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Season 19 Live Feed Discussion

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For about the last 20 minutes Paul and Josh have been sitting in the BY hammock talking about how badass they were in standing up to Mark, to Cody, to Jessica - about ALL THE TIMES they got up in their faces talking shit, and how the other would just stare at them, shut up, slink off with their tail between their legs, etc., etc.


Yeah, guys, we get it.

There's no doubt in anybody's mind that Paul and Josh are the two toughest guys on that hammock. 

On this particular evening.


14 hours ago, backformore said:

So, you guys don't think Raven will be able to persuade the rest of the jury to vote for Paul to win? 

Isn't she the PUPPET MASTER?   

Hell, no.  that would be METALLICA.


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I caught a snippet of Josh and Paul in the hammock, but the portion that I caught was when they were talking about Christmas -- not game talk, but about Christmas being beautiful, cool, a good person, etc. 

This was not the first time that Josh has kind of pushed the Christmas issue with Paul a bit.  I can tell that Josh does not fully believe that there is nothing between Paul and Christmas, nor does he believe that Paul feels nothing for Christmas beyond friendship, so Josh pushes it a bit and finds ways to bring things up to see what Paul will say.

Josh got Paul to admit that Christmas is "super pretty," and a variety of other things.  They also both agreed that Christmas would be a great wing woman for them in clubs.   They talked about the pretty girls in the house this year, and Paul said that not only were they pretty, but a few were also his "type."   Paul said that Jessica is pretty, but she is NOT his type.  Paul seemed to zero in mostly on Dominique, Elena... and Christmas.  

Josh asked Paul what he thought of Natalie in his season last year, and Paul said the same thing he said about Jessica -- Natalie is pretty, but not his type.

Not once did I hear Paul say that Christmas was not his type.  In fact, he only had positive, glowing things to say about her looks and personality, which seemed to get Josh to push the issue a little more.

The two main issues in terms of Paul not being interested in Christmas are: 1) the fact that he is reallllly missing his girlfriend, and he says he has been thinking about her the whole time he has been in the house, and he hopes that his cuddling with Christmas won't be a problem, and that his girlfriend will understand; and 2) the age difference between himself and Christmas. 

Josh was saying something to Paul along the lines of, "But if she wasn't 11 years older..."  (I think he wants Paul to admit that he would pursue Christmas under different circumstances, but Paul won't admit it.)

I don't get the impression that Paul himself is that bothered by the age difference as much as I think he thinks that Christmas wants an older guy, not a younger guy.   He said that Christmas can get any guy she wants, and that guys will be coming at her from everywhere, so she can just pick whoever she wants and go after him.  Paul thinks she wants a 45-year-old rich guy who "can tame her."

Josh asked him something like, "Did she tell you that?"  Paul said no, she didn't say that, but he just knows.  He knows she wants that kind of guy who is older and can tame her.

Edited by TVFan17
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11 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Yes because what every woman in the world wants is a man to "tame" her. Because we're just wild, unbroken girls galloping through the fields until the right man comes by. Jesus. 

That comment tells you everything you ever wanted-or didn't- to know about Paul's attitude towards women.  Dumb, subservient, sheltered and (hopefully) rich. 

I keep hoping once the show is over some big brawny guy marches over to Paul and says "you weren't very nice to my cousin/friend/co-worker" because I imagine Paul would react like the guy in the "I've got CRAMPS!!" part of I'm Gonna Get You, Sucka.

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8 hours ago, green said:

Actually I think they WOULD advertise it as a way to get people to watch.  Because the season is a total snore unless the jury and/or Josh DO something finally instead of mainlining the kool-aide.  But bitter juries 3 or 4 days ago will be "respect for who played best" come voting time.

Yes, this is my fear as well. I'm not getting my hopes up based on rumors that the jury is bitter. They can be mad and still end up voting for Paul to win in the end. They have to vote for someone to win, and they may hold their noses and vote for Paul when they see that he is up against Josh or Take Your Daughter to Work Day, both of whom are nearly as reprehensible. 

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4 hours ago, Nashville said:

about ALL THE TIMES they got up in their faces talking shit, and how the other would just stare at them, shut up, slink off with their tail between their legs, etc., etc.

So that's what they're telling themselves.  I guess it never dawned on these little chicken livers that the people they were yelling at were thinking about punching their faces through the drywall, then reminded themselves they would be kicked off the show and charged with assault, so they walked away with some dignity.  Self-control and dignity being attributes with which Paul and Josh are completely unfamiliar.  To think Josh is saying this when the whole world knows that he bawls like a frightened three year old when he's confronted.

