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S03.E09: Aporia

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6 hours ago, Lonesome Rhodes said:

NIkki and Wrench are most sincerely dead

If they are, it's a new kind of dead, 


because Winnie shows Gloria photos of Mr. Wrench and Nikki taken from security footage in the previews.

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12 hours ago, FlyingEgret said:

I'm curious...Why didn't Varga just forge Emmit's signature and then kill him as part of the Stussy Murder Spree?  I'm sure there are plently of samples of his signature just lying around the office...

I'm guessing Varga needs a live Emmit to be the fall guy when the IRS or the FBI or whoever discovers the financial shenanigans.

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18 hours ago, Chopperita said:

I'm new to this forum so I hope I'm posting in the right place.  I don't see an active speculation thread and I've had a theory since around episode 5 that I want to share.  Actually a theory that my sister and I came up with together, which is important to acknowledge.  Our theory --  Vargas, or one of his men killed Ennis.  A desperate addict trying to steal something for his PO would never have killed him by gluing his mouth and nose closed.  That is a vicious personal way to kill someone.  We think Vargas is Ennis brother and that Ennis was his initial target motivated by revenge.  We think that Vargas wrote the sci-fi novels, either by himself or better yet, co-wrote them with his brother who took both credit for them and the advance that he lost.   As disgusting as Vargas is he is well read and articulate and seems more like a writer than Ennis.   We took clues for this theory from early episodes.  Vargas talked about Cain and Able only being the most famous of many estranged brothers in the bible.   In the LA episode the waitress when talking to Gloria tells her that Ennis wasn't good either.   Maybe the M in VM is for Mosely.  

By our theory Emmit only got caught up with Vargas because of some mistake on Vargas's part, maybe thought they were Ennis's sons.  Or maybe he just wanted a cover to kill Ennis and make it look like Ennis was killed by mistaken identity.  

I can't wait for next week to see how it all ends.

The biggest hole in that theory is that Varga was clearly taken by surprise by Gloria and her investigation. He had no info on her, her town or anything. They had so little information on the case he had to have Yuri steal the case file. 

If Varga ha planned to kill Ennis, he would know every little detail about his life, including his relationship to Gloria and all there was to know about Gloria. 

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On 6/15/2017 at 7:19 AM, teddysmom said:

Who do we think sent the IRS guy the financials? Emmit?

I don't think it was Emmit.  Emmit can't do anything without Varga et. al. knowing/seeing.  Which is also probably why Emmit hasn't tried to make amends with his wife.  He can't bring her back into the home with Varga et. al. still there.

Maybe it was the assistant.  She's certainly been under the radar.

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8 hours ago, Lonesome Rhodes said:

It's another example of the writers making Varga out to be a super-villain with unreal access to information.  The problem is that the past few eps we have seen Varga as being severely limited and not so omniscient.   The original Varga would never have made the mistakes which will prove to be his downfall. 

NIkki and Wrench are most sincerely dead.  They are now in some extra-dimensional state.  The instant I saw her, I recognized TPTB wanted us to see her as "angelic" and not as flawed/splotchy as she often was as the non-stop troublemaker she was.  Another clue as to her new status is that she didn't do anything in the intervening 90 days to have captured Varga's interest.  He needed her gone gone - not just in Canada or wherever.  He absolutely had the means to track her.  The Nikki we knew could not sit still for 90 seconds, let alone 90 days, without scamming or taking revenge.  Another?  They appeared out of nowhere, with a definite truck-jacking plan.  They did not follow the truck (how would they have known when Stage 5 or whatever was even going to start????) else Meemo and the support SUV would have seen them.  The road was deserted all the way.  

As much as I have ripped this and the recent eps, I did truly appreciate the specific quote as to evil that Varga shared.  it was most assuredly NOT the "greatest trick" piece of it all.  It was about how man is born evil, into evil, is equipped to do and deal with evil.  Basically, original sin.  The difficulty truly does come when man aspires to good - when conscience intervenes and demands we accept limitation.  This necessarily means we demand it of others who may, mind you, not want to do with less.  Boy, do I love the philosophical points Varga's observation touches upon.  Hawley deserves great, great, credit for aspiring to have the show rise to such a high-minded place.   He always does demand we think. 


