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S07.E04: The Spoils of War

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I was actually rooting for Jaime and Bronn the whole time. I can't help it, I like their characters and I like watching them together. I give Dany props for putting herself into the thick of the battle though. Even though she has the ultimate weapon, she could've easily gotten knocked off Drogon or killed by an arrow. It gave her a little more street cred in my eyes. 

Next week is going to be very interesting.

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3 minutes ago, seacliffsal said:

It also seems like an unpopular opinion that I am glad that Bronn is alive.  It wouldn't surprise me if he came across Tyrion and change sides as Tyrion could not buy his services as a sellsword.  

I would just like Bronn and Davos to team up to provide commentary.

A raven cawed in the scene where LF was watching Arya, Bran, and Sansa return.  I wonder if Bran is keeping tabs on LF.

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47 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

Rickon is the GOT version of Chuck Cunningham. 

I agree and I think that's why when Jon and Dany inevitably hook up its going to feel rushed and forced. Yes, they have great sexual chemistry but there hasn't been enough time to see their relationship grow beyond the obvious physical attraction. In contrast, Jaime and Brienne spent an entire season on the road together so you saw them go from wariness and distrust to mutual respect and understanding. Their characters had time to become invested in one another and it felt real. I hate that D&D are sacrificing all the character development for the sake of fast-forwarding the plot.

maystone, thanks for the link. It really helps to clarify who's left standing at this point.


I can't quite agree that there won't be enough time to establish a relationship between Jon and Dany. There have been two episodes thus far, and we have to assume weeks, if not over a month have been spent together on Dragonstone.  There are still 3 more episodes to build their relationship, assuming this is leading to them getting intimate in the finale. So 5 episodes to develop a romance. That is more than Robb and Talisa had in season two. 


As for the lower episode count, I think it has more to do with wanting to spread the budget out over fewer episodes, allowing for more money and time spent on the CGI necessary for the big battles to come, which will be increasingly CGI heavy with the dragons and WW and their army of undead. 

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4 minutes ago, ImpinAintEasy said:

As for the lower episode count, I think it has more to do with wanting to spread the budget out over fewer episodes, allowing for more money and time spent on the CGI necessary for the big battles to come, which will be increasingly CGI heavy with the dragons and WW and their army of undead. 

I think it has to do with switching from having the books to plot from to going off an outline.  There is less filler to pad out the episodes to make more episodes so its all more condensed and focused.  The time travel and pacing is getting ridiculously fast compared to the book based seasons.

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18 minutes ago, ParadoxLost said:

I would just like Bronn and Davos to team up to provide commentary.

A raven cawed in the scene where LF was watching Arya, Bran, and Sansa return.  I wonder if Bran is keeping tabs on LF.

The first time I watched GOT (I didn't start until season 4), I couldn't keep Bronn and Davos apart in my mind as they seemed to serve similar purposes in their respective storylines.   Together they would be fun, indeed, although I no longer care about Bronn but desperately want Davos to survive to live to a great age enjoying life. 

As for LF, the structure he was standing next to when the raven cawed and fluttered away looked like a cage, and I wondered if he was up poking around to find all the stored messages the master alluded to.  

As an aside, one of the enduring regrets of my life is that I missed the Lascaux caves (apparently the model for what Jon found) by one year.  We lived in France then, and I attended an American school.  Our 5th grade trip was to various cathedrals and castles in Normandie, including two unforgettable nights spent on Mont St. Michel, while the 6th graders were touring Lascaux. But the next year the caves were closed to tourism to preserve the paintings, so I never got to go.  The kids who went raved about it.  :-(

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56 minutes ago, ShannaB said:

all this 'bend the knee or die' speeches makes me think of Eddie Izzard's  "cake or death" from his DRESSED TO KILL stand-up routine.  One of the funniest routines I have ever seen....so I bought the DVD.

If Cersei is asking...I'll take death. I would starve before eating or drinking anything she offered up. (I love that Eddie Izzard!!!!!)

