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Seasons 1 and 2 Discussion

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On 4/30/2018 at 8:14 PM, rozen said:

It took me forever to catch on, but, Vilanelle has face blindness, doesn't she? She is obsessed with people's hair, and build, and clothes, and wants her kills to look her in the eye, but otherwise seems unable to process features (i.e. 'oh, your hair is longer now' when she finally registers Nadia before she launches herself from the backseat). Would also explain why she likes killing asthma sufferers because she can hear their distress even if she can't process it on their faces. 

A face blind psychoassasin would be so epic, I hope I'm right.

Interesting take! Is face blindness something that comes along with antisocial personality disorders though? I'm familiar with it as part of autism. But via a quick Google I did find people on an ASPD forum discussing their experiences of levels of face blindness, so.... huh!

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Not sure someone in Eve's line of work should be motivated by revenge. Especially now she knows that Villanelle knows where she lives. Her husband is at risk too.

Not sure Eve's handler is trustworthy. I'm thinking she might have become a double agent.

Why does Eve not carry a gun?


figured Frank's mother was toast, too.

Turns out she's a Russian agent so probably not. She likely had weapons of her own in the house and was prepared to kill the two women. She probably made the women as assassins right away at the door.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
unintentional fuzziness
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37 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Why does Eve not carry a gun?

Turns out she's a Russian agent so probably not. She likely had weapons of her own in the house and was prepared to kill the two women. She probably made them right away at the door.

The Brits don't have the gun culture we have, and I believe only recently-ish, have the cops started carrying guns.  Whatever the case may be, Eve was more or less an analyst in a non-dangerous role just before this gig, so maybe she just hasn't gotten around to it yet.

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I will always love Jodie Comer because of My Mad Fat Diary. The entire cast was amazing. I only watched the first few episodes of The White Princess, but as gorgeous as the costumes were, I just couldn't get into it.

I mostly know Sandra Oh from Grey's Anatomy, but I've seen her in a handful of other roles. Although I definitely do not blame her for wanting to leave GA after so many years, I'm glad that she had so long to develop her character and do different storylines.

I wasn't sure I'd be able to see Fiona Shaw as anyone but Aunt Petunia from the Harry Potter movies, but by the end of the first episode, she was Carolyn.

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On 5/1/2018 at 4:56 PM, sadiebyuca said:

It was classic BBC.  The minute he showed up with that baby, my husband said, "Oh, they're killing him.  This is how BBC does it."  It was funny. 

A lot of shows do this. It’s the “death edit.” The Walking Dead does this all the time. When a character suddenly starts getting a lot of focus in an episode, they’ll be dead at the end of it and be the “surprise guest” on Talking Dead.

On 4/23/2018 at 3:22 PM, Zoe said:

I'm a little disappointed that they telegraphed his death so hard in this episode.  Maybe if the baby had been in the previous episode or something it wouldn't have felt so sudden to humanize him a great deal before killing him.

Yeah, that was disappointing. We suddenly find out he has a baby, a wife, the circumstances of his marriage, and that he’s bisexual all in the episode in which he dies. That was a little lazy, IMO. It would have been a little better that we (the audience) find out about the wife and baby at the funeral for more of an emotional punch.

Edited by Automne
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1 hour ago, catrice2 said:

This is rapidly going from great writing and some suspense to the ridiculous....why would Eve have not already requested protection for her husband, or at least moved somewhere else?  Why, after facing off with her would she say she was going to walk home?   This woman killed her friend and she is engaged in some erotic fantasy foreplay or whatever that was with the clothes and in the kitchen? 


As soon as she found out Villanelle had her luggage, she should have moved immediately. Eve does not have a gun in the house or a house alarm? 

After Villanelle left the house,  I was hoping Eve had grabbed the knife and chased her down the street.

Carolyn's comforting of Frank was unexpected. The revelation that Kenny is her son was not a shocking for me. I am not sure if the writers intending for it to be. 

Villanelle could have easily poisoned the perfume. Are we to believe there is a small amount of truth: she wants Eve's help to get out? Her fascination with her is puzzling.

Nadia is still alive? Why did the Russians take her body and leave the other guy at the scene? Is it possible, it's a trick to get Villanelle back to Russia to have her killed?

I hope Carolyn is not one of the "Twelve" or working for them.

Nice cut to the sausages being cooked. Didn't we see the same type of scene on GOT with Ramsay after he took Theon's knob.

Edited by mxc90
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What happened at the very end when V asked what number Konstantin was? (I think that's what she asked.) I got distracted and missed something.

Also, I want Carolyn's dog. I laughed when she offhandedly "introduced" him to Eve. Too cute.

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16 minutes ago, ams1001 said:

What happened at the very end when V asked what number Konstantin was? (I think that's what she asked.) I got distracted and missed something.

