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I would LOVE a season with no hidden immunity idol. Everyone will be expecting it....they get there....nothing. And I agree on the food, but then again we don't know if players suffered from illness due to not eating, and that's why they changed it.

I think this could be amazing if the contestants weren't told that there were no hidden immunity idols. The potential for bluffing (and having bluffs called) could make for a very interesting season. It's not something I'd want to see every season, but every now and again, it could be fun.

  • Love 5
I think this could be amazing if the contestants weren't told that there were no hidden immunity idols.

They're bound to get curious when Jeff says his traditional 'If anybody has a hidden immunity idol they'd like to play, now's the time'.  Or doesn't say it.


I don't mind the HIIs so much but I agree that they should mix it up a bit, say, give them a two-TC time limit (whether your tribe goes or not).  Then they have to either give it away or it disappears.

It would be pretty great if there were no idols and he said that every week anyway.  They'd go insane with paranoia.


I don't think they'll ever get rid of the HII which has at least the potential for interrupting a boring boot order/Pagonging, and has provided Survivor with many of its signature moments.  But I really do hope they cut back on it.  Just too many damn idols lately.  And I really, really hope they get rid of the goddamn auction clue/advantage, because it is always terrible TV when one person is just sitting on their money waiting for it, and extra-super-bonus terrible when two people sit on their money and they flip a goddamn coin.

  • Love 4
I want the rule to be you can't get the HII just by looking, you have to have the clue first.

Two ideas along this line of thought:  What if they still could find the HII by just looking, but they still need the clue anyway?


Like say the HII is locked in a chest, and the combination and/or key is with the clues.  And the combination isn't necessarily written in the clue, but is hinted or riddled at (take the age of X player, add Y's age, divide by the number of Z's siblings...  that kind of stuff).

I suppose they could brute force a combination, having loads of free time.  But someone hiding away from camp for long enough to do that?  They'd probably get caught.


Or what if the HII is incomplete.  And information on what is needed to complete the HII is in the clue.

Example: HII hidden under a significant tree near camp.  Clue points that way but also says (in Survivor Poetry, of course) "Once the Idol you have found/ take a feather from the ground/ Tie it to the Idol neat/ Then the Idol is complete.  The feather is/ the Idol's trick./ With no feather/ it's just a stick."

  • Love 9

Along that line, I thought "exile island" this season looked awfully familiar, like maybe we've seen it before as a camp in a previous season.  

From what I've been reading online plus being from there, it's because they've stayed within the same area. San Juan Del Sur is not an island or a jungle. Ometepe and Zapatera are islands, since they used those before based on tribe names, I believe exile island is Ometepe and they're just staying by the coast/rainforest area in the main land. It's a tourist hot spot, I don't think any local would consider going there "roughing" it, a lot of schools take kids camping there on field trips. They're probably filming there so often because it's cheap and are probably being treated well by the locals.

  • Love 1

Watching the Amazing race, I got an idea for a second kind of Idol, let's call it "Express Idol". It would allow the one who finds it to play it either: 1) to win the Reward challenge for the team; or 2) to sit out the Immunity Challenge and be immune if the team loses the challenge.

I see a lot of potential team vs. individual dilemma, as well as potential use by savvy strategists who feel they may be on the chopping block.

I'm tired of HIIs but think this one could have potential. Any thoughts?  

  • Love 1

What happened to the "pecking order" reward/challenge? One person wins a reward dinner for his tribe, but he has to assign the meals, from bread & water up to surf & turf? I loved when they would shake up inter-tribe dynamics by forcing people to reveal the ranks on the totem pole. It would certainly help cure the inevitable pagonging when people on the bottom would be woken up to the fact that they're certainly on the outs.


At least, I'd like to see it back. I think it's been a decade since we last saw it.

  • Love 3

Oh, I meant Tyson's video, not Troyzan's!!


In Tyson's he's standing outside of a 7-11 at night getting everyone who comes by (his friends but also some strangers, and the guy behind the counter) to talk about how great and unusual he is.


It was such a non-audition audition.


AH - my bad.  I missed Tyson's on the first scan (it was the only one not identified by contestant name at the top), and I guess my brain grabbed the first T-name it saw. :)


Anyway, I went back, found Tyson's submission, watched (part of*) it, and you're totally right - that audition tape sucked suckiness.  My immediate impression was he initially forgot about having to do video, and had to put something together REALLY REALLY QUICK on the way to FedEx to make the submission cutoff deadline.