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 I think some viewers are missing that they weren't very far from Kings Landing, so it was possible Tarly was able to escort the gold to Kings Landing and make it back to report to Jaime. 

How far is Highgarden from KL?  When Bronn told Jamie that he was promised a castle, he pointed at the one behind them and said "How about that one?  It's vacant."  Wasn't that Highgarden?  Not arguing, just trying to figure out logistics.

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7 minutes ago, shirazplease said:

How far is Highgarden from KL?  When Bronn told Jamie that he was promised a castle, he pointed at the one behind them and said "How about that one?  It's vacant."  Wasn't that Highgarden?  Not arguing, just trying to figure out logistics.

Map of Westeros.

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They also recast the actor from last season. I can't complain because new Dickon is quite attractive.

Thank you! Every time they show the new Dickon I have to remind myself who that is since he doesn't look like the one we were introduced to. I was wondering if it was my memory or what.

The reduced travel times does feel a bit jarring after previous seasons when it took forever for anyone to get anywhere and there were so many scenes of people on the road. I will, however, give the Dothraki a pass. Traveling long distances is a short time is kind of what they do so I would believe they'd be traveling pretty fast, especially if the women, children, household belongings were left behind.

I felt for Tyrion watching the Lannisters being destroyed and telling his brother to run. I really want to see a Tyrion/Jaime reunion. I don't know if he'll have to choose between Dany and Jaime. Dany would likely spare Jaime if Tyrion asked her to, as long as he wasn't a threat to her.

So happy that Arya is home and loved her reunion with Sansa. I don't see any reason to think Arya should be Lady of Winterfell rather than Sansa. Being a lone assassin is a VERY different skill set from leading in battle or keeping the North running smoothly.

Sansa is extremely good at running Winterfell and the administrative duties that go with it. I think much of this she would have learned from her mother since (princess fantasies not withstanding) she was always in training to be someone's lady of the manor. Now that training is paying off big time. Arya never bothered to learn that because she just wasn't interested.

Watching the dragon in battle was incredible and I loved that Dany used him to break a line in the Lanister ranks for her Dothraki riders to get in. Dany has been dying to break out her dragons and I'm glad she did it against a military target rather than a, largely civilian, city

I do wonder why, when he first saw the dragon, Jaime didn't scramble his troops to get that crossbow out. What was he waiting for?

Edited by Absurda
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1 hour ago, seacliffsal said:

It also seems like an unpopular opinion that I am glad that Bronn is alive.  It wouldn't surprise me if he came across Tyrion and change sides as Tyrion could not buy his services as a sellsword.  

I love Bronn.  He and Jamie could do a buddy cop show together.  It does Jamie good whenever he is away from Cersei and with his bro.

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do wonder why, when he first saw the dragon, Jaime didn't scramble his troops to get that crossbow out. What was he waiting for?

It was implied when he talked to Robert and Brienne that Jaime saw terrible things in the Mad King's court, and is fairly traumatised by it.  

'Ever heard of Wildfyre?  The Mad King was obsessed with it.  Loved to watch people burn - the way their skin blackened and blistered and melted off their bones....finally the day of reckoning came....I urged him to surrender peacefully....he turned to his pyromancer ' "burn them all - he said - burn them in their homes, burn them in their beds"'

When he sees that dragon coming - he knows what it's going to look like when his men burn alive.

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6 minutes ago, Dobian said:

I love Bronn.  He and Jamie could do a buddy cop show together.  It does Jamie good whenever he is away from Cersei and with his bro.

I love Bronn too. 

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26 minutes ago, Daisy said:

so looking at the map

it's like they flew by KL - to get to the Reach. that must have been a sight 

Dany and the Dothraki (my new band name) came up from Dragonstone, though, right? That's south of King's Landing.

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When I saw Jaime sinking I couldn't help but think of this: 



I truly hope there is a revelation imminent, or that imagery was wasted.

