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S04.E12: A Tribe Called Key West

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14 hours ago, ivygirl said:

Still down for "Cap'n Gizmo, CRB, MFT, Esq." over here...


UGH. Y'all sick of Kathryn, I'm already sick of Chelsea.

I agree with you about Catherine. As for Chelsea, I'm not sick of her but there is a lot I like about her but I don't like how she is playing two friends off each other. She can play the field if she to, it's ok if she doesn't want to be tied down. but don't do that when two friends are involved.

To me she seems to like to lead guys on. She wants fuck buddies not a relationship. She sleeps with Austin, she gets into his head, he falls for her, she bitches to him about Shep, then back tracks her accusation, they fight and she gets a separate room on the trip but she doesn't like him spending a moment with Landon. With Shep she's offended that she wasn't exclusive to him at a party and  that other women are around him, she turns to his best friend but she flirts with hShep enough that he's turned on by her declarations of no commitment that he goes in for her, she tells Austin and causes a fight between friends and then says she's turned off by his lifestyle and offended that Cameran thinks they should be together.

It's all right to not want relationship commitments  and be free to do as you please but not when it comes to friends and don't get miffed if they show friendliness towards other women when you are distancing yourself away from them.

  • Love 11
46 minutes ago, cameron said:

Call me old, but I have to wonder what kind of marriage Cameron has when she goes on her birthday trip without her husband.  He has to be the laughing stock of the hospital.

I don't think its weird at all.  I have taken many trips without my husband over the 27 years we have been together (married 26).  He has as well.  Sometimes our schedules mesh and sometimes they don't.  If a marriage has trust it shouldn't be an issue.  If this were a romantic trip I can see how that might be a tad funky but this was a friends trip.  I doubt anyone cares.  

  • Love 16

My favorite place on earth is Key West (and the Keys in general) so Whitney, DUDE. I was just starting to like you, then you call KW a shithole. I've stayed near the resort where they were staying (and wished I could afford to stay there - KW is expensive). It's a nice private beach - but KW isn't really a big beach destination. If you want the beach, go to another key. I'm glad they at least went to Aqua instead of Irish Kevin's or freaking Sloppy Joe's. 

Landon was hammered, man. And she is a very specific brand of obnoxious drunk. I loved when she said she didn't sleep because of her migraine, heh. A migraine brought on by tons of booze. It's called being SUPER hungover. Though I did kind of like her bitching at Thomas. That was funny, but otherwise, every single thing she did or said was obnoxious, pathetic and rude. Austen's reaction to her "Do I have wrinkles?" thing was hilarious. Oh, and her, "There aren't enough chairs, I'm going back to the hotel," BS at dinner - I felt like I was watching my mother, who has a martyr complex the size of Texas. 

Chelsea...stop trying so hard. I kind of like her, but she can be a dick. The dinner with Austen's parents was just painful. 

Naomi and Craig - I wish I could care. Craig is such a whiny drip but Naomi's obsession with publicly embarrassing him is so not cool. I'm not surprised that they are still together (I think?). They make a lot of threats but seem to enjoy having someone to constantly bitch about. 

I love that Shep thought that wearing a shirt with a fish on the back would be somehow funny or ironic in KW. I guess in Charleston it would be tacky but in KW nobody cares. Shep apologizes well, but I hope he backs it up with actually changed behavior. 

  • Love 12

The Gizmo reaction shots to the conversation between Craig and Naomie are everything.  Everything, I tell you.  I love Gizmo.  He needs to have reaction shots to every conversation happening on this show.  It would make the show infinitely better.

Since we're kinda on the subject . . . either the editing monkeys hate Naomie or she's pretty awful.  I can understand between frustrated/angry/repulsed by someone who sleeps all day long and does nothing else.  But if he's sewing, gardening, whatever, in addition to studying for the bar, who cares?  I actually think it's pretty cute that he seems to get such a kick out of sewing and embroidering.  You go, Craig.  I also didn't like how Craig was carrying all of her stuff in his pockets in Key West and she not only had to point out that he could get rid of the dip, but expected him to also carry her phone.  So he's not supposed to carry anything of his own and she can't even be bothered to carry her own phone?  Girl, please.  She is definitely annoyed by practically everything he does.  He's not always right but I'm on his side in this situation, at least based on what we see.  She really shouldn't be taking potshots at him with this group, or any.  FWIW, last week I thought she said "Presbyterian" so I get how Craig thought she was talking religion and not diet. 

