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S12.E03: The Not So Quiet Woman

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5 minutes ago, Ki-in said:


If this is how Shannon behaves in public then I truly cannot even imagine her private temper tantrums.  I guess they didn't teach keeping your shit together in public in cotillion.

She attended public schools, and went to USC for college. Any training for cotillion would have been private. There are dance classes (white glove) and you learn how to navigate introductions and receiving lines. In private school (back in my day) teaching also included classes in floral arrangements, table settings and eating etiquette. Home economics in public schools also included some of these skills and could be taken by girls or boys (tho boys migrated to the industrial arts (shop) class.  From what I've seen of most housewives (especially NY) those classes were never taken as eating with their gobs closed seems to be an issue most of them have never learned. 

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1 hour ago, zoeysmom said:

I usually go by lawsuits and the Beadors don't seem to have any against them.  So they must pay their bills. Every once in awhile I look up David's company and it appears they have several contracts going on. There are no complaints or withholds from final payments.

I believe they put the house on the market initially shortly after the affair.  The house seemed to be almost oppressive to these folks moving forward.  Quite honestly, although a beautifully appointed home it seemed almost stale in the interior design and terribly overly customized.  Shannon likes traditional but it did seem the house was hard to move.  I am guessing they are getting a fantastic deal on the rental because it is featured every week on the show and is was last on the market for $27 million.  The house has been described as a tear down. 

As to the renting, Shannon has said they are looking for a smaller beach property to renovate. I don't see them doing one from the ground up.  My guess it will probably coincide with "Flipping Out" and Jeff Lewis will do the remodeling, and a built in storyline for Season 13. 

The other woman didn't live up the street, she didn't even live in Crystal Cove, nor did her children attend the Beador children's school-the connection was her daughter played on the basketball team the Beador girls were on and David coached.   

Regarding Shannon's house, when she first came on the show before anyone even knew about David's affair, David was pestering Shannon to sell the house. He never liked it, and never wanted a home that size. I think selling the house was a compromise, and Shannon realizing that she had to give and take and that giving David what he wanted - a smaller house - was part of moving their relationship forward after the affair. 

Regarding Shannon's health (which judging from this thread is the number one topic so Shannon is certainly earning her orange) we have no idea if Shannon is on medication. (Other than she would likely tell us, of course). I went on an anti depressant for a time after my mom passed, and one of the side effects was weight gain. Which made me depressed in its own right. Once I went off it I was able to lose the weight. I also tried 'western medicine' remedies for menopause, which had worse side effects than the ones I was trying to alleviate. A co worker suggested a supplement for menopause which could be purchased at a health food store. It ended up being a godsend, eliminating my symptoms of menopause with absolutely no side effects. So western medicine isn't always the answer (though it certainly can be for many things). 

In the picture above posted of Shannon at spring break she looks fabulous! 

Edited by UsernameFatigue
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10 hours ago, Ubiquitous said:

Kelly being drunk when they recorded her tagline would explain a lot.

Thanks for reminding me! Vicki talking about putting up webcams in the new office so she could monitor her workers reminded me of a lady on one of those "help my failing business!" shows which featured an owner who stayed home all day watching her employees and berating them for what they did wrong.

Now I'm imagining that her tag line was actually something else and "If I want your opinion I'll give it to you" is just what she was drunkenly yelling at anyone trying to give her direction.


4 hours ago, nexxie said:

Maybe it means that her big-bucks, big-balled daddy has invested in the glitzy rag - wonder how Lydia's husband is gonna like that comment about his, uh, deficiency.

When she was talking about her husband being 51% owner of their stupid magazine she made sure to say she's really the boss because she controls the purse strings.  


1 hour ago, MrSmith said:

Here's what I don't understand: Why do these women never learn to stay out of business that is not theirs to begin with? I would think Lydia would know to stay out of the middle of whatever is going on between Vicki and Shannon. Instead, she's got to insert her fucking self into business to which she is not a party, and then she wonders why these screaming chimps start flinging feces in her direction. I'm just left thinking, "Really?!? This is not that hard. You weren't around for everything that happened. So why not just shut your mouth? Why do you need to help rehash all this shit? And why can't you just let it die down?"


Because, silly, she's the friendship whisperer. 

Edited by yourmomiseasy
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Dear Lydia (ya whirling "dervis," you),

I have worked at real newspapers and magazines.

You iz doing it rong!



11 minutes ago, ButterQueen said:

Okay, 3 pages in and I must watch now.

