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S19.E01: Season Premiere (Part 1)

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Season 19 begins with the 16 houseguests being introduced and entering the compound. Once inside, they encounter tempting offers for money, power and safety that could change the course of the game on the first night.


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It's beginning!!

It helps having seen all the videos beforehand.  Funny, Kevin says "onesies" instead of "selfies." Raven reminds me of a cuter Bronte. There's dead-eye Cody. Josh has Jozea's spirit, maybe not quite as delusional. There are a lot of reasons to go into the military, but to have fun? (Megan) Jessica - Natalie lite. So the Minnie Mouse hair buns is really a Princess Leia look? OK I hate Cameron. He dissed Kevin.

Funny how all the attractions are starting. Cody and Jessica. Josh and Jessica. Christmas and Matthew. Mark and Christmas. And alliances: Ramses, Megan and Alex. I see Cameron went to the Johnny Mac school of Diary Room Shouting. Gosh, I'm 58 and I know what cosplay is. Megan is growing on me.

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Funny - Julie talks about the summer of temptation and on the bottom of the screen I see SALVATION. (I think it's a TV show.) Now there's a tornado watch on the bottom of my screen. You know, it would be a fun job to design and set up the challenges.  Oh no here comes the former fan favorite. I hope it's not Frankie, Jason, Frank, Paul, Jozea, Kryssie, Austin, and whole lots of other house guests. Crap, it's Paul. I better get some ear plugs. So friendship bracelets are Big Brother's answer to The Bachelor's roses? Will Chris Harrison come out and say, "House guests, the final bracelet"?

Hey Roaster, I'll let more experienced BB watchers answer your question. I remember Natalie from last season did, but I think the other women's were normal-sized.

Ha! Paul calls Raven Cindy Lou Who. Ha! Dead-eye Cody's making a good impression.  I think he likes Ramses and Elena. Good, Kevin got a bracelet AND $25,000. Now that's a good consequence. Yay - Ramses made it! This reminds me so much of The Bachelor. Julie did say it! She said "there are nine house guests left and one bracelet."

Boo!! Cody is safe. I'm glad Alex is safe. "Poison apple for Christmas." Nice to find in your stocking. Well I don't mind if Cameron goes home. 

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As soon as Julie said "can a fan favourite houseguest..." I literally shouted "Fuck off" into my basement. 

I loved the first eight houseguests quite a bit. After not liking Jason in his interviews, I liked his introduction video quite a bit. I a also enjoying Alex, Christmas, and Elena quite a bit. Kevin's such a loveable sweetheart, and Mark seems endearing, as long as he doesn't turn into the typical Big Brother fratbro. Ramses is the only one that I'm not sure of. His excitement for the show gives him a lot of points, but I haven't formed a solid opinion of him yet. 

Did Dominique really ask if it would only be them eight? I hope the producers made her say that, or else I might be judging her a tiny bit. 

The second group of houseguests, however, sent me mixed messages. Cody is still a creep, although seeing him on the show gives me a slightly better vibe than just his interviews. Raven's not too bad, although I guess they'll amp up her ghost hunting group for a while. I imagine it could disappear, just like Michelle's alien obsession last summer. Josh is someone that I'll have to see more of. A lot of military-type people, too. Are they taking after The Amazing Race 29 with multiple military contestants? Cameron seems ok for now, but I'm still not quite sure. He was kind of a dick about Kevin. Still don't like Jillian or Megan.

Once the whole introductions finished, it was easier to get a better vibe from them. 

Way too many showmances talking heads. I got annoyed with all the "This person is going to throw me off my game because of their looks." 

Damn, Kevin accepted the temptation for the money. Hot damn, that was a surprise. Unfortunately, that meant we got stuck with another vet. If these houseguests don't target this person for the first eviction, they're not superfans. Never get tempted by the vet, because look at what happened with Nicole. 

Target Paul. He already got second place last year. He doesn't need to get to the finals again. At least Paul is aware that he'll be targeted. 

Jillian? Vets don't always make it to the end. They do make it farther than they should. 

