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S07.E21: Reunion Part 3

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3 hours ago, Tara Ariano said:

The women are forced to evaluate the bonds they have forged over the years; Lisa Vanderpump gets emotional when discussing her son and her crusade to save dogs; Lisa Rinna and Kim Richards attempt to see eye to eye, then Kyle dives into the fray.

It appears Kyle is the most detached of all these women! She often says how much she loves her kids and husband, but she drops them like a hot potato at a moment's notice to travel with the ladies, run her business that are all over the country, now a movie about her pathetic life! What bothered me the most until recently was how she allowed Rinna to abuse Kim; just sitting there instead of telling her to 'get the fk out of my house if you can't act right!' How she can keep forgiving her is beyond me since Rinna's promised to stop being this colossal b!tch to Kim, but she keeps falling back into the same drama; even Eileen said she "was disappointed by this happening again!" She went ahead and hugged Rinna, being the real enabler of the group too! HOW STUPID are these broads? ;-(

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1 hour ago, Jamie Satyr said:

It appears Kyle is the most detached of all these women! She often says how much she loves her kids and husband, but she drops them like a hot potato at a moment's notice to travel with the ladies, run her business that are all over the country, now a movie about her pathetic life! What bothered me the most until recently was how she allowed Rinna to abuse Kim; just sitting there instead of telling her to 'get the fk out of my house if you can't act right!' How she can keep forgiving her is beyond me since Rinna's promised to stop being this colossal b!tch to Kim, but she keeps falling back into the same drama; even Eileen said she "was disappointed by this happening again!" She went ahead and hugged Rinna, being the real enabler of the group too! HOW STUPID are these broads? ;-(


Sitting silently while others attack Kim has been Kyle's MO since S1. At that reunion, Tayor went after Kim and kept looking at Kyle as if to say, " aren't you going to jump in and help?"  Instead, Kyle peered down the front of her own dress. I believe Kyle, who seems to have tremendous bottled-up resentments, rather enjoys it when others go after Kim, as they say the things she's not comfortable expressing. And when she does pop off (eg, Limogate), I find those moments calculated and rehearsed. 

  • Love 18
1 minute ago, Jel said:

Andy says, "But Eileen, weren't you and Lisa Rinna laughing along with the joke at first, and wasn't it you, Eileen, and not Dorit,  who actually questioned Erika's intent?"

Furious denials from Rinna and Eileen

Cut to clips of Rinna and Eileen laughing along and questioning Erika's intent.

Yes! This absolutely!

  • Love 9

Andy says, "But Eileen, weren't you and Lisa Rinna laughing along with the joke at first, and wasn't it you, Eileen, and not Dorit,  who actually questioned Erika's intent?"

He would also then add "But wait, at the end of the day, it was Dorit's stupi...er, Dorit's idea to buy you that gift to begin with, right?"


Erika has a come to Jesus moment and apologizes to Dorit and PK for being such a bitch

More like "Dorit, PK, I apologize for the fact that you are both a pair of assholes. Wait, why should I apologize for that? You're a pair of assholes".

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4 hours ago, lunastartron said:

Granted, Erika's aggrievement metamorphoses from one second to the next.

She doesn't have a problem with Dorit, she swears! ... Except for thirty seconds later when suddenly she's had a four-months long problem with Dorit.

Her disgruntlement at the topic of panties was over for her at the lunch where she high fived Dorit ... Except when she revived it sixteen weeks later.

She is so humiliated by the matter being a topic of discussion and she just wants to stop talking about it ... Except when she resurrects it as a central topic of discussion.


I think another poster in the Part 2 thread summed it up nicely:


Ericka also dealt with the situation right away.  When Dorit gave her the underwear she told her to stop.  Ericka did not bring this back up again until HK.  It was because Dorit wanted to know why Ericka has been distant towards her.  Ericka let it go but would not become friendly with Dorit.  I see nothing wrong with that and I see nothing wrong with explaining to Dorit why she would not be close to her.  Ericka actually didn't hold on to it and we saw proof of this all season, she complimented Dorit, showed up to her events and had mulitple conversations with her.  This is why Dorit was shocked at Ericka reason for not wanting to get close to her, she didn't realize that over it did not mean they would be friends.  Over it for Ericka meant cordial, and over it for Dorit meant friends.  

