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S28.E10: Chaos Is My Friend

Tara Ariano
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Great challenge... that was about the best part of this episode. 

It was actually uncomfortable to know I subjected myself to an hour of some of the ugliest behavior - could Kass be any uglier or more vindicitive? I defended her with the attacks against her as a mother... but now I'm not so sure. It's one thing to lie as part of a game where lying is pretty unavoidable, its another to take genuine glee and to continually try to just pick at him for the fun of it. 

And the excessive screen time for Tony. I can't even imagine how he could possibly have more of an advantage at this point. There is virtually NO way that anyone else can win this and so I wonder what the point of the rest of the season is for. 

The very end was fun... but with all the advantages so heavily in Tony's favor it feels like going through the motions. 

Props to Jefra for a classy exit. She definitely went up in my estimation. 

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Ummm...I don't know.  I think maybe Tony is being set up for an epic fail.That would be amazing Survivor.  Fantastic game play by my girl Tasha and especially by Spencer.  Man,oh,man, does he know how to push Tony's buttons.  A female conspiracy to get the men out==yeh!!  Evil female conspiracies are everywhere, Tony.  Watch out.


ETA:  Oh yeah, and the Beauty tribe is no more.  There are 4 beauties on the jury, a majority.  If either member of the Brains make it to the end, I predict he or she will win, as they treated the Beauty members more respectfully.

Edited by susannot
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Anybody else think that the only person that could block Tony's win is Tony? Sadly, even if he loses, he'll probably be invited back to a future season.

Edited by Lantern7
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Tasha is Lagertha awesome and Spencer knows how to use Tony's paranoia to save himself. I almost turned it off after Tony found yet another idol, so glad I didn't. Things got very interesting. Hope the little tribe that could (v2.0) continues to survive.

Shut up, Kass.

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I cheered out loud when Tash won the challenge - again.  Happy to see that Tash and Spencer are attempting some gameplay and not just resigning themselves to their fate.  I was also glad to hear Tony admit that his paranoia could be Spencer-induced.  All in all, this is one of the more self-aware groups I've seen on this show in some time.


Kass is grating my last nerve.  I'm trying to remember why I used to like her, but it escapes me now.  I just want her gone.

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It was actually uncomfortable to know I subjected myself to an hour of some of the ugliest behavior - could Kass be any uglier or more vindicitive? I defended her with the attacks against her as a mother... but now I'm not so sure. It's one thing to lie as part of a game where lying is pretty unavoidable, its another to take genuine glee and to continually try to just pick at him for the fun of it.



OMG, everytime she opened her mouth tonight, I just wanted a tidal wave to come wash her away. The woman is such an obnoxious asshat and I give Spencer a lot of credit for keeping his calm, not losing his cool and not engaging her, particularly when she was throwing her snarky "bye Spencer" comments to him when they were in the water. That must have taken some restraint because he could have told her that yeah, he may have been going that night but she was on her way to Goat city since no one likes her ass and no one will vote for her in a Final 3 situation.


It really is something what editing hides because I remember after Kass' flip and vote for Sarah, Sarah admitted how no one really liked her and later Tasha tweeted that there were only two real members of Luzon (the original Brains tribe I think) and it was herself and Spencer. And that surprised me because prior to the flip, it didn't seem like they had any issues. Clearly there is no love lost there. The woman is just so unpleasant. Yeah Morgan's ageist comments were bitchy but I now fully understand her saying "I'd rather be voted out than kiss Kass' ass to try and stay in the game."


