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Seasons 1 and 2 Discussion

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I love the Scooby Crew that Eve has assembled! More of that, less of the killer, To this point, I have no interest in her point of view.  At all. I don't find her clever, or amusing or engaging.  I find her character to be trying to hard to be fascinating.  Perhaps that will change as the story unfolds.  Regardless of that, I'm really enjoying the show. 

  • Love 16

Carolyn: Eve, you know when something like this happens and someone gets -
Eve: Fired?
Carolyn: Yes. Fired. Their computer and hard drive get swept.
Eve: Oh, God.
Carolyn: They found this.
Eve: Oh. Oh.
[Eve opens a folder full of crime scene photos and assassin profiles]
Eve: Oh, I thought you were gonna pull out all the pictures we took of Frank eating.

Eve: Can I get a gin and tonic?
Waiter: We don't open the bar in the mornings.
Carolyn: Two gin and tonics, please.
Waiter: Yes, madam.

Eve: I believe there is a female assassin operating internationally and she's targeted a number of influential people. She doesn't have a signature, but she certainly has style and I don't know who or what is behind her, but I don't think she's slowing down and just that interested me, I guess. But also apparently makes me a fantasist and a crackpot and completely on my own. And, you know, frankly, I don't give a shit anymore. She is outsmarting the smartest of us, and for that, she deserves to do or kill whoever the hell she wants. I mean, if she's not killing me, then, frankly, it's not my job to care anymore.

Carolyn: I once saw a rat drink from a can of Coke there. Both hands. Extraordinary.

Eve: Aren't there more qualified people? 
Carolyn: I want you. 
Eve: Why?
Carolyn: Well, your research clearly speaks for itself, you're intuitive and you make insane suggestions. 
Eve: Thank you. 
Carolyn: And you've been fired, so no one cares about what you do next. I mean that in the nicest possible way.

Villanelle: Letting yourself into my apartment and drinking from a tiny cup doesn't make you intimidating, by the way. It's just rude.

Konstantin: London was meant to look like suicide. 
Villanelle: It didn't? 
Konstantin: So she slit her own throat? 
Villanelle: It happens. 
Konstantin: And killed four other people?
Villanelle: Slip of the hand?

Konstantin: No more targets until you are assessed.
Villanelle: But this one has asthma. You know I like the breathy ones.

Jerome: When was the last time you worked?
Villanelle: Yesterday.
Jerome: Was it a successful mission?
Villanelle: Yes. I shot him twice in the heart and watched the spark drain from his eyes.
Jerome: Did you talk to him? 
Villanelle: A little. He said he had children and offered me money.
Jerome: What did you feel when he said those things?
Villanelle: Impatient.

Sebastian: Do you like music?
Villanelle: I like national anthems.

Elena: Quitting is literally everything I've been aiming for.

Kenny: It's best that you bring in your own [toilet paper] or it just disappears. How many sheets do you need?

Eve: I thought you were just being a monkey dick about not being the boss.
Bill: I don't know what a monkey dick is. 
Eve: Oh, yes, you do.

Villanelle: Okay, we can fight. But you will get tired, and I will get bored, and you don't like it when I'm bored. If I kill you, they will just send me another one.

  • Love 3

Awwww, poor sweet Sebastian! I guess that's what you get for stealing from your new girlfriend, man.

This show continues to entertain me. Villanelle is clearly a psychopath (or sociopath? I always get them mixed up) and emotionally immature. She behaves like a child, pouting when she can't get what she want, dressing up to try to charm the assessor, and then resorting to stealing the info about the next target when she's told she can't do it. I found it interesting that her attempt to be normal was hooking up with the neighbor guy.

Overall, I find Eve much more interesting as a character. I loved that she tried to lie to her husband, telling him that she'd gone to hot yoga, and then she realized she couldn't do it and confessed that she was in MI6.

I totally love the dynamics between Eve, Bill, and Elena. I totally cracked up when Bill incredulously asked Eve, "You asked [Elena to join the secret team] first?" Also hilarious when Elena guilt tripped Eve and Bill and then turned around and mouthed, "That was so much fun!" as she walked out with Frank. I know I should feel bad for Frank, but anyone who has ever had a coworker or boss like Frank understands how Eve, Bill, and Elena feel. I totally cracked up when Carolyn told Eve that it's customary for fired employees to have their computers swept and Eve was relieved that they "only" found all of the crime scene photos, not all the pictures of Frank eating. Ha!

The TP situation at the new office - ack!

