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Zach and Tori

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On 6/8/2018 at 8:37 AM, chenoa333 said:

Is their baby a "little person"? I mean no disrespect but the baby's head looks oddly shaped. Maybe it's the camera angle and maybe Tori really does need some photography lessons!

Why the scare quotes on little person? Just wondering. 

I got the biggest kick out of Z and T's baby/puppy banter during their th. After Tori tells Zack that the factory is closed, he tells her it's her loss. Her genuine laugh at that line, just made me crack up. They seem to really be good together. 

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Allowing Jackson to create a disturbance like that in the restaurant was ridiculous, and, I assume, scripted.  Firstly, the child was how old at the time of filming?  Surely they had mastered the art of packing a diaper bag by then.   And every time we heard the sound of his crying, his face was entirely serene, so assume the sound was added by production.  But, otherwise, Tori, if you can go out to the car to look for another pacifier, you can take the boy outside with you so others can dine in peace. 

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On 6/14/2018 at 5:39 PM, Quof said:

Allowing Jackson to create a disturbance like that in the restaurant was ridiculous, and, I assume, scripted.  Firstly, the child was how old at the time of filming?  Surely they had mastered the art of packing a diaper bag by then.   And every time we heard the sound of his crying, his face was entirely serene, so assume the sound was added by production.  But, otherwise, Tori, if you can go out to the car to look for another pacifier, you can take the boy outside with you so others can dine in peace. 

"Yes" to all of this. Tori and Zach are attentive parents; there's no way they would have forgotten the pacifier, and no way they wouldn't have taken Jackson out of the restaurant or walked him or tried to feed him. Just a dumb, dumb storyline.

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I don't have an issue with a reality personality having their job be a tv reality personality.  I don't know what their filming schedule is, but, if it pays the bills, affords the parents with the ability to spend good time with their children and allows them to be able to film when necessary, I get it.  I can't imagine what kind of salary Zach would make working a 40 hour week, but, apparently, he can make more doing the show.  I'm not sure if he's lazy or not. He didn't do much work growing up that we saw, except for doing the show and working on the farm.  But, he's changed a lot since then in other ways, so, perhaps, he's changed in that regard as well.  I would think that if he's farm bound, he might pick up some business classes at the community college.  

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2 hours ago, Lesia said:

when the two of them brought the Christmas tree home, and Zach was sawing the trunk while the tree was on the ground, did he let out a huge

"FUUUUUUCK!!!!!" that wasn't bleeped??

i replayed that like 5 times.

what the heck?

It does happen sometimes.  It happened on that Gypsy show when it was on years ago.  They featured a girl marrying in to a gypsy family (she wasn't born gypsy) and they had to do some elaborate stuff for the community in the form of a show, and the girl was mushmouthed, and she let one rip, but it was hard to tell at one quick listen that she said that.  I haven't watched this ep yet, but I'll try to pay attention.

1 hour ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I don't have an issue with a reality personality having their job be a tv reality personality.  I don't know what their filming schedule is, but, if it pays the bills, affords the parents with the ability to spend good time with their children and allows them to be able to film when necessary, I get it.  I can't imagine what kind of salary Zach would make working a 40 hour week, but, apparently, he can make more doing the show.  I'm not sure if he's lazy or not. He didn't do much work growing up that we saw, except for doing the show and working on the farm.  But, he's changed a lot since then in other ways, so, perhaps, he's changed in that regard as well.  I would think that if he's farm bound, he might pick up some business classes at the community college.  

Plus, Tori has a decent job (unlike her sister-in-law), and if they invest their show money wisely, they'll be just fine.  It doesn't appear that Matt and Amy mis-spent the money that would have been allocated for the kids (and I wouldn't expect them to).

1 hour ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I don't have an issue with a reality personality having their job be a tv reality personality.  I don't know what their filming schedule is, but, if it pays the bills, affords the parents with the ability to spend good time with their children and allows them to be able to film when necessary, I get it.  I can't imagine what kind of salary Zach would make working a 40 hour week, but, apparently, he can make more doing the show.  I'm not sure if he's lazy or not. He didn't do much work growing up that we saw, except for doing the show and working on the farm.  But, he's changed a lot since then in other ways, so, perhaps, he's changed in that regard as well.  I would think that if he's farm bound, he might pick up some business classes at the community college.  

It might also be hard to work a job where people are dropping in just to  meet ‘ the reality tv guy’ and cluttering up the job site.   After all, that’s the reason the Klein’s, Duggars, and Roloffs have gates and fencing around their homes. 

I wonder if Tori will have issues if/when she goes back to teaching.  

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I know that Tori used to work teaching, but, I'm not so sure if she still does.  I mean, how could you work as a school teacher and be available for filming when it's required?  That's why I think that it would be challenging to have a regular 40 hour per week job and also film, because you may have to take off weeks at a time for filming and travel if needed.  Most jobs just aren't designed to let an employee take off weeks at a time and return with no expectations. And besides, if the 40 hours per week, working all weeks is paying you $31.000. a year and the tv show is paying you $100,000. per  year for a couple of months of work, then, what makes the most sense?  And, I can see why having a line of something to sale or that brings in income, makes more sense, because you are in control of your schedule.  

2 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I don't have an issue with a reality personality having their job be a tv reality personality.  I don't know what their filming schedule is, but, if it pays the bills, affords the parents with the ability to spend good time with their children and allows them to be able to film when necessary, I get it.  I can't imagine what kind of salary Zach would make working a 40 hour week, but, apparently, he can make more doing the show.  I'm not sure if he's lazy or not. He didn't do much work growing up that we saw, except for doing the show and working on the farm.  But, he's changed a lot since then in other ways, so, perhaps, he's changed in that regard as well.  I would think that if he's farm bound, he might pick up some business classes at the community college.  