The BBSwap could have been fun. Paul's power really only lasts him the night, and it sucks for the person who gets Jody'd. It really is BS because these people audition, go through the process, get in the house...and then immediately leave because the producers have a hard on for past houseguests. 

A lot fake BS, but I was endeared by Elena giving Paul a sandwich. 

Hilarious that the guy who got Paul in the house got the first bracelet. 

So, Kevin, Raven, Dominique, Mark, Jason, Jessica, Ramses, and Elena became safe. 

I loved the first competition. A physical competition with a twist. I agreed with Paul about Avatar Lady being smoking. 

Well, Cody, he didn't give you a bracelet because you didn't talk to him. 

Alex sticking to the end really impressed me. I LOVE that she didn't buy into Cody's BS. It's official; Alex has surpassed my expectations. But damnit; Cody is safe. I truly thought he was going. However, if he does get Paul out, I'll be ok with him sticking around. 

All I was hoping for was Christmas making it through the night. Cameron's too cocky and his attitude turns me off, and Jillian is my least favourite. It's sad that Cameron got evicted; I was convinced it would be Jillian. Even though I found Cameron irritating, he was a fan of the game. But I love the twist of the votes being secret to the audience, until the end. I kind of love that all of the girls voted to evict the only guy. 

You know, if Cody was less creepy, he could have been a favourite. I like his train of thought of keeping distant and not buying the sob story of Jillian. He has aspects that I enjoy, but his creep factor is a little too high. 

Overall, my favourites are Elena, Alex, Christmas, Matt, and Kevin. Mark, Jessica, and Raven are ok. 

So, that pendent of protection can protect someone from the next three evictions. I don't want Christmas to get it too early, since it'll make her a target. I'm not sure who else I want to get it, and get a consequence. 

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That.. didn't suck. The twists were interesting, I didn't hate anyone from jump (though some show clear signs of being annoying later on,) and I didn't even mind Paul. The universe granted my wish of no Frank or Frankie, so it would be churlish of me to complain about Paul - and I liked him for much of his season. He's an interesting case, since I feel like he's a mirror of those around him, so how he is this season depends a lot on that.

I liked Christmas a lot, local girl, so I' m going to just go ahead and root for her. I wish it had been Jillian to go though.

Keven played that like a boss - $25K, anonymously, safety, not on anybody's radar, seems like a harmless old guy.  And if no one had taken the money, I'm sure they would have found another way to get Paul in. They weren't going to throw away a chance like that, so I"m sure there was a backup plan. The twist of not showing the actual votes until the very end is interesting, and I wonder if that will continue.

Edited by Ananayel
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It seems so wrong that Christmas is among the first group on the block. I hope it's Cameron. Yes!!! It's Cameron!! There is someone Christmas really reminds me of and I can't think of who.  Oooh, we get to vote on the den of temptation.  Well, now I have an important decision to make. Who do I think should get the pendant? Anyone but Paul, I guess.

Well, it's OK so far.

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"Is that a Christmas tree?"  Oh BB, how I've missed you. 

Although I am somewhat shocked that the person I felt the most immediate hate for, Cameron, got voted off so quickly.  The BB are not usually, well, never really, that kind to me.  
"You threw me into a house filled with crazy people!" -- as opposed to the usual collection of civic leaders and kindergarden teachers who inhabit the BB house, Cameron. 

ETA, of course Kevin should have taken the money.  Although it appears he may not be a fan, the history of BB shows that an older contestant never makes it to the top three.  Or ten.  Take the money and run. 

Edited by Thalia
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You might as well win a guaranteed $25,000 anonymously when you have the chance. For now, Kevin is safe. His whole I'm from Hoboken (or wherever he's from) is going to get old real quick. I like Cody because he didn't want to talk to Paul. It wasn't great gameplay but I so admire him for it. LOL!!!

Edited by ByaNose
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I was surprised at how irritated I became at Cameron, so I'm glad he's gone.

Also, I guess the Den is how they keep Paul safe for three more weeks. It would be hilarious if Cody wins first HOH and then Paul wins the pendant that keeps him safe!

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Well Christmas shocked me with her choice of going for the vote. I didn't see that coming.

