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S12.E03: The Not So Quiet Woman

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3 minutes ago, VedaPierce said:

I don't believe Shannon didn't know how much she weighed before she got on the scale. Didn't she tell Stella she lost 5 lbs. in the last episode?

I suspect Shannon told David that she only gained 15 - 20 pounds, not double and I think she had even convinced herself that it wasn't that much as well. Yes, she did tell Stella that but lying about how bad her weight gain is, is part of her problem in not losing it.

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29 minutes ago, Mu Shu said:

Oh yeah.  I was making fun of her declaring that she was in her forties with babies at home.  Nah Moaner. 


Also, Shannon shrieking "That's not my plate!!!" can stay on my TV.  Hopefully, this is her rock bottom and she rallies from here on out.   

I miss my Heather.  

I'm living vicariously through these posts.  I stopped after the second episode. I can't do another year of Vickievtrying to make herself into a victim because the other women won't put up with her being a cancer scammer.

Plus Kelly is gross. 

I already want to punch Lydia.

Peggy could be interesting, though,  and I don't want to be cruel, but I don't watch these shows for real life sadness/problems. Between Vickie a Lyme I'm all diseased out. 

Heather is crazy,  but trying and not cruel.

I would like to see  Tamra continue to become a real girl with a soul. 

But Vickie ruins everything. 

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1 hour ago, Mindthinkr said:

Oh, loved that poetic justice that the girl (played by Patty MCCormack I think) got when she went to the end of the pier and karma struck her lol! Great scene. Thanks for the movie reminder. Can you even imagine how much lighting would strike these women if such occurrences happened IRL? Indeed it would be dangerous to be around them (as if it isn't already lol!) 

Imagine?? None would be able to leave their houses. Even the back yard would dangerous

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5 minutes ago, Avon.Blakes7 said:

He working out for his next wife! This one is on her way to a "dirt nap!" She can't go anywhere without having a nervous breakdown! Sooner or later a net will have to be thrown over Shannon and committed to some kind of retirement home! ;-(

I don't think Shannon is anywhere close to a "dirt nap" but she is on the edge of a nervous breakdown. As for David cheating again, that is a strong possibility, very strong.

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1 minute ago, WireWrap said:

I suspect Shannon told David that she only gained 15 - 20 pounds, not double and I think she had even convinced herself that it wasn't that much as well. Yes, she did tell Stella that but lying about how bad her weight gain is, is part of her problem in not losing it.

If she weren't hanging around "coat hangers," Shannon might look normal! Trying to keep up with Tamra, Lydia, Peggy, & even Kelly is going to be tough! Vicki embraces her curves even if you hate her style! The rest of the women work out it seems! Shannon sits by the phone waiting for a call to do something! After the kids move out, it'll just be her and that mutt! David will have moved on by then! ;-)

2 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

I don't think Shannon is anywhere close to a "dirt nap" but she is on the edge of a nervous breakdown. As for David cheating again, that is a strong possibility, very strong.

I meant "dirt nap" when she gets hit by a car, truck, or bus when she runs out into the street after another encounter with "so called" friends! ;-)

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19 minutes ago, Juneau Gal said:

Age has a way of sneaking up on women like this; I have several friends who never gave their lean bodies a second thought and often told my I was silly to exercise and watch what I ate.

I believed that too until it happened to me.   Sometimes you HAVE to go thru it to believe it.  I WAS that person who said, UGH, that will NEVER happen to me.

I was a size two who worked hard to achieve a healthy life by working out and eating right.

But it did happen to me.  I worked out harder, longer and ate less, ate leaner.  It did not stop the changes I went thru. 

Shannon may very well not be doing all she can or as we saw her eating high fat and drinking, but please please do not lump "us" all together.

In my case I did everything right and it was a painful and long process to get used to and then live with a different body and mind.

Your post was one I would of written, so I get it.  I learned the hard way though that nature sometimes does not care what you think or what you do.

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I don't have anything against Peggy (though why do I always want to call her Melania?), and I don't want to be insensitive to her struggles, but ....she doesn't come across as very compelling or dynamic, and I'm not sure what she adds to this show.

I also thought it was somewhat creepy how involved her husband was in the selection of her new breasts.  He seemed more involved than she was!  Granted, she just seems very tuned-out in general.  Subdued.  Again, nothing against her really -- just not great reality TV fodder. 