I don't work, my kids are grown, and I've done nothing productive yet today -- no apologies.  Shannon's kids are very involved and that takes time!  

No need to apologize, Butter! Just don't make us watch you living in the kind of luxury that most of us will never know, complaining about putting on weight, with no idea whatsoever of how it got there! 

And, also, I'm going to open this fab restaurant, called The Quiet Man, and its logo will be, so funny, a man's torso with his head chopped off! Ha! That will teach them to stop mansplaining every god***ned thing to me! 

Edited by jennylauren123
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Shannon could also have some type of thyroid issues.   My daughter, in her 20's, suddenly gained a lot of weight.  She carefully watched what she ate, she went to the gym every morning before work, and after work.  No matter what she did she couldn't lose the weight.  I told her to have her thyroid checked.  The Dr. did a cursory test and told her she was fine.  At my insistence, I said to have a more in depth test taken.  The Dr. did, but told her it was a waste of time.  Well, turns out she had a major thyroid issue and spent over a year getting meds regulated.  Since then the weight has come off and stayed off.   So, Shannon, along with menopause weight, could be dealing with thyroid.    Thyroid issues can also cause horrible mood swings, mimic depression, and cause hormone imbalance.

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2 minutes ago, jennylauren123 said:

Dear Lydia (ya whirling "dervis," you),

I have worked at real newspapers and magazines.

You iz doing it rong!



No need to apologize, Butter! Just don't make us watch you living in the kind of luxury that most of us will never know, complaining about putting on weight, with no idea whatsoever of how it got there! 

Ouch, that hurt.  ??

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18 minutes ago, notnowimbusy said:

Shannon could also have some type of thyroid issues.   My daughter, in her 20's, suddenly gained a lot of weight.  She carefully watched what she ate, she went to the gym every morning before work, and after work.  No matter what she did she couldn't lose the weight.  I told her to have her thyroid checked.  The Dr. did a cursory test and told her she was fine.  At my insistence, I said to have a more in depth test taken.  The Dr. did, but told her it was a waste of time.  Well, turns out she had a major thyroid issue and spent over a year getting meds regulated.  Since then the weight has come off and stayed off.   So, Shannon, along with menopause weight, could be dealing with thyroid.    Thyroid issues can also cause horrible mood swings, mimic depression, and cause hormone imbalance.

My thyroid went out of whack after I went through the change. It is worth checking out by "western" medicine. 

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Just now, Mindthinkr said:

My thyroid went out of whack after I went through the change. It is worth checking out by "western" medicine. 

I have no doubt Shannon has a GP she consults and has check-ups, no matter her pseudo BS with faith healing she loves to propagate on the show! ;-)

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Just now, Avon.Blakes7 said:

I have no doubt Shannon has a GP she consults and has check-ups, no matter her pseudo BS with faith healing she loves to propagate on the show! ;-)

I hope you are correct. As a former practitioner of western medicine I have seen a lot of ppl suffer needlessly because of their hopes and faith in other cures. 

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2 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

I hope you are correct. As a former practitioner of western medicine I have seen a lot of ppl suffer needlessly because of their hopes and faith in other cures. 

Not to say affluent people aren't sucked into this whole hog, but most who options will definitely have backup measures to sustain their miserable lives! ;-)

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Anyone can be suckered into promises of health, hair growth, sexual enhancement and overall energy. There are tons of advertisements all over that lots of people fall for. If weight loss was as easy as a harmless pill once or twice a day, and it worked,  would there really be overweight ppl out there? Nope. There is no easy cure for many things and most don't want to take the time and control of their lives to get fixed (better). 

I'm all for anything that gives ppl hope as long as it's not harmful or bleeds their pockets dry. 

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11 minutes ago, Avon.Blakes7 said:

I have no doubt Shannon has a GP she consults and has check-ups, no matter her pseudo BS with faith healing she loves to propagate on the show! ;-)

We saw Shannon with her cardiologist and she obviously has a doctor because of her lung issues.  So I would say her Dr. Moon is just an adjunct to her western medicine.

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2 hours ago, MrSmith said:

This coupled with the fact that if he really cared about her, he would be supportive of her and encourage her to also work out. He would do whatever he can to make sure she has time to do this and would help her along the way. My wife was heavier than Shannon is and when she decided she wanted to hit the gym with me and lose the weight, I was right there next to her helping her every step of the way.

Yea, but David can't win when it comes to Shannon. If he suggested working out together, she'd probably flip out on him. "Are you saying I'm FAT, David??? Are you soooo disgusted by me that you have to make sure I lose weight? Can't just love me the way I am???" She's exhausting. 