Landon is a sloppy drunk.  Maybe I'm just old but I would never want to be that wasted before dinner.  You're on vacation, you're in what looks like a lovely place . . . why not enjoy it in a way you can remember and you won't bring on a migraine?  (Not sure if Landon's migraine, if real, was brought on by alcohol or by pissing off so many people)   Her apology to Kathryn was embarrassing to watch.  I think Craig was right in that the two of them needed to address the underlying issue(s) rather than gloss it over with a fake apology but then he probably should have stayed out of it.  (And Naomie definitely should have kept her mouth shut about it) 

Kathryn, you can't be sober AND order a margarita.  Sorry.  And it's rich for you to tell Thomas he should be a better father when you don't even have custody of your kids.  Why don't you try being a better mother before you start throwing stones? 

I kinda liked that Chelsea was eating a spoonful of peanut butter, because I do that too, but then she lost me when she did some revisionist history with Austen.  She did tell Austen that Shep grabbed her and pulled her outside so don't go back now and say he took her by the arm and things got blown out of proportion.  If they did, it was because YOU said it.  I'm not quite sure what her game is unless this is just theatrics for the show.

I'm glad Shep apologized to her but I really wish he would just stop with the drinking.  It's not cute.  They are all too old (except for Kathryn, who's an addict) to be drinking like a frat house. Only Danni and Jennifer seemed to be keeping their shit together.  

Cameron needs to just butt out of everyone else's business.  If I were Austen, I'd be fairly disgusted with her trying to get Chelsea and Shep together.  And Kathryn stopping by Cameron's?  Please.  Production set up.  

On other note, Austen's parents' home is really pretty.  More of that, please. 

Only Our Lady of the Caftans would have a box cutter served to her on crystal or china.  $30,000+ for that gaudy clock? Um, okay.  

  • Love 13

I spent a milestone birthday in Key West last winter and adored it. Like Whitney I was covered the full time (pre-skin cancer findings).

I love that Cameron has a rockin' body but resists the temptation to expose her various body parts (see RHoA).

I guess Danni's goal is to marry money.

I appreciate that Kathryn did not provide her screeching psycho self for the cameras. If she didn't worry about custody, I wonder if she would have gone for the Full Kathryn?

Give it a rest JD: "Do you have Gentry bourbon?"

Cameron and Chelsie spying on the flirtatious Landon was gold.

Craig's pole vaulting around the table to mansplain the women's conversation was obnoxious. Good for Danni thundering a little smack-down on him.

Edited by pasdetrois
  • Love 20
2 minutes ago, pasdetrois said:

Give it a rest JD: "Do you have Gentry bourbon?"

OMG, I thought the same thing! Really? 

2 minutes ago, pasdetrois said:

Craig's pole vaulting around the table to mansplain the women's conversation was obnoxious. Good for Danni thundering a little smack-down on him.

Yes! I love Danni's smackdown. And I was intrigued by "You're going to lose a lot of friends at this table." I need to know more about that - sounds like extenuating circumstances beyond Craig being obnoxious. 

  • Love 8
11 hours ago, Auntie Velvet said:

It's one of those weird things about these shows where they can't come out and talk about the politics of the actual show, so you have to read between the lines. But Kathryn's point was that Landon is trying to find a storyline by either hooking up with one of the guys, or being bust buddies with one of the women, and it's not working.

Yes, it must have hit Landon last night that she had no or poor relationships with virtually everyone on the show and she was going to be out a paycheck if she didn't get herself back into someone's good graces.  Her trying the old, "Us girls need to stick together!" line on Kathryn last night was rich.  First of all, neither of these women are exactly girl's girls.  And Landon, as evidenced by her behavior with Thomas and Austen, seems very competitive, llike she needs to show other women that she could take their man's attention if she wanted to.  

Edited by ninjago
  • Love 13
14 hours ago, Sun-Bun said:

And wow, way to call out Craig's dirty little secret of chewing tobacco on national television, Naomi! He looked horrified that she finally revealed to the world that he does indeed chew. Maybe that's why she doesn't seem to like him anymore---a guy who chews would completely turn me off too. Ugh, that's just so disgusting...


I still don't see what the big deal with the dip, or even smoking. Everyone has been deranged and/or passed-out drunk in this show. Most have dabbled on drugs (granted, not on camera, but it's public knowledge), but suddenly the dip is something to be ashamed of?! I'm sure the rest of the cast already knows Craig chews dip. I really don't see the big deal. And I thought there was a scene where I saw Austen holding what looks like a vape (I could be wrong, it was fast). But I don't see why smoking is suddenly a huge camera taboo.

1 hour ago, cameron said:

Call me old, but I have to wonder what kind of marriage Cameron has when she goes on her birthday trip without her husband.  He has to be the laughing stock of the hospital.