Not only all that, but how would Nikki know who Varga is and have his phone number to call him?  Or know where to find his hard disks and bank numbers.  

Someone else is filling her in on details.  Whether that person is of this world or not is the question.  

(Also, where's the green VW?)

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14 hours ago, benteen said:

Really good episode.  I had a feeling Nikki and Wrench would pull something off.  They're fun together.  Liked the confession, Nikki confronting Varga, Gloria and Winnie, etc.  I can't stand all the disgusting shit with Varga and I don't know what the showrunners are thinking with that.

It is very difficult for TV viewers to deal with a deaf person. It is really marvellous the way these two have pulled this off. it was very difficult but they did a really great job. I'dlove to hear they decided to get married  IRL. What a treat that would be.


P.S. If you have never seen the movie "Smashed" (or maybe "Smash") starring MEW,  it is well worth seeing just to see how completely different she appears to be in that film. Really, very, surprising. She sure does a great job in burying one character and bringing out a different one. She reminded me of that really great actor Meryl Streep! Truly excellent. She deserves an Emmy for that and I hope she gets it!

I found it really difficult to believe this was the same person playing both of these characters. She is really terrific!

Edited by MissBluxom
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I don't think it was Emmit.  Emmit can't do anything without Varga et. al. knowing/seeing.  Which is also probably why Emmit hasn't tried to make amends with his wife.  He can't bring her back into the home with Varga et. al. still there.

Maybe it was the assistant.  She's certainly been under the radar.

I've read some reviews think it was Nikki, but how would she know about the audit? Unless his biz card or something about it was in all that stuff she took.  Maybe it was Sy. 

Edited by teddysmom
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hmmmm, now I am wondering if Varga actually works for her????

That wouldn't make much sense, though. She wants to buy out Stussy Lots. Varga is in complete control of Emmit's business - if he wanted Emmit to sell out to somebody, he'd just make him do it. If everything Varga has been doing has been a giant ruse intended to push Emmit and Sy into selling their business, he's been going about it in a bizarre way and seemingly working at cross purposes with Widow Goldfarb.

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18 minutes ago, teddysmom said:

I've read some reviews think it was Nikki, but how would she know about the audit? Unless his biz card or something about it was in all that stuff she took.  Maybe it was Sy

But for all we know, Sy is still in the hospital.  The only other person who knows about the IRS guy (and the takeover of the Stussy office) is the assistant.

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43 minutes ago, teddysmom said:

I've read some reviews think it was Nikki, but how would she know about the audit? Unless his biz card or something about it was in all that stuff she took.  Maybe it was Sy. 

Maybe the angel in the bowling alley told her what she needed to know?

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Nikki and Mr. Wrench look really good together. I'd watch a show about their adventures, dead or alive. I love Mr. Wrench's music, I'm listening to it right now. 

I thought Ray was a more interesting character than Emmit and acted better by Ewan but he made up for that with Emmit's confession. That was some good stuff right there. I'm finally starting to get into the show with these last few episodes and it's almost over. 

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I remember next  seeing the Corvette after Sy had hit it, and it was booted. The next sighting was at the hospital when Emmet thought it was in the spot he had parked his car. But at that time Gloria and Winnie were dogging him at the hospital so I thought it was Gloria's doing; (who else could remove the boot?) She thought Ray's death was a tit-for-tat for the robbery  attempt/killing of Ennis. (She said that to Winnie during their phone call).

I'm lost on explaining the stamps or the moustache, Nikki never saw the stamp in any episode, but only she knew about Ray dressing as Emmit.

Maybe the Stamp is the real villain here:

The Stamp caused the feud between the brothers, the Stamp tormented Ray,  the Stamp finally killed Ray after trying for thirty years, then the Stamp came back to gaslight Emmit. Whadya expect for two cents?

