Do you see your own name in the upper right where you log in? There should be a drop-down menu icon next to your name. Tap it --  you should see the command Ignored Users -- tap that to go to the correct screen. You should see Add a new user to ignore list. Enter the name(s). See if that works. I have no idea if it will since I don't use the ignore function but I do have an iPad upon which I investigated and that seems to be one way to achieve your goal. Good luck.

Thank you!!!!

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12 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

If you read her blog this week you will notice that she is softening towards Shannon! It is weird but it is happening and

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it looks like she/Peggy will be at odds soon.


Even when you put someone on "ignore" they don't completely disappear, if another poster (not the ignored poster) "quotes" them, the blocked posters initial post will appear. So, you will see some posts but not all of their posts. 

thanks, i did it!    yea, waving my lydia arms!

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1 hour ago, jaybird2 said:

i just read peggy's blog.  does anyone know what she's referring to.  i think she is saying there are fake stories out about her so she won't be engaging in social media.  at least this is what interpreted from reading.  what are the stories?

Peggy has a blog? Is it written in Armenian? 

37 minutes ago, breezy424 said:

I'm thinking of moments like when Tamra arrives at Shannon's house and she tells her to just come in.  Tamra is asking if Archie is ok and not to jump.  She waddles her way across Shannon's tiled floor.  Then Shannon tells her she has her shoes on and that's why she didn't answer the door herself.  Then we have the two of them waddling back across the tiled floor.  Then we had Tamra's comment about having to do this twice.  There's a fun chemistry and a sense of humor there. 

Kelly's sense of humor is just plain mean and vile.

That was one of my fav scenes, with Archie walking Tamra and Shannon to the door, tail wagging. Though the poor puppy may have thought he was going for a walk. Personally, I would take walking Archie all day over a Sip and See. 

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1 hour ago, CSunshine76 said:

This.  All damn day, this!!!!

My Mom was diagnosed with breast cancer during the Brooks/Vicki bullshit lie last year.  I could not believe anyone would have the gall to not only support that kind of lie, but to try and profit off of it.  And now she won't even address it, she calls Brooks a "bad boy" and admits no wrong.  Well, you are a lying bitch Vicki, and once were my favorite Housewife.

My Mom lost her battle after a very short 5 months, so I agree....F You Vicki and Brooks forevermore.  It's absolutely, 100% unforgivable.

My heart actually aches and breaks for you.  There are no words to EVER make it better.

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16 minutes ago, walnutqueen said:

My heart actually aches and breaks for you.  There are no words to EVER make it better.

You are right, Walnutqueen. And CSUNSHINE76, many of us, even if we do not post it feel your pain. I very rarely write this as it is still painful 10 years later, but losing my mom to cancer in 2007 did not make what Vicki and Brooks did any less vile because my Mom's battle was several years earlier. She had two types of breast cancer previously, and died of pancreatic cancer 5 weeks after diagnosis. It really makes me wonder if Vicki's own mom had died of cancer rather than a heart attack if she would have been been repulsed by Brooks' scam, rather than complicit.  But Vicki is such an attention seeker than I sadly don't know if it would have made a difference. 

Edited by UsernameFatigue
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It really makes me wonder if Vicki's own mom had died of cancer rather than a heart attack if she would have been been repulsed by Brooks' scam, rather than complicit.  

She probably would have quadrupled down and said "My own mother died from cancer, how can anyone believe I would be a part of Brooks' scam?"

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Peggy's nose job looks really bad. Her nose has this weird pinched look to it.

Vicki's lip... so ugly. She can't even close her mouth properly.  When she was eating in the car, her lips looked so odd. 

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4 hours ago, WireWrap said:

Andy was very specific, Jill was fired for the "fake storyline", it had nothing to do with trying to stop the others from filming with Bethenny, especially since they all refused to go along with Jill, all of them including Luann filmed with Bethenny. LOL Also, trying to get others to stop filming with another HW had happened before/since and no one was ever fired for it, especially when that never works. LOL 

I think Tamra will get to a place where she/Vicki will talk, I also think Shannon/Vicki will get there as well. That said, I don't think Tamra or Shannon will ever be close to Vicki again and I already see cracks in Kelly's relationship with Vicki from reading Kelly's latest blog. 

Tamra may make the big bucks via her Bravo paycheck but I don't see Tamra/Eddie having a lot of money/cash to waste because of CUT and child support/college tuition (for Sidney), so I think they still watch how they spend that money. I also don't think Tamra would put Ryan ahead of her marriage.

Crap.  Now I've got to read that trashbox's blog.  

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28 minutes ago, BBHN said:

She probably would have quadrupled down and said "My own mother died from cancer, how can anyone believe I would be a part of Brooks' scam?"

