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S06.E26: We Are Family

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I kinda hope the house has something drastically wrong, like foundation repair or something. I'm currently renting because I moved from Florida to Texas and I didn't want to invest in something like a house until I had been in Houston a couple of years and was more secure in my job, knew exactly what part I wanted to live in etc (I'm from Houston but was in Florida for about 4 years, a lot can change)... renting is different from buying but I still would never sign a lease for something unseen. There was a townhome online I LOVED, I only had 1 day to look when I was visiting for my job interview, and I was pretty sure it was the one, but I had a few back ups  to look at "just in case"... but in person it was horrible. The real wood floors that looked so lovely in pictures were extremely damaged, the place was drafty so in Houston my energy bill especially in the summer would be astronomical, and the smell was terrible, and with it being so absorbed into the floors that again were real wood, there would have been no getting rid of it. I was so sad not to get it, but so glad I had seen it in person... and I was just renting I can't imagine even the thought crossing my mind to buy.

Can we discuss the aftershow here? I just can't imagine a significant other keeping my drivers license! Even if you don't drive, you need it for lots of other things, how is that no big deal to Amber? Isn't that something slave owners did (not necessarily actual drivers licenses) to ensure the slave wouldn't run away. 

Also it bothered me that now Cate seems to want nothing to do with Amber, I think she sees the train wreck and sees it as an opportunity to be Maci's (only) on air bestie. Say what you will about Farrah, but if Maci and Cate were to turn their backs on Amber I can see her putting her differences aside and being nicer to Amber, I kinda hope she wouldn't after all the horrible stuff Amber did acting like she is so much better than Farrah... I feel like she made her bed.

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I was just watching the aftershow in passing, but I caught the part about Matt holding Amber's driver's license. Did she ever say why he was holding it? I realize he was probably driving since she is drugged up, but your DL is typically your sole means of ID. Like when you fly or do a financial transaction. I think I answered my own question. If Matt controls her ID, she can't leave, and she can't do much of anything financial with out him. What a scumbag and what an asshole she is to not figure out what was happening. BTW, I have been married for 35 years and the only times my husband and I have held each other's license is when one of us was in the hospital or occasionally if my husband couldn't or didn't want to carry a wallet, he would give it to me to put in my purse. 

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I didn't watch the Easter egg hunt carefully, but I did notice at least one tot using a tan plastic shopping bag.  It looked like they had mountains of candy(??) but couldn't get plastic baskets at the dollar store?   Priorities, I guess.

Then again, it's nice to seem them re-using those bags since it's a sure bet nobody's picking up dog shit with them.


1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

Tyler, especially, always seems like he's trying too hard to portray a certain image, but he has no idea what the fuck he's doing.

I have no idea what the fuck he's doing, either.  He's so all over the place I can't figure out what exactly (or even approximately) he wants people to think he is.  The only thing I'm getting is insufferability.



That dress was a HUGE oh-no-no. 

Emphasis on "huge."  She looked like Jabba the Hut.

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56 minutes ago, leighroda said:


I kinda hope the house has something drastically wrong, like foundation repair or something. I'm currently renting because I moved from Florida to Texas and I didn't want to invest in something like a house until I had been in Houston a couple of years and was more secure in my job, knew exactly what part I wanted to live in etc (I'm from Houston but was in Florida for about 4 years, a lot can change)... renting is different from buying but I still would never sign a lease for something unseen. There was a townhome online I LOVED, I only had 1 day to look when I was visiting for my job interview, and I was pretty sure it was the one, but I had a few back ups  to look at "just in case"... but in person it was horrible. The real wood floors that looked so lovely in pictures were extremely damaged, the place was drafty so in Houston my energy bill especially in the summer would be astronomical, and the smell was terrible, and with it being so absorbed into the floors that again were real wood, there would have been no getting rid of it. I was so sad not to get it, but so glad I had seen it in person... and I was just renting I can't imagine even the thought crossing my mind to buy.


A similar thing happened when my husband and I were looking for rental properties many years back (in FL, ironically). I found this place I LOVED online, but when I went to look at it? Such trickery they use on these websites! The rooms were all soooo much smaller than they appeared. And the floors and countertops  looked nothing like they did in the photos - much more dated and worn. Ugh. It's not even that I'm a super snob, but if you're going to be misleading about superficial stuff, who knows what else you're being shady about. 