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2 hours ago, Sage47 said:

Kelly's daughter will be scarred from having that for a mother. Remember Kelly and her brother cackling about "tossed salad" in front of Jolie?? Who knows what that poor little girl has been exposed to in that house? Stomach turning. 

Shannon is unusual in many ways. Even for a reality show person, she has a major problem with TMI. I've never seen a housewife ask her husband to remove an enema tip from her butt on TV. 

She truly has no boundaries at all. We have heard dirty details of David's affair, her imbedded enema, her bloating, her weight gain along with hanging her gut out for all to see, her girls asking their dad about his wet dreams, violent arguments, drunken blackouts, all revealed to the world...strange family. 

People raving about Heather....she wasn't always so sweet to Shannon. Ha, far from it. She had her own hand in pushing Shannon off the rails ala Kelly Dudd and then melodramatically asking Terry if they should "call an ambulance." What a witch. 

She also had zero compassion for the pain Shannon was going through over David's affair. She was quite mean and condescending to Shannon. If Terry really had an affair it sounds like karma. 

To be fair, how many have jammed them up their butt while filming?  HA!  Yeah as close and Mr. Natalie and I are I am not sure that is a favor I would ask of him.  

She reminds me of my long past grammy who would ask you about your BM's anywhere public.  Or fling open the dressing room door while you are still naked asking how the outfit looks.  

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I've been thinking of that scene where Vicki stated she wants cameras and being able to access what ppl are doing on their work computers. I've also been hearing lately of this tech company who's implanting microchips into 50 (volunteers bless their hearts unless they were scared of losing their jobs) so they could get online, pay for things purchased at the cafeteria or snack room, work the coffee machine etc. (they swear it will contain no GPS but I'm a doubting Thomas on that point. It might not be enabled when they put it in but they'll be able to turn it on when warranted) Doesn't this seem heavy handed? We all have a bad day occasionally, but do we need to hear about it when living thru it is bad enough? Is Vicki going to just daze into her split screens and monitor all day or hire someone to watch for productivity? Next she'll be the hair or fashion police. She obviously does not trust her staff after the alleged embezzlement scandal. Will chips be next for her employees? 

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1 hour ago, ButterQueen said:

Okay, 3 pages in and I must watch now.

I don't work, my kids are grown, and I've done nothing productive yet today -- no apologies.  Shannon's kids are very involved and that takes time!  

Sounds a lot like my days off!  Your time to do EXACTLY as you please.  

7 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

I've been thinking of that scene where Vicki stated she wants cameras and being able to access what ppl are doing on their work computers. I've also been hearing lately of this tech company who's implanting microchips into 50 (volunteers bless their hearts unless they were scared of losing their jobs) so they could get online, pay for things purchased at the cafeteria or snack room, work the coffee machine etc. (they swear it will contain no GPS but I'm a doubting Thomas on that point. It might not be enabled when they put it in but they'll be able to turn it on when warranted) Doesn't this seem heavy handed? We all have a bad day occasionally, but do we need to hear about it when living thru it is bad enough? Is Vicki going to just daze into her split screens and monitor all day or hire someone to watch for productivity? Next she'll be the hair or fashion police. She obviously does not trust her staff after the alleged embezzlement scandal. Will chips be next for her employees? 

I would not work anywhere that had a camera in my office.  I sometimes change my clothes in there!  The way insurance offices work couldn't these people work anywhere since they are not actual COTO/Vicki employee's?  I would like to see the employee's go along with it, pick out their office decor and pick expensive items, maybe get an expensive ergonomic chair and then quit.  She deserves nothing less.

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Here's an uneducated guess. Did Diko talk his wife into this franchise to:

1) Garner more attention to their business 

2) Status and celebrity 

3) Give wifey something to do

4) Paycheck 

I just felt it was odd that she came right into this show after a unfortunate diagnosis and still not having reconstructive surgery yet from which she will need down time and no stress. 

4 minutes ago, Natalie68 said:

Sounds a lot like my days off!  Your time to do EXACTLY as you please.  

I would not work anywhere that had a camera in my office.  I sometimes change my clothes in there!  The way insurance offices work couldn't these people work anywhere since they are not actual COTO/Vicki employee's?  I would like to see the employee's go along with it, pick out their office decor and pick expensive items, maybe get an expensive ergonomic chair and then quit.  She deserves nothing less.

Oh my. Smashing ideas Natalie! 