I've decided I want O'Tannebaum to win.

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1 hour ago, me5671 said:

Yes, this is my fear as well. I'm not getting my hopes up based on rumors that the jury is bitter. They can be mad and still end up voting for Paul to win in the end. They have to vote for someone to win, and they may hold their noses and vote for Paul when they see that he is up against Josh or Take Your Daughter to Work Day, both of whom are nearly as reprehensible. 

I am keeping my hopes up because it is exciting.  One good DR chat with Josh could tip him to the right choice.  I am counting on the jury staying bitter!  

A question.  When the jury moves to a hotel, probably today, do they keep them separated to any extent?  I know the handlers in the house don't allow them to talk game, even though I am sure they find moments.  

Edited by wings707
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44 minutes ago, wings707 said:

A question.  When the jury moves to a hotel, probably today, do they keep them separated to any extent?  I know the handlers in the house don't allow them to talk game, even though I am sure they find moments.  

They actually apparently go to the hotel like a week before the finale, so they're already there. And yes they are apparently separated during that time. 

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I watched a couple minutes of BBAD this morning and Paul briefly mentioned something about Christmas is getting married when she gets out. I wonder how he knows that bit of (false) info. I had not heard that she brought anything up about that. Also, if he thinks that, that makes all the snuggling that much worse IMO. I think they are both going to be very sad once they get out...for multiple reasons.

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1 minute ago, diana said:

I watched a couple minutes of BBAD this morning and Paul briefly mentioned something about Christmas is getting married when she gets out. I wonder how he knows that bit of (false) info. I had not heard that she brought anything up about that. Also, if he thinks that, that makes all the snuggling that much worse IMO. I think they are both going to be very sad once they get out...for multiple reasons.

She told Paul that she had broken up with her fiance just before entering the house.   He told Josh that is why she needs to cuddle and he understands.  He also said he hopes his GF understands this.  He referred to her as a diamond waiting for him when out in another conversation. 

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I'm so glad a new season of Dancing with the Stars starts tonight. At least I know no one's going to start banging mirror balls together while singing the circus song on DWTS.  It'll be nice to snark on a silly little reality show again. I was worried that my snark was drying up with this season of Big Brother and had slowly been turning into disgust and surprising amounts of anger.

I blame Paul. It's all his fault. Thanks for turning my fun little summer show into a stomach churning display of blech. May you never darken Big Brother's door again after this. 

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"Victim noises," "you played yourself" and "gumpy" need to disappear from the lexicon immediately. I hate all of them, roll my eyes so hard I get headaches each time I hear one, and it's getting old. "Victim noises" left with Cody, thank goodness, and didn't really catch on, but since Golden Boy Paul made up the other two, the houseguests won't stop saying them and they sound stupid.

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1 minute ago, Christina said:

"Victim noises," "you played yourself" and "gumpy" need to disappear from the lexicon immediately. I hate all of them, roll my eyes so hard I get headaches each time I hear one, and it's getting old. "Victim noises" left with Cody, thank goodness, and didn't really catch on, but since Golden Boy Paul made up the other two, the houseguests won't stop saying them and they sound stupid.

And "friendship."  Because of Paul, I now hate a perfectly nice, innocuous little word.  Thanks alot, troll.

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15 minutes ago, Christina said:

 "you played yourself" and "gumpy" ....... but since Golden Boy Paul made up the other two

Nope.  "gumpy" appears in the Urban Dictionary as of 2008.  And I'm very sure the other one has been said long before Paul raised his foul trollish head from under the bridge. 

Edited by Skycatcher
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19 minutes ago, laurakaye said:
22 minutes ago, Christina said:


And "friendship."  Because of Paul, I now hate a perfectly nice, innocuous little word.  Thanks alot, troll.

"Your boy" sure has ruined a lot of words

29 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

I blame Paul. It's all his fault. Thanks for turning my fun little summer show into a stomach churning display of blech. May you never darken Big Brother's door again after this. 

Callaphera, to quote David Letterman: "once again, you've crystallized my thoughts exactly".  Every word of what you wrote expresses perfectly the thoughts that have been tumbling around my brain since I saw his repulsive face in July and have gotten progressively louder till I can't hear anything else and long for this show to end and take him with it

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46 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

It actually makes me miss BB17's Vanessa's REASONS!!!1 and BATHING IN BLOOD!!!1

Ick no! I'll take friendship and gumpy for 5 more season to never hear Vanessa talk game ever again. 