So yea, you don't just put an offer on the house without seeing it. And Cate's all, "yea, I mean, if anything comes up during the inspection we can just say never mind". Yea, cause that's how you do it. 

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13 hours ago, DudeLeaveMeAlone said:

Amber - "I seen your ex" Gawd, just shut up already.

Maci - Going all in with that business by tattooing "Things that matter" on your forearm? Ok, then.

I damn near dropped my teeth when I saw that "things that matter" tattoo. Maci is the Queen of Bad Ink.

If this is Amber's idea of pleasant conversation with a peer, well no wonder she had no friends.

13 hours ago, Linny said:

MacKenzie's mom: "Ryan is so good to MacKenzie." Jen and Larry: [blank, incredulous stares] That was PRICELESS. Jen and Larry know damn well that Ryan's not good for anyone, they're just hoping they can get him down the aisle before MacKenzie realizes it.


"I need to figure out what's going on with all this shit." It's not complicated, Amber, your man is a cheater and a douche, that's what's going on. Dump his lousy ass if you want to find some peace of mind. 

I died laughing at Mackenzie's mother confiding, almost with disbelief that such an angel can walk among mere humans, that Ryan is "so GOOD" to Mackenzie. What must her last boyfriend have been like? Is he incarcerated? On the lam? A Tunisian catfisher? What? 

These brain trusts are always caterwauling about how they have to "figure out" something, usually some basic human action or activity. Its not hard, you morons! Use your critical thinking skills! What's to "figure out" about Matt cheating? He gives me the shudders, he's such a slimeball. And no, Amber, his behavior is not representative of people from Boston. Who the hell says shit like that? Oh right. Amber, that queen of insight.

4 hours ago, SuzWhat said:

So...C and T fly to LA like at one place and then plop on the couch to look at houses in Michigan on their phones, right?  These chucklefucks...

"It'll be nice to get away" sighs Catelynn. I thought my eyes were going to roll right out of my head. To me "getting away" is an afternoon at Ikea. Jesus, these people!

2 hours ago, ghoulina said:

So....does Maci actually ever confront Ryan about his drug use? Because it seems to me like she's just using it as a reason to give her a storyline this season. I'm one who actually doesn't much mind her addressing it on camera. Number one, I think it's serious, legit concern in her life, as she IS raising the dude's son. And I also think the Edwardses have been huge enablers. We've all watched this shit progress for years. I tend to think that outing it publicly like this may finally force everyone's hand. However, it's been weeks now of just TALKING about it. Poor, stressed out Maci, whining about what she's going to do. Consulting addiction specialists on the phone. Endless conversations with Taylor and her girlfriends over the problem. Just fucking do it, or shut up! Because if she moans and whines about it every week, but never actually does anything, then all that concern feels really false to me. Do we know, has he BEEN in rehab in real time? 

We know he already got married, and it wasn't no November wedding, like they said. I wonder why they moved it up so much? I do think the dress Mackenzie chose was perfect for her, very cute. This marriage, however....yikes. 


I'm not going to lie, I kind of love that Farrah brought Simon to FL out of spite. That "Doctor" David fucker totally creeps me out. Farrah is a nasty one herself, but he totally went off on her the minute they met. If he genuinely loved Deb and was invested in a future with her, he would have TRIED a bit harder with her daughter. Just saying. Plus, dude puts guac back in the fridge without a lid. Something is seriously wrong with him. I'm actually looking forward to Farrah flipping her shit on him next week. Dude gets brought on vacation, in this nice house, and just sits there and watches golf and refuses to acknowledge anyone. Fuck. Him. 


Wow, Tyler and Cate were all over the place this week. They haven't even been in that place a year, have they? And now they're all, "It's been our lifelong dream to own a farm in California". "Yea, let's just go out there and see what's what". "If anything, it'll be nice to get away for a bit. We haven't been on vacation in about two weeks. We need a break". "So, hmmmm....we're in CA now, but let's not look at actual farmhouses. Let's just look at some random condo we can't afford". "Oh boy, now we're back at our accommodations, thank God there's a giant sofa to lay on for the rest of this unexplained trip. Let's make sure to sit as far from each other as possible." "Okay, now let's start looking at places back in Michigan WHILE we're in California, that makes the most sense!"