Edited by revbfc
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17 hours ago, LilaFowler said:

It seems like Jamie was prepared for a dragon ambush if he took the dragon bow with him from KL when he went to sack Highgarden. That said, if it actually effective, then imagine if Cersei has a dozen of those at her disposal when/if Dany invades. Imagine if she has 50 all pointed at the sky.

Cersei being the Big Bad is going to annoy me more than Ramsay Bolton or Joffrey. I love Lena but her acting is the same in scene after scene. I'm a bit bored of her always winning and getting her way. I know several others on here felt that Ramsay was like teflon, too. I suppose this battle could be seen as a failure for her but all she wanted in sacking Highgarden was the gold and it looks like she'll have it. She doesn't care if people starve.

It was good to see Drogon torch that dragon bow. First he fired it then he hit it with his tail like a big fly. If I remember correclty from last episode, there was only one bow in the room tha the chemist guy uncovered. It is rather large and hard to stuff a lot into a room. I hope that was the only one.

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5 minutes ago, nitrofishblue said:

It was good to see Drogon torch that dragon bow. First he fired it then he hit it with his tail like a big fly. If I remember correclty from last episode, there was only one bow in the room tha the chemist guy uncovered. It is rather large and hard to stuff a lot into a room. I hope that was the only one.

Qyburn said they were working to create more of those.   I believe KL will be full of those ballistas by the time Dany lay siege

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2 hours ago, ParadoxLost said:

I think it has to do with switching from having the books to plot from to going off an outline.  There is less filler to pad out the episodes to make more episodes so its all more condensed and focused.  The time travel and pacing is getting ridiculously fast compared to the book based seasons.

I think that there is potentially a lot of filler left in the story, but David and David aren't writing it. They could be showing:

  • Bronn and Dickon convincing the farmers to give up their harvests. That might seem like a waste of time to some, but maybe those scenes could help to underscore why Bronn chose to stay and fight rather than taking his money and running.
  • Qyburn in Essos negotiating and hiring the Golden Company.
  • The Wildlings manning and fortifying the wall.
  • Jorah's journey back to Daenerys
  • Whatever is happening with Yara Greyjoy
  • Daenerys' people helping Jon to mine dragon glass
  • What's happening at the Twins now that all of the male Freys are dead. Do Jaime and Cersei know that all of the men are dead? Did they send troops from Riverrun to help fortify the Frey's lands? Or are the Frey women fending for themselves after being continually condescended to and disrespected by Walder Frey. It might be interesting to see the Frey matriarch going Caterina Sforza in the Twins.
  • What Greyworm and the Unsullied are doing after having captured Casterly Rock.
  • Cersei inspecting the defenses and fortification of Kings Landing, including the installation of scorpions throughout.

The vast majority of the war for the Iron Throne almost certainly has to conclude by the end of this season or early next season. Most of next season will probably be spent mobilizing all of the forces in Westeros to battle the white walkers. Given that the war of the 5 Kings is coming to a close, except for mining dragon glass and fortifying the wall, most of the things on my list above won't matter in season 8. However, I think my list is good enough for at least 2 more episodes this season. The addition of which might solve some of the time and pacing issues of this season.

Edited by HunterHunted
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1 hour ago, Daisy said:


this slayed me

I hate to admit that I zeroed in on Mariana's Trench and missed the picture for all of two minutes.

Thank you, Daisy,for a freeze frame that my screen doesn't want to do and then for pointing out the really obvious.  And, thus, for the laugh of the day for both my husband and me. 

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I think Sansa was awakening from her Queen of the North fantasies and realizing that Arya, not her should be the ruler of Winterfell.

Sorry, I have to disagree. I think Sansa has learned subtlety and patience from her miserable experiences, and she's also had much more experience of court life, and exposure to how things are done at the political level. Arya is a vengeance assassin, and useful, certainly, but doesn't have the background or personality for governing, IMO.


Dany needs to find another dragon rider or two for Rhaegal and Viserion.

've occasionally wondered, does Dany train the other two dragons? Seems as if she should have done something with them. Three dragons are better than one, plus I really want to see Tyrion riding a dragon.