And can you imagine how many casseroles she would have expected?

I loved how Kelly clearly had no clue about Vicki's Noah's arc reference.

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11 hours ago, Avon.Blakes7 said:

SO you're saying she faked being hurt? WOW, the hate must run deep! Her own kids are spoiled brats and backstabbers who've taken advantage of their mother! Have fun; think I'll move on for good! Have a good life! ;-(

Brianna said she was exaggerating the extent of the injury.  She stated that when her mom wasn't filming, she would take off the neck brace and walk around the house with no difficulty. Vicki started doing her bluster thing that she does when she is confronted about her lying. 

10 hours ago, bosawks said:

I don't know what would bother me more, having a person ignore me or not having one single person ignore me?

I've occasionally been a jackass surely someone's ignored me!

Anyway,  I keep envisioning Heather watching these episodes with a glass of champs and cackling with glee over this mess.

I try never to ignore someone but I'm pretty sure several have ignored me.  I am pro-Bethenny.  LOL. 

10 hours ago, Long Spot said:

I can never not smell that when I see him now, and I will blame you every time.  

You guys?  I feel like I've got a little present for you, and I can't believe no one heard it.

They were gagging over an edited in or real Vicki fart.  I know because I just laughed myself into tears and replayed it 3x to be sure.

There is a distinct fart noise, either real (and not implausible given where mic are and shapewear and Vicki has never had control of any bodily function), or planted by the producers just to mess with her.

But I assure you.  It's there.  They hug, someone says "how are you", Vicki says something about buying something for little girls and then....*TOOT*

Hope you've all got it DVR'd or On Demand.  Happy watching!

Man!  I just deleted it from the DVR too. I'm going to have to take your word for it that she farted. 

9 hours ago, Natalie68 said:

She involved them.  That is enough.  Perhaps I used the wrong word.  YOU don't have to forgive anything but the cast doesn't have to ignore and accept shitty immoral behavior from a coworker nor do other viewers have to forget.  I wouldn't call lying about cancer, to the point of supplying doctored/downloaded false records, lying about his 'binder', lying about someone's husband rendering aid when he was never called an embarrassment.  I would call that fraud.  Embarrassed = falling into the bushes after getting drunk, peeing on someone's bed after getting drunk, etc.  Fraudulent = perpetrating a cancer scam on a highly rated reality show and trying to make $ of holistic 'cures'.  THAT is why I will never side eye S and T and any other cast member/viewer for saying Vicki is the shit person she is.

Vicki also did her fair share of attacking them when they would even attempt to ask her a question.  Remember, she's like Jesus being nailed on the cross. 

7 hours ago, Kiki777 said:

I still find it so odd that Lydia and Peggy are on Vicki's side  (I don't buy them not knowing about the cancer scam).  It feels scripted to me.  Like Bravo will bring them on board along with Vile Kelly on the condition that they hang out with Vicki.

btw that 'hello' scene reminded me why I can't quit Shannon.  Girl is *hilarious* when she wants to be.  She was channelling the fabulous Bea Arthur with that deep throaty helllooooo.


PS - more Archie please! Loved him slowly walking alongside the ladies as they hobbled down the hall in their stilettos.

There was a blind item floating around that Lydia came back for the money and the stipulation was that she was going to have to be Vicki's friend and defend her. There is not enough money in the world for me to agree to that.

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14 hours ago, Avon.Blakes7 said:

You're not listening! Shannon brings up the "cancer" thing every time she explains to people why she doesn't engage with Vicki! Please! Thanks for the rest! I won't quibble over any of it on 1st glance even though a manuscript/outline for a book! lol! ;-)

My bad, I included my thoughts on the episode into the same post where I responded to you...hence it looks extra long, lol.

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This season is such a snore. I spend the episodes (I got thru three in 1/2 hour) fast forwarding thru anything with the blow up doll that is Kelly Dodd. I refuse to listen or watch any scenes she is in.

Shannon, your funny, but are in such pain. Stop with the feng shui and get thy to a therapist stat.

I loved and rewound Shannon and Tamra walking out of her house in baby steps. Ladies, when the shoes are that hard to walk in.....time to leave them to the younger ladies. Bones break easier as we get older, and I was cringing yet laughing the entire "walk of shame" to the door. Retire those heels silly girls!

So bored with Lydia and her toothy smile. Please go away. She adds zero.

Vicky your grandsons need some discipline and its weird that your daughter left her husband many states away. No one is buying that the marriage isn't in crisis, and no one cares either. I see very little "spark" with Vickster and her new man. Seems to be all for camera and trying to prove she's moved on from  Brooks.  She likes the bad boys because she is not a nice person.