These two are just fucking weird. And then they put on offer on the octagon house without even setting foot inside of it??? Are you kidding me??? The realtor said it had been on the market for a yea, you don't want to find out WHY? Nope. As long as it's not a "boring" house, Tyler doesn't care. Because he can be broke, stupid, and filthy - as long as he isn't fucking boring. 


Amber, homegirl, you need more MMA lessons. Your fight stance is allllll wrong. You got your firsts right in front of your face. Good way to get a broken nose. Actually.....never mind. You just keep doing it that way. 

I tell you what, Kristina is a better person than I am. I'd be DAMNED if I'd sit in the car with my husband's ex, listening to her essentially call him fat and ugly and the most annoying person on the planet. Amber seems to forget she fucked Gary too. So stop acting all superior. Matt is no looker himself. At least Gary is stable and reliable and takes care of his fucking kids. 

Major props to Gary and Kristina for continuing to involve these scumbags in their family events. That shows you, right there, just how much they care about Leah. Gary likely knows that if it weren't for his efforts, his daughter would see her mother a whole lot less. Amber would rather lay in bed whining about not seeing Leah than actually make an effort to prove she can be relied on. Then she wanders around an Easter Egg hunt mocking the kids and cursing loudly in front of him. Matt leaves without saying goodbye "because he's from Boston". Damn, what an embarrassment these two are. 

I concur with every word of this. Maci, mind your own damn business. Who died and appointed you savior? Ryan is a grown man, for better or worse, and he does not need you to "rescue" him. Keep your son away if you think he's unsafe, otherwise butt out!

Simon is my favorite now, after Kristina and Emilee (squee! those cheeks!) If loving him is wrong, I don't want to be right. He's just goofing on the whole thing at this point.

Amber getting all bent out of shape because the kids weren't hunting for Easter eggs the way she thought they should was everything. What does she care? They're little children! Is she afraid the candy will got to waste?

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These people continue to be insufferable week after week.

Amber: Still a hate filled bitch. She complains about haters and people who don't like her, yet here she is, talking shit to and about Gary. From bitching about him needing help with the eggs, to talking shit about him to Christina; His Wife!!! She's the epitome of a haute ass mess.

Maci: Boring like always, same drama, different season. Watching only snippets of the after show, but why the hell are they discussing my boy Bentley's poo habits!?Way to embarrass him more and bring up his personal habits! That isn't anybody's business, yet Maci lays it all out there to have something to talk about. Farrah may be a lot of things, but I don't think she'd let them discuss Sophia's poo-scapades for all to know. 

Farrah: Doctor douche is a real weird one, figures he'd pair up with Debra. Funny when Simon said Farrah would have to start calling him Dad, she said she doesn't call anyone that isn't her Dad, Dad. She doesn't even call her own Father Dad! 

Tyler and Catelynn: These two are a textbook example of people who win the lottery, only to end up broke a few years later. They have more money than sense, hence the trip to Los Angeles. My beautiful city has enough wanna be's who come here, then shit on the city when they don't "make it." Well people born and raised here have been making it! By working hard, living life, and living a normal existence! Not some Hollywood bullshit stereotype all over television. Tyler and Catelynn just buy into this Hollywood version of the city. 

Btw Tyler the world renowned author: It's pronounced Real-tor (2 syllables) not Real-a-tor. 

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10 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

I died laughing at Mackenzie's mother confiding, almost with disbelief that such an angel can walk among mere humans, that Ryan is "so GOOD" to Mackenzie. What must her last boyfriend have been like? Is he incarcerated? On the lam? A Tunisian catfisher? What? 

I interpreted it as Ryan has a house and some money (courtesy of TM), unlike the no good assholes Mack has been with in the past. The fact that he can't formulate a complete sentence or dress himself are just tiny details. 

That said, Maci is WRONG person to stage an intervention. She and Ryan barely speak and have a crappy history. Isn't an intervention supposed to be with people who are the closest to the person? That would not be Maci. What she can do is to tell him he can't see his kid until he gets help. Maci's "intervention" is to compensate for a lack of storyline.  