Actually, I'm thinking Jon and Bran. Bran is a warg, after all - he wouldn't even have to physically ride a dragon.

I'm remembering something the Max Sydow version of the three-eyed-raven said---that Bran would never walk again but he might fly.

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1 hour ago, Daisy said:

I love Bronn too. 

I must say, "no offense, your Grace," but I don't like Bronn as much as many people who are posting on here. Can I get a "whut whut" from any GoT homies out there? Bronn seems WAY too opportunistic to trust him, and even when he agrees to side with you, he asks for more stuff right away--case in point: wanting a castle and land from Jaime right after the first major battle. Plus, he is devious, unkemp, and has too much of the "I plan to stand on a street corner and ask for change when you roll up" although he has a Benz and nice house. Down with Bronn, I say! Any supporters in here?!?!

1 minute ago, TigerTimes said:

I must say, "no offense, your Grace," but I don't like Bronn as much as many people who are posting on here. Can I get a "whut whut" from any GoT homies out there? Bronn seems WAY too opportunistic to trust him, and even when he agrees to side with you, he asks for more stuff right away--case in point: wanting a castle and land from Jaime right after the first major battle. Plus, he is devious, unkemp, and has too much of the "I plan to stand on a street corner and ask for change when you roll up" although he has a Benz and nice house. Down with Bronn, I say! Any supporters in here?!?!

*unkempt (hate my autocorrect)

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If I recall correctly, Jamie promised the castle and wife to Bron a great many years ago. I can't remember all the details but I think he had to give that one up and Jaime promised him a better one. I may be mis-remebering, but I don't think Bron is asking for anything "extra". He is, of course, a sellsword and has been pretty upfront about that all along. I'm just glad he chose to go for the weapon instead of dying for his gold.

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5 minutes ago, Absurda said:

If I recall correctly, Jamie promised the castle and wife to Bron a great many years ago. I can't remember all the details but I think he had to give that one up and Jaime promised him a better one. I may be mis-remebering, but I don't think Bron is asking for anything "extra". He is, of course, a sellsword and has been pretty upfront about that all along. I'm just glad he chose to go for the weapon instead of dying for his gold.

Those were the promises Jaime made to Bronn to get him to give up his marriage to Lollys Stokesworth and accompany Jaime to Dorne to "rescue" Marcella.  And Bronn complained, last season at the siege of River Run, I think, that he still hadn't been given those things.  

Edited by Calamity Jane
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2 minutes ago, Calamity Jane said:

Those were the promises Jaime made to Bronn to get him to give up his marriage to Lollys Stokesworth and accompany Jaime to Dorne to "rescue" Marcella.  And Bronn complained, last season at the siege of River Run, I think, that he still hadn't been given those things.  

Jaime & Cersei should have given Riverrun to Bronn.  It would have knocked 2 birds with 1 stone

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15 minutes ago, doram said:

Which makes his non-reaction to Cersei using wildfyre - "who cares how she built this world once she's done?" - hypocritical af. 

Does he believe she did it, or does his blindness to all things Cersei have him believe her line about it being "a tragic accident?" He saw with his own eyes what Aerys did, and he saw what Dany did to those soldiers, as they melted in their armor. Seeing is believing. 

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1 hour ago, DarkRaichu said:

Qyburn said they were working to create more of those.   I believe KL will be full of those ballistas by the time Dany lay siege

I think so also. However, it won't matter. I expect that Jorah will come up with a defensive strategy and that Drogon is going to be even bigger by the time they get back to Cersei. 

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3 hours ago, DarkRaichu said:

He said to Cersei they were working around the clock making these.

Also, there is a good possibility they will aim those ballistas to the Dothrakis (and their horses by extension) and not just the dragons

Thing is, until this battle, they had no way of knowing if it would work

It should be pretty hard to aim but in this case, Dany had the Dragon go directly at it.  If she flew above it and came at it from a steep, almost vertical angle, that ballista wouldn't work, unless they tipped it vertical, in which case it's even harder to aim.