Peggy, with her "dumb act" are baffling to me. I have been around a lot of Persians, who are a lot like Armenians, and they can be an insular group who mainly speak the language at home and socialize with mainly that nationality. Accents stay with many of these folks. I am baffled however with her refusal to show her intelligence, and I don't believe for a second she doesn't understand giving coal or beating a dead horse.Go to Apple and buy me an iphone! Now right there she showed how smart she can be. I think she was 75% serious.

The OC needs a complete recast. I hope Andy and co. realize this season is the duddiest of the dudds, mostly due to Dodd.

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23 hours ago, islandgal140 said:

This season is. an. utter. drag. 

I've come to realize I ain't liking any of these chicks to varying degrees.

Something has got to give. Either the show needs to get rid of Vicki, get rid of those that can't/refuse to interact with the whole cast or get rid of everyone and recast the lot of them.  This fracturing of the cast has made the show unwatchable and not enjoyable, however Kelly, Peggy and Lydia the muppet should go regardless. Dicko is better housewife material than any of these 3.

You know it's a sad state of affairs when it takes 6 episodes for the entire cast to get together. Coming off the end of NYC, where the women actually have history and relationships, to this cobbled-together, manufactured group is just boring and sad.

14 hours ago, Avon.Blakes7 said:

You're not listening! Shannon brings up the "cancer" thing every time she explains to people why she doesn't engage with Vicki! Please! Thanks for the rest! I won't quibble over any of it on 1st glance even though a manuscript/outline for a book! lol! ;-)

Lol! You forget that Vicki claimed Shannon's husband physically abused her! That's pretty serious! I wouldn't engage with someone if they said that about me, especially if said person also perpetrated a cancer scam! Lol! ;-)

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1 hour ago, Crazydoxielady said:

Peggy, with her "dumb act" are baffling to me. I have been around a lot of Persians, who are a lot like Armenians, and they can be an insular group who mainly speak the language at home and socialize with mainly that nationality. Accents stay with many of these folks.


I'm going to speak as an expat and speech therapist for a minute because I'm seeing a lot of opinions on how Peggy should speak...

First on the accent...  Everybody is different and it is based on a lot of different factors. I have an Aussie friend that speaks with no Aussie accent anymore and she has been in the UAE for 10 years. I have friends that grew up in Dubai and haven't gone back to the UK for more than college and short vacations that have a very strong British accent. My son was born in the Middle East and has never lived in the US. My daughter moved from the US when she had just turned 4.  They both have very strong American accents. Peggy's accent honestly isn't that strong though. I don't hear most of the typical errors for that language.

Now on her comfort level with English.  It is hard to say exactly what is going on with the limited info that I've been shown.  However, I can talk in general terms that idioms are usually the hardest. I do accent modification on the side and I will have people that lived in the US for 30+ years that want me to work with them just on idioms because they don't get them. We don't know what her upbringing was like.  If she was in an insular community where they primarily spoke Armenian then yes, that would impact her English. I have a dear friend that was born and raised in California to Slovakian parents. She never even learned English until she went to school and yes, she speaks with a mild Slovakian accent. As an expat, I speak English in my home and around my kids.  We don't usually speak Arabic when we are around each other. When I am around other Americans, we speak English. So, it is very easy to believe that she was raised in a community where she mostly spoke Arabic and probably only spoke English when at school (which yes, would also have an effect on your grasp of figurative language). 

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I am still aggravated that Bravo asked Vicki to return.  I'm convinced they did this because she's so easy to ridicule from the peanut gallery/couch.  

Her lack of of any true awareness as to why she lost Heather, Megan, Shannon and Tamra is so telling...

Saying your sorry, when you were just saying it to move on, without truly comprehending or acknowledging why they are upset with her speaks volumes about her ability to self assess the situation.  

Then, to continually dismiss them, call them names, make fun of shannons weight, to repeat and pretend that she's concerned and worried for Shannon's safety, to say the Eddie talk is just repeating rumors, all while being recorded on national television, and talking about them the way she did behind their backs is just crazy.  (Hello, Vicki, your weight was up a couple of seasons ago, you talked about and it looks like the weight you lost is coming back...and then her daughter...wonder how she feels about Vicki ridiculing weight gain) 

How she turns herself into the victim is beyond me.  She says she's the popular girl, they need to apologize to her, and they need to be punished for not wanting to stay friends?!!  Wow!!

She sounded like a witch when she was sitting on the couch and said something like, "we will let it happen...(pause) naturally..." with the tone of voice of a Queen holding court, while raising her arms.  She truly believes she's the OG/Queen and they should grovel.  

