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"The View": Week Of 5/1/17

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2 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

I agree with @merriebreeze on this. Especially since when they're talking about issues or topics that have to with legalities and the law, this show definitely needs to hear from someone who is well versed in the law instead of letting the gasbags blather on about what they think they know about the law.

But she was talking about saying sorry, even if you didn't mean it = more blather.

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Sunny and Sarah are the only ones who research topics so they come prepared with facts, rather than throwing out opinions off the cuff (Whoopi) or attributing their views to "many people" (Jed).  Joy is well read enough to usually know what she's talking about.  I think it's great they have a lawyer there to push back when Jed bowls everyone else over with her verbal barrage.

Whoopi knows nothing about how insurance works.

Edited by Haleth
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10 minutes ago, Fanny Mare said:

But she was talking about saying sorry, even if you didn't mean it = more blather.

I can't speak to that since I didn't see it. But I will say this. Just because she's a lawyer, former Federal Prosecutor, doesn't mean she doesn't have opinions on other things as well. She's not in a bubble. Plus, when this show premiered, one its MAIN hosts was a lawyer and former prosecutor herself: Starr Jones. Of course back then, the show wasn't divided along party lines, but about women who had different opinions about all things. Sure, there are times when I wish Sunny would shut up, like when she's being coy, or sucking up brown nosing to Whoopi because apparently, except for Joy, they're all afraid of her arrogant ass. We've seen what happens to those that have the temerity to push back and make Whoops look like the ignorant boob she is on certain matters. Or how tightly she wears her tunnel vision glasses and refuses to believe that others can have valid opinions about race issues, and insists only she knows all and everything.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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I might add Joy and the constant Trump bashing is the only reason to watch nowadays. I tuned in yesterday specifically to watch Joy and Coulter get into it. 

Friday is Joy moderator day and no matter how boring the guest I will watch just because she is in charge and the feeling is probably mutual with the rest of the panel too but heaven forbid anyone admit to it.

Bwaaha ha - me too, I enjoy the trump bashing, but then I lean to the left politically.  I like the whole panel, even Jed & Whoopie (even though she doesn't know her butt from her elbow a lot of the time).  I find Sunny a bit holier-than-thou, but at least she has some knowledge.

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8 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

I can't speak to that since I didn't see it. But I will say this. Just because she's a lawyer, former Federal Prosecutor, doesn't mean she doesn't have opinions on other things as well. She's not in a bubble. Plus, when this show premiered, one its MAIN hosts was a lawyer and former prosecutor herself: Starr Jones. Of course back then, the show wasn't divided along party lines, but about women who had different opinions about all things. Sure, there are times when I wish Sunny would shut up, like when she's being coy, or sucking up brown nosing to Whoopi because apparently, except for Joy, they're all afraid of her arrogant ass. We've seen what happens to those that have the temerity to push back and make Whoops look like the ignorant boob she is on certain matters. Or how tightly she wears her tunnel vision glasses and refuses to believe that others can have valid opinions about race issues, and insists only she knows all and everything.

Well,I think they will lose more viewers than gain, I guess we will see.Thanks for your post, it was informative. Couldn't stand Starr Jones either Sunny is so left leaning. she just does nothing for me.I'd prefer she remain neutral so I could learn,but no..

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I don't mind the daily bashing of Trump in the least.......in fact it validates my own, lol.

And I like Sunny. Sure, sometimes her family values and religious views are very traditional imo, but she is tolerant of others for the most part - just not in her family life. Compared to Candace I don't mind that about Sunny because Sunny is for human and personal rights for everyone nevertheless.

As a former assistant US Attorney, she then worked as a legal analyst for CNN and HLN. However, would have liked to see her weekly segment with O'Reilly prior to that on FOX. IMO, her resume most assuredly outshines Jediblahblah's. She is also presently the senior Legal Correspondent and Analyst for ABC. 