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I would just like Bronn and Davos to team up to provide commentary.

That would be epic!

It seemed to me that Sansa's reaction to the Arya/Brienne sparring was the sudden realization that this is not just a little sister, but a formidable little warrior.

It doesn't surprise or bother me that Bran is so distant in affect. When you consider that the amount of “files” downloaded into his inadequate brain/soul was the equivalent of the entire book series plus encyclopedia, no wonder there's no room left for normal human interaction. It was satisfactory, however, to see that lack of affect and uncanny knowledge directed at Littlefinger.

Arya's sword style was such a wonderful throwback to her first lessons with Syrio, and I could imagine her practicing diligently any time she had free in the years since.

Game of Thrones has somehow revealed a certain level of bloodthirstiness in me, since I had such satisfaction at Arya's Frey resolution and look forward to Littlefinger's eventual comeuppance (which I trust will happen). That final battle had the same appreciation (except for the poor horses). The Dothraki fighting style was just thrilling.

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3 minutes ago, Cyranetta said:

It seemed to me that Sansa's reaction to the Arya/Brienne sparring was the sudden realization that this is not just a little sister, but a formidable little warrior.

I thought that it called back to season 1 and Sansa being on the path to be a Lady and Arya wanting to be a warrior.  Sansa likely believed that Arya would eventually grow out of it and become what Stark women are "supposed" to be, Ladies, wives, and mothers.

I think Sansa sees clearly now that they have both continued down the path they started on and will never be able to fully close the gulf between them.

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3 hours ago, Daisy said:


this slayed me

Bwah! Not only the depth of the water, but where did Bron come from? One minute Jaime is riding on his own, next Bronn is right behind him. He must have been beamed there.

I am not likely this selfless trait in Bronn. He has clearly undergone a personality change.

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51 minutes ago, TigerTimes said:

I must say, "no offense, your Grace," but I don't like Bronn as much as many people who are posting on here. Can I get a "whut whut" from any GoT homies out there? Bronn seems WAY too opportunistic to trust him, and even when he agrees to side with you, he asks for more stuff right away--case in point: wanting a castle and land from Jaime right after the first major battle. Plus, he is devious, unkemp, and has too much of the "I plan to stand on a street corner and ask for change when you roll up" although he has a Benz and nice house. Down with Bronn, I say! Any supporters in here?!?!

*unkempt (hate my autocorrect)

none taken. :) 
that's the beauty of a cast as large as this one. 

the thing is, he's supposed to be opportunistic (and I am surprised there hasn't been a scene where someone did that scene from Firefly that someone tries to buy Bronn from under the Lannisters). everything else. hehhe made me laugh. 

8 minutes ago, SimoneS said:

Bwah! Not only the depth of the water, but where did Bron come from? One minute Jaime is riding on his own, next Bronn is right behind him. He must have been beamed there.

I am not likely this selfless trait in Bronn. He has clearly undergone a personality change.

I don't see it as Selfless. 
he lost his Gold. Jamie can get him more. :D 

5 minutes ago, meep.meep said:

I love this!  Isn't it supposed to be a bog?

The picture makes it look like Bronn, not Dickon, was the pusher.  Dickon is a stupid name.

I always thought it was Bronn. (actually it would make me wonder if this kills Bronn. one last hurrah, eh?)

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From what I read elsewhere it does seem the gold they had was at least sent ahead to make it to KL and was not near the sight of the battle. 

Whether that means it actually makes it to KL, I don't know

Bronn lost his gold, that much we know.  Plus he could be dead too for all way know. 

I also want Bronn to live.  I hate the thought if him dying fighting for Cersei and Jamie

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1 hour ago, DarkRaichu said:

Jaime & Cersei should have given Riverrun to Bronn.  It would have knocked 2 birds with 1 stone

There was no reason to give it to Bronn. They have Edmure Tully prisoner. He's knocked up his Frey wife. Either the Freys or the Lannisters will end up raising his heirs. The kids will never have any allegiance to the Tullys. They'll never even meet a Tully. Bronn is a grown man whose allegiance may change for whatever reason. Edmure's kids will be sheltered imbeciles like Robin Arryn. They'll do whatever they're told.