Tamra and Shannon not wanting to remain buds with Vicki is not anything like the situation with Jill on RHONY.  T/S are not refusing to film with her, and they did not tell Peggy/Lydia/Megan to freeze Vicki out.


This post in no way is dismissing the part they ALL played to a certain extent in the fighting, I'm just addressing Vicki's delusions in this post.

Edited by IKnowRight
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4 hours ago, Alison said:


Lol! You forget that Vicki claimed Shannon's husband physically abused her! That's pretty serious! 


But didn't that info come from Shannon who, at some point in the Happy Beador Marriage, called the cops on David for a DV sitch? And then later, after she became a HW and the news got out on various sites, claimed it never happened? And is it possible that she told Vix stuff off camera, which was not meant to be shared* and was? 

I'm now on Day 2 of defending** claims about Vicki***.

* If Shannon told her something in confidence, Vix should never have repeated it. Welcome to Bravo.

** I knoooow -- "Vicki is indefensible" and "Vicki can't be defended" -- but IMO she's responsible for enough BS without the need to tag her with stuff she didn't do.

*** I'm not Vicki. 

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On August 15, 2017 at 7:29 AM, ChitChat said:

I did agree with Vicki on her assessment of the Sip-n-See:  "How many damn gifts do I have to buy?"  I live in the south, and up until a few months ago, had never heard of a Sip-n-See.  I heard about it from another TV show based in NYC.  I thought it was a northern thing.  If you've had the pre-birth baby shower, I think it's in bad taste to expect people to bring you more gifts after the birth.  If I were going to have a Sip-n-See (which I wouldn't), I'd specifically state "no gifts," then if somebody brought one, that's on them.   YMMV. 

I believe vickie was bitching about having to bring a gift because she's not doing great financially. Who is going to buy anything from her now? Insurance, perfume, wine, pet-ashes-turned-into-"diamonds", jeans, vodka. What did I miss? None of those ventures landed. All were a bust, except the insurance, and I believe it's dying a slow death too. I bet she will be putting her house on the market again soon. 

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18 minutes ago, VedaPierce said:

I believe vickie was bitching about having to bring a gift because she's not doing great financially. Who is going to buy anything from her now? Insurance, perfume, wine, pet-ashes-turned-into-"diamonds", jeans, vodka. What did I miss? None of those ventures landed. All were a bust, except the insurance, and I believe it's dying a slow death too. I bet she will be putting her house on the market again soon. 

OMG, now she's peddling a line of lipgloss...;)

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11 minutes ago, IKnowRight said:

OMG, now she's peddling a line of lipgloss...;)

which she claims cures hemorroids because she should know because she is such a despicable ASSHOLE.

1 hour ago, IKnowRight said:

 She says she's the popular girl

I remember many seasons ago she went back to Ill. for a visit. She went to a bar and was throwing herself at (irc) at old classmates.  That guy couldn't get away from her fast enough.

Then she was telling her mother to say I love you and her mom was clearly annoyed.  She probably wanted to get away from her too.

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On 8/15/2017 at 6:29 AM, ChitChat said:

I did agree with Vicki on her assessment of the Sip-n-See:  "How many damn gifts do I have to buy?"  I live in the south, and up until a few months ago, had never heard of a Sip-n-See.  I heard about it from another TV show based in NYC.  I thought it was a northern thing.  If you've had the pre-birth baby shower, I think it's in bad taste to expect people to bring you more gifts after the birth.  If I were going to have a Sip-n-See (which I wouldn't), I'd specifically state "no gifts," then if somebody brought one, that's on them.   YMMV. 

I think knowing about a sip n see might depend on where you grew up in the south and what your roots are. The first one that I'd heard about was Phaedra's on RHoA. They just had one on Southern Charm. I think Atlanta might have been instrumental in introducing it to a wider audience. I think Phaedra's was in 2011. It's the most watched housewives show. I think it kicked around until about 2014 when the mommy bloggers discovered it. After that, it kind of exploded. Traditionally, gifts aren't given or expected.



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3 hours ago, diadochokinesis said:

I'm going to speak as an expat and speech therapist for a minute because I'm seeing a lot of opinions on how Peggy should speak...

First on the accent...  Everybody is different and it is based on a lot of different factors. I have an Aussie friend that speaks with no Aussie accent anymore and she has been in the UAE for 10 years. I have friends that grew up in Dubai and haven't gone back to the UK for more than college and short vacations that have a very strong British accent. My son was born in the Middle East and has never lived in the US. My daughter moved from the US when she had just turned 4.  They both have very strong American accents. Peggy's accent honestly isn't that strong though. I don't hear most of the typical errors for that language.