Seems to me there is so much controversy in the world about Trump, and many of us are frightened and other countries worried and perplexed as well so I welcome The View into my daily life. Lately I am switching over to watch the not-daily briefings by Spicer after Hot Topics though as I am not interested in most of their guests, games, and QVC segments.

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3 hours ago, Fanny Mare said:

Now its constant bashing of Trump, day after day after day. How is that enjoyable. ?

It's the only reason I watch. The Talk is more pleasant, but holy cats, it is so freaking bland.

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I have a confession, I've never watched The View in my life, but I like to come here while I'm at work to read about the Trump bashing.

Edited by partofme
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1 hour ago, ChicagoCita said:

It's the only reason I watch. The Talk is more pleasant, but holy cats, it is so freaking bland.

I'm not entertained by everything Trump, and whiners like The View. I don't watch the talk, but it won an Emmy for a reason..;) 

Edited by Fanny Mare
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1 hour ago, Fanny Mare said:

I'm not entertained by everything Trump, and whiners like The View. I don't watch the talk, but it won an Emmy for a reason..;) 

Yes, The Talk avoids topical news, but when they report something like Chris Soules" accident, Julie said he ran into the back of a tractor-trailer, killed the driver & took off.  That's not what happened! 

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I used to watch both The View and The Talk. I stopped watching The Talk during the campaign because I found it so bland and Hollywood oriented. It seemed to treat viewers as snarky little teenagers.  I really appreciate the political talk on The View. Joy, Sunny and even Whoopi keep me sane, however, I do try to fast forward through Jed's rapid fire Fox talking points. 

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1 hour ago, Medicine Crow said:

Yes, The Talk avoids topical news, but when they report something like Chris Soules" accident, Julie said he ran into the back of a tractor-trailer, killed the driver & took off.  That's not what happened! 

I guess I get enough news, I don't need anymore. There are other talk shows I'm looking at, just for a laugh. The View has been off my DVR for awhile. I'm happy enough without it.


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I find The Talk incredibly bland, especially considering the current events these days. There could be an all-out invasion of the country and The Talk would be talking about Kim Kardashian buying a pocketbook.

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1 minute ago, Fanny Mare said:

There are other talk shows I'm looking at, just for a laugh. The View has been off my DVR for awhile.

So, different strokes for different folks is proven to be sound advice once again. Sounds like The View and political talk shows aren't your bag. Luckily there are a shit-ton of other chat shows on the air right now, so I'm sure you will be able to find something that annoys you less. Happy channel-surfing!

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10 minutes ago, ChicagoCita said:

So, different strokes for different folks is proven to be sound advice once again. Sounds like The View and political talk shows aren't your bag. Luckily there are a shit-ton of other chat shows on the air right now, so I'm sure you will be able to find something that annoys you less. Happy channel-surfing!

I love political shows, we have a couple here I enjoy. I just like them not to be too one sided, thanks though.

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5 hours ago, ChicagoCita said:

It's the only reason I watch. The Talk is more pleasant, but holy cats, it is so freaking bland.

I don't understand how it won an Emmy over The View


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I agree the Talk is bland, especially with all the celebrity gossip, but the one thing they have is civility.  No one talks over the others and no one points a finger or stop the conversation dead cold by saying "Listen.  Here's the thing."

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1 hour ago, Haleth said:

I agree the Talk is bland, especially with all the celebrity gossip, but the one thing they have is civility.

I'm not a regular viewer of The Talk, but I do notice one thing they have The View doesn't:  respect and civility towards one another.  They actually like each other!  I don't get that vibe from The View.

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18 hours ago, Fanny Mare said:

No, that's me and whoopi! I cannot stand that woman or the way she dresses like she isnt on TV.. 

I don't know why the powers that be at The View allow her to go on camera, when she looks like she crawled out of a dumpster. I mean, seriously...would it kill her to maybe put on a bit of lipstick? Not saying she has to go all girly-girl, if that's not her thing, but come on! You're on national television!!! The other women at least make the effort. Is that supposed to be her way of saying I'm so cool...I'm above the whole image thing or does she just plain not give a shit about how bad she looks?