57 minutes ago, SimoneS said:

I think so also. However, it won't matter. I expect that Jorah will come up with a defensive strategy and that Drogon is going to be even bigger by the time they get back to Cersei. 

It would be good to have Jorah back coming up with military strategy. It allow Tyrion to go back to some of the things he's really good at like statecraft and inventing things like the side saddle for Bran. Perhaps he could come up with armor for the dragons and horses. Maybe he'll come up with some way to destroy the scorpions.

48 minutes ago, Cyranetta said:

Arya's sword style was such a wonderful throwback to her first lessons with Syrio, and I could imagine her practicing diligently any time she had free in the years since.

It was such a great reminder of Syrio and the water dancing lessons.

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Quick dumb question, and if you've been spoiled by various leaks I'll thank you to not weigh in. :)

Reading the last page of posts--are poeple really expecting Jon and Dany to hook up? I always thought it was just cutesy wishful thinking since she's his aunt or whatever. Now, I do know the following:

--Jamie and Cersei

--Targaryen history of sibling marriage or w/e

But Jamie and Cersei are at least nominally "villains", and for all that the books/show have attempted to de-program us from fantasy tropes, I believe viewers are still cheering for certain 'heroic' characters (Jon, Dany when she's not being insufferable, Arya, and lesser characters who still have a shred of humanity, like Brienne). (I'm intentionally not starting up Sansa controversy.)

So I can't help but question whether the typical viewer wouldn't be fairly put off by incest between two of the top-tier "heroes" of the show? 

I'm not asking whether it makes sense from a dynastic context, or how inter-marrying worked in the books or real life monarchy, I'm asking whether people think it would be a pretty big risk to the *average* viewer's goodwill.

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I really needed this episode after the heavy Lannister winning episodes previously. The build up to that battle was so suspenseful. I knew what was coming given what Dany had been discussing but I still wasn't ready. I loved Jamie getting the army into formation and his somewhat confident belief they could hold the Dothraki only to see his face fall when we hear Drogon's roar and Dany swoop in. That was all just beautifully shot. I have to admit once it all started I wanted more carnage. It was too convenient that all that dragon fire and Dothraki charging didn't take out at least Randall Tarly and Dickon. I'm not sure what purpose either of them serve at this point and it would have been nice revenge for Lady Olenna. I hope Dany takes control of Highgarden and The Reach now that the Tarly's are dispatched.

I'm glad I'm the majority(?) that is sad that Bronn lived. If we have to lose characters like Margaery and Olenna I honestly don't want space wasted on snark characters like Bronn. He's had his funny moments but once he hit Drogon I really needed to see him melted into nothing. It didn't help that he saved Jamie who is character I have detested since season 1. There is no redeeming Jamie IMO and a fitting end would have been to see him die realizing what a fool he has been for following his insane sister. My only hope now is that he's a prisoner so we at least see some interaction with Tyrion. Also if he is I hope Jon reclaims Widows Wail since it is made from Ice and can be useful against the WW. Jamie is not fit to wield it and never has been.

The cracks in the Dany/Tryion relationship were good too. I'm kind of sad it seems like Tyrion might turn on her but I found it very realistic that finally faced with the reality that Dany is there to indeed wipe out House LannisterTyrion was very conflicted.

I don't understand why Dany couldn't take Rhaegal and Viserion. They still follow her commands. She used all three to burn the slaver ships. I suppose without riders they may not know where to attack but how amazing would it have been to see all three lay waste to the Lannisters? I'm also worried the other 2 are lacking the combat experience Drogon has. He's also naturally the most aggressive of the 3. Rhaegal and Viserion need some training if they are going to face WW.

