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S05.E06: Joy Gets Engaged

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Jinger makes a care package for the family back in Arkansas. Meanwhile, the Dillards prepare to return to Central America; Austin has an important question for Joy; and Joe asks for permission to enter a courtship with Kendra

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This boring engagement between Joy and Austin....Joy seemed like she said 'yes' because she had nothing really better to do. I know we'll 'see it for the first time' on TV, but we have already seen the wedding and their blog is in real time, so to me, it's a rerun.

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I was thinking the same thing, how awkward this whole thing is since they are already married. Why did they rush to show the wedding first? Does that make sense to everyone but me? Oh wait I may have answered my own question, were they afraid Joy would be pregnant before the wedding aired if they didn't hurry up and show it? 

Edited by Whyyouneedaname
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They absolutely set the wedding up first in hopes of keeping the audience. For the most part, the strategy worked, unlike other seasons when ratings plummeted until the wedding/birth at the end.

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Two answers to viewers questions : 

 1. Jinger absolutely goes  on errands alone. 2. She's still close with Jessa. 


Cathy really has aged in the past couple years after she got sick. 

According to Derick, they didn't plan the 'EL' name theme. However, I think they've chosen names related to Israel in some way. 

Edited by mythoughtis
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1 minute ago, sheshark said:

Work according to Derrick:  growing hair.  "All that work."

All that work growing my pit hair.  Just gone with a swipe of the razor.  I feel so empty inside.

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16 minutes ago, Baby Button Eyes said:

I love how they are finding every excuse to bring the show to the main family house so JimBoob and MEchelle can be on and be seen and the rest of the kids. 

Do they not get paid if they're not shown on an episode?

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The pure joy on Israel's face when running toward Cathy was one of the most organic, sweet moments I've ever seen on this show, as well as Israel saying "Deena!" when she walked in. Aw Jill and Derick, don't separate him from the side of the family who cares about him as an individual! I also like Jill calling Cathy "Mom." They should have the Dillards on more often. They do wonders for everyone else's likeability.

Also, I'm just going to say it. Jinger has blossomed into the beauty of the family. Part of it is her understanding that having her hair out of her face once in a while does wonders for her overall look.

Edited by EarlGreyTea
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21 minutes ago, flyingdi said:

I do believe the airport scene is the first time I've ever seen Michelle touch, let alone hug Derick.

Apparently even Meechelle's protective instincts can be roused by Skeletor.

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No mention of Jill having the baby at all? Not even a little update screen at the end. 

Derick's sudden haircut... so I'm taking it someone told him long hair somehow means the evil homosexual or some such nonsense. Not that it made him look even more unhealthy in comparison.

I have to admit, I almost felt bad for Josiah when he was taking about Joe stepping up for the guys. Almost. But then I remembered he's a sanctimonious ass and the feeling passed. 

Edited by Fostersmom
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I'm kinda in love with Spurgeon, that face! My cold black heart almost melted when Joy was feeding him cheetos and he kissed her cheek, oh my! He's such a little love nugget!

Joy and Austin? Snooze.

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Jessa admitted she can't handle two small children and her house is a disorganized mess. It was more than gross to have a couch stained with snot, spit up, and diaper overloads. So, she has two small children. Be very organized and do your errands around their nap times. That's what I did and it worked out well.

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3 minutes ago, floridamom said:

Jessa admitted she can't handle two small children and her house is a disorganized mess. It was more than gross to have a couch stained with snot, spit up, and diaper overloads. So, she has two small children. Be very organized and do your errands around their nap times. That's what I did and it worked out well.

Hey Jessa, you don't have 5 minutes to clean up a snot or spit up stain when it happens? If I was Joy I would have given her the bird and walked out. 

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53 minutes ago, woodscommaelle said:

"Hearts are knit." Never heard that term before.  I like it. 

Shittiest proposal ever. 

The pastor continuing to work when Joe was talking to him was rude.

This! Hey "Pastor Caldwell" Don't be a douche. Turn your ass around while someone is speaking to you. I Hezemikiah 1:1. 

Edited by Annb67
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Oh, awesome. A dinner party with paper plates and plastic utensils for steak, no less. Followed by the evening's entertainment - packing Jill and Derick up for their three-month trip to the actual gates of Hell, apparently. All of which was presented by Jill as something of a selfless gift from Jill and Derick to their extended family. These two, ugh. 

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22 minutes ago, Annb67 said:

Hey Jessa, you don't have 5 minutes to clean up a snot or spit up stain when it happens? If I was Joy I would have given her the bird and walked out. 

Didn't Jessa have a white upholstered chair at one point?  That must look great.

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2 hours ago, Fostersmom said:

I have to admit, I almost felt bad for Josiah when he was taking about Joe stepping up for the guys. Almost. But then I remembered he's a sanctimonious ass and the feeling passed. 

That pretty much summons up my feelings towards the most Duggars.

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Boy did Cathy's husband looked thrilled to be on camera. Not.

Not that I necessarily blame him... I wonder how this was ''negotiated'' between him and Cathy. Perhaps this was indeed one of their last occasions to have all the Dillards together (cameras or no cameras) before our favorite missioncationers left for DA, and Cathy told him he'd better haul his ass over there LOL.