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
  • Love 13

Sebastian may as well have worn a red shirt—it was obvious he wasn’t going to be around for long. Better he went this way, because it wouldn’t have been long before Villanelle got bored with him and amused herself by thinking up some creative way of killing him. Her way of having sex with him almost seemed like she was trying to kill him right then and there!

  • Love 10

I often use CC when watching shows with accents. They're also useful for song cues,  too! Anyway, after Villanelle went back to Sebastian's apartment,  the CC described the thumping noise as "banging". And then the camera cuts to the bed, where they're...Banging! It’s the little things, really.

You know a show is written by women when you get not one but two menstruation references in a single hour. And I will confess using lady--plumbing gambits to disconcert and distract men with whom I work. I wouldn't do it if it weren't a) so easy; b) so reliably effective!

  • Love 20

Happy I saw an article about this show, I'm thoroughly enjoying it. I for one want them to spend equal amounts of time with both Villanelle and Eve. I find them both fascinating and weird. 

Villanelle's handler was stupid to provide her with Eve's name. Like, really? You know she is crazy and you can't control her, the last thing she needs is a new target.

I was surprised she didn't kill Sebastian during the sex, but him dying as soon as he did didn't surprise me. I wonder how she would have done it though.

Villanelle doesn't appear that old, maybe early 20s...but old enough that I think she would have already perfected her ability to mimic human emotions. Her practicing laughing seems like something she would have done as a child to fit in. Maybe when we learn more about her backstory (and who Anna is) this will be filled in.

I have a feeling Eve's sweet husband is going to find himself in an early grave. Villanelle won't want to kill Eve (immediately, and of course this will be a short run for the show if she succeeds) if she finds the chase fun, but she will want to torture her in other ways. I hope Eve isn't naive to the danger she will be putting him in when she realizes a sociopathic hired killer knows who she is and is playing games specifically to draw her in.

Edited by jvr
  • Love 5

I was describing the show to a friend, and I called Villanelle a "psychopathic serial killer." He objected, saying "She's an assassin, not a serial killer!" I countered, "Aw, fooey, that's just how she chooses her victims!" So I was tickled pink when Eve made the same comment "I bet she killed before they hired her!" See, show? I'm on your wavelength!

  • Love 11

@attica When I typed my comment above yours I at first wrote serial killer. But like your friend I backed off that because the definition of a serial killer is someone who has a pattern and clear predictable behavior, not just someone who kills a lot. I think she could be called a serial killer but it wouldn't be entirely accurate. She kills indiscriminately, the fact that other people are telling her who to kill is not actually a pattern. I'd say she is not predictable at all (impulsive) and would kill anyone if she got an itch, a sociopathic murderer. Assassin works as well (hired killer) but an assassin doesn't necessary have to be a sociopath or psychopath, just someone who lacks empathy.

What we have been shown in two eps (this can change) is that she lacks human emotions such as empathy, sadness, happiness etc. and she lacks a social conscience that would make her think twice about stabbing someone in the throat because they bored her, as she would say. 

Edited by jvr
  • Love 6
3 hours ago, jvr said:

Villanelle doesn't appear that old, maybe early 20s...but old enough that I think she would have already perfected her ability to mimic human emotions. Her practicing laughing seems like something she would have done as a child to fit in.

This is probably due to the medium. In a book it could be mentioned that she’d learned to fake emotions, but in a show it’s more expedient to show her doing this. The only other way would be for her to talk about it with someone, which would be awkward for the writers. The only likely candidate for her to have that conversation with is Konstantin, who already knows, so why would it even come up?

  • Love 2

I don't know what to make of the show. It's engrossing, a bit humorous and violent. First of all let me just I really like and appreciate the way British shows integrate diversity sooo effortlessly. The writing, the characterization is normal and no dynamic overshadows the other. I enjoy them mostly for this. They have absolutely no problem with this no matter the subject matter of theme.

What was she wearing at the so-called evaluation?? I kept trying to understand if she was playing a role or .........I did not get it. The handler really disappointed me. I thought he was like an aging former assassin who now knows every trick in the book, only to have his pocket picket using the oldest trick in the book. I think he's not long for this world.

That bathroom scene with the perfume took me out of the story. I kept expecting someone to come in which would have been normal. And besides how are the bodies disposed of? I can buy the set up of an international assassin moving from city to city but the bodies?? I need something just a tiny bit credible.

But I like the show. Kudos to British shows which almost never disappoints.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, skyways said:

That bathroom scene with the perfume took me out of the story. I kept expecting someone to come in which would have been normal. And besides how are the bodies disposed of? I can buy the set up of an international assassin moving from city to city but the bodies?? I need something just a tiny bit credible.