Now onto the rest of the episode. I'm a little torn. On the one hand, thrilled that Spencer is still there and kudos to him, he played that whole thing with Tony very well. He didn't oversell it, he let Tony come to him and gently guided the conversation. He planted the idea of a girl alliance without selling out Tasha, only calling her a social player and even threw in the "you don't really think that's really a thing right" with Tony about the possibility of girl flip, almost using reverse psychology on Tony. Tony is playing, I will give him that and he is playing hard but I think he is playing so hard that he is overthinking things, wanting so desperately to seem like he's such a strategist, power player. And I think Spencer saw that and that's what he played on with Tony. Just planted enough seeds to give Tony an opportunity to once again pull "a power move" and think he's so smart and brilliant. I loved Tasha's reaction when Spencer told her the plan to vote out Jefra. Her, "what did you do..." was adorable. 


The reason I didn't love the episode, was that other Idol Tony found. I just think, already with the special idol, so close to the end, that's just too much power for one person to have. And the thing about things like that is it's hard to chalk it up to game-play because it really is just luck. Tony got lucky and picked a black rock and Spencer didn't and now he has two idols. So I can't say it's that Tony played better - they both made the same move, it just came down to a rock. And now three tribal councils from the final 3, Tony has two idols, including one that he can use after the vote. It just bothers me because I don't like or think it's fair for one person to have that much power. I mean power because they're manipulating everyone in the game is one thing, but power because he picked the right color rock and dug around and found some other Idol is just annoying to me. 


I mean the season has definitely not been predictable so anything can still happen but I just cannot see how Tony does not make it to the Final 4 at this point where at least at that point Idols can no longer be played. Unless they throw in another new, very special idol and allow for its use then. But assuming that after Final 5, none of it can be used, there is still the chance to get rid of him at that point. I don't see any of the three in that Final 4 with Tony deciding to bring him to the end if he doesn't win immunity. Tony has way too strong an argument for all the moves he made and ways he controlled the game. 


Finally, man go Tasha...she may just pull a Fabio and Immunity win her way to that Final 3 and the million dollars. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
Please see my posts a few doors down. Thanks.
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First off... the words "Survivor Auction" always leaves me queasy as (for example) someone digs their grubby mitts into a dollop of peanut butter and then licks their fingers clean *gags* They should provide handi-wipes to everyone before the auction, otherwise it's just nasty...


Anyhow... one of today's Snakes Du Jour was a brilliant reddish orange with the sun lighting it up almost transparent, great shot camera peeps! Annnd cut from the snake to... Tony of course. Heh.


Spencer: "Tony is willing to play hard but he doesn't always play well" Which is exactly what we've been saying! Nice call on that one Spence.


And while I'm pissed about his "Special" Idol, he's blameless for having the other one he is showing around. Everyone could have had a shot at it. Especially Tash can only blame themselves for him having it... so she just goes and wins immunity the Ole Fashioned Way. She's a beast!


TC: I continue to not recognize this person they are claiming is LJ... the hell? My thought this week? He's a shoe model.


Smart move (though it pains me to say) to not vote out a guy; seeing the all-girl alliance writing on the wall, but while the move itself was right it's now officially Tony And His Idols vs. the world. So there is still another strike against Tony and they are certainly building up... so while his two idols may get him to the end it's a different topic entirely as to if they will get him the million bucks.

Edited by Wandering Snark
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I have to admit I squealed with glee when Jeff said Jefra's name instead of Spencer.  I thought for sure they were pulling the usual Survivor antics and getting my hopes up...only to be squashed.  I was so happy Spencer stayed.  Love him or hate him he at least came to play the game..and he is.


I could have reached through the TV and punched Kass in the mouth when she said that it figures Spencer had an idol and didn't share.  Go find your own idol bitch.

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I cheered out loud when Tash won the challenge - again.  Happy to see that Tash and Spencer are attempting some gameplay and not just resigning themselves to their fate.  I was also glad to hear Tony admit that his paranoia could be Spencer-induced.  All in all, this is one of the more self-aware groups I've seen on this show in some time.


I cheered out loud when Tash won too.  She and Spencer preyed on Tony's paranoia perfectly.  And thank goodness Tasha won that immunity challenge, because Tony wouldn't have flipped if he could have voted for her.  


