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S09.E09: Two Weeks Notice

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Sometimes I think Andyvo have in mind a morality play in the RH world: "See, children? The rich are *not better than you! Revolution!"

I think Andy loved Dynasty the most, and this entire franchise is his (low rent) real life toy version of it.

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5 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

Once I invited my friends to the Berks 

Where they proceeded to act like jerks

The house filled with smoke

With cameras I couldn't go toke

So till they leave my cleaning I'll shirk

After the dust is to have settled

and the fire put out with a kettle

And to add to the pain

there's a rug with a stain

and wedding in which to meddle?


I can only imagine the mess

that Do would have to address

aside from the  clown

trying to burn the house down!

How does she handle the stress?

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So good ol' obedient Carole tossed in a few lines to convince us that Jason really is psycho - but are we really supposed to believe that Bethenny was the good guy in that marriage?! 

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Jason will never be on Bravo because of the gag order and because Bethenny would never let him tell his side of the story. It is always a three  story house.

His story.

Her story.

The truth which is somewhere in between but not anything that partisans will be interested in. 

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19 hours ago, Straycat80 said:

Ramona has not been a good friend to Bethenny. Really! Really! REALLY! I wonder why Bethenny went on WWHL after her female surgery and said the one friend who was REALLY there for her was Ramona. I wonder if she'll remember sayings that? 

It's really Bethenny who hasn't been a good friend to Ramona.

It was Ramona who Bethenny turned to when her father died.  It was Ramona who supported Bethenny in her fallout with Jill - and tried to get them together - and who ultimately had to endure the wrath of Jill for tossing her from Scary Island.  She also was there when Bethenny got married, had a kid.

Ramona should not have brought up Bethenny's daughter.  That said, Bethenny needs to learn about forgiveness from LuAnn and Sonja - when she viciously attacked them - but they forgave her.

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8 hours ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

And furthermore gracious is how Dorinda handled he stain on the chair!!  "No big deal, we'll handle that tomorrow!" I loved Dorinda in that moment. That's class. Possibly $2,000 in fabric gets accidently stained, you brush it off to keep your guest comfortable.  That's a hostess. I can see this reaction from Lu,  Dorinda, Sonja  and maybe  Carole because she doesn't take care of her furniture fabric or take cooking too seriously, but Beth Ramona no way. Tinsley maybe , old money rolls this way frequently.  

My husband was watching at that point and all he could do was talk about how he hopes those puppies were scotch guarded.  He used to clean upholstery at many very wealthy homes in Montecito (and famous peoples homes) and Dorinda not handling it at that moment made him itchy in a professional capacity.  I said no sweat, her bf is a hugely respected dry cleaner and will deal with it.  She handled that much better than I would have honestly.  Between that and the fireplace incident the girls were pretty careless with her home.

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The meal looked so good! I loved that all the ladies had full plates.  Also loved that Dorinda didn't care about the stain. That is how you should handle it, worry about it tommarow. 

Why  does Beth talk so much shit about Lu, then turns around  and acts nice (as nice as Beth  can act) to Lu's face. We know she doesn't care about Lu,  so what was all that fake crying about Tom cheating on Lu? I didn't see anything wrong with what Lu was saying, yes,  your marriage /divorce sucks, at least you now have this daughter that you love.  Makes sense. Beth just loves being a victim, she loves letting people know how hard she has it, No one has hurt, suffered as much as beth(eye roll). 

Ramona is insane! 

Edited by imjagain
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13 hours ago, diadochokinesis said:

Yes, the truth could be twisted but a judge found enough evidence to put in a temporary restraining order against Hoppy. I don't know about you but I'm going to trust the judge that saw all the evidence rather than Page Six who was not privy to any of it. 


Once they separated over 4 years ago, communication between the 2 was never direct, it was handled by the lawyers. The custody exchange/hand off was always handled by a third party - so again no direct contact between Jason & Bethenny. They saw each other at court hearings but again they probably did not speak directly to each other. They probably saw each other at Bryn school functions, but I'm sure Bethenny stayed as far away from the douche as possible There was no reason for Jason Sloppy to send her text or emails, nor should he have sent them to her assistants or to Dennis.

It was serious enough to get him ARRESTED and after the judge was shown proof Jason was served with the restraining order at his arraignment.