Does Lydia have a magazine or something?  If only she would tell us the name...

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2 hours ago, Natalie68 said:

I have a student employee who is Armenian so I told her about this show and the new cast mate and the beating 'joke'.  She said it was normal and her mother/father joke the same way.  Never knew.  Of course this doesn't speak for all Armenian families, just that this gal admitted this is how her parents joke as well.

I guess she shouldn't be surprised Shannon didnt get it ..it was funny to me either..

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1 minute ago, ladle said:

I don't have anything against Peggy (though why do I always want to call her Melania?), and I don't want to be insensitive to her struggles, but ....she doesn't come across as very compelling or dynamic, and I'm not sure what she adds to this show.

I also thought it was somewhat creepy how involved her husband was in the selection of her new breasts.  He seemed more involved than she was!  Granted, she just seems very tuned-out in general.  Subdued.  Again, nothing against her really -- just not great reality TV fodder. 

Does Lydia have a magazine or something?  If only she would tell us the name...

Interesting look having an acrylic strap to hold up fake boobs when in that semi-strapless dress! ;-)

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11 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

I suspect Shannon told David that she only gained 15 - 20 pounds, not double and I think she had even convinced herself that it wasn't that much as well. Yes, she did tell Stella that but lying about how bad her weight gain is, is part of her problem in not losing it.



She has admitted she is responsible for the weight gain 

Edited by F. M.
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I swore I was going to quit this show when I heard vile Kelly was coming back. I didn't and now I regret it. There are no words to adequately describe the depths of my hatred for her. She and Lydia can leave very quickly. I see you Lydia.

Not minding Tamra yet this season. But Tams, I can't unsee you picking up the shit pellets with your hands. Made me gag.

Shannon- you're my girl, but dang, calm down and shut up.

Meghan- wouldn't mind seeing more of them.

Vicki- non-entity so far this season thank dog.

Peggy- adds nothing.

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11 minutes ago, Cherrio said:

I believed that too until it happened to me.   Sometimes you HAVE to go thru it to believe it.  I WAS that person who said, UGH, that will NEVER happen to me.

I was a size two who worked hard to achieve a healthy life by working out and eating right.

But it did happen to me.  I worked out harder, longer and ate less, ate leaner.  It did not stop the changes I went thru. 

Shannon may very well not be doing all she can or as we saw her eating high fat and drinking, but please please do not lump "us" all together.

In my case I did everything right and it was a painful and long process to get used to and then live with a different body and mind.

Your post was one I would of written, so I get it.  I learned the hard way though that nature sometimes does not care what you think or what you do.

So in other words menopause has multiple personalities.  It is an evil thing bestowed upon women to test our sanity because it is an unpredictable, unforgiving piece of shit who shapeshifts.  Just like many on this show.  

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Maybe I'm crazy but I don't think Shannon looks that bad. She put on a lot of weight around her middle, and 174 is heavy, but I wouldn't peg her as about to die like everyone was acting. I actually think she looks just fine. If she didn't say anything, no one else would either. I'm sure Brianna weighs over 174 and no one talks about how she is about to die, though I would say she is heavier than Shannon by about 20 or more pounds.

That said, Shannon is bat shit crazy. I like how she kept her cool with Peggy's comments, because if Peggy had been younger she would have ripped her apart. Shannon-- "Our house took 6 years to build. Did you build your house?" To Peggy.

Peggy, "No, that's dumb. I hate building."

Slam and slam!

Shannon-- "I gained weight because someone said my husband beats me."

Peggy-- "My husband says he beats me every Friday night. It's funny."

Silence from Shannon.

Had those comments been said by Meghan or Lydia, Shannon would have been ready to kill.

Kelly Dodd was beyond wasted. Did not at all understand what happened in the bathroom that things got so heated so fast. Thankfully Lydia was there to pray for God to save Shannon, however, 5 minutes later she completely lost it and threw a plate full of food at Kelly, so Lydia is really going to have to end it with the praying. The women hate it and rebel.

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Just now, bravofan27 said:

Maybe I'm crazy but I don't think Shannon looks that bad. She put on a lot of weight around her middle, and 174 is heavy, but I wouldn't peg her as about to die like everyone was acting. I actually think she looks just fine. If she didn't say anything, no one else would either. I'm sure Brianna weighs over 174 and no one talks about how she is about to die, though I would say she is heavier than Shannon by about 20 or more pounds.