The Sansa and Arya scene was beautiful. I love that there was actual joy and fondness there. I also love that bit by bit we get to see that Sansa is not buying what LF is selling. She knows he can't be trusted.

All in all an amazing episode. I can only imagine what the remaining three are going to be like if this one was as action packed and intense.

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10 hours ago, gbbarb said:

Why would Arya be more suitable than Sansa?  We have seen nothing on the show that would indicate that message.  Sansa hate is so tiring.

I like Sansa... but I was trying to find a plausible explanation other than petty sibling rivalry why she would be looking at her that way.

Maybe she just is envious that she can fight... but there was a reason for that look even though we don't know yet what it is.

I was hoping it was something noble.

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3 minutes ago, Sentient Meat said:

I like Sansa... but I was trying to find a plausible explanation other than petty sibling rivalry why she would be looking at her that way.

Maybe she just is envious that she can fight... but there was a reason for that look even though we don't know yet what it is.

I was hoping it was something noble.

I think she was realising that Arya was not only serious about having a kill list, but that it was also very likely the people who were 'dead now' were dead by her hand.  On top of that - I think she was genuinely uncertain as to whether Arya might decide to kill Brienne in that fight - maybe as revenge for the Hound, or some other reason Sansa was unaware of.

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2 minutes ago, Sentient Meat said:

I like Sansa... but I was trying to find a plausible explanation other than petty sibling rivalry why she would be looking at her that way.

Maybe she just is envious that she can fight... but there was a reason for that look even though we don't know yet what it is.

I was hoping it was something noble.

I know we all see things from different angles - which is brilliant writing - but the way I saw it (and I'm not saying this is the correct way, just how I see it, and the way I believe it until something happens to disprove this) is this:


Sansa meets Arya and learns she has a list of people she wants to kill. That included Joffrey. 

When Sansa and Arya were last together, Sansa and Joffrey were betrothed to each other, and best of friends.

Hell, Sansa LIED to her father, (and to her future father-in-law (King Robert)) to back Joffrey up. Sansa knows Arya knows she was lying.


So in her mind, maybe Arya has a grudge against Sansa too...

Then Bran confirms the existence of the list.


Then finally Sansa witnesses Arya taking on Brienne - the woman who would protect Sansa - and also hearing Arya remind Brienne that she's sworn to obey her (Arya) as well as Sansa.


That is why i think Sansa is worried. 


I could be wrong of course, but that's how I saw the scenes unfolding :)

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2 hours ago, TigerTimes said:

I must say, "no offense, your Grace," but I don't like Bronn as much as many people who are posting on here. Can I get a "whut whut" from any GoT homies out there? Bronn seems WAY too opportunistic to trust him, and even when he agrees to side with you, he asks for more stuff right away--case in point: wanting a castle and land from Jaime right after the first major battle. Plus, he is devious, unkemp, and has too much of the "I plan to stand on a street corner and ask for change when you roll up" although he has a Benz and nice house. Down with Bronn, I say! Any supporters in here?!?!



No, because Cersei Lannister was supposed to give Bronn a castle and a lady and all that along with his title, in exchange for NOT fighting the Mountain. He's kept his end of the bargain, and the Lannisters should pay their debt.

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12 minutes ago, Sentient Meat said:

I like Sansa... but I was trying to find a plausible explanation other than petty sibling rivalry why she would be looking at her that way.

Maybe she just is envious that she can fight... but there was a reason for that look even though we don't know yet what it is.

I was hoping it was something noble.

There are pages and pages of plausible explanations other than petty sibling rivalry on this thread.  Why would you assume petty sibling rivalry?  That was years ago and they are both far different people.

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1 minute ago, Captain Stable said:

I know we all see things from different angles - which is brilliant writing - but the way I saw it (and I'm not saying this is the correct way, just how I see it, and the way I believe it until something happens to disprove this) is this:


Sansa meets Arya and learns she has a list of people she wants to kill. That included Joffrey. 

When Sansa and Arya were last together, Sansa and Joffrey were betrothed to each other, and best of friends.