Poor Cameron. He was out of his depth. I was still hoping it was going to be Jillian.  I wonder how much of the vote was that he looks like a combo of Ian and Steve.

Cody gets me the creeps. The way he talks is rather intense.

Yourboy having way too much power right out of the gate is not good.

I'm glad the show is back. It's a welcome distraction from real world happenings right now.

Oh, the crickets When Ramses mentioned cosplay was really funny.

Edited by vb68
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I feel for Cameron's family.  The BB broadcast in the Chicago area was interrupted for a good 15 minutes for a weather alert about a tornado watch.  Guess they'll have to watch it later.



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1 minute ago, argrow said:

Does it matter? We all know 'yourboy' Paul is going to win. *roll eyes*

Pretty much. I'm checking on Reddit, because Reddit was my Ballsmashers fan club other than on here so I trust them. Some are thinking, as of right now, giving it to Cody so he can lead the charge to get Paul out. But it all depends on what happens when the feeds come on. But at least Cody would be a funny person to choose for the first Den.

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 I can't believe Cameron got voted off.  I thought for sure Christmas was a goner.  I there was something of about Cameron and I'm glad he's gone.   Apparently he rubbed a lot of the houseguests the wrong way.  All the muscle heads voted for Jillian though.

 The silverfox carpenter (I'm calling him Colton Ford from here on out.  If you don't get the reference, Google it--just not at work) said he wanted to fool people with his grey and then surprise them that's he's athletic.  Yeah, that grey hair is totally going to fool them about your athleticism.  Almost as well as Clark Kent's glasses.

 Cody is kinda scary, but he hates Paul so I'm down with for now.  Also liking Alex for the same reason.  

 Why did Kevin start stripping after he won the $25k.  Not that I'm complaining but it's an odd strategy to deflect attention. 

 I wish some of these superfans would remember Paul was the one leading the charge from the jump last year to get the vets out.  And realize he's a vet now.

Edited by Maverick
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You're not my boy. Jeez, am I going to have to spend another whole summer yelling that at the TV? Why? Why do they keep doing this shit? Even if you're a big Paul fan, can't we at least have one damn summer where they don't shove a previous player down our throats? Even if Cameron would have gotten voted out first anyway, at least he would have had a week or two to make connections first. One day - one lousy episode and I'm already pissed off. I'll never know why I keep torturing myself with this.

I mean, I didn't even hate Paul that much last year. He had his moments, but I'm done with him. I don't need a whole 'nother damn season with him. This would have been a perfectly fine season without anyone returning, what doesn't the show get about that?

No real hates right now - Cody is right up there but he hates Paul so I can't altogether hate him yet. Not crazy about Dominique - she was the only one who lied about her profession. I instantly dislike anyone who's so full of themselves they think if people know what they do it will work against them (especially if it's just something "brainy.") Megan sort of fudged on her background but didn't lie about her job.

No real faves so far either. I really would have preferred Cameron over Paul again though.

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10 hours ago, Lamb18 said:


I almost feel like voting for Cody just because Paul would hate it. Who else does he hate?

I'm down for anybody but Paul at this point - especially if it causes drama.  Plus we know that if Paul wins, the rest of the season will be the houseguests kissing his butt so that they are "popular" with America.  Should we start a coalition?

Edited by zenithwit
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Interesting first episode but Cam went home first.  Lotta people had him winning it too.  LOL.  Not me. 

Alex turned out to be a pleasant surprise.  I thought for sure she or Jillian were sure be sure bets to go home early. 

I don't know how long Christmas will be able to downplay her competition skill set but I think she'll be someone's asset because she could be a potential comp beast. 

As for Paul returning, he wasn't a favorite of mine.  I hope Cody takes him out later in the game.  I'm sure Paul will win the safety, so I'm not going to bother voting. 

Edited by BlackMamba
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That was surprisingly good. I'm sure that won't last. Here's my 2 cents:

Hate Josh. Cody seems like an OK guy but his eyes are dead. Feel kinda sorry for Cameron because he looked really devastated but I'm pretty sure I would have grown to dislike him AND I wouldn't be surprised if there's a chance for him to come back.