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19 minutes ago, cpcathy said:

Kirsten Dunst and Jesse Plemmons are getting married, so who knows!

Mary Elizabeth Winstead did JUST break up with her husband, so who knows? Mr. Wrench IS kinda cute.

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1 hour ago, teddysmom said:

But she doesn't know about the IRS. Maybe it is the assistant. 

Good point.  But if Nikki found two sets of books on those drives, she might surmise (see what I did there?) that IRS would be interested in the Stussy business. 

I agree with teddysmom -- Hawley needs to make some connections for this to be plausible.  I don't remember the other two seasons having this much 'mystery'. 

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9 minutes ago, AuntiePam said:

Good point.  But if Nikki found two sets of books on those drives, she might surmise (see what I did there?) that IRS would be interested in the Stussy business. 

I agree with teddysmom -- Hawley needs to make some connections for this to be plausible.  I don't remember the other two seasons having this much 'mystery'. 


I posted a prediction earlier in this thread and I hope it won't annoy people too much for me to post a link to that here. I don't think it was particularly clear that prediction would solve many of the outstanding issues. But take a look and see what you think?

Oops. I had some difficulty posting the link. So I will just place a copy of my original post there. It is very short.


"I got a flash of intuition when Nikki told Varga, "I want to take something you love and destroy it" (or something similar).

I have a feeling that will turn out to be Ms. Goldfarb. As I posted above, I suspect they are secretly married and that he is enormously "henpecked" and she gives him orders and makes his life very unhappy. It's just my guess of course. But I can see how that would resolve several loose ends."

I know that I'm repeating most of this. But it will be so exciting if it turns out to be true. Of course the odds that it is true about about a Bazillion to 1. Oh well, here's hoping!

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I have the very hardest time imaging Ms Goldfarb being married to someone with those teeth.  Looks appear to mean a great deal to her, even if her own wardrobe and hair are oddly dated and strange; she BELIEVES she is elegant. Elegant, Mr. Varga is not.

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12 hours ago, Lonesome Rhodes said:


 Another clue as to her new status is that she didn't do anything in the intervening 90 days to have captured Varga's interest.  

Presumably, Nikki and Wrench filled Emmit's house with all the stamp pictures.  Why that didn't capture Varga's interest, we don't know.  It should have.

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There have been discussions since episode 1 re: the way Ennis Stussy was murdered.  Glued mouth? Yes.  But glued nose? Glued eyes?  which is it?  His eyes (and those of the next two Stussy victims) were wide open, right? Were they glued open? (how else could they be open when they're dead).  Was glue in their nostrils? I hope I'm not the only one confused about this but in the aftermath of each of these killings, I couldn't understand the cops thanks to their unique accents or they were talking too fast.  Whatever. 

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3 minutes ago, annzeepark914 said:

There have been discussions since episode 1 re: the way Ennis Stussy was murdered.  Glued mouth? Yes.  But glued nose? Glued eyes?  which is it?  His eyes (and those of the next two Stussy victims) were wide open, right? Were they glued open? (how else could they be open when they're dead).  Was glue in their nostrils? I hope I'm not the only one confused about this but in the aftermath of each of these killings, I couldn't understand the cops thanks to their unique accents or they were talking too fast.  Whatever. 

The show runners certainly do seem to have some kind of fixation on having us waste a lot of time.

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3 hours ago, AuntiePam said:

Good point.  But if Nikki found two sets of books on those drives, she might surmise (see what I did there?) that IRS would be interested in the Stussy business. 

I agree with teddysmom -- Hawley needs to make some connections for this to be plausible.  I don't remember the other two seasons having this much 'mystery'. 

I assumed that it was Nikki sending the financials to the IRS guy but it is a little too convenient. (I love the discussion here that perhaps it was someone else.)

I like Nikki but if they give her all of the agency in bringing down Varga, I will be disappointed. I have no issue if she is working with someone (not Wrench) on the "inside" - the assistant, Emmit - with more knowledge of what has been going on at Stussy Lots. I want Nikki to be competent and successful in exacting revenge but not on a superhuman level. Is there any other character that we are forgetting about who could surprise us: Sy's wife, Emmit's wife?