After that question, Eve followed with "you're not 12". Konstantin response was "Oh! Dear". End of episode.

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Eve and Carolyn head out to Moscow to negotiate access to a female assassin that could hold the key to the organization that runs Villanelle; Villanelle is smuggled into the same Russian jail.


Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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Holy Moly! This show is so much fun!  I saved up three episodes and did a mini-marathon this evening and was riveted!  I think marathoning is the way to go here, I only had a few minutes to be outraged about Bill.  Plus, no time to dwell on flaws here and there.  I just absorb the insanity that it is and enjoy the great acting!  

I didn't realize there would be only three more episodes. If I can restrain myself, I think I'll save the final three for another mini-marathon. Or, I'm just as likely to see you all here next week!:)   

Edited by pennben
Bill is not "Brian".
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Yes, this episode teetered on farcical....but pulled itself back together...

Frank was wearing the black/white dress...Eve knew Villanelle was going to kill Frank in a statement way...so she slowly peeked into the room...

Carolyn Marten to Eve...This is Marten...quick shot of the doggie...ha!

Edited by humbleopinion
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I agree about this episode. I could see where the writer could not contain herself and let some 'womanish impulse' show. Why on earth should Eve be wearing the perfume? I think Sandra Oh's acting saved the gravity of the situation.  Also I felt the Frank killing scene went on a bit too long and some of the convo was unnecessary, unlike when she engaged in convo with the woman she felled in the bathroom. Yes Villanelle is menacing but the writer should not have too much fun with the character and make her too free and relaxed. I always find myself wondering why she does not act like something may go wrong? She is always cocksure the victim will fall by her hand no matter how long it took. Which kind of takes away from her scenes with Eve and why she doesn't just as soon 'off' her? They really should have less face to face contact, to keep things sufficiently tense and suspenseful. Oh well.........

I like shows by women and with women like this one but sometimes, I don't want to see too much femininity especially if the subject matter is a grave one. It annoys me and makes me roll my eyes and want to say, 'Women'!

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Konstantin's and Villanelle's scenes together crackle with violence, tension, humor...Eve and Villanelle...surprisingly bland or too anticipated so bar set too high...

Edited by humbleopinion
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2 hours ago, mwell345 said:

Or when she stopped the car to “talk” to V, knowing that V was trying to kill Frank.  Eve could have gotten all 3 of them killed.

I wanted her assistant to move up front, take the wheel and speed off.

I was waiting for Elena to say something like, "You're gonna get us killed just like you did with Bill." That would have snapped Eve back into reality pretty quick. I liked how Eve called "bullshit" with V's sob story at dinner, but I'm totally confused by the lack of precaution. On another note, Kenny's interest in Elena is the cutest thing ever.

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A lot of Eve's actions simply don't make sense! Stop the car in the middle of an escape with a cold blooded killer on their tail? for what? some lesbian fantasies? That is ridiculous. 

And as someone pointed out, how didn't she move her house immediately after discovering the killer has her home address? and she couldn't call her boss with her husband's phone? She knows what is at stake here!

Eve must be the most incompetent agent on the hunt for a killer, and the show definitely has taken a turn for the worse.

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Well, this show is definitely British, turning all the standard American themes of suspense shows on their heads.  It's an acquired taste.

Sandra Oh did an excellent job of showing Eve to be an operative who is in way over her head in all respects.

1-2-3-4?  Really?

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Well, I loved it. I buy that they are weirdly fascinated with each other and that explains much of their behavior. Eve hates Oksana for killing Bill, but that doesn't mean she hasn't been fascinated. This woman also really sees her. I think Eve hasn't felt truly seen -- except a bit now by Carolyn -- and it's powerful, almost like an aphrodisiac. But she's also truly scared now. I agree that getting out of the car was stupid, but how does she explain protection or moving to her husband when he has no idea what she's doing? Anyway, it looks like that's going to hit the fan next week.

As for Oksana, the fascination is mutual. No one has been able to discover her or keep up with her. It got boring, and that's why she started showing off. Now someone sees her. Eve getting out of the car only increased that fascination. That's why she wanted to have dinner. She is arrogant enough to believe she will always succeed, and she has obvious skills to back it up. She's also been tripped up now, though, with Nadia still alive (supposedly), so she will also face stuff hitting the fan.

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Frank: What are you doing? Are you insane?
Eve: I'm going to talk to [Villanelle].
Frank: She has been trying to kill me!
Elena: Wake up, Eve! She is an actual assassin!

Elena: Who would spend that much money on that man? He's so excited about his brown sauce, it makes me sick.