I agree. I think it's very difficult to juggle being available for filming and a regular 8 to 5 job. The majority of people on the reality shows I watch either don't have other jobs, or have their own businesses so they can control their own schedules. That's why working on the farm would be a perfect job for both Zach and Jeremy, because they can work around filming and their work could actually be part of the show. That's why it doesn't make sense to me that neither of them seems all that interested in really jumping in and making a significant contribution to the farm. There was one episode this season where they showed a guy who was captioned as "farm hand". Why aren't Zach and Jeremy the farm hands? Yeah, a lot of it is probably unglamorous manual labor, but that's how you learn the work required.

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5 minutes ago, absolutelyido said:

I agree. I think it's very difficult to juggle being available for filming and a regular 8 to 5 job. The majority of people on the reality shows I watch either don't have other jobs, or have their own businesses so they can control their own schedules. That's why working on the farm would be a perfect job for both Zach and Jeremy, because they can work around filming and their work could actually be part of the show. That's why it doesn't make sense to me that neither of them seems all that interested in really jumping in and making a significant contribution to the farm. There was one episode this season where they showed a guy who was captioned as "farm hand". Why aren't Zach and Jeremy the farm hands? Yeah, a lot of it is probably unglamorous manual labor, but that's how you learn the work required.

Excellent points. Running a farm from behind a desk if fine, but, it might be helpful to actually be on the farm doing all that other stuff, like checking on animals, inspecting equipment and fences, ensuring security, researching the market for your product, etc.  It's not my farm and I've thought about it.  I think that Jer and Zack seem to think that it's hard to learn the farm when there is someone else who is in charge.  But, to me, that makes no sense.  Have they never heard of being an intern or apprentice?  To me, they are just complacent and think that if they don't do anything, nothing will change.  It might also be helpful, if they talked about buying out their parent's share, instead of getting a handout.  Because, to me, keeping it in the family, seems like a free give-a-way and I don't see how that's fair to Matt, Amy or the the other two kids. 

1 hour ago, funky-rat said:


Plus, Tori has a decent job (unlike her sister-in-law), and if they invest their show money wisely, they'll be just fine.  It doesn't appear that Matt and Amy mis-spent the money that would have been allocated for the kids (and I wouldn't expect them to).

Unless Tori goes back to work (which I think she was thinking about not going back) then she currently doesn't have a job either.  Her plan was to take a year off so I guess we'll see soon what she decided. And I'm not sure a school would hold a position for a year so I wouldn't be surprised if she had to be hired again.

4 minutes ago, gunderda said:

Unless Tori goes back to work (which I think she was thinking about not going back) then she currently doesn't have a job either.  Her plan was to take a year off so I guess we'll see soon what she decided. And I'm not sure a school would hold a position for a year so I wouldn't be surprised if she had to be hired again.

There are actually quite a few places giving very generous maternity leave now.  And if she's teaching at a school with a teacher's union, it could be built in to their contract.

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4 minutes ago, LucyEth said:

I feel sorry for Tori, she has to do a lot of the heavy lifting around there.  She had to help drag that tree in which had to be very heavy for her.  I was glad Jeremy called Zach and offered his help, it appeared Zach was struggling.

As someone who’s also the only person in their family capable of lifting or carrying large things, another pair of adult sized muscles come in handy. I just got my sister’s new outdoor swing in the basement. 6ft tall and 100lbs......it takes manuvering!

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16 hours ago, Caracoa1 said:

If Zach and Tori one day have another son, Jeremy and Audrey will go bat shit crazy.

I think regardless of the gender, if/when Zach and Tori have another child it would bother them.  If they have a girl, they will have one of each gender...and I can see that bothering Auj for some reason, especially if they have the child before Auj gets pregnant again.

On 6/20/2018 at 1:36 PM, gunderda said:

Unless Tori goes back to work (which I think she was thinking about not going back) then she currently doesn't have a job either.  Her plan was to take a year off so I guess we'll see soon what she decided. And I'm not sure a school would hold a position for a year so I wouldn't be surprised if she had to be hired again.

She may have planned on taking the full year off because they knew Jackson was an LP and there was a potential for complications. Didn't Zach have several surgeries when he was very young including the brain shunt? If I knew my kid had the risk of needing multiple surgeries at a young age and I could afford it and my school was willing to work with me, I'd definitely take a full year off to make sure that my son was healthy and stable before I went back to work.

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3 hours ago, booboopbedoo said:

We get 12 months here in Canada so she may go back to work

12 months PAID maternity leave?  The US is definitely not like Canada.  It’s left up to the company (within the laws of the state).  I got 3 months, and after 2 months, my salary went down to 60%.  Yeah, that’s exactly who needs a cut in salary, someone with an added family member.  

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It's 12 month of Employment Insurance benefits, which is about 50% of your income, to a maximum amount.  It's federal law and parents can split the 52 weeks between them. 


Yeah, that’s exactly who needs a cut in salary, someone with an added family member.  

Yeah, that's what income should be based on, how many mouths you have to feed. That was always the justification for paying women less, because they weren't supporting families. 

Edited by Quof
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If Zach and Tori are serious about their future with the farm, they could relocate to the DW, sell their house to Matt and invest the profits, so they can buy a share of the farm or use for retirement.  If they owe any money on their existing house, that would eliminate a big monthly obligation.  If they are living only on TLC money and live in the DW, then their expenses would be drastically reduced, unless the Farm charged them rent for the DW.  And, they'd save money, since they wouldn't need much gas, since they would live right there with their jobs.  I bet that Amy would likely prepare them several meals per week, since there'd be right there.  I could see  it working out well.  Plus, free child care, right there next door! 

My family has lived in a multi- generation family, compound situation for many years and it's mostly been a godsend.  

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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