That said, Shannon is bat shit crazy. I like how she kept her cool with Peggy's comments, because if Peggy had been younger she would have ripped her apart. Shannon-- "Our house took 6 years to build. Did you build your house?" To Peggy.

Peggy, "No, that's dumb. I hate building."

Slam and slam!

Shannon-- "I gained weight because someone said my husband beats me."

Peggy-- "My husband says he beats me every Friday night. It's funny."

Silence from Shannon.

Had those comments been said by Meghan or Lydia, Shannon would have been ready to kill.

Kelly Dodd was beyond wasted. Did not at all understand what happened in the bathroom that things got so heated so fast. Thankfully Lydia was there to pray for God to save Shannon, however, 5 minutes later she completely lost it and threw a plate full of food at Kelly, so Lydia is really going to have to end it with the praying. The women hate it and rebel.

Very much so, at least.  Frankly I think her weight should be a non issue even though she is bigger than before.  I think she looks just fine body wise.  She just needs to accept it or handle it.  Maybe David doesn't mind.  A curvy woman who loves her body is sexy.  

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6 minutes ago, bravofan27 said:

Thankfully Lydia was there to pray for God to save Shannon, however, 5 minutes later she completely lost it and threw a plate full of food at Kelly, so Lydia is really going to have to end it with the praying.

Yep, Lydia and her prayers were quite effective, not.....  Maybe if she nails herself to a cross like Vicki did?   Vicki, the patron saint of cancer scams.

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Shannon needs anger management. She has absolutely no control of her emotions. She is out of control and I'm beginning to feel sorry for her. I never liked her, but now don't like seeing her like this. It's almost as if she's becoming a danger to herself. I hope she doesn't give herself a heart attack or brain aneurism. If she was my mom, I would beg her to get off the show and into therapy or on meds. Her poor daughters. :(

Edited by VedaPierce
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I just can't hate Kelly because she is so on another planet, I can't relate to her at all, so I don't have any feelings towards her so I can't hate her...it would be like hating on a jumping, crazy kangaroo. I would laugh at the kangaroo but keep my distance. She's actually as close as any of these people have come to a wild animal. I would never allow Kelly in my house. Or ever get too close physically to her. She 100% has a screw loose, and not in the normal nutty way. She did make me crack up with that window thing she did. It was just so random and weird, I wasn't expecting it and busted out laughing. Lol I think she was making eye contact with the camera guy too while she was doing it! Freak show.

Edited by VedaPierce
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20 hours ago, WhoaWhoKnew said:

Yes, but only after we ban "this is not the time or place."

I would also like to ban, "How could that have happened?  A public spectacle?  I'm so embarrassed!"  You are on the Real Housewives of Orange County -- one of the least classy franchises even among the Housewives shows (and that's saying a lot).  It is what it is, and you are what you are.  This is what you are now paid to do.  So just put on your propeller-beanies and let's fire up the organ grinder and get on with it. 


20 hours ago, Slider said:

Kelly was beyond drunk, right?  

Is this a blanket question for every Kelly scene in every episode?  Because, if so, the answer is yes.  Honestly (and I'm not even joking), she sounds drunk in her intro voiceover. 

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4 minutes ago, VedaPierce said:

Shannon needs anger management. She has absolutely no control of her emotions. She is out of control and I'm beginning to feel sorry for her. I never liked her, but now don't like seeing her like this. It's almost as if she's becoming a danger to herself. I hope she doesn't give herself a hear attack or brain aneurism. If she was my mom, I would beg her to get off the show and into therapy or on meds. Her poor daughters. :(

The people who want to be on reality shows usually have that genetic mutation, but I never thought Shannon did. So why would she want to do it and why does she sometimes behave the way she does?

 I think she was desperately lonely and probably still is.  She needs someone to listen to her, we know David doesn't.  So, damn it she will go on this show and people will listen !   So, I hope too she finds some help and leaves this show in the dust.  Moving out of Orange County might help too.  

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44 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

I suspect Shannon told David that she only gained 15 - 20 pounds, not double and I think she had even convinced herself that it wasn't that much as well. Yes, she did tell Stella that but lying about how bad her weight gain is, is part of her problem in not losing it.

But she would have to know how much she weighed to know she lost 5lbs..she needed a starting point right? Unless she was just throwing out numbers and didn't really lose 5lbs. literally...in any case, I don't really care. Shannon is an out of control train right now, on her way to being a wreck.