It's simple as her husband not being part of the show and not wanting to be on the show. Cameran spent a birthday dinner with her non-show friends on her actual birthday. I'm sure her and her husband had a private, lovely birthday celebration on their own as well. This KW celebration is just for show. 

Would have loved to see the entirety of the drag show. And yes, I know she has current sobriety problems, but it was actually nice to see Kathryn genuinely have fun with this group when they showed her twerking. And her snark of how she got pregnant. 

35 minutes ago, Giselle said:

I agree with you about Catherine. As for Chelsea, I'm not sick of her but there is a lot I like about her but I don't like how she is playing two friends off each other. She can play the field if she to, it's ok if she doesn't want to be tied down. but don't do that when two friends are involved.

To me she seems to like to lead guys on. She wants fuck buddies not a relationship. She sleeps with Austin, she gets into his head, he falls for her, she bitches to him about Shep, then back tracks her accusation, they fight and she gets a separate room on the trip but she doesn't like him spending a moment with Landon. With Shep she's offended that she wasn't exclusive to him at a party and  that other women are around him, she turns to his best friend but she flirts with hShep enough that he's turned on by her declarations of no commitment that he goes in for her, she tells Austin and causes a fight between friends and then says she's turned off by his lifestyle and offended that Cameran thinks they should be together.

It's all right to not want relationship commitments  and be free to do as you please but not when it comes to friends and don't get miffed if they show friendliness towards other women when you are distancing yourself away from them.

I get the confusion on Chelsea, and I'm glad that Cameran called her out by saying, hey, maybe you like this guy more than you're letting on, and if that's the case, maybe you have to let him know. I wholeheartedly agree with Cameran on that. But who hasn't played relationship mind games though? That's why this whole group is in the mess they are in. I also get the feeling that she's getting this much heat in general because women are not expected to act casual in a relationship. Even Austen said so himself - usually after sex, it's the woman who gets needy, but for some reason, this woman doesn't. I have a feeling if this was a guy in between two women, most everyone would say that he could not have been any clearer when he said he didn't want a serious commitment and just wants to be casual about their relationship, and it's the woman's fault for expecting more or for expecting the man to feel the same way she does. He had laid the groundrules for their relationship - take it or leave it. Somehow, it feels like a woman isn't afforded that same power. 

  • Love 5

Just another observation.  It was very hypocritical of  Chelsey to talk about Girl Code when the girls were confronting Landon when Chelsey is at the center the same situation with Shep and Austin.

I will smile when Cameran's wounded bird starts nipping and pecking her to death like she did Landon and Jennifer. I think they can make a more informed statement about Katherine.

  • Love 9
11 hours ago, scrb said:

Drunk Landon got on her high horse by throwing Thomas under the bus.

In season 1, Danni was too good for Thomas but her fiancé looks about his age.

Will any reality TV show ever cast teetotalers?

They could sign me up. I wouldn't mind big paychecks for doing annoying stuff on TV. I could even get my wife to go along with it and make it look like we have a terrible relationship, even though we don't. Now, where's my Bravo money?!? LOL

  • Love 7
18 minutes ago, pasdetrois said:

Give it a rest JD: "Do you have Gentry bourbon?"


You mean that overpriced, fake assed bourbon? Yeah, we carry that swill for the rubes.

2 minutes ago, MrSmith said:

They could sign me up. I wouldn't mind big paychecks for doing annoying stuff on TV. I could even get my wife to go along with it and make it look like we have a terrible relationship, even though we don't. Now, where's my Bravo money?!? LOL

We've seen that already we want skeletons. The more the better.

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, Sun-Bun said:

Thanks to my creepy habit of Instagram snooping, I've just learned that Danni was happily living with this guy as early as mid-2015? Gradually she had moved to a beautiful new home on the water((his place, most likely)), and was suddenly being taken on glamorous outings around the world and/or going to very upscale events and VIP-style areas. And then she got engaged in Greece just last summer. 


I'd seen a few pics of them together before now and gathered that while he wasn't a conventional-appearing match for her, he seems like a nice dude who treats her well and likely takes very good care of her. And she seems quite happy with him too.

It also probably helps that his family owns one of the oldest and most successful jewelry businesses in Charleston, right on King Street. So yeah, I think he's got some nice cheddar of his own; pretty little Southern girls from good families know how to get their biscuits buttered!

As for Whitney being covered up at the beach, as a fellow pasty person who hides from the sun as well, I understand his hesitance to even attempt tanning---sunburns suck and skin cancer is worse; some of us are just more prone to sun damage. And from what I've read of his mom's book, she instilled in him her youthful lifetime secret of sun-hiding as well and seems to regard natural tanning as a bit bougie.