NY does not give restraining orders freely. Nor would they have arrested Jason with just she said/he said. There were witnesses. If he sent the 3 parties text messages & emails then there is also documentation of his stalking/harrassment.

I hope he gets nailed in court.

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3 hours ago, Ki-in said:

The next time I have guests over I'm going to put some marbles in the medicine cabinet and some springy snakes under the sink, hearing the racket and them trying to explain

I leave the air freshener on the vanity, so there is no need for anyone to open any drawers or cabinets.

That and I put a sign up inside the medicine chest that says "We are out of aspirin".

If I think you opened the up the MC while you were in there, I'll innocently say, "Were YOU the one that asked me for an aspirin?"

Just for shits and giggles.

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If he did what has been claimed by the always hysterical and usually untruthful Bernadette then he should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Of course she is very rich and the courts bend into pretzels to accommodate the rich and powerful. We have to wait until it is put before a jury of his peers. He feels he is totally innocent and wants a trail. I don't think he will opt for a bench trial. If he goes before a New York Jury I bet he will walk scott free from the charges ginned up by compliant prosecutors and high priced shysters. 

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3 hours ago, motorcitymom65 said:

Right there with you. Two words guaranteed to set me off are "calm down". We will have a rule when we get to the island that no one can say that. Even when the booze runs out. 

Ok. I'll come to B Island and bring a case of wine (and hide a second in the hold of the boat!) 

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7 hours ago, QuinnM said:

Count me in as a Ocean Spray can fan.  But I loved the way she cut and served it.  I believe there should be an instructional video presented on Bravotv.

That's the way we've been serving it for as long as I can remember.  You slide the whole thing onto a dish, and cut the slices, kind of holding it together with your fingers.  Then, you put one cut straight down the middle, and the half-slices just sort of fall into a nice arrangement. 

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Lu is a better person than me because after all the shit Ramona pulled with Lu about the Tom thing, when she was saying how everyone knew that Mario was cheating except for her I would have said "the psychic tried to warn you."

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8 hours ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

Absolutely, her reaction to the fire place thing was above it all, self centered and not gracious. She was literally "it's not MY FAULT the flue was stuck shut" and stomps off with an eye roll not taking a shred of responsibility. How about helping with the mess you made and apologizing instead of deflecting your contribution! That's why she and Beth are great friends nothing is ever their fault,  they do not contribute to any conflict.  It's always 100% the other person at fault.  

She opened a door and apologized, saying she didn't know the flue was shut. Where was the stomping and eye-rolling?

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3 minutes ago, njbchlover said:

That's the way we've been serving it for as long as I can remember.  You slide the whole thing onto a dish, and cut the slices, kind of holding it together with your fingers.  Then, you put one cut straight down the middle, and the half-slices just sort of fall into a nice arrangement. 

Take some dental floss and wrap it around your fingers. Use that to cut the cranberries for even, presentable slices.

It's a good thing?

20 minutes ago, KungFuBunny said:

Once they separated over 4 years ago, communication between the 2 was never direct, it was handled by the lawyers. The custody exchange/hand off was always handled by a third party - so again no direct contact between Jason & Bethenny. They saw each other at court hearings but again they probably did not speak directly to each other. They probably saw each other at Bryn school functions, but I'm sure Bethenny stayed as far away from the douche as possible There was no reason for Jason Sloppy to send her text or emails, nor should he have sent them to her assistants or to Dennis.

It was serious enough to get him ARRESTED and after the judge was shown proof Jason was served with the restraining order at his arraignment.

NY does not give restraining orders freely. Nor would they have arrested Jason with just she said/he said. There were witnesses. If he sent the 3 parties text messages & emails then there is also documentation of his stalking/harrassment.

I hope he gets nailed in court.

Anytime you have to show up to court, you are pretty much fucked.

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Beth just loves being a victim, she loves letting people know how hard she has it, No one has hurt, suffered as much as beth(eye roll). 

Bingo!  I think that's why so many of us listen to her with one eyebrow raised.  I've heard the story of "raised by wolves," "richest homeless person in NYC," "I am being tortured," just too many times to truly buy into what she's saying.  Granted, I believe there's some truth to whatever it is Jason is doing, but until I can hear his side of the story, there will be a great big question mark for me as to the validity of what she says.  YMMV. 