* I couldn't watch the whole thing because I was already feeling hundreds of brain cells committing suicide over the suck assault, and i don't have any extra to spare.

  • Love 1

Review of the latest episode. It seems the memorization challenge was taken off the trash heap thanks to Dalton Ross convincing Probst to do so. Also, Mike White had dinner at Probst's house, and he reacted negatively to Redemption Island. Apparently, if you have Probst's attention, he would be open to making changes. Something to keep in mind for the future. Also, I'm tickled that Natalie could win the game, and she still wouldn't have made the greatest impact on the show for an ex-Racer.


I still think sticking a hidden idol in the tribal idol is the way to go. I will give the production team credit for making the idols a little harder to find. It didn't stop Jon from finding the latest idol, but I'm convinced Alec wouldn't have gotten it as easily if he was sent to Exile Island.

Yeah personally I thought the clue was pretty tricky this time.  Especially compared to "7 paces north from the well" or whatever.  When he first read it I was like, "I guess the next person to Exile will have to find it with some more explicit clues" but once he explained his reasoning I got it.  Maybe I'm a dummy, but I mean usually these days the clues are super-easy.


I do wish they made people work a little harder.  I loved multi-stage clues leading to scenes like Cirie and Kathy crossing the water over and over again, or Sugar wading hip deep through the muck.  GOOD TIMES.

  • Love 2

How about casting REAL fans, there's an interesting quote here on why Probst says they have to recruit, fans don't submit good audition tapes! www.SurvivorAuditionTips.com


I went over this site several times, but couldn't find the Probst quote you were talking about - so I went searching about and found this Probst interview instead.

  • Love 1

I do wish they made people work a little harder.  I loved multi-stage clues leading to scenes like Cirie and Kathy crossing the water over and over again, or Sugar wading hip deep through the muck.  GOOD TIMES.


I miss this so much. It makes the HIIs more interesting if they can't be found so easily/without clues at all.

I went over this site several times, but couldn't find the Probst quote you were talking about - so I went searching about and found this Probst interview instead.


Who was the one person in Fiji who wasn't recruited? I didn't realize that so many people are recruited. For Big Brother I know more about who is/isn't, but I never know on Survivor. Is there anywhere to find out who was/wasn't recruited for Survivor?

Edited by peachmangosteen

I believe there is a characteristically cynical and unreliable list from Sucks somewhere.  I will say that I don't care at all if someone is a recruit or not.  Some of the very best players and characters have been recruits, from Jonny Fairplay to Courtney Yates to arguably Parvati, who applied for Amazing Race, not Survivor.  And there have been plenty of people who applied who have been total duds.


Recruiting a celebrity for star power (or whatever it is) is of course a different story.  I don't mind celebs who love the game (like Lisa and Jeff Kent from Philippines) but when it's just "hey this is a famous asshole, let's put him on our show along with the girlfriend we're sure is going to quit", that's just obviously not going to work.

  • Love 4

I will say that I don't care at all if someone is a recruit or not.  Some of the very best players and characters have been recruits, from Jonny Fairplay to Courtney Yates to arguably Parvati, who applied for Amazing Race, not Survivor.  And there have been plenty of people who applied who have been total duds.

I agree. A lot of the people I've liked (here and on Big Brother) were recruited. And there have been plenty of fans that were awful. 


I don't mind celebs who love the game (like Lisa and Jeff Kent from Philippines) but when it's just "hey this is a famous asshole, let's put him on our show along with the girlfriend we're sure is going to quit", that's just obviously not going to work.



  • Love 1

Yeah personally I thought the clue was pretty tricky this time.  Especially compared to "7 paces north from the well" or whatever.  When he first read it I was like, "I guess the next person to Exile will have to find it with some more explicit clues" but once he explained his reasoning I got it.  Maybe I'm a dummy, but I mean usually these days the clues are super-easy.


I do wish they made people work a little harder.  I loved multi-stage clues leading to scenes like Cirie and Kathy crossing the water over and over again, or Sugar wading hip deep through the muck.  GOOD TIMES.