I like Sunny! I think her being a lawyer is definite plus, especially when they're discussing Trump's latest transgressions.

I was very glad when they got rid of Raven, Candace and that tall comedian whose name I can't recall. I actually like this current panel....except for Jed. She is incredibly annoying. And if Whoopi is their supposed moderator, then she really needs to start reigning these women in when they all start talking at once. It's like kindergarten time!

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1 hour ago, dinkysquid said:

I mean, seriously...would it kill her to maybe put on a bit of lipstick? Not saying she has to go all girly-girl, if that's not her thing, but come on! You're on national television!!! The other women at least make the effort. Is that supposed to be her way of saying I'm so cool...I'm above the whole image thing or does she just plain not give a shit about how bad she looks?

Regarding lipstick, maybe Jed blows the budget on make up so there isn't anything left for Whoopi.  

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3 minutes ago, Haleth said:

Regarding lipstick, maybe Jed blows the budget on make up so there isn't anything left for Whoopi.  

HAH!! GOOD ONE!!! And speaking of Jed, what is up with her outfit today? Milkmaid? Tavern wench?

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STFU, Jedi. She’s never NOT been unimpressed, so she can save her faux outrage. Whoopi was actually on-point saying that the election was too muddy to draw any conclusion about what could’ve made a difference—so many factors at play that have never been in at play in an election before, and shouldn’t be—and that’s why many will always look at this election as illegitimate.

Knock on wood, but I agreed with Whoopi again on Bill Maher’s bullshit. Just her disgusted face after his comment said everything.

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12 hours ago, Fannysue said:

I don't understand how it won an Emmy over The View


When your husband is Les Moonves, head of a network........or it's pure talent. You decide.  

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I too find the bashing to be hilarious. Whoppi needs to be give though. Her word salad about Korea yesterday was fucking painful. Sure, well just remove everybody from South Korea before any conflict. That makes total sense.

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Re: Hillary's campaign--I remember when Robby Mook was on this show, he discussed how difficult it was to get out a message on the issues (like the economy) because the news was constantly flooded with the daily lunacy from the other side.

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It's not the viewer's faults that The Spew refuses to bring on a tolerable conservative viewpoint. Those women are out there. 

If the people who hate watched shows on this board had to leave I'm willing to bet over half of the members would be gone. I felt like I was hate watching most of the show today especially when Dr. Wackadoodle was on. Especially when he was seemingly brushing off people with chronic pain when Joy tried to ask about what would happen to them in regards to all of this "war on opiates" stuff.

Edited by Jaded
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On today's show, Whoopi spoke about being very annoyed and upset, that people assumed that African Americans only voted for President Obama because he was black. "Oh you must have voted for him cause he's black." She said that was unfair, because it implied that they are not smart enough to choose a candidate but only voted on skin color.  And I agree completely with that, I do believe that Republicans did just assume that. BUT, democrats are doing the exact same thing, including Whoopi and Sunny, when just today, they claim Trump was elected due to White lash, and people being racist. You can't just say that if a person voted for Trump it is because they are white and racist.

Both sides, Republican and Democrat are guilty of painting a broad brush for voters on either side. The same goes for Gerrymandering. If you watch the segment that John Oliver did on it, you will see that both Republicans and Democrats are both guilty of it.

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I don't know why the powers that be at The View allow her to go on camera, when she looks like she crawled out of a dumpster.

Because bad fashion or not, she brings ratings and her celebrity status bring people to the studio.  I agree that she dresses horribly.  And don't get me started on those clown shoes.  However, I don't mind that as much.  It does irk me when she eats/chews as she's introducing a topic to the panel.  How in the world does she justify that?  That is beyond unprofessional.  



A panel of 5 should have at least 2 conservative view points and they should be allowed to speak freely.