Dorinda was a great hostess!  As a host, you always expect there to be some kind of spill or minor incident, but lighting the fireplace without asking the owner if it's okay?  That's just crazy!  So many people don't use their fireplaces and it's decorative only.  I'd never in a million years take it upon myself to try to light someone else's fireplace!  The look on Dorinda's face said it all, but she held it together and kept going.  I'm sure her house stunk for awhile after having that smoke go everywhere.  Once it gets in the curtains and furniture, and it's hard to get it out.  She may have had to have a professional come in to clean the carpet and drapes. 

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7 hours ago, njbchlover said:

Ramona also flounced into dinner (with Sonja) carrying her purse on her arm.  I've seen them all do it at people's homes, and it's weird to me.  What's in those purses that they have to carry them around while being a guest in someone's house?  

The weirdest was when Sonja hosted a dinner in her Crumbling Townhouse. This was the one with the Morgan pillowcase napkin conversation. Sonja walked into the salon where her guests were seated with a bag hanging from her arm.

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I am truly amazed at how awful Ramona looks.  I've always been appalled by her actions and manners - now she has the physical appearance to go with them.  I don't know who her (face and breasts) surgeon is, but based on this sample of their work, I would stay far, far away.  With the new breasts, she looks extremely matronly, and yet she seems proud of them.  They just seem to make her look frowsy.  I have no idea of what was done to her face, but she is moving very close to Wildenstein territory...

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2 minutes ago, PradaKitty said:

I am truly amazed at how awful Ramona looks.  I've always been appalled by her actions and manners - now she has the physical appearance to go with them.  I don't know who her (face and breasts) surgeon is, but based on this sample of their work, I would stay far, far away.  With the new breasts, she looks extremely matronly, and yet she seems proud of them.  They just seem to make her look frowsy.  I have no idea of what was done to her face, but she is moving very close to Wildenstein territory...

Well, she should be proud of them, she paid for them all by herself?

Didn't Wildenstein want to look like a cat?

Ramona is close to looking like an asshole?!?!?!?!

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41 minutes ago, KungFuBunny said:

Once they separated over 4 years ago, communication between the 2 was never direct, it was handled by the lawyers. The custody exchange/hand off was always handled by a third party - so again no direct contact between Jason & Bethenny. They saw each other at court hearings but again they probably did not speak directly to each other. They probably saw each other at Bryn school functions, but I'm sure Bethenny stayed as far away from the douche as possible There was no reason for Jason Sloppy to send her text or emails, nor should he have sent them to her assistants or to Dennis.

It was serious enough to get him ARRESTED and after the judge was shown proof Jason was served with the restraining order at his arraignment.

NY does not give restraining orders freely. Nor would they have arrested Jason with just she said/he said. There were witnesses. If he sent the 3 parties text messages & emails then there is also documentation of his stalking/harrassment.

I hope he gets nailed in court.

Bethenny has talked about how the handoffs were originally direct and face to face. This was when she claimed that Jason would say to Bryn, "I'm so sorry you have to go with mommy." Of course, she contradicts herself often enough that I can believe she also said that they were also always handled by a third party.

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2 minutes ago, lunastartron said:

Bethenny has talked about how the handoffs were originally direct and face to face. This was when she claimed that Jason would say to Bryn, "I'm so sorry you have to go with mommy." Of course, she contradicts herself often enough that I can believe she also said that they were also always handled by a third party.

Right.  I do not believe much of what she says.  If Jason is truly tormenting her, then, he should be stopped.  I would require concrete evidence and not a bucket of tears and paid friends to wrangle a conviction.  I hope it's a fair thing.  From the way she appeared last night, she might have been gearing up for her performance, I mean testimony.  

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Put the case in front of a bunch of single moms who only wish the Dad was involved with their kid as much as Jason and the jury will return a not guilty in ten minutes.

In fact put it to a jury of coma victims who after listening to Bethenny shriek and wail will never believe a word that she says.

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Put the case in front of a bunch of single moms who only wish the Dad was involved with their kid as much as Jason and the jury will return a not guilty in ten minutes.

But will they swoon over the stalking and harassment as well? And will be they be wishing their baby daddies were that involved as well?

"Well, he's a psycho, but at least he cares enough to stalk the fuck out of us. Father of the year!"

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1 hour ago, twilightzone said:

It's really Bethenny who hasn't been a good friend to Ramona.