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3 minutes ago, VedaPierce said:

I just can't hate Kelly because she is so on another planet, I can't relate to her at all, so I don't have any feelings towards her so I can't hate her...it would be like hating an out of control kangaroo. I would laugh at the kangaroo but keep my distance. She's actually as close as any of these people have come to a wild animal. I would never allow Kelly in my house. Or ever get too close physically to her. She 100% has a screw loose, and not in the normal nutty way. She did make me crack up with that window thing she did. It was just so random and weird, I wasn't expecting it and busted out laughing. Lol I think she was making eye contact with the camera guy too while she was doing it! Freak show.

I have to agree with you again.  She is a new strain of rabies.

As I picture as I have said Vicki living at a dirty river out of an old family van, I see Kelly on a slow speed chase on PCH, the Pacific Coast Highway, with her face smashed against the window as Lydia drives and her mom spews fairy dust at other motorists.

The chase does end, Kelly is arrested, but she flicks every law enforcement officers nose before they finally get her into handcuffs.

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1 minute ago, Cherrio said:

I have to agree with you again.  She is a new strain of rabies.

As I picture as I have said Vicki living at a dirty river out of an old family van, I see Kelly on a slow speed chase on PCH, the Pacific Coast Highway, with her face smashed against the window as Lydia drives and her mom spews fairy dust at other motorists.

The chase does end, Kelly is arrested, but she flicks every law enforcement officers nose before they finally get her into handcuffs.

I'm going to predict Kelly ends up in jail. For real. And not with a misdemeanor either, but something more capital. I think you may be on to something...I think Kelly actually has rabies.

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6 minutes ago, nexxie said:

Maybe Shannon's fat is subconsciously meant to keep David away from her.

Not so subconsciously IMO! I don't know how you get past what he did? He had a bona fide relationship outside his marriage and actually took her to meet mom! Momma loved the other woman! He allowed his daughters to be front and center throughout all that drama! I still say the kids are marked for life! ;-)

Edited by Avon.Blakes7
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1 hour ago, Avon.Blakes7 said:

I'm one who feel tons of guilt in how well we have it compared to some places where 7 y.o.'s are armed and dangerous! People here need to grow the fk up and quit b!tchin' so much! Even with this a-hole running the country into the ground, we still have it so much better than most! ;-)

It's funny you say that because she was talking about women in foreign countries who have to get permission from their husband to drive. Or they can't go out unescorted without a note from their husband.  We do have it good here. ?

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Come on Shannon, you're on a diet and don't know not to order red meat and wine? How hard is it to get a chopped green salad with grilled salmon or chicken on top? You don't even need to open a menu to look for it, every restaurant will do that for you. Geez. And even Tamra tried to gently steer her in the right direction, but no. Shannon stuck to the red meat. After she got into the fight she stormed out without eating her dinner. I bet she didn't jump on the treadmill when she got home to burn off the bad energy...I bet she had a new dinner.

I see Shannon's problem. Her problem is my problem. She makes bad food choices and hates to work out. It's caught up to her. 

Edited by VedaPierce
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9 minutes ago, Avon.Blakes7 said:

Not so subconsciously IMO! I don't know how you get past what he did? He had a bona fide relationship outside his marriage and actually took her to meet mom! Momma loved the other woman! He allowed his daughters to be front and center throughout all that drama! I still say the kids are marked for life! ;-)

I forgot all that!  How do you get past that really?  

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1 hour ago, ladle said:

I don't have anything against Peggy (though why do I always want to call her Melania?), and I don't want to be insensitive to her struggles, but ....she doesn't come across as very compelling or dynamic, and I'm not sure what she adds to this show.

I also thought it was somewhat creepy how involved her husband was in the selection of her new breasts.  He seemed more involved than she was!  Granted, she just seems very tuned-out in general.  Subdued.  Again, nothing against her really -- just not great reality TV fodder. 

Does Lydia have a magazine or something?  If only she would tell us the name...

Agreed that I'm not seeing her appeal.  However, I admit at the implant consultation I completely expected him to tell her to go bigger and was surprised that he was so insistent that she be comfortable.  

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There is a Board Certified physician advertising on my telly. She has a mobile van and will come to your house, test your blood and give you custom hormone therapy. She also does testosterone levels for men. Mobile MDs? Have you seen any ads or heard of this service in your area. If I lived in California, I'd send one to Shannon's house. 