Edited by poeticlicensed
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4 hours ago, SheTalksShit said:

Putting the guac back in the fridge without the lid? Gross. And he's like 55+ years old, he should know better. I don't blame Farrah for being irritated. 

I have never put a lid on my guacamole probably because mine is homemade. With the lemon juice and the pit in it, it will stay preserved and won't turn black. Deb mentioned it was store bought. Her words were, "It didn't have a lid. It only had a plastic film on it." In that case, I wouldn't recommend leaving guacamole in the fridge too long, say for three days without a cover of some kind, but if it was going to be used later that evening, as Farrah mentioned it was, no lid required.

Amber - if you are that much of a fucking lazy bitch that you can't bother to tend to your finances, and it interferes with your visitation with your child, you deserve to lose both and then some and I won't have a fucking care in the world about it. I will sit here with a big grin on my face.

Glad to hear Maci confirming what I have said about her need to cut off ties with Ryan as far as Bentley is concerned. She only said it because a professional told her. Hell, I could have told her. She has known of Ryan's addiction for how long now? And she barely gets her ass into finding out what she should do? Girl, bye.

Edited by GreatKazu
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5 minutes ago, poeticlicensed said:

I interpreted it as Ryan has a house and some money (courtesy of TM), unlike the no good assholes Mack has been with in the past. The fact that he can't formulate a complete sentence or dress himself are just tiny details. 

That said, Maci is WRONG person to stage an intervention. She and Ryan barely speak and have a crappy history. Isn't an intervention supposed to be with people who are the closest to the person? That would not be Maci. What she can do is to tell him he can't see his kid until he gets help. Maci's "intervention" is to compensate for a lack of storyline.  

That might motivate Ryan more to not seek help. Lol He was never gung ho about fatherhood in the first place and wasn't all that concerned with the fact that Taylor is pretty much raising his son. 

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Amber - It irritated me hearing her swear around those young kids while they were Easter egg hunting - can she not for an hour or so???

Also, Matt running to the car is not a "he's from Boston thing," as I'm from Boston and we don't act rude like that - it's a sleazeball thing, not Bostonian.

Another thing, I wouldn't tolerate an Ex of my husbands to sit in my car trash talking him. He's the love of my life and I'm sorrynotsorry things didn't work out with you guys in the past but keep trashing my man and it will be the last discussion we have. I defend my husband. I felt bad for Kristina because it seems like Amber intimidates her, as Amber is always aggressive and Kristina is a kindhearted woman that doesn't want to get fist pumped in the face for defending herself to Amber.

C&T - I get the "not boring" thing in respect to a home I just think they worded it wrong lol. My hubby and I are wanting to sell our house and look for a house with more character "not boring," as most of the houses around us are cookie cutter copycats.

Farrah - I actually like Farrah more and more these days and Dr. Claus is seriously pissing me off. How rude was he watching Golf ignoring everyone on a family vacation.Watch golf at home and not on someone else's dime. Also, fucking lazy ass needs to put the cap back on the guac or find some aluminum foil - jackass. Gawd, he gives me the creepers more than Matt.


Unseen moments - The girls seemed different in this special. Something not going well with the three ladies, lately? Post Puerto Rico looks ice cold. Cate looked MEAN, and maybe it was her bitch face makeup job, but she looked so over it. Amber looked off and Maci looked like she was happy Amber was realizing Matt is a lying liar ass phony. IDK. But the girls didn't seem as bubbly together as they usually are. I didn't like Farrah's look on the show. She normally looks put together but the hairstyle looked too weird for me.

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5 minutes ago, Calm81 said:


Also, Matt running to the car is not a "he's from Boston thing," as I'm from Boston and we don't act rude like that - it's a sleazeball thing, not Bostonian.


C&T - I get the "not boring" thing in respect to a home I just think they worded it wrong lol. My hubby and I are wanting to sell our house and look for a house with more character "not boring," as most of the houses around us are cookie cutter copycats.


nope, I'm from Boston too!  And what I would do is give my host a hug goodbye and thank them for a nice day.  If anyone I was with went to the car without saying goodbye, they'd catch hell from me!

I feel like Tyler wants to make himself seem as interesting as possible, (based, of course, on absolutely nothing) remember last year when he was going off about how he "can't" have a normal job?