Aw, Danni looks genuinely happy.  Her ring is beautiful.  I think her fiance is nice looking.  Certainly nothing wrong with him.  If he makes her happy and he can take care of her, good on Danni. 

  • Love 21

Shep and Chelsea talking about those kind of girls.  Chelsea you aren't that special-you made out with Shep and slept with his good friend within a matter of weeks.  I don't know what kind of girls they are talking about but Shep has some serious soul searching to do if he thinks his behavior towards women in acceptable.  Exactly what kind of girl wrinkles her nose and brings up sleeping arrangements at a man's parents' home who she won't even really acknowledge dating?  It is not as if Austen and Chelsea were engaged. Why did Shep bring his golf clubs in Chelsea's house?  Nothing like a man carrying a club to seal an apology. 

I had to re-watch the scene but I found it interesting Landon said the place she went with Thomas was a friend of her family.  I don't know why Landon would have to wait for some cooling off period before going to a mutual friend's home with Thomas.  The idiocy of planning the trip together was the usual level of Kathryn petty. There were two insightful people last night and they were both under the influence-Landon for calling Thomas out for using her to stir things up with Kathryn, and Craig jumping and stating the obvious Kathryn and Landon needed to express why they don't get along. 

When Thomas got all butt hurt over Landon's "betrayal" he might want to remember his famous dinner party last year where he reamed Landon for Kathryn's entertainment.   Bringing up Kathryn's stomp off to Landon was just further proof he wants to play these women off each other.  Glad she called him a dick.

Chelsea being indignant over Landon carrying on with Austen-don't think she should be commenting.  She had already dissed the guy by asking for separate rooms.  That sends a pretty clear message.  Plus after Thomas encouraged Landon to go on the trip she was basically on her own because everyone was kowtowing to Kathryn. 

Danni needs to stay the hell out of the show.  She brings nothing.  Another person forced to film with Kathryn.  Craig has to film with these fools and I thought he was doing the right thing about encouraging the two to talk it through.  Landon actually apologized to Kathryn of course it is never sincere or it is fake in Kathryn's eyes.  Landon owed her nothing.  Craig may have a future in reality TV production.

When Craig said he thought they should separate the look on Naomie's face-what no more camera time?  A quote from Tamara Tattles:  "Also repulsive is Naomie's passive/aggressive and aggressive/aggressive bullshit towards Craig.  Craig makes mid six figures on this show.  He is investing in real estate and the stock market.  Get off his fucking jock.  How dare she say if SHE is feels disrespected on the trip she will leave early and they will be done.  She is the most disrespectful of the two." http://tamaratattles.com/2017/06/19/southern-charm-a-tribe-called-key-west/

The finale party looks interesting. 

  • Love 15
7 minutes ago, slowpoked said:

still don't see what the big deal with the dip, or even smoking. Everyone has been deranged and/or passed-out drunk in this show. Most have dabbled on drugs (granted, not on camera, but it's public knowledge), but suddenly the dip is something to be ashamed of?! I'm sure the rest of the cast already knows Craig chews dip. I really don't see the big deal. And I thought there was a scene where I saw Austen holding what looks like a vape (I could be wrong, it was fast). But I don't see why smoking is suddenly a huge camera taboo.

Dipping/chewing tobacco is so taboo for a myriad of reasons, number one being that it literally involves someone putting a pile of nasty tobacco between one's gums and then spitting it out in a cup. Maybe your nasty levels are higher than mine, but I sure wouldn't want to be anywhere around anyone's spat out, smelly old oozing chewing cud. It's also considered a bit of a white trash habit, not to mention the fact that it's medically proven to rapidly rot out one's gums and teeth. It's a gross habit that just doesn't jive with Craig's meterosexual prettyboy image.

As for the anti-smoking image the rest of the guys are attempting to present, I guess it's just due to the fact that at least in this country, smoking has become very taboo and un-PC. It's not as fashionable as it used to be and it sure doesn't pair well with their other drinking vices. But I know in Europe and the entertainment/fashion world that smoking is still quite accepted since it suppresses the appetite, despite it being considered a nasty habit overall.

  • Love 13
3 hours ago, njbchlover said:

I couldn't figure out what her problem was.  Why does Craig have to carry all of HER stuff?  Couldn't she use a handbag or a cross body bag or something?  I think it was a passive agressive way for Naomie to berate Craig in public again.  I totally get Craig's annoyance.  It drives me crazy when my husband asks me to hold his phone/wallet/sunglasses in my handbag!! 

I used to like her - she is just annoying me now (well, so is Craig, so they are doubly annoying...).