Edited by PinkyCupcake
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4 hours ago, mythoughtis said:

Two answers to viewers questions : 

 1. Jinger absolutely goes  on errands alone. 2. She's still close with Jessa. 


However does she manage to not be tempted by Satan in the aisles of Walmart if she doesn't have an accountability partner. I'm shocked.

Edited by kalamac
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I didn't see much, but I did see the part where Jinger admitted in a VO that she spends a lot of the time that Jere-ME is working out shopping. I wonder where she stashes her hauls? That's a pretty small apartment. 

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32 minutes ago, Spencer Hastings said:

Also, if a guy asks if you trust him and then he blindfolds you in the middle of the woods, you're either getting engaged or murdered.  I don't trust anyone that much. 

Haven't seen the episode, but this is why I show up.. actually laughed out loud. 

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The proposal was clumsily done, but thankfully Joy isn't picky. It's nice her engagement ring is a family heirloom. Speaking of diamonds, Jill was very smart to leave hers with Cathy. Michelle probably would've given it to Josie to wear with her fairy dress.

Did anyone else notice Mr. Forsyth kiss Joy on the forehead after the engagement? It was a nice fatherly gesture, but surprising given how rigid these people are about physical affection.

Edited by BitterApple
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I actually liked the dinner scene with the Dillards. Nice to see other people for a change. Normal people.

Jill should have taken a razor to Derrick face. His beard is just raggedy scraggly. Actually I thought it was a requirement for men to be clean shaven in their circle, even though Ben has a beard now.

Buying gifts for 18+ people and you're a non-working newlywed? hmmm..

Ben told Jessa to clean snot/spit-up off of the couch before they had guest over ??? Damn it man, you got two good and apparently free hands.. I would have thrown something at him.

Edited by sATL
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I actually liked the proposal. Except for the blindfolding and the repetitive question "do you trust me".

Ole girl rolled up to a woodsy campground, to ride horses, in a 'Benz.. She was worried about her hair when she took the blindfold off, Thought I was watching a RHO_ episode for a minute.

Must be a little money on Austin's mom side of the family - pretty big rock , considering it is 5 generations-old  back (ie the depression years)

He is a true outdoorsman. And Joy seems to likes the outdoors too. The simple life. They ate deer they "harvested". The dinner and setting was about just the two of them. I'm glad he asked a J-brother to take the girls back home and I guess the friend-helper-cook and the dad kept their distance. It was romantic. Eating facing the sunset in the woods.

I kinda felt like I was watching an extension of that "farmersonly.com" dating commercial.

Edited by sATL
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14 hours ago, Whyyouneedaname said:

I was thinking the same thing, how awkward this whole thing is since they are already married. Why did they rush to show the wedding first? Does that make sense to everyone but me? Oh wait I may have answered my own question, were they afraid Joy would be pregnant before the wedding aired if they didn't hurry up and show it? 

No. They were afraid -- rightly -- that if they didn't show the wedding first then nobody would watch the entire season. The wedding is the only actual proven ratings draw they have. They have to put it first in hopes of getting people into a habit of watching the thing, to get them slightly hooked. What else have they got that would fulfill that function? Nothing. 

Edited by Churchhoney
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Heck, it was a dinner for SIX people, Jill. Izzy had his own dish, etc...but plastic plates and silverware? I'm sure that kitchen was stocked with some real dishes. Use them, girl. Put them in the dishwasher if you don't have time to wash them by hand. I, too, was shocked to see Mr. Byrum show up and yes, he did look like his usual stone face. Can't help but wonder what his relationship is like with Cathy when there are no cameras around. Derick was uncomfortable around him, an awkward handshake 'hello' with him.  It was nice to see some normal people, though. The Dillards, minus Derelict, are normal people. They should include them more. I enjoyed their TH segments. In the future, I'd like to hear from Dan and Dena (?) as to what their religious beliefs are, ie, are they like the Duggars too, are they wanting to have lots of babies, etc....I'd like for Cathy to explain her position on those things also.

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The Dillard part of the episode was nice and made Jill look a little more normal.  Derick too.  

I feel asleep after that.  Didn't see the snotty sofa part but I have a large family and I put a sheet on my sofas.  It doesn't look so classy but it saves the furniture. Jessa might want to find a blog about homemaking skills.  Funny, because she is 1 of 19.  She certainly didn't pick up any skills. My husband and I are only children and we figured out this large family thing pretty easily.  ;)  

Rule #1 Cover furniture.           #2. Lay down a little waterproof pad when you change diapers on the sofa or bed.  Always. 

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Once again Jinger was the only one I wanted to watch. Once it got to the scene of the rest of the Duggar horde going through the package, I turned it off. Also had zero interest in watching Joy get engaged. Don't care.

Derick and Jill needing help to pack up...FFS . Do you own damn packing. Those two are so lazy and pathetic. 

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11 hours ago, flyingdi said:

I do believe the airport scene is the first time I've ever seen Michelle touch, let alone hug Derick.

I do not think Derick cares for Michelle too much. She does act like she has the secret hots for Ben, and I would not be surprise if she has the secret hots for Jeremy also. Mrs. Robinson fundie style.

I think Cathy and her husband have a good relationship, but he probably cannot stand the Duggars at all, or he may not care for the way Derick has turned out.

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