Hell, Sansa LIED to her father, (and to her future father-in-law (King Robert)) to back Joffrey up. Sansa knows Arya knows she was lying.


So in her mind, maybe Arya has a grudge against Sansa too...

Then Bran confirms the existence of the list.


Then finally Sansa witnesses Arya taking on Brienne - the woman who would protect Sansa - and also hearing Arya remind Brienne that she's sworn to obey her (Arya) as well as Sansa.


That is why i think Sansa is worried. 


I could be wrong of course, but that's how I saw the scenes unfolding :)

Sansa and Arya had their differences, but nothing to foreshadow killing a sibling.  I'm not sure that Arya would kill Theon... let alone her blood relative.

As I said, her look seemed one of envy... that Arya was a truly liberated warrior queen... like Daenerys or even Cersei in her warped way.

But maybe it's simple sibling rivalry... but I think it's a reach to think Arya wants to kill her or (as the other poster wondered) that she wants to kill Brienne

I don't even think she'd try to kill the Hound a second time unless he attacked her first.  

Arya usually has very sound reasons for who she wants dead... unlike Cersei's which tend to be more personal.

2 minutes ago, gbbarb said:

There are pages and pages of plausible explanations other than petty sibling rivalry on this thread.  Why would you assume petty sibling rivalry?  That was years ago and they are both far different people.

My original theory was not... I was responding to someone who disagreed with my other take.

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11 minutes ago, Fen said:

I think she was realising that Arya was not only serious about having a kill list, but that it was also very likely the people who were 'dead now' were dead by her hand.  On top of that - I think she was genuinely uncertain as to whether Arya might decide to kill Brienne in that fight - maybe as revenge for the Hound, or some other reason Sansa was unaware of.

For all she knows, that isn't Arya.

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8 minutes ago, Sentient Meat said:

Sansa and Arya had their differences, but nothing to foreshadow killing a sibling.  I'm not sure that Arya would kill Theon... let alone her blood relative.


We (the audience) know that, but Sansa hasn't seen her for years, and Arya was very cold in the meeting.
"I call you Lady Stark now?" You'll also notice that Sansa went to Arya and hugged her, but Arya never returned the hug - her arms remained by her side, not around Sansa.


So from Sansa's point of view she may be thinking "Why does Arya seem to hate me?", thinks back to their last real interaction (the butchers boy incident), then learns Arya has a list of people who have wronged her and... That is why I put Sansa in that frame of mind.

We know it isn't true; but when she meets Bran SHE hugs him!  

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The funniest bit in the episode were the two bickering Winterfell guards arguing over who was going to have to tell Sansa about someone who was seemingly there impersonating her sister. 


Chubby guard: "You're gonna tell her"

Other guard: "No I'm not!"

Chubby guard: "Cause if you don't I'm gonna hit you right in the fucking face as hard as I can"

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10 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

I'm a little confused by Dany's logic:

"The Tyrells had all our food"

*burns supply lines*

Did she think she was burning the gold instead? 

It was not a situation where Dany could send in a surgical strike team to steal the food. Nor does Dany really have the soldiers who are capable of stealth attacks. She's been able to use the Unsullied to sneak into Yunkai, Meereen, and Casterly Rock because those were cities and buildings with sewage and catacombs beneath them. They were structures with walls and roofs. This was an attack on a grass plain. The Dothraki could probably mount a sneak attack on the plains because they know grasslands so well. However, they don't do sneak attacks or guerrilla warfare.

Additionally, she doesn't have the troops or infrastructure to get the supplies Dragonstone and securing the supplies in High Garden or Casterly Rock is iffy because she's got no protected supply line and the opposing army has troops that know those castles better than she does.

Given that, the only reasonable thing she could do is burn the supplies so that no one would have access to them.

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3 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

Given that, the only reasonable thing she could do is burn the supplies so that no one would have access to them.

Not sure how well you can see wagon details when flying fast & high, but gold is not usually packed in kegs / barrels...

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