For a second week in a row, I cursed out loud when Tony found an idol.  He has an unbelievable amount of power at this point.  It's unbelievable, but I am hopeful that it is not insurmountable.  There MUST be an expiration date on these idols, right?  Hopefully whoever's left standing gangs up on him and votes him out at F5 or F4.  Also, he's cut so many people who are going to make up the jury that I'm not sure he'll get the votes.  There's no question in my mind that he'll lose if he's sitting next to either Tasha or Spencer.  I think he is at serious risk of losing against Woo and Trish as well, depending on how the endgame plays out.  With Jefra's ouster, Kass is basically the only goat left in this group.

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There was some gorgeous underwater photography this episode - wow!!  Nice work, camera-persons!!


I will admit I would never have guessed Tasha would be the challenge monster that she is - kudos to her!  She is smart, has got a killer social game, and is rocking the challenges.  I really want to see her win at this point.


And wow, I agree that Kass really showed her ass this episode.  What an unpleasant person.


Another tribal down, and what do you know - Spencer, Tasha, and Kass are all still in it.  I really think they are going to be the final 3, based on Spencer's "final three right here, we just have to go through two whole tribes to get there" comment way back when.  Tony sure looks set at this point, but he has not done very well in most of the challenges, so if he makes it to F4 I think he's in trouble at that point.


And more kudos, this time to Tony and Spencer and Tasha for holding fast at the auction.  That had to be terribly difficult to not break down, especially given how good some of that food must have smelled.  I know Tasha ended up not voting on anything, but she was right that sometimes there are both an advantage and a clue to an idol at the auction.  She and Spencer both got screwed, but they both played it right.

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Right now 3 of the 5 jury members can't stand her. Not sure how LJ feels about her. She might get Jefra's vote depending on who else gets to the end.

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Anyhow... one of today's Snakes Du Jour was a brilliant reddish orange with the sun lighting it up almost transparent, great shot camera peeps! Annnd cut from the snake to... Tony of course. Heh.

This was a brilliant and beautiful shot.  I am always in awe of the camera persons on this show....and most reality shows for that matter.


The food usually doesn't disgust me at the Survivor auction. Today, the combination of Probstporn with Woo and the ribs nauseated me right out of the room. 


And GO TASHA! Hope she wins it all. 

Edited by gryphon
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That was a MAJOR mistake by Tasha to sit on her money at the auction.  Has there ever been more than one "advantage" prize up for auction?  It was a little unusual for Probst to acknowledge the "advantage" prize before it came up, but I think that was simply a function of nearly half the group having bid no money by that point and everyone just acknowledging what everyone knew was coming.


Things worked out for them.  But how much better would it have been for Spencer to have a HII and Tasha to have Individual Immunity, thus forcing the 5-person alliance to overtly have to start cannibalizing itself?


I don't care for his personality, but I have to admit that Tony is playing the game.


Unless I'm mistaken, none of Tony's alliance know about his super-power-HII.  So it's possible that they blindside him and flush it out next week.  He'd still have the traditional HII, and depending on who goes on the bounce-back, it could get interesting.

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Now that there are 5 left, one person is the swing vote.  I expect that is Kass,  I think she will gloat for the entire next episode about determining the future of the game, and then her ass will be booted out because neither side can trust her,  Just like previous players (Christy in Amazon, for example) who thought they had the game in the palm of their hands when they were the swing vote.

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That was a MAJOR mistake by Tasha to sit on her money at the auction.  Has there ever been more than one "advantage" prize up for auction? 


I am almost positive I've seen auctions where there are both a challenge advantage and a clue to an idol up for auction.  I can't remember specifics though, so maybe I am mistaken.


Edited to add:  Thanks to Wikipedia, I confirmed that they did this in Caramoan: "Everybody purchased at least one item, with Malcolm and Cochran being the biggest winners by purchasing a clue to the Hidden Immunity Idol and an advantage at the Immunity Challenge, respectively."