I've always said this too.  That's why I like having both Paula and Jedediah on at the same time.  It evens things out a bit.  I know many are opposed to this idea, but it would be fairer and more representative of the population.  



I don't understand how it won an Emmy over The View

I watch both shows and I feel that MrBean5411 words echo my own feelings as to why the show probably didn't win the Emmy for the 2nd year in a row to
The Talk. 

"Whoopi rarely lets any opposing view go on for more than a few seconds before she rudely interrupts and goes on a lunatic rant. This show is almost unwatchable."

I've felt this way many, many times.  I get so uncomfortable that I have to turn it off when Whoopi gets into it with the co-host or the guests.  I haven't turned it off in a while but back in the days of Whoopi vs Paula and Whoopi vs Rosie, I couldn't take it.  

Although The Talk is mostly fluff, it's a fun show.  And the hosts seem to get along.  Although, I do have my doubts about Mrs. O.  Everyone else seems to genuinely like each other.  They don't attack each other on air.   

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Julie and Sharon did quite the hatchet job on Leah and Hollie while smiling in their faces every single day on camera and even socializing with them after hours. Rumor was that Sharon wad the impetus behind it and convinced Julie who convinced Les. Sharon said they were ghetto. She of the high-brow Osborne clan. Lol.

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To me, The Talk versus The View is all about what kind of discussions you want to hear. I am at this point in my life, very politically and activism-minded. I don't care, for example, why or to what Billy Ray Cyrus is changing his name (a huge topic on yesterday's The Talk, with his wife and daughter sitting in at the table). I don't care what the "top talker" has to say about celebrities I generally can't differentiate from one another. I don't care what "lifestyle experts" have to say about spring's hot trends.

I record The Talk every day, but I most often delete it after I hear what's going to happen on that day's show. I do like the mutual respect the hosts exhibit (whether or not it is real) and the lack of cross-talk. I wish those would migrate over to The View, where the cross-talk has been unbearable lately. But at this point, I'm more interested in hearing about current events than celeb-talk, so despite its warts, I'm watching The View.

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56 minutes ago, Morgalisa said:

Julie and Sharon did quite the hatchet job on Leah and Hollie while smiling in their faces every single day on camera and even socializing with them after hours. Rumor was that Sharon wad the impetus behind it and convinced Julie who convinced Les. Sharon said they were ghetto. She of the high-brow Osborne clan. Lol.

Yeah, I remember that whole thing.  What really surprised me is that they changed hosts and never mentioned it on air.  They acted like Leah and were Holly never on the show.  I also read that section of Leah's book.  Leah admits that she did some things that she probably shouldn't have which contributed in her dismissal from the show. 

28 minutes ago, ChicagoCita said:

To me, The Talk versus The View is all about what kind of discussions you want to hear. I am at this point in my life, very politically and activism-minded. I don't care, for example, why or to what Billy Ray Cyrus is changing his name (a huge topic on yesterday's The Talk, with his wife and daughter sitting in at the table). I don't care what the "top talker" has to say about celebrities I generally can't differentiate from one another. I don't care what "lifestyle experts" have to say about spring's hot trends.

I record The Talk every day, but I most often delete it after I hear what's going to happen on that day's show. I do like the mutual respect the hosts exhibit (whether or not it is real) and the lack of cross-talk. I wish those would migrate over to The View, where the cross-talk has been unbearable lately. But at this point, I'm more interested in hearing about current events than celeb-talk, so despite its warts, I'm watching The View.

I hear you.  I watch both but I do like The View better. 

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I believe Joy already has an Emmy for The View from a few years back. Sunny and Sara got Emmy's for other work on ABC, didn't they? So the only person at the table without an Emmy to her name is Jedidiah, which I see as justice.

Edited by TheGreenKnight
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3 hours ago, ChicagoCita said:

I wish those would migrate over to The View, where the cross-talk has been unbearable lately.