No staff was allowed down there so that limited the number of people. But either way if someone had happened in the French women didn't have a mark on her, there was no blood or violence. Villanelle would have just acted like she didn't know what happen, said the women fainted, and in the commotion wandered away. 

What do you mean what are they doing with the bodies? She leaves the bodies right where she kills them. The police know about all of the deaths and it shouldn't be drawing any extra attention if not for Eve's wild theories and MI6. From what we have seen none of the deaths seem to have any connection (a Russian dude, an Italian old dude who I think Eve said was dealing with the mob in Sicily, a young man in a office building, a successful French woman with money). Sebastian though, that body they have to move. Right when they saw him her handler pulled his phone out to call whomever does cleanup for them. 

Edited by jvr
  • Love 5

I'm not sure if Kasia was kept in a locked ward or not - being a witness in the assassination of a Russian politician - and if so, would it be possible for Villanelle to lock the ward, effectively shutting out other personnel, while she killed Kasia and then unlocking it when she left? Seems a little far-fetched, though. 

Let me get this straight: An assassin comes into a ward, kills four people and no one bothers to question Eve about whether she might have seen someone near the room before she went into the bathroom? Or if she had any interaction with someone on that floor prior to her arrival on the murder scene? And to make it even worse, Eve works for MI6. No one thought to ask her a few questions? 

I thought Eve was in charge of the administrative work for making sure the witness was safe. That's why she felt she was to blame, but it was late and I was tired.

  • Love 3
27 minutes ago, skyways said:

Still that large pink dress.................

It was a big "F*** you" to her handlers.  It certainly was a "Look at me" statement, so not something the handlers would like.  It also had big pockets, or maybe just enough folds so that she could hide stuff.

I loved how she played them (and us) -- appearing upset at the photo of the dog -- so we're thinking she's someone who can be figured out, diagnosed, we've seen that type before.  She did seem affected by the faceless drawing though.  What did she say, something like "My mother had shitty hair."

  • Love 8
59 minutes ago, skyways said:

Yes of course! She leaves them there for the police to discover and she gets away. I don't even know why I asked this......so obvious. Yes Sebastien is the obvious one that needed to be disposed. 

Still that large pink dress.................

I was dying.  It was an awesome dress and a hilarious place to wear it.  I was obsessed with the blue dress in the first episode, as well.  

  • Love 5
On 4/15/2018 at 11:40 PM, slf said:

Internet Guy Eve works with now, re: toilet paper: "It's best that you bring in your own or it just disappears. *begins unrolling toilet paper* How many sheets do you need?"

The homeless shelter I volunteer at is like that! You have to request sheets from the front desk.  I was like, never again.  Never ever again. I just go to the McDonalds down the street on the way home. LOL

  • Love 2
On 4/16/2018 at 4:56 AM, ElectricBoogaloo said:

Eve: I believe there is a female assassin operating internationally and she's targeted a number of influential people. She doesn't have a signature, but she certainly has style and I don't know who or what is behind her, but I don't think she's slowing down and just that interested me, I guess. But also apparently makes me a fantasist and a crackpot and completely on my own. And, you know, frankly, I don't give a shit anymore. She is outsmarting the smartest of us, and for that, she deserves to do or kill whoever the hell she wants. I mean, if she's not killing me, then, frankly, it's not my job to care anymore.

This is the one I came to post! She starts off so well but then it just devolves into "she deserves to kill us all", lol.

  • Love 1
On 4/14/2018 at 10:15 AM, attica said:

She was fired for interviewing the witness that got killed. It was out of the jurisdiction of her group, plus she illegally recorded the convo. And then she called that dude a dick swab.

And it was her job to make sure the witness was secure. So she failed there. The implication being that she was so interested in solving the murder that she didn't pay enough attention to what she was supposed to do -- protect the witness.

  • Love 4

I was surprised she didn't kill Sebastian during the sex, but him dying as soon as he did didn't surprise me. I wonder how she would have done it though.

Could someone tell me how she killed Sebastian?  I looked away from the screen for a few seconds and then saw his body.  He somehow smelled the perfume?

I was puzzled by the "assessment".  They know she is a pure psychopath and they should also know that such people do not suddenly grow consciences or develop empathy.  They are, perhaps, realizing that she is uncontrollable and will not do things the way that they want.  She (no doubt) enjoys having a subsidized apt and money, but let's face it--she would kill regardless.  The pink dress was genius on her part.  I don't find the cruelty in her kills very watchable, but it's the pink dress moments that make me interested in her scenes.  I also think that her handler is on borrowed time, however, if she does kill him, the mystery cabal may view her as too much of a maverick to put up with.