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16 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

How crazy angry do you think Shannon will be at Lydia once she finds out Lydia suggested to Kelly that she join them for dinner.  And why did Lydia say in her TH that Kelly showing up was a red flag, she invited her!

I thought Lydia's 'red flag' comment was based on how Tamra announced Kelly's arrival to the dinner where she got the impression that Tamra was sending out a red flag to everyone else. At least, if I were sitting at the table and someone announced Kelly that way, my senses would consider that a red flag notice being sent from that other person, lol.

I wonder if there are some editing tricks going on. I feel like they may have only showed a quick flashback of Lydia's meetup with Kelly because it happened before the phone call with Tamra. By rearranging the sequence of events, it would appear that Lydia, knowing that Shannon was going to dinner, also knowingly invited Kelly at their lunch together even though she could tell from their conversation at the lunch that Kelly and Shannon don't get along. I think it makes Lydia come across more sinister that way but all in all, I think Lydia is playing the role of meddling but playing the card of 'I just want everyone to be friends and get along'. Though from her reaction after what happened at the restaurant, it seems like she may have clued in that Kelly is a lunatic.

It's not popular to say because even though being unfaithful in a monogamous relationship is wrong and there are other ways to address your issues in the relationship other than stepping out behind someone's back, it shouldn't be discounted what factors may lead someone to look elsewhere for companionship. People often relate it to the physical but lots of people check out of relationships because of how they feel they're being treated, because their relationship is lacking emotional AND physical intimacy, etc. If Shannon is going to bother trying to make her marriage work, she can't just expect David to simply be faithful from now on, they both need to learn how to be better partners to each other. The way we see her talk to him and the behaviour he deals with when she's having a public outbursts, those are all things she needs to be better at as well. She's put a lot of blame on Vicki for the rumour she put out on TV but instead of using it as an opportunity to bond and stand by her husband, she stressed out, became frustrated with her own behaviour and pushed him away.

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I have read the blogs of the various ladies and Meghan's tweets (ouch).  Something I find beyond annoying is when someone cannot grasp the simple concept of gossip.  Gossip is created when one person tells one or more people something about someone else or others.  Not all gossip is bad, gossip can be I was told so and so is pregnant.  Gossip and rumors don't begin when they are aired.  At least the RHONYC are smarter to understand this concept.  So self-righteous Vicki going on about how she didn't gossip about Tamra and Shannon's husband because she didn't make it public.  She was the one that put the rumors into play.  Just as Kelly was the one who gossiped about the financing on Heather's property.  Tamra may have blabbed in on air, but without the Kelly telling Tamra there would be not gossip.  Vicki further shoots herself in the foot by claiming Shannon and Tamra breached boundaries by talking about Brooks and not the rumors surrounding their husbands.  Why would they?  Vicki took a big check from Bravo and had to include Brooks.  Briana took a big check from Bravo and went on and on about Brooks.  Brooks sold his story (lies) to a couple of different outlets.  Vicki admitted to fabricating two stories about Brooks and treatment he allegedly received.  I beg of these women learn what the word gossip means, and more importantly what gossiping entails.

Lydia, television sets have been around a long time-watch one.  You get paid for being on a television show.  Please do not try and sell these various stories about being offended by the others claiming you are a pot stirrer-you are and you are untruthful.  This business of thinking she can bring these people together and let them hug it out is just ludicrous and stretches the credulity of even the most naïve.  Lydia invited Kelly.

Shannon you just can't keep going off and then realizing later you misbehaved.  Coping is a skill you are suppose to use in the minute not upon reflection. And I believe this is three weeks running you have taken sole responsibility for your weight gain-good work. 

Tamra-good work on calling Lydia out on her misrepresentations regarding Kelly being invited.  Tamra is being a good friend to Shannon and gets to enjoy daily chats with Shannon about her weight.

Kelly-you do not have the right to sit at someone else's table in a restaurant whether you have been there 100 times or even if you are blowing the chef.  The right belongs to the guests.   

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I don't look down on SAHMs -- I just don't see Shannon that way. Her children are older, certainly old enough to clean their own rooms and do chores around the house. That is, if they even do that much as I suspect Shannon has maids/a housekeeper. In fact, I can't envision her doing much cleaning as that might actually burn some calories and we all know her aversion to that. I mean, I think I recall during their first season David even asked her what she did all day (and she replied defensively in a TH that she was "busy all day"). I don't know. I simply don't like her so I'm not really inclined to give her the benefit of the doubt on this one. I think she needs something productive to do with her loads of free time, something more than throwing money at some "holistic specialists."