Now that there are 5 left, one person is the swing vote. 


There are 6 left - Tasha, Trish, Kass, Tony, Woo, Spencer.

Edited by RescueMom
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I am almost positive I've seen auctions where there are both a challenge advantage and a clue to an idol up for auction.  I can't remember specifics though, so maybe I am mistaken.



That was the case in the second Fans vs. Favorites. Malcolm won the bid that got him a clue to the immunity idol but wasn't able to find it. That was the hilarious sequence where he tried to find it and Andrea followed him and just sat right where he was looking and refused to move. And Cochran won the bid for the advantage in the immunity challenge which he ended up winning. 


For some reason,I had forgotten about Trish's existence.



So did I. That's why when I saw the third vote for Spencer, my heart sank because I had totally miscounted how many people were there. When the third for Jefra popped up, I thought inexplicably there was a tie, then Jeff mentioned there was one vote left and that's when I remembered "oh right Trish, which is where the three votes for Spencer came from."


I'm not sure how much of a "goat" Kass really is. I mean she's smug and she made one "big" and possibly pointless move and has done nothing since 'cept for the smug thing and antagonizing Spencer for some reason...



She's a goat because no one really seems to like her - you have the two women on the jury who actively dislike her and Jeremiah was part of the alliance she screwed so he's likely not too fond of her and hard to say with LJ. And then as you noted, she made one big move that sure helped another alliance but really did zero for her game because she was pretty much part of the group getting blindsided repeatedly by Tony. So she can't argue she really had ANY say much less any control over any of these moves. Basically she's a goat because she has NO shot of winning this game. Tony may be pissing people off but Tony has a very strong case for himself for why he deserves that million.

Edited by truthaboutluv
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I have to hope that the Hantz gods are laughing down at Tony....How many idols did Russell find, and how many finals did he go to and still NOT win?  We have some hope.

I rooting for Tash to take it all.

I thought it was hilarious how Woo is so convinced that he & Tony are on the same strategic-thinking level.  Really, he's so cute!

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The food usually doesn't disgust me at the Survivor auction. Today, the combination of Probstporn with Woo and the ribs nauseated me right out of the room. 


I totally forgot about this!! The sexy sax circa 1984 had me cracking up. I had to admit it was a little highlight if only for the goofy mood that temporarily took over the otherwise resigned mood I had.

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It seems to me that Trish and Kass are the "odd women out" at this point in time.  


Tony and Woo stuck together to go against Jefra.  Tony thinks he has Spencer on his side (how much trust he places in that is unclear).  I think Tasha played a great game of at least appearing to bond with the ladies to sow a seed of doubt with Tony, but at the end of the day I'd bet she's more likely to stick with Spencer over Kass and Trish.


My dream scenario would be for Kass to think she's engineered a blindside on Tony next week, only to have Tony, Woo and Spencer vote her out on the bounce-back.  It will flush Tony's Super-Power-HII and get rid of Kass in one fell swoop.

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My dream scenario would be for Kass to think she's engineered a blindside on Tony next week, only to have Tony, Woo and Spencer vote her out on the bounce-back.  It will flush Tony's Super-Power-HII and get rid of Kass in one fell swoop.


OMG, please to all the Elder Gods to make this happen!

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My dream scenario would be for Kass to think she's engineered a blindside on Tony next week, only to have Tony, Woo and Spencer vote her out on the bounce-back.  It will flush Tony's Super-Power-HII and get rid of Kass in one fell swoop.

I'll do pretty much any superstitious ritual to make this happen.

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On board the Tash train! I hope she keeps kicking ass at the challenges and wins that million.


Kass was particularly repellent tonight. I don't know what her deal is with Spencer, other than he was pretty harsh with her after her flip. 