Now on her comfort level with English.  It is hard to say exactly what is going on with the limited info that I've been shown.  However, I can talk in general terms that idioms are usually the hardest. I do accent modification on the side and I will have people that lived in the US for 30+ years that want me to work with them just on idioms because they don't get them. We don't know what her upbringing was like.  If she was in an insular community where they primarily spoke Armenian then yes, that would impact her English. I have a dear friend that was born and raised in California to Slovakian parents. She never even learned English until she went to school and yes, she speaks with a mild Slovakian accent. As an expat, I speak English in my home and around my kids.  We don't usually speak Arabic when we are around each other. When I am around other Americans, we speak English. So, it is very easy to believe that she was raised in a community where she mostly spoke Arabic and probably only spoke English when at school (which yes, would also have an effect on your grasp of figurative language). 

This would make sense if her brother also spoke with an accent but he doesn't. LOL

1 hour ago, SCS said:


But didn't that info come from Shannon who, at some point in the Happy Beador Marriage, called the cops on David for a DV sitch? And then later, after she became a HW and the news got out on various sites, claimed it never happened? And is it possible that she told Vix stuff off camera, which was not meant to be shared* and was? 

I'm now on Day 2 of defending** claims about Vicki***.

* If Shannon told her something in confidence, Vix should never have repeated it. Welcome to Bravo.

** I knoooow -- "Vicki is indefensible" and "Vicki can't be defended" -- but IMO she's responsible for enough BS without the need to tag her with stuff she didn't do.

*** I'm not Vicki. 

Vicki was not referring to the old DV case that Shannon has already addressed on the show, she is talking about an incident that occurred at the end of Shannon's first season. The now defunct blog/gossip site, SH, did a blog about this and included a woman that was at Vicki's house when this happened.

According to her story, which matches with Shannon's explanation, is that David/Shannon went out to dinner, Shannon got very drunk (I know, Surprise) and started a fight with David. He did not want to fight and locked himself in one of their daughters bedrooms when they got home, Shannon tried to break the door down and got hurt in the process (David refused to allow her in the room). After Shannon got hurt, she called Vicki to cry to and Vicki put her on speaker phone for Brooks and their guests to listen in on. Shannon tells Vicki she is afraid of David and what might happen (she was referring to him leaving/divorcing her), Shannon cries about the fight and hangs up. This friend of Vicki's suggested they go get Shannon, to keep her safe, and Vicki tells them she is fine and that there is nothing to worry about. So no one called the police or went to the house to help Shannon. The next morning Shannon calls Vicki forgetting that she talked to her the night before and when Vicki reminded her of that call, Shannon admitted she was very, very drunk and had no memory of the call at all. 

Fast forward to what Vicki told Kelly last season, that she knew for a fact that David "beat Shannon" that night and that she has proof/texts. Now, if Vicki really thought that David was beating her dear friend why didn't she call the police or at the very least, go get Shannon out of that house? Why, because it is a lie, David didn't hit Shannon, let alone beat her but Vicki  could care less about telling that lie because she is hell bent on destroying Shannon's/David's marriage because she blames Shannon (most of all) for Brooks breaking up with her. Remember, he broke up with her, not the other way around! 

So, although Shannon did call Vicki crying about being afraid of David, she was crying because she thought he was going to leave/divorce her, not because he hit/beat her. And, not surprising, Vicki's friend that heard the whole phone call and tried to defend Vicki by sharing the story with SH, ended up revealing that David didn't do anything physical to Shannon and that Vicki never felt Shannon was hit/beat or in any physical danger at all.  Bottom line, Vicki is a liar and she betrayed Shannon big time! 

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4 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

I think knowing about a sip n see might depend on where you grew up in the south and what your roots are. The first one that I'd heard about was Phaedra's on RHoA. They just had one on Southern Charm. I think Atlanta might have been instrumental in introducing it to a wider audience. I think Phaedra's was in 2011. It's the most watched housewives show. I think it kicked around until about 2014 when the mommy bloggers discovered it. After that, it kind of exploded. Traditionally, gifts aren't given or expected.





My sister had a sip and see for my nephew.  He's ~10.  We're from California.  He was the second child and even though a baby sower would have been okay because her other child is a girl and there was a large gap between the two, she didn't know she was pregnant long enough to plan a shower.  Plus she wanted everyone to come and meet her little troll baby (he was not a cute baby, but he's cute now).

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39 minutes ago, VedaPierce said:

I believe vickie was bitching about having to bring a gift because she's not doing great financially

Even if her insurance biz isn't doing so well, she's still earning $500,000 per season for doing this awful show, right? At least that's what I heard she earns, don't know if it's true or not but sounds accurate to me. After all she is the OG of the OC, lol.  