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1 minute ago, zoeysmom said:

I have read the blogs of the various ladies and Meghan's tweets (ouch).  Something I find beyond annoying is when someone cannot grasp the simple concept of gossip.  Gossip is created when one person tells one or more people something about someone else or others.  Not all gossip is bad, gossip can be I was told so and so is pregnant.  Gossip and rumors don't begin when they are aired.  At least the RHONYC are smarter to understand this concept.  So self-righteous Vicki going on about how she didn't gossip about Tamra and Shannon's husband because she didn't make it public.  She was the one that put the rumors into play.  Just as Kelly was the one who gossiped about the financing on Heather's property.  Tamra may have blabbed in on air, but without the Kelly telling Tamra there would be not gossip.  Vicki further shoots herself in the foot by claiming Shannon and Tamra breached boundaries by talking about Brooks and not the rumors surrounding their husbands.  Why would they?  Vicki took a big check from Bravo and had to include Brooks.  Briana took a big check from Bravo and went on and on about Brooks.  Brooks sold his story (lies) to a couple of different outlets.  Vicki admitted to fabricating two stories about Brooks and treatment he allegedly received.  I beg of these women learn what the word gossip means, and more importantly what gossiping entails.

Lydia, television sets have been around a long time-watch one.  You get paid for being on a television show.  Please do not try and sell these various stories about being offended by the others claiming you are a pot stirrer-you are and you are untruthful.  This business of thinking she can bring these people together and let them hug it out is just ludicrous and stretches the credulity of even the most naïve.  Lydia invited Kelly.

Shannon you just can't keep going off and then realizing later you misbehaved.  Coping is a skill you are suppose to use in the minute not upon reflection. And I believe this is three weeks running you have taken sole responsibility for your weight gain-good work. 

Tamra-good work on calling Lydia out on her misrepresentations regarding Kelly being invited.  Tamra is being a good friend to Shannon and gets to enjoy daily chats with Shannon about her weight.

Kelly-you do not have the right to sit at someone else's table in a restaurant whether you have been there 100 times or even if you are blowing the chef.  The right belongs to the guests.   

It was perfectly acceptable to "go off" in the restaurant! Obviously every one was cool with it because all the faces were clearly visible! A release had to be signed by each and every person! They love it; a nice tail to tell the kids and friends! ;-)

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Well.....that was odd.

I didn't like Peggy at the beginning, complaining about being in so much pain she couldn't put her own shoes on, while she slipped into 5 inch heels.  However, she completely redeemed herself at the dinner, showing she doesn't get all the crazy fighting.  She's in for a rough ride with these ladies.  I hate her car.

Kelly is mean, gross and drunk, but Shannon overreacted in the bathroom.  I didn't see Kelly do or say anything wrong there.  Of course, she showed her true colors at the table, and cemented my hate for her.

Shannon, Shannon, Shannon....girl you need to get yourself some medication yesterday.  Your marriage, being rocky, will not survive your mood swings.  I had to do the same thing, and my only regret was that I didn't notice it and get treatment sooner.  Thank goodness I have a patient husband.  I also don't think David is cheating on Shannon because she's gaining weight and he's not.  During my menopausal hell, my husband rode his bike 25-30 miles a day, and he wasn't cheating on me.  I hate to see her getting slapped down harder and harder for a very natural process that can turn very ugly.  Been there, done that, my heart breaks for Shannon.  But girl....get help, get healthy, stop making excuses, and take responsibility.

I don't like how they don't socialize as a group.  I don't know how that's going to work.  The group trip will be a shit show.

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22 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

I've been thinking of that scene where Vicki stated she wants cameras and being able to access what ppl are doing on their work computers. I've also been hearing lately of this tech company who's implanting microchips into 50 (volunteers bless their hearts unless they were scared of losing their jobs) so they could get online, pay for things purchased at the cafeteria or snack room, work the coffee machine etc. (they swear it will contain no GPS but I'm a doubting Thomas on that point. It might not be enabled when they put it in but they'll be able to turn it on when warranted) Doesn't this seem heavy handed? We all have a bad day occasionally, but do we need to hear about it when living thru it is bad enough? Is Vicki going to just daze into her split screens and monitor all day or hire someone to watch for productivity? Next she'll be the hair or fashion police. She obviously does not trust her staff after the alleged embezzlement scandal. Will chips be next for her employees? 

I agree.  I understand a camera in her reception area, but hell no to stalking your employees.