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David is an infectious specialist. Pretty ironic since he looks as if he gives infections. Did anyone notice his arms and legs? He had some blotches on them. From what was put out there about him, he is currently not working as a doctor.

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6 minutes ago, Snarky McSnarky said:

Here's some inside photos of the octagon house:


Thanks @Snarky McSnarky.  It is a beautiful house.   I wish our two chucklefucks should check into a few things besides an inspection.  You know, like what are the property taxes, how much does it take to heat / cool, what is the school district like in that area, how do they plan to maintain the property?  Minor details.   

Edited by SuzWhat
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14 minutes ago, Calm81 said:

Also, Matt running to the car is not a "he's from Boston thing," as I'm from Boston and we don't act rude like that - it's a sleazeball thing, not Bostonian.

The only thing I can figure (and I can't believe I put a moment's thought into this) is that leaving like that is called an Irish goodbye, and there are lots of Irish in Boston.  Maybe that's a connection?

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4 minutes ago, SuzWhat said:

I'm sure it was Dr David's friend "Geoff" who was sitting around playing poker and used Dr David's account to contact Farah as a prank.   (TradeMark Matt).  Right?  

Shut it down! You win the internet today. ?

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Only halfway through, but here are my comments so far:

-Tyler said that he and his sister(?) wanted to move out to the west coast to live off the land, WITH or WITHOUT graduating high school. Just wanted to point that out.

-Tyler said he wanted to move to LA to do "something creative". A smart idea, moving across the country with no plan whatsoever, let alone even a vague idea of a career.

-Why were they looking at homes in LA when they have been hard-core bragging about the country life lately, and the whole point was to move to the west coast to live off the land??

I am so confused with these two. Their constantly changing "life long dreams" and poorly thought out plans make my head spin. How many different careers and passions have we heard them mention over the years? If they had just gone to college in the first place, they would have such a better idea of what they actually want to do with their lives.

Edited by BXD
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2 hours ago, teapot said:

did anyone see that True Life episode where these two young people (maybe they were married cousins or something?) were going to move to LA and they legit didn't even have money for lodging the first night.  then he couldn't get a job, and they just went to the beach, then turned around & drove home?  for some reason thought of that.


YES!  It was True Life I Married My Cousin...  which was all kinds of weird to being with.  Then the two idiots from Arkansas or some-such think it will be a great idea to live in LA.  They sell of their possessions and move with like $1,000 in their pockets, thinking they have a ton of money.  They are broke by the time they get to LA.  I did not realize people could be THAT stupid.

I would love to see a follow-up on them.



58 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

A similar thing happened when my husband and I were looking for rental properties many years back (in FL, ironically). I found this place I LOVED online, but when I went to look at it? Such trickery they use on these websites! The rooms were all soooo much smaller than they appeared. And the floors and countertops  looked nothing like they did in the photos - much more dated and worn. Ugh. It's not even that I'm a super snob, but if you're going to be misleading about superficial stuff, who knows what else you're being shady about. 

So yea, you don't just put an offer on the house without seeing it. And Cate's all, "yea, I mean, if anything comes up during the inspection we can just say never mind". Yea, cause that's how you do it. 

We are currently looking for a new house, and I am getting REALLY annoyed with the photo trickery.  I asked the realtor why people do this, since I will eventually see the inside in person and realize the photos do not accurately represent the house.  He said that everyone does it now and it is just the way to get people to the house.  I feel angry when misled.  Why is ths an accepted practice???

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There are limits to the number of animals Amber can have where she lives:

"Hamilton County Board of Commissioners placed restrictions on housekeeping of any household that harbors more than 3 dogs or more than 3 cats. These rules are found under the U.S. Department of Agriculture standards. Specific standards must apply in the form of general housekeeping."

I can't imagine she is in compliance with USDA Standards.  I wonder why none of her neighbors have complained.  They must be mellow folks.


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20 minutes ago, Cherry Cola said:

I think maybe the Dr is quiet because he gets bitched at no matter what he does by Farrah.  I still think she is horrible and treats all like shit. 

It didn't help that his first encounter with her he proceeded to tell her what an awful daughter she was to her mother. The second thing he did was force himself upon her by hugging her and not allowing her to choose whether she wanted to even be hugged by him, and then holding onto her like she was his property.