Kenny: [Villanelle's] DNA is all over [Eve's suitcase]. Clear match with samples from the other kills. It's just-
Eve: What?
Kenny: She must know she's traceable.
Eve: Either she's stupidly arrogant or she knows she's protected.
Kenny: Or both.
Eve: Oh, gawd. Or both.

Frank: Do you have a moist wipe?

Eve: You can't blame the NHS for this.
Frank: No, I blame the government.

Frank: I just wanted my wife to be okay.
Eve: I think Bill's wife wanted the same for him.

Carolyn: For someone who says they know hardly anything, you seem to know rather a lot.

Eve: Frank said the organization calls themselves The Twelve.
Kenny: Powerful number.
Eve: Is it?
Kenny: Twelve disciples, twelve months of the year, twelve days of Christmas.

Kenny: She killed a guy and did some pretty weird things to him.
Eve: Like what?
Kenny: She, um...
Eve: How would Elena say it?
Kenny: She chopped his knob off.

Eve: "Professional" has two Ss.

Villanelle's official crimes:
1 - Attacked and wounded school friend with a pen, aged 8 (quantity 1)
2 - Grievous bodily harm includinig castration (quantity 4)
3 - Arson (quantity 2)
4 - Murder of an adult man (quantity 1)
5 - Manslaughter of a minor (quantity 1)

Villanelle: I will eat anything.

Villanelle: [Niko] has an excellent mustache.

Eve: I know you're a psychopath.
Villanelle: You should never tell a psychopath, "You're a psychopath." It upsets them.

Villanelle: Can we get one thing clear before we go one with this? Is that a sweater attached to a shirt? Is it two separate pieces? How does it work?

Frank: Are you going to kill me?
Villanelle: Yeah, but first I'm going to use you for sex.

Frank: Please, we can do a deal. I have a lot of money.
Villanelle: So do I.
Frank: I have children.
Villanelle: I don't want your children.
Frank: No, I have two children to take care of.
Villanelle: This will give them something to bond over.

Villanelle: I'm going to kill you nicely. But then I'm going to make a mess of your body afterward so it looks worse than it is.

Eve: [Villanelle] chopped [Frank's] knob off.
Carolyn: Right.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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Gawd, Frank is an insufferable baby even after being caught. Asking Elena for a moist wipe, snapping his fingers at poor Max, claiming he was too weak to talk. I did laugh when Carolyn told Eve, "I'm so sorry you have to see this," before going to give him a shoulder to cry on.

Man, Villanelle is straight up cray. Breaking into Eve's house so they could have dinner together? FFS.

I should add that Eve was being a little cray when (1) she decided to keep the clothes that Villanelle bought for her (2) put on that dress (3) put on the perfume. GIRL.

Oksana's list of crimes included "murder of a minor" so I thought that was going to end up being Anna (who is maybe her sister?) but since Konstantin mentioned that Villanelle won't see Anna while she's in Russia, I guess that means she's still alive.

6 hours ago, Dowel Jones said:

Well, this show is definitely British

The most British part of this week's episode was Eve saying that Villanelle had chopped off Frank's knob and Carolyn's response: "...Right."

6 hours ago, Dowel Jones said:

1-2-3-4?  Really?

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Did the report on Oksana state that while still a young girl or woman she had castrated four men? Goodgawdawmighty.

The conversational asides are hilarious.

Frank's fussiness even as he faced arrest and detention was great writing and acting. You just know that his captors were hoping he would be discovered and speedily dispatched by an assassin so they could get on with their business.

I like that we are not having endless gore in this series. When Villanelle was confronting Frank it took me a moment to realize she had blood on her shirt, and that she had killed his guard. We didn't have to see the killing to be intrigued.

Edited by pasdetrois
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1 hour ago, pasdetrois said:

Did the report on Oksana state that while still a young girl or woman she had castrated four men?

It didn't say how old she was when she did the castrations. The report said she was in juvie 2001-2006 and was then arrested as an adult 2011-2014, so I'm assuming her later crimes were committed around 2011. It also said her DOB was March 12, 1993, and her alleged death was August 20, 2014, which means that she probably committed the castration/arson/murder when she was 17 or 18. We know she was 8 when she stabbed her school friend with a pen though.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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As time goes on, I increasingly wish this show was called Killing Carolyn. And I know the writers have been setting this up since the beginning, but can I say how terribly disappointed I am to learn about the Twelve, or whatever it's going to be called? I thought the initial premise of the show (assassin faces off against bored MI5 agent) was high-concept enough without throwing in a generically-named shadow organization that has reached the highest levels of government. The show has already proven itself to be fairly silly; I fear the addition of a secret cabal is just going to fling it into full bore Alias territory. 