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It's always Poor, Poor Put-Upon Shannon.  No matter what is going on in her life, the others are being mean to her and they should know she's having struggles with her marriage.  Then she's had struggles in her marriage, but she's working through them and look how brave that poor dear little thing is, in the face of her meanie husband (note, I'm not condoning cheating, just how they handled it publicly).  Then all her struggles caused her to gain weight.  Poor thing, but so brave to put her struggles out there.  Oh! Happy day, the struggles are over, but, big mean Vicki is spreading mean lies about her, so poor Shannon just doesn't know what to do! And on and on and on.  

I do agree with Peggy when it comes to Shannon and the rumors.  I feel the same with the Eddie ones, too.  Is it nice of Vicki to spread them? Nope.  Is it worth a "Stop talking about my family?" Yep.  But, if someone wants to go around and say that my husband is gay? I don't care.  He isn't, I know that, he knows that.  But, you know what, if he was and I opted to marry him anyway and I was happy? Then that's OUR business and all anyone else needs to know and worry about is that we are happy.  Period.  So, let people talk.  

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Tamra picking up poop with her bare hands .....NO!!

Shannon & family showing up to a 2 year olds birthday party in a stretch limo just looks so over the top.  Of course, the whole family had to leave because she was upset.  Yikes!

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Vicki speaks of this big gamble expanding her business at her age-wouldn't the biggest risk be that her partner wanted nothing to do with her son Michael who is supposedly the heir apparent?  Vicki has never had a successful business collaboration-she ended up in a lawsuit with the bacon vodka guy.  I cant imagine this will be any different. I don't see how this is suppose to expand her business.  I checked at her new website under the "About Us", the site only features Vicki.  I did laugh a bit at Vicki's comment that they take a holistic approach to a client's financial situation.  So where does this Ali guy fit in?  For those interested they are now hiring.

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10 minutes ago, ButterQueen said:

Tamra picking up poop with her bare hands .....NO!!

Shannon & family showing up to a 2 year olds birthday party in a stretch limo just looks so over the top.  Of course, the whole family had to leave because she was upset.  Yikes!

I have always assumed (and certainly could be wrong) that the stretch limos are provided by Bravo? Since it is essentially a work party they are going to that will involve drinking (the venue for the two year old's party had a beer garden) would they not be covering themselves, making sure that no one drinks and drives? If I were Shannon's girls I would have thanked Shannon for having a reason to leave a 2 year old's birthday party. I am surprised that the daughters went in the first place. 

Edited by UsernameFatigue
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31 minutes ago, ButterQueen said:

Shannon & family showing up to a 2 year olds birthday party in a stretch limo just looks so over the top.  Of course, the whole family had to leave because she was upset.  Yikes!

Shannon freaking out and storming into her big ass limo made me laugh so hard. People from any walk of life can have it rough, don't get me wrong. But that was a "first world problems" moment right there, if there ever was one. 

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22 hours ago, VedaPierce said:

I just can't hate Kelly because she is so on another planet, I can't relate to her at all, so I don't have any feelings towards her so I can't hate her...it would be like hating on a jumping, crazy kangaroo. I would laugh at the kangaroo but keep my distance. She's actually as close as any of these people have come to a wild animal. I would never allow Kelly in my house. Or ever get too close physically to her. She 100% has a screw loose, and not in the normal nutty way. She did make me crack up with that window thing she did. It was just so random and weird, I wasn't expecting it and busted out laughing. Lol I think she was making eye contact with the camera guy too while she was doing it! Freak show.

Kelly will be on an episode of SNAPPED.

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2 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

I hope you are correct. As a former practitioner of western medicine I have seen a lot of ppl suffer needlessly because of their hopes and faith in other cures. 

One word to support your suspected fears....Yolanda!

1 hour ago, RHJunkie said:

I thought Lydia's 'red flag' comment was based on how Tamra announced Kelly's arrival to the dinner where she got the impression that Tamra was sending out a red flag to everyone else. At least, if I were sitting at the table and someone announced Kelly that way, my senses would consider that a red flag notice being sent from that other person, lol.

I wonder if there are some editing tricks going on. I feel like they may have only showed a quick flashback of Lydia's meetup with Kelly because it happened before the phone call with Tamra. By rearranging the sequence of events, it would appear that Lydia, knowing that Shannon was going to dinner, also knowingly invited Kelly at their lunch together even though she could tell from their conversation at the lunch that Kelly and Shannon don't get along. I think it makes Lydia come across more sinister that way but all in all, I think Lydia is playing the role of meddling but playing the card of 'I just want everyone to be friends and get along'. Though from her reaction after what happened at the restaurant, it seems like she may have clued in that Kelly is a lunatic.

