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The Lonely Js Club: James, Jackson & Johannah

Message added by Scarlett45,

Discussing the charges against Jana is fine, but do not post any information that reveals her address/contact information- even if said documents are public (i.e. a part of court proceedings.)

Discussing charges against Jana is NOT a jumping off point to speculate on other instances abuse/neglect etc towards the M-children or to elaborate on Josh's conviction and potential victims.  


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  On 12/11/2021 at 7:19 PM, BetyBee said:

How rude! I have never had the impression that Jana doesn't care for kids - she's been caring for Duggar kids since she could talk! I don't know what happened that day in September, but I would bet that Amy doesn't know either and this is a cheap shot.


Who knows what kind of history Amy and Jana have? It seems like Amy has a lot of pent up anger. Maybe Amy is making a statement about the lunacy of having 19 kids and expecting to be able to keep them all safe? In which case, she should have made it clear that she was taking a swing at JB and M, not Jana.

Edited by Cinnabon
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  On 12/11/2021 at 12:44 PM, GeeGolly said:

I would say a babysitter sleeping at 3pm while responsible for minor children is likely considered reckless. 


Agree, and that's why I think your earlier comment was right. I think Anna lost track of her kid and Jana fell on the sword for her. We already know Anna dodged at least one visit from CPS. I imagine Josh's arrest plus a child endangerment charge would certainly open that can of worms again and maybe the next time, Anna wouldn't have a choice. 

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  On 12/11/2021 at 7:48 PM, Adeejay said:

Why isn’t anyone reporting HOW she endangered a child?  Based on what I am seeing, Jana's name is the story headline, but entire story is about Josh. Nothing about Jana. This is so frustrating!


Crimes involving minor children often have the court documents sealed, so it can be tricky to get verifiable details unless someone makes a statement. Publications are just getting any scrap they can at this point. 

Edited by ElsieEm
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  On 12/11/2021 at 7:10 PM, Call Me Charlie said:

Amy's IG Story might have confirmed what happened with Jana. If she was getting her digs in, this was really passive aggressive of her and uncalled for. Must be nice to have only one child to care for with your mom around all the time to babysit as opposed to, you know, being ordered by your abusive Boob Dad to care for like a dozen kids who aren't even yours. Amy needs to check herself. 



What a bitch.

And really Amy, for full effect you should have been watching Home Alone. Karma is coming for you next.

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Regarding who was at the TTH at the time the child went missing...that was the week the Bontragers held their family camp. The Duggars also took off with the younger kids on that long motorhome trip around that time. So I don't think Jana had much help w/r/t childcare. 

The question remains: where was Anna?

Edited by emmawoodhouse
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You know how you might have a relative or 10 who annoy the hell of you and you talk shit about all their poor life choices all the time, but if anyone outside the family says something even slightly critical, you immediately defend them because YOU are allowed to insult your family, but no one else is? I feel the opposite with Amy and the Duggars. We, total strangers, are allowed to mock and criticize them, but how dare Amy, a family member, publicly mock them. I'm no Jana fan and have always suspected that she isn't the sweet, put upon spinster aunt everyone thinks, but that little dig of Amy's bothers me. It's not like she knows any more than we do about what happened. 

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  On 12/11/2021 at 8:30 PM, emmawoodhouse said:

Regarding who was at the TTH at the time the child went missing...that was the week the Bontragers held their family camp. The Duggars also took off with the younger kids on that long motorhome trip around that time. So I don't think Jana had much help w/r/t childcare. 

The question remains: where was Anna?


Wait - there’s more than one family camp? Good god.

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  On 12/11/2021 at 5:52 PM, crazy8s said:

Don't you all think this whole Child Endangerment citation was really a non event. There could have been lots of reasons a child was wandering alone on a road. But the officer was just so star struck a Duggar was involved, he just issued the citation to take down a Duggar, without looking at other possibilities....


You had me in the first half. 🤣

  On 12/11/2021 at 8:29 PM, Cinnabon said:

I don’t know why I’ve been thinking about this for the last 30 minutes, but here goes. I think Amy has a LOT of anger and resentment built up toward the whole Duggar family and it’s coming out now (fair or not). JB has treated Deanna and Amy as “less than” his godly family in every way for her entire life. He has taken shots at Deanna’s choices, especially having Amy out of wedlock. He has spoken of the “sins of the father,” insinuating that Amy is somehow tainted. He has spoken of how his own father wasn’t religious enough, and I’m sure he thinks the same of Deanna and Amy. They are simply not as special, godly, and blessed as HIS huge family. Amy has seen how JB treated her grandfather and Grandma Mary. Who knows what details Mary shared with Deanna and Amy during her last few years when she lived with them. Now she finds out how much JB has been hiding all these years, when he has presented his family as superior to most others, and especially Amy’s.  When Mary died, I think we all know that JB tried to take full control of her assets (whether or not he was successful, who knows?) Why the hell would he ask Deanna and Mary to sign NDAs? His own sister and niece? 
Are her posts passive aggressive and immature? Yes. Can I understand her a bit for doing it anyway? Yes.