She's an absolute pill to be around it seems.  The only cast member on that annoys me more than her is Landon.  Craig's got issues but there seems to be nothing he can do that pleases her.  If Naomi was a man and Craig and woman, we'd all be talking about how emotionally abusive that relationship is.

Speaking of Landon...she could not be a bigger asshole in my mind.  She seems to be under the impression she is still quite the looker and catch.  I just see weather-beaten face, squinty eyes, irritating voice, laugh, personality.  And while in a way, it was funny that she called Thomas a dick, she really had no business doing as such.  Drugged out mom comes down with hangover and starts in on her baby daddy who has someone responsible looking out for their kids.  If she can't be sober enough to be with the kids, what business does she have chiding his parental skills?

And count me in as someone who thought sobriety = no drink, no drugs.  I had assumed if you are an addict, that you are tend to transfer addictions to another drug.  I don't know how much of an addict Thomas was, but hell, he drinks so maybe I'm off base on that.  Still you'd think if you're trying to regain custody, staying sober would be your priority.

  • Love 14
1 hour ago, Pop Tart said:

The other thing with Craig is he seems to think he's right in everything and if Naomi shows one scintilla of skepticism about what he says or does, she's not supporting him to the fullest extent of his requirements and he pouts. This plus his inserting himself into the convo between Kathryn and Landon are why he's way more annoying to me then Naomi will ever be.


T H I S ! ! !        It's the "you're not supporting me," and the pouting.   I'll bet his mother is yelling at her TV.

22 minutes ago, sasha206 said:

Craig's got issues but there seems to be nothing he can do that pleases her

And what is he doing that should please anyone?   Maybe buy that house?

  • Love 2
12 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

Shep and Chelsea talking about those kind of girls.  Chelsea you aren't that special-you made out with Shep and slept with his good friend within a matter of weeks.  I don't know what kind of girls they are talking about but Shep has some serious soul searching to do if he thinks his behavior towards women in acceptable.  Exactly what kind of girl wrinkles her nose and brings up sleeping arrangements at a man's parents' home who she won't even really acknowledge dating?  It is not as if Austen and Chelsea were engaged. Why did Shep bring his golf clubs in Chelsea's house?  Nothing like a man carrying a club to seal an apology. 

I had to re-watch the scene but I found it interesting Landon said the place she went with Thomas was a friend of her family.  I don't know why Landon would have to wait for some cooling off period before going to a mutual friend's home with Thomas.  The idiocy of planning the trip together was the usual level of Kathryn petty. There were two insightful people last night and they were both under the influence-Landon for calling Thomas out for using her to stir things up with Kathryn, and Craig jumping and stating the obvious Kathryn and Landon needed to express why they don't get along. 

When Thomas got all butt hurt over Landon's "betrayal" he might want to remember his famous dinner party last year where he reamed Landon for Kathryn's entertainment.   Bringing up Kathryn's stomp off to Landon was just further proof he wants to play these women off each other.  Glad she called him a dick.

Chelsea being indignant over Landon carrying on with Austen-don't think she should be commenting.  She had already dissed the guy by asking for separate rooms.  That sends a pretty clear message.  Plus after Thomas encouraged Landon to go on the trip she was basically on her own because everyone was kowtowing to Kathryn. 

Danni needs to stay the hell out of the show.  She brings nothing.  Another person forced to film with Kathryn.  Craig has to film with these fools and I thought he was doing the right thing about encouraging the two to talk it through.  Landon actually apologized to Kathryn of course it is never sincere or it is fake in Kathryn's eyes.  Landon owed her nothing.  Craig may have a future in reality TV production.

When Craig said he thought they should separate the look on Naomie's face-what no more camera time?  A quote from Tamara Tattles:  "Also repulsive is Naomie's passive/aggressive and aggressive/aggressive bullshit towards Craig.  Craig makes mid six figures on this show.  He is investing in real estate and the stock market.  Get off his fucking jock.  How dare she say if SHE is feels disrespected on the trip she will leave early and they will be done.  She is the most disrespectful of the two." http://tamaratattles.com/2017/06/19/southern-charm-a-tribe-called-key-west/

The finale party looks interesting. 

I agree with all except I think it was rich when Craig was telling Katheryn and Landon to express why they don't get along. Apparently it has not helped Craig and Naomie. They still treat each other with the equal disregard, passive aggressiveness and threats.

On another note. I can understand a guy carrying a lipstick in his pocket for his girl or an extra slim wallet with her id and a credit card or her phone. Anything more than one or two of those items well then she needs to haul her crap herself.

I made sure my wedding dress had pockets. I carried a bit of Daddy in a tiny urn, tiny pictures of deceased parents and grand parents and a few other mementos during the ceremony. The pockets and stuff didn't even show.