Tony finds another @*(&@# idol. Really?? I loved how Spencer played Tony's paranoia to his advantage. Surely there is an expiration date for the TPI right? Once he gets to final 4 he has to win immunity the old fashioned way or risk getting vote out, right? (Please, please, please!) 


I forgot Trish was even there, too. I think she lost this game when she didn't make a move against Tony the first time he went Lone Ranger and voted against their alliance. Her looks of shock when he votes his own are so stupid. He's done this how many times already? Why be surprised at this point?

Edited by ReadingZombie
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Spenser and Tasha are playing solid games. Tasha at challenges and socially, Spenser finding the right weaknesses to exploit. Tony doesn't trust Spenser but he knows he can use Spenser and Spenser and Tasha know that. Tasha played it perfectly socializing with the ladies, Spenser planted the seeds. Woo continues to be an idiot.

Jefra had her chance last week. She flips, tells Spenser that Jeremiah is the vote, and Woo is gone. Instead, Jefra gave Spenser the ammo he needed. He wasn't lying when Jefra wanted Tony gone, Tony knew that from his spy shack. She choose poorly.

Trish is going to be so upset that her talk with Tony about blindsides failed to achieve its desired affect. (Eye roll)

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LJ, I have to believe you are stacked by Poorly Trained Hair Product PAs just before Tribal each time, because I don't know if I can remember a time when someone went from Island Hot to Totally Not so quickly [/shallow]


My Tash-love grows, which makes me worried for her. I realize it's all based on edited material, but she seems like the strongest that to sit against - at this point- at Final Tribal. She's more than respectable in challenges, without being a showy threat. She seems liked as a human - and that really does carry weight. 

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Seeing what challenge monsters Tasha and Spencer turned out to be underlines how monumentally frustrating it must have been for them in the first few challenges with the other brains and J'Tya (or something like that).  From our perspective, watching the early challenges, it looks like "oh well, man that sucks they're sucking."  But now with the perspective of "wow, they must have been coming out of their skins with frustration."

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Super annoyed that Tony now has two Idols, but as long as they don't pull any shenanigans with having them expire when they normally do, at least there's some chance he won't make the final.

As annoying as Kass is, I'd never vote for her, unless I was in the minority alliance and she was the person I had to agree to vote out to stay. I think she's absolutely the most beatable final 3 person left in the game. I'll be shocked if she doesn't completely alienate anyone who doesn't already hate her in her jury speech. Maybe she already did, given the bile she has gotten on Twitter.

For Tony to win, I think he needs to take Kass & either Woo or Trish and hope he can play the, "they never made any moves" card. I don't see him beating Spencer or Tasha and I think there's a large chance of his tendency to keep talking long after he should shut up to torpedo him regardless of final 3. Most interesting, but probably least likely final 3, in terms of who wins rather than jury drama,would be Tasha, Spencer & Trish/Woo.

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Between LJ's stone-faced glares and that awful hair, I am really disappointed. He was so attractive on the island and now he's just not.


Kass is so bitter and jaded it is almost sad. What the heck happened to her to make her such a cynical dick?

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Kass, Trish, Woo, and Jefra didn't want to win badly enough. The Survivor auction proved that, and that's why I have no problem with Tony finding idols. He puts in the effort to win.


It appears 99% certain that Tony will make the Final 4 immunity challenge, and yet I think the only way he can win this season is by winning that challenge. I don't like his odds, given that at least one of Woo, Tash, and Spencer will still be there to beat him.


I agree with the Kass is awful comments. At this point, I'm really just cheering against her.

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At this point, Kass and Spencer have both said some really nasty things about each other, and it makes me dislike both of them. I'm kind of pulling for Spencer anyway, because he's such an underdog, and because he's Tasha's main alliance, and I still like her the best.


I'll be honest and say that I only really hate immunity idols when they go to people I don't like. I'm hypocritical like that.


Part of me is actually hoping that Tony makes it to final three, just so we can see what Sarah has to say to him, because it's clear that she hates him SO MUCH.