It was Ramona who Bethenny turned to when her father died.  It was Ramona who supported Bethenny in her fallout with Jill - and tried to get them together - and who ultimately had to endure the wrath of Jill for tossing her from Scary Island.  She also was there when Bethenny got married, had a kid.

Ramona should not have brought up Bethenny's daughter.  That said, Bethenny needs to learn about forgiveness from LuAnn and Sonja - when she viciously attacked them - but they forgave her.

If she learns to forgive/move on, she has to give up that cross she drags around and beats others over the head with, so.....that isn't going to happen! Bethenny loves, LOVES, her self made victim status.

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It all depends on the content of the emails. If she is interfering with his custody and refusing to answer legitimate questions the number of emails will not matter. In fact I find it humorous that this number seems so outlandish to some people. These kids today send out that many texts and emails in an afternoon.

I think Bethenny if full of it and it will be shown in court. She was certainly full of it in this episode. Look at how she treats Luann. Look at how she treated Jules last year. Look at how she treats anybody that is not a toady like Carole. She even went after Dorinda with vile accusations. Why would anyone think she is credible about anything? She is a nasty sack of crap.

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1 hour ago, nexxie said:

So good ol' obedient Carole tossed in a few lines to convince us that Jason really is psycho - but are we really supposed to believe that Bethenny was the good guy in that marriage?! 

I am not sure that there was a "good guy" in that marriage or that this is what we were meant to believe in what Carole said. Was Carole even talking about the marriage? I thought they were talking abut Jason's behavior since the divorce.  I think what we are meant to believe is that he was sending her hundreds of emails that were harassing and nasty to Beth and to Dennis, which is what Carole said. And since then, we know the d-bag has been arrested and hauled into court. I think that is what we are meant to believe. Just the stuff that happened. 

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2 hours ago, BckpckFullaNinjas said:

Indeed, it would be miraculous for her - several others - to simply & sincerely say, "I made a mess; I'm sorry; can I pay to have it cleaned?" 

Sometimes I think Andyvo have in mind a morality play in the RH world: "See, children? The rich are *not better than you! Revolution!"


I do love my Crazy Noodle, but the truth of the matter is...the only reason Ramona went to Dorinda to confess is because it was the chair she was sitting on. Therefore, she wanted it cleaned and pristine before she planted her ass back on it.

Had she been less drunk, she would've switched it out for Luann's or Tinsley's chair.

Remember Coco pooping on Dorinda's rugs? She didn't care cause she had boots on and she has stepped in Coco shit before.


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40 minutes ago, PradaKitty said:

I am truly amazed at how awful Ramona looks.  I've always been appalled by her actions and manners - now she has the physical appearance to go with them.  I don't know who her (face and breasts) surgeon is, but based on this sample of their work, I would stay far, far away.  With the new breasts, she looks extremely matronly, and yet she seems proud of them.  They just seem to make her look frowsy.  I have no idea of what was done to her face, but she is moving very close to Wildenstein territory...

I agree.  Her breasts make her look heavy, and that face....oye!

4 minutes ago, Trooper York said:

She has to film with someone besides Charley McCarthy.

Who?  May we please use real names?  

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7 minutes ago, BBHN said:

Hasn't she forgiven Sonja for last season's shenanigans?

Yes, and she forgave Ramona for the lashing she gave her as they walked over the bridge all those years ago, and for stealing that dress from her show. She seems to be as good as anyone at moving on. But I think like most people, she does reach a point of no return. 

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4 hours ago, Yours Truly said:

Well I get what you're saying but I do think some of the shit I've seen her pull on this show and her shows were pretty evil. That's my opinion. I think she's got a perverse connection with inflicting hurt and deriving pleasure from it.

I'm not going with some lame they made me do it narrative just that I don't believe Jason wakes up every day trying to figure out ways to torture his ex wife. Now Beth? Not so sure. Beth makes it a point to stick it to people and it doesn't take much for her to decide to take aim.  I just think his low moments and poor choices come from frustration which is a human emotion whereas Beth's low moments come from a very inherent need to hurt others and to win at all costs. More wolf like if you will.

At the end of the day the resulting behavior is unfortunate between the both of them and of course can't easily be excused but I feel that redemption is more possible when one has hesitantly fallen to those depth than when someone is already down there pulling from below with gusto.

...Weelllll,...she was raised by wolves, wasn't she?

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6 minutes ago, Trooper York said:

She has to film with someone besides Charley McCarthy.