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The more I think about it (waiting to get a tooth pulled at the dentist) the main reason I can't stand Dr. Claus is that of the condescending way he talks down to Farrah while he awkwardly touches her arm or hand. YUCK. I don't like that man, and more so because he has me defending Farrah. The sound of his voice - I can't pinpoint what his voice reminds me of but again, he has like a permanently condescending sounding voice. He could be saying something so innocent as "Please pass the butter," and I'd interpret as him saying "You dumb female that didn't finish her Masters and men rule girls drool serve me the butter because that's all girls are good for."


Anyone understand my babble? I'm having trouble expressing my thoughts today. I'm really scared about the pain from the tooth pulling.

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The fact that Amber said Matt advertised some of the dogs in a newspaper as free, tells me enough about the two of them and their "rescues". She probably thinks that's wonderful because they weren't put up for sale. But, free is the worst way to do it. I have to assume the dogs he put in the paper were not rescues. I know around here, you have to let the Rescue League know you don't want the dog, cat, etc. any longer.

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1 minute ago, ginger90 said:

The fact that Amber said Matt advertised some of the dogs in a newspaper as free, tells me enough about the two of them and their "rescues". She probably thinks that's wonderful because they weren't put up for sale. But, free is the worst way to do it. I have to assume the dogs he put in the paper were not rescues. I know around here, you have to let the Rescue League know you don't want the dog, cat, etc. any longer.

Matt doesn't follow rules of any kind. 

9 minutes ago, Calm81 said:

The more I think about it (waiting to get a tooth pulled at the dentist) the main reason I can't stand Dr. Claus is that of the condescending way he talks down to Farrah while he awkwardly touches her arm or hand. YUCK. I don't like that man, and more so because he has me defending Farrah. The sound of his voice - I can't pinpoint what his voice reminds me of but again, he has like a permanently condescending sounding voice. He could be saying something so innocent as "Please pass the butter," and I'd interpret as him saying "You dumb female that didn't finish her Masters and men rule girls drool serve me the butter because that's all girls are good for."


Anyone understand my babble? I'm having trouble expressing my thoughts today. I'm really scared about the pain from the tooth pulling.

Ohhh I am sorry. Hopefully, they can give you some pain meds to ease your pain. Yes, I do get what you are trying to convey. There is something about his attitude, it is like a "I am better than you" simply because he is a doctor. I worked with a judge who was similar to this jackass. 

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2 hours ago, Calm81 said:

C&T - I get the "not boring" thing in respect to a home I just think they worded it wrong lol. My hubby and I are wanting to sell our house and look for a house with more character "not boring," as most of the houses around us are cookie cutter copycats.

I got it. It just felt disingenuous, coming from two of the biggest copy-cats around. Also, they JUST bought and remodeled that other house. What was the point??? This new house thing just seemed really out of the blue and manicky, to me. 


1 hour ago, toodywoody said:

And bitch needs to quit hating on Gary. That man is the father of her child and has taken care of her when Amber was too busy drugging it up and depressed and too busy at Marriage Boot Camp with sleazy. So she needs to stfu about Gary.

At this point, I think Amber is jealous of Kristina and pissed that she got stuck with thinner, but douchier, Matt. Putting Gary down constantly is her attempt to feel better about her horrible life choices. 


1 hour ago, GreatKazu said:

It didn't help that his first encounter with her he proceeded to tell her what an awful daughter she was to her mother. The second thing he did was force himself upon her by hugging her and not allowing her to choose whether she wanted to even be hugged by him, and then holding onto her like she was his property.

Yup. Farrah can be a vile bitch, and I feel badly when seemingly nice people are on the receiving end of her wrath. But Dr. David? He is a creep of the first order. So serve it up, Farrah!

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Normally I would praise someone that tried to punch Farrah. it was Amber, the biggest POS on television so that don't count. I hope Santa destroys Farrah next week. Farrah is not lazy but she is a terrible person. The whole family is as crazy as a shithouse rat. 