There is a bit too much of "mystery" this season. Yes, I know that a spaceship showed up last year but I accept that as "Fargo Fun" rather than as an explanation of the outcome of events. IMO, Varga can be brought down by an unlikely and/or unexpected series of events but it shouldn't remain shrouded in mystery. Honestly, I don't think that Hawley will do it.

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1 minute ago, Ellaria Sand said:

I assumed that it was Nikki sending the financials to the IRS guy but it is a little too convenient. (I love the discussion here that perhaps it was someone else.)

Nikki could have sent the financials to the IRS, but how would she know which IRS agent to send them to?  The assistant knew the agent because he was using an office in the Stussy building.

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1 minute ago, roughing it said:

Nikki could have sent the financials to the IRS, but how would she know which IRS agent to send them to?  The assistant knew the agent because he was using an office in the Stussy building.

Maybe I didn't make myself clear. As I said, having Nikki acting alone is too convenient and stretches credulity. From what has been presented to us so far, it makes more sense that someone else is involved and working with her. Also, we still don't know who was "gaslighting" Emmit.  

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2 hours ago, annzeepark914 said:

There have been discussions since episode 1 re: the way Ennis Stussy was murdered.  Glued mouth? Yes.  But glued nose? Glued eyes?  which is it?  His eyes (and those of the next two Stussy victims) were wide open, right? Were they glued open? (how else could they be open when they're dead).  Was glue in their nostrils? I hope I'm not the only one confused about this but in the aftermath of each of these killings, I couldn't understand the cops thanks to their unique accents or they were talking too fast.  Whatever. 

Eyes are generally open on a corpse (unless some hero comes along and gently closes them, or if the corpse is viewed after the mortician has closed them).
There was a line early in the season (possibly Gloria's) about Ennis' cause of death not being a mystery because with his nose and mouth glued shut, so he obviously suffocated.

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Thanks, shapeshifter.  How could I forget about the eyes of a corpse (back in the day people would put coins on the eyes after closing them).  I still wonder about the creak overhead in Ennis's house and I doubt that was Maurice.

Edited by annzeepark914
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On 6/15/2017 at 10:42 AM, iMonrey said:

I'll say it again, Noah Hawley or whoever writes this thing has some weird fixation on toilets. It's creepy and it's disturbing. I don't know what artistic purpose it serves to gross us out by showing us Varga sitting on the toilet eating rocky road ice cream and zooming in for an extreme close-up of his brown, decaying teeth. It's sort of like hitting us over the head with a ten ton weight what a slime this guy is. We already get it. We don't need to see him eating on the toilet and we don't need to see close-ups of his disgusting teeth chewing anything, thank you very much.

The scenes with Nikki and Mr. Wrench were certainly entertaining, but they would have made ten times more sense if we hadn't seen last week's episode which threw into question whether those two characters are even alive anymore. At the end of the day I guess I'm just going to have to pretend that whole bowling alley scene never happened because at this point it doesn't really fit as part of the overall story. It needed some sort of follow-up showing Nikki and/or Mr. Wrench waking up in a puddle of blood in the middle of the forest, showing the whole bowling alley scene to have been a dream, or an out of the body experience. Without a scene like that it doesn't make any sense to just jump to where they were this week.

And that's part of the problem with this show. While I'm enjoying this season far more than the previous two (thanks to the absence of tiresome mob characters mostly) it still thinks it's earned the right to go anywhere it wants. But to me, there's still too much of it that feels self-important and pretentious. It's gotten a lot better this season but there are still some missteps along the way the writers can't seem to curb. 

For what it's worth I had already drawn the parallel between the "I can help" robot and Gloria before this episode aired. 

Self important and pretentious? You should try Twin Peaks this season.

Varga is fascinating. A slovenly Boss. 

I'm really enjoying the season now. This may have been my favorite episode. 