I feel kind of alone in my opinion that Kevin seems a bit creepy to me. He made a comment early in the show about (something like) "so many beautiful girls in the house" that came off as creepy to me.

I really like Christmas, Megan, and (to my surprise) Alex. I hope Jesus #1 Fan either leaves soon or tones it down. Did I mention that I hate Josh?

That Salvation show looks good. Cheesy dialog and a meteor about to destroy earth? Excellent summer fare.

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I adore Paul so I'm thrilled he's back in the game.

I'm glad that Cameron got the boot.

Heck yeah, Kevin was smart to go for the $25,000.  Older players always get targeted right away.

I can't stand Cody and I hope he's the next to go.

Raven's a little to spunky for my tast, but maybe she'll settle down.

I like Matt, the gray-haired dude.

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2 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

I mean, I didn't even hate Paul that much last year. He had his moments, but I'm done with him. I don't need a whole 'nother damn season with him.

Yeah, I find him utterly exhausting.

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Heh, how mad is Big Brother that Nicole beat Paul last year?

Were the models-as-snakes the first time there have ever been...actual people that weren't returning BB fan favorites or Zingbot or guest hosts in the competition? I feel like it's usually pretty insular. When I first saw them, I thought it was like those faceless teams that do the challenges on Survivor to show the viewers how they work.

Interesting to see the show take a page out of the Survivor playbook and not show the votes. However, when they were shown at the end, I found myself going "Who? What? Huh?" I don't know the houseguests that well to know what their votes meant. And I'm guessing they can't do it on the live show, because...editing.

Good premiere, though. Kevin is so random. Was his claim to fame actually "my family was in the mob?" That...might be a first, even for Big Brother.

Edited by Eolivet
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I hope the alpha male combo of Matt/Cody/Mark is able to last awhile as I want Christmas to go up against them in comps and defeat them.   

And I actually didn't mind Cody all that much but then I LOATHE Paul so I guess that's why.   Cody and Alex are my early favs just cause they hate Paul and I want to see him squirm but Grodner/CBS will protect him for a long, long while.  Sigh

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I feel kind of alone in my opinion that Kevin seems a bit creepy to me.

You're not alone. He's got weird hair too. Not crazy about Josh either, he doesn't seem like he's quite all there. Jessica "I'll use my looks" can go anytime as well.

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13 minutes ago, vb68 said:

Cody gets me the creeps. The way he talks is rather intense.


Same here. And the fact that his knuckles were all beat up and cut makes me think he's the type to punch walls.

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And we're back.......

Josh is an idiot. 

Kevin is annoying.  Greedy.

Dominique:  Standard issue phony "Christian"

Cameron:  Don't try so hard.  

Jessica:  I like her strategy

Matt:  Clever silver fox?  Many women drooling......

Mark:  Innocent body builder?

Ramses:  Cool dude, but so OTT, could be gone early.  Cosplay?  The vast majority of adults think it's stupid and your fellow "playas" would never admit to it, especially here.

Raven:  Cute dancer, could go far

Cody:  Douchebag

Cowboy Jason can leave now.

Megan:  Dag walker hiding military experience.  Good move.

Alex:  Cool with her.  Tiny and tough

Christmas:  She could go far.

Elena:  Confuses me.

Paul the dumbass shows up.  Ugh.  I hope you enjoy living with the fact that you threw Nicole $500k.  He gotta go.  Stat.

Thanks Kevin. (not that it would have made any difference. Even if nobody cracked, Paul was coming in.)

So Paul is quasi-HOH.  He can save 8 houseguests.  The remaining 7 (at least) will be gunning for him.

Thank you BB for reminding me how much I despised Paul in those interviews.  Then he wants to throw shade on Nicole because he was too stupid to evict he when he had the chance.  (Not that I ever liked Nicole, or James)).

Dude, I couldn't stand her, but YOU had the chance to boot her and failed.

Now a "Safety" POV.   3 Nominees, wow!  