I not sure what all the victims have in common either--I assume that each, in their own way, was causing the mystery cabal problems.  The french woman supported feminist causes and politicians.  The mafiosa may have been moving in on black market racketeering.


I have a feeling Eve's sweet husband is going to find himself in an early grave.

Me too!  I fear for everyone around her!  I think that Villanelle will find Eve fascinating and will toy with her for quite a while before trying to kill her, because let's face it, if she wanted to kill her, she could easily do so.

  • Love 6
On 4/16/2018 at 9:20 AM, CarpeFelis said:

Sebastian may as well have worn a red shirt—it was obvious he wasn’t going to be around for long.

Seriously. There's no way any love interest of Villanelle's will last, unless he's as sociopathic as she is.

I know this show isn't a police procedural, but at every crime scene, Villanelle has left fingerprints. I can hand wave her not being in any system, but shouldn't someone have connected the dots that these killings are the work of the same unknown killer?

On 4/16/2018 at 12:02 PM, attica said:

You know a show is written by women when you get not one but two menstruation references in a single hour. And I will confess using lady--plumbing gambits to disconcert and distract men with whom I work. I wouldn't do it if it weren't a) so easy; b) so reliably effective!

I loved that too. It's hilarious how so many men are so squeamish about menstruation. This also reminds me of the scene in The Player where Whoopi Goldberg's detective character plays with a tampon, unwrapping it and spinning it around her finger. Hee.

  • Love 9
29 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

know this show isn't a police procedural, but at every crime scene, Villanelle has left fingerprints. I can hand wave her not being in any system, but shouldn't someone have connected the dots that these killings are the work of the same unknown killer?

I thought about this too and the only way I can handwave it is if like you said, if her fingerprints aren’t in the system it doesn’t matter. Also these deaths are all over the world, I don’t know how much police consult other countries databases to compare prints. And besides the killing in the old guys house, the other deaths were in very public places, meaning there are probably a million fingerprints they could lift that are meaningless. So as long as she doesn’t leave the actual murder weapon behind (her hair pin, the gun, the perfume) that would only have her prints and maybe also the victim, I can believe the regular police haven’t put it together.


54 minutes ago, Yokosmom said:

I not sure what all the victims have in common either--I assume that each, in their own way, was causing the mystery cabal problems.  The french woman supported feminist causes and politicians.  The mafiosa may have been moving in on black market racketeering.

I wonder if who is asking her to kill will ever matter at all. Maybe that won’t be the shows focus, I could see it becoming all consuming and complicated and taking away from the main two ladies. Because even without them, Vill would still be a killer but maybe not as frequently though.

Edited by jvr
  • Love 5
17 hours ago, AuntiePam said:

It was a big "F*** you" to her handlers.  It certainly was a "Look at me" statement, so not something the handlers would like.  It also had big pockets, or maybe just enough folds so that she could hide stuff.

I loved how she played them (and us) -- appearing upset at the photo of the dog -- so we're thinking she's someone who can be figured out, diagnosed, we've seen that type before.  She did seem affected by the faceless drawing though.  What did she say, something like "My mother had shitty hair."

I noticed in both episodes that Villanelle has a tendency to be distracted by brunette women; two were random strangers who were walking by her on the street, and Eve is obviously another. In all three cases, the women wore their hair loosely framed around their face - just like the faceless woman in the picture. I'm assuming Anna will also turn out to be a brunette with healthy hair. 

  • Love 22

Carolyn said that when she tried to open an official investigation into Villanelle there was "a lack of enthusiasm" which could be "read one of two ways." Interesting. Hasn't Eve suggested something similar in the series premiere? That "they" might be covering all this up?

2 hours ago, Garden Wafers said:

I noticed in both episodes that Villanelle has a tendency to be distracted by brunette women; two were random strangers who were walking by her on the street, and Eve is obviously another. In all three cases, the women wore their hair loosely framed around their face - just like the faceless woman in the picture. I'm assuming Anna will also turn out to be a brunette with healthy hair. 

That's a smart observation. I'd noticed her fascination with women and that she'd left two women alive who could identify her and potentially connect her to her crimes (Kasia, whom she was later forced to kill, and then Eve) but...eh. The hair thing, though, makes a lot of sense. 