I see where you're coming from, but if JB has been that awful to them for so long, why were Deanna and Amy so involved with them for so long? They were never financial dependents of JB, as far as I know. If JB was dissing them publicly, it was because they wanted to be in the public eye. If I had a stupidly religious sibling, my interactions with them would be limited to the holidays as long as my parents were alive. 

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  On 12/11/2021 at 7:19 PM, BetyBee said:

How rude! I have never had the impression that Jana doesn't care for kids - she's been caring for Duggar kids since she could talk! I don't know what happened that day in September, but I would bet that Amy doesn't know either and this is a cheap shot.


Although she sometimes says or does what I'd call the right thing, cheap shots are, unfortunately, vintage Amy, as far as I can tell.

I don't know why you'd do this. If for no other reason because taking shots in many directions weakens the effectiveness of what you say about the worst things. Nobody cares much about the criticisms of somebody who comes off as an indiscriminate grouch. 


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  On 12/11/2021 at 8:44 PM, lascuba said:

You had me in the first half. 🤣

I see where you're coming from, but if JB has been that awful to them for so long, why were Deanna and Amy so involved with them for so long? They were never financial dependents of JB, as far as I know. If JB was dissing them publicly, it was because they wanted to be in the public eye. If I had a stupidly religious sibling, my interactions with them would be limited to the holidays as long as my parents were alive. 


For sure, Amy took advantage of their tv spotlight and wanted some for herself. And I’m sure she enjoyed playing and hanging out with all of her cousins, being an only child. But he seemed to still treat her as less than his kids, and even as a “bad influence” at times. All the while, he was hiding what Josh had done. And I’m sure even today, JB is acting as if his family is far superior to Deanna’s and Amy’s . 

Her resentment and anger, now having heard the horrid details, just seems understandable to me. And who knows what Jill has told her. 

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  On 12/11/2021 at 8:51 PM, Cinnabon said:

Was Hilaria’s husband there? Because he has been seen in a “straight pride” t-shirt 🤦‍♀️


He seems like a piece of work. I've still not recovered from that footage of him letting the court door nearly slam in her face from this past week. No wonder she's enchanted with Jed Jason. 

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  On 12/11/2021 at 8:46 PM, Zella said:

My heart longs for more information, but my brain tells me I don't really want to know. Lol


😂 Not to worry, it's mostly arm wrestling, pushups, and carrying of logs. The usual fundie shit. 😁

At any rate, I seem to recall pics of Jackson and Hannie with various Bontragers and Bowers. I think they went on the motorhome trip from there. They weren't that far from Yellowstone and the other places they visited.

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Uhoh, what do the charges do to Jana's chance for matrimonial happiness? (I kid). Surely no godly man will want her now, she's past her child-bearing prime and has the good luck to be related to Josh. And she's not a man (who should he rape someone they will always find someone to marry like that other guy did).

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  On 12/11/2021 at 8:49 PM, Cinnabon said:

But he seemed to still treat her as less than his kids, and even as a “bad influence” at times.


He treated his own daughters as "less than" and Amy fully embraced the "bad influence" character. I am sure she's angry, but there are better ways to express yourself. Twitter cheap shots are dumb.

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  On 12/11/2021 at 3:11 PM, lascuba said:

I was just thinking something along these lines. That Jana wasn't the only adult in the house but she took the fall to prevent Michelle or Anna from getting in any trouble. I usually scoff at the "poor, sacrificial Jana" narrative but this seems plausible to me. Anna is going through a lot and was heavily pregnant at the time,  and the entire family dynamic is based on keeping Michelle stress free. 

Not to excuse losing track of a child enough for them to wander off (if that's what happened), but I think the fact they have so many children has made the adults less, not more, vigilant. Kids are resilient, they'll be fine, etc. Plus, when there are multiple adults around, it's easy to get comfortable and assume someone else is keeping watch. This kind of thing probably happens all the time in that house. 


What if Anna had left Johanna and/or Jenni in charge? They didn't notice the little one had got up from her nap and found her way out. Jana is home by the time the police show up and takes the blame to protect her sisters. Just a thought.