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I cheered out loud when Tash won the challenge - again.  Happy to see that Tash and Spencer are attempting some gameplay and not just resigning themselves to their fate.  I was also glad to hear Tony admit that his paranoia could be Spencer-induced.  All in all, this is one of the more self-aware groups I've seen on this show in some time.



Yes, I also cheered out loud for Tasha's 3rd Tribal win. This girl has proven she's there to play, and ask questions later. I've loved that the way that her and Spencer have remained tight, and continued to play a strong game. 



While Tony has continued to have luck, winning idols, and controlling some of his original tribe members, I see him allowing his paranoia get the best of him, and eventually knock him out of the game. So right now I'm holding out for a Tasha or Spence for the win.

Edited by Divagalore
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It appears 99% certain that Tony will make the Final 4 immunity challenge, and yet I think the only way he can win this season is by winning that challenge. I don't like his odds, given that at least one of Woo, Tash, and Spencer will still be there to beat him.


The more I think about it, the more I think that this vote is going to be Tony's downfall.  He has 2 idols to protect him, and the only people he had a strong chance at beating in the F4 challenge are Kass, Jefra, and Trish (IMO, of course).  Who cares if the women were scheming to get him out?  Had he stuck with his alliance and voted Spencer this time, he was covered by idols until F4, and I think he could have been able to sway the votes to Woo and Tasha.  Obviously it's never that easy - both Tasha and Woo are strong at challenges and them winning immunity at F5 and F6 would throw a wrench into things, but I still think he made a bad move with the vote this episode.

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Kass is a very unpleasent person to watch on TV.  Clearly there is some underlying nastiness between her and Spenser that has existed for a while. I understand why Spenser would be upset with Kass, she blew up his game, but I don't get why she is so upset with him.


Trish has moments when she seems to be very good at this game and then times that she is awful. Last week she wanted to go looking for food instead of stratagizing. I kind of understood. Tony is paranoid and wants to walk through everything 9,000 times and that has to get old. The problem is that Trish is not seeing how much Tony needs to feel like other people are playing hard.


It might have been stupid but after the Morgan vote, Tony flat out told Spenser and Tasha that Tasha was there because Morgan didn't deserve to be in the game because she did nothing and did not appear to be playing the game. At first I thought that was BS but it is looking more and more like playing the game is important to Tony. He was genuinly pissed off when the ladies were hanging out in the water and not helping with the crab. He was genuinly pissed when Tony and Spenser were getting food together after the challenge and the others were sitting in the shelter discussing the food they just ate. He was really pissed that the other people in his alliance were all bidding on food and not waiting for the advantages. That anger is what allowed Spenser into his head, he knew that Spenser was playing him but he saw that Spenser's suspicions could easily have teeth.


Tasha, Spenser, and Tony are playing a pretty damn good game. All three are playing very different games and with varying levels of success. None are playing perfectly, Spenser played the idol on the wrong person and has been a bit annoying publicly from time to time. Tony is paranoid and driving people a bit nuts. Tasha maybe is being a bit too quiet but she is winning challenges and trying to make moves.  I would love to see a Tony, Spenser, Tasha final. It would be fascinating to watch. With Spenser and Tasha in the final you end up with the possibility of a split vote between the other three members of their alliance so it is not a guarentee for either one of them.


Trish cannot win. The minority alliance has no knowledge of the moves that she has made and what little she has done in front of them has not been impressive, spending money when Tony wasn't, on the back end of two blindsides that Tony put together, no immunity idols, and poor performance in challenges. We see what she is doing but Morgan, Jeremiah, Spenser, Tasha, and Sarah don't. Sarah knows of the tension between Trish and Cliff/Lindsey as well.