With regards to this:


So I'm not sure how Dorit's present - which Erika has never identified as a point of contention in and of itself - relates to, minimizes the hypocrisy of, or otherwise mitigates Eileen explicitly saying "that's an interesting choice because it almost looks like" Erika was revealing herself "on purpose." 

Much like I'm not sure how Eileen's actions - which Erika has never identified as a point of contention in and of itself in any way - redirects or attenuates from the assholeness of Dorit's gift, and/or why she was giving the gift to begin with.

Edited by AndySmith
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On 4/21/2017 at 6:02 PM, steelcitysister said:


Sitting silently while others attack Kim has been Kyle's MO since S1. At that reunion, Tayor went after Kim and kept looking at Kyle as if to say, " aren't you going to jump in and help?"  Instead, Kyle peered down the front of her own dress. I believe Kyle, who seems to have tremendous bottled-up resentments, rather enjoys it when others go after Kim, as they say the things she's not comfortable expressing. And when she does pop off (eg, Limogate), I find those moments calculated and rehearsed. 

This has always been my perception of Kyle.

She's gotten better at recognizing that she's not winning herself any points by staying completely silent but since Kim isn't really on the show anymore Kyle's been able to distance herself somewhat from that view people have of her since it's not a constant.  She's also spoken up a time a two in recent seasons although it's been lukewarm but considering the amount of times she's put in a position to say anything has dropped with Kim not being on the show it stands out and helps Kyle's image. Even I've been able to enjoy her more cause I'm not constantly reminded just how much she really does resent Kim and in turn tries to twist their issues into some victim narrative.

I do realize Kyle's spin is still all about just not wanting to speak on Kim but lately since there has been more activity regarding Kim on the show she has finally expressed some firmness with regards to stuff being said about Kim. Still not where I think it should be but I'll take that over her riding the fence and watching with put on horror and dismay all the while accepting condolences from the others with glee about what Kim puts her through.

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On 4/24/2017 at 10:18 AM, Lady of nod said:

Yes! This absolutely!

I wonder who is going to be on wwl the night of reunion 3

If it doesn't make it into the reunion I would love it if Erika was on that night Andy played that clip on WWL and I would love it if he played that clip the next time Rinna and Eileen were on as well.

I really need that clip played and these women to actually discuss it.

  • Love 8

 Because Erika has repeatedly identified the idea that she exposed herself on purpose as her chief grievance. 

And Eileen as much as anyone explicitly suggested that it seemed like Erika had ... exposed herself on purpose. 

Dorit was the one who steered the conversation in that direction, not Eileen. That does seem to be her tactic...throw out enough crumbs and hopefully someone will take a bite. And maybe allow her to deflect the blame for later. That in addition to her passive-aggressive comments...

Also, joking about something between friends is one thing. Discussing it like it may be a real possibility? Ugh.


At this point it has more to do about the audacity Rinna and Eileen have to continue to bring it up and continue to bombard her with judgements and criticism about "Look what you did to Erika".

But they aren't bring it up to try and shame Ericka about...which is what Dorit was trying to do when she went on her runtelldat tour to the rest of HWs after the night of the White Party.


The fact that Rinna ON MORE THAN ONE OCCASION has deflected and injected this horrendous offense of Dorit's on behalf of Erika or has injected herself in a heated conversation Dorit and Erika were having about the issue making demands and accusations left and right meanwhile Eileen and Rinna weren't exactly on the side lines during the gift giving preparation.

That still doesn't change the fact that Dorit was the one who committed the offense to begin with.


I think it's bullshit that she's laid it all on PK and Dorit when in reality its the part where a bunch of women were kiking about her behind her back

Because Dorit was the one who brought it up to begin with to the rest of the HWs...and she and PK seemed to entertain the idea that Ericka was doing it on purpose.


to come for Dorit and paint her in a bad light

Dorit doesn't need any help with that...

  • Love 12
6 hours ago, Yours Truly said:

I wonder who is going to be on wwl the night of reunion 3

If it doesn't make it into the reunion I would love it if Erika was on that night Andy played that clip on WWL and I would love it if he played that clip the next time Rinna and Eileen were on as well.

I really need that clip played and these women to actually discuss it.

No one from the cast: Lea Michelle and Andrea Martin.

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