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  On 12/11/2021 at 8:29 PM, Cinnabon said:

I don’t know why I’ve been thinking about this for the last 30 minutes, but here goes. I think Amy has a LOT of anger and resentment built up toward the whole Duggar family and it’s coming out now (fair or not). JB has treated Deanna and Amy as “less than” his godly family in every way for her entire life. He has taken shots at Deanna’s choices, especially having Amy out of wedlock. He has spoken of the “sins of the father,” insinuating that Amy is somehow tainted. He has spoken of how his own father wasn’t religious enough, and I’m sure he thinks the same of Deanna and Amy. They are simply not as special, godly, and blessed as HIS huge family. Amy has seen how JB treated her grandfather and Grandma Mary. Who knows what details Mary shared with Deanna and Amy during her last few years when she lived with them. Now she finds out how much JB has been hiding all these years, when he has presented his family as superior to most others, and especially Amy’s.  When Mary died, I think we all know that JB tried to take full control of her assets (whether or not he was successful, who knows?) Why the hell would he ask Deanna and Mary to sign NDAs? His own sister and niece? 
Are her posts passive aggressive and immature? Yes. Can I understand her a bit for doing it anyway? Yes.


I agree. 

I think Amy hangs out with the Duggars, because of Mary when she was alive. Both her mother and her grandmother liked to hang out with the family, particularly Mary. She doesn't have as strong a family identity without them. 

Who knows why Amy is mad at Jana? It could there more inter-cousins fights we don't about. Jana seems to be very fundie, maybe she's looked down on Amy and her upbringing. Maybe Jana is defending Josh? Who Knows?

Yes, Jana is a victim of a cult, but she is also at this point responsible for some of her own actions. Maybe she upholds the cult too much. Being in a cult affects everyone including those cult adjacent like Amy. 


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  On 12/11/2021 at 10:22 PM, Tuxcat said:

In Amy's IG live she said she was "a vessel chosen by God to speak." Somehow I don't think God wants her taking cheap shots. She better ask him again what he meant. 


I've said this before and will say it again. I think Amy and Jim Bob actually have very similar personalities. 

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I generally have a favorable opinion of Jana, but she is mostly responsible for the mess she's in. If she agreed to watch a child and that child was in danger, then that's on her. 

Yes, she's been stuck being the babysitter probably forever, but she agreed to watch the child. If harm had actually happened to the child, then she, Jana, would be responsible. It sounds like the kid was fine; just in a dangerous situation.

I have some sympathy for Jana myself, but the charges are real and probably deserved. There is a limit to how much sympathy I can have for Jana in this situation.

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  On 12/11/2021 at 11:39 PM, Temperance said:

I have some sympathy for Jana myself, but the charges are real and probably deserved. There is a limit to how much sympathy I can have for Jana in this situation


Definitely on her if it was clear and intentional endangerment. I think much of my sympathy is (as I've said) an understanding that I've lost track of my own children at times. Or I've heard about it from multiple people at parties and such. So and so thought so and so was watching so and so... I guess the main issue is that we don't know what circumstances out Jana in this particular situation so I can't assign blame until we do. 

  On 12/11/2021 at 11:26 PM, Zella said:

I've said this before and will say it again. I think Amy and Jim Bob actually have very similar personalities. 


Completely agree.


Switching gears I guess 



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  On 12/11/2021 at 11:54 PM, Temperance said:

Maybe their closeness to Mary shaped their personalities in the same way.


It's possible! Might just also be a Duggar personality gene. LOL My grandma has always told me my personality reminds her way more of my uncle than my dad, which used to confuse me, but as I've gotten older, I get it. 😂

Edited by Zella
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  On 12/11/2021 at 11:52 PM, mimionthebeach said:

I was ready to write this post. Thank you. I can understand Amy's anger at this family and their holier-than-thou-especially-you, Deanna and Amy attitude. Can you imagine being looked down on all your life by these people, told you're not good enough to see your cousins without their parent being present, being treated horribly (e.g.  she's afraid of clowns and she's said that they once took advantage of that to frighten her for shits and giggles. We know JB and Josh love a joke at someone's expense)? Then it comes out that these more godly than godly people have been sheltering a pedophile. All that shit she's taken...

Yea, I'd be fucking pissed, too. She may be taking cheap shots and it may not be mature, but I can't blame her. 


I’m so glad someone agrees with me.