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1 hour ago, Callaphera said:

I'm so glad a new season of Dancing with the Stars starts tonight. At least I know no one's going to start banging mirror balls together while singing the circus song on DWTS.  It'll be nice to snark on a silly little reality show again. I was worried that my snark was drying up with this season of Big Brother and had slowly been turning into disgust and surprising amounts of anger.

I blame Paul. It's all his fault. Thanks for turning my fun little summer show into a stomach churning display of blech. May you never darken Big Brother's door again after this. 

I'm so glad you mentioned DWTS because I forgot about it and now I can set my DVR.

Oh, except apparently it's not airing here in a Detroit because of the Lions Monday Night Football game. Ugh.

If Paul is a contestant on a future season of BB, I won't be able to watch until he gets evicted. I dislike him that much.

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I saw this at Joker's.  Seems Hug a Greeting Card Writer Day knows she "played herself"

Cry me a river.

"I don’t know how I can be so happy about my game and so broken-hearted about my game at the same time. 
I came in with a broken heart; I’m leaving with a broken heart. Super disappointed in my performance. I know, I’m having a pity-party right now, but I feel like that is deserved because I’ve not had a pity party all freaking summer with my broken f-in’ foot. And it still hurts."

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2 hours ago, laurakaye said:

I'm going to use this around the house to see how it goes.


Hubby: (leaves his coffee cup in the sink)

Me:  Put that *&^$$(% cup in the dishwasher, please.

Hubby: But I might have more coffee later.

Me: You played yourself.


Daughter: Mom, where's my favorite white tank top?

Me: On the floor where you left it.

Daughter: Can you wash it?

Me: You played yourself.


This is just stupid and confusing enough to work.

OMG!  Going to use your idea around my house too.

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2 hours ago, Skycatcher said:

Nope.  "gumpy" appears in the Urban Dictionary as of 2008.  And I'm very sure the other one has been said long before Paul raised his foul trollish head from under the bridge. 

"You played yourself," is a catchphrase from musician and producer DJ Khalid. He and Complex Magazine turned it into a meme a few years ago.



Black Twitter, Urban Media and Black Gossip Blogs are where Paul has found all of his slang. Absolutely none of it is original or made up.

Edited by jonaswan2
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8 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Yes because what every woman in the world wants is a man to "tame" her. Because we're just wild, unbroken girls galloping through the fields until the right man comes by. Jesus. 

He didn't say that is true of every woman in the world.  He didn't say it was true of the majority of women or a hundred or even two.  He said it about one specific woman, who he knows probably a thousand times better than anyone on this board does. 

I have no clue if he's right about Xmas.  But to make the jump from one woman to all women does not reflect what he said, and is a vast betrayal of logic. 

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17 minutes ago, Nashville said:

So much for "Never cared".

Yes.  He also said that he doesn't watch the shows or have anything to do with twitter.  Twitter, because only haters post there (paraphrased).  He probably cares more than many.  

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I don't know why I said Paul "made those up" when I knew he didn't create them. I should have said something like "said it once in the house causing his cult followers to repeat them, ad nauseum." First, I was thinking "pulled it out of his ass" only to realize that wasn't right so I changed it. Shouldn't type in an insomnia haze but if I didn't, I'd never post at all. 

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2 hours ago, laurakaye said:

And "friendship."  Because of Paul, I now hate a perfectly nice, innocuous little word.  Thanks alot, troll.

And "hinky".  And to think I was disappointed last year when Paul didn't win.  This year he hasn't done anything even remotely likeable.  The worst is his reprehensible lying goodbye messages.

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2 minutes ago, hhawks said:

And "hinky".  And to think I was disappointed last year when Paul didn't win.  This year he hasn't done anything even remotely likeable.  The worst is his reprehensible lying goodbye messages.

I have heard and used this word my entire life and I am old. 

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9 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Yes because what every woman in the world wants is a man to "tame" her. Because we're just wild, unbroken girls galloping through the fields until the right man comes by. Jesus. 

When he made the comments about what (he believes) Christmas wants in a man, and that she wants a guy to tame her, I envisioned that she would probably giggle and be 'fake-angry' at him for saying that, only because she seems to be so smitten with Paul's humor, logic, intelligence, etc.  She might even joke about it with him. 