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If its wrong to be shipping Mr. Wrench. and Nikki, than I don't want to be right! Now that Nikki got some closure with kitty cat Ray in the Bowling Alley from Beyond, she should be good to move on, right? They make a kickass team, and hey, Mr. Wrench is decently cute in a murderous lumberjack kind of way. I loved watching them get the upper hand, it seems like Nikki is going to end up coming out on top this season.

I never thought that a person using an hand drier could be so heartwarming! I like watching Gloria be an awesome but humble cop just as much as I love this franchises long history of awesome but humble cops, but oh my GOD I cant stand her boss. I know that stupid or corrupt law enforcement is a staple of this franchise, but this guy is just the perfect storm of asshole and stupid. At least the dumb sheriff from the first season was just clueless and not actively trying to obstruct justice out of ego (at least that's what I think is going on here, but who really knows), this guy is just an utterly one dimensional pain in the ass who could just be renamed "Plot Device" because his only purpose is to keep Gloria from solving the case faster, and to make her look good. Just show Gloria being competent, show, you don't have to add in this idiot to undermine her at every turn!

Please, no more shots of Varga on a toilet. Please and thank you.

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1 hour ago, tennisgurl said:

If its wrong to be shipping Mr. Wrench. and Nikki, than I don't want to be right! Now that Nikki got some closure with kitty cat Ray in the Bowling Alley from Beyond, she should be good to move on, right? They make a kickass team, and hey, Mr. Wrench is decently cute in a murderous lumberjack kind of way. I loved watching them get the upper hand, it seems like Nikki is going to end up coming out on top this season.

I never thought that a person using an hand drier could be so heartwarming! I like watching Gloria be an awesome but humble cop just as much as I love this franchises long history of awesome but humble cops, but oh my GOD I cant stand her boss. I know that stupid or corrupt law enforcement is a staple of this franchise, but this guy is just the perfect storm of asshole and stupid. At least the dumb sheriff from the first season was just clueless and not actively trying to obstruct justice out of ego (at least that's what I think is going on here, but who really knows), this guy is just an utterly one dimensional pain in the ass who could just be renamed "Plot Device" because his only purpose is to keep Gloria from solving the case faster, and to make her look good. Just show Gloria being competent, show, you don't have to add in this idiot to undermine her at every turn!

Please, no more shots of Varga on a toilet. Please and thank you.

I'm just hoping that we will be fully compensated for all the horrible Varga toilet stuff by seeing Nikki and Gloria causing the total, utter and beyond any question humiliation, embarassment and loss of employment of that imbecile boss. It would be such wonderful payback for all of us who have ever had to suffer lunatic, incompetent bosses.

I get into trouble whenever I post my wishes explicitly for what I would like to see happen to characters like this. So, suffice it to say that I so very much want to see him exposed as the incompetent imbecille he truly is. I want to see that happen in a most public forum. Perhaps at a press conference where the public finds out - in no uncertain terms - that as incompetent and pretentious as the new boss is, Gloria is just the opposite and it was Gloria who saved the day and found out the truth. I want to see some bad things happen to the chief but I have to stop before I go too far and get a warning.

Let me just conclude by saying that it rarely happens for me that I get so involved in a TV show that I feel like these things are happening in real life. I have to keep repeating, "It's just a TV show. It's just a TV show."

Edited by MissBluxom
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2 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

They make a kickass team, and hey, Mr. Wrench is decently cute in a murderous lumberjack kind of way. I loved watching them get the upper hand, it seems like Nikki is going to end up coming out on top this season.

I was thinking the same thing -- he is cute in a murderous lumberjack kind of way!

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2 minutes ago, KaleyFirefly said:

I was thinking the same thing -- he is cute in a murderous lumberjack kind of way!

And, hey, he's not even really murderous anymore—just a little fake murderous with the automatic weapon.
But does he play Bridge?

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Sheesh--now that's there's only one episode left I'm beginning to enjoy this season.  Episode 9 was g.o.o.d. (especially Nikki & Mr. Wrench, an attractive & dynamic duo, taking on the subhumans).  While reading the posts wishing to see Gloria's incompetent boss publicly villified, I had a sad thought.  We may be denied that wish as he'll probably be killed in a big shoot-out that most likely will happen in the grand finale.  It would be nice to have a number of our questions answered (but I wouldn't put it past them to keep us hangin').