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  On 12/11/2021 at 11:59 PM, Tuxcat said:

Definitely on her if it was clear and intentional endangerment. I think much of my sympathy is (as I've said) an understanding that I've lost track of my own children at times. Or I've heard about it from multiple people at parties and such. So and so thought so and so was watching so and so... I guess the main issue is that we don't know what circumstances out Jana in this particular situation so I can't assign blame until we do. 

Completely agree.


Switching gears I guess 




I'm confused now.  Did this post come after the "I would never fall asleep" post, which was a clear dig?

I'm Team No One as far as this family goes, and I agree that Amy is messy, but we don't know what her relationship is with any of these people.  I do think she's allowed to snark, right along with the rest of us.

However, snarking on falling asleep while watching a kid, and then posting support and love for Jana, is confusing as heck.  Maybe she does need to step away from SM for a minute to collect her thoughts and pick a lane.  Which is it Amy, scorn or love??  

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"I'm confused now.  Did this post come after the "I would never fall asleep" post, which was a clear dig?"

She did the "I would never fall asleep" dig first. Several hours later she posted the "my heart goes out to jana"  -- perhaps Jill called her and said WTF

FYI- her original "I would never fall asleep" has been deleted from her stories now. LOL.

Edited by Tuxcat
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  On 12/11/2021 at 11:59 PM, Tuxcat said:



Switching gears I guess 




Well, I guess she's going with those who say writing the first one was a mistake. Maybe she's just got an impulse-control problem? 

You need to be more careful with the social media there, girl. 

Edited by Churchhoney
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  On 12/11/2021 at 11:06 PM, CalicoKitty said:

I still find it very interesting that this situation with Janna dropped at this time.  I think (or would hope) that his whole family is under more scrutiny than in the past.  I have a feeling that this situation will not be the last that we hear about.


Crossing my fingers that JD with his fake cop car and "charity" work is next. 

  On 12/11/2021 at 11:07 PM, Temperance said:

I agree. 

I think Amy hangs out with the Duggars, because of Mary when she was alive. Both her mother and her grandmother liked to hang out with the family, particularly Mary. She doesn't have as strong a family identity without them. 

Who knows why Amy is mad at Jana? It could there more inter-cousins fights we don't about. Jana seems to be very fundie, maybe she's looked down on Amy and her upbringing. Maybe Jana is defending Josh? Who Knows?

Yes, Jana is a victim of a cult, but she is also at this point responsible for some of her own actions. Maybe she upholds the cult too much. Being in a cult affects everyone including those cult adjacent like Amy. 



If I'm judging based on what we know of their beliefs and personalities, I'd take Amy's side in any inter-cousin conflict, hands down. It's not that that bothers me about her, it's her tasteless attention grabbing and using her family for that attention. She'll be buddies with them when convenient and then talk shit when she'll get more press that way. Right now, I think she sees just how many snarkers there are and is trying to make them her audience. Which...girl, just do an AMA on reddit and be upfront with it. Don't tease information in the hopes of dragging out your z-list status for a little while longer. 

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Well, Amy deleted her snark and issued an apology to Jana. I guess she got more pushback than she thought she'd get from her followers. 

Jana's probably rolling her eyes.

James created a meme supporting Jana. I believe it was Jason who reposted it. 

Edited by emmawoodhouse
Mixed up the bros
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  On 12/12/2021 at 1:20 AM, Churchhoney said:

Well, I guess she's going with those who say writing the first one was a mistake. Maybe she's just got an impulse-control problem? 

You need to be more careful with the social media there, girl. 


Maybe what happened is that she didn't know the actual, full story when she posted the dig, and after she posted the dig a family member called and filled her in - Jana had been up for 72 hours straight when she fell asleep, it was actually someone else's fault and Jana is taking the rap, whatever. Cue the backtracking.

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IMO, Amy could have all the reasons there are to be pissed at Jana or any other Duggars, but it doesn't make it right or okay to have a 'fight' on IG. And I'll add that I've never seen a Duggar make digs at Amy on SM.

If Amy truly values her friendship with Jill she'd shut the fuck up. These are Jill's siblings and parents. Jill has openly said she wants a relationship with them, or at least some of them. Claiming allegiance to Jill then hopping on SM when a Duggar so much as sneezes wrong, is no friend in my book.

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Message added by Scarlett45,

Discussing the charges against Jana is fine, but do not post any information that reveals her address/contact information- even if said documents are public (i.e. a part of court proceedings.)

Discussing charges against Jana is NOT a jumping off point to speculate on other instances abuse/neglect etc towards the M-children or to elaborate on Josh's conviction and potential victims.  


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