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2 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

After all she is the OG of the OC, lol.

Since she is has such a prestigious title, I think she should be fired in a big way.  Andy needs to fire her on the next reunion.

If he doesn't, then I'm out.

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8 minutes ago, Cherrio said:

Since she is has such a prestigious title, I think she should be fired in a big way.  Andy needs to fire her on the next reunion.

If he doesn't, then I'm out.

Now that would make an interesting/entertaining reunion and put those ratings right up there with the stars in the sky! 

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7 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

Vicki was not referring to the old DV case that Shannon has already addressed on the show, she is talking about an incident that occurred at the end of Shannon's first season. The now defunct blog/gossip site, SH, did a blog about this and included a woman that was at Vicki's house when this happened.

According to her story, which matches with Shannon's explanation, is that David/Shannon went out to dinner, Shannon got very drunk (I know, Surprise) and started a fight with David. He did not want to fight and locked himself in one of their daughters bedrooms when they got home, Shannon tried to break the door down and got hurt in the process (David refused to allow her in the room). After Shannon got hurt, she called Vicki to cry to and Vicki put her on speaker phone for Brooks and their guests to listen in on. Shannon tells Vicki she is afraid of David and what might happen (she was referring to him leaving/divorcing her), Shannon cries about the fight and hangs up. This friend of Vicki's suggested they go get Shannon, to keep her safe, and Vicki tells them she is fine and that there is nothing to worry about. So no one called the police or went to the house to help Shannon. The next morning Shannon calls Vicki forgetting that she talked to her the night before and when Vicki reminded her of that call, Shannon admitted she was very, very drunk and had no memory of the call at all. 

Fast forward to what Vicki told Kelly last season, that she knew for a fact that David "beat Shannon" that night and that she has proof/texts. Now, if Vicki really thought that David was beating her dear friend why didn't she call the police or at the very least, go get Shannon out of that house? Why, because it is a lie, David didn't hit Shannon, let alone beat her but Vicki  could care less about telling that lie because she is hell bent on destroying Shannon's/David's marriage because she blames Shannon (most of all) for Brooks breaking up with her. Remember, he broke up with her, not the other way around! 

So, although Shannon did call Vicki crying about being afraid of David, she was crying because she thought he was going to leave/divorce her, not because he hit/beat her. And, not surprising, Vicki's friend that heard the whole phone call and tried to defend Vicki by sharing the story with SH, ended up revealing that David didn't do anything physical to Shannon and that Vicki never felt Shannon was hit/beat or in any physical danger at all.  Bottom line, Vicki is a liar and she betrayed Shannon big time! 

Vicki is such a shitty person. She doesn't even understand that even in her lie riddled version of Shannon's fight with David, Vicki is an uncaring jerk who knew her good friend was being physically abused and did nothing. She didn't call the cops. She didn't go get Shannon from the house. She didn't sit down and talk to Shannon about the abuse. Vicki literally did nothing.

It's the same thing with her version of Brooks' cancer. The man, who is the love of her life, has cancer. The extent of her being involved in his care and treatment was making smoothies and dropping him off at City of Hope. She went to zero appointments with him until people started questioning them. In the women's version of events, Vicki is a liar. In Vicki's version, she is self-absorbed and completely lacking in empathy. How does she think her version of events is the superior version? She looks almost as bad. She's such an immature narcissist. She's also so dumb that she doesn't understand that her attempts to exonerate herself still make her look bad. 

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I'm paraphrasing here but "I'm gonna make them pay for not being my friend."  WHAT?!  Is this bitch 8 yrs old?  I have friggin' had it with Vicky.


As far as Peggy goes--I think her inability to grasp slang is more for T.V.  I've seen too many of these types of reality tv shows and everybody that is on these shows that's not from this country seems like to play up the I'm-not-from-around-here schtick.  (Piss poor grasp of the language, constantly comparing our culture to theirs, I don't get their sense of humor, blah, blah, blah)   I bet you $100 her English is gonna get worse as the season goes on....

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For brevity's sake, Imma reply to the main points, not because I'm deliberately ignoring something vital. All bold is mine:


1 hour ago, WireWrap said:


Vicki was not referring to the old DV case that Shannon has already addressed on the show, she is talking about an incident that occurred at the end of Shannon's first season.

Maybe she was talking about both? Who knows what lurks in the devious Gunvalson mind?



The now defunct blog/gossip site, SH, did a blog about this and included a woman that was at Vicki's house when this happened.


Wow, Stoopid Housewives. I kind of loved that site especially when the blogger would go off on Kyle/BH. She never called her Kyle – she called her Hagface, I think. Hagface. Too funny. Thanks for reminding me. OK, back to OC….