Kass and Woo cannot win. Woo is pretty but not much of a gamer and he does not seem to have a relationship with anyone but Tony. He won one immunity but nothing else and he is a bit dim. Kass has pissed off three jury members and potentially two more jury members. I get the feeling that she is not Miss Popularity on the tribe and that Trish is keeping her because they need numbers and that she knows that Kass is a goat.


A Kass, Trish, Woo final would really, really, really suck

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Agreed, ProfCrash.  That would be a worst case.


Something else that sucked?  As my wish for Kass to never win a reward continued, I so hoped that the covered dish she bought at the auction would be something disgusting.  Even the rice and water she didn't pick was too good for her.  I hope her sandwich gave her an upset stomach.


Tash had nerves of steel during that immunity challenge.  Imagine how panicky you would get listening to Probst blather on and on while you are trying to concentrate.


I'm really hoping that somehow Spencer gets Tony to burn both idols next week.  Maybe he'll give the regular one to Woo and need to use the Tyler Perry idol for himself? In the meantime everyone votes for Kass?  I don't see how this could happen but then I would not have dreamed that both Spencer and Tasha would have survived last night's vote.


Tony's mistake is that it's better to have your friends on the jury than still in the game, especially if you are holding two (count 'em) idols.  He keeps engineering the boots of people he thinks might betray him (LJ, Sarah, Jefra) and in doing so is self fulfilling his fears.

Edited by Haleth
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UGH. Words cannot begin to express how much I loate Tony. "I've been looking for this Idol for so long".  Umm. Yeah. Since you got the clue like 2 freaking hours ago? PFFT. Tool. He's quickly reaching Rupert-like levels of agitation for me.


While Tasha is a challenge monster, I think SPencer is playing the best game.  I think Kass and Tony are too enamored of themselves and intent on just "sowing chaos" that they're making all the wrong moves. WHile I'm glad Spencer is still around, the correct move was to vote his ass off and stick to the Alliance.  (Jefra IS still a jury vote, remember. Anyone left from the Alliance likely won't be getting her vote.)


Has there always been this many Idols? It seems like there's an "Idol to-do" every episode. We've had what? 3 or 4 Idols played already? Not to mention the Tyler Perry still looming over the game. Having that much immunity really takes away the "Outwit, Outplay, Outlast" credo.


BTW? Good job cuing up the porno music during the food contest, show.

Edited by ShadowDenizen
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It seems impossible at this point but I'm for ANY final that doesn't include Tony.  Thank the reality gods he will be off my TV in a few more weeks, one way or the other.  Can you imagine having to work or live with this guy?  The smugness must suck all the oxygen out of any room he enters.  On paper he is playing the game re. out witting I guess, but he is totally screwing himself on the social aspect. Please please please let the group figure out a way to oust him before the end!  I'm already prepared to have my finger ready to 'mute' him during the last episodes.  Whether he's bragging from the jury or from a Final 3 spot, I don't want to hear all about his brilliance and mad skills.


And I didn't need any more reasons to dislike the guy, but this Tyler Perry Presents the Super Secret Special Madea's Medalion of Miracles really ruined this season for me.

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Ok, Kass, so clearly you had your heart broken and your Disney dreams dashed by a college boy or two.  So did every girl you've ever met -- and quite a few boys, too.  Time to pull on your big girl pants and get over it.


Tony does seem to be set up now to cruise to the end.  There doesn't seem to be any other way it could go.  I really hope he gets Hantzed.


Woo, you're so pretty, but dumb.  It's time now to use some strategy.  Ninja Woo need to swing into action.


Tasha, you are playing an amazing game.  Keep smiling and agreeing with everybody.  You stand the best chance of anyone to actually win if you make it to FTC.


Spencer, I go back and forth between hating you and rooting for you.  You're an asshat, but I like your underdog determination.  Keep pushing Tony's paranoia button.  It's working well for you.


Trisha, you're doing exactly the right thing by keeping very very quiet.