  • Love 10
11 hours ago, Summerday said:

I know I'm on an express train to hell for this...but Danni's fiance? Yikes. Are the pickings that slim in Charleston? She's cute and seems pretty smart...seems like she should be able to aim way higher. I understand I'm an evil person, I'll go stand in the corner. ]

That's funny because I look at Danni and I see overly botoxed eyebrows and a not great face.   She seems very basic to me.  And in a town of Southern belles, if he's wealthy, he probably could have done better.

  • Love 13
32 minutes ago, Giselle said:
52 minutes ago, pasdetrois said:

Give it a rest JD: "Do you have Gentry bourbon?"


You mean that overpriced, fake assed bourbon? Yeah, we carry that swill for the rubes.

JD needs to plop his ass down and watch the last few seasons of RHONY and learn how to product place and maybe his FatBoy Bourbon will be carried further than a one square block area of Charleston.  Otherwise, he needs to STFU about his goddamned bourbon.

  • Love 12
40 minutes ago, MrSmith said:

I have some! Where do I sign? I'll take whatever they got per episode for the 1st season and go from there.

Do you really think you could take us picking each and every tiny thing apart, calling bullshit on something or be confronted with 50 opinions on what you should have done?

Do you think you could survive Ronnie Karam on Trash Talk TV having his way with you?

  • Love 9
5 minutes ago, Giselle said:

Do you really think you could take us picking each and every tiny thing apart, calling bullshit on something or be confronted with 50 opinions on what you should have done?

Do you think you could survive Ronnie Karam on Trash Talk TV having his way with you?

Extremely good points Giselle. Most people may be able to handle it the first few times but it would get old fast. Also remember that there are producers...they produce and you might not want or like to do what they ask or push you to do. 

  • Love 4
5 minutes ago, Lizzing said:

JD needs to plop his ass down and watch the last few seasons of RHONY and learn how to product place and maybe his FatBoy Bourbon will be carried further than a one square block area of Charleston.  Otherwise, he needs to STFU about his goddamned bourbon.

I don't even consider it real bourbon. I've read they fuck with it to replicate years of barrel aging and it still tastes like shit.

The process is called TerraPure.  To quote Gentry Bourbon "Our process allows the bourbon to age and soften without years in a barrel. It is a patented process that takes place right here in Charleston and creates the finest bourbon in the world. We then place our bourbon into a large container that resembles a barrel, yet creates rapid temperature changes aging the bourbon quickly."

It sure as shit ain't the elusive Pappy Van Winkle (one of these days I'll taste it, if I'm lucky) or hard to get W.L. Weller 12 (which I have and it's delicious if you can find it)

  • Love 7
7 minutes ago, Giselle said:

Do you really think you could take us picking each and every tiny thing apart, calling bullshit on something or be confronted with 50 opinions on what you should have done?

Do you think you could survive Ronnie Karam on Trash Talk TV having his way with you?

I think I could deal with it. If I had to, I could simply ignore it. I had no friends growing up, anyway, since we moved every year or two. So I'm used to having to ignore people who are being mean and saying bad things to/about me. Even now, I'm 45 and while I consider some of the people I work with to be friends, I maintain zero actual friendships outside of my marriage and family (including in-laws; I'm actually on better terms with my in-laws than with my own family). If anything, the "being forced to go out and socialize with people" would be the hardest part of being on reality TV - especially if they're people I don't like because I don't believe in (and do not bother) maintaining a veneer of camaraderie with people I do not like; to do otherwise feels duplicitous and deceitful, and I prefer being honest and straight-forward even if it is to my own detriment. If I were on a show with people like Vicki, Kelly, Tamra, Thomas, or Kathryn, I would be extremely hard-pressed to manage to be civil - to say nothing about actually being nice.

  • Love 3
24 minutes ago, Giselle said:

I made sure my wedding dress had pockets. I carried a bit of Daddy in a tiny urn, tiny pictures of deceased parents and grand parents and a few other mementos during the ceremony. The pockets and stuff didn't even show.

Who's chopping onions in my office?  That's really sweet, Giselle.


40 minutes ago, slowpoked said:

What's with the table of other random people?  Maybe they are secret significant others?

  • Love 3
1 minute ago, Giselle said:

I don't even consider it real bourbon. I've read they fuck with it to replicate years of barrel aging and it still tastes like shit.

The process is called TerraPure.  To quote Gentry Bourbon "Our process allows the bourbon to age and soften without years in a barrel. It is a patented process that takes place right here in Charleston and creates the finest bourbon in the world. We then place our bourbon into a large container that resembles a barrel, yet creates rapid temperature changes aging the bourbon quickly."