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My take is that Nikki and Wrench aren't dead, they've been given a reprieve by Paul Marrane to bring down the wicked. Whether and for how long they go on after they have fulfilled that task is an open question. They've been using the last three months and the $10K to heal up and do the groundwork for when they made their move and that includes surveillance/reconnaissance. They probably ditched the green VW because as far as they know it belongs to someone else and could/would eventually be reported as stolen.

I'm a little confused as to the idea that the widow Goldfarb and Varga are in cahoots. If that is the case why would Varga want Sy out of the picture when he was the one pushing for the sale to Goldfarb?

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1 hour ago, Terrafamilia said:

My take is that Nikki and Wrench aren't dead, they've been given a reprieve by Paul Marrane to bring down the wicked. Whether and for how long they go on after they have fulfilled that task is an open question. They've been using the last three months and the $10K to heal up and do the groundwork for when they made their move and that includes surveillance/reconnaissance. They probably ditched the green VW because as far as they know it belongs to someone else and could/would eventually be reported as stolen.

I'm a little confused as to the idea that the widow Goldfarb and Varga are in cahoots. If that is the case why would Varga want Sy out of the picture when he was the one pushing for the sale to Goldfarb?

I agree. If they were in cahoots, Varga would know about their meetings with Goldfarb and would have pushed them into selling out to her.

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On 6/14/2017 at 9:53 PM, AzureOwl said:

I just realized that the Widow may have straight up lied to Gloria. We know she is the "Storage Queen of the Great Lakes Region", but she claimed to be from St. Louis.

St. Louis is a one-hour plane trip and less than a 5 hour drive to Chicago. She can easily own a Great Lakes region business while living in St. Louis. If her business only had one location, then maybe it'd be worth living in that same location, but her business would have locations scattered all over multiple states. So she really can just live wherever she wants and travel as necessary to various locations. She's not far.

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On 2017-06-16 at 3:18 PM, luna1122 said:

I have the very hardest time imaging Ms Goldfarb being married to someone with those teeth.  Looks appear to mean a great deal to her, even if her own wardrobe and hair are oddly dated and strange; she BELIEVES she is elegant. Elegant, Mr. Varga is not.

They don't seem to live together at all. Maybe their particular con game involves making people think they don't know each other at all.

If I was Madam Goldfarb, that would be an ideal situation for me. Someone else would be most welcome to deal with his filthy habits. I would be ecstatic to have him live somewhere, anywhere, preferably near the opposite end of the globe. All in all, that arrangement just might suit the both of them - especially if they had an "open marriage" and both were free to enjoy the company of other people, animals, objects, slugs and filth of any manner of description. Madam Goldfarb has kept herself in remarkably fine condition and she is a very attractive lady. Especially when she keeps her mouth shut. Actually, both of them are far more attractive the longer they remain silent. The moment they speak, their desirability level plummets just like a dead turkey after being shot down during an Autumn hunt.

Edited by MissBluxom
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I really love Gloria and Winnie's relationship.  Winnie gave her a little poke and she basically turned Gloria on like a computer who can be recognized by other computers.  that was cute.  And the hug was a lovely moment.

And Emmit had another great moment, brilliantly underplayed by McGregor, with his confession.  Emmit isn't a showy role.  I mean the man lives in a beige house.  But his pain and bewilderment in this story has been well done for me at least.  In the story of Peter and the Wolf - Emmit's role is that of the bird.

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On 6/15/2017 at 0:34 PM, cardigirl said:

The character's name is Varga, not Vargas.  V. M. Varga.  


And while I don't enjoy watching people eat on the toilet, I thought the scene with Varga consuming ice cream was masterful.  He was the Wolf consuming Emmit, slowly and methodically. 

Begging your pardon, but I looked it up ( on 2 sites), and his character is listed as V.M. Vargas. :)

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