Poison apples!  Oh my!  go for the red snake.  9/1????  I hope Josh picked a bad apple.  Damn!  Tell us more how you are 24 years old and are more Cuban than American.  Gitmo is still open.

My vote is for Jillian, but first! another twist!

Power:  Cameron needs to do something about that thing with his tongue.  Stop it dude!  I feel for him.  I was the fat nerd kid, minus the glasses.

Even had he survived tonight, I don't think he would last long.

Are we free of The Battle of the Block?  Please please pretty please?

Oddball gang is a great concept, but each one needs to get an outside ally, giving your gang 8 votes.  Splinter the opposition and you can roll a couple weeks

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6 minutes ago, zibnchy said:

Cody seems like an OK guy but his eyes are dead.

Probably went through way too much during his combat tours so I guess its almost to be expected.   Be interesting to see what he's like on the feeds when they come on.   

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48 minutes ago, Porkchop said:

Are they really going to send someone home before the first show is over? What a horrid thing to do

My thoughts exactly.  I hate when they do that!  It hurts even more to lose ANY of the newbies for freakin' Paul.  Come on now, producers.  I just love how they throw in the "Amulet of Safety" or whatever the hell they're calling it officially.  They might as well cut the B.S. and call it the "we-want-to-ensure-that-Paul-is-safe-for-the-next-three-weeks-necklace".  Sigh... here's hoping Cody wins HOH in week 4 and puts Paul right on the block.

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21 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:


I almost feel like voting for Cody just because Paul would hate it. Who else does he hate?

I voted for Cody..I want Paul out, and I loved Paul on his season. I dont need him back..! :(

4 minutes ago, BlackMamba said:

Alex should win the safety pass! 

But the youngins and production will give it to the popular kid Paul.  Friendship. ?

Such BS

14 minutes ago, CindyBee said:

I hope the alpha male combo of Matt/Cody/Mark is able to last awhile as I want Christmas to go up against them in comps and defeat them.   

And I actually didn't mind Cody all that much but then I LOATHE Paul so I guess that's why.   Cody and Alex are my early favs just cause they hate Paul and I want to see him squirm but Grodner/CBS will protect him for a long, long while.  Sigh

I adore Christmas, she's my winner!

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17 minutes ago, me5671 said:

They might as well cut the B.S. and call it the "we-want-to-ensure-that-Paul-is-safe-for-the-next-three-weeks-necklace".  Sigh... here's hoping Cody wins HOH in week 4 and puts Paul right on the block.

The only way to make Paul winning the safety necklace palpable to me is if the consequence is that he cannot speak for the 3 weeks he is safe. At all. Not as word. I would enjoy that.

I forgot about Cody being ex-military with several tours in Iraq (I think). Maybe his eyes are dead for a reason. I think I'll give him another chance.

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I split votes between Elena, Kevin and Ramses, but tomorrow I'll vote for Cody, the anti-Paul. Someone of the BallSmashers20 chat room said that the temptations will probably get better as the season goes along, like the rewards on BBOTT,

I said Raven has Minnie Mouse ears hair buns but when I look at her picture they look more like cinnamon rolls.

Edited by Lamb18
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I think it sucks we get another season of Paul while a newbie didn't get a chance. Although Cameron I'm not sad to see first go.

The special room and safety from evictions for next few weeks sounds like BBCan's twist which Neda won.

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Okay....I don't think I have ever seen the wheels come off the wagon that quickly.

It was off to a fantastic start...the female eye candy is off the hook and as straight guy even I would have to give a pause for Matt. Plus whoever compared the The Goodfella to being a super hero movie villain had the funniest line of the night....and then it fell apart in one word....


When I heard a "fan favorite" which is code for "Alison Grodner favorite" I immediatly started cringing because I watched BB OVER THE TOP and saw the episode when they trotted out Paul  so I knew he was Grodners latest pet.