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Haven't watched yet, I read all the snark and then reward myself at the end of the week and watch. Whether one owns a cookie cutter house or something unique, there is just something that rubs me the wrong way with these worthless couch-surfing idiots being able to afford lovely homes and to move on a whim. And looking at the screen grabs of Mamber's house, wow. Between the pee floors and the damaged baseboards and window areas, that place looks awful. I can only imagine the smell. Waiting for the gravy train to leave the station for these buffoons. 

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1 hour ago, Calm81 said:

The more I think about it (waiting to get a tooth pulled at the dentist) the main reason I can't stand Dr. Claus is that of the condescending way he talks down to Farrah while he awkwardly touches her arm or hand. YUCK. I don't like that man, and more so because he has me defending Farrah. The sound of his voice - I can't pinpoint what his voice reminds me of but again, he has like a permanently condescending sounding voice. He could be saying something so innocent as "Please pass the butter," and I'd interpret as him saying "You dumb female that didn't finish her Masters and men rule girls drool serve me the butter because that's all girls are good for."


Anyone understand my babble? I'm having trouble expressing my thoughts today. I'm really scared about the pain from the tooth pulling.

I understand exactly what you are saying and after reading some reviews there are former patients that feel the same. https://www.ratemds.com/doctor-ratings/2411944/Dr-DAVID+C.-MERZ-Marquette-MI.html

I your hope pain goes away!

Edited by druzy
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He still has his license to practice medicine:


Address: Council Bluffs, IA 51503

Profession: Medicine

Type: Medical Doctor

Status:  Active

Issue Date:  09/04/1985

Expiration Date:  01/31/2018

(From the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs website)

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I mean I hate defending Farrah but David is just rude to Farrah. Also Debra and Davids relantionship is so messed up. Did anyone hear Debra trying to explain the nonsense of their wedding plans? They are engaged but they don't live in the same state? Farrah's "okay.." response is the only response. 

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C&T are about an hour's drive from Marine City.  Did they just do a search for non-boring houses on the Internet, regardless of location?  They must have REALLY wanted to get away from April and/or Butch.  They're sort of out in the sticks -- I wonder what they're doing about child care now.


Edited by Snarky McSnarky
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2 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

It didn't help that his first encounter with her he proceeded to tell her what an awful daughter she was to her mother. The second thing he did was force himself upon her by hugging her and not allowing her to choose whether she wanted to even be hugged by him, and then holding onto her like she was his property.

True.  I understand that.  

So, as someone posted above, he Dr, tried to get Farrah first? I can see why she wouldn't be so wild about him.  Is he another leech like Matt?

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51 minutes ago, Snarky McSnarky said:

C&T are about an hour's drive from Marine City.  Did they just do a search for non-boring houses on the Internet, regardless of location?  They must have REALLY wanted to get away from April and/or Butch.  They're sort of out in the sticks -- I wonder what they're doing about child care now.


they were going to rely on the livestock for babysitting, no?

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4 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

YES!  It was True Life I Married My Cousin...  which was all kinds of weird to being with.  Then the two idiots from Arkansas or some-such think it will be a great idea to live in LA.  They sell of their possessions and move with like $1,000 in their pockets, thinking they have a ton of money.  They are broke by the time they get to LA.  I did not realize people could be THAT stupid.

I would love to see a follow-up on them.




Oh it was worse than that,   It was "True Life: I'm Having My Cousin's Baby".   Just the title made me sick. Here in California, its legal to marry your first cousin. I can't even imagine. 

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3 hours ago, Calm81 said:

The more I think about it (waiting to get a tooth pulled at the dentist) the main reason I can't stand Dr. Claus is that of the condescending way he talks down to Farrah while he awkwardly touches her arm or hand. YUCK. I don't like that man, and more so because he has me defending Farrah. The sound of his voice - I can't pinpoint what his voice reminds me of but again, he has like a permanently condescending sounding voice. He could be saying something so innocent as "Please pass the butter," and I'd interpret as him saying "You dumb female that didn't finish her Masters and men rule girls drool serve me the butter because that's all girls are good for."


Anyone understand my babble? I'm having trouble expressing my thoughts today. I'm really scared about the pain from the tooth pulling.

I hope everything went well and you're feeling better, and resting at home.  As to the condescending voice, I've always felt the same way about Felicia Rashad.  Even her supposed "tender" moments with the kids sounded so condescending.  

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