It's not popular to say because even though being unfaithful in a monogamous relationship is wrong and there are other ways to address your issues in the relationship other than stepping out behind someone's back, it shouldn't be discounted what factors may lead someone to look elsewhere for companionship. People often relate it to the physical but lots of people check out of relationships because of how they feel they're being treated, because their relationship is lacking emotional AND physical intimacy, etc. If Shannon is going to bother trying to make her marriage work, she can't just expect David to simply be faithful from now on, they both need to learn how to be better partners to each other. The way we see her talk to him and the behaviour he deals with when she's having a public outbursts, those are all things she needs to be better at as well. She's put a lot of blame on Vicki for the rumour she put out on TV but instead of using it as an opportunity to bond and stand by her husband, she stressed out, became frustrated with her own behaviour and pushed him away.

Lydia told Peggy that Kelly didn't get along with Tamra/Shannon on their way to the dinner, so she knew before she asked Kelly to come a second time.

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On 7/24/2017 at 11:53 PM, Avon.Blakes7 said:

He's all over their boobs though; even the old bags with implants! He's quite disgusting in so many ways! ;-(

Andy is getting more and more profane and more lecherous on these shows.  His "Everyone likes their dicks sucked" during the Southern Charm reunion was way OTT.  He's so creepy when they have male models on WWHL.

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On 7/24/2017 at 7:53 PM, UsernameFatigue said:

That was so annoying! Apparently because Peggy is driving Cruella Deville's car, she thinks she is invincible? And WTF was Lydia doing, giggling like a little kid who has never been in a convertible before?

Peggy is obviously only impressed by OTT spending, so Shannon should have told her about the basketball court in the basement of the house she built. I am sure Peggy would have been impressed, seeing as her child has to play basketball in the foyer of her house. Maybe mommy and daddy should sell a few holstein cars and build the kid a proper court. 

Holstein cars -- perfecto!

Those vehicles remind me of the old Gateway Computer boxes.


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1 hour ago, ButterQueen said:

Tamra picking up poop with her bare hands .....NO!!

Shannon & family showing up to a 2 year olds birthday party in a stretch limo just looks so over the top.  Of course, the whole family had to leave because she was upset.  Yikes!

While icky and she should have used a napkin its only Guinea Pig poop.  They are hard little rice sized things.  I had a chinchilla and they were the same.  Not the really icky poop like cat/dog/all non rodents.  That said wash your hands if you are going to touch it!  I guess it shows I am not a mom cause I was more icked out by Aspen spitting up than Tamra touching the GP poop.  HA!  I was more concerned he would pee and how would you get THAT out of the shag carpet?  

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1 minute ago, Natalie68 said:

While icky and she should have used a napkin its only Guinea Pig poop.  They are hard little rice sized things.  I had a chinchilla and they were the same.  Not the really icky poop like cat/dog/all non rodents.  That said wash your hands if you are going to touch it!  I guess it shows I am not a mom cause I was more icked out by Aspen spitting up than Tamra touching the GP poop.  HA!  I was more concerned he would pee and how would you get THAT out of the shag carpet?  

Oxyclean and water

Edited by Mindthinkr
Didn't edit! The ghost again
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Just now, Mindthinkr said:

Oxyclean and water

Good to know!  I am always really hesitant to use any cleaner on carpets based on my late dads profession.  He sold/installed carpet and all I would hear is don't use this or that on the carpet!  It will void the warranty!  Makes me paranoid now.  I rent.  Its not my carpet or warranty!  

I saw that little GP on the whiteish carpet and could just picture it leaving a yellow streak.

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I also like a product called Hot Shot. Don't breathe the fumes tho. As with any cleaner try on a small out of site piece (like in a closet corner) before using. All carpeting is not created equal. 

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16 hours ago, diadochokinesis said:

But no, I don't cook my steak in butter. I season it with some pepper and seasoning salt and that's it. 

Yum!  -- can I come sit at your table? (Promise I won't act like Kelly ;)

I also often choose red meat  (it keeps me fuller longer than chicken or fish, both of which leave me hungry three hours later - one of my saboteurs is that crazy-ass sudden hunger that appears when I've eaten a meal with too little fat/too many carbs. For me, choosing red meat means I won't be driven by blood sugar hunger to snack and snack and snack.)