Sure enough but who should appear but it wasn't just enough to have him back....then the ENTIRE GAME shifted to be about him!! And if it couldn't possible get anyworse the episode veered into complete ALISON GRODNER FAN FIC....it's like someone flipped through her fan fiction on Jesse,Big Jeff and got to the Paul fic and actually filmed it. How else could you possible explain an entire segment where both men and women housegests were forced to perform fellatiio on Paul to stay in the house. I literally COULD NOT WATCH that...I fast forewarded it. Just sick, completely sick. I F#%king hate Paul and his friendship schtick and his nasty beard.

That was kind of rude of Ramses to call Amy the token asian to her face...perhaps she would like to believe the casting directors found something they liked about her more than just being Asian.


On the plus side Cody (young Tom Cruise lookalike) hates Paul so if that makes Cody a friend if you go by the whole enemey of my enemy thing.

At the very least I was happy that only one of the three people (not counting Paul) that I could have lived with leaving the house as a Jody was one that actually went..

Finally every year on every reality show I ponder the same thing. It's been nearly 20 years since SURVIVOR started the genre and to this day I do not understand why they insist on cutting diary rooms or confessionals in the middle of competitions....its usually clear based on the demeanors shown who won and who  lost. Amy and Matt where WAYYY to cheerful in theirs to ever have been in any danger.

Edited by North of Eden
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2 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

The majority of the girls voted out Cameron, right? Girls alliance? 

All of the girls not on block voted Cameron out, which delightfully surprised me. But they probably wanted to keep the genders even. 

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3 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

The majority of the girls voted out Cameron, right? Girls alliance? 

And some of the guys split between Jillian and Christmas. Who Megan vote for?  She doesn't want to play with the girls after all. 

For me, I'm glad at least one nerd went home.  All that's left now is Ramese. 

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3 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

The majority of the girls voted out Cameron, right? Girls alliance? 

Not a full-fledged girls' alliance, but I think it shows that these women are at least thinking and are aware of the dangers of a bro-lliance forming.  It would have been silly for any of the women to vote for anyone other than Cameron.  If they had, then there'd be 9 guys and 7 girls left in the house.  They'd already be down two in that case.

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I remember when I could not wait for this show to return every summer. But for the past three years, I just can't with this show anymore. All the HGs are clones of previous seasons and seem so boring.  

It's like a tedious reality tv version of Groundhog Day. I will be back at the end of August to see who is left. All the weeks prior to that are just excruciating and not very entertaining filler. 

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4 minutes ago, BlackMamba said:

And some of the guys split between Jillian and Christmas. Who Megan vote for?  She doesn't want to play with the girls after all. 

I thought Megan voted out Cameron.  Megan latched on to Jillian really fast for someone who hates other women.

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2 minutes ago, vb68 said:

I thought Megan voted out Cameron.  Megan latched on to Jillian really fast for someone who hates other women.

As did Jillian, who also hates women. See? I knew it! I knew they'd be eating their words!

Meanwhile, I'm really enjoying the idea of Cody being Paul's bestie when the feeds come on. Oh, the irony.

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2 minutes ago, vb68 said:

I thought Megan voted out Cameron.  Megan latched on to Jillian really fast for someone who hates other women.

I think Megan will gun for Christmas and Jessica.  Something about her screams jealousy if you are better than her of prettier than her which would explain her attitude towards other women ?

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Maybe it's just because it's been awhile, but I really enjoyed it! I wish Paul wasn't back, but I'm hoping he'll befriend better people this season and be more of fun Paul then horrible Paul. At least here's hoping.

I don't like Cody or Josh. At all. They can both leave.

Alex surprised me! I wasn't impressed by her pre-show interview, but I LOVED her standing up to Cody and hanging on that long. Raven also won me over with her conga line in the DR.

I also really like Matt, Mark, Ramses and Elena.

I liked Dominique a lot in the pre-show interviews, but I'm wary of the religion talk. So she dropped a notch for me.

It would be great if someone not Paul wins the safety pendant, but at least if he does win, he can't win again and the other prizes should be better. At least that's how it worked on BB-OTT so I'm guessing it will be the same.

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1 minute ago, Lady Calypso said:

Meanwhile, I'm really enjoying the idea of Cody being Paul's bestie when the feeds come on. Oh, the irony.

I'm trying to imagine what the conversation would even be now that they established each other's age. Heh

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