Maybe it's my imagination.  It seems like the cross-talk has diminished GREATLY.  Oh, wait!  That's because Whoopi shuts it down by saying, "Listen," and then continues with her usual pontification.

4 hours ago, A.J. said:

Because bad fashion or not, she brings ratings and her celebrity status bring people to the studio.

And...the parent-company (Disney) execs love-love-love her.

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Sarah's annoying me lately.  Just two weeks ago I said I wanted her to talk more. LOL.  She needs to stop flip flopping on issues.  

Jedi's make-up  is a little softer lately.  Her eyes were really pretty today.  She needs to stay away from that purple lipstick she wore in an earlier episode.  

Maybe I wasn't paying attention but I don't remember Kerry, Romney or Jon Mcain having to explain the reasons they lost. 

Edited by tribeca
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2 hours ago, tribeca said:

Sarah's annoying me lately.  Just two weeks ago I said I wanted her to talk more. LOL.  She needs to stop flip flopping on issues.  

Honestly I think she sometimes sides with Jedi because she feels sorry for her. Just my guess. Personally, I'd let her take all the blowback she deserves.

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Sara made no sense today, and that includes after she tried to explain herself. Lately though, I think she has been good, but today was a bust.  Jed did her usual rabid thing, which is getting very old.

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20 hours ago, cinsays said:

Why do those who hate this show so much get on here and complain about it?  Find something else to do that you enjoy and don't waste your time just bashing what other people like.  

Now what fun would that be?

Oh yeah...and Dr. Drew is a pompous ass.

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Did anyone else catch the look Whoopi gave the camera when Joy told everyone to put their "gizmos" down & then said Whoopi "could keep hers because she had it all along".  Whoa, what a stink-facey look!!!

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I will miss Whoopie.  When Jed said Hilary lied, Whoopie did a perfect and explosive job of shutting her down and fast!  Good job.  No one else can do that. 

Dr Drew is master of the obvious, just like Barbara.  We have an opiate addiction problem in this country.  What?!  Really?!  Oh please.  

I love Sarah and happy she is contributing more.  

Edited by wings707
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Joy had me laughing several times today, especially when her cell-phone went off after they walked out and she was apologizing.

Sunny's father seemed nice enough. I'm glad he wasn't visiting on a day when Whoopi decided to be nasty to Sunny.

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32 minutes ago, TheGreenKnight said:

Joy had me laughing several times today, especially when her cell-phone went off after they walked out and she was apologizing.

Sunny's father seemed nice enough. I'm glad he wasn't visiting on a day when Whoopi decided to be nasty to Sunny.

It is likely that he watches the show and sees all of it.  Sunny is not above receiving a barb or two. 

Edited by wings707
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I thought the panel was good re: Ivanka's book. So much cognitive dissonance. A role model for the working moms??? One phrase from her book that struck me - the need to "cultivate authenticity." Isn't that an oxymoron? Her popularity may be the highest among Trump's advisers and that's why she's so front and center, but she's still got that stink all over her. 

Edited by merriebreeze
too many "among"s
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So I was watching The Talk and they had a large display of flower bouquets that Whoopi had send to each of the ladies to congratulate them on their Emmy. Aw shucks, Whoopi, that was really classy. You still were using that little thingamajig all wrong, though. So there!

Edited by Blissfool
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Why in the hell is Whoopi always chomping on something when they come back from commercial breaks? She thankfully has moved past the farting and talking about it horror phase, but smacking her lips and talking around the food in her mouth is only marginally better (maybe worse because it's impossible to ignore!) Especially egregious today when it happened with three whole minutes left in the show. She couldn't wait three minutes to start chewing her cud?

What Sunny's father said about Sunny was so sweet. Those are memories to cherish.

(People laugh when I say my favorite show is What's My Line? But please, given the choice between a show where the the regulars wear formal attire and call each other Mr. and Mrs., versus "hilarious" spontaneous discussions about farts, vibrators, and hot flashes, and/or talking with food in their mouths, give me formality.)

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