Where I thought he might be off the mark in his assumption about what she wants/needs is when he said she wanted a 45-year-old guy.  I don't know how old her ex is, but has she ever said she wanted someone who is older than she is?  I wasn't sure where Paul got that idea that she wanted someone older (instead of younger).   I hadn't heard any conversation from Christmas about only wanting older guys.  I could have easily missed something she said in the house, though.


1 hour ago, kikaha said:

He didn't say that is true of every woman in the world.  He didn't say it was true of the majority of women or a hundred or even two.  He said it about one specific woman, who he knows probably a thousand times better than anyone on this board does. 

I have no clue if he's right about Xmas.  But to make the jump from one woman to all women does not reflect what he said, and is a vast betrayal of logic. 

This is very true.  In his defense, Paul was not making that comment about all women at all.  He wasn't even speaking unfavorably about women in general at that time.  His "tame her" comment only applied to Christmas, specifically because Josh was trying to tiptoe around finding out if Paul and Christmas could have something together -- in the house or out of the house -- and Paul mentioned the age difference between them (in addition to mentioning his girlfriend, who has been on his mind and he misses her badly).     So Paul was using the '45-year-old guy who can tame her' reference as an example to show that Christmas  needs a certain type of guy that he (Paul) is not.  He is not the guy who can tame her (or so he thinks), so I think that was his way of telling Josh that Christmas wouldn't want to be with him and he wouldn't want to be with her.

Edited by TVFan17
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2 minutes ago, TVFan17 said:

Where I thought he might be off the mark in his assumption about what she wants/needs is when he said she wanted a 45-year-old guy. 

Josh has been riding Paul about his relationship with Yule and pushing him to admit he has romantic feelings for her.  He doesn't and I believe him.   He has been stressing the 11 year age difference to Josh but he keeps on pushing.  I think this was another attempt to get Josh to shut up on this topic.  

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I hope Josh grows more and more paranoid as Paul skirts the issue that Josh will become convinced Paul will take Christmas over him.  So IF (not likely) Josh wins HOH he will be so totally 100% paranoid by then he will actually finally make the damn big move most of us want.  Get rid of Paul.

Of course Josh winning HOH doesn't mean Paul could then take Christmas instead of him but I hope Josh practices "paranoia logic" and puts 1 + 1 together and gets 3.  Maybe a "I trusted Paul saying he would take me but now I know he wouldn't so it is okay to evict him because he planned to betray me first" Josh-think scenario.

Edited by green
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5 hours ago, wings707 said:

I am keeping my hopes up because it is exciting.  One good DR chat with Josh could tip him to the right choice.  I am counting on the jury staying bitter!  

A question.  When the jury moves to a hotel, probably today, do they keep them separated to any extent?  I know the handlers in the house don't allow them to talk game, even though I am sure they find moments.  

They are in Jury up until Friday- do the roundtable and then they are all sequestered separately after that. So they don't see each other again until they are at the Studio on Wednesday. 

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Let me tell you why they will all vote for Paul to win.

They are lemmings and have very weak minds. Plus, they want to be perceived in a good light. They have mentally internalized that CBS wants Paul to win. That message was subliminally sent in many ways and overtly sent when he was given (at the start of the show) several weeks immunity. Plus, they have "show biz" aspirations. They will do nothing to jeopardize that and want to remain on the good side of CBS. So they will give CBS what they think CBS wants and deliver the goods on Wednesday night. They will do what they think TPTB want them to do and carry out what has been furtively planted in their collective brains. 

They want to be good boys and girls. If they vote for the other person, they think they will be shooting themselves in the foot and will get a show biz "cold shoulder." After all, they want to go on Survivor and Amazing Race. They have to show they can "play ball." 

Watch and see if I am not right. Paul will win in a landslide. Production is happy. 

Edited by DakotaLavender
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Here is why Paul may lose.  

  • He lied in his eviction messages continuing his, now transparent, sham.
  • Josh gave them the scoop.
  • Matt and Raven are voting for Paul.  They detest these two and do not want to vote their choice. 

It also depends on what went down during the round table.  I am not convinced that Will/production steered them to the game well played option.  I believe production wants Josh to win to save this season. 

Edited by wings707
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11 minutes ago, DakotaLavender said:

Let me tell you why they will all vote for Paul to win.