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10 minutes ago, Broken Ox said:

Agreed that I'm not seeing her appeal.  However, I admit at the implant consultation I completely expected him to tell her to go bigger and was surprised that he was so insistent that she be comfortable.  

Honestly, so did I!  This comes from too many years of watching Tamra/Simon and the Bellinos, I think. 

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21 hours ago, Straycat80 said:

Kelly walking into the restaurant and immediately going straight to the bathroom where Shannon is. Set up. 

Yup. Producers aren't keen on shannon deciding not to go to events like parties to film with Kelly and Vickie. They'll get them together one way or another....,,annnnd...ACTION!

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1 hour ago, VedaPierce said:

I'm going to predict Kelly ends up in jail. For real. And not with a misdemeanor either, but something more capital.

I believe it.   Know where she would end up?  CIW, the womens prison.  She will be flicking the noses of Betty Broderick and the two surviving Manson Family women.

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1 hour ago, Avon.Blakes7 said:

If she weren't hanging around "coat hangers," Shannon might look normal! Trying to keep up with Tamra, Lydia, Peggy, & even Kelly is going to be tough! Vicki embraces her curves even if you hate her style! The rest of the women work out it seems! Shannon sits by the phone waiting for a call to do something! After the kids move out, it'll just be her and that mutt! David will have moved on by then! ;-)

I meant "dirt nap" when she gets hit by a car, truck, or bus when she runs out into the street after another encounter with "so called" friends! ;-)

I really think Shannon thought IT, weight gain, would happen to her! As for Vicki, she went on the 500 calorie a day diet before they filmed last season, so even she worries about her weight. LOL

1 hour ago, VedaPierce said:

I just can't hate Kelly because she is so on another planet, I can't relate to her at all, so I don't have any feelings towards her so I can't hate her...it would be like hating on a jumping, crazy kangaroo. I would laugh at the kangaroo but keep my distance. She's actually as close as any of these people have come to a wild animal. I would never allow Kelly in my house. Or ever get too close physically to her. She 100% has a screw loose, and not in the normal nutty way. She did make me crack up with that window thing she did. It was just so random and weird, I wasn't expecting it and busted out laughing. Lol I think she was making eye contact with the camera guy too while she was doing it! Freak show.

Kelly is dangerous IMO. This is someone that when she says she "will cut a Bitch", believe her and watch out for the knife!

1 hour ago, VedaPierce said:

But she would have to know how much she weighed to know she lost 5lbs..she needed a starting point right? Unless she was just throwing out numbers and didn't really lose 5lbs. literally...in any case, I don't really care. Shannon is an out of control train right now, on her way to being a wreck.

IMO, she was just giving random numbers she thought sounded good/believable. Stella's response said it all, she didn't believe a word her mother said. 

56 minutes ago, VedaPierce said:

Come on Shannon, you're on a diet and don't know not to order red meat and wine? How hard is it to get a chopped green salad with grilled salmon or chicken on top? You don't even need to open a menu to look for it, every restaurant will do that for you. Geez. And even Tamra tried to gently steer her in the right direction, but no. Shannon stuck to the red meat. After she got into the fight she stormed out without eating her dinner. I bet she didn't jump on the treadmill when she got home to burn off the bad energy...I bet she had a new dinner.

I see Shannon's problem. Her problem is my problem. She makes bad food choices and hates to work out. It's caught up to her. 

That dinner was supposed to be her last dinner before starting the diet the next morning, that is what she told Tamra on the way there. 

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22 hours ago, movingtargetgal said:

Shannon really needs to see a real doctor and therapist.  It is troubling that she has gained so much weight in such a short amount of time. It is possible that she may be just menopausal or she could have a thyroid disorder.  In any case Shannon is not emotionally stable and needs some intensive inpatient treatment.  There are some great facilities in California and Arizona that specialize in eating disorders.  She is lucky enough to have the financial resources to get the very best treatment.  Excessive weight gain or loss and substance abuse are symptoms of a larger problem.  Shannon is in a lot of emotional pain that has nothing to do with her weight.  She is trying so hard to hold it together but she is coming apart at the seams.  