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What I think they should do next week:  Spencer plays some more on Tony's girl germs paranoia so the three men vote for Kass. Natasha work on the women to vote for Tony.  Spencer convinces Tony that Natasha is also going to vote for Kass so Tony feels safe with a 4-3 vote.  The important thing is that Tony has to feel safe.  Then when the vote is read, Tony has to play his special idol and Kass is out. Of course Spencer doesn't know that Tony has the super special idol; but from Spencer's perspective, making Tony feel safe would get him out of the game without playing the idol everyone knows about.  Tasha has to win immunity of course.  Spencer should also "let" Tasha win - if it's between the two of them, he strategically fails, since he is in a safer position than Tasha.  If Tasha hadn't had immunity, she would have been voted out.  Maybe Spencer is already holding back on immunity challenges, playing competitively enough to fool everyone but holding back so Tasha can win.


I couldn't help wondering if they got to wash their hands somehow before eating that food.  I'm also glad the immunity challenge had some action to it this week.


ETA: Of course Tasha is capable enough to beat everyone at challenges. 

Edited by Lamb18
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I figure that Tony, Kass, and Spencer are all exaggerating their personalities in order to increase the chances of getting more screen time. It is quite possible that others are doing this as well, but since they don’t matter to the narrative arc(s,) that’s not being shown.  [spencer has received what I consider to be the winners edit, despite him trying to portray the Survivor genius who looks down on the plebeians; Kass thinks she’s golden and is giving us the, “these poor idiots,” snarks, thinking that her totally awesome final tribal lawyer skillz are going to win her the game - while she gets zero votes; and Tony is giving us the Survivor Spazz Monkey who, while thinking he knows better than everyone else how to play the game “right,” is being set up for, if not a blindside, being forced to burn his hidden immunity idols before he wants to.]  Tony comes across as a “producers favorite,” because he is so over the top, plus he has had incredible luck in regards to finding the HII’s.  But his over the top over-thinking of everything is saving this season.  (Because if he was smart in regards to the HII’s and number advantages, we’d be looking at an incredibly boring Pagonging.)


1. Tony (1)  I’m tempted to move you down, but my impressions of the storylines isn’t enough to counteract two HII’s.  The problem is, this is the third time you’ve made a big move without telling your alliance-mates, (the second time in three TC’s without letting Trish know,) and everyone is getting a big case of “we just can’t trust Tony-itis.”  You better win the Immunity Challenge when the tribe is down to four, (your HII’s should guarantee you get that far,) or no final three for you.


Time Out.  Again, I have no idea what is going on.  Tony’s paranoia, need to keep making “big moves,” and attraction to bright shiny objects - ooh, squirrel!, is keeping this season interesting, but hard to predict. Fanwankery: The women align against the men and we get a deadlocked tribal council.  We go to rocks, and Tony gets sent home with the Yul/Terry idol in his pocket!  (Of course, he’d have to switch votes to avoid this, right?)


2. Spenser (7)  Yo-yo ranking continues.  When I don’t have a clue, I’m going back to my opinion of the editing.

3. Kass (3)

4. Trish (2)  You’re letting Tony out of your sight too much - letting Spenser assume some of your Tony-wrangling duties.  I still think you’re playing a great game, but your excessive levels of trust/loyalty to Tony is beginning to hurt you.


5. Woo (5)  You’re the Immunity Idol threat within the power structure.

6. Tasha (6) You’re the Immunity Idol threat outside the power structure.


Gone Jefra (4)  Tony isn’t actively trying to use the Campbellian Zoo as a strategy (though I’m sure he sees himself as the mastermind (fox,)) and Spenser planted some great seeds of doubt.  I also suspect that Tony (and Woo,) thought of you as LJ’s partner, rather than a core member of the alliance.  But it was great to hear you admit you should have made the move last tribal; much like LJ and Jeremiah, (and Alexis,) have shown in their exit interviews, you really were a bigger fan of the show than I had expected.

Edited by Way Wes Jr
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