They are lemmings and have very weak minds. Plus, they want to be perceived in a good light. They have mentally internalized that CBS wants Paul to win. That message was subliminally sent in many ways and overtly sent when he was given (at the start of the show) several weeks immunity. Plus, they have "show biz" aspirations. They will do nothing to jeopardize that and want to remain on the good side of CBS. So they will give CBS what they think CBS wants and deliver the goods on Wednesday night. They will do what they think TPTB want them to do and carry out what has been furtively planted in their collective brains. 

They want to be good boys and girls. If they vote for the other person, they think they will be shooting themselves in the foot and will get a show biz "cold shoulder." After all, they want to go on Survivor and Amazing Race. They have to show they can "play ball." 

Watch and see if I am not right. Paul will win in a landslide. Production is happy. 

Well, I fully expect Paul to win if he's in F2. Although I do think Cody will vote for Paul because he hates everyone equally but he knows Paul has been playing everyone like fools and deserves to win over Josh or Christmas, who have just been following Paul around. Mark will vote for whoever he feels played the best game, and so will Elena. Everyone else will vote for Paul because they feel like they have to, for Paul's fanbase and CBS, or because they genuinely like the guy or something. 

I think Jason is enough of a wildcard where either he'll vote for Paul to win after days of debating, as he's calmed down enough to think logically, or he'll still be bitter by finale night, Paul's speech will get him riled up and he'll decide right then and there to vote for Josh. 

I do wonder about Matt and if he'll actually vote for Paul or not. He seems to get it more than Raven about how much Paul screwed them over. He might very well decide to vote his way at the end instead of Raven....probably not, but he could be that surprising vote that happens every season. Plus, if he's looking for a way to escape Raven, casting a vote against hers could do it. Raven...I don't know about her. If somehow, she's convinced that she's not a Puppet Master and Paul played her, she'd be that bitter juror who votes for the person beside Paul. It's all of a question of if someone can convince her (honestly? I doubt it, but it's a scenario). 

But yeah, Paul most likely wins. The above paragraph isn't what I think will happen, but what I think could happen if these people had brains of their own.

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37 minutes ago, wings707 said:

Josh has been riding Paul about his relationship with Yule and pushing him to admit he has romantic feelings for her.  He doesn't and I believe him.   He has been stressing the 11 year age difference to Josh but he keeps on pushing.  I think this was another attempt to get Josh to shut up on this topic.  

I understood the whole context of their chat when I reported on it here right after watching it on the feeds, and II know that Paul has been stressing the age difference -- but I just wasn't sure if I missed Christmas saying at some point in the past that she likes or wants older men.     I am fully aware of what Paul was doing -- which was deflecting and trying to get Josh to let go of his suspicions.  He was trying to paint the picture to Josh that she wants an older man, implying she wouldn't want Paul.  I just didn't know if he had a specific reason to think that she wanted an older guy, or if he was just jumping to that conclusion and making things up.

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2 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

So....we can complain about this season a lot, but the good that came out of it? Animal feeds instead of Jeff...and the lack of Jeff once he got his new job.

Speaking of, Jeff is being replaced by Dr. Will for backyard interviews.

I think I completely missed it -- what is Jeff's new job?

Dr. Will should be fun!

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18 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Well, I fully expect Paul to win if he's in F2. Although I do think Cody will vote for Paul because he hates everyone equally but he knows Paul has been playing everyone like fools and deserves to win over Josh or Christmas, who have just been following Paul around. But yeah, Paul most likely wins. The above paragraph isn't what I think will happen, but what I think could happen if these people had brains of their own.

Cody will vote for Paul because he will not vote for Josh, who banged pans in his and Jessica's faces and sang the circus tune. 

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1 minute ago, DakotaLavender said:

Cody will vote for Paul because he will not vote for Josh, who banged pans in his and Jessica's faces and sang the circus tune. 

He doesn't like Paul any more than Josh because Cody knows how Paul instigated Josh into doing these things. If Josh played a good game, Cody would vote for Josh. If he cuts Paul, Cody will vote for Josh over Christmas. The one thing about Cody is that he doesn't really get tied up in his emotions, so he's able to think logically and vote with his head. I don't think Cody truly gives a shit about the pots and pans incident, not like Mark had. Cody just hates Josh, as he does with Paul. 

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10 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Yes because what every woman in the world wants is a man to "tame" her. Because we're just wild, unbroken girls galloping through the fields until the right man comes by. Jesus. 

That she needs "an older man to tame her" struck me as a very sexist, like old fashioned 70s mentality, sexist remark.  Extremely off-putting. 

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