16 hours ago, jennylauren123 said:

Wow. Screechy Shannon gains weight and is hailed as a hero, and viewers are proud of her? I don't get it. 

Can't speak for anyone else but (even though I don't much like the woman) I'm not applauding her weight gain, but Shannon showing her body, as is, to the camera. That's hard to do when you have a perfect, socially-approved body, never mind a  - god forbid! -- middle aged woman's body carrying weight gained during  (god forbid again!) menopause. We demand Barbie doll perfection, and she showed it like it is, for millions of women.  I think she deserves credit for that.

14 hours ago, TheFinalRose said:

But a woman doing the above for her family gets that question all the damn time. 

Yes -- and the day men become the primary stay at home parents will be the day Congress creates the Home Run Act, giving men-at-homers full benefits, 45 vacation days a year and a Mensecurity check of  5 K a month, tax free.  (Plus the Man-at-Home medal -- which every man gets, just for being at home.)

Edited by film noire
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She has a pulmonologist for her lung issue and most likely has a primary care physician.

She isn't listening to anyone. I highly doubt that Gym Tim, Dr Moon, the PCP, and all her specialists are telling her to continue to drink and eat the way she has and they have a magic pill for her.

She is going to need to make changes herself or soon Dr Moon will be using salad spinners on her body for cupping


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1 hour ago, Ki-in said:

Honestly, I found Kelly's face at the window disturbing.  I don't know why but it just gave me the creeps.

Her nose bugs me, its extremely ug-lee.

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Lydia is a shitty actor. At Ava's party she was gleefully waiting to insert Vicki's name to rile Shannon up. You could see how fast she was talking and talking over Shannon to mention Vicki. Very production driven. 

Surprised Lydia has that thick mane of hair with that anorexic body. She could be beautiful in the face with those eyes but they bug out. I have a very skinny friend who also has the protruding mouth/teeth like Lydia. Too bad Shannon can't give Lydia 15 lbs. 

Why (last ep) did they highlight Shannon in the background saying, "I'm going to have a nacho" on her mic while Lydia and Tamra discussed her?? Bravo is right in there kicking Shannon when she is already down. 

Finally,  why would Shannon tell Kelly in the bathroom about her 40 percent fat when Kelly is someone who once yelled, "no wonder your husband cheated on you!" across a party? Shannon needs her head examined. 

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1 hour ago, Snarky McSnarky said:

Holstein cars -- perfecto!

Those vehicles remind me of the old Gateway Computer boxes.


That was the 1st computer/desktop I ever ordered on my own! It arrived in the mail late and was shocked at how simple it was to put together and get online through my phone line! I lived out in Calif. at the time in 1999 and was fortunate to have a Gateway store close by in Orangevale/Citrus Heights area if something went wrong! I found out later, there was a problem with a defrag program that would trash the startup files/program! I was literally causing my own problems by being proactive with maintenance and backups! I got a lot of practice rebuilding and downloading my files from disc! Went to IBM Tower/Desktop after that, now Laptop! Not sure I'll ever go that extra step to being online with my cell or a new tablet! The new innovations are just coming too fast and furious, taking our money! Reminds me of going from 8-tracks in the 60/70's to CD's in the 90's! I still haven't gone to Apple, I-Tunes, or Sirius radio! I'll stick to my old cassettes and AM/FM receiver! ;-)

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20 minutes ago, Avon.Blakes7 said:

of going from 8-tracks in the 60/70's to CD's in the 90's! I still haven't gone to Apple, I-Tunes, or Sirius radio! I'll stick to my old cassettes and AM/FM receiver! ;-)

Same here. Lol...I can still play cassettes in my car (CD'S too). No need for the fancy stuff. 

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On 7/25/2017 at 10:50 AM, poeticlicensed said:

As far Shannon, she needs to go see a real doctor. Her hormones are out of control. A doctor (not Mr Gym Rat or Eastern Crystal guy) can assess her hormone levels and get her appropriate meds.

I agree!  I have been in the menopausal minefield for two years after having a total hysterectomy with ovaries removed.  This is no joke and the body issues and changes are second to me over the fucking mind games that hormones play with our precious brains. I have tried some many HRT's and I either feel like I have too little estrogen or too much so I do feel so sorry for Shannon or any woman going through this insanity.  I hope she finds a doctor that listens and doesn't just think hormones are drugs and expects a certain outcome because it is all so individual.  Bood work is a decent starting point but how we feel tells the true story. Stress is our worst enemy in menopause!  

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