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I get nuance and this not being a straightforward suspense, but even with Eve's inexperience, etc. some of this is veering off into the silly. There needs to be a good balance, and there was in the first few episodes.   Why would she not let her husband know who to be wary of so that if he sees Eve again he can be cautious?  I believe the whole perfume scene was to make the audience apprehensive since she had killed someone else with the perfume.....however, since it had gone to the lab I assumed that everything had been checked out. 

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Carolyn emergence as the enigmatic character made up for the dragging out of killing Frank nonsense.

Kenny is his mother’s son...like it.

Bet Elena doesn’t know they are mother-son...until Eve blabs.

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52 minutes ago, atlantaloves said:

This show rocks, and I am so glad Frank is dead dead dead....HE WAS A TOTAL KNOB....God, what a wanker. 

And a Tosser.

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Coppers don't carry guns in England. never have, (although they can now call in for armed police)  But now that she is MI5 or 6, I forget which, I think they need to issue her a big ole gun. Not that it would do her any good against the fabulous Miss V. 

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My brother in law once told me (quite awhile ago), that the only police officers assigned firearms were those guarding 10 Downing Street.  Side story (sorry to go off topic):  I visited New Zealand in 1984, and just before I left, there was a headline story in Auckland about a bank robber that had been killed by the police armed offenders squad (same rules as England).  The paper was bemoaning the fact that this was the 8th time the police had been forced to kill someone, since 1941.

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19 hours ago, mxc90 said:

After that question, Eve followed with "you're not 12". Konstantin response was "Oh! Dear". End of episode.


14 hours ago, Cranberry said:

"What number are you?"
"In The Twelve."
"Oh dear."

Also, this was interesting: Killing Eve: Behind the Scenes of 2018’s Most Breathtaking TV Face-Off



2 hours ago, atlantaloves said:

This show rocks, and I am so glad Frank is dead dead dead....HE WAS A TOTAL KNOB

Not anymore!! ;)

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25 minutes ago, Dowel Jones said:

My brother in law once told me (quite awhile ago), that the only police officers assigned firearms were those guarding 10 Downing Street.


43 minutes ago, atlantaloves said:

Coppers don't carry guns in England. never have, (although they can now call in for armed police)  But now that she is MI5 or 6, I forget which, I think they need to issue her a big ole gun. Not that it would do her any good against the fabulous Miss V. 

Thanks for the info.

It sucks for Eve to enter her home, there's a nut like V waiting for you and you can't defend yourself.

It explains why V is so confident, they can't fire back.

Edited by mxc90
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Heh, Villanelle didn't want to be so obvious as to tell Konstantin to eat a dick so she cooked and served him one.


I hope Carolyn is not one of the "Twelve" or working for them.

Yeah, I'm thinking she probably is.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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21 hours ago, Dowel Jones said:

My brother in law once told me (quite awhile ago), that the only police officers assigned firearms were those guarding 10 Downing Street

That's not true anymore.  There are other special units which carry firearms.  Some of them responded to the machete attack in South London last year.

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I was laughing so hard when Villanelle broke down the bathroom door, Eve threatened her with a toilet brush, and they tussled in the bathtub.

On 5/7/2018 at 1:41 AM, Dowel Jones said:

1-2-3-4?  Really?

Oh, Eve. You should really know better. Even my 84-year-old mother did better than that.

I don't care that Frank is dead—what a pathetic excuse for a person—but I don't want Max, his minder, to die.

On 5/7/2018 at 11:17 AM, pasdetrois said:

As I watched last night I thought "Oh no, not an Illuminati-type deal."

That was an ad for Taco Bell, wasn't it? ;-)

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I'm not sure a dick would cook up like that, but it was a funny idea/image to go with. 

Eve's not very smart about this. V may be the funnest character on TV, but it would be better if Eve was on her level. Right now she's not even close. 

Fun show. Stakes and drama not nearly as high as I'd like and the writing is sort of suspect and coincidence-defendant. It doesn't break into the Sunday lineup, but it's good for Monday night. 

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On 05/07/2018 at 1:20 PM, atlantaloves said:

This show rocks, and I am so glad Frank is dead dead dead....HE WAS A TOTAL KNOB....God, what a wanker. 


On 05/07/2018 at 2:14 PM, ShannaB said:

And a Tosser.

And a dickswab.


On 05/07/2018 at 3:51 PM, Dowel Jones said:

My brother in law once told me (quite awhile ago), that the only police officers assigned firearms were those guarding 10 Downing Street.  Side story (sorry to go off topic):  I visited New Zealand in 1984, and just before I left, there was a headline story in Auckland about a bank robber that had been killed by the police armed offenders squad (same rules as England).  The paper was bemoaning the fact that this was the 8th time the police had been forced to kill someone, since 1941.

No way - I visited New Zealand in 1984, too!  ;-)

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