Man, I remember laughing SO hard because Cirie is like, we had to go ACROSS the ocean then the next clue, we had to go ACROSS the ocean. and then you just heard the laughter start to fade (in Cirie's voice) and you could see the weariness and the frustration creep through about how many times ACROSS the ocean they had to go and they still couldn't find it -and it's not something you have to go "well screw it" because it means lasting 3 more days. (or being able to make apower move). 


I am never adverse to having the HII -but i think once it's played -it's played. the end, it should be something that everyone has access too (ie: not two idols) and you have to work for it. you have to be Penner digging through sand for hours, not realising that Yul already had it (and that was his clue because hecouldn't find it hours later) or going ACROSS the ocean, or wading - the thought has occur to you "is it really worth it for me to go through all of this - to get an advantage?"


and then it needs to be in abox with acombination lock based on clues on contestants and where they are located. not "turn over therock, and tadaa!"

  • Love 2
Technically, Boston Rob.

'Technically' is accurate - Rob was a Survivorite who went on the Amazing Race.  Not sure he had much of an impact though, and if I remember the lively discussion on TWoP at the time, most AR fans fucking hated him.  I didn't mind him too much personally - he was a bit cheeseball but he worked hard and made a decent racer.

  • Love 1

Kel Varnsen . . .  I meant two-time Racer Mike White suggesting to Probst that Redemption Island might not be the best thing.

Maybe it is just me but I totally find it weird to picture Mike White, the guy who directed School of Rock hanging out at Probst's house. 


Agreed though that if they need to have a HII it needs to be really hard to find. Either have multiple separate clues (so people need to work together) or make the clue vague (dig on the beach) or make it a challenging puzzle.


Or like others have said make it so that if you follow one clue to a certain location and dig, it gives you another clue. This could really mess people up, especially if there were Russel types in the game. I mean imagine getting a clue and having it direct you to a location of another clue, but that other clue is already gone because someone else found it? 

'Technically' is accurate - Rob was a Survivorite who went on the Amazing Race.  Not sure he had much of an impact though, and if I remember the lively discussion on TWoP at the time, most AR fans fucking hated him.  I didn't mind him too much personally - he was a bit cheeseball but he worked hard and made a decent racer.

The main problem with Boston Rob on Amazing Race wasn't that he was Boston Rob. It was that he was a multi-reality show appearer, and frankly the whole cross-casting thing sucks gigantic donkey dicks (actually any repeat of any person, even on the SAME show does).
  • Love 3
frankly the whole cross-casting thing sucks gigantic donkey dicks (actually any repeat of any person, even on the SAME show does).

No argument from me, although I will say I enjoyed BRob more on AR than I did on Survivor.  By his third or fourth season, Probst was so clearly enamored of Rob that it was all he could do not to give him a tongue-bath every time they spoke.  To his credit, Rob kept his 'Boston Rob' thing to a minimum on AR, or at least, the Amazing edltors didn't play that up too much.  Not gonna lie though - I cringed every time Phil called him Boston Rob.


I too think repeaters were a very bad idea for Survivor, or at least they came at a high cost.  Don't hate the all-star seasons nearly as much as the 'mix' seasons though. 

Edited by henripootel
  • Love 4

'Technically' is accurate - Rob was a Survivorite who went on the Amazing Race.  Not sure he had much of an impact though, and if I remember the lively discussion on TWoP at the time, most AR fans fucking hated him.  I didn't mind him too much personally - he was a bit cheeseball but he worked hard and made a decent racer.


IMHO, the only reason they did so well on TAR the first time is that they used ferns almost every leg.  Their second time, when they didn't use ferns, they were out early.

  • Love 1
IMHO, the only reason they did so well on TAR the first time is that they used ferns almost every leg.  Their second time, when they didn't use ferns, they were out early.

Has the show changed their stance on ferns?  If I were on the AM, I'd be hunting for ferns constantly, that and busking for money at every opportunity.  I mean why not, right?


Let's hope the production companies have had their fill of Mr. Mariano, I know I have.  There was some talk back at TWoP that if Probst ever tired sufficiently of this job or found a better one, they might replace him with Rob.  I sincerely hope not - much as I enjoy heaping scorn on Jeffy, he isn't unwatchable.  Rob on the other hand, well, would wear.  Or should I say 'way-ah'.