According to her story, which matches with Shannon's explanation, is that David/Shannon went out to dinner, Shannon got very drunk (I know, Surprise) and started a fight with David. He did not want to fight and locked himself in one of their daughters bedrooms when they got home


I like Shannon but she needed to lay off the sauce years ago.



 Shannon tried to break the door down and got hurt in the process (David refused to allow her in the room).


Do we know what "got hurt" entails -- a simple owie! or severe hemorrhage?



After Shannon got hurt, she called Vicki to cry to and Vicki put her on speaker phone for Brooks and their guests to listen in on. Shannon tells Vicki she is afraid of David and what might happen (she was referring to him leaving/divorcing her) 

And this is a murky area: why was she afraid of him? I can see being worried or upset he might leave her but that’s not the same as -- and I am using your words here -- “...tells Vicki she is afraid of David." 



Shannon cries about the fight and hangs up. This friend of Vicki's suggested they go get Shannon, to keep her safe, and Vicki tells them she is fine and that there is nothing to worry about. So no one called the police or went to the house to help Shannon.

But is it possible Vicki actually offered to call the coppers, or to come over and Shannon wailed nooooooooooooooo?



The next morning Shannon calls Vicki forgetting that she talked to her the night before and when Vicki reminded her of that call, Shannon admitted she was very, very drunk and had no memory of the call at all. 

Sounds like Ramona on any given day.



Fast forward to what Vicki told Kelly last season, that she knew for a fact that David "beat Shannon" that night and that she has proof/texts.

But but but -- what if she does have proof or texts that have never seen the light of day? What if Shannon, at some time when they were pals , said David roughed her up, even if it didn't happen? Just for drama and effect? All these babes are given to hyperbole when it suits them.



Now, if Vicki really thought that David was beating her dear friend why didn't she call the police or at the very least, go get Shannon out of that house?

Well, I would have and with a large baseball bat as my co-pilot.



Vicki  could care less about telling that lie because she is hell bent on destroying Shannon's/David's marriage because she blames Shannon (most of all) for Brooks breaking up with her. Remember, he broke up with her, not the other way around! 

He sure did. And got some new teeth in the process, the gummy little grifter.



So, although Shannon did call Vicki crying about being afraid of David, she was crying because she thought he was going to leave/divorce her, not because he hit/beat her.

And, again, why was she afraid of David? Being afraid of someone is specific language.



And, not surprising, Vicki's friend that heard the whole phone call and tried to defend Vicki by sharing the story with SH, ended up revealing that David didn't do anything physical to Shannon and that Vicki never felt Shannon was hit/beat or in any physical danger at all. 


But this is the friend who shared the story about how Vicki felt – has Vicki ever commented about how Vicki felt?



Bottom line, Vicki is a liar and she betrayed Shannon big time! 

That’s the bottom line? Seems to me the bottom line is relentlessly fluid.

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21 hours ago, Avon.Blakes7 said:

Vicki didn't do anything to them! All she asked for them to do is accept the man she was dating! Am I missing something?

Are you missing where this man pretended to have cancer? Are you missing all the lies both he AND Vicki told the other women (and all of America) about the state of his "illness" and "treatment". Are you missing how Shannon went out of her way to get them in touch her medical connections, and they didn't even need them because he DIDN'T have cancer? Are you missing where when Shannon had just a glimmer of doubt about the situation Vicki totally went off on her and treated her like a complete enemy? 

It went WAY beyond, "please just accept the guy I'm dating". 

21 hours ago, Avon.Blakes7 said:

They're more disturbed than Brooks who may have faked cancer!

No "may have" about it. It's a documented fact. And while I find most of these women to be some level of unlikeable, I don't think ANY of them have done anything more disturbing than pretending to have a fatal illness. 

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6 hours ago, Crazydoxielady said:

I loved and rewound Shannon and Tamra walking out of her house in baby steps. Ladies, when the shoes are that hard to walk in.....time to leave them to the younger ladies. Bones break easier as we get older, and I was cringing yet laughing the entire "walk of shame" to the door. Retire those heels silly girls!

I don't think it was really the heels, as they've all worn pretty crazy heels for years now. I think it's Shannon's hallway. It seems to have very small stones, so one could easily break an ankle trying to keep their foot in the right place. It was a hilarious scene, though. 

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20 hours ago, CrinkleCutCat said:

^^^ I'm glad Shannon invokes 'the cancer thing' (your turn of phrase never mine) every chance she can.

Same here!  And, I really hope, that anyone, even entertaining, the idea of doing business with Vicky is made aware that she is a total scam artist.