I highly doubt this is a problem for Beth. I think that everyone will be more than willing to film with her. Seems to me that the thing that freaks them out the most is the idea that Beth won't film with them. She will still get the camera crew for her one-offs; she doesn't need any of them for the most part. They need her much more than she needs them. 

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25 minutes ago, BBHN said:

But will they swoon over the stalking and harassment as well? And will be they be wishing their baby daddies were that involved as well?

"Well, he's a psycho, but at least he cares enough to stalk the fuck out of us. Father of the year!"

And she is the picture of mental health?

pot meets kettle.

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18 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Right.  I do not believe much of what she says.  If Jason is truly tormenting her, then, he should be stopped.  I would require concrete evidence and not a bucket of tears and paid friends to wrangle a conviction.  I hope it's a fair thing.  From the way she appeared last night, she might have been gearing up for her performance, I mean testimony.  

Bethenny does exaggerate, but there was enough evidence to sustain an arrest. Conversely, Jules and Michael kept calling the cops on each other. Neither was arrested. That Jason was arrested means there is evidence that he had been acting illegally and inappropriately. More than anything, I find Jason contacting Dennis Shields to be the actions that are so beyond propriety. There really wasn't a reason for any of that.

Edited by HunterHunted
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1 hour ago, chewycandy said:

She opened a door and apologized, saying she didn't know the flue was shut. Where was the stomping and eye-rolling?

Sorry on the rewatch I saw that she apologized, said "I thought...I dunno" then in her immediate mid scene TH said it wasn't her fault in an annoyed tone and bragging she made a kick ass fire yeah that's remorse.... Then it flashed to her walking away. I looked down and did t see the TH I thought she was saying it as she walked away not helping to fix the disaster. 

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21 minutes ago, motorcitymom65 said:

Yes, and she forgave Ramona for the lashing she gave her as they walked over the bridge all those years ago, and for stealing that dress from her show. She seems to be as good as anyone at moving on. But I think like most people, she does reach a point of no return. 

What would there be to forgive Ramona for vis a vis the bridge incident? She was just being "real."

I mean, the "If you can't handle the truth" seems to encompass just as destructive and hurtful commentary as long as it's coming from Bethenny. 

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We'll see what happens.  You really don't have to have a mountain of evidence to get someone arrested.  He said, she said.  We'll see.  I've seen people claim that they were threatened and that they are terrified.  Turns out, the ex said he would take them to court, if they failed to pay their portion of summer camp fees.  So, it can be subjective. The lawyers will sort it out and hopefully, he'll get a fair trial. 

  If Jason is doing something improper, then, it should be stopped.  It won't change my opinion of Bethenny.  She's a woman with some talent, lots of energy and often a charming personality.  The sad thing is that she is dishonest, imo and a malcontent.  Nothing will ever make her happy or let her be in peace.  It's sad, really. 

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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6 minutes ago, lunastartron said:

What would there be to forgive Ramona for vis a vis the bridge incident? She was just being "real."

I mean, the "If you can't handle the truth" seems to encompass just as destructive and hurtful commentary as long as it's coming from Bethenny. 

To some people there would be something to forgive. For instance, if I were Lu, I wouldn't probably forgive Beth easily for calling me a whore on TV. She did, and Beth has forgiven Ramona for things she has said that hurt. 

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2 minutes ago, motorcitymom65 said:

To some people there would be something to forgive. For instance, if I were Lu, I wouldn't probably forgive Beth easily for calling me a whore on TV. She did, and Beth has forgiven Ramona for things she has said that hurt. 

have you seen Lulu recently?

girlfriend is glowing. She is happy and Imo is the ultimate survivor. She simply moves on...And is mature enough not to let naysayers and negative people affect her.

as far as what Ramona told Bethaney on the bridge, it was incredibly cruel. True but cruel. I doubt that Beth forgot or forgave Ramona.

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13 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

So were those door stops or not?

Writer Girl has never come across the word 'andiron'?

18 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I'm no Bethenny fan, anymore, but, that was a low blow by Ramona on the bridge.  

That was an unbelievably low (yet, truthful) blow by Ramona to Bethenny, on the bridge.

Matched only by Bethenny telling soon-to-be bride, Luann, that her betrothed is still cheating on her and will always cheat on her.  Low, yet truthful, blow.

Edited by ryebread
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