It sure as shit ain't the elusive Pappy Van Winkle (one of these days I'll taste it, if I'm lucky) or hard to get W.L. Weller 12 (which I have and it's delicious if you can find it)

I don't drink, and even I know Gentry's spiel is bullshit. The only way you can actually get the taste of barrel-aged liquor is to age it in a fucking barrel. Anything else is just lip-service and blowing smoke.

  • Love 7
9 minutes ago, MrSmith said:

I think I could deal with it. If I had to, I could simply ignore it. I had no friends growing up, anyway, since we moved every year or two. So I'm used to having to ignore people who are being mean and saying bad things to/about me. Even now, I'm 45 and while I consider some of the people I work with to be friends, I maintain zero actual friendships outside of my marriage and family (including in-laws; I'm actually on better terms with my in-laws than with my own family). If anything, the "being forced to go out and socialize with people" would be the hardest part of being on reality TV - especially if they're people I don't like because I don't believe in (and do not bother) maintaining a veneer of camaraderie with people I do not like; to do otherwise feels duplicitous and deceitful, and I prefer being honest and straight-forward even if it is to my own detriment. If I were on a show with people like Vicki, Kelly, Tamra, Thomas, or Kathryn, I would be extremely hard-pressed to manage to be civil - to say nothing about actually being nice.


That might make for some interesting boob-toob watching!

11 minutes ago, MrSmith said:

I don't drink, and even I know Gentry's spiel is bullshit. The only way you can actually get the taste of barrel-aged liquor is to age it in a fucking barrel. Anything else is just lip-service and blowing smoke.


It's bathtub "bourbon".

I hate even using the term "bourbon" to describe it.

  • Love 5
4 hours ago, njbchlover said:

I couldn't figure out what her problem was.  Why does Craig have to carry all of HER stuff?  Couldn't she use a handbag or a cross body bag or something?  I think it was a passive agressive way for Naomie to berate Craig in public again.  I totally get Craig's annoyance.  It drives me crazy when my husband asks me to hold his phone/wallet/sunglasses in my handbag!! 

I used to like her - she is just annoying me now (well, so is Craig, so they are doubly annoying...).

I don't mind carrying something once in a while for Mr.G , he will do it for me. We limit it to usually one maybe two small items when it happens otherwise we haul our own shit.

The one thing he always carries is an extra key to my car. I don't know how many times I've been locked out of my car and we had to call and wait for Triple A. We won't talk about life long home lockouts.

 I have a habit of locking doors and forgetting keys.

Edited by Giselle
  • Love 7
3 hours ago, Sun-Bun said:

Dipping/chewing tobacco is so taboo for a myriad of reasons, number one being that it literally involves someone putting a pile of nasty tobacco between one's gums and then spitting it out in a cup. Maybe your nasty levels are higher than mine, but I sure wouldn't want to be anywhere around anyone's spat out, smelly old oozing chewing cud. It's also considered a bit of a white trash habit, not to mention the fact that it's medically proven to rapidly rot out one's gums and teeth. It's a gross habit that just doesn't jive with Craig's meterosexual prettyboy image.

As for the anti-smoking image the rest of the guys are attempting to present, I guess it's just due to the fact that at least in this country, smoking has become very taboo and un-PC. It's not as fashionable as it used to be and it sure doesn't pair well with their other drinking vices. But I know in Europe and the entertainment/fashion world that smoking is still quite accepted since it suppresses the appetite, despite it being considered a nasty habit overall.

Thanks for the clarification. Maybe I just missed it, but I didn't realize there's now such a stigma associated with tobacco. I've always equated it in the same level as drinking - granted, more dangerous - but still, a vice one can openly do so in public and not be considered dabbling in illegal drugs.

I concur with others on the weirdness of Shep bringing the package inside Chelsea's house if it wasn't for her. Why not leave the damn thing inside your car and open it when you are back home later?

2 hours ago, TexasGal said:

What's with the table of other random people?  Maybe they are secret significant others?

Most probably production crew, assistants, etc. The cast sort of have an "assigned" production member on the lookout for them to make sure they don't get lost, don't get in too much trouble, etc.

Edited by slowpoked
  • Love 2
3 hours ago, sasha206 said:

Right.  So why is she with him?  If there's nothing redeeming about him, move the fuck on!

Well..."move the fuck on," might be easier written than enacted.  Does she have a contract with Bravo?   Is she a student who enjoys the Bravo paycheck?   A storyline has been developed around their disagreements and "mismatch."   

  • Love 3

Here's a mild before/after photo of a kid following cancer treatment after "dipping."   The other pictures are very graphic. 