  • Love 5

There have been different mentions of Villanelle as either sociopath or psychopath. Wondered about the difference. Found these:



After reading, Villanelle pretty clearly seems to be a psychopath. Apparently, neither expression of the disorder necessarily leads to violence (though there's obvious potential). I'm wondering now what Villanelle's goal is in being a contract killer. My take from the articles is that psychopaths act out of self interest (rather than some kind of reactionary motive), going after something they want without conscience getting in the way, so what does she want? Is money enough incentive? Maybe so. Maybe money and world travel. But with the introduction of Anna as a trigger, and the question in the assessment of whether she was growing a conscience, maybe the show is mixing up the two definitions. (Hey, I'm no expert. I've read two articles.)

One thing that bothered me in the opening scene: The woman on the bus, seeing the man in the office window, calling for help, blood on the window... and she makes a personal phone call. Guess there are psycho/sociopaths everywhere. Eve's fan status, detailed murder plan for her husband, and comment that Villanelle deserves to kill anyone she wants, maybe even make her suspect, although she was genuinely emotional over the hospital murders and feared for the boy's life. She's not without feeling.

  • Love 3
7 minutes ago, slf said:

My out-there theory is that if it's someone we know then it's Elena. I will be more than happy to be wrong. Frank really is a dickswab.

I thought of Elena too but there was a line the handler told Villanelle about him not knowing what Eve knows only there is an investigation. Elena could have given him a good account of what Eve knows at this point. Just a guess. We'll see.

  • Love 1
42 minutes ago, mxc90 said:

I thought of Elena too but there was a line the handler told Villanelle about him not knowing what Eve knows only there is an investigation. Elena could have given him a good account of what Eve knows at this point. Just a guess. We'll see.

Good point, I didn't catch that line!

Edited by slf
On 4/18/2018 at 12:42 PM, jvr said:

And besides the killing in the old guys house, the other deaths were in very public places, meaning there are probably a million fingerprints they could lift that are meaningless. So as long as she doesn’t leave the actual murder weapon behind (her hair pin, the gun, the perfume) that would only have her prints and maybe also the victim, I can believe the regular police haven’t put it together.

She did leave the hairpin, didn't she? There was a bit of dialogue about it:

Konstantin: Your fancy hairpin is all over the press.

Villanelle: Don't worry, I got another one.

Konstantin: That's not funny.

Villanelle: It was a bit.

  • Love 3
On 4/15/2018 at 8:58 PM, Drumpf1737 said:

I'm loving this. One tweak I'd like is Sandra Oh dialing back bumbling, stuttering Eve just a smidge.  

I imagine she will, now that she's boss of her little group.

On 4/16/2018 at 3:26 AM, ElectricBoogaloo said:

The TP situation at the new office - ack!


I bring my own, and have learned not to leave it in the bathroom because it does indeed disappear. (our tp is only slightly softer than paper, and slightly thicker than tissue paper).

On 4/16/2018 at 9:02 AM, attica said:

I often use CC when watching shows with accents. They're also useful for song cues,  too! Anyway, after Villanelle went back to Sebastian's apartment,  the CC described the thumping noise as "banging". And then the camera cuts to the bed, where they're...Banging! It’s the little things, really.

You know a show is written by women when you get not one but two menstruation references in a single hour. And I will confess using lady--plumbing gambits to disconcert and distract men with whom I work. I wouldn't do it if it weren't a) so easy; b) so reliably effective!

CC is so useful, and amusing. I started watching shows with CC because of accents, but time has passed and now it helps with those mumbly actors as well.

On 4/17/2018 at 3:42 PM, skyways said:

That bathroom scene with the perfume took me out of the story. I kept expecting someone to come in which would have been normal. And besides how are the bodies disposed of? I can buy the set up of an international assassin moving from city to city but the bodies?? I need something just a tiny bit credible.

Villanelle said she loved the gaspy ones - which made me think the woman she killed already had a history of asthma or something like it, and that's why she chose the method. (given that it seems that she chooses the method and they just tell her whether or not it should look like a suicide or accident)

On 4/18/2018 at 11:51 AM, Garden Wafers said:

I noticed in both episodes that Villanelle has a tendency to be distracted by brunette women; two were random strangers who were walking by her on the street, and Eve is obviously another. In all three cases, the women wore their hair loosely framed around their face - just like the faceless woman in the picture. I'm assuming Anna will also turn out to be a brunette with healthy hair. 

That was my thought as well.

On 4/18/2018 at 2:07 PM, slf said:

Carolyn said that when she tried to open an official investigation into Villanelle there was "a lack of enthusiasm" which could be "read one of two ways." Interesting. Hasn't Eve suggested something similar in the series premiere? That "they" might be covering all this up?

Yes, I figured some might be covering it up because they use her services from time to time.

Edited by Clanstarling
  • Love 3

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