Wtf, is wrong with the new housewife?

I was expecting your garden variety rich moron, not another stupid story line with someone who has an unbelievable accent!

ENough, with the recycled storylines already!

first Dorit now the Armenian wonder one.

This show sucks by now.

PS: I am so pissed Megan came back, she is such a normal woman. 

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19 hours ago, UsernameFatigue said:

Really? I loved that they were friends, and am sure that it made things much easier for Jim's children with his first wife. From what I remember, the one daughter lived with Jim and Megan (and was the reason they were in OC to start with) because his first wife was too sick to take care of her. Also the fact that his first wife was on TV was her doing - it was her choice, no one else's. 

Edited to add - I laughed at the reference in a post above about "young Eddie". Young Eddie is 44 years old. Lol. 

Honestly, it felt expoitative,  Imo.

What choice did the dying woman have at that point?

2 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

Does Orange County even have "normal" women? 

Well, it is all relative but she seems at least semi normal compared to the rest.

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On 8/15/2017 at 9:55 AM, Mindthinkr said:

It could have been her husband Diko thinking it would give her something to do and be a springboard for their business to go national (if it isn't already). Remember that it was Terry Dubrow who got his wife Heather on this franchise, not Heather electing to join. 

What is his business exactly?

ugly rims and unfortunate paint job?

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2 hours ago, SCS said:

For brevity's sake, Imma reply to the main points, not because I'm deliberately ignoring something vital. All bold is mine:


Maybe she was talking about both? Who knows what lurks in the devious Gunvalson mind?



Wow, Stoopid Housewives. I kind of loved that site especially when the blogger would go off on Kyle/BH. She never called her Kyle – she called her Hagface, I think. Hagface. Too funny. Thanks for reminding me. OK, back to OC….

I like Shannon but she needed to lay off the sauce years ago.



Do we know what "got hurt" entails -- a simple owie! or severe hemorrhage?


And this is a murky area: why was she afraid of him? I can see being worried or upset he might leave her but that’s not the same as -- and I am using your words here -- “...tells Vicki she is afraid of David." 


But is it possible Vicki actually offered to call the coppers, or to come over and Shannon wailed nooooooooooooooo?


Sounds like Ramona on any given day.


But but but -- what if she does have proof or texts that have never seen the light of day? What if Shannon, at some time when they were pals , said David roughed her up, even if it didn't happen? Just for drama and effect? All these babes are given to hyperbole when it suits them.


Well, I would have and with a large baseball bat as my co-pilot.


He sure did. And got some new teeth in the process, the gummy little grifter.


And, again, why was she afraid of David? Being afraid of someone is specific language.



But this is the friend who shared the story about how Vicki felt – has Vicki ever commented about how Vicki felt?


That’s the bottom line? Seems to me the bottom line is relentlessly fluid.

No, Vicki was specific at the reunion, she was talking about S/Ds fight after her/their first season, not the DV case from 10+ years ago.

Yes, Shannon needs to stop hitting the sauce.

According to Shannon, a bruised shoulder and knee from hitting/charging the locked door in an attempt to break it down. 

She said it something like that she was "afraid of what David would do", meaning leave/divorce her. This was shortly after she found out that he had cheated on her.

No, Vicki's friend said that Vicki never offered to call the police or to go get Shannon at any time. It was the friend that suggested they do 1 of those after Vicki hung up the phone. Vicki had Shannon on speaker phone the entire time, so she, her husband and Brooks heard the full conversation.

Vicki claimed she had "proof" at the reunion and Shannon told her to show it but Vicki quickly changed the subject. And again, Vicki was specific about when this alleged "abuse" happened.

There were 2 grown men at Vicki's house that night who could have gone with her to remove her good friend from harms way but she didn't think it was necessary. LOL

Vicki talked about it at the last reunion and played the victim, refused to show her "proof" and answer any questions about it.

Vicki is a bottomless pit!

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1 hour ago, WireWrap said:


She said it something like that she was "afraid of what David would do", meaning leave/divorce her. This was shortly after she found out that he had cheated on her.


Ah well that makes sense but it's also not what you posted upthread (look up, you'll see it) which was --


 ...tells Vicki she is afraid of David.

-- hence the disconnect. Glad that's straightened out. LOL


There were 2 grown men at Vicki's house that night who could have gone with her to remove her good friend from harms way

Yes, but one of them was Brooks so....LOL



Vicki talked about it at the last reunion and played the victim, refused to show her "proof" and answer any questions about it.


Word on the street is there might be a book by Vix in the offing. Maybe she's saving the scoop for that? LOL  


Vicki is a bottomless pit!

Endemic throughout much of the HWs Universe. LOL

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