KillTheCan.org - Quit Dip, Chewing Tobacco & Snuff


KillTheCan.org is a site dedicated to helping people quit smokeless tobacco in all of its forms including dip, chew & snuff. Free and completely anonymous.


  • Love 3
5 hours ago, Major Bigtime said:

I've read several articles where Cameran says she doesn't want her husband on the show. She wishes to keep her private life private. He it not the laughing stock of anything from what I've heard, he's very well-liked and well-respected. This show has nothing to do with any of their private lives, obviously, or they'd all stay in the drunk tank.

Yeah, we all know Dr. Wonderful doesn't want to be on the show, and Mrs. Wonderful doesn't want him on the show. Therefore, IMO, she shouldn't be on the show.  She brings  nothing. Except some fabricated storyline about her fear of having/not having a baby. At least all the other chucklefucks agree to show the good, the bad and the ugly on the show but she is granted the luxury of keeping her private life private. Just who exactly in the hell is she except the narrator of the opening of the show.   

  • Love 7
23 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

Yeah, we all know Dr. Wonderful doesn't want to be on the show, and Mrs. Wonderful doesn't want him on the show. Therefore, IMO, she shouldn't be on the show.  She brings  nothing. Except some fabricated storyline about her fear of having/not having a baby. At least all the other chucklefucks agree to show the good, the bad and the ugly on the show but she is granted the luxury of keeping her private life private. Just who exactly in the hell is she except the narrator of the opening of the show.   

If i were on the show and she started commenting on my life. I'd start commenting on hers & Dr. Perfect. If they cut it out of the show then social media it is.

What's good for the goose and all that.

  • Love 2
15 hours ago, Summerday said:

I know I'm on an express train to hell for this...but Danni's fiance? Yikes. Are the pickings that slim in Charleston? She's cute and seems pretty smart...seems like she should be able to aim way higher. I understand I'm an evil person, I'll go stand in the corner. 


I'll be even more evil than you I guess and say that Danni is not that pretty imo. She's rather plain and her face often looks weird to me. I think her and her fiance are even, looks-wise. 

  • Love 5

As a physician, Cameran's husband likely signed an ethics clause that would preclude him from appearing on a reality TV show.  Cameran does talk about him and doesn't try to play off like she's single, he's just not filmed.  However, I agree that her role has been limited to co-resident shit stirrer (along with Whitney).

I know a couple people who've gone to rehab for various drug issues, primarily prescription pain pills.  All of them are social drinkers now.  Still, I get that it seems a little too soon (& public) for Kathryn right now.  However, overall, she impressed me this episode.  While she was catty in her interview, she was gracious during Landon's drunken attempt to bond.  Her one argument with Thomas appeared to be over something they'd discussed previously.  She said her piece and walked away, even when he tried to bait her.  Her interactions with Whitney & Cameran were also positive.  I hear (but did not see) that she looked good on WWHL.  Fingers crossed that she'll grow up a lot and be involved with her children.  To root for her to fail feels wrong.

Landon sucks.  I'm enjoying seeing her become the group outcast.

  • Love 9
1 hour ago, bichonblitz said:

Yeah, we all know Dr. Wonderful doesn't want to be on the show, and Mrs. Wonderful doesn't want him on the show. Therefore, IMO, she shouldn't be on the show.  She brings  nothing. Except some fabricated storyline about her fear of having/not having a baby. At least all the other chucklefucks agree to show the good, the bad and the ugly on the show but she is granted the luxury of keeping her private life private. Just who exactly in the hell is she except the narrator of the opening of the show.   

The prettiest girl on reality tv with style an uncanny knack for looking effortlessly  flawless at all times. Plus, she is cool.  

Can't think of anyone else who fills that role on tv.

  • Love 17

It was said in the first episode, I believe, that Cameron's husband did not want to be filmed because he's a physician in Charleston and wanted to maintain his professional distance. Cam respected that and said so. I think she's cute as a speckled pup, love her clothes and hair and love that she seems so happy with her husband. I do agree that she needs to stay out of Shep's love life and she should leave Chelsea alone re her love life. I think the producers are having a hard time finding a niche for Cam although everyone on the show seems to really like her. She's the ultimate Southern belle, in my opinion, and that's why she's still on this show. Landon just needs to go somewhere else-anywhere else away from Charleston, the US or this planet. That girl is just SAD in every way. No wonder her dad is so disappointed and disgusted with her. I would be too if I were one of her parents. Enough, Landon. Grow up and get a damn job! I vaguely remember her sister being on the show and trying to talk some sense into Landon so apparently the parents could raise one decent, hard working child. 

  • Love 19

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