ITA. As a mental health professional who works in weight management, it frustrates me to no end that Shannon goes to all these quacks and alternative treatments. Who was that guy from last year? Dr. Moon? Please. I wasn't crazy about that couples therapist either, the one who made Shannon "die," so David could mourn her. There are actual, knowledgeable people out there with advanced degrees, who could help her. The treatment will not be easy or quick, but I'm just not convinced she's getting any solid medical advice or real psychological help. Heck, even going to Weight Watchers would probably be a good start, where at least they have some emotional support to go along with making changes in your eating habits. 

It's obvious a big piece of this is her not addressing the problems in her marriage, and a vow renewal or feng shui expert isn't going to fix it. Is it too cliche to say I can think of a really fast way for her to lose 180 lbs and divorce David? He may not be the only problem, but I have never seen a glimmer of affection between them. All that stuff last year seemed like him putting on a show more than anything real.

It's sad, I've always really liked Shannon, I think she can be hilarious, but she needs to not be on reality tv right now. Her emotional state is just too fragile.

Edited by candle96
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4 hours ago, Natalie68 said:

Someone who gets off on pushing peoples buttons, make them go off the rails, and enjoys making others feel horribly is the shittiest person to shit.  Shannon is clearly struggling with her weight and mental issues and then you have this c*nt acting like this is disgusting.  BRAVO you give airtime to this horrible person and you should be ashamed.  She isn't sort of quirky with a snarky side, she is a crazy person with ZERO empathy and I am sure there is some diagnosis with her name on it in the DSM-IV.  WORST CASTING EVER!

THANK YOU!!! I would like to know how it is that Andy Cohen approved Kelly Piece-of-Sociopathic-Shit-Dodd joining the show?? She makes Vicky look like a good person.  

Just as shocking-some guy actually married that bitch and procreated with her?? Horrors. 

She admits in her blog that "if you share your weaknesses with me, I WILL use them against you later." Human.Garbage.

Shannon. I do feel badly for her and I think her husband is a gaslighting emotional abuser. I also have a gut feeling that he may be seeing the original mistress again.

However....as truly bad as I feel for her, Shannon is too PUBLICLY unhinged. Be unhinged in your own home. But why in the world is she melting down for her neighborhood (and the whole world) to see?!! Damn Shannon, that POS woman who was sleeping with your husband probably sits around cackling with her friends over your public breakdown. Why are you doing this to yourself?! You have children as well. Get the hell off TV and seek help. 

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22 hours ago, ivygirl said:

What the HECK was that blowfish action on the door, Kelly????


"Ohhhh I'm sooooo embarrassed!" Wah! Be embarrassed that you set this crapstorm up, Lydia.

Someone needs to tell Kelly that Vince Van Patten did it better. 

22 hours ago, Slider said:

Kelly was beyond drunk, right?  

Affirmative. She's such a gross pig. 

22 hours ago, PumpkinPK said:

Oh my goodness.  Dr. Tim was cracking me up so bad with his "Whoa," "Wow" and other comments as Shannon revealed her body and weight.  It was really pretty rude, but oh-so-funny!

I didn't think it was funny at all, actually.  Shannon knows what she looks like. "Whoa-ing" and "Wow-ing" helps nothing. 

If my boss had cameras put up so she could monitor me working I'd quit so fast her head would spin.  

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Kelly is... extra.  Her 90's b-girl talk and corny jokes crack me up ("The Q Dub is my jam!") and I definitely see the temptation to trigger Shannon.  I mean, it's so easy.

However, Tamra clutching the pearls over Kelly makes me vomit.  Tamra has redeemed herself mostly from her nadir of Naked Wasted, but she was way more toxic than Kelly for years and years.  I blame Tamra for the current state of reality TV actually - prior to her, the Housewife shows were fairly innocuous, day in life stories of 5 women living in so and so city... Tamra took it to the next level, playing up petty squabbles to major wars and destroying people.  

It would truly make me believe in karma if Kelly turned her drunken toxicity on Tamra.

Shannon, leave the show.  It's not fun anymore.  You are a sick, sick woman.  Your husband is waiting you out until you are (a) institutionalized or (b) the kids are out of the house.  For some couples that may work, but it is making you literally insane.  Run - you are not living your best life.

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51 minutes ago, Cherrio said:

I believe it.   Know where she would end up?  CIW, the womens prison.  She will be flicking the noses of Betty Broderick and the two surviving Manson Family women.

Omg! This made me lol!

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12 hours ago, Ubiquitous said:

I was tired from my workout, but something was bugging me about The Quiet Woman and its headless logo...