  • Love 2

So I'm torn about the Blood vs. Water concept.  I do somewhat enjoy the extra layer of strategy it adds to things, especially in this second iteration as now we're seeing how more players adapt to it and think their way around it.  On the other hand, I'm very tired of all the focus on how the loved ones interact with each other, and if the show never did a BvW season again, I wouldn't be upset.


IMHO, the only reason they did so well on TAR the first time is that they used ferns almost every leg.  Their second time, when they didn't use ferns, they were out early.

Rob & Amber's second TAR appearance was one of the most unusual in the history of the show.  They won the first three legs, then had the proverbial "leg from hell" and got knocked out on the fourth leg.

Has the show changed their stance on ferns?  If I were on the AM, I'd be hunting for ferns constantly, that and busking for money at every opportunity.  I mean why not, right?


Let's hope the production companies have had their fill of Mr. Mariano, I know I have.  There was some talk back at TWoP that if Probst ever tired sufficiently of this job or found a better one, they might replace him with Rob.  I sincerely hope not - much as I enjoy heaping scorn on Jeffy, he isn't unwatchable.  Rob on the other hand, well, would wear.  Or should I say 'way-ah'.


I believe that both ferns and begging are against TAR rules now.  I remember there being some discussion of ferns being disallowed sometime in the "teens" seasons, and it's been many season since any team has been shown using them in the traditional sense of having them essentially be tour guides.  I know for sure that paying taxis to lead you when you're driving yourself was made illegal awhile back--there were clips of teams specifically saying that they couldn't do it.  I also know that teams can no longer use non-monetary items to pay their taxi drivers--there was a team that accidentally did it and they received a time penalty.


I absolutely despise Jeffy.  I'm female, and I have zero tolerance for misogyny from anyone, so him being so blatant about it infuriates me.  That said, if the day ever comes that those rumors come to fruition and Rob hosts the show, that will be the day I stop watching.


So I'm torn about the Blood vs. Water concept.  I do somewhat enjoy the extra layer of strategy it adds to things, especially in this second iteration as now we're seeing how more players adapt to it and think their way around it.  On the other hand, I'm very tired of all the focus on how the loved ones interact with each other, and if the show never did a BvW season again, I wouldn't be upset.


Rob & Amber's second TAR appearance was one of the most unusual in the history of the show.  They won the first three legs, then had the proverbial "leg from hell" and got knocked out on the fourth leg.


I'm with you about BvW.  I think my biggest problem with it, though, is that it gives so many more opportunities to Jeffy to be a melodramatic tool.  And we've seen even more misogyny this season with all the "protect your woman" garbage.


Interesting about R/A on TAR.  I don't recall that, probably because I try to forget them as much as I can.  I just remember being ecstatic that they were eliminated.

  • Love 2
I'm with you about BvW.  I think my biggest problem with it, though, is that it gives so many more opportunities to Jeffy to be a melodramatic tool.  And we've seen even more misogyny this season with all the "protect your woman" garbage.

I'm still surprised at how little it actually adds.  And I never fail to be irked by Jeffy milking the notion for melodrama, as if watching your 'loved one' get booted is like watching them die.  It isn't, Jeffy, and your attempts to make it so sound a bit desperate and even stage-directorish.  


I've been mulling the idea that having family around might actually put a crimp in your game, that you might be reluctant to really bring out your inner asshole (which may be key to your winning) or spend enough time politicking if your mom is there.  This is the reason I tend not to bring family to academic conferences - I'll end up spending all my time with them and foregoing drinking with peers, which is kinda what I'm there to do.


Also, way to piss away the actual drama that came from family visit day.  For nothing.

Edited by henripootel
  • Love 5

It was Gary the guy who quit because he was having health issues.



LOL at the only non-recruit quitting.


He was medevac'd, and for good reason.  He had an allergic reaction to all the bug bites he had and was having trouble breathing.  It was a legitimate medevac, not a medevac used to quit like some players (*coughColtoncough*).


Edited because, while bug bites can be big, "big bites" are not necessarily the same as "bug bites."  That's what I get for posting when I'm super tired.  :-)

Edited by KnitsWithRaceCars
  • Love 4

I would love to see them go back to old school season one. No redemption island, no exile island, no hidden immunity idols, no extra food if you eat your allotted food. And if you get hurt bad enough that you can't compete in the competitions you are out.

And I feel that if you quit the game, that's it, you don't get to come to the reunion show, nothing.

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