That logo was one of the weirdest I've ever seen. Of course she'd be quiet without a head. Super creepy. 

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18 minutes ago, Sage47 said:

THANK YOU!!! I would like to know how it is that Andy Cohen approved Kelly Piece-of-Sociopathic-Shit-Dodd joining the show?? She makes Vicky look like a good person.  

Just as shocking-some guy actually married that bitch and procreated with her?? Horrors. 

She admits in her blog that "if you share your weaknesses with me, I WILL use them against you later." Human.Garbage.

Shannon. I do feel badly for her and I think her husband is a gaslighting emotional abuser. I also have a gut feeling that he may be seeing the original mistress again.

However....as truly bad as I feel for her, Shannon is too PUBLICLY unhinged. Be unhinged in your own home. But why in the world is she melting down for her neighborhood (and the whole world) to see?!! Damn Shannon, that POS woman who was sleeping with your husband probably sits around cackling with her friends over your public breakdown. Why are you doing this to yourself?! You have children as well. Get the hell off TV and seek help. 

Using someone's weaknesses against them is classic npd behavior - Kelly's husband might not be the only one with that disorder in the family.

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2 minutes ago, nexxie said:

Using someone's weaknesses against them is classic npd behavior - Kelly's husband might not be the only one with that disorder in the family.

It is also a large sign of a sociopath/psychopath. Zero empathy. Cracking up at someone's pain-right in their face too. 

Interesting-wasn't Meghan her friend first? Yikes. I wouldn't let Aspen near that evil hag. 

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4 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

Oh, loved that poetic justice that the girl (played by Patty MCCormack I think) got when she went to the end of the pier and karma struck her lol! Great scene. Thanks for the movie reminder. Can you even imagine how much lighting would strike these women if such occurrences happened IRL? Indeed it would be dangerous to be around them (as if it isn't already lol!) 

That was a movie called The Bad Seed. It seems fanciful but is actually accurate. 

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22 hours ago, sasha206 said:


I think what Peggy was really getting at is if there is nothing going on, why get so upset about it?  Kind of the "doth thou protest too much."  Laugh it off like yeah, right, he beats me.  But I think Shannon is so upset because she either has guilt for calling the cops and exaggerating what happened (and hell as whacky as she was tonight, I could see her doing that) or it really is true that she's getting beat.  

I also think she was at a loss at what to even say to that. She looked stunned. Peggy actually looked pretty stunned all night at that dinner. Welcome to Housewives land. 

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I'm so confused about Shannon's meeting at the gym. What do they mean 'have you told David?'...like does has she divulged her weight on the scale to him? Or  are they talking about her fat percentage and concerns with her health? Why would she need to tell David her exact weight? It's not like he can't see that she's look different now. I don't see why his weight would magically become offended just because of the number attached to it. The guy also didn't help matters when he kept saying 'oh wow' at each angle while taking pictures. That was rude. Also Shannon, you need anger management. Her reaction to Kelly was insane, even more so because she knows that Kelly wanted to wind her up. She gave Kelly exactly what she was looking for. She's going to find it very difficult to get her health in order if she doesn't learn to control her stress levels. 

Lydia's comments comparing Doug to her dad and grandpa and saying her husband growing some balls...yeah that's the stuff divorces are made of. Clearly Lydia was placed on the show to be meddlesome...they arranged all of her meet ups solo with the outcasts. 

Hey Tamra, I know you're into fitness, but you're not a doctor. There's no reason why someone can't lose weight/fat eating red meat. 

Oh Kelly, you go out of your way to piss people off. She really acts like a fucking psycho. How creepy was she peeking out from inside, blowing on the glass?

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43 minutes ago, Petunia13 said:

That was a movie called The Bad Seed. It seems fanciful but is actually accurate. 

Accurate as in a true story? I've seen the movie over 3 times but thought it was fiction. 

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21 hours ago, F. M. said:


Kelly expected them to be gone.I just read her ignorant blog, she sounds like she's 12! ;( 

yeah, right!  i have some swamp land in florida to sell you

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I am finding Lydia's storyline with the magazine so unintentionally hilarious. It's like two kids playing house or make believe. Malibu Barbie's Magazine. When she said they are "all in" with Nobleman, does that mean they are financially invested in it? Are they counting on it to turn a profit? Because, if that is the case......



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